xt7tdz031403_11 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz031403/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2.dao.xml unknown 0.23 Cubic Feet 1 box archival material 65m2 English University of Kentucky Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky.  The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky.  For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact Special Collections.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. J.J. Glenn papers Untitled draft of article about graduation weekend text Untitled draft of article about graduation weekend 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz031403/data/65m2/Box_1/Folder_11/Multipage74.pdf undated section false xt7tdz031403_11 xt7tdz031403 , _ will a”'
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1:: 32d f and why shouldn't we Ye?

Last Sunday evening Bro.;ot:oy otiiv;-c1 t;c Lacoalaureate'
sermon and he baccalaureatod nel:10§i?gv~—-——~—~~r has been tnu 3n
lutatorian,lliss ----------- the thodictorian,rro.Hulse the orator:
tan and now it falls to my lot to be the diplomatorian.That's a new
word,diplomatorian in not to be found in webster's unabridgo; Zio—
tioary.Wh0n Senator Harding was a candidate for the presidency he
coined the word "normalcy." it is a good word.I have as much right
to mint ow word as had Mr.Harding or any one also.

It has been my pleasure for»: number of years to have the hon
or presenting diplomas to the graduating clas qsoo.tp to the present
the Madisonvilie WW High School has graduated ,‘éfi/ 202.3311}:
evening we have twenty six more,making a total of 228,0f whom.~—~
are boys and -—-e girls.hany of those gtaduates have gone out into
the world and are making good.qu cla ss of tonight may do even bet‘

iiternry contests Madisonville hgslgfi;;2gg/ggf more hon-

ors than any other school in the Western pontion of the state.Hen¢

derson,Eopkinsville,0wen3boro and Paducah,each and all with better

facilities than we have here,have all met defeat when coming in
competition with the Madisonville bunch.In the recent state 0?”?
test at Lexington Our three gallnat young men won oven honors in

[the final effort,

We 3:11vo a seat of youngsters in our scmool that are not afraid

:;;tQ taoKlo anythinb “rot Jalnn to aaii3ornia t31t $3§§§.Wears'


 n i.,. ., i , ,
gaps,bonnets,pantsgdresses,ealiee,eilk;l inen,jeene er broadeletn.
if Harvnrefanderbilt,er any other educatienal institution in the
United States off Iera a challenge to tie :orld, L have 3 set of
young Americans in our school that would aecegt tie challenge be
fore you eauld say "JaeK.Roberteon." With them it is

"Their‘s to make no reply,

Theirs Lot to run er why,

Theirs Put to 6e are Clo."

Qne good reason for 11: tile bull~io; Je:ti::eity,this go-af—

terbg0*:“i -T3 is accountel Tar by t1: gee; L-ML 5r -LVu a iaculty,,

" O

a net or tea eLiere tfi