xt7tht2g8209 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tht2g8209/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky 19200121 minutes English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-01-jan21-ec. text Minutes of the University of Kentucky Board of Trustees, 1920-01-jan21-ec. 1920 2011 true xt7tht2g8209 section xt7tht2g8209 

                      UiJiver's . ` y of Kentucky
                            .:ft .ngton

     Minutes of the P.eguaz- Monthly Meeting of the Executive Com-
mittee of the Board of Trustees, University of Kentucky for ITednes-
day, January 21, 1920

     The Ekxeoutive Committee of the Board of Trustees, University
of Xentucky, met in regular monthly meeting in the President's
office at the University on Wednesday, January 21, 1920.  On roll
0all the following members were present: R. C. Stoll, P. P. Johns-
ton, Jr., Rainey T'. Well.rl  and R. P. Ernst,  President McVey and
Wellington Patrick, Secretary of the Committee were also present.

     (1) Adoption of Minutes.  The minutes of the previous meet-
ing were read and adopted.

     (2) aaport of the Business Agent.  The report of the Business
Agent was read and ordered filed.

     (3) Donation from the Jockey Club.  The following oommuni-
oation from Senator Camden was read and ordered incorporated in
the minutes:

                                   Versxilles, Kentucky
                                        December 24, 1919

     President MoVey
          State University
               Lexington, Xentuocky

     My dear Presia2ent McVey:

          It gives me pleasure to inform you that in accordance
     with a resolution passed by the Board of Directors, at
     its meeting on Deoember 19, The Kentucky Jockey Club,
     authorizes the sum of Dive Thousand Dollars ($5,000) to
     be presented to the Agrioultural Department of the Uni-
     versity to be used in the promotion of the Horse interests
     of the State of Kentucky.



         I would be pleased to have you and Professor Hooper
    and Professor Aindrso-in avnt Professor Good take one o'clock
    dinner with me, to Eouit this matter, on any day that
    suits your joint een-; _a ienoe.

         I would suggest this coming Sunday, the 28, or the
    4th ol January, and. will ask;you tobplease let me know
    if tL;.s will be agreeable to all of you.

         With kindest personal regards, and the seasons greet-
     ings, always

                                        Sincerely yours,

                              (Signed) J. N. Camden

    The following resolution with respect to the donation was
formally adopted by the Committee:

          The Board of Trustees of the University of Zentucky
     desires to acknowledge the gift of the Jockey Club in the
     sum of $5,000 arnd at the same time to express their ap-
     preciation.   I.. is understood that the money shall be
     used for the advancement of the horse industry and it is
     accepted with that in view.   The Secretary of the Board
     is inst-ructed to serz& a copy of this resolution to the
     E'resident of the Jockey Club.

     (4) Contract with Creat Southern Refinini Company.   A com-
munication was read arola Sean Cooper presenting for oonsideration
a form of contrast With the Great Southern Refining Ccmpany per-
mitting that company to lay a pipe line across the University
farm.   On motion the mutter was referred to President MoVeT and
Mr. Stoll with powor to act@, and with instructions to enter into
such cortract as may be agreed upon.

     (5) At~te*-neyz ietje. l 's O!in5.on on AprIiation to Meet the
             _. _                   q-_   pr   _i .o  to
Smith-tever Funds-   DIU-. Stoll presented to the Committee the fol-
lowing conmm:ni-a cro D1 from h.he Atr-orney General whioh was read and
ordered incorporated in the minutes:



                               Franh'-'ort, Kent cky
                                    .-aliary 15, 1920

Ronormlhe Ri ch ,rd C. Stoll.
     Cbalrman of 07e3*ative Coox,5Atee
          Itn5.versIt y of Kentucky
               Leexing,'.o.1, zeriTaoky

My dear Sir!

     This office is in receipt of your letter of Januavy
14th in Whict you ask if Seetion 13 of Chapter'.12 of -the
Aots of 1918; which Chapter is the Avt -;reat-ng the Sud-
get Appioprla+.ion Cbmmiission, repeals the arnnal appropri-
ation of $62,000 a year t-o the 'University of ;Ceztucky for
Agrioutltra' Extensionu Work, maZe unaer the provisions of
Chapter 12'7 of the AcT.i of 391-!.

     Chapter 12 of tue Acts of 1918 creatizg the Budget
Appropriation Goramissnon adrl defir.a1g 5.-Ls -l';es aed
powe."s, was approved ljr tlhe oover:rc' on Jaxloi i6, 1918,
and C!hapter 127 o^ the AoLa nr 1918 :r.t   th, aiynual
approroiation ico :he Uariveirsi';y of Tent-;aky for A.g1,loul-
tural. Exitensicn Work was %pprovcd o02 llarci 29. t9.,8
The Buaget Approprlacjon Cornmissiom Xaw- a  not ocarry an
Emergenvy Clause.   Ohapter 1277, above referred to, did
carry aii Emergeno- Claa.se.  Seotior. 13 of the Budget
Apyrorriation Coza'nissio-. Act provides as follows:

           OA11 appropriatiors heretofore made and
     oontiauaiag from year to yca. wider previous
     laws are heretb retpealed upon the taking effect
     of appropriations made pursuant to the provis-
     ionc of thi.s ae-. "

          Seotion 19 of the same act provides; wAll
     aots and parts of acts in oonfl-io, herewith
     are hereby repe^.1ed to the exceut of such oon-
     f liet."

     It is the opinion of this offioc that section 13;
and seotion 18 :eoessarily referred to laws in ef.fe-t at
the date of the passage of the Budget Alpropriatwii Co;6.
mission act, whioh necessariiy was before Mavesh 16,. :lc .T)
At the time section 13 was enacted4 Chapter 12.7 of t11." ?ots
of 1918 was not a law, and it would seemn to this Oi!53-
thai it Would necesnoarily follow that sections 13 anid IS
Would.. 'b   no applicatlon to ohftpter ;27 of the Ac:i-s ot -.9318.



         In addition to this, it is a general rule of law
    that as to acts passed at the same session of the General
    Assembly, such a construction should be given to them, if
    possible, as to give force and effect to the provisions
    of each; and following this principle, it would seem to
    this office that the proper construction for the courts
    to put upon the two acts in question would be to hold that
    sections 13 and l8 apply only to acts passed prior to the
    session of 1918, and that the provisions of chapter 127
    of the Acts of 1918 were intended to be an exception to
    the provisions of section 13 of the Budget Appropriation
    Commission act.

          ?or the reasons stated above, it is the opinion of
     this office that it will not be necessary to submit to
     the Budget Commission and secure through it the appro-
     priation provided for by the Act of 1918'.

                                        Yours very truly,

                                  (Signed) Charles 1. Dawson,
                                         Attorney General.

     (6) Geological Survey.   President MoVey reported to the Com-
mittee that as the result of an act passed by the last legislature
the State departments of Geology and Forestry have been united in-
to one department under a commissioner and deputy commissioner of
geology and forestry.   President McVey pointed out that about six
years ago the geological survey was removed from the University to
?rankfort; that about $25,000 annually was available for carrying
on the work; that the fields of botany and zoology in the State were
practically undeveloped altho Kentucky is a rich field for this work
and abounds in resources and material for botanical and zoological
research; that unless something is done in the near future in these
fields, outside agencies will develop the State along these lines.
Pyesidditi'movey suggested to the Committee the advisability of the
University' s taking over the geological survey and also developing
a survey in botany and zoology.   The Committee received the matter
favorably and requested the President to make proper representa-
tions to the Governor on this point.

     (7) Building Site for Sigma Nu Fraternity.   Mr. Keeling
Pulliam representing the Sigma Nu Fraternity appeared before the
Committee and made application for a building site for a fratern-
ity house for the Sigma Nu.   Be stated that his fraternity was
prepared to erect a building without the necessity of carrying a
mortage on the property and applied for a site on Winslow street.
On motion the matter was referred to a committee consisting of Mr.
Ernst, Mr. Johnston and President McVey.



     (8) ?utr'hase of ?  extv on Wltkslow Street.  A communication
fas read zrom Mr. A. A, U3ab.ltz of LexingLon offering for sale on
behalf of a olient of his, lot I1o. 191 on WEr~slow Street for $750.
On motion duly secouded, the President was authorized to make the
purchase at tLe best prioe obtainable.

     (.9) Salaries. The matter of a bonus to members of the faculty,
3.Asussed at a previous meeting. was presented by President McVey,
and a letter from Dean Cooper was read making oertain recommendations
regqrding a salary bonus. The matter was referred to a committee
consisting of Mr. Ernst, Mr. Wells#. and President UeVey for further

     (10) Leave of Absence of Professor Killebrew.   President MoVey
reported to the Committee that during the present year Professor
C. D. Killebrew had been granted sabbatical leave of absence in ac-
cordance with the constitution and by-laws of the University; that
Professor Killebrew had gone to the University of Michigan for the
purpose of study; that subsequently he had been offered a position
to teach in the University of Michigan; that after $300 had been
paid to Professor Killebrew, the matter had been brought to his
attention.   The President stated to the Committee that as a'matter
of principle such leats of absence was granted for the purpose of
study. He therefore recommended that Professor KillebreW'5s salary
while on leave be canceled, and that after December 1 .1920, ti.o
further payments be made to him.   On motion duly seconded, the
recommendation was approved.

     (11) Appointments, Resigc2nations and-Inoreases in Salary.
The followIng l.ist of appointmcnts, resignations and increases in
salary was presented by the President nud-on m6tion approved as


      Dr. Harry Best, hitherto engaged in Red Cross work at the Uni-
versity is to have his salary from the University fixed at $650 a
year, effective February 1. 1920.

      Appointment of Miss Helen ?airhurst, stenographer in the Ex-
 tension Division, at a salary of $60 a month, effective Janurary 1,

      Appoint'ent of. Earl. G. Welch 's field agent in %grioulJtral
 engineering for extensi3n service at a ffdlaryeof $2,500 a year,
 effective February 1, 1920.   He is a graduate of Iowa State Col-
 lege in agricultural engineering and for the past five years has
 been assistant in agricultural engineering at Georgia State College.



    Appointment of E. S. Fergus as instructor in farm crops at M
salary of $2,000 a year, effective ?ebruary 1, 1920.   He is a
graduate of Ohio Agrioul-tural College, receiving his master's de-
gree in 1918.   Sinoe May, he has been vwith the Indiana Experiment
S',.ation in charge of work that gives him the experience to carry
ou his wzork here.

     Appc r^A.men.t of Booses Alperin as stenographer in the Department
of 33vA. 1Tngineering, a;; a sangry of $25 a month, effective January
1: 1 0 to take the place of John Bitterman resigned.

     Appointment of Kyle C. Vtestover as instructor in horticulture,
at a salary of $1,800 a year, effective on his arrival for duty.
The appointment is made subject to specific action of the Board of
Trustees on June 30 as to his employment for the coming year.   He
is to be employed in the position left vacant by the resignation
of F. J. Sttton.   He is a graduate of New Hampshire College of

     Appointment of Miss Nocola Brent as clerk in the PubliQ 3erv-
ice Department at a salary of $50 a month, effective February 1, 1920.

     Appointment of John Ligon, assistant county agent, Campbell
County. Kentuoky, at a salary of $120.08 113 a month, effective
December 1, 1919, for a period of three months.

     Appointment of Robert M. Heath, assistant county agent, Old-
ham County. Xentucky, at a salary of $120.08 1/3 a month, effeo-
tive December 1, 1919, for a period of three months.

     Appointment of Eugene L. Jackson as Vegetable Histologist in
Experiment Station, effective March 1, 1920.   He is a graduate of
the University of Michigan.

     Appointment of kliss Margaret Hoeing, stenographer in the Steno-
graphio Bureau, at a salary of $60 a-jnonth, effective January 5, 1920.

     Appointment of Mias Pauline Wherry as Supervisor of Social
Service Training at the University of Kentucky for the second semes-
ter of the present year, her salary to be paid by the American Red

     Continuation of employment of E. J. Kilpatrick, county agent,
McCracken County, Xfentucky, at a salary of $225 a month, effective
January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of J. T. Taylor, county agent,
Jefferson Cour.ty, Kentucky, at a salary of $208 1/3 a month, effec-
tive January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.



    Continuation of employmtnut of R. T. Johnson; county agent,
Doyd Coun`iy, Xe-,tuoky' at' a sa'.ary of $125.08 4/3 a month, effeo-
zzve !Deocnlner 1, 19g.9. tor a periol c eight months.

     OnLtiAruationi of eiinplxuyment of W. It. Reyiiolds, county agent,
7acitson, Leslie,. aci.nud Estill Ccunties, Xentuoiky, at a salary
of Si16 2,/' a month. effective January 1 1920, for a period of
twelve iotdS.

     Cor.tirua;zior of enploynaent of 09. L. Cunnin-gham, county agent,
Pultcn Couity, Xentucky', at a salary of $216 2/3 a months effective
Zanuary 1, 1920.. for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employmer't of A. S. Chapin, extension speoi1--
ist in poultry, at ai salary of $2,000 a year, effective Pebruary 1,

     Continuation of employment of I. C. Graddy, county agent,
Muh'.enberg County, Kentucky, at a salary of $150 a month, effective
January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of J. 0. Horning, county agent,
Barren County, Kentucky, at a salary of $162.50 a month, for a
period of twelve mozithsi effective January 1, 1920.

     Cont.nuation of employment of Else Brunhoff, home demonstra-
tion agent, Jefterson County, Kentucky, at a salary oZ $141 2/3 a
month, efec';ve January 1, 1920,. for a period of twelve months.

     Coentiuatior. of enprcryment of B. A. Hensley, County agent,
Johnson Count;r, Kdn tiot-vy, at a salary of $141 2/3 a month, eifeo-
-tive January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve morths.

     Cjrtinuation of emnploymenw of T. H; Jones, county agent, Laee
Conuty, Xertuck9, at a sal.ary of $116 2/3 a month, effective Jan-
Uary 1, 1920. for a period of ssx months.

     Corji.uuation of eni-loyment of Carl Wiek:.nzn, oouwty agent,
Kenton Ccux ityr, Kentuolcy, at a salary of $158 1/, a month, effeotive
:awaary 1, 1'320,.for a period of twelve months.

     CortiunmaAior of employment of R. R. Rudder, county agent, Whit-
ley County, Kentucky, at a salary of $116 2/3 a month, effeotive
.TA,,ac7 1. 1920, for a period. of six morthn.

     lppoirtment of K. L. Varney, ooitnty agent, Marsniall Co)nty,
Xentucihy, at a salary of $2i6 2/3 a month, effective 3anuary 1o, 1920,
fcr a period of twelve months.



     Transfer and contiruat5on of employment of Charles L. Taylor,
oovnty agent, Henderson County Keiitucky, at a salary of $233 1/3
a month, effective January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of emaployment of 14iss Willie' M. Neguire, home
demousta2.tion agent, Sirpson Clounty, Kentucky; at a salary of $125
a moutd', effective January 1, 1920, for a period of twelve months.

     Continuation of employment of Anna Ruble Orr, home dcotonstra-
tion agent, ?ulton County, Kentucky,. at a salary of $1'16 2/3 a
month, for a period of six months, effective January 1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Oscar Rice, county agent, ?boyd
County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125 a month, for a period of
twelve months., effective January 16, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Miss Lucy Belle Settle, home
demonstration agent, UcCraoken County, Kentucky, at a salary of
$116 2/3 a month, for a period of twelve months, effective Jaauatyv
1, 1920.

     Continuation of employment of Mrs. George P. Hatton, home
demonstration agent, Galloway County, Kentucky, at a salary of $125
a month, for a period of twelve months, effective January 1, 1920.

                      Increases in Salaries

     Increase in salary of Miss Maple Moores, stenographer in the
Registrar's office to $85 a month, effective January 1, 1920.

      Increase in salary of Mrs. Katherine Lyon, head of Stenograph-
ic Bureau, to $100 a month, effective January 1, 1920.

     Increase in salary for Miss Elma Allen, stenographer in the
Stenographic Bureau, from $60 to $70 a month, effective January 1,

     Increase in salary of Miss Susan C. KidA, secretary in th.e
Extension Division, from $1,300 to $1,600 a year.. effective Jan-
uary 1, 1920.

     Inrease in salary of M. 0. Hughes to $3,200 a year, effeothive
January 1, 1920.   He resigned in December; his resignation was not
ac.cepted by the 3card.  He has been receiving $2,500 a year for
sore years without an increase.

     Inarease in salary of Miss Mary Huls, a stenographer i-a the
Department of Eduoation, from $60 to $65 a month, effective Jan-
uary 1, '1920.



     Inorease in salary of Earry Allen, chemist in the Fertilizer
Drspartiien.' t" $ C0C a year, effective January 1, 1920.

     1nvrease in salary o1 H iss Wilena Dancan, stenographer in the
.?resfda t' s offt~e, from $60 to $65 a month, effective January 1, 1920.

     Xfiorza~e in salary of Miss Kinnie Pherigo, requisitios olerk in
P us;         Of  tfioe, to $85 a month, effective January 1, 13?O.

     tn'trnase ii: salary of Miss Mary C. Gormley, budget olerli in the
Busi-ess Of fice, to $85 a month, effective January 1, 1920.

     Increase in salary of Miss Ethel Jelly, secretary in theCol-
lege of Engineering, to $100 a month, effective 7ebruary 1, 1920.


     Resignation of Miss Lucille Rhoads, stenographer in the Steno-
graphic Bureau, effective January 4: 1920.

     Resignation of the following named county agents, effective
December 31, 1919: 1W. G. Trice, WV-rren County; Vt. R. Rogers, Cal-
lc'c-ay CGunty; J. W'. Sanders, assistant county agent,- Jefferson
Coun.y; 0. L. Taylor, Nelson County.

     Resignation of N. M. Cregor, extensioD specialist in agronomy,
effective Deoember 31, 1919.

     Reeignation of Miss Mabel Huston, clerk in the fublir; Servioe
Laboratorics, effective January 23, 1920.

     Pesignation of Dri M. E. Pomeroy, effective Decembe: 30, 1919.

     Resignation of Dr. G. R. Bnnaroft, assistant pro'essor of Or-
ganic Cheamistry, effective January 31, 1920.

     (12) Bill of Olmsted Prothers.   A bill of $830.97 as balanlce
of Olxmted Brothers' accour.t fo; plp.ns for the oampus was preseeted.
On motior. the account was ordered paid if in accordanoe with the
University' s ocntract with Olmsted Brothers.

     There being no further business the Committee a&3our:.ed.

                                   Respeotfully submaitte',

                                        Wellin g bon Pat rick,

Secretary of tb e Committee.


Missing report(s)