xt7sxk84nj8k_164 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University Regulations for the Government of the Cadets of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky University text Regulations for the Government of the Cadets of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky University 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_27/Folder_29/Multipage6294.pdf 1867 1867 1867 section false xt7sxk84nj8k_164 xt7sxk84nj8k  







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“Courtesy among Military men is tndiszrensable to discipline:” “The good or
the brace Officer or Soldier is always respectful to Superiors.” “His respect will
not be confined to martial obedience, but will extend to other occasions.”

'U. S. Military Regulations.















1st. Students of the School of Tactics, shall be organized into a Military
Corps; to be known as “The Corps of Cadets of the Agricultural and Mechan-
ical College of Kentucky University.” and shall be placed under the immediate
government of the ProfesSOrof Military Tactics, as Commander of Cadets.

2d. Officers and non-commissioned officers shall be appointed by the Faculty
from among those Cadets who, besides the necessary military qualifications,
shall be distinguished for general good conduct and academic attainments.

3d. The grades in office, Corporal, Sergeant and Company Officers, shall
correspond respectively to the Sophomore, Junior and Senior classes; except
when want for oficers, or the fitness of some Cadets, may render it necessary
for the Faculty to vary. from this rule.

4th. Cadets shall be organized into Companies; and the several Companies
shall constitute a Batallion.

5th. From March 1st, to December let, there shall be an Infantry or Artillery
Drill and Dress Parade every day, (Saturday’s and Sunday’s excepted) at one
hour and a half before Retreat. On Saturday there shall only be Dress Parade,
unless otherwise ordered. During the residue of the year, there shall be the
usual Drill, on such days as may be named in orders.

6th. There shall be a weekly inspection of Cadets, under arms, every Friday.

7th. The Rules of Military Police and Discipline shall be exemplified as far
as possible; to this end, and that good order may be maintained amon Cadets,
they shall be subject to the orders of the Commandant, and to such ilitary
regulations as are being prescribed, except when in actual attendance upon
some Professor, at labor, or at meals.

8th. The general laws regulating the conduct of Students, as already pub-
lished, and such as relate to the occupancy of rooms, and others of like char-





acter that may from time to time be adopted, are to be considered a part of the

1st. Duties of the day are as follows:

Reveille, (roll—call) day—break.

Study hours from Reveille to 7 o’clock, A. M.

Breakfast from 7 to 8 o’clock, A. M.

Chapel Call, 8:30 o’clock, A. M. \

Study, or recitation hours, from 9 o’clock A. M., to 1 o’clock, P. M.

Dinner, from 1 to 2 o’clock, P. M.

Study, or recitation hours, from 2 t0 4o’clock, P. M.

Drill, one hour before Retreat. -

Retreat, (roll-call) sun-set.

Supper, immediately after Retreat.

Study hours, from Dark until Tattoo.

Tattoo, (roll—call) 9 o’clock, P. M.

Taps, (lights out, and Cadets in bed) 91/2 o’clock. P. M.

2d. Every Cadet must obey the commands of his superior officers.

3d. N o Cadet shall go beyond the limits assigned, without leave of the

4th. No Student shall absent himself from his quarters between Tattoo and
Reveille fora longer time than fifteen minutes, and then only on necessary

5th. No Cadet shall answer for another at any Roll—call. ‘

6th. No Cadet shall use profane language, or be guilty of desecrating the
Lords’ day. ‘ '

7th. N o Cadet shall cook or prepare food in his quarters, or give any enter-
tainment therein, without the permission of the Commandant.

8th. Each Cadet on leaving the Agricultural College, shall hand to the
Commandant a certificate from the Quartermaster-Sergeant, that he has re-
turned, in good order, all public property charged to him.

9th. Every Cadet who may remain in quarters, from any duty on account of
sickness, or go to his room during his lecture, or working hours, shall report
the fact, through the Orderly. to the Surgeon 0r Commandant.

10th. The Commandant, Presiding Officer, or any Professor, may arrest a
Cadet; and any Cadet, when ordered under arrest, shall repair without delay
to his quarters, and shall confine himself strictly to the same until released.
Any Cadet disobeying said order, or violating the same. shall be dismissed.

11th. For the infraction of any of these regulations, or for any minor ofl’ense
against Military Discipline and good order, the Commandant may reprimand
or arrest a Cadet, at his discretion.

12th. The Commandant shall keep a merit-roll of the conduct of every Cadet,
according to a scale of 0—10; shall register all delinquencies and punish~
ments inflicted, and report weekly to the Faculty.

13th. Any Student or Cadet, visiting the city of Lexington without permis-
sion, will be punished at the discretion of the Faculty. ‘

14th. On Sunday, Cadets are required to conduct themselves with the utmost
decorum, and to remain. when not at church, within the limits.

15th. Any Cadet dismissed from the College, shall leave the premises forth-

With. .
16th. The Rules of Discipline and Police herein described, apply to all Stu—
dents quartering on the premises; and to such others as may from time to time
be named by the Presiding Officer. ,
17th. No Cadet shall use insulting or provoking language, or gesture, to-
wards, or strike, or in any manner ofi‘er violence to another, or traduce or
defame him by any means Whatever.


,_ 1st. The Regulations already adopted by the Faculty or Board, for the gov-
ei‘Inlgmint of Students in their rooms, are hereby made apart of the Regulations
0 0 ice.
2d. Immediately after Reveille, every Cadet shall arrange his bedding, and
put away his clothing and effects in good order. ,
3d. No Cadet shall keeep a li ht in his room after Taps, unless made necessary
by sickness, or upon leave of t e Commandant, first obtained.










4th. No Cadet shall play any musical instrument during study hours, or on
the Lord’s day.
' 5th. Cadets shall walk the halls, passages and stairways in an orderly man—
ner, and with as little noise as possible.

6th. When Sentinels are posted, every Cadet leaving his room on a necessary
occasion, shall report his departure, and return to the Sentinel of his Ward.

7th. N 0 Student shall put any placard or notice upon any building, or afiix
to the wall of his room any map, picture, or piece of writing. Without per—

8th. No one, not an Officer of the College or a Cadet, shall enter any Bar—
racks at any time; nor shall a Cadet introduce any such person or persons into
the Barracks Without permission.

9th. Arms shall not remain loaded in quarters, nor be discharged in or about
the Barracks.

~ 10th. No Cadet shall cut, mark, or in any way deface or injure the buildings.


let. Each Cadet Captain shall, under the Commandant, superintend a Com-
pany of Cadets, and its company quarters, and see that the regulations are
duly observed.

2d. He shall, besides the general superintendency of his company q‘uarter's,
take the immediate charge of a sub-Division of the same, and perform the
duties hereinafter prescribed for the Chiefs of sub-Divisions.

3d. He shall, every morning at or before 8 o’clock, make to the Officer of the
Day ‘a’report in writing of every delinquency that may have come to his
knowledge; the condition of every room under his charge, in regard to police,
and the name of all Cadets who may have been absent at inspection after

a s.

4131'}. Each sub—Division shall be placed under a Cadet officer, who shall be
charged with the immediate care of its police, and the preservation of good
order therein.

5th. He shall communicate to the occupants of the rooms of his sub-Division
such orders as he may receive from his superiors, relative to police, and shall
cause them to be observed.

6th. He shall visit each roomunder his Charge immediately after Taps, and
ascertain, by inspection, whether the duties of the Orderlies have been observed
and whether the occupants of the rooms are all present and in bed. He shall
report to his superior when an Orderly has failed to comply with any of the
regulations. He shall visit and thoroughly inspect every room under his charge
thirty minutes after Reveille, (roll—call) and see that all police regulations
have been duly complied with; he shall then report immediately the result of
his inspection to his superior officer, with the names of the Orderlies who have
failed to comply with the police regulations.


1st. An Orderly shall be detailed from each room by the Chief of sub—Di-
vision, who shall perform duty for one week. He shall be responsible for all
property in the room for common use.

2d. Every morning, immediately after Reveille, he shall thoroughly sweep
every part of the floor of his room, brush ofl‘dust from the furniture, and
sweep the dust collected in the halls and stairways, when the care of the same
shall devolve on his room.

3d. He shall see to the safety of fires at night, and at all other times when
the occupants are to leave the room. .

4th. He shall see that his room is duly lighted in ten minutes after the call
to quarters, and that all lights in his room are extinguished after Tattoo, and
at or before Taps. "*

5th. He shall promptly answer all official questions put to him by the Pre-
siding Officer, Commandant, or a Cadet, superior, concerning his duties as
Orderl .

6th. In his absence, the occupant longest ofi‘ shall take his place.


fllist. The Officer of the Day shall be detailed from the Roster of the Cadet
o cers.

2d. He shall receive his guard in the manner prescribed by :the Regulations
of the Army, and immediately report for orders to the Commandant.





3d. He shall keep his Station at some convenient place, except when absent
on other duties, or at meals, between Reveille (roll—call). and Taps.

4th. He shall cause all signals to be sounded at the proper time, by the
Orderly Muscian.

5th. He shall do all in his power to preserve good order in and near quarters,
and correct all violation of orders that may come to his knowledge.

6th. He shall require all absentees from any military roll-call to be im-
mediately reported to him. He shall then seek for such absentees and order
them to repair to duty, and shall then report to the Commandant all whom he
may not find. or who may not promptly obey his order.
. 7th. He shall be present at all Parades and Roll-calls during his tour, and
require that all absentees be reported to him. He shall then immediately seek
such absentees, and see that all, except those as are properly excused, repair ‘
forthwith to duty. 1f the duty ceases with Roll—call, he shall, nevertheless, ,
seek the absentee or absentecs to learn his or their presence or absence from +-
quarters or proper bounds. He shall then report to the officer in charge, or in
his absence, to the Commandant, all whom he may not find, and who fail to
obey his orders.

8th. He shall direct the formation of Classes, Divisions and Sections of Di-
visions, and require the Marchers to report the absentees to him; and to pre-
serve good order on parade, and when marching to and from the halls or field.

9th. After receiving the report of the Marchers, he shall despatch each
Class, Division, or Section to its proper place, under command of its Marcher.

10th. He shall visit Cadet quarters at least twice between Reveille and
Tattoo, for the purpose of correcting all violation of order and of regulations.

11th. 011 being relieved, he shall make a report in writing to the Comman-
dant, of all violation of regulations, and by whom committed; return all
permits that may have come into his hands during his tour, with the hour of
departure and return endorsed thereon.


1st. All persons are to observe the greatest respect to Sentinels when posted.

2d. Sentinels shall obey the orders of the Presiding Officer, Commandant,
Academic Officer, Chief of Quarters, and the Oflicers of the Guard.

3d. As soon as a Sentinel is posted, during study hours, or if posted when
call to quarters is sounded, then in ten minutes afterwards he shall visit every
room under his charge; order every Visiting Cadet to his room; report all who
may not have obeyed the call to Quarters, and who may fail to obey his orders.

4th. No Sentinel shall permit any violation of orders or of regulations, in or
near his post, without attempting to prevent it; and he shall report every"
violation that may take place while at his post; and the name of any Cadet
who shall be absent from his room during the hour of study for a longer time
than fifteen minutes. '

5th. The service of Guard or Sentinel shall be performed according to Army
Regulations. -


1st. Directors and Foremen shall be the Marchers of Divisions. The Class i
' Marchers shall be appointed from among those members who stand highest on .
the Class—roll of the Professor. Each Marcher, however, shall continue in of—
fice till his successor is appointed.
2d. At the given signal, the Marcher shall form his Class or Section at the
place appointed, in two ranks, faced by the right flank, and proceed to call
the roll, note absentees, and immediately report to the Officer of the Day, and
march his Class or Division to the Lecture room. or gardens, in an orderly and
soldierly like manner; and when dismissed by his Professor or Superintendent,
he shall form and march it in like manner to the parade—ground and there
dismiss it. .
3d. He shall report to the Officer of the Day every violation of Regulaticns
A that may be committed by any member while marching to or from the field or z
‘ Section room. - ‘ i
: h'4t(lii. tln the absence of the Squad—marcher, the next on the roll shall perform 4
is u res.



1st. The Uniform of Cadets, to be worn on duty, and at such other times as f it
may be ordered, shall be of gray cloth, cut and trimmed as that worn by the ;,

Cadets of the United States Military Academy, except the buttons, which shall ‘ f(
be the Kentuck y State button. ,

, .-_x..._.,,....~... .. .





lst. No Cadet shall lend or exchange his arms or acco atrements, nor use
those of any other Cadet. '

2d. Arms and Accoutrements shall not be taken from Quarters, except for
duty. ‘ -

3d. N0 Cadet shall alter his musket by scraping or filing stock, barrel, of
any other part of it.


1st. Cadets must at all times be careful to present a neat and tidy appearance
in dress and person.

2d. Applications for leave of absence from the College, must be in writing,
and reasons for same definitely stated, and forwarded through the Comman-
dant, to the Presiding Officer. ~

3d. All permits to be absent from Quarters during study hours, or to visit,
or to go beyond, bounds. after being signed by Commandant, must be left with
the Officer of the Day, to whom Cadets will report their departure and return.

4th. Every Cadet who has leave of absence from the College, must exhiblt
the same to the Commandant and his Captain, and on his return report to those
officers and to the Presiding Officer.

5th. N o Cadet shall be absent from any duty, not Academic or Industrial,
Without permission from the Presiding Officer or Commandant. .

6th. Any Cadet having a leave of absence, and not making use of the same,
or returning before said leave has expired, and fails to report the same to the
Oflicer of the Day, will be accountable for the violation of the rules and
regulations, as though no such leave had been obtained. '

7th. It is the duty of every Cadet oflicer, who knows the fact, to report,
without delay, through the Commandant to the Presiding Officer, every crime,
or impropriety of which a Cadet may be guilty.


1st. When a Cadet is reported absent from any duty, he must render an ex—
cuse or explanation for the same; and when it is not stated that he was in the
Cadet’s limits at the time, he will be considered as having been beyond said
limits, and be liable to punishment accordingly.

2d. No Cadet shall address an officer of the University, or a Cadet who has
reported him for a delinquency, on such report. unless specially permitted
to do so by the Presiding Officer; and no Cadet having made such report shall
hold any conversation with him relating to it, unless permitted to do so by the
proper authority.

3d. Any Cadet reported for a delinquency, and having a satisfactory excuse
for the same, shall express it in writing in the following form, and present it
to the Commandant on the following Friday, between the hours of 7 and 8
o’clock, P. M., unless prevented by some unavoidable cause, which must be
stated in the excuse.

[Form of Excuse for a Delinquency]





[Date] ______ 1867,
Ofiense, ______
Excuse, ..
Respectfully Submitted,
[Name of Cadet.]


Presiding Ofiicer, A. (f; M College.
[Endorsement for the above Excuse, at the top of the second fold, not to ex-
tend more than three inches from the top.) .
4th. All excuses must be on letter or cap paper, of the ordinarysize, and
folded in three equal parts, parallel to the ruling, and endorsed according to
the above form.




1st. Demerit is expressed by a number assumed, as proportionate to the de—
gree of the offense against Military Dlsciphne.
1st. Late at any Roll-call ..................................................... 1 Demerits.
2d. Absent from any Roll—call .................................................
3d. Absent from any duty ..................................................
4th. Absent from Quarters, when not on duty or leave ...... . , . . . . . . . . . .
5th. Neglect of duty. not attending when warned. i . i 7. ,. . . ., . .
6th. Other neglect 01' duty ....................................................
’i‘th, Visiting in study hours .................................................. 10
8th. Loitering in study hours ............ _ ......................................
9th. \V caring Uniform improperly .............................................
10th. Uniform out of order ...................
11th. Smoking on duty ........................
12th. Talking in ranks ................................................ -. ,,,,,,,, i ,
13th. Inattention in ranks ..................... . .
14th. Disorder in ranks .............. . . . _. ..................
15th. Causing disorder ....................................................... 5
16th. Disrespect to Superior Officers ......................................... 10
17th. Noise in Quarters or vicinity ....................................... . . . . 3
18th. Scufliing, running, Aim. in halls, &c., ...... .
19th. Throwing missiles in vicinityof‘mildings .............................. 10
20th. Lounging on bed. or bed down during study hours ...................... 3
21st. Room out of police ...................................................... 3
22d. 111 bed in study hours ...................................................... 3
23d. Idling in study hours ......................................... 3
24th. Light after Taps ......................................................... '7
25th. Changing bayonet, ramrod, or removing lock ............................ 5
26th. Leaving Arms out of Quarters ........................................... 3
27m. Arms out of order ........................................................ 3
28th. Aecouterments out of order .............................................. 1
29th. Leaving ranks without permission ...................................... 5
30th. Discharging Arms in or about the premises ............................. 10
31st. Visiting Armory ......................................................... 2

2d. The word "Gross” added to a report doubles the number expressive of
Demerits, and if that number exceeds 10, for any such report, or for all the
reports of any one week, the Cadet, unless he offer a satisfactory excuse, will

be punished by limits or otherwise.

3d. Positive merit will be rewarded for neatness of rooms and good order of
Arms and accouterments. Should any student receive the “maximum” 100 in
Conduct, he will also receive in addition, as positive merit, the number to
which he may be entitled, for such cleanliness of room, good order of Arms.
&c. Positive merit will also cancel and decrease demerlt in the general aver—
age of Conduct. .

4th. The standing, in conduct. of each Cadet shall be determined by striking
a balance between the merits and credits; the general standing to be deter—
mined by considering both the standing in study and conduct; which
gene ‘al standing will determine the relative rank of Cadet’s; provided, that
exceptions may be made for excellence in this Department.

5th. The three Cadets of the Senior Class, who may attain to the highest
general standing, and Whose names are marked with a it will be recommended
to the Governor as distinguished Graduates of the Agricultural and Mechani-
cal College of Kentucky.

6th. Each Graduate of the Agricultural and Mechanical College of Kentucky
Who may be also a Graduate of the School of Practice, will be commissioned a
Captain in the Academic Staff of Kentucky University.

7th. The Catalogue will contain the merit in study, the merit in conduct,
and the general standing of each Cadet.