xt7tdz032g52 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tdz032g52/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1943-04-09  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1943 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 9, 1943 1943 1943-04-09 2020 true xt7tdz032g52 section xt7tdz032g52  








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Minutes of the resulty of the University a March 9, 1943

introduction to the subject; location for flowers; soils suitable
for flowers, drainage» and exposure to sunlight; fertilizers for
flowers; varieties, growing from seed and plants; cultural require~

ments and uses; insects and diseases; house plants.

HortiCulture 125. Plants and Planting Materials. (2) III
A study of woody and herbaceous plants, their identification, suit~


ability for landscane uses, and the effects produced. Lecture,

1 hour; laboratory, 2 hours. PrereQuisite: HOrt. 120, This is

a study of the size, share, color of foliage, flower and fruit of
plants; their adntation to landscape work, together with the means
of identification. Trees, evergreens, shrubs, and vines will be

These changes reduce the quarter hours from 39 to 36,


I , .

Minutes of the Faculty of the University « April 9, 194“

The Faculty of the University met in the President's Office
Friday, April 9, 1943. President Donovan nresided. Members present
were Alvin E, EVsns, W. D. Funkhouser, Frank D. Peterson, Edward
Wiest, and Leo M. Chamberlain. Assistant Deans L. J. Horlacher and
D. V. Terrell also attended the meeting.

The minutes of March 9 were read and approved.

The following policy with respect to the granting of educational
credit for military experience Was annroved by the Faculty


"With reference to the granting of academic credit to dis~
charged or furloughed members of the armed forces for trairin
ceivcd While in service, the Faculty of the University of Ken ucky
announces the following policy:

1. The Faculty disapnroves the granting of "blanket"
credit on the basis of service in the armed forces without valid
evidence of educational achievement,

2, It approves the granting of‘credit for educationdl
training scruired during the feriod of service, on the besis of
demonstrated competence in a snecific subject or subjects and,
within the limits of this general policy, reCOgnizes three pro—
cedures by which the discharged or furloughed member may estabe
lish credit:




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Minutes of the Faculty of the Uhiversity e April 9, 1943


g a. Credit may be granted directly for a course taken

; by a member of the armed forces on the campus of
the University of Kentucky when such a course has
been adjudged to meet acceptable college standards
and when the appliCant has demonstrated that he was
eligible for admission to the University at the
time he enrolled in the course.



b. Credit in Military Science may be granted directly
for service in the armed forces. The amount of
such credit will be determined with respect to a
minimum period of service and whether or not the












I individual served as a commissioned officer. The
«age. granting of such credit shall be in accordance
.Hfi \- with the Army regulations governing the R.O.T.C.

i c. In the case of all other applications for credit,


the educational training acquired during the per?
iod of service shall be evaluated with reference
to such records as those to be supplied by the
Armed Forces Institute.





s. The above statement of policy shall apply alike to men and women.
‘ Transfer of credit, granted by another accredited institution for
military service, may be allowed when the credit has been granted
under the conditions outlined above."

The following resolution respecting Professor James Burt
‘ Miner was read to the Faculty:




of Professor James Burt Miner whose death occurred on
March 24, 1943. Near the end of his twentywsecond year at
the University his outstanding service was brought to a
sudden close.

Professor Miner was the first fullatime instructor in

Psychology at the Uhiversity of Illinois. From there he
went to the Carnegie Institute of Technology, where he
organized the Research Bureau for Retail Training. He
organized the First ysychOIOgical clinic west of Chicago
in 1908, at a time when such clinics existed in only two
or three uniVersities. At the University of Kentucky he
established the Personnel Bureau and was editor of the

: Kentucky Eersonnel Bulletin. He was collaborator of the
Journal of Educational Psychology, cooperating editor of




é!‘ "The Faculty of the university is saddened by the loss

the Psychological Exchange,chairman of the Clinical Section
Vb ~ of the American Psychological Association, member of the
Board of Directors of the Psychological Corporation, member
of the Council of the American Association for the Advancee
ment of Science, president of the Southern Society for
Philosophy and Psychology» and member of various other
state and regional organizations.






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Minutes of the Faculty of the University - April 99 1943


Long considered a leader in his field, Professor
Miner published numerous important papers and books. In
his first published paper he settled for all time the
critical question as to the innate or acquired basis of
visual space perception. His book on Defi.ciency and
Delinquency was the first authoritative volume in this '
field and was a standard test=book for many years. He
translated into English, Henri Pieron's Egperimental

.__P S.1§§21~£8...°

Professor Miner Was a man of exceptional scholara
ship and Was devoted to the work of teaching, yet his
interests were remarkably broad. He was for years on
the Board of the Lexington Family Welfare Society. He
organized and conducted the testing service for the 3

Police and Firemen of the city. He established a mental M
hygiene service and child welfare clinic at the Univere my \
sity. He was the organizer of the stateewide guidance r

and testing service through the Kentnoky Association of
Colleges and Secondary Schoolso contributing a handbook
on guidance for the secondary schools. He organized the
guidance section of the Kentucky EduCation Association.
He had recently formulated a plan for field work in
guidance. centering in the University.





This brief outline of the life and work of our
colleague would be incomplete were no mention made of
his kindly, unassuming, and helpful personality. We
have indeed suffered a heavy loss in his passing and
the members of the Faculty of the University wish to
convey to his wife and son our sense of this lose, our .
heartfelt sympathy, and our pride in the life that he .
lived and the things that he accomplished." ' Afig‘
_ w



For the Faculty of the University



Signed = M. M. White
Paul P. Boyd, Chairman 3




The resolutions were approved and the Secretary was requested to send
a capy to Mrs. Miner.

On recommendation of Professor Clifton and Dean Boyd. the petition
of Miss Anna Catherine Rigsby was apprOVed. Miss Rigsby had registered ?


















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Minutes of the Faculty of the University 3 April 9. 1943

in two correspondence courses shortly after the credit in these
courses was changed from 3 semester hours to 4 quarter hours each.
She had assumed that she had earned the equivalent of 6 semester
hours of credit, whereas. as a result of the change to the quarter
system, the courses carry only 8 quarter hours of credit. In approv=
ing the petition that 9 quarter hours of credit be allowed the
Faculty designated that the registration be changed to Com. 012 and
Psychology C7, each with a value of 4% quarter hours.

On recommendation of Dean Boyd. the Faculty approved the petition
of Paul J. Ross. Mr. Ross is a candidate for the combined artsamedicino
degree and asked that he be allowed to complete the professional rev
quirements for this degree with 37.7 weeks of residence and 42 hours
of credit.

On recommendation of Dean Boyd and approval of Professor Galloway,
Joseph A. Bohnak was allowed credit in the first quarter's work in
English 50. Elementary Russian. without taking the second quarter of
the course.

The Faculty heard the petition of Miss Patsy Horkan to be allowed
to complete her requirements for a degree at the university without
satisfying completely the senior residence requirements. Under the
rule, Miss Horkan should attend the University the remaining two
quarters of her program. She stated. however, that it would be
difficult for her to be in Lexington during the summer and asked per-
mission to attend school in Georgia instead. As there was consider«
able doubt about the advisability of approving this request, action
was deferred until more information could be obtained as to why Miss
Horkan could not attend the University during the summer.

On recommendation of Dean Holmes. the petition of Billy Whiteside
was approved. Miss Whiteside was asking that she be permitted to be
initiated into Kappa Delta Sorority on the basis of her standing for
the winter quarter only.

The following course changes were recommended by the College of
Arts and Sciences:

1. Art.‘ Extension of Art 30a.b from 2 quarters of 3 hours each to
Art 30a.b,o, 3 quarters of 2 hours each.

' 30a Introduction 32 Art (2) I II IV. Elementary principles.
theory of color, essentials of design. forms of art. Given

in illustrated lectures with assigned problems. notebooks

and reports. Not open to students who have had Art 103.
















































Minutes of the Faculty of the University = April 9. 1943

:30b Introduction 39 £33 (2) II III. The plastic arts; an
introductory survey and interpretation of architecture and
sculpture and design. Illustrated lectures. study of original
works of art, literary references. notebooks and reports.



”393. Introduction tg_Art (2) I. III. Painting and the
decorative arts; a survey of masterpieces in painting and major
.styles in decoration. Illustrated lectures, study of

original works of art, library references. notebooks and


fires}: 1

'la General Botany. (4) I, II. Plant cells and tissues.
The structure and functions of the vegetative organs of the
seed plant.


‘ih General Botany. (4) II, III. The structure. reprOE '1
duction, and life cycles of typioal representatives of the ‘
lower plants. Reproduction and life cycles of the seed plants.
Prerequisite: Botany 1a.

This is both a rearrangement and revision of the old Botany
18, 321d lbo

”is! General Botany. (4) III. An introduction to taxonomy, ’
ecology, and heredity in the higher plants. Prerequisite:
Botany lbs

This is a new course. It is planned so that in conjunction
with Botany la and 1b a student may obtain a full year of
General Botany.

é, Plant Microtechnic. (5) III. The.principle methods
used in the preparation of permanent slides for the compound
microscoPe. Prerequisite: Botany lb or Be and 8b. (Essene
tially, however, it is only the same as the old 6 under a
more descriptive title).


'§g Introduction 53 Botany. (4) I. II, III. A lecture:
demonstration course dealing with cell structure, plant
physiology. and the nature and functions of root stems and 3
leaves. Four 1=hour class periods per week.

‘gg Introduction tg_Botanx. (4) I, II, III. A continuation

of 8a in which a survey of the plant groups is made by a

detailed study of representative species as to structure and

methods in reproduction. Four 1=hour class periods per week. ’

The former wording had no meaning since the courses as given awn.
are different from the courses as described in the catalog. ‘ ‘
The rewording makes the description fit the courses.



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Minutes of the Faculty of the University - April 9, 1943

‘2 Elementary Le.boratory. (3) III. Laboratory work in General
Botany to supplement Botany 8a and 8b. Open only to students
who have passed Botany 8a and 8b.


This is a new course. In order to make up the deficiency
because of the lack of laboratory work in 8a and 8b, students
are required to take Botany 9. Botany 9 will be entirely a
laboratory course in which the students will actually study
the material about which they heard lectures in 8a and 8b.
After taking 9. such students shOuld be relatively comparable
to those students who have had 1a and 1b.

1033 Plant Physiology. (4) II. The principles which under-
lie the movement of materials in plants, covering absorption.
translocation. and transpiration. Prerequisite: 9 quarter
hours in Botany.


leh. Plant Physiology (4) III. A continuation of 1033.
covering the chemical processes and organic materials within
the plant. Prerequisite: 1038.

This is essentially a rewording to make the descriptions fit
the courses. -

AQ4 eggneral Cytology. (4) I. Structure of plant and animal
cells. cell division, gametogenesis, sporogenesis. fertilize:
tion, and apomixis. Prerequisites Botany lb or Be and 8b. or
Zoology la and lb.

This is a new course. It is designed to give the student of
Botany training in the structure of cells and in certain funda=
mental biological processes which he would not obtain from other

102 Morphologzm of Algae. (4) I. The economic value of algae
and the structure and life histories of representative forms of
the Various groups. Prerequisites: 8 quarter hours in Botany.

This is a rewording to make the description fit the course and
is also a reduction in credit from 5 hours to 4 hours.

ig4_ Ecology. (5) III. The relationship between plants and their
environment; plant succession. plant associations and formations;
the principles of plant geography; the vegetation of North America.
Prerequisites: 8 quarter hours in botany.

This is a slight rewording of the present description.

1247 Anatomy” of Vascular Plants. (4) II.- The nature and origin
of primary and secondary tissues and their distribution in plant
organs; the detailed structure of some plants of economic impor6
tance. Prerequisites: Botany lb or Be and 8b.

This is a new course and is designed to give the student advanced
work in the anatomy of the higher plants.














Minutes of the Faculty of the University 6 April 9, 1943

134 cytosoonetics. (4) III. Chromosomes and their impore
tance in eyolution and speciation; polyploidy, chromosomal
aberrations, and hybridization; the bearing of cytology on
certain difficult problems in taxonomy. Prerequisites:
Botany lb or Be and 8b and animal industry 61 or 161, or
Botany 1c.







This is a new course and introduces the student to the
significance of the chromosome in evolution.

Drop the following botany coursess I


III. Classification of Parasitic Fungi (3)
126s. Mycology (5)
1500. AdVanced Systematic Botany (5)

A ' I
III Chemi stry . M
V w} \I‘

New courses for the accelerated program of premedics: !

(i. Qualitative Analysis. (5) I, II, III, IV. The separation
tion and detection of the more common metallic anions, and the
theory underlying the separations. Lecture, 1 hour; laboratory,
8 hours. .Prerequisitez Chemistry lb or 2b.



Note: This course will be scheduled simultaneously with l
Chemistry 49 The difference in the courses will be in the 1
amount of required laboratory work.



[fl ,Qpantitative Analysis for Pre=medical Students. (6) I, III. ,
This course, designed only for students in the precmedical
curriculum, will cover briefly the principles and practices

of both gravimetric and volumetric (adidimetry and oxidimetry)
chemical analysis, and will emphasize the meaning of the con=
cepts used and the~skillful-calculation of results. (This is
a temporary course and will be given only two times a year).
Lecture, one hour, laboratory, 10 hours. Prerequisite:
Chemistry lb, 2b, or 5.










El Organic Chemistry for Preamedical Students. (8) II, IV.
A special course designed only for students in the preemedical
curriculum. It will cover both aliphatic and cyclic compounds, l
and will be constructed to meet the minimum requirements for i
entrance to medical schools under the war program. (This is a
temporary course and will be given only two times a year.)
Lecture, 4 hours; laboratory, 8 hourss Prerequisites,
Chemistry lb or 2b.








Note; The last two courses, 2 and El, are.designed to meet =
only the minimum requirements for the war program. and are to «“1.
be discontinued as soon as it is feasible. Each course will ‘~
be given in its entirety on one quarter, and will be given

twice each years












Minutes of the Faculty of the University - April 9, 1943

IV Mathematics and Astronomy


l2 Mathematics 2£,§293n92i 4 quarter hours. Reduced from
5 quarter hours at request of College of Commerce.

;3_ Plano and Solid Analytic Geometry. Title and content
changed from Plane Analytic Geometry, to include Solid Geometry.


With the exception of Art 30a. 30b, and 30c. the courses were
approved as presented. Action on the three art courses was
deferred at the request of Dean Horlacher.

The following course changes were recommended by the
College of Law and approved by the Faculty:

The change to the quarter system made it desirable to divide
the course in Credit Transactions (Law 174 o 3 semester hours) into
Mortgages (Law 1743 s 3 quarter hours) and Suretzship (Law l74b a
2 quarter hours), and this change was approved by the University
Faculty 5/8/42.


It now seems advisable to again offer this course as Credit
Transaction§_(Law 174 a 5 quarter hours) and the faculty of the
College of Law recommend that the course be approved in the
following form:

Law 174 a Credit Transactions we 5 Quarter hours. (This
course deals with real estate loans, suretyship. pledges, mortgages,
disposition of stocks and bonds, and problems of agricultural
finance. Hanna's Cases on Security.


This involves no change whatever in the content of the course.

Dean Evans presented the following request from the College
of Law, relating to credit for students entering military service.

"On August 22, 19429 the Law Faculty adapted the followe
ing rule of the Association of American Law Schools relative
to credit to be granted students who enter the armed forces:

”Any law student who enters the armed forces after.
having completed at least oneehalf of the classroom work of
the quarter and who has a scholastic point standing of 1.0 in
all his previous law work, if any, shall be entitled to
residence and hour credit for that quarter, provided: (1) he
furnishes satisfactory evidence that he has entered into the
service within a reasonable time after he withdrew from school,
and (2) his class grade for the quarter as determined by
attendance, recitations and tests. if any. is satisfactory.





Minutes of the Faculty of the University = April 9, 1943

This rule shall apply during a student's first quarter in ‘tg‘.
law school as well as in any later quarter.“ v

We therefore ask that this rule be adepted by the University
and be applied to all students leaving the law school for
military service subsequent to August 22, 1942.”



After some discussion of this problem, the Faculty deferred action
until another meeting.

0n recommendation of Dean Horiacher, the petition of Roy H. ,
Hunt was approved. Mr. Hunt asked permission to complete two ‘
lessons of a correspondence course during the current quarter,
although registered at present for 24 quarter hours of work. 1

Dean Wiest presented the petition of Robertson Kagin. Mr.
Kagin was given permission by the Faculty to take a special
examination in Commerce 124, a course which he had previously
failed. This was the only credit necessary to complete Mr.
Kagin's requirements for graduation.


Dean Horlacher presented to the Faculty the problem of Miss
Mary Cary. Miss Cary was forced to withdraw from the University
on February 20, as a result of serious illness. Through her
parents, she is asking that she be allowed half credit for the
courses which she had carried up to the time of her withdrawal. '
Half credit to this amount would complete her requirements for a '
degree. This request Was Carefully considered by the Faculty
in all its aspects and implications. Since Dean Horlacher in0
dicated that the College of AgriCulture was asking advice. no
specific action was taken, although it appeared that the Faculty
would not be disposed to approve a request of this kind.







President DonOVan discussed briefly the prospects for
assignment to the University of trainees under the Army Special=
ists Training program. He discussed the various factors that
may have caused the delay in this program.




President Donovan also Called the attention of the Faculty
to the necessity for beginning work on the University budget for
l943=44. He pointed out that while it is still difficult to
anticipate the income of the University for the next fiscal year. t
H_ action on the budget could not be further delayed. He mentioned ;
h;' some of the problems that should be given consideration and in:

" dicated that the date for the submission of the budget requests

would be announced in the near future. He expressed the hope L
that any reductions that would have to be made in the budget 1
would be made in materials and supplies and that they would not ;









affect salaries.

President Donovan discussed briefly the prospects for the , \
summer quarter. He also announced that a meeting of the instruc:
tional staff had been called for Saturday. April 10, at 11 a.m.