xt7t1g0hv76h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hv76h/data/mets.xml United States. Work Projects Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. Kentucky Historical Records Survey 1940 books FW 4.14:K 419/no.14 Kentucky Historical Records Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Kentucky Works Progress Administration Publications Archives--Kentucky--Breckinridge County--Catalogs Breckinridge County (Ky.)--Archival resources Breckinridge County (Ky.)--History Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 14. Breckinridge County (Hardinsburg) text Inventory of the county archives of Kentucky. No. 14. Breckinridge County (Hardinsburg) 1940 1940 2012 true xt7t1g0hv76h section xt7t1g0hv76h                                                    
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The Historical Records Survey, as a part of the Federal Writers' Project
of the Works Progress Administration, was begun in January 1956 under the
national directorship of Dr. Luther H. Evans, who served until March 1, 1940,
when he was succeeded by Kr. Sargent B. Child. Dr. T. D. Clark was appointed
supervisor of the Kentucky project, under the administrative direction of
Dr. U. R. Bell, State Director of the Federal Writers' Project. In July 1956
Dr. Clark returned to the University of Kentucky and was succeeded by Ir. O. B.
Wilder. Upon Mr. Wilder's resignation in December l9E6, Kr. Walter E. Hoefol—
man was made State Director. Er. Hoefelman directed the project fron December
1956 until July 51, 1959, at which time he was succeeded by lr. Earl D. Hale.
Hr. Hale, under whom the major portion of the work of this inventory was pre-
pared, supervised the project until January 26, 1940, when the present director
assumed charge of the Kentucky Historical Records Survey.
In December 1956, the National Survey was separated from the Federal
I Writers' Project, being designated as Federal Project Number 1, and the Ken-
tucky Historical Records Survey became a State-wide unit. As of September 1,
1959, the Historical Records Survey changed its method of operations from one
Nation-wide, WPA—sponsored Federal Project to a series of State—wide projects
sponsored by legally constituted public agencies. At the present time, the
Kentucky Historical Records Survey Project, sponsored by the State Librarian
and Archivist, Hrs. Emma Guy Cromwell, is under the administrative control
of the Professional and Service Division of the Work Projects Administration.
The Breckinridge County Inventory is divided into two parts. The first
part, A, deals with the general information on the history and government of
the county, the housing and care of the records, and abbreviations and ex-
planatory notes. Part B is devoted to the inventory proper.
The arrangement of agencies in Part B of the inventory classifies them
according to governmental function; administration; registration of property
titles; administration of justice; law enforcement; finance; elections;
education; health; and miscellaneous. The structural organization of the
agency, the powers and duties (or jurisdictions of courts), and the records
requirements are discussed in a section preceding the inventory of the rec-
ords of each agency. Records are classified, in general, according to the
agencies which make them, unless other deposition of the records is directed
by law, Under agencies, records have been classified, as far as possible,
according to the subjects with which they deal.
Records are described in entries whose style is formalized to give
the following information: title of record, dates for which available,
quantity, labeling of volumes or containers, variant titles, description
of record contents, manner of arrangement, indexing, nature of recording,
size of containers or volumes, and location.
The original survey of Breckinridge County was made early in 1957
by Miss Golda Gillian, under supervision of Ur. Jesse H. Raymer, Assistant

 .. vi ..
State Supervisor. Messrs. Joseph Gurganus and George Baugher, editors,
made the recheek in October 1959. Hr. Harry P. Hoskins, editor, did the
research work for the Historical Sketch; and Messrs. Robert P. Arnold and
Abraham Freeman, editors, did the legal research work for the essays, un-
der the direction of the present State Supervisor. Mr. John C. Simmons,
Assistant Project Technician, and Mr. Gurganus edited the entries, which
were arranged in final form by Kr. Simmons. The indexes were also written‘
'_ under the lattcr's supervision. ` ·
` Mrs. Julc Wykle, Miss Bevvie Hill, and.Messrs. F. A. Kenney, R. P.
McAdams, and G. W} Buck, under the supervision of Mrs. Elizabeth Johnston,
Assistant Project Technician, were responsible for the essays and the ·
l final editorial work necessary for the publication of this inventory.
— Stencils were cut by Hrs. Lucille Vairin, Kiss Sallie Dickinson, and Mr.
Charles Hockenjos.
The Kentucky Historical Records Survey wishes to express its sincere
appreciation to Miss Mabel S. Brodie, Editor in the Survey's Washington
office, for her careful editorial analysis; and to hr. Dan Lacy, Assistant
Director, Historical Records Survey_Projects, for his valuable suggestions.
Grateful acknowledgment is made to the officials of the Hork Projects
‘ Administration in Kentucky for the use of mimeographing equipment, to Mrs.
I Jouctt Taylor Cannon, Secretary of the Kentucky State Historical Society
in Frankfort, for her assistance in supplying the project with special
i historical information; to Hrs. Emma Guy Cromwell, State Librarian and
Y Archivist, and Judge D. D. Dowell, Circuit Court Clerk of Brockinridge-
County, for supplying our editorial staff with volumes used in the com-
‘ pilation of inventory material; and to the Filson Club, Louisville, for
A its generous cooperation in the use of its library; Without the coopera-
tion and interest of the officials of Breckinridge County, this volume
could not have been written, and we appreciate especially the assistance
y given our workers by County Judge Reuben J. Bolling; Circuit Court Clerk,
y Judge D. D. Dowell; and the late Arthur T. Board, former County Court
· Clerk, and his successor, Hrs. Arthur T. Beard.
I Forthcoming volumes of the Inventory of the County`Archives of Ken-
—` tucky will be issued in mimeograph r¤¤¤l55¥"f?ZE distributionite governmental
E offices, libraries, and historical societies in Kentucky, as well as to
’; selected libraries and depositories in other states. For a list of pub-
lications of the Historical Records Survey in Kentucky, see p. 391. Re-
’ quests for information concerning particular volumes should be addressed
‘ to the State Supervisor, 550 South Fifth Street, Louisville, Kentucky.
  (°&,,é’g  X A? #5,.%
” Clifford R. Rader
‘ State Supervisor .
— The historical Records Survey Project
Louisville, Kentucky
, September BO, l94O

 - 1 -
A. Breckinridge County and ItsReeordsSystem Page
l. Historical Sketch . .". . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Creation. Boundaries. Establishment of Hardin's Station.
Early settlers. Establishment of county government: first
officers; county seat; public buildings. Topography.
Educational development; first educational institutions.
Transportation. Religious development. Politics. Eco-
nomic development: mineral resources; agriculture; animal
husbandry; industry. Natural attractions. Population.
Breckinridge County, Map .... . . .i ........... 16
2. Governmental Organization and Records System . . . . . . . . . 17
Legal status of the county. Structural development of
the county. General administration. Administration of
land title law. Administration of justice; civil juris-
diction; criminal jurisdiction; chancery; probate; juve-
nile; jury system. Administration of law: preservation
of peace; inquests; indictments; apprehension of criminals;
custody of prisoners; prosecutions; execution of sentence.
Financial administration: taxation; fees; bonds; fines
_ and forfeiturcs; county budget commission. Administration
of elections; early election procedure; elections under
the present constitution. Educational administration:
general development; local administrative agencies; finan-
cial administration. Public health. Public welfare.
Public works; roads and bridges; public buildings; re-
_ clamation. Records system: maintenance of records;
titles; record content; indexing; control of records;
· appropriations for supplies; preservation of records; de-
struction of old records.
Chart of County Government . . ..... . . . . . . . . . . 95
S. Housing, Care, and Accessibility of the Records . . . . . . . . 97
Floor Plans, Courthouse. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lOl
1 4. Abbreviations, Symbols, and Explanatory Notes . . . . . . . . . lO2
B. County Offices and Their Records
I. Fiscal Court. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ..... . . lO5
Proceedings. Finance; administration; revenue; taxation;
bond issues; expenditures; settlements of county offieials’
accounts; insurance. Welfare. Public works, roads, and
bridges; eonveyances; orders; boundaries; contracts; re-
P ports; claims; miscellaneous. Officials of county: ap-
' pointments; commissions; resignations; surety bonds.
II. County Court Clerk ................ . ..... . 132
Instruments of conveyance; land titles; leases and con-
tracts; personal property. Encumbrances: real estate

 - 3 -
Table of Contents Page
liens; chattel liens. Vital statistics: marriage rec-
. ords; births and deaths. Revenue: taxation; licenses;
registrations._ Finance. Miscellaneous.
III. Court of Quarter Sessions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .... 157
Case papers. Dockets and executions. Minutes and pre-
V . ceedings.
IV. Circuit Court . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . ...... 164
I Commonwealth's attorney . . . . .... . . . . . . · 174
C Circuit court clerk . . . . ...... . . . . . . . 180
Master commissioner ........ . . . . . ..... 185
· Actions at law; case papers; surety bonds; miscellaneous
papers; dockets; minutes and proceedings; orders, judg-
` ments, and executions. Criminal actions: case papers;
surety bonds; miscellaneous papers; dockets; minutes and
proceedings; orders; paroles. Chancery_actions: case
papers; surety bonds; doekets. Lunacy and guardianship.
Business administration; reports; books of account; jury
fund records; witness claims; motor operator's license.
Land instruments; deeds; orders and reports.
V. County Court ...... . ................. 205
Proceedings. Probate of wills. Guardianship. Trustee-
= ship. Committeeship and apprenticeship. Civil actions
at law; case papers; bonds; dockets; judgments; execu-
I tions; witness records. Criminal actions: case papers;
C bonds; judgments. Juvenile actions; case papers; doekets;
orders; miscellaneous. Surety bonds. Miscellaneous.
VI. Quarterly Court . ...................... 241
Civil actions at law: case papers; surety bonds; miscel-
laneous papers; dockets; minutes; orders; judgments; and
executions. Criminal actions; ease anors• suret bonds-
P . I y 3
_ dockets; orders. Business administration; books of as-
sessment; witness records.
» VII. County Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 249
2 VIII. Justices' Courts ............... . ...... 254
IX. Sheriff ........................ . . . 262
Taxation; assessments; inheritance taxes; tax receipts;
land sales; dog licenses. Business administration:
cash book and settlements; livestock claims; strayed
— X. Constables . ..... . ...... . . . . . . ..... . 274
XI. Jniler ........................... \278
XII. Coroner ...... C ..................... 282
XIII. Tax Commissioner ...................... 287

 .. 5 ..
Table of Contents Page
XIV. Board of Tax Supervisors . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 298
XV. County Budget Commission . . . . . . ......... . . 302
XVI. Treasurer . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... . .... . 305
Receipts and disbursements. Vouchers, checks, and
XVII. County Board of Election Commissioners .......... 510
Petitions. Registrations. Affidevits. Tabulation
of votes. Certifications. Claims and expense accounts.
XVIII. County Board of Registration and Purgation ........ 518
XIX. County Board of Education . . . . ; ........... 522
_ Business administration; instruments of conveyance;
financial records; boundary records. General admini— V
stration; teachers’ records; trustees' records.
XX. County School Superintendent ............ . . . 558
Census records. Enrollment. Attendance. Grades.
Health records. Correspondence.
XXI. County Health Unit ................... . 348
XXII. County Livestock Inspector ................ 55l
XXIII. County Surweyor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 553
XXIV. County Road Engineer ...... . ...... . .... . 557
XXV. County Agricultural Agent . . . . . ........... 360
Contracts. Reports. 4-H club records and correspond—
General Bibliography ......... . . . . . . . . . . 364
Chronological Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 567
General Index . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 570
Table of Cases. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 589
Publications. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 391

 - 4 -
(First entry, p, 117)
_ Creation
Brcckinridge County, created December 9, 1799, by an act of the Kon-
tucky Legislature from a part of Hardin County, was the thirty—ninth
county to be established in the state. (1) The act creating the county,
approved December 9, 1799, and effective January 1, 1800, read as follows:
"All that part of Hardin County which is included in the following bounds,
to wit; Beginning at the mouth of 3lackford's Creek running with the Ohio
County line to Rough Creek, then up said creek opposite the mouth of Big
2 Clifty, from thence such a course as will strike the Big Spring on the
_ road leading from Elizabethtown to Hardin's Settlement, thence such a
course as will strike the head of Wolf Creek, thence down said creek to
the Ohio River, and down said river to the beginning, shall be one distinct
county, and called and known by the name of Jreckinridge." (2)
The new county was named in honor of John Breckinridgc, a distin-
guished lawyer and statesman who was born in Virginia in 1760 and came
to Kentucky in 1795, settling in Fayette County near Lexington. He was
connected prominently with the early history of Kentucky and helped to
write the second constitution of the state. (3)
( ‘ Boundaries A
1 In subsequent years several changes were made in the boundaries of
1 the new county. By an act approved December 17, 1823, provision was made
for the creation of Heade from a part of Breckinridge (4); in 1829, Han-
‘ cock was formed from another part of Breckinridge. (5) An act approved
I January 13, 1851, added a portion of Ohio County to Brcckinridge (6), and
the final change in boundary lines was approved April 13, 1886, when the
lines between Breckinridgc and Hancock Counties were finally established.
.  I
· At the present time, Brcckinridge is bounded on the north by the
Ohio River and Heade; on the east, by Ieade and Hardin; on the south, by
p Grayson; and on the west, by Ohio and Hancock Counties and the Ohio River. (8)
i 1. WII.LIAIvI LITTELI., LIE §_T_A_‘[_uE Igy os Iiguipjgi, Iurh Ncrgs, _Fi¤_&gggg_LI_0J§, E12 OBSERVATQE
j QQ jpg Qgegig gglg, 5 VOLS., FRDNKFORT, KY., l7OG, VOL. 2, w. 27l. HEREAFTER CITED AS
2-   I
_ 3. W. H. PERRIN, J. M. BATTLE, G, C, Kunrrnm, ggglppgy; Q jispgig og IEE gtwlg, LOU|S*
VILLE, Kv., mac Cwncaco, ILL., Ieie, oa. 56I—5e5.
; 4. EELS gi IEE gggggég QECEMBLX ei TEE Cpyupypggprg oi EgmTec{i, IG23—24, FRANKFORT,
g— `KY., I824, P. 336. HEREAFTER CITED A5 Acre.
` 5. pple, lG2C—29, r. 30. _-_— ·
i` 6. Agia, IQ30—3I, e. 79.
T 7. Eglg, IQC5~G6, veL. I, P. I377. ( ‘ `
G. Eiga MCNALLY Coewaaciig $TLAS gap M£5FETIN€ Eplpg, SEv€mT1ETH EDITION, Naw YORK,
CHICAGO, SAN Fanmcxsco, I939, r. I56.

 - 5 - ·
Historical Sketch (First entry, P_ 117)
Establishment of Hardin's Station
The first pioneer to settle in this section of the State was Captain
William Hardin, a renowned hunter and Indian fighter. Early in 1780,
Hardin and several companions set out by boat down the Ohio River in·search
of a desirable location for a colony. Without mishap they reached the Falls
of the Ohio, where the city of Louisville stands today. Not satisfied to
settle there, however, they floated on to the mouth of Sinking Creek. Scarce-
ly had they landed at this spot, when Indians seized their boat. One mem-
` ber of the party was killed; the others made their way to Hines Fort (Hynes
Station), the present site of Elizabethtown. No place favorable for settle-
ment was decided upon at this time, and in the spring of 1730, Hardin rc-
turned and brought his family and twenty other families down the Ohio to the
mouth of Sinking Creek. After proceeding up the creek, the party landed
near the present site of Hardinsburg. The spot was well chosen. In the
midst of beautiful hills, with plentiful game and a spring and a cave con-
veniently near, whore provisions could be safely kept, it was a most dc-
sirable location for the establishment of a com unity in the wilderness. (9)
Work was begun immediately. The only instruments used in planning and sur-
veying the fort were a grapevine and an ax, since no surveying instruments
were available in the wilderness. Four of the most experienced hunters in
the group guarded the workers as they brought in the logs and dug the post
holes for the new station; those busy with its erection kept their weapons
close at hand because of the menace of Indian attacks. In April 1780,
Hardin’s Station was completed.
Settlement of Hardin's Station was not accomplished without difficulty
and succeeded only as the result of the foresight of Captain Hardin. When
he learned that the Indians were settling across the Ohio, too near for the
safety of his own people, he attacked before the Indians could surprise
the little settlement. After considerable loss on both sides, the Indians
were forced to withdraw, and from that time the continued occupancy of
the station was assured. (10)
Early Scttlsrs
Disaster frequently overtook bands of pioneers as they made their
·· _ way to the new fort in the wilderness. William Mcbaniels and John Bruner
IONS brought their families and household goods by flatboat as far as the
Q;" "Falls" in Sinking Creek. The men departed to obtain assistance in trans-
porting their possessions to Hardin’s Station, leaving a Negro slave with
their families for protection. In hiding, awaiting their opportunity,
Indians closed in around them shortly after LcDanicls and Bruner had left.
9. HARY ALLEN ccoesew, gbBp1p;s [pg; ppp LIS Fppwpgp, Loe1sv1LLs, KY., 1924, PP. 1-6;
WILLARD R. JILLSON, E1opgsa ggwjppgij FsAmKrosT, MY., 1934, P. 85.
PP. 97,98.

Historical Sketch J (First entry, p. 117)
Terrified, Mrs. HeDaniels fell in the water and was drowned; Lks. Bruner,
her child, and the slave were captured. As they were being taken toward
an Indian settlement in Illinois, the child and the slave were brutally
killed by the savages. But for the intervention of an old chief who
agreed to take her for his wife, Mrs. Bruner would have shared the same
fate. Months later she was rescued by white men and returned to her hus-
band. (ll) ‘
Other members of the courageous group of pioneers who settled in
this region were: Samuel Spencer, an able Indian fighter; John Barbee,
reported to have been the first to manufacture a plow-iron a forked tree
limb and an "L"-shaped piece of iron; Sally McDonald; Joseph Allen; John
J Jolly; and the Reverend Francis Clark, credited with being the first
Methodist minister in Kentucky. (12)
On November 2, 1882, at the site of the old Hardin's Station where
.William Hardin lies buried beneath a sturdy hickory tree, a centennial
.celebration was held under the direction of Colonel Alfred Allen, Presi-
dent of the Breekinridge Historic Society. (13) The Breckenridge (sic)
News, dated November 8, 1882, quotes from Colone1_Kllen7s address as fol-
lows; "It will be renmmbered that the ground immediately adjacent to the
ford. was broken up by John Berbee and devoted to the cultivation of corn.
It was the habit to detail pickets, who were posted in the forest beyond
p ithe field, to guard against the men and women engaged in planting the A
corn being surprised and massacred or borne off prisoners by the Indians.
One day Hardin himself was performing picket duty, when he was fired upon
J and wounded in the neck or shoulder by savages. Among those at work in
the field was a man named McDonald and his three daughters. Hardin, not
” knowing how badly he was wounded, made for the field to hurry those who
may not have taken the alarm and fled to shelter into the fort. He was
closely pursued by several Indians. All had sought safety in flight ex-
cept the eldest McDonald girl, who waited to see if she could be of any
assistance to the wounded hero, the blood streaming down and dyeing his
shirt, apprising her that he had been hit. She ran by his side encourag-
V ing him to greater exertion, causing him to turn about twice and raise
his empty gun as though about to fire, thus temporarily checking the pur-
suers, until diey reached Barbee’s plough, to which was attached a span
of horses by rope gearing. By this time a burly Indian was but a few ‘
_ yards behind them, brandishing his tomahawk and uttering triumphant yells,
` 1 already certain of his prey, At this moment Sallie McDonald exclaimed;
'Fbr God’s sake, lk. Hardin, stop and raise your gun, while I loosen the
horsos1' He did so. lhe Indian dodged back, threw down his tomahawk, and
began rapidly loading his own rifle. But the intrepid girl succeeded in
freeing the horses from the plough, almost threw Hardin on the back of one
of the animals -- such strength did excitement lend her -- mounted the other,
ll. Goooson, oa; CIT., we. 8-14,
12. lege. *— _—— _ ,
13. Wm. C. P. Bnsckxmaxoes, Epeggss Qgplygagp gl IEE Qgglgwiiéh CELEBRATION or THE
SETTLEMEEI gg Dascxxnnnoea Coumrv op Ig; silg gg HAaoxm·s gpg jggjigégg Eggpigsgpge,

 - 7 -
) Historical sketch (First entry. p- 117)
and they galloped off as the Indian fired, fortunately in too great a
hurry to shoot with accuracy, and they reached the fort in safety. . . .
Hardin lived to see his settlement grow into a town that took his name
and that town became the capital of a new county and twice represented
the county in the congress of the State. He lived to see a neighboring
county erected and named after his honored father, and, full of years
and honors, laid him down and died the death of a just and brave and con-
scientious man. Yonder where that flag so proudly flashes its stars and
beautiful crimson bars in the air repose his bones -- to our shame be it
said, in an open field where years ago the vagrant cow and iconoclastie
hog have destroyed the last vestige of the mound that covered the mortal
remains of the heroic pioneer and founder of our county." (14)
In l782, two years after the settlement of Hardin's Station, lots `
and streets were laid out (15), and it was called Hardin's Town in honor
of its founder.
On May BO, l950, a marker erected to the memory of Captain Hardin
was unveiled in the courthouse square in Hardinsburg. Judge Henry Dehaven
Moorman presented the memorial to Breckinridge County in behalf of the
Hardin Memorial Association, and Judge R. L. Oelze accepted it for the
county. (ld)
Establishment of County Government
First Officers
The first meeting of the county court was held on January 20, 1800,
at the home of Uillian Hardin to appoint the first officers and decide on
a site for the county seat. The first justices of the peace to compose
the county court were Benjamin Huff, John Pate, Ehomns Kinchcloe, John
Walker, and John Hamilton, who produced commissions from Governor James
Garrard. After their commissions were read and the oaths required by
law were taken, the court appointed William Kelso clerk pro temporc. He
served for about six months, vhen he was succeeded by Joseph Allen, who
held office for about fifty-seven years. (l7)
On March l7, l800, a seconi meeting of the county court was hold.
William Hardin, son of the founder of Hardin's Station, gave bond with
surety for the office of sheriff. Elijah Hardin wss rppointed commission-
* er of the tax and Ansel Hyde became the first jailsr for the county. The
first constable appointed was Barney Hiller. Cemnissions from the Governor
appointed John Walker, coroner, and Abraham hcClellan, surveyor. (ld)
QBEE§€NRlDGE (SIC) pgps, VOL. v11, Mo. 16, Nov. 8, |B82’ CLOVERPORT, KY,
15. 00LL1ms, eg. glp., s. 96.
I6. CIVIL Oaotas, voL. 41, P. 557, IN BRECKINRIDGE Coomwv ARCHIVES, Emrnv 158.
, 17. Coomrv Coopr Oaosas, Fxasr VOL. mor LAssLso, sp. 2, 10, IH snscK1Mn1oes Coowrv
Aaeaivss, swrav 225.
18. Coomrv counr oaosss, FIRST VOL. New LABELED, pv. 1, 2, sts smrnv 225.

 - 3 - -
Historical Sketch U (First entry, p. 117)
William Comstock, Edward Pate, and James Jennings presented com-
missions from Governor Garrard, appointing them justices of the quarter
session court, which held its first meeting on April 21, 1800. (19)
Joseph Allen was appointed clerk and Henry Davidge attorney for this
court. (20) _ _
County Seat ~
. Since Hardin’s Town had already been laid out in town lots, it was
natural that it should be chosen as the seat of justice for the new county,
and on January l9, 1801, it was "established by name of Hardinsburgh." (21)
Public Buildings _
On March l7, lG0O, the court ordered that public buildings be erected
on the public square in Hardin's Town on lots given by William Hardin,
senior, for that purpose. (22) The first courthouse was a log house that
had belonged to Hardin, which was ordered to be prepared to serve as a
courthouse and the adjoining shed to be remodeled for a jury room and
clerk's office. Cmmnissioners were appointed to let the contract to the
lowest bidder. (25) Apparently a second courthouse was built to replace
this inadequate log building, and several of the oldest inhabitants today
recall its existence. No mention of this building, however, was found
either in the actual records or in any history of the county.' The present
courthouse was erected in 1859 at a cost of approximately $57,000. (24)
For a detailed description of this building, see the essay on Housing,
Care, and Accessibility of the Records, p. 97. . .
A court order also provided for the erection of a jail, stocks, and
a pillory to be let to the lowest bidder. (25)
Breckinridge County is situated in the western central part of the
state on the 0hio River. The land is high, and the surface is generally
rolling. In some sections the land is hilly, however, and along the Rough
River it is decidedly rugged. Hardinsburg, which is situated near the
I center of the county, has an elevation of 700 feet above sea.1evel. Creeks
I flowing into the Ohio River, which forms a great part of the northern bound-
22. C0uNTY COURT ORDERS, voL. I, P. 3, SEE ENTRY 225.
23. Igig., P.‘5, SEE ENTRY 225. `
° 24. IgLg., voL. I2, P. 376, SEE ENTRY 225. .
25. Igig., voL. I, P. 5, SEE ENTRY 225.

 - 9 - .
- Historical Sketch (First entry, p. ll7)
A ary, water the county. Rough Creek, which follows the southern border line
of Breckinridge County, and its tributaries, as well as many springs, also
add to the county's supply of water. (26)
Educational Development
While the pioneers of Breckinridge County were busily engaged in clear-
ing forests, establishing homes and protecting themselves from frequent
Indian attacks, the educational advantages were chiefly confined to those
offered by persons who traveled from settlement to settlement teaching
and receiving as compensation for their services, furs, tobacco, whiskey,
food, and lodging. Acts passed in 1798 and 1805 had provided for the
granting of 6,000 acres of vacant land for the establishment of a county
academy (27), and an act of February l0, l8l6, specified that Joseph Allen
and John P. Oldham, of Hardinsburg,