xt7tb27ps37v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps37v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-03-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 24, 1981 1981 1981-03-24 2020 true xt7tb27ps37v section xt7tb27ps37v ’Vol. LXXXIII. NOJZS _ lrniyersity of Kentucky _ ' ' ,
Tuesday. March 24. 198] '" '"d'p'w'm ""“m ""‘P"’" Lexington. Kentucki : . ' '
. ' SA (1 hi
re uces co erence support,
_ opposes cuts in . enate seats -
By RON HALL co-sponsors from seeking additional members and students would have 15 I' ' . -'.
i Senior Staff Writer supporters and would place a heavier representatives. a decrease from the ‘: '
burden on SA. “1 think we are just current 25 student members :_' "
' .Student Association 'votecl last financing their projectand not giving There was opposition because i i >-_
‘y mght to decrease its financ1al in- them any incentive'to go out and find three of the University‘s 18 colleges
‘ volvement in the Womens Sexual cosponsors, hesaid. . wouldbewithout student representa- 1-1; .«
, Harrassment Conference, and also Although the pledge of $500 is not tion if the proposal is adopted Deb- , p
t passed a resolution opposing a plan legally binding upon SA some bie Earley, senatoreat-large, propos-
that would deny, some colleges stu- senators expressed the opimon that a ed an amendment “that each college ,' .' ‘-
g. ‘ dent representation on the Umversity verbal contract did eXlst between the have one representative, making a a; ,
Senate. co-sponsors and SA; “We V9 told total of 18 on the University Senate " f g",
\ After lengthy debate SA voted to these people we are in With them," , d t-. ‘3 .
t . limit its financial involvement in the said Ann Coffey, senator-at-large. Th? amendment recelye 7.: ‘
, "x ‘ conference to a maximum of S150, She added that programs for the con- unanimous“ SUPP”? from SA 2'; ’5
S I but agreed to undertake a campus— ference have already been printed members lithmk " M: put up .' ’_
I ‘ , 2 ‘1 ‘ wide fund—raising drive to support listing SAasaco-smsor. enough‘éimk about '3 they ll 19‘ ”5 i q. j
t ‘\ \‘i ~ ’ the April 25 conference. President in an interview after the meeting, have "' Carmichael ”d‘d' .4 '
‘ . t \i \. _ ,' Brad Sturgeon and Finance Director Coffey said she hoped the withdrawal Although the plan i0 Cl" represen- 1' ' .f-
- \ ‘ 1 Bobby Clark were given authority to of SA support would not je0pardize who" 15 currently .IUSt a {”090va ~ ~ 5
V '1 ‘\ ' o t negotiate the final amount of SA sup- the conference. “I would hate to Dupree encouraged the senators to
‘ , ' port with the event's co-sponsorS, think that what SA did tonight means take a stance on the issue. “lite can -,_ ‘
‘ .. ‘ " ' . Continuing Education for Women the conference won‘t go on," she deCide hOW we W1” apportion our ’ ~
\ and the UK Chapter of NOW. said. Senate seats or they will tell us how .Q‘ .
At its March 9 meeting SA voted to After the meeting Sturgeon said he to apportion our seats." he warned " . ‘ .
t co—sponsor the event up to a max- was confident the money could be The senators also heardareport by I
' . ~. ' fir imum of $500. That decision was found from other sources to offset the Clark on the current status of SA's ' -
' ' ., rescinded when it was learned that decrease in SA‘s involvement. suit against General Telephone of
\ the co-sponsors planned to charge In other action, Will Dupree, chief Kentucky SA Will have the oppor . 1
,\ participants a $12 fee, and the an- administrative assistant. said a tunity to cross-examine GTE before .- ,
_’ ticipated attendance had fallen from select committee of University of» the Public Service Commission in , g
. ‘ ' \ 250t0150. ficials had recommended that the Frankfort this morning Thursday at . t.
V I , Sturgeon said he felt SA should University Senate be reorganized to 9 a m . GTE will have the chance to z i _
. i ‘ reconsider its vote asaresult of these increase its efficiency. “Basically crossexamine SA's posnion , ~
A i 3‘ «fl developments because “I think it they're trying to streamline the Clark said SA has "some strong ' , f
=' - 3" a ~ ’ ' i (the March 9 decision) was a lack of University Senate. A lot of people feel economic arguments“ to support its 3" ~
, . fl , g 1 A t. informationby thosedeiiberating." itis ineffectiveanddon‘tget involved position, "What we tried to do is
.1, ‘ Q‘ _ '4. , ,. I; w ,, ‘ Ray Carmichael, business and in it,“he told the senators. come up with a measure that would '
f ' E» ’V ' ' , ‘37“ " " . , economics senator, said keeping the The committee's proposal would show GTE was mismanaging its . j
” ' t” K » » ‘ $500maximum would discourage the set faculty representation at 85 money."he said f .»
. £2257 t. \ v? - ‘S , I do . . - .
. a > , _ tat utor V rape aw l’lOt zscrlmmatory 1-; .. ,
e , I ,i .. a -- .
g . -:i' ~ . . k ,. , .
.1 _ . g _ g% I S C t l
. .. ’ i _, agams men, upreme our ru es g
. x _. ..-' g i - . ,. . ' e By RICHARD (‘ARELLI Within the first three months of stitutlonal effort to control the pro 2')
‘ Associated Press Writer pregnancy, she challenged the law in blem of teen-age pregnancnes -" .1
4 ' “*V w’ court because she did not want her Past Supreme (‘ourt rulings have " 'g
g . . _ , .. a *‘ _ , V j WASHINGTON —- A divided parents to be told. but Utah courts established that laws treating men
. ' " 2 '75" "1 ‘ 1... . '» at?” _ ' .3 “ "5”» Supreme Court ruled today that state upheld the law Her lawyer said she and women differently must serve ' 1‘ '
an .y . g». ‘ W ;’ “statutory rape“ laws do not left Utah and had the abortion important government interests and in;
I 7 \ ‘ Xe oer“ a. discriminate against men, and that elsewhere. be substantially related to those in-
3 "j;'j:3 ,' a «e‘e‘es '8, 7., states may require parents be The high court‘s opinion by Chief tel tats. ,.; *'
. g 1:; “it; is notified when a daughter seeks an Justice Warren E. Burger said the in other actions today, the court-
q , '. 'v “o. 5 e1 ,3 I ‘;§ kfiaw abortion. court in the past had ruled it was un» wAgreed to deCide how much of a ', ’ _'
» Q . x , i ‘. j i '4 ' ')g§\%"\' *3"??? By a 5-4 Vote, the justices upheld a constitutional for states to legislate pay raise federal employees are en- ,, 7
HE A i ‘3‘“ . , .k at»? . :1 “ , . 33"? a California law that makes it a crime “a blanket, unreviewable power of titled to when they switch from blue 1’ _’;
‘ Us ' "‘ ‘ Q l gig '. ., .4: 1"; 3g was“ ‘ for r.. .. or boys to have sexual inter- parents to veto their daughter‘s abor- collar to white-collar jobs. The court ,‘ _.
r, 9 t ‘33:" s j l ' ,A _ f , Ta”; p ' ' course with consenting females not tion,“ but he said a simple require- will review a ruling that. if upheld. f ’
‘ y #6 (y i3"! r I w ~.~ . y. _ g: a; ‘ 7! 5w ' p yet 18. merit of parental notification “does could cost the government at least ~' :,
y . " i _ ., ' a?" .: _. .1: a; a ,1 *w . . “a" The court‘s majority said the law not violate the constitutional rights of $22 million in back pay. 1' i
. I .19 a '0 t, ' _. x' «garter 4‘?“ .. 'fl 1- ’ does not represent a form of un- an immature,dependent minor.“ wByaS-ii vote, turned down the ap- ,f
m, ’\ 5,1." g ,9“ ‘ . ' “ 'V ‘ 1. constitutional sex discrimination just In the statutory rape case, four of peal of a young Texas man stripped » 5 f. ‘
y V ..' ~. ', » i t ;,. ’ because women and girls Cannot be the court's members, led by Justice Of his parental rights to a daughter i‘,
i‘ m at"? "i, ' ‘ , ’ charged with the same crime for hav- William H. Rehnquist. said such born out of wedlock and put up for ‘ 1" j H
j / I}; ‘r‘. ‘3‘, ing sex with boys not yet 18. state laws do not violate the Con- adoption by her mother. 11,.»
" ' >34 . - , _-. ~ . «7— In a separate, 6~3 decision, the high stitution‘s guarantee of equal protec- wAgreed to decide whether Amish .' , ' '
0 0 By TODD CHILDERS/Kemel Staff court upheld a Utah law which re- tion. employers and employees must pay "5," '
Clrcus antlcs quires parental notification in abor- Justice Harry A. Blackmun sup- Social Security and federal j.'
tion cases. plied the vital fifth vote necessary to unemployment taxes. A federal -' '9‘ g

Juggling requires good hand-eye coordination. day near the Complex. The undecided sophomore The law was challengd by a girl uphold the California law. In a judge in Pennsylvania had ruled that * . '. j

three lacrosse balls and lots 0f practice. Jim Hickey meets with other devotees of the skill once a week to identified only as “HL,” who sought separate opinion. he said the Califor- forcing Amish to pay such taxes 5" J.

was abletosharpen up his technique outside yester- exchange routines. an abortion in 1978 at the age of 15. nia law was a legitimate — and con. violates theirfreedom of religion. f i. .

, , ‘ . '4 "
n . V o e o 0 "-i 'r'r.‘
ns e QM e Respon51ble dunking stressed during awareness week

The NCAA Basketball Tournament Ah, spring! Today could be the day ‘ t
is coming down to the wire, but our to show off that spring break tan. " j -.
proverbial powerhome Kentucky is Sunny skies and highs in the low to By ”ND." DECKER drinking habits." 803 South tonight starting at 8 pm. Castle has donated 200hamburgers. '_' 7'.
not among the final four. Sports midsosare expected for today, with smfwme' 0" “h l {B c . where free hot dogs wiilbeserved. The purpose of this party is to show -,
Editor JOhh Clay examines the lows in the 3% tonight. Tommorrow eo e goa S o A CHUS '5 to students that they don't have to get

- ~ . , WK Dee' “Kruse " m be establish a NEXUS number that Dr. Robert Straus. from the Stu- . . . .
maladies and misfortunes that led to pronuses more of the same, Wm, ~ QQ jay 1' fly t d ts h dent Health Center will be S k'n drunk to havea good time. Reynolds .. ., ~
theCats'downfallonpg.4. highs in the mid 505. getting drunk on the air Thursday su en w o are, or know, problem u ' .. ~ pea l‘ g said. Several precautions have been '

from4t06plm' drinkers can call to get help and on Alcohol and You in 245 SC. taken to help insure that nobodv _:. t.

. 0 me" ““0.“ "’3‘ (“We is Dave counselmg' mmomw at 5 pm leaves intoxicated. he added ' '.'.‘-, '

K I } [es 0" rate Increase Krusenklaus, “’1" be drinking a Sh°t BACCHUS has an information An all-campus party will be held . g . i _‘
ofMaker 5 Mark Whiskey every 20 booth in the Student Center this week Thursday at the Sigma Alpha Epsilon Tenounce C“PS “1“ be USC‘d in-

mmutesonthe air. He Winbegivena and iS sponsoring a first-aid course fraternity house, 410 Rose Lane, stead of the usual lfiounce CUPS‘ I." {'11.

By CHARLES WOLFE per month, Without electric heating, Breathalyzer '5‘ after each 5h“ to dealing with handling an intoxicated from 3 to 7 p.m.Seven distributors in L‘me'kno“? facts and common . I
Associated Press Writer would pay an extra $3.29 per month. @‘emme the amount of alcohol in person in 245 SC at noon today this area have donated more than 50 m'590ncepuons about alcohol “1'“ be ‘ ‘ " 1:. '
The owner of an all-electric home us- h‘s system. _ through Friday. kegs of beer to the party and the local (“payed by banners and dismbu‘ed ‘ ' I-

LEXINGTON —Kentucky Utilities ing 1,513 kwh per month would pay Krusersaid he’s “gorng to be the There will also be an alcohol sym- Coca-Cola distributor has donated a m PamPh‘etS- BumPe'" stickers With .3} I -.
CO- on Monday filed a request for a anotherss.12, guinea 9'8" for the demonstration posium/panel discussion in 214 SCat truckload of coke. Domino‘s Pizza "“7 533"“8- ”Give a damn — don't l: . '» ,
12.4 percent rate increase that would Both Schrader and Newton blamed “fire di'ftfs sounds kind 0f fun. "'5 3 PM today, and a ”Ck-0“ party at has contributed 400 pizzas and White dr've drunk" will be passed out. -. .‘ i 4‘
Sigrgéemm: glint}: ave; the next the request on inflation, rising con- :er'" e erent, an attention 89“ £13,: ., fl,“ .. . 1.: t}. g , ‘ .. . _ w .1. The food being served M" be an -~ - _
y , pa y ici ssai . struction and operating costs and Knser added that although he émfifii N 3* Y , . ' “a additional reminder to students that 7' - _ '

Lynwood Schrader and John “inadequate ”earmngs" that have doubts he will actual] et drunk «,9. ' .. ‘ p ' .X'me'pggr‘:l eating before drinking will slow the . .
Newton, senior vice pmidents, an- Jeapordized the company‘s bond ,, . . y g . . ‘ ““ , 5 " ' ' " ' ‘ ‘C “’6 > ~." " .‘L absorption of alcohol in their bodies, ‘ “

. . rat mleferllprobablybedriwngme ‘ qt" "4.... , We: _. .. ‘ .5 , ,
nounced the filing in a news con~ ‘ggurcompany's financial situat'on home n :' v1". ., - O. \ (31" ‘v ,, 0 x», i Reyngrllfisald, therefore, a person i q - ,
ference. ' ' rease i ' . . . ’ ‘ WWW“ ' . 0' " 3 :~ .... - , can more on -
would be'l‘hey said ‘3'" me has deteriorated significantly," . The W 0‘ this demonstration ‘ r ' QMQ ‘7' a » ’7" -' 95 ~.‘ (31‘, before becomi “uni"m' stomach ~. . ‘
board" Imposed across the Schrader said “It is absolutely is to promote Kentucky Alcohol « V, j ,. a; f _. .,; . " «3 I. , "3 .r
residents? "c‘zmfinozlxsy 8a “1234.0!!! necessary that We seek rate relief im- Awareness Week and a campts ”it" ,...~ . _ . .. . . .2... . If B ACCHU S members see anyone , ,
dustrial customers in78count‘ m' mediately." orgamzation. Boosting Alcohol Con- “ a} ,. {it'd-4'; a ' who 5de attempting to drive, '

res. The company‘s earnings (hopped sclomness Concerning the Healthof ‘ Pal , at" , ~ . ’S they Will try to find one of their _ g .

Newton said the company asked from $2.60 per share of common University Students, said pre-med v. ' . 'tfi ‘. . friends todrive for them.Scottsaid. . .
for an immediate interim increaseof stock in tmtoflél per share in 1900. ’WW Michael Scott, chapter I; ’7 Q h. ‘3‘ ’ 59““ cam” w'" besponsoringa ' . . .
$29.2 million - about 75 percent of according to company figures. “cc president. , , “" . 035"“? party 3' ihe Commom lounge .‘ .
thetotal requested. Newton and Schrader said that had The organization does not believe a * .. gnzr‘mlzifrgfigrwn; EMA:

. . . . . . , , . , n l_

" approved by the state Energy immltsszli'gdlit‘rgttuuicgk Utilities 33:;2n8hfito3mmmgxrmih V ‘ .1" \a ' Firewater Taste-Off contest will also ' ' -
Reclaim Commission. it would be common stock now ”my” about . ‘ "8 "' 5‘.- ' i: - be held. The drinks entered in this ‘ '
thecompany's fourth rate hike since 31550 share bu, “has a book ”denim. accordins to Rayvon \ » ,l - ‘ contest must havenoalcohol in them. ' .
March 1973, The most recent, m_ value “9:20“! mz‘ashare Reynolth, BAOCHUS public relations . . J... The winner of the tasteott contest . .
ing $27.7 million, in, approved in 0c_ The ted increase Would give chairman and an economics . .. . will win a dinner for two at Colum-
tober. theutilitya 17 percent returnoncom- I ore. . " bia's Steak HomeThe contest is an ~

Accordirg to rim supplied by man equity. The October rate hike Scott said a BACCHUS chapter ’ i ‘ attempt to show that there are alter
Kentucky Utilities. in raidentlal gave a 13.9 percent return, Schmder “'38 formed at UK because ~ natives to drinking alcohol, Reynolds

, cisterns wing 616 kilowatt hours said; “tyollegeliswhereyoudevelopyour _ said. . ‘

 F‘s” _... ___. -.. . , z. ‘ A. -, _,,, , ,,___,- - . . M__#.___—__.____,__._.___~
l l
l I I l
1 ed Ifona I s & 1 l sum W... ........., ..,,,,,.,,., MM
l. l ] Indium in One] Editorial Editor Mine-(harlot . Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
I } i Debbie McDaniel '
; : ’ t:fl:::;updnw Associati EdltOVa 2:;7gaok‘mph"
. commen s ' .
i 1 Assistant Dov Editor “on “a." Mevalnmhel' , Wm“
. . ‘ Jam Rudd John Little Donnie Ward Lin Wall-re Jone. my...
‘ ‘ ‘ Day Editor Dale Morton Asststant Sports Editor Auiltant Entertainment Editor swiArtl.u ‘
> then in | I'llrluth’o s ltilrrsan u Illloll‘ lrllrnnndn nlumnlluul nth .Ir 1:» i i ‘ .'
i welsh"! and infinite mum «uniniti- .alnl prop: :Irlllllhdllufl lmluulnrl It Ill lordsludediT‘InuITl ‘ l :glriil‘r7gzry'Wntws
' . ; rmplowu lnlen should he lumili-u in :00 minus and Upllllllfl\ and minmrnls to I00 mints ; I.
. . .._.- ,_., ,__7_ _#_‘__l_‘___________________fl_____________________
m ar in 3 me we a mans rous was 6
‘ “ ‘ P blic must watch Rea an close] P k g t t t t
‘ u g y l was glad to see the Kernel students apparently had no in- more expensive component. They
. V ‘ editorial (March 9) blasting the fluence. As one demoralized partici- plan to soakus$350.000a year to pay
' ‘ . .' . If the Reagan Administration's track The Right Wing influence that promised a governor for using tax revenues to pant said afterwards, “If they had off interest and capital on long-term
" record after the first two months of office return to solid, tried-and-true methods that fund his ad campaign to make really wanted our input, they would bonds topay for that monstrosity.
\ ~ . ~ are to be the pattern for the next four years, were nominally successful in decades past himself better known on the national have had, hearings at the beginning Thfre 151 no way thzfit Teldlcgn
. then the urgency for the personal involve- lie. rampant laissez—faire economies with pohttcalscene. However,lhave been rather than at the end of their two- deve op a ogica case or ui g
~ ' ' » ‘ i . . i 3 i ' . . : , ~ ‘ . ,' » , , disappomted not to have yet seen an year planning program. This hearing that structure. Unfortunately.
- . ment M the durdgt American (.Onhumu lb only ()bllgamr). LOhcern for the nee-(1y) editorialonasimilar matter closer to was strictlyapublic relations Ploy to however,man is notarational being.
' '- ; grejiter than everlm thlscounll‘y S hlsmhy', seems to be lakmg pOt ShOtS at a pomlcal us, the plan of the Administration to give the impression that those af- He believes what he wants to believe,
. ' P ”St and mOSt importantly was Reagah S env1r0nment ll no kmger underStahds' take monev from the faculty. staff fected by the plan were given an op- and builtt what he wants to build, ,
. ‘ 5 ‘ assurance that he WOUId 5991mm” phasing The above examples 0f promlses half‘ and studehts to build a concrete p0rtunity to influenceit." especially if he can take yOur money i
» . ‘ -' ' 01" rengtrahOh for the draft- n “mild be lh' kept seem to indicate that the Ad' monstrosity as a monument to Some aspects of the plan are to build it. 3
f . teresting to see how Carter‘s rc-institution minstration favors the old over the young (‘hryslerCorp desirable. Raising fees to provide The real reason for paving the g
_.' . -. l of registration and Reagan‘s assurance of and the well-off, who don‘t really need help “It would be a waste of time; they more bus shelters and expand bus stadium area is to provide parking l
‘ z - its unnecessary role in the military affected from the government, as opposed to the have already decided what they are serv1ce is a reasonable action. The for the football crowds. The spaces l
: . .- the 18-year-old Vote. poor and helpless, who do. going to do." my colleague replied plan to register all vehicles that park now paved'there are never filled at l
- " ‘ . Registration has not been phased out. Now more than ever, it is the responsibili— “he“ I suggest“ that we attend one 0" campus '5 long overdue Th‘S ‘hh ahfieother (:1!wa Nina: theme eta"; ‘
3 . . Quite the contrarv. Reagan is now leaning t ofthe citizen —- the reader of the morning of‘heol’e" hear‘th‘h‘thhlahwh 311°“ f." enforch’hem 0‘ park” ‘° "‘0" "ml 059 he? . ;
‘ ' .. . ' - : . - y , . , - had scheduled on the parking Situa- regulations, making many spaces under the plan likely ever to fill it.
' .' " whdrd. the draft ltbeh‘ parrotlng the paper '7 to watch closely the actions 0f the tion. In my naivetelthought that this available to those who have paid The real reason for building a park- l
. . strategists cries on‘the .‘need to reinforce government and'to speak out at every op- remark sowpicalorme cynicism or ihelrleeS ing structure at Huguelet Drive is to |
' :2 : conventional tomes as hissubslantlatlon. portunity to praise the gOOd and to rally the demoralized faculty at this in- Assuming that I am mistaken in provide parking for visitors, i
' - Secondly, there's BUdget Director DaVid against the bild- if lessons are 10 be taken stitution, was unrealistic. I thought my projections. and that near term especially the outof-town families of , 3
. Stockman‘s blitz of the tax system. which from the turbulent decades of this past cen- that if we would point out to the ad- enrollments and auto populations ac- patients at the hospital. and for con- '
. ‘ ' purports to be a "critical reevaluation" (in tury, then the value of human life and rights ministration why it is not logical to tually creep upward, it would not be ventioneers so that we can hold more 1
‘ ' his WOI‘dSl of Reagan‘s initial concepts to should be our first priority. The echoes of a build a parking structure that that unreasonable to pave and gravel conventionson'ca'mpus. 3
.1 . .' streamline the internal revenue system and macho-military stance and an outdated part of the plan would be cancelled 1 some additional spaces, raismg fees Parking faculties for the above- l
. . =. ultimately strengthen the economy. What two-chickensin-every-pot delusion of thought that if'any group would ms to proVIde the revenue. Such con- mentioned maybeilegétimagpeeg, ,
. . Slockman has succeeded in producing is economics will take America nowhere. Pondlolreasm,‘"ShOUIdbeaumverSP structlon IS not very expensnve‘as gaitsbuchffaclillpiessdoult gott ulnhé .
. . unclear; with each alteration. his ro 05315 Su ort is the res onsibilit 'Of the citizen ty adminstration.lwas wrong. compared to building a parking . y ac y an .s u en 5. l
- . . p p. pp p . 3 Attending the hearing was a structure and the land can eaSlly be logical source of funding would be a 3
. . -. meet with more angry cries from the floors to his elected leaders, but it must be an ac- frustrating experience. After listen— used for other purposes in the future. legislative appropriation However, E
01 . ( Ohh’resS .(Wthh refused a proposed hve‘ Chmcal‘ acmhly aware SUPP?”- The mg to an hour‘s presentation of slides Most of the 1400 additional spaces in considering the dire financial status :
. ”“5" 1“ salarieSl that the alterations are Administration WOUId get nowhere lf the “3' and graphs on the parking plan. we the plan (2.669 according to the of the Commonwealth, the prospects {
: ‘ devastating to already crippled social pro- tional trend toward apathy were to con- got an opportunity to speak. the first March 11 Kernel story) wouldbepro- of such funding are nearly zero. .
’ - grams. tinllc. Responsible action will make or of us being heard at 6:00 pm. By this vided by paving lots at various cam- Therefore, the Administration simp .
4 - . In short. whose side is Reagan 0n‘.’ The break Reagan -— and this nation # and now time several people had already pus locations. The parking structure ly decided to soak us. This is an un- ,
' 7' . ‘ role of the public in critiquing the decision- more than ever. the same is the duty of each given up and left. The hearing was a in the plan would provide only 600 of fortunate abuse of power. 1
‘ ' making process at this point is not only and every American. no matter how yolmg waste of time for everyone. Opinions these spaces (800 according to the Wayne H Davis. professor in the ,
‘ . paramount. it is an ultimate responsibility. or Old. expre55ed by the faculty. staff and story). Yet the structure 15 by far the School of Biological Sciences
. ’i '. j .
' ~' People of the night l -
, s - letters to the editor
‘ I . O O '.’"————'——‘ ‘
. 1 . a VOIdlng 9_t0 _5pressure [ — . All contributions shouldbedellveredto 1H Journalism Building, University of Kentucky, Lex-
. ‘ Ington. Ky.. 10506. The Kernel reserves the right to edit for grammar and clarity and to
‘ ‘. .. eliminalelibelous material. and may condense or reject contributions.
~l . ‘ V ll l.\ .i .31! in the morning on a cold # r
~. . Saturday night and the men. old men . _, , Tipped 0H port of an oppressed minority group. the Rich. The Hillen. chair 0f the Women‘s Concern Committee. l
- '. 1 find .WUHR m0” allkt‘. arc mlllmll v‘" Rich have long been the laughing stock of the fortheirbacking. .
3 around the countcr at the Sax-Mort « i am a student working my way through school Welfare Class. I. for one. am tired of seeing the If anyone is interested in more information on
. " I at Euclid and Woodland They arc , ' Mr as a waiter at one of the more popular restaurants Rich «who contribute more to the productive piel the conference. please contact myself or Dawn ‘
W _ , 1 waiting for the Sunday Herald James . lntown It has comcto my attention thatmy fellow pa)‘ for the laziness 0f the Welfare Class. The Rameyat257-2794.
A ' ,' z ' Loam-r ‘3‘,» students are either ignorant of the fact or think that Welfare Class knows that the System allows them
i 1‘ ' "l wanna scc what that t;od[)A.\l griffin . k ”v (hey are above the act of tipping the waiter. Many a “0t ‘0 W0l'k and Shh be compensated for this rather Patricia TOdd .
' ' .. Filetuiricc has to say about the night have 1 how waited on fellow co-eds and they blatant lack of output on their part, Senior ‘
(‘iilsj a middlrnagcd Kl‘lN’l‘H‘KY 1‘ ho“. run up a tab of approximately $45 to $60 in ()ur savior. rand reincarnation of that last great Coordinator. Sexual Harassment Conference '
_ - 1 basketball fan grumblcs “Where is ‘K ‘ food and bar and for some unexplained reason laissez-l'aire President. Calvin Coolidge) Mr.
( ' ' lht' (mill MM paper" “ l lciivc only 0111' dollop if up are lucky. in change for Reagan. realizes that to make this natiopl gi‘leat and l
. '. Sonic of them are waiting for the i . . 7 7,77 . p . 7 Lil] economically powerful again, he wi ave to 0 - .
.' classified ads. wanting to buy .i ll(‘\\ [Hiléfirnh 213:1)? i;:‘\:_d‘:)i_:_n m“ )_ They must be unaware of the fact that it is com- remove that premium of laziness. These welfare leely response
. 5' ‘. car ”r mm a .th ”mp“ arc Wham: WHEN“ m part with m“ impaci his mon courtesy to leave at least a tip of 15 percent of bums will have to get out and meet that cold kiss of
. . .' ~. ‘ for ii sports score. maybe. or the llivcntiiin has hadonlhclwrld While the total bill, Tips are what we live on and how we capitalism and‘ find a lob, no matter if it is I would like to draw to the attention of the ,
‘ ' a, ‘ . turn: l‘l'ptlrls but all are lll‘l‘t‘ undl-r mg] “mp“, llllhl bulb h ”W m mm pay our bills because hourly wage for a waiter is unrelated to their last employment and regardless University community to the fact that an impor- ‘
. - ' . ‘ lllt' {)l‘f’lt’llM'vlll wanting or looking for mo“ as bread or Will) 5“”) m” mm next to m] The many times i have wished that the of paylleaven knows there is plenty of work to be tant Women's Issues Forum was held in the Stu- .
\ i. A : stillil'llllllg lht'} ill‘t' ‘llllllll lX‘llplt‘. millldb ii lllll'fl .4 :ht' (l‘i'('l'ill.’.|‘ 11)](‘5 could be reversed and let them run back and found. ll one‘is Wllllng t0 lOOk‘ Th9 ”'trllly need) dent Center on Monday‘ March 9 Sponsored by the _ . g
-. ._ and lllt' Jiliour a—day sax-Marl is an mommy that third WWW H, night forth for drinks. food and also keep their table will notbeleft to fend forthemselves. Those people campus chapter of NOW and the UK Women‘s _ ‘
. .., 1.1% l:tl.\l> ill an endless desert of for m“ “N majority clear and them in a good mood so they Wlll want to who really need public support. such as the han- Studies Committee, this event was a speak-out on . I
'_ . . .1. darkness The light bulb ha; ““0de “(mm come back to the restaurant After a night of this it dicapped and the aged. “'1“ "0‘ be harmed m the women's issues in the community and on campus. ’
~. ’. :. _ . \iglil in thr- electronic age begins WW a grcatcr part m. the dav “I“ is hardtoaccept atlpofsniallchange. welfare budget cuts. . A panel, including Barb Galik, Mary Louise '
. ~ . r - a: ll p m in lllt' l‘iihl at in p in in m” conduct business ”Um ninc m So the next time you are out think about how you In this wave of conservatism that has swept the Graham. and Nell Fields, with Pamela Conover as -
Ti } u m" M"‘“"“‘~ “hd "’ "”~ “hm 'hhr" ill-o as a rule. no matter who”. m the WW“ feel if .VOU “”9 tipped small change for a country. M“ Reagan realizes that he has the mass moderator. served to facilitate discussion and to ‘
_, ~ :“ it! .-‘no more lllllt‘ zones ‘ world we happen to bc largu b-il Just follow the rule of at least 15 percent backing 0f the COUNTY for his budget CUES: he cer- provide information. Among the issues recognizes L
.- f . lhl‘ lair: news is broadcast and lllt‘ “v dismiss the night as mm” or of the total bill. tai-nly has my support. (rod help us save Capitalism as crucial by those present were the shortage of af— ,l
j ' _- * li'llt--llll.’.lll iiiorius and talk shims insignificant “‘50ng 89““qu work inits purest form before it is too late! fordable child care, proposed legislation that
. . .. lrlllrm for most Americans lliis l.\ a for my day and entertainment for the \amc “lihhpld on request ' . threatens women's right to make decisions about ‘
'r. _ .‘- ritual that will lull them to sleep as night It can be armed that the “Rh! COId'bIOOded murder Rick Westerfleld ' .. our reproductive capacity. and the lack of
._‘ f. ‘ .‘ surely m “mm“ \ ‘hmmh ofthc duv saves energy during work: "A Damn “00d Republican reasonable measures on the part of the University
‘. h." 1" P ”1 lh“ llh‘m“ hi‘f *MDPM mg hours. but today‘s ”on.“ make Kf’rm’l managing t’dilOT Jay FOSSW‘S ”‘09!“ an to insure the safety of women who work and study
rillls‘mts’ and. :tllt‘l‘ lllt‘ Wk shows “my use of solar power. and even if liclc on plastic people deserves more than mere 0n campus. The lively response to this Women’s
p 3:. but» cnded lllt' lt‘lt‘vhhlli sinuous lllt' sun‘s rays are harnessed soon. l'eiidlng plcilsurcit needs serious conuimplation by Thanks, SA History Week forum on women's issues ‘
'. ‘ ' *5 'A b won will till llit' zlll' l‘wi' all In workingat night m the warm ”mums one and all of us separately. as individuals. And demonstrated that women at UK are interested in
‘. .. ‘ -. '7‘}; ll")l\ .ind purposo-s night in.» armed ”MM-uh muchsenso before the message could fade away into oblivion. I would like to take this opportunity to thank organizing for the purpose of effecting change.
': ; "h“, ”w" "h hwml h “hwh. The real night peoplc far more Joanna Fraser d'd JUSt what W35 needed and those members of the UK Student Association who
-. _,- lhnsc who do not lulilm this than the Viclims “t thc night. brought it upin last Wednesday‘s Kernel. supported the bill authorizing $500 for the April 25th Linda Pannill .
:11"- co-.i;i-iii«iiiy 'nlny .i» xii-ll liclnlll.‘ lo a ”Moms cramming for tests and How appallingly true it is. We have spared no Conference on Sexual Harassment. (The (‘on- Assistant prnfessor
j." Ell-y'f'i’wlh 'l‘l‘lgs'mli ilivilikmrl"Illlllt’llt‘ill‘l “firm” on the third shill arc pains to create. maintain and promote a soCiety ferencc is also being sponsored by the National L d K o ;
i ..’~ .1 “fihfllzt whfmmh “1:" )IJH’EIASHLLZ representatives of another culture. a hhhr‘: . ,words . .113": sophisticated: career. Organization for Women and UK Community a y atS ' Prlde and Class
3 i. 7. 'j ‘r - p . h”; . l. . ”“crwmm of WHO?) that on one moniy. and stcurlty have taken on added mean- Educatiolll’rogram.l . . .
t i ;. no) 19ng is M “NH hlldl MHNHHH or A hand shuns attc “_ ,l and (m lhc other lng In return. It has taken from us the only posses- The problem of sexual harassment was the sub- After watching the Wildcats' listless loss to the
.: 1:51“: llnll.w\?i'l‘li llll/lill'il driyiiig lhcm cries out for H instead 0' finding sum we could ever Claim to be our own ,, jcct ()fa recent survcy conducted by the Kentucky University of Alabama—Birminghamlast weekin .
12', l :h/W)” “I ‘1 rmmwmh ”M‘mm‘m anonvmitv in the crowd, night pcoplc hurhhlws (‘ommission on Women. They found that 56 percent the NCAA tournament, then listening on radio to
.3 -‘ [3,! .I will niiic lo [M t’l'\ (llllll-ull or iiii send out ~ signals likc lighl beams And gladly have we donated our single and most of the Kentucky women who responded said they the Lady Kats' AlAW tournament one-point loss to ‘
:"I. , '_ ”"i‘hh‘ , through windows (ll night or bv ”“30”“ p‘"“’"~‘"”“ at th" behest "f 9‘" ‘magnifi- had experienced some form of sexual harassment, Maryland this past weekend, it seems clear that
'. l ‘ " “"""’U3 ’1“ ~ " "'1" ~W