xt7t4b2x4m82 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t4b2x4m82/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19511207  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December  7, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, December  7, 1951 1951 2013 true xt7t4b2x4m82 section xt7t4b2x4m82 The Kentucky Kernel


Of Resolutions Greek Play
Kernel Check
Against Students' Gambling At Guignol
Audience Will Be
Finds Smith's Estimate Wrong Part Of Cast
President Reluctant
To Furnish Editor
With Signatures
Smith called the Kernel Thursday morning, after the paper went
to press. He said it had been discovered that more resolutions were
out. in the hands of professors.
He said he would collect these
and brine them to the Kernel for
a check. A report on these additional names will appear next
By Dick Cherry
A Kernel check of SGA


gambling signatures indicates that
President Bob Smith's estimate of
4000, 99 percent valid signatures was
The Kernel could find only 936
The resolutions were obtained
only after a hectic verbal exchange
with President Smith. He was re- -

luctant to give up the resolutions
and alleged that the Kernel was
attempting to further the political
aspirations of Dorman Cordell,
Kernel news editor, who was entered
as an independent candidate for
He claimed he had
no orders to turn them over.
At least 40 of the 936 names were
obvious forgeries. No attempt was
made to eliminate duplicates. The
check only discounted names such
as Al Capone, Nick Englisis, Mae
West. Dick Tracy, and a
local horse parlor operator.
Faculty Has Some Resolutions
Evidently the number checked
represents most of the total since
all SGA members and the Dean of
Men's office turned over their reso- lulions. Smith said a few were still
being held by faculty members,
However, since these had not been
turned in, they could not be counted
in the total.
The count was instigated largely
l.ecause of the scepticism on the
Lubject expressed in letters to the


Anti-Gamin- g

Machines Taken
In Three Cafes
John Proffitt,


of the

VMCA and a member of the newly- Student Action Society, told
the Kernel this week he had re- -

a phone call telling him, "If
don't mind your business, you'll
be found floating in the reservoir."
Proffitt said he did not know
whether the phone call was from
a crank.
The caller referred, according to
fitU to the campaign being con- ducted by the Student Action So- ciety against business places which
pay off to winners of free games on
pinball machines. Before Thanks- giving, Proffitt and Ted Darlington,
another member of the Society,
swore out warrants against Robin- son's, Jerry's, and Crane's Restau- rants for paying off.
Three machines were torn up by
police, and each restaurant was
fined $100.
"Police are happy about the whole
thing," Proffitt said. "Several of- ficers have promised cooperation."
The Student Action Society was

For the
students, turn

views of
comments by several
to page 2.


UK Student Threatened


editor. Many students on campus
also expressed verbal disbelief of the
estimate. Smith made the statement
that SGA had 4000 valid signatures
a week ago last Monday night in an
SGA meeting.
SGA gave its permission for the
Kernel count Monday night. Jim
Thompson, conducting the meeting




for Smith who was absent, asked the

members if they had any objection
to the Kernel making such a count.
There were no objections.
Some members of the group ex- pressed a strong interest in such a
count. They said they too had
heard numerous verbal doubts
pressed by students since Smith had
made his announcement,
Tried To Get Petitions Tuesday


to page 6)

' SUB To Have
Christmas Program
The YMCA, the YWCA. and the
Student Union Board will sponsor
the Great Hall Christmas program
at 5 p.m. Wednesday. The program will consist of Christmas
carols, selections by the Women's
Glee Club, and an address by
Gentry Shelton, assistant manager
of Central Christian Church.
Members of the Student Union
Board will participate In the ceremony of the Hanging of the
Greens, and the prelude and post-lud- e
will be played by a quartet
from the music department. The
ensemble will be composed of Allan Wetzel, cello; Ruth Trimble
and Betty Jane Geredon, violins;
Charles Ford, viola.

formed after the recent complaints
about student gambling. Prof. J. E.
Reeves of the Political Science Department is advisor of the group,
whose purpose is '"to discover and to
discourage illegal practices,
cent to or near where students may
Sequent, that affect the moral
fare of the students of the Uni-yo- u
About 15 students now belong to
the Society, Proffitt said. Jesse
Wright is president and Pete Carter
is vice president.
"We formed after the recent anti-Prgambling resolution was passed
about the campus," Proffitt said,
"We thought the resolution would
not have much effect on gambling,
and decided to take a definite, posi- tive step toward ridding the campus
of gambling."
Proffitt said he believed most of
the business places have stopped
paying off on machines, but he add
ed that the Society intended to
check from time to time.
Several students commended the
action by the group, he said, but
Two bright gold trophies in the
others thought the Student Action College of Law this week testify that
Society was Just prying into the af UK's
law team won the
fairs of others.
second annual Midwestern moot
court tournament in St. Louis last
Robert Hall Smith and Jack
Lowery Jr., who won the regional
tournament by defeating a law team
from Vanderbilt University, will
represent the Midwest at the. na
Uonal moot court tournament in
New York City Dec.
Eight schools took part in the two
day regional series in St. Louis,
which was sponsored by Washington
University and the St. Louis Bar
The "Bar of St. Louis Moot Court
Competition Award" trophy, which
is held by each year's winner for
one year, and a smaller plaque, to
be held permanently by the College
of Law, were presented to the UK


wel-ceiv- ed


UK Law Team
Wins Trophies
At St. Louis

13-1- 4.


to page 6)


No Independent Candidates

File For Assembly Vacancies
In Fall Election Wednesday

"Oedipus Rex," presented by the
Guignol Theater, will open Monday
night at 8:30 p.m. for a
A modern experimental arena version of the Greek tragedy by
Sophocles, the play will use the
audience as part of the cast: the
citizens of Thebes.
Since the entire' show, including
the audience, will be on the regular
Guignol stage, capacity will be limited to 100 persons nightly.
Briefly, this is the story of Oedi
pus: A son born to Laius and
king and queen of Thebes, was
turned over to a shepherd to be
abandoned on Mount Cithaeron because Apollo's oracle had foretold
that he would kill his father and
marry his mother.
The shepherd gave the child to
another shepherd, who in turn
handed it over to Polybus and Mer- ope, the childless rulers of Corinth.
They named the infant Oedipus, be
cause of its swollen feet, and brought
him up as their own son. Oedipus
learned of the oracle's prophecy and
fled Corinth to avoid killing Poly
bus and marrying Merope. In his
travels he killed Laius, answered the
riddle of the Sphinx, married Jo- casta and succeeded Laius as King
of Thebes. This is the situation
when the play begins.

'Red' Hale, Bacon Moore
Run For Vice President


The race for Student Government Association will be strictly
a party affair this year. All candidates now in the running are
affiliated either with the United Students or the Constitutionalist Parties.
Only one independent, Dorman Cordell, filed for office, but




Production suu
Production staff measbers are
Bettye Deen Stull. prompter; Barbara Francis, call girl; McFarland
W. Wood, music; Jon Marlowe,
house; Florence Becksted, properties; Dolly Sullivent, wardrobe;
Mary Lewis Patterson, box office
and publicity, assisted by Jessie Sun.
Meg Bailey is assistant technical
director; James L. Read Jr. is stage
manager and electrician, assisted by
Barbara Francis, Linda Bell, Faye
Marilyn Easley, Peggy
Ellis, Dot Randle, Dorothy Robinson,
Irwin Higgs, Robert L. Armour, Willard S. Igleheart, James T. Sandidge, Bonnie Ruth Lewis, and Jim-m- ie
C. Parker.
Arena staging in not new. It is the
natural form of theater
people are watching a fist fight, they
gather in a circle. Greek and Shakespearean plays were given with the
to page


United Students


Smith, Huddleston Star
Cast members include James
Benjamin Smith, Oedipus; Ann
Huddleston, Queen Jocasta; Robert
De Benedictis, Creon; Jim Hollo-wa- y,
Don Hartford,
priest; Jackie Mayer, Corinthian messenger; Gene Arkle, Laius'
shepherd; Meg Bailey, queen's attendant; Irwin Higgs and Willard
Igleheart, king's attendants; and
Willie Ann Newbury and Betty Wilder Newbury, children of Oedipus
and Jocasta.
Members of the speaking chorus
are Aimo Kiviniemi, Earl Holloway,
Don Hartford, Donald Schott, William R. Wintersole, Don Ciayton,
Terry Hughes,1 Gayle Hukle, Robert
Lewis, J. R. Moore, John W. Newton,
P. T. Prather, and James Sandidge.
The play is staged and directed by
Ernest Rhodes, assisted by t Bettye
Deen Stull, with choral speaking di
rected by Aimo Kiviniemi. Produc
tion management staff are Wallace
N. Briggs, producing director; Lolo
Robinson, associate director; and
Ernest Rhodes, technical director.


he withdrew Wednesday morning.
The elections are scheduled for
Balloting will be held
in the SUB and at the various col- leges on the campus.
Cordell, who had filed for vice
president, said he withdrew from
the race "so Bob Smith's blunders
will be brought out into the open."
Says Smith Refused Count
to Cordell. Smith,
president of the SGA. refused early
this week to allow the Kernel to
count the number of bona fide sig- natures on the SGA
Smith claimed that the
Kernel was backing Cordell. who is
Kernel news editor, for the vice
post. Cordell said.
"Smith was only trying to cover
up his' own blunders when he ac- cused the Kernel of backing me.
The real reason he refused to let
the Kernel count signatures was be- cause he knows there are not 4000
names on the resolutions," Cordell
Withdraws From Race
"I am withdrawing from the race
known. The claim of 4000 signa- tures was mostly a personal pub- licity plug for Smith. Smith re- osc figures to the papers
because he wanted to make a big
et 50,116 front-pag- e
sPlasn- - and
to fool
and the Administration. I did not
wan t withdraw from the race, but
j refuse to let Smith hide his mis
takes behind my candidacy."


Presidents Announce
Parties Platforms

United Students

(Bob Smith's home in Georgetown
reported he was in Northern
tucky, and Smith could not be
reached for comment)
Withdrawal of Cordell from the
vice president's race leaves Charles
Hale, United Students candidate,
and Bacon Moore. Constitutionalist,
in the running.
Candidates Are Named
United Students candidates for
representatives are College of Arts
and Sciences upper classman. George
Lawson; upper classwoman. Betsy
Maury; lower classman. Jack
ter; lower classwoman, Elaine Moore,
sophomore; College of Commerce
lower classman. John Chandler;
ege of Education representative-at- large, John Brannon; College of
Engineering upper classman. J. D.
Glasscock; College of Agriculture
upper classman, Stan Dickson; low- er classman. Denzil Boyd; and
Graduate School representative-at- large. Vu Tam Ich.
Candidates of the Constitution-representatialist Party are: College of Arts and
Sciences upper classman, Jess Gard-stude- nt
ner; uppeir classwoman Vatoatf
King; lower classman. Bus Bullock;
lower classwoman, Emma Barnhill;
College of Commerce lower class- man. Charles Negley; College of
Engineering upper classman. Ray
Thompson; College of Agriculture
upper classman. Bob Jones; lower
clAssm&a Bm Gatten; College of
Education representative - at - large.
and Graduate
hool representative-at-larg- e.
ren Porter.

"The underlying theme of the United Students Party is equal
for both Greeks and independents on campus in
government so that views and attitudes of all students
will be given voice," according to Henry Neel, president of the
United Students Party.
The United Students Party pledges itselt:
book store.
( 1 ) To continue investigation on a
(2) To revise the Constitution and its
(3) To work for the establishment of a placement bureau that
would centralize the efforts of existing services. This bureau
I,fl, eomnnc awl nff.imnin imnlnvirw-ii1.
(4) To establish students forums to provide for discussion of
current, controversial SGA topics. Whenever such a topic is
brought before SGA, the group would call for a student forum.
(5) To work for improved student seating arrangements at
athletic contests.
(6) To establish a central lost and found agency to replace
the departmental agencies now maintained. This agency would
handle articles lost or found in buildings and on campus.
Presidents of both the United Students Party and the Con(7) To investigate the phone system (donns and barracks)
stitutionalist Party explained points on their platforms this week.
on campus.
Henry Neel, president of United Students, said his party is
strongly in favor of revising the constitution of SGA.
"Revision is necessary, in our
"In effect, these forums, besides
opinion," Neel said. "The present stimulating student interest, would
The Constitutionalist Party presents the following program constitution u outmoded in many serve to clarify student views on
instances. The budgeting trouble matters and serve as a guide for
which it will endeavor to put into effect
this fall concerning the Kentuckian, SGA members."
lost and found department.
( 1 ) To establish a campus-wid- e
and the House Presi- the
Still Working
(2) To organize a committee to inspect and approve
Speaking of last year's platform,
dents Council could have been elimi- nated if the budget could have been Neel said. "Despite the lack of
student residences.
before contracts and plans ward progress, USP is still working
check cashing and
(3) To provide facilities for a
had been made by these groups. The for a cooperative book store. We
depositing service.
election provisions are ambiguous in also investigated student wages, but
found they are legaL
(4) To lower interest rates on loans made from the student some cases, also."
loan fund and to provide student representation on the Student
United Students,
a J? to better stu- Loan Board.
Neel added.
dent seating."
Student Voice Desired
Neel said United Students hopes
(5) To raise the wages of campus employed students.
"Open forums, as listed in last to gain more equal representation
$snrincr' nlatform are unnwesarv In th aesmhlv nt RTiA hST.A ran.
if SGA meetings are open to the not hope to get the view of the
But when important busi- - jority of the students when only a
ness occurs, a direct voice from the minority fraction is represented in







Election Programs

Explained For Voters

Constitu tionalists






ma-publ- ic.






MR. AND MISS KENTUCKY, the most outstanding senior ed and
coed on the campus, are Fred Davis and Rachel Johnson. They were
presented yesterday at the last function of College Standards Week,
which started last Monday. For a better idea of what was accomplished during College Standards Weak, see the story on page 3.

Military Editor To Give
First Talk Of Series
Hanson Baldwin, military editor
of the New York Times, and Pulit- zer Prize winner, will give the first
lecture this year of the Central
Kentucky Concert and Lecture Ser- ies at 8:15 p.m. Thursday in Mem- orial Coliseum.
Mr. Baldwin has recently re- turned from a two and a half
month's trip to the Pacific area. Ke
visited Japan, Korea. Formosa. In- and Hong Kong. In Korea
inspected the Allied fighting
front and boarded several U.S. war- ships in Far Eastern waters.
A graduate of Annapolis in 1924,
Mr. Baldwin resigned from the Navy
three years later to begin his writ- ing career on the Baltimore Sun.
He joined the New York Times in
1929 and became military editor in
1942. In that same year he won the

Larry Meyers Is UK's 'Ugliest Man;9
Alpha Phi Omega Contest Nets $559
By Paul Knapp
"Larry Meyers of Sigma Phi Ep- silon is UK's Ugliest Man," whis- pered "Angel" Levas, Alpha Phi
Omega president, as he watched a
group of members sorting the $559
of votes in the Ugly Man

The various members were hud- died about this huge pile of bills
and coins in the middle of the

This happened at their weekly
meeting at 7:30 p.m. last Monday,
They meet in the basement of the
First Presbyterian Church on E.
Maxwell Street.
Larry Meyers, as a result of the
annual contest, will be $25 richer at
the Washington and Lee game to- morrow night in the Coliseum. He
will be presented with a trophy, the
$25 gift certificate from Graves,
Cox, and a key also showing the
visage of the grand high potentate
all ugly men. The Sig Eps will
keep the trophy until next year's

Pulitzer Prize for a series of art'
icles on his trip to battle areas of
the South Pacific,
In 1943 the lecturer was in North
Africa and England. He was present
at the Allied landings during the
Normandy invasion aboard the
cruiser "Augusta."
Mr. Baldwin has given lectures
at the National War College, the
Has Money On Hand
Naval War College, New York Town
Alpha Phi Omega is now left with
Col-h- e
Hall, the Armed Forces Staff
the problem of doing something use- lege, and the Command and Staff ful with all this monev.
Alpha Zeta chapter here at UK
in addition, he is the author or was started in 1932, but went in- editor of eight books on military active during the war. Since its re- subjects. These include "What You organization in 1946 it has made it- Should Know About the Navy," self known on the campus and in
'Strategy for Victory," and "The the community through numerous
Navy at War." His most recent book projects.
One of these was the distribution
"Great Mistakes of the War," was
of pencil sharpeners on the campus,
published in 1950.

There are hundreds of these
throughout the campus buildings,
dormitories, and other organized
Lack of Interest Shown
For a couple of years they
lished a social calendar each
mester, but this was dropped
through lack of interest by the students.
Just this year they have placed a
number of clock-radiin the in- firmary, and plan to get more of
During registration this last se- mester, they conducted an informa- tion booth in the Coliseum for the
purpose of making the ordeal of reg- istration a little easier for students,
Preparing Guide
At present they are preparing a
guide to student organizations on
the campus. This was started last
year in response to the pleas of
many students for a thorough de-scription of the approximately 200
club and organizations active at UK.




many of these groups, the booklet
was not complete. It will be pub- lished as a supplement to the K
Book, which is eiven to each in
coming freshman every year.
These are only a few of the many
projects conducted at present and
in the past by Alpha Phi Omega,
What they do in the near future de- pends upon the expressions of the
students. Those who have good
ideas on how their treasury could
be depleted for the betterment of


Just Look At Him

recognized the desirability of carrying over into their campus life the
ideals and principles which they
adopted as Scouts in their boyhood
Since it was formed on December
16, 1925, the fraternity has steadily
grown throughout its 24 year history. Alpha Phi Omega is youthful
in tradition, but is nonetheless
mature in program and activity. It
now has 242 chapters.
The officers of the UK chapters
at present are Evangelos Levas,
president; Marvin Jones, vice president; Ivan Goldfarb, correspondence
secretary; George Schrader. recording secretary; and Charles Coyle,
Initiates Named
Last Sunday the group initiated
John RobertsGary Newton, Robert
Clay. Anthony Wilhoit, Elliot Neth-erto- n
Jr., George Blincoe, William
Locker, Robert Cobb, William Val-ka- u,
Erie Levy, Andrew Wallace,
Arch Mainous Jr., Douglas Wilson,

students is desirable, and definitely
will build student knowledge and in- terest in the issues involved.
"If SGA is to become a more pow- erful organization, a majority of
students must be aroused and make
this interest felt and show their
confidence in their own SGA.

the assembly." he added,
Platform Is Practical
Constitutionalist Party president
Don Richardson said his party's
platform concerns practical needs of
the students and is within the
Continued to page

Help Week Introduced
On Campus By IFC
Help Week, a system whereby
freshman pledges for fraternities
work on definite tasks such as house
painting, cutting brush, and taking
down the Salvation Army play- ground equipment for winter stor- age. was introduced upon this cam- pus Tuesday night by the Inter- fraternity Council.
Paul J. Wright. Tau Kappa Ep-silon, head of a committee repre- senting IFC in the organization of
the plan, said that since each year
there are some pledges in the coun- try injured or killed as a result of
hazing and initiations the abolishment of Hell Week and the advocation of Help Week was highly desir-

Beard able.
the campus should leave a note in andlt?nald Wteber;
Wright added. "Each semester we
their mailbox in the SUB. or relate Smith, instructor in the Air Force
it personally to one of the 35 mem- - Rorc Department, was also maae have observed fraternity pledges doing worthless and silly things just
At present Alpha Phi Omega is in for the amusement of the actives of
Alpha Phi Omega is a national
service fraternity, composed of col- - the jnidst of another rushing season the various fraternities.- Of course
lege and university men who are or to expand the group considerably they were proving themselves to be
worthy of wearing the fraternity pin
have been previously affiliated with from its present 35 members,
Any former Boy Scout interested of their choice, but nevertheless they
the Boy Scouts.
in belonging to Alpha Phi Omega were hauled into the police courts to
Established in Pennsylvania
The first chapter was established should apply in person to any of the make excuses for the absurd and
at Lafayette College, Easton, Penn., members or leave a note in the mail- - ridiculous things which they were
caught tloins.
by a group of former scouts who box in the SUB.

"If we substitute a constructive
purpose for the former unnecessary
one we will not only be of great help
to this community, but will also
prove to many Individuals that fra- ternities are useful and desirable."
several plans were investigated by
by the committee before Help Week
was decided upon. One of those
still pending is work on Bluegrass
Park, but its success will depend
largely upon that of Help Week,
15 b0I?t eIght (fratern i "
tles wi.U begin work on
given by the IFC. which investigates
all work, and handles the placing of
all jobs that are approved by it.
Fraternities that do not get to participate before the Christmas holidays will start work in January.
Another of the IFCs major proj- ects this year is that of obtaining
blood contributions for Korea. A
mobile unit of the American Red
Cross will arrive sometime in Jan- uary. A preliminary check shows
about 10 men from each fraternity
have volunteered contributions. The
IFCs goal is 500 pints of blood from
students and faculty.


* rape







Friday, December 7. 10" 1

The Stew Pot

Were We Misrepresented
By The SGA Resolution?
personal thing that could only le decided by
the individual himself. Still other students did
not sign because they felt that some definite
action to curb gambling should be taken and
that the resolution was a very ineffective way to
correct the situation.
The Kernel has previously taken a stand
against student gambling, and is vigorously opposed to it, but we feel that many students who
are actually opposed to gambling are being misrepresented because they did not sign the resolution. They should certainly not be censured localise they have exercised their right to disagree
with the wording or intention of the resolution.
Neither should their refusal to sign reflect any
discredit upon the University. Some students,
of course, did not sign the resolution because
they thought it would be "smart" not to do so.
We believe, however, that these students were
in the minority and that reasons which were
valid, at least to the persons themselves, were
held by the majority of
This is a
of thinking students and in many cases has
raised our estimation of those students even
though we did not share their views.
Perhaps some indication as to how strongly
some UK students felt about the inability of the
resolution to effectively cope with the gambling
situation can be gained by studying the newly
formed Student Action Society which has already
Joeen responsible for the issuing of warrants
President Smith and a few other members of against several
establishments who
SGA seemed to feel that the Kernel was doing have been permitting illegal student gambling.
the school an injustice by making and printing The party gave as one of its reasons for forming
an actual count of the signatures. We feel this the fact that its members did not feel that the
is invalid.
resolution passed by SGA was really going to
SGA might as well have made the statement
do any actual good. Could it be said of any
signed a petition withmembers of this organization who did not sign
that 4000 students had
circulating any petition as to have made
out ever
the resolution that they are in favor of gambling?
tlie announcement that they did without making We hardly see how, particularly when you take
a thorough check.
into consideration that they are carrying on their
the majority of the work even though one of them has had his life
It is only fair to say that
members of the Assembly probably were conthreatened.
vinced that there were actually 4000 students
Not all the students will agree with the action
who signed the resolution. They are, however,
of this committee. Many of the students who
guilty of not asking for more information on how .signed the resolution, and who are opposed to
the count was made.
gambling would propose such drastic action, but
That the basic idea which moved SGA to pass a certain number of them will not. The point
the resolution was a good one cannot be denied.
is: there are many ways in which opposition to
But the majority of the students who did not gambling may be expressed by students and the
sign the petition had justifiable reasons for not SGA resolution is only one of these ways. It
doing so. These reasons were in the main permay seem the best way to certain members of
sonal and had nothing to do with the condoning
the student body while others may feel it is
of gambling. Many students seemed to feel
simply a waste of time.
that signing the resolution would be an admisThese honest students have been done an inOthers
sion that they had gambled in the past.
justice if SGA has numbered them among the
objected to the second section which was a signers of the resolution. But it has done them
promise to "actively oppose all such illegal wagno greater injustice than will the public if it
ering." These students felt that gambling was. a
condemns them for not signing.
If our information is cornx-t!xth the students and the University have lieen misrepresented by the figures recently released by SGA
in regard to the numlxT of signatures secured
by the
petition. At first glance
such a misrepresentation may seem beneficial to
Ixth. We do not lx lieve this is actually the case.
resoHow many students ac tually signed-trilution it is impossible at this time to say. It was
just as impossible for SGA to estimate with any
degree of accuracy the ivimlxT of signatures on
the resolutions that had not Ixvn turned in when
the information was released to the press.
SGA was dealing with a moral issue. Its aim
was to show the people of the state and nation
that University of Kentucky students did not
endorse gambling. On what moral grounds can
they justify inaccurate reporting of the number
of signatures? In the attempt to combat one
moral wrong, SGA has perpetrated another.
No doubt the hasty estimate was due in a large
part to SGA's desire to give positive proof that
UK students opposed gambling on the campus,
that the students actually wanted to take positive action to prevent the reoccurrence of the
scandal. In their haste to do this they jumped
to conclusions as to the number of signatures.
Very little checking would have lxen required
to discover that nothing like 4000 signatures
were on the resolutions then in the hands of

Columnist Explores
Kernel Wastehasket


Did you know: that Communist
and Zionist agents are moving a
stream of racial "minorities" into
American industrial cities and states
for revolutionary purposes?
That they plan to capture or destroy these industrial centers?
That they have launched a powerful drive for more "minority" immigration to feed the Minority Machine, and for an FEP Commission,
by which they could give your job
to a political captive?
That at the same time, they are
trying to lure America Into a world
dictatorship, using "world peace" as
Well, neither did we. But this Interesting bit of information was
publicity sheets and publications
which come in the mail every day.
Of course, the paper this publicity
is printed on is not used just to add
to the paper shortage. Everybody
wants something.
The Kernel receives daily everything from hate peddlers' literature
publicity to
and Communist-frotemperance clip sheets. Just to give
you an idea of what publicity-hungr- y
persons and groups send out,
we have saved a typical week's mail,
instead of following our usual procedure of filing it in the waste
The little pamphlet warning about
"FEPC and the Minority Machine,"
from which we just quoted, is sent
in hopes of getting us to subscribe
to the Williams Intelligence Summary, which will reveal such things
as "the real story behind Dean
Acheson" and "the real story behind
General Eisenhower's
cover campaign for the presidency."
We used to enjoy getting the
weekly publicity of the International
Union of Students, a Communist-fro- nt
organization, because the foreign stamps went so well with
amateur collections. But now they
have quit using stamps and use
metered mail, so we dont enjoy
them anymore.
The IUS sends out interesting
messages, such as the announcement
of a new slogan for the year, "Students, Unite for Peace, for Better
Conditions of Life and Study!"
It also issues a weekly "IUS News
Service," containing news of students refused visas to travel to IUS
conventions, news of new scientific
books in the USSR, news of Communist country students who are
breaking world sports records, and
such other invaluable baloney. We
could hardly get along without all
this inside stuff.
The American Party, which we decline to call either good or bad until
further analysis is completed, sends
periodic reports of its program. The
latest release states that the American Party is in favor of legal, educational, economic, cultural, and



non-signer- s.




Win this year's end up in the same place?

Campus Prepares For Christmas
By Giving Children Parties
By Marilyn Kilgus

Christmas may be almost a month
away, but organizations on campus
are already putting the "Christmas
Spirit" into action. The majority of
sororities and fraternities at UK
have invited the less fortunate
children from all over Lexington to
chapter houses for candy, toys, and
a glimpse of Santa Claus. Oh, this
isn't .the first time; year after year
they have these special little guests.
But it is good to recognize these
parties as a sincere effort to bring
Christmas to those wo need it, and
as an effort sponsored by UK students. An addition to the annual
Y" party for underprivileged Negro
children is the Freshman Y's drive
to begin Monday, for funds to aid
the Lincoln School children. As a
UK student, further the "Spirit"
with your classmates