xt7t1g0hxd7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t1g0hxd7w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1972 1972 1972-04-28 2020 true xt7t1g0hxd7w section xt7t1g0hxd7w . By KATIE McCARTHY no automatic feelings of sexuality sexually."
How Will YOUI‘ Kernel Staff Writer and have to be taught the dif— “We feel that our children will .
’ It may come as quite a blow to l'erences between men and grow up to be perverts. if they are
. masculinepride,but according to women. . . 311°”? to play “(uh .them- _
children regard sex? Dr Haskell Coplin every in- Coplin said cultures write the selves, he said. Coplin said self- ,
' div'i dual begins life as a female—~ scripts children are supposed to exploration. “fmdmgnout where
morphologically speaking. follow In American somety. he one is sexually, is ad- ,
SCB lecturer SCIYS today it’s Coplin.professor and counselor sald‘ “boys are allowed to be vantageous. ,
’ s ,. 9 at Amherst College, explained at sexual‘.‘but‘for girls this is not all Coplin termed the male 5 need .
a Student Center Board lecture right. :‘Sele'ctive handling, to assert his sexual prowess the ,1
Thursday night that it isn't until such as little girls being cuddled, “Carnal Knowledge syndrome. .
later in the development of the while boys are treated more Men go through a period where .
a e fetus that hormonal action roughly. has .“iieurogolical ef- women are regarded as sexual
clearly defines the sex of the fects on the child.“he said. Boys ob]ects,hesaid,andthesex actis .
child grow up to feel they must be spoken of as“it”_. The American
Speaking on “human aggresswe. and girls are ex- culture, according to Coplm, .
sexuality ,, Coplin said sexuality pected to be tender and romantic. places so many taboos on sex that .
a on — b . . ’. f b t America Sexual experiments people are forced to talk about .
“fag: l?nsTiraenc{hatu “sex goers Womenx according to Coplin. sex in euphemisms. *
underground at birth .. grow up Without much of a sexual When asked if children brought .
' script. Boys are expected to up without particular sex roles »
(‘ultures write scripts masturbate even though they are would be at a disadvantage or
' an t a 006 “Our tribalism determines discouraged with warnings that it tend to radically change our .
femininity and masculinity causes everything from “pimples society. Coplin said no. He said . ~ '
rather arbitrarily," he said, to insanity." But, he said, “a there is no way to determine the
. “leaving sexual identity up to the little girl doesn’t have as much overall effectit would have, but it
culture to decide." Children have opportunity to experiment - wouldn’t prove harmful. ‘ .
The Kentucky Apr“ Showers '
. ' That‘s right—today’s Friday and what.
. does it always do on weekends? You
, guessed it. rain. The weather bureau calls
‘ it increasing cloudiness with a 50 percent
chance of showers late afternoon through
Friday night. The high temperature today '
yon. LXHI N0. I35 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY Friday. April 23. i912 it?” he "ear ‘0 “d “'9 '°“ i" ""3 “PP“
' ’ UK ° ° 9 en '
- officmls d f d .
31 .~» , ' Lindsey ’s removal
'1 . , “ ‘ r 3‘ By TIM BALLARI) recommendation to Singletary. .
. as)“ ‘ti ‘1‘ .,' . r31.) ) . is Assistant Managing Editor Nothing else .
. ., ‘ ‘ f "Q's i '2; ~ President Otis Singletary and In agreeing to the recom- .
k ‘ ‘y‘ .3 ‘ . ‘ {A ‘ 42;. ,? other University officials mendation. Singletary said. ' - ,
' ‘. .e y ' ” g. ‘Q.’ ~ * defended Thursday their decision "There is no other reason why I .
.m' .V p ; it?“ ‘ 4 to remove teaching assistant concurred in the recom- .
aim a. W :33; "2’1" ‘ . , William H. Lindsey from his post mendation to reassign him other . .
~ as ‘2. I ' ' . 72.»... as a Sociology 152 lecturer. than the act itself.“
Tin“ ‘ _ ' .. ‘- -- .1 __. Lindsey was arrested by Singletary also pointed out that
g \ 185‘ . M" ’ campus police April 20 after 15 he felt he chose the option least
.. - g . floors of locks in Patterson Office harmful to Lindsey. He said he
. Tower were found glued shut. could have barred Lindsey from
” . Meeting with students and the campus completely if he had ‘ .
i .. ‘ sociology assistants. Singletary; wished to do so. 1 .
A ' 3' ‘. Dr. Lewis Cochran, vice “We had to make the
' L .. . president for academic affairs: judgment. As near as I can tell. »
“\K Dr. Wimberly Royster. dean of we had three options. We took one .
’4' , 1 _ .. . 'the College of Arts and Sciences; which I think was the best for
_. as. ’ ' ‘ .., and Dr. William F. Kenkel. him.“ Singletary said. .
o o The Canterbury Pilgrim Playhouse actors Wi" be sociology chairman. explained Lindsey has been relieved of
' Private ll’ves doing ‘Private Lives.‘ 3 play by NO“ Coward. this their reasons for the reassign- his teaching duties but still .
weekend and next. See story 0“ P‘Se seven. (Staff ment. retains his standing as a ' I
photo by Dave Herman) Other reason graduate student and is subject to .
. Speaking to Lindsey‘s classes rules governing student con— ‘ _
Demos meet thls Saturday Monday. Kenkel said Lindsey duct. ' "
was reassigned because he was. Code violations ~ ,
. . 6 9 . in Kenkel's opinion “potentially Concerning reports Lindsey
1n flrst reform conventlons harmful." Kenkel was also would be charged with Student . '
quoted as saying there were other Code violations. Dean of Students
Kentucky Democrats will begin ()ne of the most far-reaching voter—including students-and "3859“ for the reassignment. H9 Jack Hall W011!“ only say “18? he » .
this Saturday what they hope will reforms requires a proportional any voter is eligible to have his declined to make further com- had had a'conference With Lind-
be the best process yet to select representation of minorities on name placed in nomination as a ment. SGY-_ Any information about lhe ~ ,
delegates for their national the delegate slates elected at the delegate. County conventions will Thursday afternoon Kenkel conference, Hall said,. would first ,
convention in Miami this July. county and legislative district take place in 112 of Kentucky‘s clarified “potentially harmful have to come from Lindsey as a .
As a result of the events at the conventions. These minorities l20counties. The remaining eight by saying. “I was looking for a matter of UK policy. ~
Chicago convention in 1968, the include women. blacks. and counties will have legislative general term to describe the Lindsey would make no
national Democratic party people under the age of 30, Their district conventions. They in- conditions iof the reaSSign- comment on the reports.
.. initiated a number of reforms. proportion on each slate is clude Campbell, Christian, mcnt I.“ He also said he Discussmn at Thursday's * .
These reforms are designed to determined by the number of [)aviess. Hardin. Jefferson. deliberately did not say Lindsey's meeting was limited to aspects of .
allow more public voice in the them living in each county or Kenton. Pike and Fayette presence would be harmful to why Lindsey 'was not 'being
process and keep regular legislative district. counties. students. the University or the allowed to continue teaching, in
politicians from too easily Another reform abolishes the ln Fayette (‘ounty there will be department because he meant it accordance With a letter Lindsey
gaining control of the delegation. “unit rule" in the conventions. five legislative district can as a generalterm. . sent to Singletary. . ‘ p
The Kentucky Democratic party which gave the presidential ventions.The districts and where The reasmgnment Ilse” was The letter said Lindsey S at-
was required to adopt these candidate with the most sup- their conventions Will meet are authorized by Singletary. torney had adVised him not to
reforms. porters at the convention the listed below. (‘ochran explained that I" SUCh discuss the case and asked
The delegate selection process entire slate OldCIantes. Now any 75th—at the Fayette ”County matters the head of the depart- Singletary not to do the same. .
will begin Saturday at 2 pm. candidate who can muster Courthouse on Main Street; iiieiit iiiakesthc recommendation Singletary said he would accede
when statewide county and support that totals 15 percent of With—at Bryan Station High to the dean ofthe college. and the to the request on the adVIce of his ,
legislative district conventions till the people at the convention School; Nth—at Meadowthorpe (lt'im mdkt‘s lht‘ recommendation general counsel. . N
will take place. These con- must he given delegates on the School; huh—at Big Picadome to (‘ochran . ‘ Several . times during the
, ventions will elect delegates to slate. School. Harrodsburg and Clays After consultation \"llh the meeting discussmns that were ..
congressional district and state Saturday‘s conventions will be Mill Roads; 79th— at Henry Clay depiirtiiieiit head and the dean. developing toward aspects of the .
conventions to be held in July. 0pm to any Democratic High School. (‘ochraii then makes the case were halted.
. ‘ ‘ ' o ‘ '

 V I
'.'~ l‘lll-i l\l'I\'l‘l (‘KV kl‘ill\I-?I.. Friday. April 235'. lll72
St d ' d 0 Engineering class works to solve -

a l m S t 3 .9 - ‘ - ' -

,1 u u l 8 football fans biggest worry traffic
‘ Vi By DEAN ('R.\\\'F()Rl) ’l‘ecb tootball game last stadium would empty on to (3,000 spaces. was recommended as well as
‘ _ Kt’l'm'l Slit” “'I‘ilt‘l‘ fall. asking people where they (‘ooper Drive and Tates (‘reek The recommendation also throuls‘h traffic lanes for the
. ' : l lV\ s new stadium has parked. how far they walked to following the path of proposed provides 450 spaces for bicycles busses. drtnksVVon theVbusses and
‘ ' Pl‘m'ldt‘d fuel {0" some pretty the stadium and what route they streets in that area. and motorcycles. 60 spaces for (()ll\(‘lll(‘lll P'LK'UPVPOHNS such as
. ' i . ROOd arguments. bl" {01‘ 0h? took to the stadium. Information Not practical busses. and paved spaces for the the malls south Of the stadium.

, I ,- , Rmhl" (‘h’ll Engineering lCEl trom the questionnaires was 'l‘om Layman of the Highway handicapped and \'.l.P.'s.VThe . V'l‘raffic “0W V

, 4 . 343 II has provided an educational combined with the specifications Department‘s Planning Division rest of the parking surface “"11 be Traffic flow Tecommendat'ons
‘ .' V ' “-‘Pt‘l‘h‘ht't‘ tor the new stadium and disagreed with the recom- gravel. "‘9'“de making Nicholasville

_ , . , Vt‘E 543 is entitled Development estimates about future [mindatmns He said the highway More sidewalks Road one way south after a game
. ‘ , . .' “l Tl'imSPOI‘tahm1 Faculties and enrollment at [K to come up with Department has had to work on The class’s recommendation and Rose Street one way north.

' . V i 1 is being taught by Dr. John data for the project. the problem from a more also included such features for Cooper Drive would be split one

3 . - ' ‘ ”llu'hthOh- ”is 01855 this James King. coordinator of practical view. The extention of pedestrians as sidewalks on way east from one access road
: ~ - . . SPHWSN’F has b9?“ StUdeg the physical plant. said last month l'niversity Drive and Rosemont Cooper and University Drives. and one way west from

- . ' , _ ' ”0“ stadium 3an yesterday that the data from the which the class recommendation closed areas on Cooper and University Drive With the areas

. presented thclr t‘t’Com- questionnairewas also being sent relies on won‘t be finished for University for pedistrian in between for pedistrian
_ ’ . 1 hth‘hdiitVHm-NV . to the architects to aid them in about five years due to the red crossings. and possibly over- crossing. University would also
‘ V . ' V Theeighteen-recommendations their planning of the stadium. tape needed to get the federal passes on the two streets. be closed from Cooper to the
. . . included 10.0”“ additional Parking plans money to be used, he said. The Bus service from out lying parking garage. Street signs
VV parking spaces. bus service from in” the 10,500 parking spaces Highway Department is con- parking areas was a muCh would also be utilized in various
' 01” hint-‘1 parking. hike and about 8,000 are to be in parking centrating parking on the west discussed topic. Getting people to parts of the city and county to
- - _, j motorcycle parking. recom- lots surrounding the stadium. and north sides. he added. and ride the bosses was considered direct traffic to the stadium by
. ' ”MgVndéiIthlOI'PK’dPSlFlah 800985 lots to the west of the stadium only counting on about 5.000 to important. High parking prices the best route.
, ' . . an the traffic flow in general. would empty onto Nicholasville
' . Survey done Road on two four lane access
. Much of the data used came roads. The lot north of the 0 ’rl - ° I
. . ’ . , from a study done by engineering stadium would empty onto n ca 1: us complled by mlke bOard
. ’V ' . professor Jack Deacon and (‘ooper Drive on an existing farm
i V . graduate student Bob ()‘Conner. road that would be widened and

. Their study involved question— paved, The lots to the east of the If you‘re a biking enthusiast (ABL)? is set for this Saturday event is the first in the nation to
VV V names. given out at the Virginia stadium and to the south of the and enjoy the spirit 0f com— in downtown Louisville. be held on city streets in the
z ’ _ Pt’liliOD. YOU might be interested Plans call forthe event to cover downtown Louisville area. It is

. V - in participating or just observing a European style hourglass sponsored by the Downtown
I V . V NEED A REALLY GOOD PHOTOGRAPH? the “First Annual Kentucky COUI‘SO. Louisville Committee of
V Then the place To go is Derby 01 (.V'Chhg Two races are scheduled to Louisville Central Area and by
~ . V . The competition. “held under take place. The first is a ten-mile the Kentucky Derby Festival
V , Spengler StUdIO the sanction of the Amatuer junior race to begin at 9 am. Committee.
V V . V 2 22 SO. le estone Bicycle League of America Entrants must be 17 years of age Daring wheelmen
_’ V , v . .. , . V or under. The second race, a 30- 1 .
‘ . , -——Engagement SpGCIOl Package— VLERdSONzo'AV'r'?“ 0:32:72: mile senior race will commence Porhthose kbrave soulsVdaVVring
V V ar m9 . mervcan - . - , . to ta e on sev r the
. . some time between the end of the cnoug e a 0
' 3-3x5 G loss|es 6 Wallets Portrait Papei 5°” °°°°"“""'°" “9 l° 52,500.00 -- 9. world‘s best cyclists entry fee is
. first race and 1...30 p.m.
V V V monthly. For complete information $2 puls 25 cents to the Olmv lC
VV . 4 Proofs l’O writetoJOB RESEARCN, Box 1255. “The Cycling Derby“ is fund Deadline was last Sat rdp '
‘ I 2 00 Sta-A. Toronto, 0!". Enclose $5 to dra“Ving entries from some of the . . U d}
. , Choose from . . . to enter formally but entries are
V cover cost“. top cvclists in the countrv. To - ~
V . V d t ~ ll t' l h _ - still being accepted.

. . . V . . V__ _ ,.__ V Vate~ ad Vnatgona c ampions are Late entries must pay a $4.50

' V. V . -V , . E / i \ m ere mV V e race. entrance fee.

. . . V . ( )Cle ChampS As stated by the Amateur Bicycle
y -. , ‘ . Among them are JOhh Howard. League of America. lnc.. “Post
: VV , ~ ,. Winner 0f the COM medal at the entries must double the fee shown
V V _ V .V , \ Pan American Games in Mexico, on the entry form_ Promoters
. , V . V . . l \ BVl‘léh GOOdlhg~ “Y9 times Junior shall not accept an entry for any
. V -V V, . National Cha'mpll): 3th {IFSt race unless accompanied by the
, ‘, . V V ‘3 runner up in e ’estern entry fee.“
V V VV Hemisphere Championships, and Registration
V , . V . . fwd“) DufreVsne. L.S.corVnpet1Vt0r All competitors must be
. . , W m ”191970 W0”? ChamPIONShIPS registered members of the ABL.
V j V i at Leichester, England. Amateur cards must be
._ ,, . presented to the officials before
, , A total 9f over $1200 worth 0f the start of the race. For non-
. V . V V awards Will be presented to the ABL of A riders an ABL
V V _ competitors. First, second and - ~ -'
V V VV . _ registration table Will be open at
V .. third places Will be awarded ‘ .
, . . 8 am. Saturdav morning. ABL
, . engraved Sterling Silver awards .“ .
V . . y . _ of A membership fee 15 $5. '
. _ - . “‘0 totaling $300 The race is open to road bikes
V _V . V .. A ,%.&S o“ This major national cycling only.V All equipment including
V V , VV . -. y 5 VVV‘c-mno «bow required helmets, will be subject
V V V V V. a . m9 ode/C 908 be to inspection before the race.
V . . 9‘“ “t 5‘. o\ \e0 .—.. 4 For information contact

. . . 4 . eilt° no“ ‘9?) “in 44 - -

' . V . > “61,, b“ _‘.m9 0° . 80% ‘99 E 6'36 “fogs . Gilbert Morris. Secretary or the
. , , A see 61.0. 9“(3 h 9 .a9'°“.:~ ‘51 17%;»; ‘4'».\ Lomswlle Wheelman Highland
~ ~‘ \‘\ 6‘90“.““gl339g “90:23:03: 1w \ 13%;! 1% Eyele' 111737 Bardsmw" Road'

. . . “,i “u M“ ii/ . ‘ ~‘ ouisvi e, Kentucky 40205

‘ - > . t i "9: a '7 1°“ . C *‘L J -) '
.- ‘ . . ,V f \\ K /)))) q‘5.°‘a jun 5332~23d11;:\ ““0“ 8“" \ \ U ’3 (1 LEVAS 5 i l
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, V - V \ x ‘p‘°;::‘:¢:“3;:: 0R” 9“" ""n‘ “‘3‘“w fiv‘txh .gfl c “"kg Hefncl
. V V \. ' . ‘
. . V \‘\ fig» r2: "fists: 8“‘8 ‘ r\\v fif’dfi‘ / The Kentucky Kernel, ”3 Journalism
V V VV V V V , \V/ v\°“.;“° S“ 8 . & Building, University at Kentucky,
. : V / 90" . 8m Lexington, Kentucky 40506. Mailed live
V , V \v/ ‘1‘ 98% *6 times weekly during the school year
V V . .‘ o % giv'““cp.1h' V \ except during holidays and exam
V 7.1s Q.“‘o\ é‘“%e‘: St,t\$‘&l&fi¢\3$. . 2:331: and twice during the summer
. , . 1 qifl 0““ “10$ 0”“ ~ . s d I
., ' 0 669‘ gm Flsfitdfm >“°.is€5 ° “3“"ng sfildest ReStaurant postage 9:65:03 Lines-Satan, Kv-
V‘“ “S 0A*“.‘ol“flo.t1 \c‘ “wto‘o, \V 0‘ Published by The Kernel Press, Inc.
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I . ' . , I a 2:\-C°°:;b"ttico‘“‘ r1¢l\e“¢“\09¢ ozéye“ KeBMUCRVI Le¥:g'm’ KY- 4050‘. d
. V 4V ‘ V 5: 0‘90 “3, \‘ egun as e Cadet in II" on
V _ A??? . V 1. “0.:4‘0'“). 'V 3‘ ”if“ 154.30.“) $10» 0:6“ 'iublished continuously as The Kentucky
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‘I/ 1 e Sports car America loved first. . . . '. ‘
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-‘ I A L S
4 " US lCB .
- . " Lindsey should remain until proven guilty
' I . The UK administration’s frightening resemblance to the the administration changes its 4
' 4 _ ’ decision to remove sociology tactics often employed by J, mind.
. - \ teaching assistant Bill Lindsey Edgar Hoover. Whether one agrees With what
' A , . _, / from his Classroom bears a As many will recall Hoover in Lindsey is alleged to have done is
_ ' ' testifying before Congress last not the point. The paint is; should
‘ .‘ ' ‘ . 0 year, more or less declared the the fact that a person 18 charged
' . ' . ’ I lme to reevaluate Berrigan brothers guilty of with something be grounds for
- " ' ‘ . { conspiring to kidnap Henry punishment? We think not.
.l l-