xt7tdz032b6f https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz032b6f/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-25 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 25, 1986 1986 1986-03-25 2020 true xt7tdz032b6f section xt7tdz032b6f 51
Want: No as Established im - '
. ., .. . Unmm oHtontuck ,toxin ton, Kent '
2: M'mtElASrBLACK SWViVOTS,‘ on one Of the Libyan ves- “We now consider all approaching War“ between the United States and Three US. carrier task forces en- siles were detected t-arh \eslt'l‘tiln ’ . V - ‘ '1
5003 955 5915- . Libyan forces to have hostile in- Libya. V . . tered the Gulf of Sidra last weekend morning Eastern Standard ’l‘iiiit- ' , -- '
SH N Am . Both Weinberger and Speakes tent." The SOViet Umon supplied the SA-5 to assert the US position that the during the second (lav lll maneuvers f . » i .'
WA INGTO ” . erican Vwar- added the American naval battle He said the US. force held its fire and SA-2 missiles that Speakes said waters are Open to ships of all na- off the Libyan coast The lll‘xl flights . " - : " ' '
planes knocked 0‘" a Libyan missile group operating off Libya had been until a sixth Libyan missile had Libya fired before a US. jet aimed tions beyond a 12-mile territorial by LS Navy Jets (“81‘ the gulf oe " - . 4"
Slte and disabled two guided~mis5ile placed on what amounted to a war been fired at American targets. a Harpoon anti-ship missile at the limit curred late sum-at night tiiihniii iii , - .' V "

: pVatrol boats ”5‘“de Vafter Libya footing. While he denounced Khadafy‘s Libyan patrol boat. He said the Sovi- The Gulf of Sidra is a large. LT- cident.the sourcegwim ‘ ’z " . .. j .i
We" at 19.3“ s‘i‘ mgsViles at US Libya, meanwhile, in broadcasts government as “an outlaw regime ets had been notified when US. shaped body of water that cuts into But as more M. “m. hmhhm . '~ '
mgl’efiauflfi be 0‘? d: 'thfloam‘x; on state-run radio that were mon~ and up to no good,“ the presidential ships went into the Gulf of Sidra. but the central Libyan coastline from scuthward. "we started st‘t'lllg mun» '5 5',

lf affysVdrine ((1) . .‘1 t‘ m ff‘ itored by the British Broadcasting spokesman said the United States declined to say whether there were the Mediterranean Sea. Khadafy has military activity and tin-ii ".‘l tit- ‘ . .- ‘V: Vl'V,
GVUV 0V 3' a, a minis ra ‘0" ° " Corp, vowed to “make the Mediter- did not attempt to provoke the Li~ SOViets operating the missile sites. claimed the gulf as Libyan territory. tected the missiles." Ullt' mum. '3' :i' ., " x V. :2;
eiassaid. ranean intoa sea of fire" and urged byans. “That‘s for the Libyans to an- warning he has drawn "a line of said '

Defense Secretary Caspar W. attacks on US. oil facilities and “We were there on a peaceful swer."Speakes added. death“ above the gulf‘s entrance Th \V n V V V V .V , :- l: .‘L? .-V.\ .._V:
Weinberger said the retaliatory American workers throughout the exercise to transit in interna- , .. below which US. planes and ships 0:; 3‘!" 5 '9‘ 1“" “i” "W "4”" .Z' "‘5‘ ’ I- {rm-"'1“
strikes had been conducted without Arab world. tional water," he said. “We will con- agigaisggecmrofiggihg (1,3531%? are subject to attack he” ”(fjijmggt mm! ’““ “M ""1“". i ' , :" .-' ' 3":
an’ loss of US. men or ui ment. In a blunt arn‘n to Li that tinue too rate in thosewaters." . _ . .. . .' . . . . ICE an L: tit er sni-w‘w- («initial \t'S ' -."2-=‘.‘
bul esidential s kesnfign pLar th _ ed w ldg bya , Vpe . The preSident was informed within a The Linited States refuses to rec 5-915 The gamer. H. W.“ mi“. - V! 'V >
S Vpr 'd "th p0 r); e Unin States 05 not conSIdVer in response to 3 question, Speakes half hour after the first US. misSile ognize the Libyan claim. 250 planet malt-u... . u- "iiiiit ., M4 . '. , «‘ ‘- < _‘~.

pea es 53' ere are no apparen the episode closed, Speakes said. 531d. "1 can‘t characterize it as was fired. According to the sources. the mis- (long i ‘ I L. I d ~‘ . KEV ‘ _.-..~V
Final Four , .. - i... ,. . , SGA senator artery 1
6‘1 v ,4 p “ ‘ . "*‘VJ- _""“" _. «B _ :l .V ',_‘ »3
ticket sales W .1; it. ~ ' ' xi. = ' * 5" , a... a --: :2
. . . 9‘ over oss o s ace - ~<<~~ ~
3 . r; ”i '\ l I ‘ ' '
o o .. . ~. .
. . s a ,, *5.- n- in tu ent enter =
WKU women we . . i. . , , . . . . .
, W _. . Fa - . .V we ByHRMH'UOPER what ls happening. sh.» '.\l‘ti'r iii . :- » . , ‘ .
’"’ $ at ‘ . .. ' fl ""3 ”m5 Senior Staff Writer her letter . . - ‘ 7
I g? . ' y " g” I x h ft i v ' l'
:V i V: A .-s cra . salt. a pl‘t‘t‘WH’ll ‘.\.i\ set ‘ ‘ « ‘ .
By JOHN JURY ’» ’39:, ' " .4 - . ‘ . an?“ .‘ Placement of Student Agencies in two years ago when the lnterirzirei ‘. - ' . -. 2 >
AssistantSports Editor ' . V» A. the Student Organizations (‘enter is nity and Paiihelieiiic count-its rt- V . " . . ' - .
. 5 -.‘ V ' #4,, a violation of administrative regula- quest for office sgvttt. w iiiiparaim , . '
Just last week officials were won- , y ‘ . . . . ca " . g; tions and involves a serious ethical in size to the Stv'ii. 'it :‘tLTt‘nClPS rt- . ' '. a
‘i . ~ . ”e w - - .

dering whether 10.000 tickets would -' 2., " ll. 7 9 dilemma. said SGA Arts & Seiences quest. was denied . . ~ ~ . . j
be sold to the women's Final Four 7.“; . w.- Senator Kathy Ashcraft. This is the precede..' tiit.‘ »\.\lit‘t';1it . . ’ ‘
this weekend in the 23,0005eat Rupp -.:’-" ‘ . . '6 . Her accusations came in a letter says Harris wcahi it; l't‘\t!>iilL‘ . . '
Arena. .~' ' : ‘V ‘ , to the Kentucky Kernel about two should he approve t'I- move to Sta '_. . .

Now with the addition of two rev V - «a 3, - » ..» 5,3; 4 . weeks ago. after the Student Activ- dent Agencies. . . . ' . V
gional favorites to the foursome, V,’ . . v» . , : ities Board decided to recommend In addition. Asht-i..3i shirt the vii / ‘ ..
those same doubting Thomases are ‘x‘ 7"" “r' . I, 2'. )v . ’ 'm the agency‘s move to Student Center dent Agencies faculty .tti‘. wr ;s : . .V
expecting bigger crowds for the .. / -. -‘a .5 . ‘ V xiii ' Director Frank Harris. serving his role in ‘Jitltitlitli‘ tit sit: ‘ . V ‘ »
NCAAtournament. ~ .2... 2. “ ' «I! e A Harris will make the deClSlOn dent organization policy is estal» '

Western Kentucky and Tennessee. , ,. ' Q ., ’ it. based on the advisory opinion of lished by the Student Rzuhu .iiit: lie ' .
two teams just three hours away r- “ h I . SAB and the Student Organization sponsibilities handbook ' . '
from Lexington. join Texas and Assembly (‘itingthe handbook. Ashanti said .
Southern Cal in the most prestigious , The Student Government Associa- that Jack Blantoii \it‘t’ t'hulitft‘litil' ,
event inwomcn's college basketball. ~ ' i . tion senator who has formed a vol- for administration and the group ~ . . ’ - '

“If I could have picked four I... _ » untary committee composed of faculty ridviser can fit” h. .t;- tutti» ’ V .' V . .

teams that‘s the wa it would have about 12 members to investigate the er because he is not .i m. "‘bei' Hi ‘
. y . .
" turned out." said Sue Feamstei', . possible impacts of the move. said the faculty .- V V ' V
tournament manager and UK assis- - . .9; SAB‘s decision to recommend the "The ”cum. am. mm, V ' - ' U
‘ tant athletic director in charge 0f ‘ move is discriminatory. member of the facui‘i .: iiit‘d lll\i‘l: '
womenssports. . a”; . “No one group is to be favored sity.” she said "Sin-v lack l-iihiiziin » ' . .V 1
Except for 100 or so tickets left, :V k . '0' ' . over another. yet this is exactly sci-t i\ll~k. m. < ' _
every ticket in the 10.000-seat lowei r“ . ' V

level has been reserved. she said. .. ' . . . ’ 'I"

About 6,000 seats were given to the i: 0 f ." ‘ . . '

participating schools. and the rest ~ . pen Grums 0 gat (er .' " .‘ _ ~ -

have been sold through the UK tick- r , . , ' a

etoffice. m . ' . ' 9 ', -' .-" ' ..

But ticket sales are running about ‘ .v... . r t lnp t l i K f t ‘ ‘ .

4.0005hortofhergoalof14.000. ‘7 _ ' L4 . '. . u on S u “re 7 . . ' -‘ I

'IVvo factors which could hamper P ‘. "L13" ..‘V-t‘_.~‘ _ . . .' V-

the women's tournament this week- I”. .‘ V .« = By HOBHIWOUN‘H To examine the bLl‘~lt‘ areas of in- V. ' - ~ V'

end are the men‘s Final Four and \ wag , .- . ‘ Staff Writer terest and to conduct a series of i ‘ ;‘ ._ 7 V.

the Sweet 16 high school girls‘ tour- "' ‘ .. . . .2 meetings for campth opinion sub; V' . .V .V

nament played on WKU'S campus. To devise a blueprint for [h s {1.1- committees have lv‘cn formed on ,-' , ‘; V .-. 3 7‘-

However. the womens‘ semifinal . ture. the AdV'SOF." (omniittee on the the mission of tin ' iiiversity. dt'rl .' ‘ ., '

games will run on Friday and the I ~— mi“ 4's . i Future Of the L'niversity needs "‘9‘" demic programs. 9501”?“ PW . .' l I ’. 7f
final on Sunday while the men play .s .1 -‘ - .. ' ‘ , ’V . . .. , .. «2 fromfacuny-Siafiand Studenls- giams. univerrit} nitinuaciiiciit. ' - tin“ . ' '.
on Saturdavand Monday. {“55" N -‘ ‘ \ \ ‘ ‘I";‘-‘- ‘ ’ y; . 2 r” jet The committee. BMW-"Md by services and Fitei‘il ‘1 l‘t‘iuiwi‘: tin-i ’7' i . 3- . '. :'

' . *3 " :_ _ 3'": V...,.:' V {“ M‘V” ‘3 _ . - " f. ‘ ' a" President ()tis A. Singletary last 0c- resources. . i 'i V. '.V . V.‘_'.

More than 4.000 tickets have been a“ ‘_ ‘ ~- :55}: _ ’ it" : .- . ' V; .' . 1.. - . : - . L. tober. is preparing to draft "a very Each subcommittee will be Hip 'V. . ' '.- '. ' ' .

shipped to WKU. about 1.000 were 7’ . .. V . - "4 “is” 3. i . . 3-951, V V complicated report“ on various is- resented at the 0P9” memmg) . . i.‘ ”5'15".

sent to Tennessee, 750 to Texas and JV‘ . "he?” :1:- @351} k 7’, '\.. V 'hw' .. VV:2 .-V...y. sues concerning the t'niversity. said Other meetings are st'ht'tiult'ti ttu‘ - 3 f ‘0 _.. l i

300to USC.shesaid. V . -“ - 4'” 3“; 74:3,, 355:. . 37.; 3,: MichaelBaer.committee chairman. Mai-ch 31 from a w to 3 .iti p in iii j . i. .-

Even the tonschools not within a I .‘ .‘W’ . . ,‘ gig "‘ “? _. . ’ ‘ .- ‘ The first of three open meetings is 115 Nursing Binding anti on April L‘. - . V" .- , 9 4 -' .' a” .f,

day s drivmg distance to Lexmgton IAIDALmuIAMsou.'Kun.isvau today from noon until 2 p.m. in 230 from 7 to 9 pm, in 243 student t‘eii. . .- . '1‘: 3'} "it";

can be expected to attract fans. Student Center ter. '- -'J :‘I,’ ' '33:”5'

Texas has been ranked No. 1 all Drafted “W . 1 kn t t m 1. .. . .. ._,‘, Hal-‘7'» {.3}-

year and is undefeated at 32-0, while b de Vet 00 'ngha atnh 9:“: eVV.‘V Many students have ittetisV about V- V'VV . -V . i' : iV-ijV

: USC sports the most popular player John Curran and Cliff Wingerfer, both land- during class yesterday afternoon near the ma pic ”6.0 “, ere e ‘m‘em. what a um ”my Sh‘mm "9: liaer '_ .. - »‘ “ i“ '-
' ' ' . . tv should he 13 to 2.0 years from now 5 d u] T id .58 ,m . ll’t‘il tud .hh . .. . V , Vt. . y
i. inthegame,Cheryl Miller. scape architect sephomores, sketch 0 tree Classroom Budding. ' .- ' - - h 8‘ ' “ J J 'l ‘ 5 t ‘ , 'i. at “4‘ '

In Widay's action WKU (32-3) ~ > . andeocusing on the directiont e have an nterest Ill the school . , .' . ,' . 1'. .1

meets Texas at 7 p.m. followed by UniverSityinovesin. ‘he sald- sacrum \h E .i; < .v V ‘. 'V'VlVf. ._

Tennessee (25-6) against USC (30—4) . -' : '~ . :

at9230. . 0 0 . ".»

Sunday‘s final is scheduled for 1 V' . . _ z 1 "

p.m. and will be shown on national ’ ' . ; .. . °' .' . .

television. V' , ‘ ‘ v. .'

Lower arena seats are $24 and 9.

upper arena seats are 820. Tickets 0 0 . . . . . . .‘ ' .

are available at Memorial Coliseum H 1 h f Ch d d h h 1 , ' ‘ '. . ‘ x

from 9 anV to 4 pm Monday In sexua S searc 01' I'lStlan un erstan 111g t roug nationa group " . -
through Friday and at Rupp Arena . . ' '
from 10 am. to 6 p.m. Monday BXALEXANDERS'CROUC“ ' ' . homosexual thathu'i mthcsamc ‘

thr Th Editorial Editor ost bishops maintain V V ., .

ough ursday. acertain amount of ch0iceetVJVf atistairhne iniscx that a . . ~ .
. V V . V distance"from marriV person a. hint):
V s” VVV 37:1”? as"; sz ignity [5 its name and its Dignity, he said. The church‘s moral committingadultery .
V .. .i .. ., . .-. V£V~ challenge. V teaching puts its clergy in a .. James rejects tha‘ 'iinking
.. *V,‘ is» th . This i7-yearV-old national quandry. said Larry. who is himself Jesus said some hail been gin-en V
- ‘ ,f “ orgamzationtakesasitsaimlifting Episcopaliantmgnitv is about half the gift of continencrazut not -
the crfssughriggan denorVnVLntfipns. Catholic. half Protestant ;: “They everyorge.” he saidV "’VT‘thrc‘TVno
. “W! m m inparic r Roman ‘c seeaneed to rovideaministrv but r9350" OSUPPOSCl in i 98-1 0i
2.5.-.“ ' t. Church. have laid on homosexuals they doit in d‘i’fferent ways." ' abstinence automater ..l!_\ goes with .
"" mi“ u“ “I. prince d for several centuries. . - Bishop of (‘ovington William a homosexual orientation. if not. it‘s
pop. For a mlow. no DI- “All gaypeoplewithoutexception Hughes.whoseonly contact sofar ridiculous todemar.‘i‘." . ’
m, Fog. 2, are to some degree walking with the group has been reading its James described l‘l‘DHlVlVVV s V
. VVV V mundfd, saidhiamosérslngrrltiiher of newsletter. said. “My stand is pOSltlfggn théchigcliasb zVilitthe bit
.' fl- “ M00"! ,0” m . “‘8‘“. 1c PM“ y. consistent with the church‘s: We are more "3 Vve ‘3“ u m
M M in W ““5 suffering results when you ' concerned with and minister to 10mm PUbliC- _
M the live and breatheevery minuteVof the homosexualsbutwe cannot condone Dignitbeegan hyn. etingin
9"! H ”00¢ day inahostilVeenVironment. homoseme actsThechurch‘s members hOUSCS.U}.‘lL‘l.lAVirrV\'
My” m, ”a. Thechurch is very much a part of position is they homosexual acts are said. But for the pa::. 1. ear it s met
. V thatenvironmentoameswhowas in themselves wrong. Normal, atVche Newman Ce....:iV .
' “13°“. Presbyterian but ‘5 20" natural sexual activity (is that NeVnty years age . ‘ignuy
Ainet‘tchaa'imu‘dtaltt s. . . which) entk intmprocreationof mid" thavecbefr' Wet: meet aid
8 ac SI egrea _ . ch’ldren.“ ewman en er.‘ he man sat
V V » persecutorofgay peoplehasbeen began in 1969 inLosVAngeles whens tentative beginnings nationally.as fliesaid the church wants to avoid Butthechurch’s Wlilon hasn‘t
v. To“ will b. m thechurchwhoseihostile. prmtstartedaseriesofmeetings wellaslocally.Stevewasamember bei ’udgmental nd that’ts changed enoughSt-iw said The
W. . . . .. - . "8] a l
”a m M . by. y. '10ch attitudehasfueled ‘°'.h°'.“°s“?‘““‘5. "W!!!” W” WWWWB‘F’WP ”“3“! position is difficult: it wantstohelp wrrentpopehas takmthe church
h M 7“ _ popularprejudice."1‘hatattitude theirSituationWith their religious national affiliation and said it began homosexuals deal with their intoareactionary phase.hc said.
"‘ ° “qu “servestomake hatredofgay beliefs and the 903mm“?! With half? dozen peopleand "0W sexuality while stopping shortof and predicted it will compromiseon
wdfl tn Ito M 0. TO- peoplerespectable."hesaid. church,V said larry.pre3identof hasnpaidmembers. But recognizing it. theissueand‘rausem ~re
m w by M W V V V thebexmgton chapter. Christianity! conciliation with its V minim. Thechunih refm to say
“'MMN. . Dignity/bexmgtmhasenteredits Di it whichnowl' ts bout homosexualshasbeenjustas 1heRev.Larry Hehman.until thinsutraisht becaimrof political
. . - - . secondyearaufull-fledged 8“ y. . ‘3 ' tentative. January pastor oftheNewman and mwalmV" Dignity‘s aim
‘ chapterofthem'ganlution that 5Jimmieflibel‘nn100chai>tefiJuid Center, said the church will say to. Semiponsg, p.“
e 7‘
V ,V,

Arts Editor
Assistant Art: Editor
‘ . ’ “11'“ '1’1“ '“"’ “‘24:“2'5559'1 ‘ 5}? ’5' ' "“ 5": 5.5. an.» . . .
Afrlca takes .~ ‘Amerlca ’ finds Elv1s Costello
s: :2 was
p ’ ’ ‘ . 24%“: b 0 0
z _ ac on aml lar oug ur
‘ ‘ ‘ “W
Hurt gar ner S ' _ 2c»
‘ ’ ‘ ’ ByJOHN vosxuul. ' . 5 w . 5‘.” 5, -
aCtOI' honors » ContributingWriter 5 ‘ (a; . ,9 1i
.5 ‘ _,
at not; numts ' ”‘ . King of America Elvis Costello .. ~ ‘ 1%“ ~~d;!:‘t
5 Associated Press ‘ ‘ - 5 Columbia Records , . a. m
1 . . . t » - 3111"; 71 - \ 1.»- 11 1 ‘1 1 a 1 x 1
LOS A.\(il£l.l£5 "Out 0t Alri- a? No.51». 5, .- 5..” Elvis Costello would have l5 be- ' :55 5- 5. “‘1“: ' 5 a ),
ca." the tale of Danish writer Isak 5.1::*:5;L55...5‘51;§5 --—~ 5 .. 5 “~11!“ lievehe's ready toclaimacrown. 5 .. 1
Dinesen's romantic sorrows in Afri~ Efifiik“ 5555,. it ”W 5 .$ The wearer of the red shoes puts .
_ ‘. ca. dominated the 58th Academy 5“» ":\“"§'"3% :31“? flwgifn forth that claim on King of America, .:‘ 5
_ 5 . . , 1 Awards last night by winning seven fit;r§!§— . 53”; W 55551113 his latest LP. He maybejustiiied. .5 g '
' $111155 ”‘F'lugmg (11:51 5taifitur: and §%‘r€2§ mi'.- .221.~_~:c.3;5~;§e§ Eschewing the promintetnt produc- " ' ' 5
' » 5 st irectlon )‘Sy ey 0 ac a“ _, “5 J; g 357;, 5 5:3: {c “2:352“: . 5 - fh' most recent e 0,185 K‘ . , 555 5
1 1 Geraldine Page won the Oscar as Qf=.3‘. than I W arms. t1i(');:nts1sa collection of carefully? . 55 _ 5 2M . » 5 to. .
1 1 best actress for her role as an ailing r: ,_ 2 STA" . ~~ . ~ :11 ”111:1 ww‘m”w grafted songs _ pop/rock ballads ~1. 21-315 :5. 11‘ '1‘
~ ‘ l ‘ ‘ ‘ 0*“ d “0: ”m0 l“ ” P‘ “P ‘0 «~33: ‘ . . . ~ «if» . -. — that don‘t get lost in a slick wee-x1 23:2 _ -
' 1 ‘ - 1 Boumll1Ul11 {253? »".’t“ 1'5. t. . 5' 111$” cf}; 4 shuffle of heavy instrumentation. ’9?“ 1 31 c .. , 4
, 5 ' ,5 5 5 5' 1 “Thank Horton Foote for all this.“ i chi/(3‘5 3‘ 35; 21‘? .i 55} » ' trees." .5 ,-5- iii The fabulmts Attractions, Costel- \5 g”: 2,3 ' ‘ .. I
. 5 . 5 . . . . 5 Page said in tribute to her screenww I 5 55 5555 5)“; .1; o 05:5 1332;». «$311 5 :555 ‘W’fi lo‘s faithful band. contribute only 35555 3, \ ‘
’ -. .. 5. -. , i‘ltel‘. as the audience gave her a .5,“ 555-55,» 5 “£5.55: . 35.5%.g .5 :c 2 1&2. “at: 55 52$ one offering on this ”,5 and that‘s a 5 555 3.5 5
‘ ' : ' 5 w standing ovation Page‘s victory 5.5....s‘35}: 2"“11 5 5 ) fit. 1?. 5* £5.“ “fiche ‘S’y 55.5 5%.?ieéi shame. Instead. Elvis relies on a § . ‘ c5. ‘1‘“.
5' ‘ ' 1 ‘ 5 came on her eighth nomination. [4/1" éMfii&l( 5;; “mt... 5fgwy§5g seasoned group of Los Angeles ses- 5.5.3 55 5 5 5 , "ft 5
. 1 I 1.1‘1 11‘1 1 William Hurt “10” the 05“" as 315519;. s\k/ 14:15:59 2§mwm55§n*5tflqgffifd5z if; Sion men. including top-flight drum- M5551= 1 3 5
5555555 5 5 . best 5a5ctor for h5is role as5the homo- 5554”,}; ‘\" e Qi:7’et‘r1fia11§"""fi Q‘flfi? mer .lim Keltner and sought-after »,5c.:.t.c. 55: 5 , 5 5 555
55 _ 5 5 555. . segua, motieeonng pll5s50ner ili Ill/t ‘ d4 5 55,5555f5_:55w5555555 .. 5555555.. _5 .ng guitarist James Burton, to play ‘5 . 55 55
. . 5 "KISS of the Spider Vioman. ’1 I, it . .5313. x :gwfgflqifi {5,55 yfifi 5.... t. 55 5 some basic comboarrangements. 555 . 53 . 5 f. = .5
5' ’ " , 5- ‘ Don Amechet.h me hretiree inlade )JlMNAVS KornelGrophics The result is Costello's Nebraska, §“ 5 ., 5 5.5 5 5’ '
' 5 ‘ 5 . young agalnwi 5 . ( e. p( ‘1.” 9” movie. Another was a reproduction A group protesting “Purple 5 de- almost. . lee Springsteens 5land ... f . . 5
1 1 2:9bne1lsl11s1hfiprpdft1lhz'l2tor1 “100111 11011 of the movie‘s trademark with a piction of American blacks said it gigs: 23:35: tggstfilokssffiogf ' . 1 5", V
- - T . , ' )5. _, 5. message critical of the Academy‘s planned to picket the ceremonies . ‘ . 5 55 5 5
. .. . . ' 5,9326;ch:3;~;035_;:31”:; aggllg; treatment of spieihei-g. the t'abulous- later tn the day. The Coalition Fellestlargfly fiefitem fly: ELVIS COSTELLO s KING or AMERICA
,. ' . ‘5 night1 {frpoher Mk. a\11\taer()‘.é the ly successful director of such block- Against Black Exploitation has come 3305551555 1t?) nialtznhgi: points y c
. '1 . .. . , , ,.1.- 1 busters as “Jaws” and “ET. The plained that the film incorrectly por- . ., ‘ N Burnett straps on his guitar for
.5 . 5 5 3:35:le 312111;; 33.11.3331?» 212122;; Extra-Terrestrial “ trays black men as “brutal and sav- C0231}? Emissaltti: to: gh it; 18%.th n REVIEW some pretty picking and Tom Can-
5 ’ . . -' ther Johnlluston ‘ Six hundred fans filled the bleach- age" and black women as “loose, . " h' h re bgilliafi? b1 toda 3.; ning kicks in some tasty keyboards.
'1 “This means a1 lot to me since it er 593“ ‘0 watch ”‘9 Pagean‘rt' 0f ‘gnoramandservi'ec11 £121.1ng .39 also t ica’ii cry - — EMS' "00315 are S0u1fllllndeedc but
' . . 1 . -. . . - the show. which was to be televised Producer Stanley Donen loaded . ‘. 55yp5 . y yp with as guttural a glottis as Costel-
‘ comes for d role 1““hKh l “35 dl‘ - , - .- . , , - tic. The first cut. Brilliant Mls- ~ - h - _ _
' . 5 rected bv mt. father and I know it live by ABC trom the Music (enter the telecast with stars in an attempt k ._ uld f t l aff . is fine, but for s eer power. line lo s.coulditbeany otherway'.’
' ' , . '10! ‘1) him ”mum said m beginning atopm. PST, to restore glamour to the awards ta e, co reher 0 35 5°” atr Burdon and the boys still have the
, $3.211:th the :N .mt 1 1 Strong support for “The Color and help improve the audience rat- 80net5WmI't‘g 0“ t e 12:1“?53" elipetgl- 0'11." version of this song. AS {50" “The Big Light" is a brisk rock-a-
Th: nationally1 televised 38th Aca- Purple“ “'35 evident in hOmt‘made ings.which have sagged recently. in en /1N 555wasba5555i ': ’95:: ., e “Palaces.“ Elvis Dylanesque dellv- billy flavored ode to a hangover _
' ' demv Awards ceremony generated banners hanging over the redcar— Last year's show in which such lme 0‘” sa '1‘ lan mls 9' ery is entertaining for a while. but one that “had a personality,“ we‘re
1 more excitement than usual with the Peted promenade ‘0 the ““le Cen- unknowhs as F M1urrav Abraham Also on the first side is “Lovable," 137195 such 3? “And you knock the told. Complete with a hidden tribute
' hottest races in vears and provoked ter. One proclaimed "Whoopi. Good and Haln S Ngor won to awards a wonderful rock-a-billy romp that kids about a bit/Because they ve got to country crooner Merle Haggard.
‘ 1 ' controversv with1 the industrv's snub LUCk-11 referring to the film‘s star. suffered E 9 percent drop 3, Nielsen lives up to its name. The other first- your name fall llkecmderblocks 0" this one scores on all levels.
1 to Steven Spielberg. who failed to “howl GOIdbt‘rg. a best actress ratings. The 1984 awards also were9 side standouts are “Our Little ears thatexpect headlerstuff. 5 5
_ 5 . . 5 gain a best director nomination for nominee for her ”5‘ movie ”’19- ‘5‘" percent below the previous year and Angel" and 5 “Indoor FWEWOTI‘S‘" Fortunately. that‘s what we get The “"595“ cm he5re ‘5 J35“? 0‘1 A“
5 ..The Color Purple." other was an elaborate reproduction 23 percent under the mast-seen which prove Castello s growmg maS- tor the most part on side two. Parades. Costello 55 on familiar turf
1 . -. “The Color Purple" which tells of "ling“: 11‘ ”51°F p ”WI?! tfra5c5iemark Oscar show of 19705 which featured tery over _ C&5W “Angel” 5‘5 partic- "American Without Tears" presents here: the Znurdering galllff called
' a rural black woman‘s lifelong 2: 525‘5 message "'th 50] l 59 Ac: John Wayne's popular win for “True ularly satisfying, With 1‘5 images 0f sprightly lyrics about the American- romance. T ’5 lsuntages ~
5 struggle for self~worth. drew both em} s reatment 0 pie belg. t e Grit.“ frozen cabarets, canned laughter [when of Britons and a catchy cho- I 5 5 5 5
1 * support and criticism before the fabulously successful 59”“‘5‘5’r 0f andafallen honky-tonk cherub. rus that could become a new cams n 59:} [tong of ”1419”“ ls [.00 m"
5' show began. 5”?“ bIOCkbUSters as 'Ian'P and (‘harles “Buddy" Rogers, who D be ks th f- t 'd . _ pus drinking song. if our students 800855] e 0.5‘gna ‘9 beginning or
‘ ' 1 O h d b- h ' "LT-The Extra-Terrestrial. starred in the first be t- 't ’ raw c~ on e "18 S1 e 111 werehi enough to " ’t any coronation proceedings, 9399'
~ 1 he omema5e 1111111811 anging ' ‘ ' 1111 "it. ., 5 5 S p"; ure “3:“ clude a misguided cover of the Anl- ‘ p seize uponl ' cially on American radio. But most
-1 °Vel the redcarpeted promenade The film. Thigh tells 0‘ a rural i911 H ln5g5555 [rah name {on e "13151 1100'” Let Me Be Misunder- The second CUt is a groovy jam on of the contents show an intelligence
23):?“ thechlugiiteEter pgmlfi'm: black woman 5 l'felong ,Stmggl" 5“" 58:5?“ (iirilagthrougigrinan Award stood” and a sermonette called the old political lament “Eisenhower at work — an intelligence that‘s re— ‘
, 222'. :22. 2:22.222 . .. 2" l’ - “clcll PcPc-cc “clclcclllcccl cc—pccccroc p.
51 best actress nominee for her first nominationsforbestdirector. ‘ 5.
.- . - , OPEN FORUM 5 255.3701 :
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 3 KENTUCKYKERNEL 7M7. “25, 1* -3
Sports Editor
. 3 mm
Assistant Sports Edt'o'
*“\_;s--“.\.>§‘ “3wv’*«“”v:.s'- 32-» ‘ - 2' 1': . ...“551:5":13-2.3?-::‘:§EI§‘35§5§§§f3i=-:i:‘a‘i~‘.3'2.. -' 'Titi-E- ~22¥‘§532E3.'12:€:5=;2322.5stir-z..-.estate;"'l"2.2::‘..?:::‘:'e:-:e:r.2:::2.:".33-».:.:=:2.;.~.:a:azz;:e:;...sexy::::=gas-2:21:21,..::-,£11232:fifties-:55:;....i-:=2:i=- :=i":=5*"r.~-v'....:,,'.:-:2="=<1:>.“:‘- -e ,6 "$.23"? w.
ersatsgiiém? - "We“‘saaom’:
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v1" , ~ ‘ . ...‘.’»‘- -'-'-i'2-:‘»2‘ ' Av.- - r
UK golf team takes 3.. Q; 3..., SIDELINES
' ' ' ' . . _:."’*""1-'s.: ‘gfi’fi’ “ "‘4': 11;?- . .
c ‘ 33‘ 3 \\ ~3_ '- ‘Lffih”’w"’13 . Staff and AP reports . 1‘ .
secon in oumey t..- .3. ..
.. 4v - ‘ ' _ T" " we ’. fan-"732m. "’ 1. ' '
. " Q; .. .- $.12- - F2"
. . ., :«'t3*.4.‘A.-‘.;.1 -. 3.. . 1 . :- .. . ' ' . " ‘ .
By "\1 “1“,”. said. “They did very well this week- E; g {£33, T-1 3?. 1' 1 Sutton AP coach 0f year‘ SOUI‘CCS 5a) “3 3. '.
‘ . ‘ end and have been improving all " "*2 it)». c""»'~';.':;t'. part. "I, .45" ‘1";'.. ‘ ' ' '
5‘dffwr"er yeah" 3 TN; 3-»{%X:ife§g.£;;3§tx;g5.3- .. . 3 331.31- Kentucky coach Eddie Sutton will be named the Asso- 1 .1 j. 4-

A come-from-behind win by West- Flesch finished the tournament in .33. 3 3 2 ‘ Li.“ ;”1f‘:‘§r’.f" 991.“! "2 .33333321- Ciated Press coach of the year this week, sources close to 33 , '3 33 3 3
ern Kentucky forced the UK men's second place with a total of 222. one 2 1‘ ..... "' ~ " .. ' f7; ' ‘2‘ .1 ..- v' ‘ ,7" .542, the basketball program said yesterday. . 5 1' Z .‘-' .'
golf team to settle for second place stroke behind Vanderbilt‘s Jim Ver- 9' ' £53 .2 .J’ 24: _: ’1 ;3-’ "w 2 ~" Sutton, who leaves for the Final Four in Dallas tomor- . 3» = 1 -. 3 3
in the Eastern Kentucky University non, Grant finished fourth in the '9' ,‘3 '3 : fmmfigtwa" .- 3 ‘33.; .,,__-3 '3 3 row for an annual coaches‘ contention. guided the Wild» .1 3. l' 3’;
“lions: leassicthis degrenld' wh'ch “mt round at 72 and had an overall 1' if" i ' ' 'i. " 211%.”, pd cats to 32-4 record this season and to the final eight in the . 3' . 3 {3.63

In . e ".5 roun pay. I score 0f 226forthetournament. , " . ‘ 5 I" .2: . "'3 ..-,.:‘ -,- T1- 1?“- '. 5' NCAA Tournament before lOslng to l.SL‘ Saturday. " :3 -‘ ‘.'
was shortened to 18 holes because of : - _ p 9.» . 4...: 1'1" 1 3 ; 3 , 3 3 1 . 2 r. ,1 1;“.
cold weather. Vanderbilt took a The mens team 10“ two golfers :32” . “' ;’ .2 1,..." 333,. ' 1.3372“; ‘33‘33'3‘_3. "1- ~' g. Wildcat torward Kenny Vlalker lOsI to St. John‘s Vial~ 1.“.3‘13f
four-shot lead over the 20—team field. because ofvgrades after the m‘d' ‘, “ , j ’ ‘ f3: ‘3‘ "$4332 gee? cyst-.9? :32" 1:13 3 -' ' . .: ter Berry by a very slim margin for the AP player of the :.'-'_'-- 1‘." :
UK closed out the opening round in term. and Simpson believes "“5 has in?" ‘ *3 7??" ""1"?“ 2‘3" W fi 2' T year award sources said :5 1 .‘ 1 1-3 I"-
second place and Western finished definitely had aneffecton the team. " izté’tq 33%” £1557" ff . ‘T 1‘ ".3. “a; ' Walker lhc Southeast rn ( onl' r n l r )3 m 'l’.‘ ;’-"."-_ 5'.

. 2 ‘ 1:21. 1,~ 1. ~ . .- e”. 2. ,- . '. ' 2 . ., ‘- "‘ ~ -' - 1-.”
inatiewith Easternandlndiana. “We h- ve [0 do the best with what " 1:3 _3-_ 3.5” ; 3» ,1 .15" ‘3 . ,4 ..3 a}? “1..-- .3 . «.33: 3 , L L ‘ “ p3.“