xt7tdz030k91 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz030k91/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19760820 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 20, 1976, no. 142 text The Green Bean, August 20, 1976, no. 142 1976 2014 true xt7tdz030k91 section xt7tdz030k91 UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY LIERARIES' NEWSLETTER
3/20/76 N0. M2
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21 August - Inventory (KLIP) Day - 8:30-4:30 (see note)
25 August — Public Services area meeting — Cancelled
27 August - Admin. Council meeting - 8:30-9:30 AM, Gallery
3 September — Library Faculty meeting - 8:30 AM, Gallery
8 September - Patterson Literary Society meeting — 11:00-11:50,
Contributors to this number: Trudi Bellardo, Cliff Black, David
Farrell (Editor), Faith Harders, Alice Morgan, Gay Reading, Ann

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Staff Openings in the Press Room:
The King Library Press has several openings for members of the
Libraries' faculty and staff and others interested in hand
printing and book binding. A minimum of 8 hours per week is
required, and course credit may be obtained by arrangement with
the College of Library Science.
( Training will be given in all aspects of hand printing with an
emphasis on production. Instruction will also be offered in case
binding and the making of decorative papers. `
Over the past twenty years the King Library Press has produced
thirteen titles (of which only one—·The Day-book Account of John
C. Cozine . . .——is currently in print). Two titles are
currently in press: Kikkuli ("The Hittite Horse Book"), is due
in October; The Rabinal, a Mayan drama, is due in 1977.
KLIP Day Reminder:
KLIP (King Library Inventory Project) Day is tomorrow, 21 August, ·
from 8:30 to 4:30. Volunteers will be meeting at the shelf list
where Ed O'Hara will be waiting ....
Bring a KLIP (i.e. clip) board, and don't forget the free coffee
and donuts and lunch the KLIP Committee will be providing.
The LC Information Bulletin for 9 July 76 (Vol. 35, No. 28) contains
the "Semiannual report on developments at the Library of Congress,"
with a number of interesting reports on all aspects of the Library's g
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The Fifth Library History Seminar will meet 3-6 October at Drexel
University School of Library Science in Philadelphia. Deadline for
reservations is 1 September.
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Current Book Review Citations. v. l, January 1976. New York, H.W.
wilson Co. `
The Reference Department of M.I. King Library has recently received
a new index. Current Book Review Citations claims to index book
reviews published in more than 1,000 periodicals. It is an author
and title cumulation of all reviews indexed in other Wilson indexes,
and also an index of all reviews from Booklist, Choice, School gig
brary Journal and Library Journal. The periodicals indexed range
from the American Mineralogist and the Journal of the American
Statistical Association to Horn Book Magazine and the Journal gf
Maritime Law and Commerce. Subject converage is therefore very wide
and this may be a useful source for branch libraries.

PER§0?!T3F! ` I (
Reda Smith and Barbara Muench, both graduates of UK, are joining
the staff as routers in CSR. .
Openings: 1
LT I Interlibrary Loans
Clerk Typist Grade O16 (2 positions, 20 hrs./wk. each)
If interested, please see Faith Harders.
University Personnel will be offering classes this fall on the
following subjects: bookkeeping, shorthand, typing, business
English, first aid and business procedures. For further infor-
imation, please see Faith Harders.
Executive Director, CLASS (California Library Authority for Systems
and Services). 20 August 76. $40,000 maximum.
Head, Tech Operations. Indiana Univ. at Indianapolis. 17 Sept. 76.
$13,750 maximum. 1 -
Reference Librarian (Business). IU at Indianapolis. 17 Sept. 76.
( $11,500.
( Public Service Librarian. IU at Indianapolis. 17 September 76.
$13,750. _
Asst. Librarian, Reference and Library Instruction. IU at Bloomingunz
$10,000·l2,000. _ ‘
Public Library Director. White Plains, NY. l Jan. 77. $23,872-
Asst. Public Library Director II. White Plains, NY. 1 Jan. 77.
$18,857-23,797. »
Reference Librarian. North Carolina State Univ. at Raleigh.
30 Sept. 76. A '
Head Cataloger, Asst. Cataloger, & Gov't Documents Librarians
(3 positions). Cheyney State College, Penn. Sept. 76. $10,915
minimum. 2 ·