xt7tdz032f2r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz032f2r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2008-02-12 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 2008 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 12, 2008 2008 2008-02-12 2020 true xt7tdz032f2r section xt7tdz032f2r NOT SO FAST: UK may be returning to the NCAA Tourney picture,

but Gillispie has the Cats focused solely on Vandy



FEBRUARY 12, 2008

Spams. PAGE 5





New diversity official encouraged by young leaders' openness

By Jill faster

llasterrarkykernel corn

Twelve leaders of student organi/ations met
yesterday fora frank conversation with the univcr~
sity ~s newly selected top diversity official.

.ludy “J..l Jackson of Vassar College in
Pouglikeepsie. N.Y.. was selected in late Janu«
my and w ill begin as the vice president for insti-
ttitional diversity on .luly 1. Jackson made an
early visit to UK yesterday to meet with differ—
ent groups on campus and learn about diversity

Yesterday afternoon. the II assembled leaders
lc\clcd with her, When .lackson asked how ittost
Student (Joy ernmcnt officers get elected. several
students immediately said “Greek" and others
nodded their heads in response,

“It's often said if you get the (EPAC (Greek

Political Action (‘ommittec endorsement).
you'll get the election." integrated strategic
communications senior James Davidson said of
spring SG elections. Davidson is also the first-
vice president of UK‘s chapter of the National
Association for the Advancement of (‘olored

Patrick Keal. president of the lnterfraternity
Council. agreed. saying leadership roles are often
passed down from one fratemity or sorority mem-
ber to another. though not out of ill—will toward
other students on campus.

“If you‘re a Greek and the guy who's in the
office in front of you is a (ireek. that‘s the way to
get the position. to get to know them." he said.
“It‘s not an intentional cycle."

As students talked about their experience
with diversity at UK. Jackson took notes and
gave her reactions, She said organizations

should work to develop a stu‘
dent leadership program arid
that if the (ireeks have a lead-
ership package that is work-
ing. it could be applied to the
whole student body.

(‘oordinating diversity cf-
forts among students. faculty.
staff and administrators will
be pan of Jackson’s job when
she struts in July. She will also
advise the president and the provost on how
university decisions will affect UK's diversity

Yesterday. the l3 students talked about what
they would like to see on campus in the future and
addressed existing diversity problems at l'K. One
subject discussed was an email forwarded by S(l
President Nick Phelps to an S0 listserv last month



-..‘.‘.:'.ll.’.ljl‘3. 3‘ Nil.


that falsely described presidential hopeful Barack
()bama as a Muslim and spoke negatively of ls-

When one student brought it up without men-
tioning l’helps' name while the SG president sat at
the meeting. Jackson said the leaders had to be
honest with each other.

“You need to put stuff on the table and say
what you mean." she said.

At the end. Jackson said she found the meet»
ing to be successful and encouraged the group to
continue meeting despite busy schedules.

After the students left. Jackson said she has
been surprised by how open and willing to work
the students she has met have been. In her visit to
campus. she has detected good spirit and good—
will. she said.

“I think it‘s going to be a good move for me."
Jackson said.

Rural students



ing am to accumulate in

with a high ofgo degrees.

and snow is predicted for

Students trove their Masses and rgross Rose Street as snow falls yesterday wrarrrng

li‘lurries began falling yesterday
at 5:30 pm. continuing into the
night. The National W ‘ather
Service predicted two to four
inches ofsnovv. sleet and freez—

I.cxington by this afternoon

'l here is a 100 percent chance of
rain after 12 pan. and more rain



A mart hikes up Rose Street past the lane Arts Burtdrnq as snow teit yesterday
evening The National Weather Servrrtn predicted two to tour rrtchos of air rrrrrtrla

tron by this atternomr

gain glimpse of
medical career

81 W91! AL"!!!

newsé‘kykemel com

Joseph Brown witnessed the miracle of life as a [K under-
grad and knew he wanted to be a doctor.

"You'll never forget the sight of a baby being bom or your
first time in the gross anatomy lab." said Brown. a second-year
medical student.

His cvpcriences were part of the Professional liducation
Preparation Program. offered by l'K‘s dental and medical schools

PliPP gives high school seniors and undergraduates from
medically underserved towns in the state a chance to interact
with dentists and physicians for four weeks. observ ing the dai-
ly tasks in the students' future fields

By working with students from small towns. the program
coordinators hope to encourage them to return to their rural
homes and set tip practices. said (‘arol Leslie. director and
principle investigator of PleP.

Brown participated in PIEPP as a high school student and
an undergrad. The experiences helped develop his passion for
medicine and reaffirmed his decision to become a phy sician.
he said. The Wayne ('otintry name said he plans to practice
rttcdicinc back home after he finishes medical school.

"Physicians from the area who know the c\ cry day lives ot
their patients ha\c an insight that is invaluable in the diagnosis
and treatment of their patients." he said.

Since the program launched in I‘lts'Z. it has "dewloped a
family of stippon. with past program participants giving back
with their time and insights." Leslie said.

Students in the program are involved in hospital rotations.
health seminars and informative programrbased lectures.

“It was a chance to speak with real role models. individuals
who were in the field arid who could answer all my questions."
Brown said. It also helps students network with helpful con~
facts. he said.

The second phase of the program. PH’P ll. offers a greater
iiHlepth C‘sdlllllldllnll of a physician‘s career demands. allow—
ing scholars to obsenc childbirth. emergency medicine and
outpatient surgeries. Brown said Those Plil’l’ If students inter—
estcd in dentistry are allowed on dental clinic rotations. where
they cart observe oral and ma\illotacial surgeries as well as
emergency dental procedures.

The program designed tor undergraduates also c\plarns thc
detailed application process for dental and medical schools and
how individual students cart choose the right school for them.

“Plil’l’ ll showed me c\actly how to achieve my dream.“
Brown said.

Students interested in either program can contact Leslie at
1850i 2574905 for more information The application deadline
for high school seniors is March 1 and the deadline for under



graduates is



Big brothers, sisters to bowl for kids

Bnyat Deringer

newsdkykernel corn

Brandon Thomas will assure
anyone that brothers are not al—
ways biologically related.

As the UK chapter president

of Big Brothers Big Sisters of

the Bluegrass. Thomas has creat—
ed a brotherly relationship for the
past two years with his “little."
Kristian Lowe.

Lowe. H.

said he Clljtty‘s

playing video games. laser tag.

baseball. card games and pool

with his big brother Thomas. a

psychology and biology senior.
ln art effort to raise monev‘

for Big Brothers/Big Sisters of

the Bluegrass. the 51st annual
Bowling for Kids‘ Sake. spon-
sored by the organi/ation. will be
held from 9 pm, to II pm. to-
day at Southland Bowling Lanes.

UK students can form teams
of four to five people to bowl in
the toumament by making a dona
tion to the organi/ation. Thomas
said he hopes to crush last year‘s
fundraising record of nearly

“This event allows students
to get involved for a good cause
and have fun at the same time."

Thomas said. “It is a great way
to ask questions about the pro-
gram and fill out an application
if people are interested. Partici—
pating enables the chapter to
raise money and improve on
what is already a great chapter."

To register a team. students
may fill out a donation packet lo-
cated in the Student (iovemment
office in the Student (‘enter or at
Southland Bowling Lanes. Team
members will receive free T-
shirts. pix/a and soft drinks at the

“Our top priority is providing
kids with more opportunities to
integrate with people they can
look up to." Thomas said. "We
encourage anyone who is up for
a good time to attend the event."

A non-profit agency dedicat-
ed to improving the lives of chil-
dren from single—parent families.
Big Brothers/Big Sisters of the
Bluegrass has been serving l4
counties and 28 schools in (‘en-
fral Kentucky for 50 years.

The organization has been on
campus for four years and has son
members. It offers three programs
for student volunteers school pro<
gram. community program and es-
capades program.

First issue free. Subsequent issues 25 cents.

"Raising awareness and get
ting new people involved on
campus has always been our
number one goal." said chapter
vice president Brian Drapp. a fi—
nance senior.

In Big Brothers/Big Sisters‘
core effort. the community pro-
gram. volunteers visit children at
their homes.

The escapades program was
created because some children are
on a waitlist for a big brother or
big sister for up to two years.
Thomas said. In this program.
children meet with a group of vol»
unteers once a month for a couple
of hours.

Though Thomas is busy with
school and the organization. he
said the school program allows
him to manage his time with
Lowe. This particular effort is pop-
ular among l'K students. he said.
because volunteers visit children at
school for one hour a week.

The organization holds re
cruitment meetings for students
who want to learn more about
being involved in Big Broth»
ers/Big Sisters. The last meeting
of the semester is Feb. 27. at (v
pm. in room too of the Student

March 7.

F Hispanic-black relations topic of forum


By Courtney Lacy

newsdkykernel cottt

Di\crsity issues are not simply black and
white. and a panel will c\plore relationships
among Hispanics and blacks as part of the Dr
versity Dialogue series tonight.

The Office of Student Di\crsity langage
ment is sponsoring the event. Strong l)i\isions
and Shared Dreams. Exploring the dynamics of
relationships between latinos Hispanics and
African Americans Blacks

The event starts tonight at
Ballroom of the Student (enter.

The fonim will benefit students of all races.
said Juan lispinosa. president of the Latin
American Strident ()rgani/ation.

"The purpose of these mum is the unifica-
tion and integration of all races." lispinosa said
“This is not an event rust for .'\frrcan-.»\mcrr»
cans and Latinos."

A poll published in December by New
America Media revealed tensions among Amer-
icans of different races.

The telephone poll of l.lll5 black. Asian
American and Hispanic adults found that fric
tion between these ethnicities is harbored in
stereotypes and the mistrust between the
groups. according to New America Media. an
association of more than 700 ethnic media or-

Survey results also show ed that the malority
of each group wanted to work together toward


in thc Small

creating better communities

"Historically. Latin .-\rttcric.ins hay c not had
good crimmunication with African-.-\meric.ins."
l:spiiiosa said "But I am confident that this is
starting to change since we all have a common
goal. w hich is to promote diversity and aware
ness not only here on campus but around the
state and across the nation "

The Di\crsity Dialogue series is designed to
promote engaged scholarship and debate about
the l0plt\ of race. cthnicity and di\crsity as a
w holc. said Mahiabecn Rafiirddin. director of
student di\crsity engagement Programmers
and organi/crs recogni/e the significance of the
paradigm between blacks and whites in the
l'nited Slates.

“llowewr. we are comittitted to cvpanding
the study of race and ethnicity beyond the
blackmhite paradigm." she said

About the years ago. diversity on campus
was only thought to encompass blacks. [as
pinosa said

“Thanks to these dialogues. the students.
staff and faculty are aware that there are many
more ethnicitics represented at l'K that also
need and descr\c the attention necessary to
move forward to .i more diverse university he

More information from the New America
Media survey cart be found on the organi/a»
tion‘s Web site lhlfp‘ newsnewamericame
dia org i.

Newsroom 257-1915; Advertising: 257-2872


 PAGE 2] Tuesday, February 11’,



your daily dose ()1 entertainment, pop culture and fun Kama ‘ Q.

























'. <



By Linda C. Black

Ht gle’t the .itiiiittttiire z'tteiii the

that 5 rating ’0' as the easiest thl) ii
the most roe/tenant}

Aries (March 21 — April 19) to
day ts (if rat/ll S’t'll‘t :‘tt‘d a may
to out t-iltzi‘ you've 'erte'tt‘y learner:
to aittttt tiriii‘ttrat l‘ lllt‘ltlv s irr-
tie/(383". tie? r' s this Willy or time
in; as it your tt'tt to” ttuiti i.‘ is
Taurus (April 20 — May 20) l: .. .
s d 6 Li it worries um Itt>l1,tr“l
'tit‘ (Ls yin. ~alo‘ tilt mt: ti "my a.:
itettiire Rev-W ytttir therkhs‘r ll"
ttitty then litast past tit‘ttt ttl\lllllt]\
itey'rt: illStglltlltlcili‘. tits.

Gemini (May 21 — June 21) i. iii
is a 7 . lake tune (or r:oritet'tnl.i
tron ‘t’ttii itituitl lllSUtVEl a wot‘de'
*al new Stlilfié? t)l tt‘r;otttie lt's tatttt
item it your stittrtttrsri tits lt' t
(itiltltlé‘ lti'tlt


Cancer (June 22 - July 22) today
s a 6 lite tllil‘l‘llll tiatt ts dil’l'lS'.
ltvt‘l Snort, you ran t t‘ltlllltitt' your
tei tint atti‘ittttplistttttents tn the tutti
patty til titted lttenrls Set an ti date
(or lunch
Leo (July 23 — Aug. 22) today is .i
t' tan r» tierttit watt tteit attire
rarel lily tr: see t‘ you ran Till the
work ‘rttii 't‘ ’ttdktt‘t) it took easy so
ytttt sltea'att't lte Sllliti’St'fl .l they
(tel? ylrli t‘it't" 'lwl’z:
Virgo (Aug. 23 — Sept. 22) 1' iii;
i/ l'vs'itaiymrt (\V“;‘
'1 iii y to truswtile tltlrlr. l't' .
,t .‘ qw.‘ .i" ‘
' littett‘ (it?
iii ,tmit
Libra (Sept. 23 — Oct. 22) 1 2w,
:7 (it luitw‘s .1" .t i'
Ilvllll‘t” llt’l unity; o. tut it ll .:


ti. l l“

t’ ) (,3 Hit l tit " tK'

(“.i .2 Jr C‘risc" :‘ii‘tt.’ l"‘.’:' w,’
sive lv't‘i

Scorpio (Oct. 23 — Nov. 21) lliillly
:s d ti You tram: ’ltt? :ittt taut
wily t titty lot you ‘t‘i tier: “t.)

twist" tlrttiritil‘ ttit; ti‘tervi "it tit ’1‘

kAlllIJH‘H ijt‘lltt’f
z-ptiiig nll insiiraiii e - liiimS.
llextiiis l‘rtw- (3 iiiiies lrom

i .lllli'll‘) :77 “)7:

attittlzet Ari ettt lllt: ltelii, even it it
lltt‘rll'S (llrlylllll the student
Sagittarius (Nov. 22 — Dec. 21)
littltiy is a I You ll have to past
time S’ittltl ol the Slit tal atttvrties
you ve tteen planning Work takes
titer t‘llitlll e ‘tit the next ten days
Mike dates lot a llt'l weekend
Capricorn (Dec. 22 — Jan. 19) to

ill] .\ it / l yetyrine needs in

min tztw ”Jt’ ti titeak every otire it:

ti ‘e tuit t“.¢"i ‘i‘l lialitt» .x'iirkii
't'ttt.’ y". ll‘till tie y’ttl' senses

. r-‘ y)».
lt )‘

Aquarius (Jan. 20 — Feb. 18) la
lit, ‘ 2/' i, '1‘ .il ,‘Jlil' (WV?
ti'tit‘i tli‘” i‘ Iit ‘.l"‘tl'1t't(] tli’ti‘dttt‘i
(, "in f». tl‘” "‘

rm... it ".lhtl" .K.‘ M. “it

i .. . .. .
Pisces (Feb. 19 — March 20) lit
lit) - iii litutrittttt mitt l~t
l. "1' :t in "it 1.1 1 til i" 't Mt l'tr
i‘t‘Slrtiiill? yea! .‘."J-'ili“- .ittil you gl
ltt‘ttl that tttiitty ’ll tttettt sir i: \lll‘

shittt t‘ t)" llt’" evaporate


Today’ 5
Sponsored By:


“(‘Shllll’dlll .Ind IUIHI ’0



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1116‘ Di

l‘l'Ulll \tll_\ to sentiniental*
tuninman Ryan Re_\nolds \\ ears
his heart on his sleeie .is d soon
tohe di\oreed dad recounting to
his daughter i.\hig.iil Breslin.
||t his past lows ilsla l-isher.
Raehel \\eis/ and lili/ahetli
liaiikst in. the ne\\ ioniantie
eonied) lk'lttttle‘l). Mattie tout
lehiiiar) Hi. ()ll'seieen. the .it
tor holds it closet to the \est
dies heen LIlllL‘ll_\ dating Scarlett
Johansson. 2%. tor neail_\ .i
)eart. hiit admits he's no
stranger to lieadrmerrheels nio
tttcttts. 'l'he (dlldtlit name. il.
opens up to l 's,

Q: “on “as working \\ith
three leading ladies?

'l'hei’e are no had times \\lien
)ttll ha\e lllitse [ltlL'C L‘iisIdl‘s I
had .i great time eiei) da}

Q: \\‘as it fun plating .\hi-
gail‘s dad‘.’

.\llct' )ittl sllitiit litgt‘tltel'.
_\i)tl start (it le‘cl _\ittt .tlttiiist .‘it'c
then puent' She \\.is rust a 1101'
iiial kid. arid then she iinhinges
her tan and unleashes this tale
ent. I telt I learned troni her
:\nd she did heat me iii a dame

Q: \\hat‘s the secret to
makingI a relationship nork in
Holly \\ood‘.’

l\‘\’\ is .i \ei\ toittplieated
thing (do ltelte‘xe i"s a routine
ol \\lio and \\lien llollinood is
a limit} plate heeaiise noliod}
has to grim tip. .‘sitlioili 's disap
pointed in \oii ll iou‘re on Milli
ch marriage l'he} applaud.
lor some reason

Q: What‘s the most ro-
mantic thing )ou‘w e\er

I met a past giillriend tn
london lor luneh. l \\as in l, .\.


Ryan's Secret Sweet Side


and I got on a plane \\ith noth
mg and tle\\ right there and
tnaiiaged to make it lot lllllLll.

Aimee Agresti

Retro re\o|iition' stars lookr
mg lor unique lroeks and aeees»
soiies head to NY("s Rare \'iii
tage. lihe ‘)tittsqiiare-loot hou-
tiqiie has been open onl} eight
months. hilt .\iigelina .lolie. Kate
Heekinsale and Debra Messing
ha\ e alread} eheeked out its
\ititage linds igouns a\erage
.ilioiit \Z‘ttittli lrotn Iahels sueh
.is llalston. ('hanel and Dior.
iramiiit.ige.eoriii\\'h_\ it‘s hot
()unei Juliana (‘airone (\\lio
linds her merehandise mainly in
l’lklllkC and ltal}i tells l's.
”l‘llt'SL‘ goons are eolleetor's
items ” Indeed. eaeh one eomes
\\ith d eard detailing its histor).

Erin Quinn: The new

Here she is' l’lus. an update
on the .\l%(‘ shim ‘s three alums

Deanna Pappas

.-\ltet Brad \Vomaek broke
her heart on lhe Baehelor last
war. the (ieorgia real estate
agent. 2o. gets her piek ol men
this summer

.Ien Sehefl't

l he (hit .igo piihlie relations
e\et. 1p reteeted proposals
ltoti? lcii's l‘CI‘tls and .lolm l’aul
\leiiit and \\ent on to pen the
dating guide Better Single 'l‘han
Sorry .\s lot line" She tells l's.
"I‘m still looking‘"

Meredith Phillips

The Date Night ('ookliook
author ehose lan MeKee. but
the} ended their engagement iii
1on5 .\'o\\ Phillips. 34. lnes iii
l...\. \\ith direetor heau l’rit/

University of Kentucky Bands

see blue.

Manger. H "lies in) best
triend'” she sa_\s.

'l‘rista Sutter

Stiller. 35. is the sole Bathe»
loi'ette siieeess stor) (she and
liretighter huhh) R_\ an. 33. In e
in (‘olorado \\ith son Ma\. 6
months). Her ad\ tee tor I’appas.’
“(lo \\ith )Ullt gull"

Ian Drew

Model \\ith a cause? l"ergie
gets goi‘geoiis and promotes
H|\?pre\‘ention anareness in
M.\("s ne\\ \'i\a (ilain print
eampaign tor a limited-edition
l.ipglass. tl’roeeeds lrom the
sale go to the M.\(‘ AIDS
l‘tltltl.) l'he L..-\.~'area natn e. 33.
\\ ho is ne\\l_\ engaged to aetor
Josh l)uhainel. 35. talks to l's.

Q: Tell ['5 about the new

I created a maine lip gloss
that‘s eas_\ to \\ ear tor all skirt
toties. You‘ll want to near it
e\er) da_\'

Q: What else are you
working on?

Right non I’m in Australia
touring “till the Police. Then
I'm going to attend Fashion
Week at Milan. ltal_\. But alter
that. l \iaiit to be home \\ith in)
frame? and dogs (or a \\hile.

Q: How are wedding plans

I‘m rust starting. My girl
tiriends iiist pieked tip in) first
\\edding niaga/ines. As a little
girl. I \\atehed Madonna's vsedv
drug to Sean Penn. and Prineess
Dr‘s. and I thought. 'M} (iod.
the) ‘re so grand and grandiose.~
And no“ I don't know il' I “an!
something like that.

('lJP‘tRlliiil [OUR US WHist‘t

* see you rself in UK Bands”!





Everyone is askin you abou
your 05- tad plans.




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2 car bombs in Baghdad add to rise in violence

81 §tjvo Lnnnon

McClatchv Newspapers

BAGHDAD Violence is increasing in Iraq. raising questions
about whether the security improvements credited to the increase in
US. troops may be short-lived.

('ar bombs in Baghdad on Monday killed at least ll people and
injured a prominent leader of one of the country's most influential
Anierican‘allied tribal riiilitias.

The‘Ministry of Electricity announced that power to much of the
nation. already anemic. is likely to lag in coming days because in-
surgents had blown up transmission facilities and natural gas
pipelines that fuel generators.

(‘BS News confirmed that two of its journalists are missing in
Basra. in lraq’s south.

A leading parliament member warned that budget disputes have
paralyzed the legislature.

Secretary of Defense Robert (iates. finishing a two—day visit to
Baghdad. said that he was likely to advocate a pause in troop with-
drawals to evaluate the situation after the last of the additional
troops sent here under President Bush‘s so-called surge strategy had
left later this year.

Gates made the remark after meeting for two hours with Gen.
David Petraeus. the top US. commander in Iraq. Petraeus already
has indicated that he wants to slow troop withdrawals to consolidate
the past year‘s security gains.

Gates previously has said that how fast troops are redeployed
from Iraq will depend on conditions there. But his statement
prompted criticism frorii Democratic lawmakers. House Speaker
Nancy Pelosi. D-Calif.. House Armed Services Committee
(‘hairman lke Skelton. [)-Mo.. and presidential contender Sen.
Barack Obama. D—lll.. each issued statements that said delaying
further withdrawals would leave the American military over-


"While the administration puts our drawdow'n on permanent
pause." ()bama said. al-Qaida leader ()sama “bin Laden is on the
loose. Afghanistan is sliding toward chaos and we're spending bil-
lions of dollars a week in Baghdad instead of helping Americans
who are struggling here at home."

Other leading presidential contenders made no comment on
Gates‘ remarks. Republican front-runner John Mc(‘am has been a
leading advocate of the surge.

After months of declining violence. February is certain to be the
third straight month to see increases in the numbers of Baghdad res—
idents killed in car bombings and suicide attacks.

According to statistics kept by McClatchy. the low point in such
killings came in November. when 76 people died. Thanks to a pair
of pet market bombings that killed 99 people Feb. I. February‘s tal-
ly already is I31.

Petraeus' counsel on troop withdrawals after some surge troops
have departed will play a big role in determining what (iates recom-
mends to the president. Pentagon officials said.

Monday marked the second day in a row of suicide attacks.
Blasts in Salah ad Din. Anbar and Ninevah provinces killed at least
30 people Sunday.

Monday. a suicide car bomber drove his car into the Baghdad
residence of a prominent leader of the Anbar Salvation Council. a
[LS-allied militia that‘s credited with helping to drive avaaida in
Iraq from that province. Five minutes later. another car bomb ex—
ploded at a busy intersection a short distance away.

The blasts killed at least 1] people and injured 30,

Later. Sheik Ali Hatheni al—Suleiriian al-Duleiiiiy. who was iri~
jured in the attack. went on Iraqi TV and declared war against his
enemies. He said that his militia. many of whose members are paid
by the United States. no longer would allow the US. or lraqi gov—
emmeiit to interfere with its work.


fr.“ i m»


.5» .hzzz’Q'a r 1' 7m : lt'ux f4? 1,

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CAMPUS CAL fink/iii“


luesday. ietiruary 12, 2008 | PAGE3


Cars destroyed during a summit} bombing sit near the compound of Ali
Hatem al Suleiman al Duleirny on Monday in Baghdad, Iraq All Hatem al
Suleiman al Duleimy IS one oi the leaders of the powerful Anbar Awaken
mg Council

His comments came as similar i'Sxallied groups in nearby
Diyala province continued to refuse to work with American or lraqi
govemnient forces until the priniricial police chief is rcriio\ ed. On
Monday. hundreds protested in Diyala to demand the chief's re-

In an c-mailed statement. the top l'.S. military spokesman in
Iraq. Rear Adm. (iregory Smith. acknowledged the "trustration on
the pan of sortie awakening councils." btit said that riiost remained
on the job and committed to defending their neighborhoods.

lraqi govemment spokesmen declined comment or couldn't be

Visit in was sits sea {was amazes as
as 13?: aeta

The Camput Calendar it produred by the Ottire of Student At twities, LL’ddf‘Hll'D & involvement Registered Student Guys and UK Dents (an sunrrnt tnr‘orrnat on tor FREE onl‘ine ONE WEEK PRIOR to the MONDAY trite/«riatttirt Is to tip/Nu“ 1. a 257-8867 (0' mm: Mum an“,

TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts
0CC0-Volunteer at Catholic
Action Center, 5:00 PM,
Catholic Action Center
OCareer Fair Clues, 12:00 PM,
Raymond Bldg. Room 112
024 Hour Party People, 8:00
PM, UK Student Center Cats

~Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carnegie Center

0Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the

-Cheap Seat Tuesdays - Into
the Wild, 8:00 PM, Student
Activities Board

OMiniature Worlds: Art of
India, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary


Center for the Arts
OCCO-Volunteer At God‘s Pantry,
3:30 PM. God‘s Pantry

~Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series, 12:00
PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

0Comedy Caravan, 8:00 PM, UK
Student Center Cats Den
OVqunteering at the Carnegie
Center, 300 PM, Carnegie Center
OHappy Hour: 51 Video Games, 4:00
PM, UK Student Center Cats Den
027day Mock interview Marathon,
9:00 AM, Stuckert Career Center
Networking Breakfast, 8:00 AM,
Stuckert Career Center, room 101
OMiniature Worlds: Art of India,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in the
Singletary Center for the Arts
-CCOrYoung At Heart Meeting,
5:00 PM, Student Center
ORESUMANIA, 10:00 AM, Ralph G.
Anderson Bldg. Commons (College
of Engineering)

~Volunteer w/ Beaumont Buddies,

4:00 PM, Beaumont Middle School
-Miniature Worlds. Art of India, 12 00
PM, UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

-DanceBlue Committee Meeting, 6:00
PM, SC RM 206

-Cru Weekly Worship Meeting, 7 30
PM, Center Theater in the Student

Art Museum in the Singletary Center
for the Arts

oFree Movte Amelie, 10:00 PM,
Worsham Theater (Student Center)
'CCO Board of Directors Meeting,
5'00 PM, 106 Student Center

027day Mock Interwew Marathon
9'00 AM, Stuckert Career Center
Olntervrewmg 101,1ntervrewrng Basrcs
and Behavioral Interviewing, 330 PM,
)ames W. Stuckert Career Center
-Vqunteenng at the Carnegie Center,
3:00 PM, Carnegie Center
Ilntervrewtng 101 Intervrewrng Basrcs
and Behaworal Intervtewrng, 330 PM,
James W. Stuckert Career Center
OTearn TI’IVIa,, 800 PM, UK Student
Center Cats Den

tRobert C May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series, 12:00 PM,
UK Art Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts




it"ie‘ii‘s stir
r‘t'tt‘u‘s t .‘tv'Ut‘i ’5"?

it from (tin, ("iii t-

c ’v

iliti It‘*‘yt‘{'5*‘s;sil‘;iiii\

(div: is U‘rli not it»
Onrr-a’iitms lt‘iismm

~The Vagina Monologues,
7:30 PM, Worsham Theater
TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts
OMiniature Worlds: Art of
India, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

-Guitar Hero III Tournament,
8:00 PM, UK Student Center
Cats Den

OFree Movie: Romeo + Juliet,
10:00 PM, Worsham Theater
(Student Center)
~Volunteering at the
Carnegie Center, 3:00 PM,
Carnegie Center

'Robert C. May Photography
Endowment Lecture Series,
12:00 PM, UK Art Museum in
the Singletary Center for the

TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art
Museum in the Singletary
Center for the Arts

-The Vagina Monologues,
7:30 PM, Worsham

ORobert C. May
Photography Endowment
beétxrrfnsfleurslgargzmoghzhfl' 0Miniature Worlds: Art of

Singletary Center for the India, 12:90 PM' 9K Art
Arts Museum in the Singletary
.QLD MASTER WORKS ON Center for the Arts

TION, 12:00 PM, UK Art Photography Endowment
Museum in the Singletary Lecture Series, 12:00 PM,
Center for the Arts UK Art Museum in the
0Miniature Worlds: Art of -

India, 12:00 PM, UK Art zflgletary Center for the
Museum in the Singletary

Center for the Arts

-Volunteering at the

Carnegie Center, 10:00

AM, Carnegie Center







In IIIIIII‘III Park, Maryland


McCain, Obama look strong
for 'Potomac Primary'

By David Lightman and William Douglas
MI;CIIIII:IIy Newspapers

(HI I l'(iI: I’.»\RI\'. Md. IIIII'III'Is ()I‘IIlllIl
IippeIIred pnised .\IniIdII) In IIniIIII'e IIIlIIII’_\
(‘IInInn III IIIesdIn‘s "I'nInInIII pi'IIII.II_\.” IIs
pnlls shn\\ed hInI \HIII huge IeIIds III .\Lu}l.Ind
Iind \neIIIIII.

()hIIinII. tresh Iinni II\e \\eeI\end \\Ins nxei
(‘hIIInn III I,UIII\IIlIlIl. \\.Ishingtnn sIIIIe. NehI’IIsIIII,
MIiine Iind the IS \Irein IsIIIndsI I\ hnpni;v In
III VirgIInII. XIIIIIIIIIII_I and the Ill\lllt’l n! (’nIunIhIII
In IiIIkiIIII Ihe l\\n I)enInei.IIs' \IrIuIII Iie IIe IIIsn
hnpes IhIII hi3: \\l|l\ IIIesIIII} \\III enhIInte his
tIIIIIpIIIen's nInnIenIuni IIlIeIId III the shnudnuns

(‘IlllII‘llI \\hn I‘IIIIIpIIIent-d \InIidIn .II II (ienei
III \InInis IrIInsnnssinn pIIInI in inlIIIIh.In IIIIIII
Innre. Ii'ied In pi'nieII IhIII she \\.Is sIInne .ind nn
Ihe InIiIeh

“I Ik'L'I "JUIHI IIIinlIl \\IICI't‘ \\e dIk‘.“ IIIC .\e\\
anlx senIIInr sIIid. renIIndInj.‘ her .IIidieIIee IhIII
"I‘m still .IheIId In the pnpiIIIIr \nIe IInd deler

Iln\\e\er. \\ |I1Ie (‘hntnn tried in snund IIpheIIII
lier eIInIpIuen tried III .Id\IInIe In drsInunI Ihe inr
pIIeI nI IuesdII} .\ pinnIIIIes l\_\ lnI Iisine nn \IIIII‘II
4. \Ieunuhrle .In enIIIIisIIIsIII' ein\\.d nI .Ihnut
17.5”” greeted ()h.InI.I III the I nnersiti nI \IIir}.
IIItId‘s ('nIntIIsI ('enIeI.

"II Innks like we're IIII\III;J .\IIIII’II InIIdness II
IIIIIe I*.II|}_‘ Ihe Ilhnnis senIIIni tnld suppniteis III
the IIIIsIIeIhIIII .IIeIIII He talked .IlsnIiI cleaning: up
Ihe ('hesIIpeIIIIe I’III). ending: the II’IIII \\.Ii IIIIII IIIII
In}: nn ('IIIIInn

'I'he .Iudienee \IIIs \Inued “-\III.I/In_~:. Ile‘s
IIII lll\|lll'lllf.‘ IIeIiie.” sIIid \\II_\ne Shun. 17. II
prniett IIIIIIIIIfJCI' InI II sIIIeIIIIe enininuniI.IIinns

()n the RepIIhInIIn sidet .\l'l/U!ld Sen .lnhn
.\II( 'IIIII l\ ewet ted IIIesIIIIy In .idd In hrs In; del
L'tJIlIk' IeIId n\eI Iniinei \I'RIIiisIIs ( inx \Ilhk' IIIIkh'

\It'I'IIIII‘s strengths in the re'JInn .Iie I‘IeIII‘
erIIn pniiIiIIiIinns III \ Ii'eInIII. Ieeistered \nieis IIIII
\nIe III eIIheI [hunk [Illlll.ll_\ .InII pnlls liIi\e
Inund Ih.II \III'IIIII‘s pnpulurit} IllllIlIlL' Indepen
denIs shnuld help IIIIII

\III‘IIIII appeared unInnIeined In Il|\ \\I*