xt7t7659gw8s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7t7659gw8s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-11-13 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 13, 1986 1986 1986-11-13 2020 true xt7t7659gw8s section xt7t7659gw8s l 1 i V l
lv . . , Wm . ~ - ”M'mt'vrmmi W
4 freshmen V ()th t . d h
B} (A. l)l'.\\'E HUNIFER as did the other three freshmen who ' "—' '_—' "'—'_———' "That could have happened h it“. -~[ (My, know ihow I! happenedi." . , , , V.
Staff Wl‘llt‘r records ShOW as voting W1C“ H ' S signatures ion the aCllVll} cards he .sdld "i didn‘t lend my student 4 , '- ' -‘
According to Jason Williams. SGA If this happens on the freshman level’ I m weren‘t checked,“ said tire; identification card out or anything I , ,
(lffiCial election results indicate executive branch member. it is pos- scared Of who’s elected on hlgher levels of Reaves. senate campaign coordiiiir likethat “ '

. that at least four freshmen. includ- sible that some students could have SCIA n 1 101‘ Bernard 531d 0'19 0f the three can- 3‘ -. I. '- 3‘
ing Freshman Senator Karl Lade- voted twice in the election. provided ' The exact number of tresliniei. iiidateshe voted for was Hembree. . .1 , " ,
gast. voted more lthan once in ()cto» the) had an extra activity card. For Lucy Ogburn, who voted more than otice could not Nlt't'ullough also said he voted 3 3‘ . '. l ’ ‘.
ber's SGA senate e eetions. example. a freshman could have ob - be determined because the lll‘s7 onl\ once ' . . . ‘, , ’ -

The Kentucky Kernel obtained the tamed an extra activity card from freShman senator candidate eight pages are missing from one of "1 only voted once as far as I'm 2 " .' '- ,-
records from the Student Govern- an upperclassman, m the voting lists concerned," he said "I voted at the 1- , ', -.
mentAssociation t :fs‘omgbtthiy had access l‘iallgflf'; Senator 'nm Hembree received 119 dent ID along with their activity The, missing pages account ltil' l:lil.\\l‘tN)Hl Building and that‘s all . , ' .’ .
. The other three freshmen who are ‘2:83! hilt-e .. ahlrigrhilesogeigou an and Lucytlgburn had 109 card, When they voted, their card abgutJIB-leligiléle vhteis , , .. ' lhei e 5 no possible way it voted ‘ ( ,- .. '4 ,- 1 S. .
. .- listed as voting NM, are John Ber- _ . , ‘ - "I can t believe I m checked off as was punched and their name was eaves 5‘“ t, e ”“5”” .l‘ ‘3‘, “we . . 3 . .,

_ _ , , _ There were3,279 freshmen eligible mm, mm. l'ide 'ist 531d “1 ed ff 1. t f l‘ b] ,t pages probahh got mispiati-d , , , _ , ,. .y . ~ , , —, ~

i nard. an 3"“ and “Clem“ maiot, to vote in the election According to ~37 ' 7‘ .g‘ .. ' cross 0 a Is 0 e lg] 8‘0 ersi somewhere “ ' “WW ““5 surprised the records -' '3 .'

~ Kevin Mct‘ullough, a business and the official results 40“ voters m 1') ,, d‘ml 5“" “ml 'hdl 1_5 WbSlble- 0b- However. there was no centralized indicated that he voted twice. saying , J 7- - - ,

i economics major. and William percent of the freshman class , p'ii: vious‘l} ‘ there s a mistake on their system to recognize whether a fresh- When Bernard was asked whe'ner he had only cast his vote once '. L ‘ - .‘

. Rorie, an undecided maior '__, , _ ‘, lthe Std elwtion committeesl man had voted more than once. he voted twice in the election. In:- , , ', , '--. ,

.. e I “(mated m the election,» “WM part.” Therefore. a student could have was startled. saying it was the lll“ l “1"“ W” a fact that l only . -' , '-

' When Ladegast “a, agkad about twice as matiy as the year bellll‘t'v “hen students voted at one of the voted at all six poll locations if he or time he had heard about anione tot ' ""‘d ”my“ be said. "l don‘t 599 w“ 3 . A ' v '5

f the election. he denied voting tuice. ladegast received 120 of the votes. six polls. the} presented a valid stu- she had six different activity cards ingtwice . see RI~L(‘()RDS, Page} ’ ‘5 . 3 ,- : .

, . 3 , ‘ _ f ,3

’ " w 5.," _S.= K _.’ . ‘. - ' . ‘
. . A S .. senators believe

3 .~ - . , n I , . 3" V -' .v"; . I, ‘ , ".

1 »‘ h .1, ’1‘, t I: ' x. 1 t, 63:. .."*‘ {:3} 'fi . . . r. ,1,“ 1. .
. . - ~ ’ ' ., , ’ . I , . , , .
- A, _ . _. ., 45 . vo lng reVISlon nee e
. ,~ , .. “*i‘ ‘ N . ‘ 3.1- )6 :3 1 4",”; , . 1' _ ' ,~ -. _ ,-
. ’ i... PK ,1: - ~,. ; a? N , ' . 32.1;‘Edli'33‘m . . . _ S. , _ _.
, . .. “g; a. ‘ti‘ _ f _ ‘ ‘ “lfthere was any wrongdomg . . . [think it’s ‘ -' - . g .
z“: 5:9 z: 5 . 321% ”1‘ ’s Soc lnlhe Wake oldiscrepanm mthe going to require the election board to maintain ‘ " - ~ - v ‘
. «“7, " SS 1. f I . ', .- ff; '1' _ freshman senate election. several . . . H ‘. ,1 ' ' . ., ' ,
, .33, ‘:S s; , ; ,1 , .S‘ SGA senators mink measures nwi a much stricter (control on elections). _ . . .-,- ., . ‘
’31,? ‘ ' . t , ' 13/ _' 13223; ,, to be taken in the election process to ' _ '. ‘ _ ‘ ‘
‘. “it “in "-29 1, V v . . “at; "1 1 ensure that problems won't happen [)awd Botklns , ' - _ , '
~ ' I ' S2. 3 -- r S- ' ' agaln- SGA senator ‘ . 1:3 . .
y'w 5”" ' . , ' Student Government Asstwiation , ' ' ,_ '-
. 4’ ‘ ‘ .&_,, ,. .. Senators, though “,ere Splll “n the m l , , .3 .,
3! «V1»? 1W" ,, . the best way torectlfy thesituation. agreed \th Botkins us>t,‘.\sl'ilti‘.l constraints could make such a mea- ' 1; '
5ST,” -.. ":21”? , ...., ’S .. ,3")? ‘ ._ But they were unified in their dis. saving that "using \‘IlllllL'. lll.itlll.’it‘,\ siireiinleasible ‘,~ ‘3’ '
Sa'ov:1.i'.-‘~. . ”my." " . . . , , m ' appointment that something went iiist concretes 8(‘t‘tl'tilllul‘tlll‘. ll‘. at. She also said an) measures taken 1, .- ' ' , ',
~ figs-S; a, '13.? ’1‘; ' f ,. "biz“? , 7: wrong. election that would make voting more diffi~ " . '
3 : 32"?32é3‘ .vW/ ~ - 1,1,, "If there was any wrongdoing As for the treshnia!‘ w efl t‘l. ciil‘ could inhibit filters. and “you ,3 ‘ ' u ‘. .
.- [faggfifi - , ._ ‘ .3" ' I think it's going to require the elec» Brothers said the records srioiii'i be -io:: ', want to discourage voter turnv ' , _
”3:". J'S £1. ‘1 “ I tion board to maintain a much reexamined 'Ill'i , t , ' ‘
affix: ' ‘ _ ‘ 5* " . . , .. stricter icontrol on electionsl." said After VOllllll in the t’r~:.~hn..u. elet- lit-cording to one senator. the an ~ " . , 3
S"j.“ l", * " . “'1...“ g " , “9;" q “231% v, Senator at Large David Botkins. "1 tion. students (’lt‘llHl} cards were met may be that there is no an- .3
' .. h“ ~ » V ‘13:" " 1. of; 3,13, . " a3“ . “:Ffitwe would hate to think that there was punched to record their \‘tlll. swer . , 5 3
S . (I- “Vt-1;“ J V ;,‘l'f”"j gm, “1., , « a“? any hanky-panky going on in the However, ll students .iii:..i;...: .lotin Fischer. senator at large. ’ '. ~, «
e13?“ . 9" I} H” ~13;- .. ,. ,,,_,,s..mfl,,- ,, ““" , _ 53%; freshmantelection." more than one at‘llHlj» 1. .mf. li‘ifi said there is "never going to be a , ' ’ .
g ‘ ‘ _, . , a; ; 53;. " .- .' . ..\ ngz, X , Records indicate that at least four tipleyoting Cilultloct'lll‘ uaj. to totally eliminate things like . f '- " "
‘ . 1 (41:11,. 3’" y “@MJS. ' ' .41 "“j,,.;,;;§2i,ért. students voted twice in the election. And Brothers later t‘t)ltilllt'nlt-(l thathappening.“ _ . , . -
(W’é‘é '2 ,‘“Sw~‘, f\/ _, ‘ '~/_~;';.‘:“ “in, Included in that “St lS Freshman that lht’ same ptlSSlltllll) Shiv} t',\;sl [t 50th dlbg-repancws djd occur, ' ‘,
’ 1.; -. , ”Mg. ,. ‘ ;, «3"; , CI; ‘ am Senator Karl Ladegast. in elections with voting machines 'the best thing l see happening llSl . . ' . 3
“f3” ' 1" ”‘3. V.--,' ’_ . - ‘ . ..._ 3239”“? 2' , As it is now, freshmen have lhelt‘ Arts & Sciences Senator t at :- scandals beingi brought out in the . , , ,1
06,173.53 .64 ’ ’ ‘J . ‘ .51.; ' I. . .2. w / ‘15' . ,' .~. names crossed Off a list Of all {‘11in Weaver said there are onlg. tie hos open." said Brad Dixon. senator at . -’ .-
‘ 4.32531 31"." ’ — ,4.- , 1‘: . Sun-.7. _ 7 “ . 1...» '_' e‘ ,.:«.-."‘"’. ‘5: t .' I S, A; ble \‘OIQFS after they C35! ”1911‘ bal- sihle ways lOSIOpCht'zlllnL’ iLll'gt' ~
Sf ' 3. fi'fl-t‘ . ‘ " irri- , MS," e .. S, ‘S, ‘ 3.,35 lots BUl each polling place U595 ll” Weaver said there are only '1! it's true people like that " , _ ‘ '
. A" ‘ 31“" [E ‘ - I} w x: .1 "’ ”S 3 0W“ llSl. End the llSlS are ”m ”955' possible ways tostop L'llt‘dllllt; shouldn‘t llt'Sludin leaders " 1 g f » l- , 3
\v .. " ’ ., “ 3.. . “I ’ , ‘ , ,'_’_. ' reference . She said voting could take )laci- a' l)l.\‘ he m“ heard Of Chea“.“g '. t ’ '7 . i3 ‘ 3
. _. . ‘ ., . x ,- .v ' , “Now that we have new voting Secondly after an election -.h,. aikil‘ig place He declined to speCify .- . . .‘
i .1, wt. .! . _ . 4‘ S, $ S“ ’; machines. lttl basically guarantees election boardeould "thoroughlx co .\ liich elections he was referring to, " , L: . . ‘
S a! * We: '1' 9 I _ ~. r;‘ a i» 1.. tthel legitimacyofan election. mu eachvotc. she said B”, something. Dixon said. has ,1 ,l _, 3. ., 2
. * " “5‘; a, ' g: - Sg: _, ’ ,1: is)» Senator at Large Susan Brothers Weaver added that possible my... 'tietvlt‘tlltlberlont‘ftiralongtime " . , f" i ' ‘ .
i. .- ., ~.\‘fi (S x . 1. . f , , > \ . .1 .fl ‘ . _ . . ‘ ‘ _ .1. .-
5; , a \ 2-. W!" . .r - B ,_ , .1. ., t; I"
/\‘*t t «- f . - ac 0 SC 00 ..
,3 . .. s1, f , 7 3* ' , 1.1 t stu CHIS atten [O etter vocationa opportunlties .- i i,
; S‘ i . ,3 t , in S .5 ~ in . .
.. 5%?“ i s. , 1 , \: , , 5 ‘ By mvm NAYLOR ' . , . - -,
. i , a.» ' - . S”, \ , StaffWriter . . . , r» ' .'
hi . “i, S", , _, ,. .' g ‘ , \ x‘ V, _- . Their formative years span the ' , ’ ,
. 3 t§ E, j. ' * , 1‘ ‘ SS . 9, t‘ ~ ,. 1‘“ “calm,“ “proper" decade of the ‘505 . j, J,
. i ;._ Sis-12S ‘ _"' S .. .. ‘ ft 3 and the turbulent, conscmusness- . . . - . y , ,
' ”l (-1; S ,‘ .~j,, ' v , . . a" .. ’ . raising decade of the '60s v .’ "‘ ' ‘, .
., Sal S I ‘2 f , ' - ‘ The h 'edf 'l’ . d ~ . » .
M . 2,3,. ., 5 . .4“ , ‘f , ’4 y averais .amiies an are , .. _ . i ,,
. “ff“ , ,3 f ,. ’ . S. ‘ SSS | ,1! established in their careers. Now ., .« ‘ -‘ i , ,,
fit: ,- 1, :11 ; r“ ‘_ ~ . . they are enrolled at UK and in the ”1.- ' , ' '
" .. J. i is“. it fig .. / communitycollegesystem. , egg, , ‘ -' ‘
Gum Rom-IS!!!" Because adult students don‘t fit , ,Agaa. - 5,35», _, , , - .
Humdrum into the onceSnormal category of 18- . My :3 _ “5 a???“ j,W ' S?» , .
to 21-year-old undergraduates. . f jagwfiggmfif m. ., - . S.
. they've formed their own: the all“; 3?” M533 ”W 1, - 3 - '
Jim Campbell (top) percussion instructor and practice yesterday. The UK drum line (bottom) “adultstudent.” *wéfi?» ; , _~ ‘ “‘3‘“ 1 . 3'
director of the drum line in UK's marching practices for Saturday's game yesterday out- From this standpoint, the adult ' I fl" .4, :95 "(E._=“\1§:§g _ - " _
, bond. repairs a drum that was broken during side the Centerforthe Arts. student ranges in age from 25 to 50 33:: $“fir ‘j' “$3M” ; '. -
‘ years old and sometimes holds a ' ‘ '3 a €3fl..w‘°:§f€§3{: 3 l 3 ‘
._—_________________—________._ full-time job. said Susan Byars. di- 3,5. g .. , .“gw , 33,‘ is“ . _ ,
, o o . rector of UK's Academic Support -:’“ , - ,, i; l?“ _’.“'i.- , ‘
. - , . Offic1als offer solutions SSSSS . , ,1 S - , .- -
’ W Mike First, 38. of Lexington. ,; “ r .‘ § , .'
~ ‘- ' - “~ » . . . . began his career at Burger King as 9' fi.‘ S’ 1 . .
a clerk after dro in o t of I in , 1 i
.. .mmm... an...“ to UK parking Situation .9... S S .. SS . a x _ .
€019 opens 'h. socond Show He now serves as a supervisor. ’ ,j. 3‘ > .,
, . oi the Broadway Liv. sorta ByJAYEBEELER tetn 'rhiii Mum cost about $1 mil- and he plans to move up in the com- ‘ ‘1‘;
' at the Opera House tonight. Slallwrllt’r lltm pal???“ sa'd th t he h beg n \ '
"A short-term oal is to eliminate ‘ l a w n e a 1. . ‘
5.. DIVI"'°N" Pogol. [’K officials Cited improvements t'ollcge View asi street and elimi- SChOOl 16 years 380. college didn‘t -' - . .. 1, _ ‘
in the bus service and the elimina- nate the tennis courts behind Memo mean as much as ll does “WV 50 he W-.. 1.1, r ‘
I“. W 3‘9"“ ""3 tion of tennis courts as possible rial (‘oliseum to increase parking [00" a hiatus and started a career " "’
new recruits yesterday for methods for dealing with the cam- spaces by about 200 spaces." he andafamily. l...“— ‘TT‘SS’ ‘
l the UK baskotboll loam. For pus parking problem. said “What got me. started thinking M "W“
h. “mm. m m' Gene Williams. assistant Vice In 1979. the L'niversity hired a mm 3b?” college 3831“ and eventually ” ' ”
M. chancellor for business serVices. suiting firm to conduct an indepth gomg back .was a personal devel- -. L
' outlined the University's parking study of traffic and parking pat- opment 59mm“? my company 590"“ s. . -
,3, 439,1 ,3,» fig, 5&1, policy for about 50 people at a park, terns The object of the study was to sored,’ F‘l'St 331d “We were. asked u
,- . .._.-_ S% 513%}: mg forum cosponsored by the com design a master plan for UK to fol- ‘0 set. 80815 for ourselves, 80d It was
it“ SS5- 55,1 1, 311:?" muter student office and the Student low concerning future parking. SMWMS Bl me "I!“ l hadn‘t finished mumnmnmmov'xm "'"
W" " "w“ Government Association yesterday, “They concluded that UK did not ”"5389" , , Susan Boon. a fifth-year social work major. soos school as on
"How to plan for parking is ob- have a deficiency of total parking Firstdeuded ‘0 work 0" "“5 goal. outgrowth of h" .x'r°.fomily work.
served in three areas —— the past. but a problem in convenient parking so he called the 36““ services Office
rm, will b. ‘0” WM‘ 0 the present and the future.“he said. places." Williams said. atUKand started back to college. "The undergraduate degree opens ful this time around "I take it much
high In tho mid to W Williams told of the University's The study placed the Chemistry- Because first was an accounting up my possibilities for the future.“ more seriomly now much much
”a. Tonight will in door short-term and long term goals for Physics Building as the central core major when he originally attended First said. “I‘m much more compet- more than lfiyearsago,“hesdid.
with a low in the M future improvements and changes, of the campus and used it to calcu- UK. he returned to the University‘s itive. and I want to remain that way After working as a private nurse
toms. Tomorrow will ho ”:22: 'ghilsgisidto“bnr‘igmveib’le bus :ate tor‘guture parking plans. Wil- Collegeomeiness and Economics. while alsoremaining flexible." while also acting as homemaker and
sonnywlthohlghmrfl. is for th to slay, "5 02:5“; 2;: mm gal First said a bachelor‘s degree will Regardless of the result, First mother t° ""99 ch'ldn'h Danton
Sec PARKING. Page 2 help him reach his vocational goals, sees college as much more meaning- 5.. ADULT. M 3

 ' . . t y f l t
' ; ‘ .2 ~ KENTUCKY KENNEL, My, Nova!“ 13, 1a:
" : o g
' 3" mg ‘1" 111011 1‘3 0 ['0 es
. ' - .. \ ’ ’tiL‘.‘ " ‘lll l’Ap‘f l M
,..1 . . .- . 3a., .
. .‘ ' '5 "hi stud) protected that the stu~ was Euclid Avenue parking. which “- '
y. ‘ _: : tit-v.1 piipulailiil‘ would be about isa major parking area now. . .. X
. . '. .“vioo in 'he hummus Therefore. And the Medical Plaza parking ‘ "' ;_ it
.3 .. ." {ti eon. tor 'lli‘l‘t'dMKl parking structure. which will open in about 1, _ .‘ 3.
.3 f ,' ~tt “r .. suit tot .i total of 18.000 twoweeks.is anotherdevelopment. ‘ .. t
,. , :- ; any at; \tklt't‘x .itiitame. wiiiiams More parking spaces also were ob- . . ~ FRANKFORT tAPt — Repraen- battle with Ohbayashi over the NF considered is a giant rally in Lexing-
_ _- _, -. _. m it tamed by reducmg all parking " A tativas of 15 construction trades ing of union workers at the $800 mil» ton on Dec, 7, the Lsth anniversary
. , ‘..‘ ‘~ 31.3" to. l “newt; now this limit spaces from 10 feet, a standard . :~ . unions will hold a rally at the Japa- lion project in Scott County. just ofthebombing oiPearlHarbor.
_ ~. p. it i";.‘sti.i\‘t‘.\ i'lt'MilLl width. to about 81-.- feet. The new . - nese embassy in Washington next northofLexington. Hammond has said he opposes
K wt .i'e 'mnc to tollow the mas- width adjusts to the smaller cars i ;_ a week to protest the anti-union activ- Ohbayashi has insisted on a such a rally because it could be
4.35: fig.“ r. ~.t ,.. ti; iiiziitui funding some more people are driving now. Wil- ‘5 , ,t i: . ities of Toyota Motor Corp. and the “merit shop" hiring arrangement viewed as a racist stance toward the
~, ': ' ~‘.-‘.'.- . .-\ .i .,._ . it'l Ll> Williams \dld liams said ‘ ' , company building its Kentucky as- for subcontractors. The company Japanese.
fl.- f, I" “A \Ithlt'lll\ didn‘t pity tor Williams said many people think ‘ n . ‘ sembly plant. a union official said claims that it allows the hiring of ”I‘m personally not going [0 con-
:‘-’."~-‘. :_ ;u R .. I... - M. ”Mg“ pm, MM 3” currpm construction 80mg on at for- K yesterday. the lowest bidder without regard to done anything that will distract
3:33]: =‘._ i; . ., . \ «mind tin) a. tee ‘ he said mer parking Sites is taking away 2 Members of the trade groups met whether the company is unionized. from the greater issues," Hammond
_‘ 1... :;..L-‘.:If;‘~j' . .. i. hit .tirtwttit- aiailuble parking spaces Yet. new ‘ ,f in Washington yesterday to discuss Lnion officials say the move is a said. “We don't want to be labeled
37;; 13-335}? t ~ par: mowed that the parking areas were developed to ' that action and others that may be blatant attempt to avoid hiring as Japanese bashers. That‘s not our
.-; y_€',‘_;.;r~, i. . ii oi >l\ paiking areas make up for the ones being used as taken against the automaker and union contractors. They have made point."
3" :f i ‘ , i. . . :t-iistinatttt- distance front construction Sites GENE WILLIAMS Ohbayashi Corp, said Joe Maloney, a variety of proposals to the compa- ,
.".'i"l' 3391;} ~ at" l‘l‘.)>li‘> Building ".\o one sees the new parking secretary-treasurer of the Building ny regarding hiring. most of which 01:: aackgogladgeed. lhgligfh' that:
”‘4‘ ' ; V ,th parking problems spaces we have gained, only the lost sider lighting. maintenance. enforce- and Construction Trades Depart- have called for hiring through local 8 rall Piemonl unitillppmr f): 5““
‘ ., ,, . 1 ones." thllamssald mew. ment of the AFL-CIO. umon halls, Kentuctky andg other mfg; $51.3:
.,- 95"}:{1-‘5142 , ‘ , I“ ,\ h: \m. m,” ‘ h He ” 1d the [.mvemty ained . _ . The rally at noon on Monday will The executive secretary~treasurer n , , v . I, z: ,
’1‘,” l'u'l‘ - " : .iiim \e he sai'd '3‘ [ about «lidspaces overall ' g A panel Of Umversity offiCials an- be held “to ”016' Toyota‘s and 0h' or the state trades council. Jerry of;r seeker; :hilclg' 'l‘Mth ml: leyel
ggigir’t, ‘ ’ ’ ' ‘ ' swered questions ranging from bus bayashi's refusal to play fair with Hammond. also has filed a variety ppo g 3'
Q”: ftj.‘_~':-;.; . ~ ill‘llllitllfit’itllll Stadium “\Vhen you talk about developing stop structures large enough to ac- America‘s construction unions." Ma. of lawsuits challenging the Toyota Maloney. of the central union
_,‘_‘:_"},’:.:‘4 ._‘,-",‘t~‘ , i ;...- knit; ult‘\t’l4tpnlt‘lll that parking areas. it‘s not as simple as commodate wheelchairs to the con loneysaid ina prepared statement. project, though he claims they are group. said only that, "Other plans
:1“ " tuition; ~ptices. \t'ii— not paying. Williams said "It gets struction of a three-story parking The Kentucky Building and not connected to his union work. for future actions are still being dis~
-'.'."‘= :3; (i311 7- 'l’lt-'llt‘l' deieiopiiieiit expensive because you have to con- structure. Trades Council has been locked in a One of the other protests being cussed.“
.,‘:",'i i‘r:‘,""r '17; i
'2 ' 3’ rig-1’11" iii"; 0 o g . .
1013 S no con ress10nal leaders on Iranian controvers
. f}... 5: kit; $112:
":15!" Z." . .I: ‘»l’l'\ ~i 1|“th the emergence of widespread re— State George P. Shultz. Secretary of gard to the release of the hostages ate Republican leader Bob Dole of McFarlane said in the statement.
If" '34". {gig-1 . ‘ ports oi a purported administration Defense Caspar W. Weinberger. At- — with the L'nited States or anyone Kansas. Senate Democratic leader “is that as a long—term proposition.
.'1.:._.'~':_,;.=._" attempt to complete an arms-for torney General Edwin Meese. CIA else." he told a news conference. Robert C. Byrd of West Virginia. we ought to try to engender a stable
2 , ', .. ~ , ti ~\ l‘n-snient Rea hostages deal with Iran to spring Director William Casey. White And he insisted that the “two issues House Democratic leader Jim relationship with the Iranian govern-
. '1‘ ~. or.» out leaders inierzcans held captive in Lebanon House Chief of Staff Donald Regan. are absolutely separate," Wright of Texas and Rep Dick Che- ment "
" .. ., .: -' 3. s l't‘t.i'.l‘tll.\ with Sen Patrick Leahy. Vice chair- and Adm. John Poindexter. Rea- “It is not our affair to set any can ney of Wyoming. chairman of the
v“ . . t ~_. ; :me: minim; secu mar. of the senate intelligence com- gan‘s nationalsecurity adviser. ditions for the release of the hos- House Republican policy committee.
::"_~,;'.~.4_:_‘-"- .. 1 'he l't-rstat: tillli llllllt‘t‘. who was not included in the In New York. Said Rajaie-Khoras- tages iti Lebanon." Rajaie-Khoras- Meanwhile. former national secu— 'Howcvcr. Mcl’arlane said. the
f x cram» nuptirtaticr' White House briefing. told reporters 53an iranian ambassador to the sani said. But he. conceded his rity adviser Robert C. McFarlane. Lntted States will not make conces—
'_ ,,j ‘ .. .1 t: \Y‘lt‘. an anti Is he lei! adttiimstralion offiCials were United Nations strongly denied an Islamic fundamentalist government reportedly the key architect of a pol- SlOl‘lS‘lO terrorists. "nor in any way
",,«’ . ' groping tor ti‘retroactive Justifica- arms-for-hostagos deal with the welds . influence among {\loslem icy to seek US. contacts with Iran. contribute to the continuation of let
’ I '. ._ . w. ..~;.;: no: lib “"71 “'r ”1“ reported dealings ““h United states He did, however. con- groups m that Arab COUNTY reissued a statement he had made in rorism
', . ,. ', ,t . 'm: it .\:;.i‘. .a.» [7"“1 firm that his government was re‘ White House spokesmen declined Atlanta earlier in the week. in which
H * - 2m .T-"\\.'.""~ \;>l' The “hm “Om: which has never cemng L .5 -made military hard- to comment on the ambassador 5 lie taltkedof iAllltil‘lca z'witail securi- The statement “a5 issued. (m “L
'i, _ ‘ ' ‘ ‘ "‘ " “""‘ “” .‘itiitit‘metl any such dealings. said ware statements. I} inneresl m e m epen ence 0f quest. by MCFarlane's Offlfi't‘ Ill lllt‘
5: it"; I ' l‘lt‘dfiix” MD .lUlm‘d hi “(‘9 PTE’S!‘ “We did "Oi have any arms deal Congresswnal leaders attending ran Georgetown Center for Strategic and
.\ ; w. r mum; «pee \lt'i'll («gorge Bush. Secretary of or any other kind of deal with re- the White House briefing were Sen- "The corollary to this conclusion.“ lnternationalStudies
go}. Lu? J
,3.’,'-, i533? ‘
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.f ‘ r , Editor in chief Fran Stewart
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1:21“: :62, 372 WOOdICnd Ave. 25 SPOr" Edigor Andy Dumstorl
‘ 253.2202 . Am Editor M Reece
r. ’ .‘y. ~31 191%,? r; Nov. 14 All Orchestra F05. 27 Csobo Onczoy Ce-to Assistant Arts Editor Wes Miller
-_"~‘«.'~ .3153}: "‘j P’ ' Mozart
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'."E;(‘."f'_'§ “ . '. H 4 yr ‘ 80" D _ IM V' | . Adviser Paulo Anderson
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it" .~ ; I. 1‘ it? . ‘ ~c, me: :z: . 750ml Strauss Schullet The Kentucky Kernel is published on (loss days doting the ocodevm: your
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5395,5315 ‘ . ,1, Coors course or rm: Aim 3:00 o.m.- 12:00 p.m. , . ° . 9 ° . .
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 i 'g . o l '
KENTUCKY KENNEL "unity, Now 11. in”! ' ' -
UK Kitten u e ps . s; _ . 'Adult .
t t . t l, ._ ' , g -..., 4- t I L r 5:.- ( oniinued from Pagel ’
D rillll y D ung gymnas S \ . l! tilt . 5:; .' - t‘ommunit) ('ollege ti'eshiiian Karen children. some adult students find . J .
_ ‘.ZI M' ‘ f ' <1 Dismuke. 37. decided to begin her time toserveincampusfunctims. .. . ’
By MARY THI‘RSM‘K "The idea is to get as many people _ ~ ., ' t “V ‘ undergraduateedueatmn susan Been, a filth~yenr social - . . .
Contributing Writer as possible m the stands for us," . . , é : , . in addition to numerous sewnda} work Hi’djtfl'. sees her choice of . . - .
said Kendall Lucas. the team cap- ,vv‘}; ' 5% l ‘ work weeks. Disiniike was saddled major as an outgrowth of her extrl . . .
- . we- * ~ . .45? ., t .

Put together a group of promising tain ‘ 5 . 1- l 5p" with terminally ill patients. which family work . . 5
young gymnasts and the experi- This year ['K ranks Zith among \ -‘ ‘ {5’5 . contributed to her decision to attend Bean said she has worked with . . ‘ 55 . ' -.
enced talent ot the l'K gymnastics other college gymnastics teams / ,5 . "s . .. college lower income and foreign families ' .‘
team and what have you got" across thecountrv . "v" ' 55 ‘_ f «a: 'I felt that I had grown up with and their problems and therefore " ' ’. . -"

"A great experience for every . 'l . ‘ 5\‘ , ' i the (‘inderella syndrome ot getting decided to get formal traimng in her .’ . , '.

.. . y H ' ' ‘ 9 . _ t v a ’.
one. said Dana Holland. 1 h g)ni~ Ml“ that Y” 1 be competing _ 5’ i . married. cleaning house and raising area Bean also represents the Col- . .. - -~_
iiastics Kitten Klub sponsor agatrLstVthVheVrV (Southeastern (unit: . ' . _. 5 children." Dismuke said "I feel like lege ot Social Work as a Student T ..', , 9'5 , V'.‘ ;

The Kitten Klub. which kicked oil 9”“ ’ 5‘ ”0 5' Vwe really need t e ., I '§ l want to be a more intelligent per (toternment AssOCiation senator '. ..; '.' X
its second year (let it. consists of a support. Lucas said . , g ‘ son. not to mention that l want to ’ At tirst I was very scared to go . " - . '3 L
group of developing gynnasts‘ l'rom Interested voung gymnasts who . — . s. . . . see what in} options are for better to college so 1 started with one 5 V' . .,5 V ‘1 ‘-
tlie Lexmgton area between the ages wish [0 become members of the Kit. , ’ I v I , I _iohs I want to see w hat I can do class then with two classes. then . .-", 51‘: . “
ol‘ 4 and 1:i The members are in- ten Klub may do so through a $10 A 5" A” , 9 J“ l withm) education three classes per semester. and ' ' . In}.
\ited to "H't’l and uork out mth the donation andfimcmbcrship fee. ;\lem5 . ‘“' .gx , 1 Both Dismuke and First ret‘lwt worked up to mx present Situation." 5.} "V_v',' :5": ""5
l'K gymnastics team hers receive a club T~shirt and .. {é _ N5 5' : _5 . ' l the same concerns that most ' regu she s