xt7sxk84nj8k_208 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019.dao.xml Kentucky University 18.26 Cubic Feet 32 document boxes, 5 flat boxes, 21 bound volumes archival material L2021ua019 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with Transylvania University.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Transylvania University Library. Record Group 5:  Collection on Kentucky University Kentucky University: Personal Reminiscences by curator Z.F. Smith, (original handwritten document and typed transcription) text Kentucky University: Personal Reminiscences by curator Z.F. Smith, (original handwritten document and typed transcription) 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7sxk84nj8k/data/L2021ua019/Box_5_34/Folder_44/Multipage8060.pdf undated section false xt7sxk84nj8k_208 xt7sxk84nj8k Z2 J 5/55“” Z flWWPM/aéQ/Léé J r ,4

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- 2222 XL Map 8/: "/Mt/L a? 314.. QM £44441 V/vL fibflk
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WW'K vii/2"W 122/ 4:0”? If 72:74:14, Lflzwap 2% 2722/2222

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Aw xV/rviiwwww ’MMW f fivfli 7Wi/Wcj/BW?‘ g/igvij/M‘i V2;
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I/Q/ II/EFZ/ A31.» i/ilt u,fivt’?x..«





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Personal Reminescences

Curgtor Z. P. Smith

Copy: Transylvania Recorfls. by grs. W. T. Laffarty.

“Qha sbory 0f Kentucky Unifiersity anF of its heggéninga with the

V@atig$s of Trgnsylvgnia Univgrsity and Bacon College, has been
field. In this procession of dramatic events of more than a
cantury, we wwre of the young men was matriculated afi'sttfients of
Bacon Collega at Earrofisburg. in the year 18¢5; six aecades of
yeare gene by.

”$hig Iflatiuution had then raachad 1% meriéinn of success. second
in influence £0 name other unéer the auSpices of our Brotherhood:
save $§thany fiollegfi, to which tbs pregifiancy and grestige of
n&me 3f glexanfier 0&m3bell gave arguestioned mrefiefienca turoughout
what may be called the ren&issant geriod of religion in the
ninateanth century.

”Gar StuFant camraies were mainly fiative to the Cemwcnwealth.

mast numfirougly re*enforcefi by the sens ef'ylanters from the

“H" A 7“ 1": w» A“ I." w»
,‘ _\,,1_;

Seaihern States! as we remember them, a reprasemtative bcay 6f.:
é(mtellsgence anfi courieous baaringfl a type of youthful manhood,
worthy of the virtuous citizenship form whence they agrang.

“Thé Faculty of Bacon College was made u? of mén sf reput;tion
in taeir flay, well qualified for the mark of the resyective dep:rt-

mfinta OK the instfficti§fi fig which they were gaveramfiy s” e&
> as 1gn .




‘James Shannon, @f scholarly attainments. of untiring zeal and indus-
try, an& of loyal $evation to tha cause cf education and religian
was our honored aresiflent. Ha wasy in physical st tare snly, a

”4&minutive Iréahm&n5 §orni~reapea. eduefiz$d, and finish@&, in

,wvfifiififiéfiwwflfierfihW&$ not a space farmrfimggflliagwanfiap&anymnaw

.anvizonment. .He was gm untarrifiefl»3&mocrac.ranfi intensely South-
Mana§mwanawagwgincgyg in h$£ fifii¢h 33 figa gaulw%nmégfgnfiawafiwJadafi

~~$smwarwn£mehri3ianityi.wfiamwallAramsmharwhixmoxalmfifihaxawnf days

»»$&$k»9r. John C. Young, president-of Centre College, Eanville, Ky..
~&ffinming~$he ”Salvary ia-a divinely-auSharized»éE$titutienfi.‘3oma

-sehal&rg Er. fihannen; ahea&é hfifiegmffirmaé amgh a gmaggaition.


‘hwflawwamdarfid th&t tbs lx&£n&dwminiah r and schalar, Br. Young.
w~ulé hgsefhaéwa%e«fiemerity ta deny the-pggpgsitisa,hefora a rapree
‘fiantiVawKen%fickywaaéieficea~ gwe-neeé n0%wssy«that~fiham@araiet-of
‘the mafiarity was & viefiery for fir. Shaannn.

“flségciated in the Faculty with preaiden$ ghannoa. wara Dr.

.9 ‘3' .21 "v” v. .», .~ ~* 7'” : .L ,-.
A “r “ W t; 7‘ It: A 1' L4 1::

pfa§éé$3éLéf fiathéméfics,~wtfie lafitar wall ramemberéd by many pre~

sent; and whnm ta knew. was to admira ana lave. Vengrated be the
names 0f all! H&a we as students. bean as faithful in finty as
thay were as instructors, it woulé have been well far ma. The
gond worka they éid livs after them. even more than th$ fame they
#0 wall descrva. All have Boined the great majority. anfi rest

new fwom their 1&bors.

”0% the opposite borders of the town of Harrodsburg, frcm the

sitefbf Bacen College, was Greenville Institute. pregidea over by



4s 7:;

Samuei Hatch, professor of fiafiural Scienceaz George Mathews. gr {aflau



Samufilvg.%fillins, 331fam§d thfifi in ifia way. ffir thfiiflufiatién

a: ffimalms. as fiamilton C011$£e is in tha prfiaant fifiy. whiz
Infifiiéution Was aucceddafi latar. by fianghheris Gallaga, m&de

fam¢na unfler the praaiflgncy at Jahm guguttus Eilliast wke

ahfiaf aim &né iéeal cf tha educatien of Eaman 1n afirly anta-

beilum fiaya. ware tha attainmfint 9f thé highfiflt amgamglishmants far
éaméatia ané geaial life. In thia nobis mark, tha tggehwra were
eminemfily auccamsfui, aa many fiavvtfid wi?es, anfi mafihéra. gné grafid—
mafihfiwa whom mfi hfiva knuwa, anfl a few of Wham yak $§fifiifi with us.
b饥 5&2flgnce.

”fhage ware atirring times. @fie finnsi&tian 9f_?%xaa, and
fihé'thragt fif war $1$n fiafiifia. fiegfily agitatsd tha minag a? the
gaaple. ané fermai tna iagu%s 9f cantgst betwaaa fih? gf%&$ fihig

énnaxation baaam$ an mfiflamglififififi fact. gnd

fi$f fifififlh in aarnfigt fiaring the callaga gaars 3f Zaéé aafi 47.

vfiviély éa ma ramgmbar the brighfi fiay~flay. in 1845, fifi réturning

fffim tha cellgga gaggien at aarly naan. haariug tag garill, mgrtial
ngfiwsof the fifé anfi tbs insgiriag r011 cf tha flrahehfigia tbat
aéfiagé thymugh 55$ atragts sf fiha tawn. fiaatgning an ta fiha gab»
lié sguara, we hahelfi the area: crawd gatharaa arauné tha aourtn
753$gma, eagfirly liatfining ta imyrofiiaad eratmra mgkfing gatriotic

2% m
\ 65

yyaala ta citizana ta rally ta firms.


% ”?&E guata fior Gmwtain ?h11 B. whemyscn*s aemyaay was aaen
S%a§fi ufig 31x of an: féllowvstuéan%s, gilliam T. fiiifi$x$‘ Eobart
Eakwr; and faur others whom W$ haé laarnafi to love gg e mrfiaea.
laft 03$ Sollege raaka. find jcinafi the rinks 0f aul$iara in their
gauntry‘s cause. 0f thase fiilliam T. @1thera fall'in tha front of

%att1m, at Buana Viatfi. naar by th@ apot where 6019361 @. R. gazes

fiifi Lieatanantuflelofi@l fiwnry Clay were slain at thfi haafi 0f thair



regiment. He recieiuéd a wband threugh the body'anfl lay for weeks
in the hospital. lingering between life an& éeath. lfie recavered
,agd returneé in us, to serve after as a Curztar af Kentaeky Univer-
,sity. u*til his fieceaae in Lgxingtan a few yaarg age“ Erava Bob
Baker. of Bourben Sounty. raceivad a fatal wanna in th$ hreast.
a a fiiaé upen the fi€ld 3f battle. The athers, afifi? hfinor&ble
di$3harge, returned, ta %6c9me ag&in ear werthy feilaw~cifiizans.
vhia tribute of.mentian we awn to thair memorias.

”33663 flallege‘rfiachea the perihelion cf fieclifi$ late in the
dgca&e 3f the *fartiegg ané 1h 1850, anéefl itg éarfifir 9f u$efu1ness.
§&$sing under tha clnué. and cleaing its fiaars ag aux réfiresentatite
'ébfiapl far gighsr SfiuC$t10fl in Kgnt&flkv, for want 9f afiequste sup-
yart an aha part 0f tha grfifit ba&y 3f feiiawghip, ta Wfiéfi its
fgrgunfi$ haé been committed by ite feunders. fie gauafi a figment,
£9 Enquira ifitfl the @hfififlmfifia of thgs failure, $9 hurtful to the
intare££ and prastige of tbs Christian Cfiurch fer many years. Do
we hastan ta lay tha b1&me at the édera 0f aux gaafi %r£th$en cf
Kentucky, and alleége that they were unflaithfnl to a grfiat trust?
It weuld be an ingustive to do an.

'”In the darkest fiaya of this eclipse. a wgiting Fre¥iéance
fauna fer the Brotherhaod the man and the o§pertunity {a inaugurate
the revivgl ané reinstatement 0f phe 6011338 destined t0 grow and
flfinally ta exgand. into the yurpoge an& plan 9f & gr at University.
a; tha gucceasar of the farmer simyla callege of Liberal firts.

John B. Bowman & graéuate cf Bacén College, enéoweé with a S§léndid
mflmhsod. au amyle fortune, ané rare gift far the wsrk‘ entared the

figlfi gs sclicitor and tag years of succ€s3fui labor. securefi‘fcr

the enficwment funé a tetal of nearly $800,000. Insluaing subserig—




tions $fterWarfia obtainfid for the yurcufise 0f £3h1§§fi ané Weaélaad
far thg Agricultural and fiechanical College. the full amount thus
aacureé, aygraximated $300,000. Just pveceeding ana flaring this
yerisd. our Brotharhood in Kentucky gave ta their fiiéway Orphan
Echaol, the Fhristian EduC&tion Society. ané other afiucatianal
inatitutions, aV$r f?0$,000.

“Ea méntian fihg§e fiefifiilg in evidence that ear Brethren in Xena
tacky, flaring thé inter&l 0f fifteen yaars. from 1350 ta 1865.
with ova~hslf ffifi mamfifirshiy énfi wealth af the yrv?em% éay, gave
fg31y half a mi? in? €nr tka gremotiéJ 9f adaaofiienxi @nafi?yrises.
fl” EHVE witv$ggwfl fhe fiflwaififi a? i“? fifiimrififomfi fix 9?. $he sens
afifi {F‘T58“W€ cf tiss mwkfifi aa§ Wfi?%%y £Z‘EE, wit? : ffiw excap~
fifivrsx “fivvi fnflr r¢*W*rw+%walv ?§i??¢ %& f?“ 3::: fiisxctiafl. though
the rasovrcpfi ?0r %fi§¢wwnflfifi firfi twawfe?€ ?rtafier flew $hafi khay
were fiffiy wasrg #rfi Ifi fig net trxt nur ?ficthb??¢aé #19 1353 @ypre-


z“ 3
“ ‘S
' fi
iv ‘i
V v‘

ta them, than ware 235i: siras 3mg granfiuszresg At n3 yfiried in tha


1; $¥hwn h%€mgfil?£a a5 respon-




histary of thfi afiuvch fifVfi Eta mfifl
siva 5né libaral in the work cf bwiléing atfi maiutaiming sharchea.
suyyorting their wimistgrs. gnfi in centrihutien ta mifisian werk at
heme anfi abraad,

whia iéaal of a University task aubgtanfiial ffifim $3 the lagical
auggtgtian of aha marvalaus work of Jahn B. anman‘ In ita deveIOg-
went. evary staga 9f the mevament was ma kefi with tha imgrasa of
his awn strang persenality. Eefi, it is but Just $9 mentian th&t at
evary 0§portunity, he wisely aought the counsel of tuat ineamgarable

mentar, John Augustufi Williamé, in hia day ens of the most &ccomplish-3


ed saucatcrg, esgaeially of femfiie mina anfi character. that Emerica
. ». y ’

hgs ever Eroducefi.


 ”Under the legislative éct 0f January 15. 1858. i hirty citizens
of Kegtucky were named therein as & carperjts bcdy. to sarve as the
first Bo&rd 0f Curators of Kentucky University, as fellows: Jeha
B. Bowman. James anlor. John Augustus Williams, Ban 0. allin,
&. G. Kyle, A. H. Bowman. aehn &. Daarborn, D. W. Thamygén, A. G.
vivion. Ehil B. Thompaen. W. A. Coaka, G. D. Bunyan, fl. @. Talbatt,
Mgaan. Sharlefi T. Wort