xt7tb27ps391 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tb27ps391/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-04-28 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 28, 1983 1983 1983-04-28 2020 true xt7tb27ps391 section xt7tb27ps391 , I
Vols—V—V—V‘w e l ' '
-LXXX _’_.__ J,
-7_ v N W .4
’ 0.16 I .
l Thursdo .5, ‘3
D. y, Apr” 28 | _V*V“' ‘i V
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mem :ter CoWe —* But the 1984 n - den, n "Udrrud' Sq .“.‘"
This SSoci . rs Stud _ ima . Dink -85 ac 9W3 '* ___A _ 5"} . S'Oin “01" G.
articz ""0n 9M . 8e ‘ 18 be' adem. Papa “an . '"s w . .1 0 "'ud
servatio eco'lta' for U1 Govern bl“S ls ham lleVes [C u I’ V—_ “"301 """9: on"wo,: 5'0":
I "Sand "‘8 his e Ker ' $27 ‘ SUCh . pefed that ,1 fem I "'-_A : lax," W10” Proper.d On sh Ge,
Th COynme’l PersOnalneL en 5 {Or a “as the by Self- SGA'S Butt) B emmr I - 7 . g'On op'r "s yomor and o 0w 1,.
tion e Studtam ‘8' ob‘ futhf'the- yearfngppropriastgrw“g toing tn rockman (former Cle — V V ' 'v V“ ‘ ' ' 0%“. s?" “an?“ by
de ‘ aCcO . GOVe urest year Conf 1on 0 and 8 year agom Prai ~ - 9pc . OI”... ‘
nt . rdl rnm the Ud Pan ere f . Iha end zed den 9 7 ~V,
f Jun .118 to em Ass orga . ent ac . 3’. con] nCe .. Stu] Ve no com- Over I Dr U
fitted wilthnkle hzutgoing Poc1a_ “If "Simian t'Vity fee ghafl‘lpe: monethink it's regrets frfince 1 (Ville fasxm the st "”98.” of ' »~-.
~ 1. ‘ . n . ~ . 1 ' . .
101155;;qu £11033"? a?:°me":‘,:- 3:116"; sews like the °"W for 23w W 51139301151. ewi‘fld- ‘1‘} gver‘é‘f 2f Ram's and “d "WW 1
from retai ly A osph ' SG or e . t Ouldbe man 5 co te ket asw n Fo tim n 6""
Stud n the ln‘pai . ere" A t the B ‘ ' whe ,paSs I ”Wh out 8y i "Cemed of g] _00 m ‘ the rest my- 9’0n K
SGA emfees mone - ’ lts Con -' here 03rd " It he en ratied s bein 0n ”mg "C“ p0 senat ' 3‘“ i Wer v 9’”
$8 Fece‘ . y It rec . ef_ tInUe would to Comes Stude , you ta A g S dent . to Wer‘ e tfiw' n m e tunes UCkY
“mater H"’% ‘1 e‘Ves 1mie33wthe fundi be no Serutimz Shomnts tuitio ks a do] pent [he oplmon adequa[elson‘eti"1a to ba lunch I felt I v
:- ”ViewedoweVer Per Stude ‘1 [hi Poem of ng and ream" e not d be pu fl, Dinklar from 5V mandat on Some _y Obta- ne_ lance pow” _ “6 Con n
Wbeforemwgmszeeacn WMenrktheZWgwoufs was 1,, ;:C;tu- magma? wwxmeSeszstrated m
z' e 08 w‘ ISh righ ' - 1 em ~ 01- Good ' you . r 88 ' a . Sdi . Was . 8' ter e
v Pracgic rd of Tr ‘11 moodu tno 1" st Dink} Office the us Sand etros cont 5 Dink] rec:l SW1 . The Same
1 9 W1 us. P80 1 01 “’ .. - “dent f e rs.” stud e ~ heh Peer, POVeL OCcaS- cadmon.“ ngxng . Jose cons
5 ., " , ,, "fihthowh: °rgafiga§mr1m‘“ktm£ from‘izgammfgfig. Swat-31th a pla sen;think if r1; ”‘85 amultnidhe 33$“ 1111:1911. 5sz pr°b1erh§esme 15‘ ““5216" and a?” Sen
:: *1 ‘ 1. .. «r 13: OSPherel ”‘8 haf‘d. to fiéegisbffilnch 213(12an 153mg :rtlaoissueoyn‘he Semi" the 80315335“ a lags ”D 2;?“ 50:: caarged anarESh‘S adm .
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1': :. ""'.;»-:":;,:.. ; . t1“: .. .53? l . l , . 1 . _ . , . . . . CS 1 A
5“ _1' 13“., > 355553“ ’ $3333 .13 _. Issues, inc‘iely. with senate meet-155$ good i:tand5"‘ :t‘ons‘ ta: mimlnk-le su Of 1tS C nude Sat' 100319 t) IntergrOUp {(1
L- 331” ‘W: 3 ‘ I\" ' i " v ,;-: " “ding Sev ‘1 ueSh the e sad ' u,“- strat' Pervlsed am 1d “ Just . naho .
r 4 z - » 3 ;s\ 1, "1:“ V“, V the figheral de We gave ead 0“ sense thl I “I "8'5 H :12“ NTh a Ca gmpus and deCThe-v C dn'v‘vhe nd]
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' " V " figs; ‘ rong fOrclet Mamie“ . s the officeef the Praian Our dre“ ofgrftSS has (
“ 55' , ‘ BUt me a 5 GA at ' ‘dem made PedeSI be(an
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: V I ' ’ , w , . 2;? PH S, in 59v [ 19 53 Pr 0gr 1 dfety 1m [he
. . k 1 me Mini eluding era] Pro . raffic 1 1d_ ”Th (55 1n ‘ ‘We‘
; : ‘ g v. Ster H {Orme mlnem the h lg‘hts a ere ar [hls ar ‘1‘
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§ . . 1 Wa. r1gme Pus. 1ll SL3 mpus
. > m m *3“ LS? . D r 8 traffic 1;] S‘reeta': meg: 0n ndm
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V M" 1 ',_ . :‘ V . “V " .,-" ser aging 19"" l's a ease, D “I vened lohunnaméd 8' RObe of r' pred .
1 ~..._ y \ » {Qt ’ 4 > ‘ $1,101; Ves in eduor form ‘ Onald d dOn‘ 'elp l offic ”S. lght 0n '
“I. ’ 5:. fig the Kern a 19ng1 Who 008' Kernel ”fut” thet think ghead hiSc ers who alcOho] schedul .. Ct
f V I} ‘ 5* :- «ié the K9 9!. He ' hadviso Casi0na eju poliCe fire C 859 18 Telated 6' he '
.. _ w .1 r 1 r 11 dge a Per 5
_ \f‘ _ ,. > g . . :4» "e1, 5 not On .V role f )7 581d, 1n me Fofflcers [n be an V Thecent .. accidEnta‘ld .Traf
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" ’ \ a" 1199 ar Fayen user “Ce TAP any dr as a.
‘ \W‘; ‘l / V " f V grlwng i: fiEZYingeT Urban/C ”In ChThose ”began. gnk drnylsraged 1‘1
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V V’ " ‘ laltelas: ““10 Algtonv 0r or drum); Tack r o - Far, Ofbeing have a V“
1 a , I! s , But iSmmer Coho] Pafhatrated w a": pinio C0unxs‘ who hconncted 96 pen-
; 1 . s"“me bes 1‘ alw' r0] begun as d90' , n: doa b drunkeandles m-he Send em
. g _ 131g . qUeStionat in mean Play . . pretty [3’0” Charggot See n dr-\v,‘na“.\‘ of th
.1 > .. -\_ (g; ' C359 of being ra'COm-ts? {is to the th- I d biZa, Cut'andwnh Dé'he “11.115 recorde
1 _ .1 . State tr Do,lald lsed by"1 at is th 9’9 On't r0 probabl‘dried B I as be of th s.
. .. 17 b' ooper w Falin ependj e d can thin the y predl Ut 81m lng QU 059
"W a Char’gé‘dwng!“ Was‘af Remus“! "vb: U, be k befoigtcomes abom g: --1 :3:
Yesterglval of s .. W1 Falin With dI-SITkPOIiCe roefsted Del? ficers 9 pOI' any Fan: jury”; C‘ases 0n perUemUJd
S'eph Oy's w Spring 0' ‘ VV‘ . ~ \ (blmd-a]regi5tereddriVing flCer and jud [Gan Ice Of Cases mbroughtesald (‘9 me\’ ggf
onie C‘a arm w and the or _ , ‘3' ' ho] brea Coho] Co a 17' go ed on - clded at Slij] C'Ou‘ t“‘0 . ‘ ‘
X10" Oaths Sun PO " 5‘ or gr thaln “tent, ‘ Per ' ' - " th eVide contra . d“ Som exam 1
'“nde ' r was “We We W Su eater 6‘" test 0" th cent 9 “Ce ~. r} to 911m p95 1,"
‘ c'dedf no 9 Y5 bl'in re 3 d mption Can-1% ' A 10 e alc0- One Ir°n1c~~expect 85 be de‘
"’ “Sh “9 ' 95 s .efen unde with 3 Per 0f .. €359 ‘ , ‘ he at‘Ons 1 '
man ezy'on as K'Uden's lntOxjdant wasr Kentuck 1! me Cent Mik [er-£11115 \"em\0h'es tCSHed [he and
. oned 'h any E OU'Sid J‘C‘ ‘nv F Catlngm under [h y la“V mike. A 9 M ()t a (1": V “'man ( Q‘ (‘on m
emseI nglish e to b 'n/KM Ch 81111.34 Verag e influ at 3 "Or BUS her N 11:11,“ the , .33. ‘Wh “Chop
' H Ves in ' bUsin °5k in ""°~ arse 0 'Feceiv 85- e"Ce of _—L—:: 50n. 43‘ 9 C81 breath, 0 re _‘
g m URS 'he Kim::s fres-#429 warmth gifa-barggirecmwid (319 less ‘ The Pea Y at‘Law after re‘glwho “:1: "f (11921?” $11:
AW DA Y mandingacn ("0110' and F832;” anrclal'gg sessméwng $2015 immerse?” ‘0 the refinesp'wmenfigg ‘15:):und “01mm?”
°m 1 ' c'nd teCoun °nald betwee r a ‘5 the ' Was a “5111' c‘ ding ia ”19:95 gunn-
; m ”0 p 9x. JulBUt later ty attOrnTOddv as _n his 31‘s; thepartmelfhange “g medla Earls, [h the chiontroVert W
W ”"0 '“ b""9 sChldeackettm the W S‘Stant toemarrwfiaw arrésets fol;1 ‘Eound. “fled the‘filng theenSOD (I? Sur.
W 40° '” '97.; “Mod 0 uJed set , m°nth e 8 03- ‘is ‘ on the Km "9r ’9 —
n n I‘Val‘ aSide ' J In prosec ‘Cer ' mad 1‘ 861 Bio . (“on diet ,
of ' 591- Vic th 1n 1 th ud Fa ' . u: 15 e‘ o . Ual - r}. He 1
A Pig: 0:30 Unix: had :. Pruidm" EgargeéThgriginati be (if-fie; 131988] 3181: Said me: 08590; {or meaaceguntag}: Lame lijefgave b25531] d :a-lrdfifa’ggf
to.” I, on”. W 5W of N“ at E use F - C"ilSe ‘ unk Feb 29 come " did, you enda V9“ he artme 9 m ‘ ’ m.
h... In ”h . 03 d” Kn 0. 0‘ "L Cr‘ i alln‘s 15 Still dri . «.V‘ Todd . "Qt V P of Off “I. n8w‘ fore U1 n! f0 051 p a}‘
1. W n O, “'0‘ .“io t S 00m . attor pendi V‘lng 1 0W th 531d “an! leer _ 1n1er e w T C0 red”.
,m w". b. d I“ 3 Wm 1 Mr ’9 0 Set a ‘ 61mg "Gy‘ Mi ng m anal 9 off' - [0 pr 5 ‘VLKD nalregul llce d8 ”VIC!“
‘ .puc hold 9h. "I m on Olmo Cis1on Side m Tackett. ke Me ‘ cha are a 10ers w 05- an‘ D ‘51 atmn Partm m5
= On Kr h “to 'odoy he; on“ 0' 015‘, paid for Wh'e mom‘s S z?‘umo 95' Offing£5 and ”owed ho mak “Th "g smothers 1‘F‘“"SsaemS
0d; . Tho from W W or 33200 Ich F s d, m Ce,- pe to 9 th ere t Aga 1d
V 'nomh ‘9. w.” 9'1 I] '0 3 Ammo ”We r fineand ann hadwing dey Case :swho ar names {forum 6 anymo are “en-0 that “Inst Drunk
' “m. “"10 German' ’P-dt "‘ tho 'h' TON “do" askin ”ed Cour alr ' Bill' .1" m 9 "0t ‘ ‘ “t n "d are re Th ' f9“ ‘ he ‘
’00 Notion! " M" —— I” r 9 th 3 “7‘ “Ost 6"My Far 9 F - "‘V‘OI 0‘ th gone -~ 9 good amend Wald
“Mk I“ “"09 MW " Rob. "39h. f on and Proud .Prther 3e court n it of prs‘_ Has J‘s‘deputyahn inmdzed 1n me Mensa 0Id fac ed 0356‘
Otherm- 0' “W “V0 ' ”d a 9ram 0 'mbroc a ‘kOPt ' R0090 WIn our 53mm “it: 't-0 procmnm" frequentis type ego-underkm‘“ 531:; :35 beenrmsa'di “T “on (’89:
Ir.“ how, 3am :“nmm "a °" 9'00 ' hi. “0| C " u.- ”Prat p'."'0n. T' Meuse any ‘Ohv' "‘terve : F aboV at 11‘s he gen “
> 0rd "d Soc C. V" nd C mgr 90d 5 . Yb] ack . r , .Eah mlo “0 , e V omeo , era
MI r 0' in. 3 tho Cum. .8; 0 blza lane '* e“ s sald And "Oh v n bee nt be on a "9 b 1 Tu]
"”111"; student Mm- 00M- '!P°n.11, “at: ' tho Am." '0» depart", ”9. 1n 1' deCisio‘ said 90w weah.“ p . " mg If remand brea1h “Ms 3 ‘5
"humid.“ Wmlm i" rcvo m'Y" h; a mom. dUmM s cc Pro- em Orderact' that t H says‘ grinning knot at 321? ‘5 531d a’én‘t the." b10 ed ‘0 regal-”er '1“
«mod 4'" 1' “0‘ W mm “id In a 'wion. ”We: 11.: " °nd M” has B ed an int: police ““9"? "want iosizw the "0“” he 35 “an???“ 1: Iaunder 21985 (inf
amounwifl"; Pm. Féor . ”AWN Wm?» rémr.“ I"9km ax'omn urse s “81 in. Bafirsinfis is boo Lhe arigfiecutor r3311; ~- remangqudem 1111! and
In m '1 vi n .'° M t . hea - "R 01‘ - runk to ‘ “111
1 of ’ormcuou Ami-3m ' “Sock”, Cone. '7 3 can 5' nm‘d’ "I a MM '0” L A d 0f Tflng‘ Sgt its! .3 s13" dr“’1ng‘~ reckless
M'dflm. m "O” “my - A on the o qu” ”y ,0 ion of 8 es . said' Donald rdk‘t» ng “Tm. Sam
' 'd’v wi W'Il Mum °°d' "m“ Amor "mi they” the C°"- s ”“11 “Be ' "We“ prov,“ ””0119 I! r ”all. -
' "h. “9 u... "If 0- kg. M 'ton‘ Pecial "EM! r9 g the d 5 a l. eachm 1*
1 w 0’ ~ w. i. m m 9"” Pro- LL10, o efen . 01‘ 1 ‘ g a
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‘ on}, *1" ~ "w. defend n c." ' "-—— m - Him
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t . o“ can" “My ' T , 7 q . :1 m 96 1"
V “m rc‘gd 0' C C. ”I 08cm '7 ,77 3'“ 4_.. P.p
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I'm 1 r Pr” won ' Mid and C9. 0 COn[* '
m oquos '06 Id Prov ne 1n ., ._ .
.m _ I" . cc, '0'." 1 for “WW 03! .I.._ ethicgrac‘iCe themust my; aCadem- Immvxe mu“ nce
”I. '2." - b '“O mg. h”? ’0' “fl '0 . ' "' PraiderSociatedeponsibr awflrl': V - 3% ng “659:8“ the 1
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m3.” mm: was. ~ W ~ " you '9‘ °' "1:" ’°' lJ‘AWi- {Wand departmky State 1" the ‘ ' ‘mprm, ”‘9 VWFame-e" SeCong
WM 6' Murray ind" ' the r m ’Amor ' “The t’ 'Acade awards em of E Yesteh V i" V» ’ ”Cul 9mg,“ 3Chmle 5 1n 7 .
M V m M tad ' "um, can-090'. icons 9 Olenpams mxc life Cceremom ng115h.s . m .1 13“ Wava angf Pragga In 11133
m ' “q ‘ d U" ”H '0‘ w." {perSo 50me v amS f” ~, ~ -‘ ex- posslbl 1n pr ”15 am elr
“m M m L . Video ‘" na'a ery h' orits 1' C"Hen e the “”101 ‘ 0ur.
my, I» “I 5., » " In a 3611:}! -°f “'Jghprofaggh S‘andapar' l ‘ secomafj amOngldeal “1 TE “PM
Sand-v “w“ by W Chink °f 30213? and mf'" n$jgmnd$i 71-1.? m?“9 512:,“vas V'ementxf’emfi'
”mm m ”mg." I” \ Burs“ mic ex ln‘aim 3'1" f V w be.lns"m1, 53‘d !h ‘ and
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- 4 ' m "ate pr "(‘9 - e 1d ~- mm mug gho
' M w d : ' g 1y. eslde ' Ra , ea] 1’ AS 01‘1“ ‘1 Su r loam
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km 'm V 000- '-" ' “ e' rign°"3 sa ' L'"for n ‘ mu “r0113 an “‘grou .‘m'
Wm M «um M “We a l “W’QV' “we“; many AVM°N0 \ “15”“? pt)? " my?“ an 11‘:
. d k W / — mific C3350 did n In River im'—resat:%ns "lat .UISE qualfimloym::tv9 Stepfrt “11035:“
W I” l 0 a - 1 . ‘ n
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m M ”D "I these [)0 mlng unlve - 8n , (he . l0" __7 Ulty he‘, grnu (“he - lack; "lber
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“II . _ om . esmndé are . tnm- -- he [Ions Ely to tact f- an adm tea~ “Walled ”d m
PM '0. , win-H I "on! and ‘1 Pds Sum, lons tha and en pr d ”1151, (mng Pm
*0!“ - M H M m m m tam“ me Q ,‘ -‘ 0f “om-3‘ Allan-eaten actionsmlnate 03'“me 0 He Salda‘lvo mmand m hmlnnrm
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1._ ma , M - . m M.“ . rm 0f highe any Pan'that I'm c Stand-a Bum? I. Burqehtudes dents U1 I10ns 1m) 8150 g
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, * ra] . u 1 1n tltu. 9] n a to 0! 'lc ~ I»
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a ' m Q m h 9. mtg,lng aboumd t0 5:2?" learmucky, Secclihon decline IVS also 3‘ the 1915 apnéhe spec!“ most ”1:" Sufi}:
‘ ' Wm, -:" ......,.. :12 :ng mums: the 2. «211m 1,... W 1:
. fl 0' It dem sa'd "1 ‘ hesen “‘“ho'n m ta cadem‘ 9‘5 e"“‘ntar.‘-" Of .a-"S m educa “‘5 ‘ ‘9" am
h h 9 lo 9th at each Id of "t at ‘ ‘C 9X09 \ and ~h9 a! “'l” (km
m ”It? xplolta 1“- s brea "’1 hos"1 Hence me “Nona Com 1 mUs:
- and non ‘Uch Ch of B Wes eve-k , Is a m of non 99th . (19y, 1
1“. m ‘9 , 0f as . a urse ‘ a W In 5 lm pa st (1r .\ 9] St
pr aChl grad mag, v Ca. . sald V It the 9d mr ”1m "dent _ fay ‘mma
v 112:1erPd tr: “figural" $335”- m“" the 1 ‘5 at mr "“3““ ""“R‘o‘fiatp "1 11: “h“ fonrred treat:
, ~. ex "€95 th '7‘ pa 5‘ and ."ts 1 immam ."93 19"“? st”(km 98“"? e p""fOr “am I
' Valence? lmeal-p?“ and buy‘n8 n Rem“ slng r or so "It mearrha-tmfllc mmg aple.
. ‘Al1 “.V of thears, “cation ck)‘ awbhc m‘ We ha- to th ‘5 uma _ - '3” 0r {a ”s.
a and 8c - bu fro I he ‘9 e H . Bo . Fun.
Cad? mor adem t the m the 9m m Stud s61d .\
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“"0"“? tame 'deal Bpuunbh“ 310:: mustme "‘réug ed gt he or 41:0 the 5‘13; t“ tIheus 13,,
"d are 0' wm snag ” "0‘ b9 ‘2- A “dent f1 9 ‘5 n01 e"‘-res‘,t”d9n1
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'men to "War ted ""9 R my“ andand f0re pm?“ tom”
“ry and 0V9 the 1‘81 “.8“ :Sun. of PnCOur most and he 3
seem quaht . ‘ ‘ In ppm . acadp aged ‘ 15 no
da . \ t x: m . n t
n Rim; 0f 9]. e"ded mate“ k 0X09” anal"
atim mmv the hontfiu 15“ (-‘nCe ., a
Hall‘lr‘1 whlc‘h w -‘ and 3”.“th
WC?" 35 held “ards at
tfifm'thgn the R Vere.
Ans “Hal
. ' 1
A .

Illl hollow Andro- W Jan OIIMn Mid-.1 "Norton Llnl S. Kodak- JJ. VM 0.0 “WU
Now in ("'0' Nuw‘ Edna! Atu Editor Spot“ Ed-Io‘ Spoual Frat-(u (duo: Photo (duo: Giophtu Ed-io:
P B RSUASION JIMOI Ilwln Mule It'bovc Pitt. “"00 Illll. VIM! Jr. 00!! M00”! Infill. MINI.” IonVOIIM Chris Ash
”mugging ””0, Editorial Editor Autumn Am Editor Auruom spOI's(tl"0' Sp.(|ul Pl0|.(fl Autstont Chief Photographer I up. Dq’xh l . .i 1
I I }
tr n e Sinister case =
I ' Y a ’
LORD, WHAT A #065 sexes/we RE mesa ‘
of the missm health board ”WW/WWW" WE ENWG" 70““ 'T 0"! 1
The 1983-1984 Student Government Asso- _ Considering past Senates’ records of leap- W,
ciation Senate is off toa truly roaring start. ing before they look (i.e. passing resolutions % I’ (0
Monday night. in its first meeting. the Sen- urging the passage of resolutions that al- (in, 9P5 i
ate boldly demanded that the administration ready have been passed). it's likely he‘s It , \ /.
fulfill its promise to form a board to exam- right on target. / il‘
ine claims for exemptions from the manda- Easton and Taylor may be sincere in their , i.) %
tory health fee, which takes effect this fall. zeal to defend student rights. but they won‘t 13¢ , “I 4; ll (J .
"We are going to hold them to it publicly get far ifthey insiston looking like hotheads. ' ["4 "m "= l '7 c f
or have them called liars.“ Bob Easton. sen- . \\ ’20 , / / /;
ator-at-large and a member of Students for ‘+g\ 1? r% / J / ,
Political Choice, which opposed the health n . y ' g / /
fee,declared. The [Ix police say they re domg all they §§ , . \ (g / //,/ .
And so. the Senate appointed six valiant can to stop vandalism and thefts from stu- gd 5:
senators to a special search committee dents parked cars. . J . \% J of: '0‘“.
charged with finding the missing board. Perhaps they are. but the administration ‘ ~ “hr-"w“
. . . ' ‘ ' .‘g r, t . o
By Tuesday. the board. alive and kicking. lsn t- The crime hot Spots — the Common- .\ :...- «1/ i , [In 5’
had been found. Phil Taylor, Arts & Sciences wealth Stadium. Greg Page Apartments. ~ \\ g , » . ' l J
chair and a prime force behind the forma- Cooperstown and Shawneetown parking W5 ' \ I ‘3 l' t.“ It ‘/
tion of the committee. said he had been un- — are ready-made for thieves. They are - ‘1 ' .2, l g
able to get information on the panel earlier P0011." lit, far from main campus “‘3th and I, . ‘. l / ‘ it.
because he had been given the “runaround” unguarded. except for an occaSional patrol ll ‘ l I" f» A if
by unnamed sources. by the police. _ l , ‘3 .i l, t ‘ (“/1 ’ r), g
That left Jack Hall, vice chancellor for The CQmmtinWealth llot. lm fact, has be- ‘t .t H , ,7 / MOTH ..»_J./, " ’ I 1:
health care services and chair of the exemp— come a Vll'tua Cl‘lmlha ’5 P ayground. At the K‘ i. ‘ ’ , f \k‘w FEE ’ I i Q
. . . . . / E J / i ./ 4
tion board. perplexed. “I have no problem beginning of the semester, it was the scene \ \\ . I}; COWWO /¢J')yf///y,t :’ J "(4/
with making any of our information known of thousands of dollars worth of thefts. >J , 9 MMITEE 3 Z
to any individual." Editorial protocol warns against the use of ' 4 "" a f ‘
Querying the reason for the Senate‘s con- the word “mustfl‘ bUt here it seems unavoid- I 'i‘ r; J -, J—————=' wf‘ /
fusion as to whether the committee existed able. The admlhlStF‘fithh must assure these . H - __ J .l 4.» "
or not, Hall said. "I guess the student gov— lOtS are adequately hi and guarded. 510‘ only ' "‘
ernment just didn‘t have the information 15 student property at stake. but perhaps stu-
that the committee had been formed or not. " dent “"95-
W i
P I d l f ' ht d 'b'l't' f th f t 1
80 e nee 80 e awareness 0 fl 8 an res OflSI l I I88 0! e U ure *
P P P . 9 P l
I think most writers look forward L'K Symphony. this is in appreCia» couraged to wander freely. taking in that anger into constructive avenues of seeing yourself anew and familiar one. No life. especially the life of a
to that single great idea they will tion for never laughing at my ideal- what there is tosee. for both venting the emotion and in every experience you pass productive adult. should be spent in
have and instill in the next genera- ism. but instead encouraging my Third. you have the right in this creating positive change. through. Some days the knowing is utter cynicism without meaning nor
tion. If they like theatrical endings. free expressmn and. at times. pomt- country to express your beliefs with- Finally. you have the right to seek more intense than others. But. you in utter laziness without even the de» 1
they wait and lay claim to this one ing out myfolly out fear of retribution. This means truth in the community around you. are responSible for making the ef— sire to seekapurposeful place. I
idea in a shimng piece at the end of _______—___ that whatever your opinion of Ron- You have the right to seek knowl- fort to discover and to consider the Finally, you have the responsibili- .
their illustrious and significant ca- ald Reagan or John Y Brown, the edge about yourself, your nation and dreams and desires that constitute ty to care and to care intensely. This
reer Lesley MX rnissle or abortion. you can yourworld. you. means you must not concern y0tu'-
I. too. like theatrical. stop-the- ABUKHATER stand on the Student Center patio This. then, is my understanding of Third. you have the responsibility self only with your G.P.A.. your
show endings and I. too. believe in and say it out loud without fear of your rights as a student and as an to apply yourself to what you do final exam and your summer swim»
that one great idea awaiting me. but the dean. your dad. or any other fig- intelligent adult. But I don't believe best. You are not expected or ming, but care about what happens
I cannot claim to have had an illu5- '—“————_—— ure of authority that a semester-long conversation on obliged to be a 3.5 student if book- and doesn't happen in the world
trious or even Significant career as Throughout the semester. 1 have Fourth. you have the right to rights can end without discussing work and examinations are not your about you. Care intensely about your
a Kernel columnist I only claim to written of human rights. those areas maintain high standards of excel- the antecedent to rights which is re- best suit. You are not even expected education. Let not one brain cell lay
have enjoyed it and to have been of our personth and citizenship lence for yourself and for others. sponsibility. What then. as I see to be a college student at all if you waste and die because of your apa-
heard by maybe 10 people through- that we at times take for granted You do not have the right to expect them.are your responsibilities? are not comfortable or encouraged thetic indifference to calculus or
out thesemester but always refuse to do without. But all to meet your standards ta faux First, you have the responsibility by the university environment. You business English or Bio 110. But use
With all of this in mind, I can say never once have I approached the pas we are all guilty of at timest. to know your rights and, in some are. however. obliged to seek your what you know to make a difference
[have dreamed of the one great and subject of your rights. both as stu- but you do have the right both to cases. to exercise them. Just as you talent and. once found, to apply in your and someone's life. You are.
final thing I would say to my read- dents of the univerSity and citizens keep high goals and to pursue them. are accountable for knowing what yourself to it. in essence, your sister's keeper. You
ers and to the umverSity as a whole of the world. I‘d like to give you now Fifth. you have the right to expect you are forbidden to do, like plagia- Fourth, you have the responsibili- must care and care intensely in
at the end of the year. and though it mylisi of your rights.asIsee them. honesty and forthrightness from rism or falsifying student loan pa- ty. in the pursuit of yourself. to order to fulfill your responsibility to
now no longer appears great. this is First. you have the right to live your leaders You have the right to pers. you are accountable for know- leave room for others to be who they her and to others waiting in line.
itand it is final your life in a way that suits you and expect that your teacher follow the ing what is available and accessible are best at being. You have the re- There are people out there who
Since this IS both the end of my you alone In the end. there are no policies laid down in her syllabus. to you as a university student and sponsibility to not divide the world need you and they need you to be
career as college colummst and as a crowds made up of parents . "ofes You have the right to expect that citizen ofthe United States. up into closet drawers of greek or aware of both your rights and theirs.
college student. I‘d like to dedicate sors or friends who can lay claim to your president tell you the truth con» Second. you have the responsibili- independent, American or foreign. your responsibilities and theirs. Be
this column to two Significant your life Your personhood. your cerning his commitment to arms ty to honestly evaluate yourself in- capitalist or communist, us or them. aware and act upon that awareness
groups of people here at L'K First. grade pomt average. your chosen control. You have the right to expect cluding your values. ideals, and You have the responsibility to let The cause of human rights will then
to all of my 100 students. this semes- vocation are all uniquely your own that neither Richard Nixon nor any dreams. This is not a mystical proc- others freely express their differ- be furthered because you took an ac—
ter and last. who represent the one You have the right to use them as one else in public office tell you a ess whereby after going through the ences and to join in with them in ap- tive part.
good thing I have done in my SIX you aloneseefit lie. right number of philosophy courses preciation of the magnificent variety ‘
years here — this IS to you Second. Second. you have the right to trav- Sixth. you have the right to be or doing the recommended daily al- our world has in store.
to the two indmduals who have im- el freely and unrestricted. especially angry at the injustices in the society lowance of TM you hit upon the Fifth. you have the responsibility Lesley Abuhhater. an English
pressed me the most. Joseph Bryant here in America We are a most mo. that do and do not affect you direct- “true" you. to go through life with a purpose. or graduate student. is an instructor in
of English and Phillip Miller of the bile society and you are even en- ly You have the right to channel No. it is a continual. daily process to at least spend your life looking for freshman composition. ’
of the bookstores. their books are gone. then call the I wish the best of luck to Ann Phil- - -
SlOlen bOOkS Both books had my name printed police to make anincident report. lip, who has a lot to be proud of and SU orf Boswell Committee ‘in the state House or
J . . . . , . _ . . . ,' PP Representatives.
clearly in ink on the inSide front coy- Students who find books should thanks also go out to Jim. DaVId and His reCtird shows that he has
On Aug. 30. 1981. a UK student at ers The book buyer at the store n0» leave them where they are. turn Tim of Student Government Associas tackled many issues relating to as“
the time. was arrested by the Lex- ficed that the two books were mine them in to a lost~and~found agency. tion for supporting our efforts. I am writing to expiess my sup- culture and our stat“ native re‘
ington Metropolitan Police Depart and alerted the manager of the the police or locate tiieowners. Thank you. Vincent. for your kind port for a man I feel is the best sources
merit and charged With recemng bookstore that someone was at- words. qualified candidate? for commissmn- Boswell was born raised and edu-
stolen property. tempting to sell my books. The Perry Ryan Finally, I would like to thank all ‘31' 0f agriculture In the upcoming cated in Kentucky He has been
Recemng stolen property is a bookstore manager asked the stu— History jumor those who have attended. organized Democratic primary — Dave 305‘ twice among “Outstanding Young
Class A misdemeanor in Kentucky. dent to come to his office and asked and participated in our programs. I well. Men of Am - .. d ha be
- - - ‘ tit nt in the 7th I is- . . em" ‘i'n . S e" 9’“
and I Signed a criminal complaint for some identification. From there. F H hope those of you who see these peo— AS a ?°"§ ue J 93 tenswely involved In mg local com-
The student was taken to the Lexi the student‘s problems were com reeze ra Y ple. thank them for what they have lative district. Wh'Ch Boswell has munit ll ~ th ~
_ . . . ~ for y.aswe as in estate.
ington Fayette County Detention pounded bv an arrest. Jail. bail. a accomplished. served as state representative Dave Boswell is b I th be
' . - the out- 3’ 3'" e 5‘
Center and was later released on criminal conViction. a permanent Today from I] am. to 3 pm. So They are the finest group of peo- three terms, I have seen qualified and most experienced can-
$1.000bail bond criminal record and a substantial cially Concerned Students and a pic I have ever known, and I will so- standing 30b he has done for our didate and is read - -
. . . . _ y and Willing to
The student appeared on August fine number of other organizations WI“ rely miss them. area 0f the state and for all of Ken serve you as Kentucky‘s commis-
31 and entered a plea of not guilty at Having considered the conse be sponsoring a nuclear freeze rally tucky. aswell. _ sioner of agriculture
his arraignment hearing. A hearing quences the student underwent as a with speakers and music in the free Dave Boswell is experienced. In ‘
date was scheduled for Oct 8. 1981 result of his attempt to sell stolen speech area of the Student Center. addition to being raised on a farm
On that date. the student wt: con- books at the bookstore. I was Featured speaker will be Robert and having first-hand ltriowl‘edge 0f .
victed as charged and fined $200 and amazed at how simple and come Kredig of the West German freeze Danny Faber agriculture. he is a member of the ReedWhite
costs. It was the student's first theft nient it was to apprehend a person movement at2p m. SCSpresident Agriculture and Natural Resources Agronomy senior
case. whowas suspected stealing books. I would like to thank all my
The incident stemmed from the I believe that the students at UK friends with whom I have worked bled
theft of two textbooks of mine. are somewhat uninformed as to the past three years I would espe- BLmM COUNTY by Berke Breat
which were stolen from the Class- what can happen as a result of a Cially like to commend Ann Nash TDMWCK AM? Will VEAH
room Building. I laid them down for book theft. I hope to inform both Vie» lAmerican (‘inl Liberties Union). you our” to News I DON'T WANNA‘HQAK ANY IVE hence?
a few seconds on a window sill so I tims and offenders that book theft IS Barbara Holthaus tDemocratic So PI ' vie PU'Y: ON J MORE AW HOW H6 3 : ve Nutk‘ You (we? 10 AND VQN‘T
could check my results from a final a very seriom. criminal matter Cialist Association». Maher and Les- NW “r 407595 WHO 7 53,232;ng “INS M 3“" ‘ THAT 5016694.. W9" M , THINK 1‘“
exam that was administered that which is easily traced and pros- ley Abukhater tPaltstine Student ”32532539W5 / GORGWJ! Who with??? MUWH" (£le
day. ecuted, Association). Jackie Edmiston, .‘ i ” . ’ / , ' (”flea/RE...
After discovering that my books As we approach the end of the John Yonk and Vincent Yeh tAm~ " . ,, \ J l ‘ l
were gone. I made a dash to the Spring semester, I hope that stu- nesty International); Karen and “ f—VV'F / 1/77“ .\ . ,
bookstores and reported them as dents who might be contemplating Wendy tGay And Lesbian Union of / N‘ J l “l a ' ' r'.‘-—- . ‘ ‘w? '. -
stolen. I gave the book buyers the ti- such a fast way to get cash Will se- Students). Theressa Hildenbrand, .5: . '2'." ' ' ‘) ‘ , F ' I
tie. authors' names, my name and riouly consider the possible conse- Kevin Green and. especially, Patty ‘ ‘ I '
telqahone number. The books were quencesofsuch things. Wack (Socially Concerned Studentsi ( L ‘, ' . 1 :. i’
taken from me at about 22:!) pm; Students who lose books should try on the concern of those who have ' V ’ ' ‘ m
by 3:15 pm. the student had at- to report the loss to the bookstores demonstrated for human rights and _ I , '
4 tanpted to sell the textbooks at one immediately after discovering that socialjustice. ~ A A ' - ‘
. t

 ‘l i -1 ' -- -~- - 3- --
i In! KENTUCK YKERNEL My, M23, nee-3
Sociology graduate enioys teaching posmon in Indonesm
8 II t d ts t ' t th t '
. U. . program a 0W3 S U on O aSSIS O or COLIN I‘IGS .
By PAUL-1058?“ from scho