xt7tmp4vjq16 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tmp4vjq16/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19471212  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1947 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 12, 1947 1947 2013 true xt7tmp4vjq16 section xt7tmp4vjq16 oesi oopy Available

Merry Christmas!
Next Kernel,





Fx it


r. vi

ia. Y ir? it

Cloudy And Cool,
High Of 33






Registration Scheduled To Be Dorm Sorrelle Named Kernel Editor;
To Begin On January 5 In January Evans And Short Also Selected


Juniors, Seniors
To Register
In Armory




begin with the

The schedule announced for al'
students is as follows:
Monday Morning:
Mil...: v
8:00 to 8:50 M
9 00 to 9:50 N through R
10:00 to 10:50 S
11:00 to 11:00 T through V
Monday Afternoon
1:30 to 2:20 W through Z
2:30 to 3:20 A through B
3:30 to 4:20 Miscellaneous
through Z and A through B
Tuesday Morning
8 00 to 8 50 C
:00 to 9:50 D through G
10:00 to 10:50 H through J
f T'""
11:00 to 11:50 K through L
Tuesday Afternoon
Student Union building only.
1:30 to 2:20 New students
2:30 to 4:20 Miscellaneous A
through Z
New students will report first to
room 200 of the Biological Sciences
building for placement tests and
Wildcat Captain brings back first IK dohi iropny
physical examinations.
to Miss
Moores, should pick up their certification cards at Memorial Hall before they register, according to the
following schedule:
Monday Morning
7:00 to 7:50 M
8:00 to 8:50 N through R
Seven men were initiated Monday
9:00 to 9:50 S
into Lances, junior men's leadership
10:00 to 10.50 T through V
society. Roy Wallace, president, an11:00 to 11:50
through Z- Assuming leadership of the Asso nounced. A banquet in the Student
Monday Afternoon
ciation of Independent Students, Union building followed" the cere1:30 to 2:20 A through B
Ellis Foster denned organization mony.
2:30 to 3.20 Miscellaneous M
policies in a recent interview and
Initiates were David Hatchett, Bathrough Z and A through B
declared his intention to work for sil Van Goudever,
Landon Garrett,
Tuesday Morning
a stronger association during the Charles
Wills. Fred Perkins, Harold
7:00 to 7:50 C
next year.
8:00 to 8:50 D through G
Foster, sophomore in the College Holtzclaw, and Marshall McCann.
9:00 to 9:50 H through J
of Engineering and a member of ser, William S. Ward, faculty advispoke on the history of the or10:00 to 10:50 K through L-- "
SGA,' was elected president Bf AIS
to succeed Dene Southwood at a ganization, tracing the growth of the
Tuesday Afternoon
society from its beginning in 1902 as
1:30 to 3:30 Miscellaneous A
recent meeting.
the "Mystic 13."
through Z
"Association' Stressed
The following groups are to regisThe first point
ter In the Student Union building: the fact that the Foster stressed are
Freshmen. Sophomores. Graduate an association rather than a politistudents. Law students. Special and cal unit. It is a social unit as well
transient students, all new students, as an active group, he declared.
and former students who were not There must be, however, an active
enrolled in the Pall Quarter.
body of officers to carry out the
Junior and Seniors who attended association's policies, and "I don't
Robert Penn Warren, winner of
the Fall Quarter will register in the mean that there should be a clique
the 1947 Pulitzer prize for his
or faction in control of the associanovel, "All the King's Men,"
Classification will be held in the tion," he said.
spoke to an assembly
Gymnasium on Jan. 5, 6. 7, Miss
"Any action we will take as a department yesterday in the English
on "The Rime
Moores said.
party will spring from what action
Classes will begin on Thursday, the Constitutionalists take in SGA of the Ancient Mariner."
Mr. Warren's literary criticism of
Jan. 8. and Jan. 10 is the last day work, and their work has been on
the meaningfulness of the two major
on which a student may enter an or- party lines."
themes in Coleridge's poem was reganized class.
Not Against Greeks
Students registering one flay late Confining his remarks mostly to cently published by Reynol and
Hitchcock in a volume with the
will be charged an additional $3 Y
poem itself. Mr. Warren is now
two days late will be charged $4.
stitutionalists in SGA, Foster said working on a new book concerned
and those three or more days late
will be charged $5. Miss Moores said that he was not sororities. against with Kentucky in the 1820's, he said.
fraternities and
have a place on the campus, but.
Triangle-AG- R
he added, they should not dominate
Foster said Toe believed that SGA
has failed to inform the students di
The farmers and the engineers the purpose and value of SGA and
are combining their forces fpr a j of what it can do on the campus. He
All students who have received
one night stand.
their proofs for Kentuckian pic'added that the Independents will
' Via lrpnt mffirmwl er
The attraction will be the annual
cr.i riwnn. tures are urged by Kentuckian
Triangle-Alph- a
Gamma Rho Christ- merits. He pointed out that -- SGA
officials to send them back in
mas formal to be held at Spring-hur- should serve as a training ground
the time allotted by the Studio.
tonight. Kentucky Kavaliers for students in getting experience
It is important for each person
'ill furnish the music for dancing. which they will need out of college.
to observe these requirements in
include Dean and
Other Officers Elected
order for the Kentuckian to
Mrs. A. D. Kirwan. Dean and Mrs.
Other officers elected are Fa mum
come out on time, Kentuckian
L. J. Horlacher. and Professor and Lewis, vice president; Joyce Barnett,
officials said.
Mrs. C. K. Hoffman.
secretary; and Charles Browning,








Independents Lances Takes
Elect Foster Seven Men
As President

Pulitzer Prizewinner

Addresses Assembly
Of English Classes




To Be Held Tonight





tournament. Members of the team are Naomi Mccracken, Margaret Cassel, and Ann

Student 'Directory
To Be Published
Next Quarter

All boys must leave Patterson Hall
Other totals were Team I. 1226: freshman dorm for women, by 7:30
Team IV. 1181; Team III, 1147; and on week nights, says a ruling issued
by the office of the Dean of Women.
Team V. 1067.
Kappa Delta won In Division 2 Since September 27 Bert Carlton and
of the voliey ball league, and Alpha Hal Robinson have been two exceptions to this rule.
Delta Pi wen in Division 2.
The only two male residents of Pat
Hall. Hal and Bert sliare a room be
low flecks and come and go as they
Dr. Vogel Speaks
please through their own private enDr. Victor Vogel, head of the local trance.
U. S. Public Health Service Hospital,
was guest speaker at a dinner meetSome bewildered Pat resident feing given by the American Associa- male variety might conceivably ask,
tion of University Women Tuesday "Why?"
night at the Lexington Country
Hal and Bert are the two genius'
behind the scenes who keep the

cheeseburger assembly line going
night at Chat'N'Nibble, (God's
gift to hungry coeds).
"There were an awful lot of girls
more than I'd ever seen before," Hal
Navy examinations will be held marveuea. Bert cut in, "It was interfor those interested in applying for esting or tha first two weeks. Then
the positions of chemists, librarians, we got used to it
metallurgists, engineers, physicists,
What do their friends think of
mathematicians, and psychologists.
Closing date for application for the their rare good fortune? "They think
positions which pay $2,644 a year we re lucky, but they don't know,"
Hal observed.
is Dec. 16.
Their home in Pat Isn't news to at
Further information may be obtained from Dr. Lysle Croft, Per- least one freshman who stumbled on
sonnel office, room 9, Administra- their room by m:.stase. One night
during the first week of school, the
tion buiiduig.
ev-ti- -y

Navy Exam Deadline
Is December




ready for distribution next quarter,
it was announced this week by
Claude S. Sprowls, SGA president
The publication will include the
names of all students, including
those enrolled in the College of
Pharmacy at Louisville, along with
their home towns, college enrolled
in, class, Lexington address and local telephone number. As an innovation this year, the directory also will
list all members of the University
faculty and administrative staff.




The promotion of Cadet Major
James S. Tucker to Cadet Lieutenant Colonel has been announced by
Colonel G. T. McKenzie, head of the
ROTC Cadet Corps.
Other promotions announced are
as follows: Cadet Captain William
T. Survant to Cadet Major, Cadet
1st Lieutenant James H. Bassham
to Cadet Captain, Cadet 1st Lieutenant Herbert A. Jepson, Jr. to
Cadet Captain.
Six cadets were promoted from
2nd Lieutenants to 1st Lieutenants.
They are: George C. Martin. William B. Martin, Leonard L. Preston,
These cadet officers have successfully completed an ROTC summer
camp and have been recommended
for a commission In the Officers'
Reserve Corps, United States Army.

Tau Beta Pi Elects
Hopkins President



Martha Evans

ROTC Cadet






Merry Christmas
To the students:
As the last issue of the Kentucky Kernel for this quarter
goes to press, I want to take this
opportunity to wish every student on the campus a happy
holiday season. We hope that
you will have a pleasant visit
at home with your families and
that you will return in January
after a good rest and with renewed zest for your work. To
those who complete their course
of study this quarter, let me
say that we extend our congratulations and our best wishes. We trust you will return to
the campus often and let us
know something of your activi-

ties after graduation.
Merry Christmas and Happy
New Year to you!


19 Colleges Become
Members Of NSA

Vernon Hopkins was elected presi-

Dr. Donovan
In an address on "A Miniature
University," Dr. H. L. Donovan discussed the University's
situation at separate convocations
of the six colleges.
After explaining the results of
the Griffenhagen survey, from
which the subject of his speech was
taken. Dr. Donovan declared that
"someone needs to become alarmed"
about present conditions.
Appropriations Compared
The University's budget request
for $6,627,704 for 1948-4- 9 and $6,743,-10- 8
for 1949-5- 0
totals $13,370,812.

The present budget appropriation

is $2367,675.
Comparing the state of Kentucky
with other states, the president reviewed the appropriations of the
Minnesota and North Carolina leg- lislatutes for their respective state
After a comparison of these figures with Kentucky's proposed budget. Dr. Donovan asked, "Can anyone believe that our request is out
of line with the needs of the University of Kentucky?"
"Education is an Investment, not
a charity," Dr. Donovan emphasized. "Money invested by a state in
the education of its people returns
handsome dividends ... Educated
people create wealth ... Ignorant
people consume wealth . . . Kentucky
will remain forever a poo state if
we continue to neglect the education of our citizens . . . Kentucky will
become a greater state when it
maintains a greater University."
Only Arkansas has a smaller percent of college graduates, the pres-

Nineteen colleges have become
members of the National Student
Association, officials of the organization announce.
A move is underway on the campus to have tne University become
associated with NSA but no action
has been taken on the question by
Schools which have joined NSA
recently include the University of
UCLA. University
Chicago, University of Michigan,
University of Wisconsin. Carnegie
Institute of Technology, New York
University, New Jersey College for ident stated.
Explains Need
Women, Our Lady of Cincinnati
In explaining why more money is
College, Cincinnati, and Stanford
needed for research. Dr. Donovan
mentioned the "astonishing" benefits to Kentucky from the University's research in the past 25 years.
"In one year the additional income to our people as the result of
The December issue of Surf magaresearch in the tobacco laboratory
zine is now on sale on the campus,
and the development of hybrid
Veterans returning to the corn amounts to at least three times
according to an announcement made
quarUniversity for the Winter
as much as the people have invested
this week by Don B. Towles, Kentucter will be required to pick up
ky editor of the southern Intercollein the University during the quarter
their record cards in
of a century just past."
giate magazine.
Hall one hour prior to regular
He guaranteed a ten dollar return
According to Towles, the December
registration, veterans officials
on every dollar invested for research
issue has pictures of some of Kensaid.
at the University.
tucky's athletes and Kentucky news
Funds allotted for rehabilitation
in the news columns. A feature on
(Continued on Page Four)
Kentucky basketball will be the main
story in the January issue.

dent of the Kentucky Chapter of
Tau Beta Pi at their last meeting.
Other officers chosen were Guthrie
Marks, vice president. Andy Clark,
secretary, William Jenkins, treasurer, Othneil Alsop, corresponding
secretary, and Bruce Elliott, cata-

Commerce Honorary
Initiates 11 Members

Beta Gamma Sigma, commercescholastic honor society Initiated 11
new members Wednesday night at a
meeting in the Student Union build
The initiates, elected from those
having a scholastic standing in the
upper 10 per cent of the senior class
in the College of Commerce, are Harold C. Rector, Independence: James
Q. Banner, Mt. Zion, 111., William R.
Thomas, Dearborn, Mich; V. Lee
Westfall, Versailles; Frank T. Bacon;
Frankfort; Thomas C. Whitesides,
Lexington; Sirgleton Cagle, Owens-borEadward H. Lynch, Ashland;
Robert L. Manley, Ashland, and Matthew Perrone, Paducah.
Dinner Follows Cermeony
The ceremony was followed by a
dinner in honor of the Initiates.
Dr. T. W. Rainey, hte guest speaker
discussed "Russia".
Dr. Frank L. McVey, president
emeritus of the University and an Twenty-si- x
three year gradivte
honorary member of
two boys were peacefully studying wives of the initiates the society, and fellowships will be awarded by the
Pepsi-Cowere guests.
Scholarship Board in
when suddenly the door opened. A
1947-4- 8
to college seniors. Each fel
startled coed looked in, gulped, and
lowship pays full tuition and $750
vanished without a word. That's one
per year and may be used in any
of the reasons that living in a girl's Pre-Histofield of study at any accredited
dorm "makes you want to go out and
graduate school.
forget," according to Hal.
Application blanks may be ob
Dr. William S. Webb, widely-know- n
Hal, a tall blond Junior from Har- University physicist and ar- tained from the Dean of the Unirodsburg, is a commerce major. Bert, chaeologist recently
who leans toward the bar tinguished Professor named "Disof the Year."
(he's a law major), hails from
by his faculty colleagues, will forBoth boys have better sake the field of modern-da- y
physthan a 2. standing.
ics in conducting an original reDr. Herman L. Donovan, presi
With such an unusual opportunity search project and delivering the
to observe women, Hal and Bert traditional lecture stipulated by the dent of the University, Dr. W. D.
should have definite ideas on the professorship
honor, it was an- B. A. Shively and Athletic Director
are attending the ansubject. Although as Hal says, "We're nounced yesterday.
nual meeting of the Southeastern
The Distinguished Professorshio Conference
too sleepy by the time Chat'N'Nibble
in Edgewater Park. Miss.
opens to see or care," they have for- committee disclosed that the
med a few opinions.
scientist has chosen The meeting ends Saturday.
Dr. Funkhouser, dean of the grad
Bert's ideal girl is a brunette with to continue his studies in the fields
of archaeology and anthropology uate school, is secretary of SEC.
green eyes. Hal prefers
and to report on "The
blondes. They agree that a girl
should be "happily blended" with no Kentucky" in the annual Arts and
Sciences lecture scheduled for April
extremes moderately talkative, moderately intelligent, and moderately 8, 1948.
Mrs. Lysle Croft, has resigned as
To facilitate the research on a
good looking.
project it is provided that the hon- head of the circulation department
of the University library. She will
According to research done by Hal ored professor may take a
be succeeded by Miss Kate Irvine!
and Bert, girls don't eat too much However,leave Webb teaching duties. assistant reference librarian.
has unofficially
not at UK anyway.
been with the lithe Mrs. Croft
"They're too particular" Bert de- pressure the departmental due to and brary for over has years and has held
clares, "about what they eat and the lack of sufficient faculty to her present position since the pre(Continued on Page Five;
take over his teaching duties.
sent library building was built.

'Surf For December
Now On Campus


Graduate Fellowships
To Be Awarded 26

Dr. Webb To Study
Of State





Jack Sorrelle


A directory of University's record
number of more than 7,800 students
is being published by the Student
Government Association and ap
7,500 copies win be


Positions Effective
Until Expiration
Of Spring Term


'It jrf

Houston C. Roberts. William O.
Springate, and Charles R. Wilson,

Coeds 'Shocked' To Discover
Two Men Living In Patt Hall





Names To Be Drawn

The regulations further provide
that if the number of.appicants exceeds the available space, the occupants will be selected by the orocss
of drawing names. If the number of
applicants is not sufficient to utilize
all the space, students will be selected from the overflow of some 30 student now occupying spaces In the
other dormitories. Remaining space
will be filled by freshmen not living
in the dormitories in the order of
their applications.
Any vacant rooms after freshmen
nave had an opportunity to occupy
the dormitory will be available to
In the order of their applications, Dean Kirwan said.




First Come, First Served
He added that regulations provide
that the earliest applicants will be
entitled to the spaces in the new
building, which means present occupants of the dormitories will be given first consideration.

Kentuckian Proofs
Must Be Returned


Team Two Wins
Bowling Tourney
Team n won the independent

yiiya ijMtm


Registration for the Winter
Quarter will begin Mcnda
morning. Jan. 5, according to
Miss Majiic Moore, assistant
letter "M."

Bowman Hall, new men's dormi
tory under construction at the cor'
ner of Rose Street and Washington
Avenue, is scheduled to be ready for
occupancy by the beginning of the
winter quarter according to the pres
ent aim or the contractor. Chief En
gineer E. B. Fan-i- said this week.
A special effort is being made to
complete the living space of the new
residence hall which wil accomodate
108 students Mr. Farris stated.
A recreation room and lounge.
however, are not expected to be com
pleted until a later date.
Rent To Be Higher
Dean of Men A. D. Kirwan said
that rooms in the new dormitory will
have a higher rental than those In
the older residence halls. Freshmen
will be given first opportunity to oc
cupy the new building. Dr. Kirwan
explained this restriction is in keep
ing with a ruling of the Board of
Trustees which requires freshmen to
live in the dormitories if conditions


Three Attend Meeting



Pre-histo- ry

Librarian Resigns



Vets Must Get
Record Cards

Jack Sorrelle was apxiniid
editor of the Kernel at a nxct- ing of the Board of Student Pul
lications this week. Sorrelle. a
journalism student from Cur-lington, replaces Mjrtlia Vatcs
who will be graduated at the
end of this quarter.
Martha Evans was chosen managing editor and Haskell Short was
selected to continue as news editor.
O. C. Halyard who was appointed
sports editor last spring will continue In that position.
All the appointments are effective
until the end of the spring quarter.
Sorrelle has served as managing
editor since last June and was assistant managing editor before that
time. He is a member of the Student Government Assembly.
Was News Editor
Miss Evans was news editor during the summer quarter. A journalism senior from Wilmore. she is
a member of Theta Sigma Phi woman's journalism honorary, and Chi
Delta Phi, women's literary honorary.
journalism senior from
Lexington. Is United Press correspondent for Lexington. Before enrolling in the University he lived in
Danville where he was correspon
dent for the Lexington Herald-Leade- r,
sports correspondent for the
Courier-Journa- l,
and was employed
by the Danville newspapers.
Also An Announcer
Halyard, whose home Is in Louisville, has worked with the University athletic publicity office and Is

head announcer for radio station
WBKY and also works at WVLK.
The present Issue of the Kernel
will be the last by the present staff
which has been headed by Miss
Yates since the beginning of the
summer quarter.
Appointments to executive positions on the Kernel are made by
the Board of Student Publications
which includes Miss Yates as editor
of the Kernel. Helen Dorr as editor
of the Kentuckian. Dr. Niel Plummer. head of trie Journalism Department. Frank D. Peterson, comp
troller of the University, and Helen
Deias, representative from SGA.

Alpha Phi Omega
Installs Officers
Alpha Phi Omega, national service
fraternity, Monday night installed
the following officers: President.
Tommy Poe;
treasurer. Joe Hall; corresponding
secretary. Joe Cocuzzi: alumni secretary. Will red Lott; historian. Joe
Craig; sergeant-at-arm- s,
Paul Cund.
ningham; and chaplain. Gene
Don B. Towles;


Mr. C. A. Povlovich is the senior
faculty adviser of the fraternity,
and C. G. Wheeldon and Calvin
Hall were selected as scouting advisers.

Program Installed
By SGA To Study

Student Problems
A new program by which the Student Government Association hope
to leam of student problems and
methods of solving them is being
launched by SGA.
The program entails periodic visit.
by SGA representatives to each of
the dormitories where representatives will answer questions and re-

ceive suggestions on improving campus conditions.
The first of these meetings was
held Tuesday In Patterson. Boyd,
and Jewell halls. SGA officers hope
these meetings will better conditions
for the students at the University
and make SGA a better organization.
rtyland, of the Department of
In a letter addressed to the students, Claude Sprowls. president of
SGA. said. "The only way in which
Capurso To Boston
reDr. Alexander A. Capurso, head of we can operate effectively is to
the Music Department, will attend ceive your ideas and
neetings of the National Association
Df Schools of Music and the Music
Teachers National Association which
ire being held simultaneously in
Boston. Dr. Capurso is one of five
In keeping with German tradition,
members of the national committee
on psychology of music of MTNA, the German Club comemorated the
and will take part in a panel dis- coming of St. Nicholas at a Christmas party In Miller hall Thursday
cussion on music therapy.
Meeting In Chicago
Dr. John H. Ubben. disguised as
A number of persons are planning
to attend the meeting of the Ameri- St. Nicholas, distributed nuts and
can Association for the Advancement fruit to guests and members of the
of Science in Chicago. These include club. Dr. Anna Odor, associate proDr. A. C. Brauer and Dr. Joe K. fessor of German, said that accordNeel of the Department of Zoology, ing to European custom. St. NTcha-lvisits the chidren on Dec. 6 and
Professor D. F. Atkins of the Mathematics Department, Dr. W. S. Webb, the Christ child brings gifts on the
head of the Physics Department, and Dec. 25.
Program Outlined
Dr. Herbert Riley, head of the DeA number of persons took part in
partment of Botany.
the party. Dr. A. E. Biggc read the
Christmas story from the German
Tuthill To Speak
Dr. Richard L. Tuthill. associate Bible. Dr. Anna Odor told the legend
professor of geography, will address of the German St. Nicholas. Judy
the Joint convention of the Amer- Horne gave the history of the Christican Association of Geographers and mas tree. Donald Spillman gave the
the American Association of Profes- origin of "Silent Night." and Leosional Geographers at the
nard Ooldstein and Joe Fitch sar.j
on Page Five)
a duet, "Ach du Lleber Augustin."

UK Professors To Attend

Conventions During Holidays
A number of University faculty
members are planning to attend
meetings and conventions in their
respective fields during the Christmas holidays.
Dr. Niel Plummer. Prof. Victor R.
Portmann and Dr. William M. Moore
of the Department of Journalism will
attend the annual meeting of the
American Association of Schools and
Departments of Journalism and the
American Association of Teachers
of Journalism in Philadelphia Dec.
29-3- 1.

Prof. PortmaJin will lead a dis
cussion on Promotion Under Business
Management of the Course Content
and Teaching Procedures round
table. Dr. Moore will be in charge of
a discussion on the Postwar Chal
lenge of Freedom of the Press.
Language Groups To Meet
The College of Commerce will be
represented at the American Econo
mics Association in Chicago by Dr.
Ralph R. Pickett, professor of economics.
Several persons from different de-

partments are planning to attend the

Modern Languages Association meeting in Detroit. They include Dr.
Adolph E. Bigge and Dr. Anna F.
Odor of the German Department;
Dr. George K. Brady, Dr. W. S. Ward,
and Dr. Arthur L. Cooke of the
English Department, and Dr. Hobart

Ro-nan- ce

German Club Gives

Christmas Party



* Friilav. DetemW 12. 1017



Pape Two

Kenny Rollins Named,
To Captain Cagers

Kentucky Triumphs 24-1- 4
Wildcat Cagers Headed East
In Great Lakes Bowl Game For Two Holiday Contests
tr- -

By Tom Disk in

Playing one of their best games of
Hie season. Kentucky laced a big and
n;ged Villanova eleven,
leveland's massive Municipal Stadium last Saturday in tlie initial
c:icat Lakes Bowl game.
A dippointing crowd of only
watched the UK Wildcats capture their eigliih win of the year as
iainst three losses which isgridten record a Blue and Whit
since 1909, when
iron team has had
the Cats won nine and lost only to
North Carolina A tc M, 15-The line play in the bowl game
bordered on vieiousness. especially by
the smaller, but very rciih Kentucky
lorward wall. Ouisiaiidicg in the
lirst line cf defense lor the big Blue
were Wash Serini, Frank Smotlur-n.a- n.
Charlie Brownir.fr. Leo YuniUi,
H.tTy Ulinki.
Jay Rhodemyre,
24-1- 4,




Cl.arlie Bently ard "en Zaraiika.
la the UK btikfield. George Blan-dpaving nud kicking was excellent. He hit 11 receivers in 21
it: tempts. Two sophomore halfbacks
James Howe and Till E;lier
piayed their best eamrs of the seaas

two touchson. BoUer, who
downs on brilliant rur.s, also comin four tries.
pleted thiee
Howe tallied the ether UK touchsprint.
down on a splendid



While UK students are enjoying
The final hardwood game 'of the
the Christmas vacation, the Wildcat
basketball team will be kept busy holidays will be a game with the
trying to keen their season slate dangerous Miami Redskins, in Oxclean. Starting next Wednesday ford. Ohio. Last season, UK beat i- Villanova, a three-poifavorite night, Kentucky will play six games Miami,
here in Lexington in
in Cleveland before the game, could over the vacation and only one of one of the roughest games of the
do little with the sturdy Lynx line. them can really be called a season for the Cats. Miami kept pace
iney aid, nowever, complete
"brp' 1'ier" the western emiano with the big Blue for half the conaerials in 18 tosses against Ken contest.
test, but finally the Lexington Lynx-metucky's pass defense. Quarterback
got hot and gradually pulled
On Dec. 17, UK meets Xavier
Joe Rogers, Halfback Bob Poiidor, University here; Dec. 20, the Cats away. Now this year's game will be
Fullback Ralph Pasquariello, Right KO t0 Philadelphia to play Temple; played in Oxford, Ohio, which gives
Tackle John Sandusky and End John Dec 23, a game with St. John's in the Buckeyes a distinct advantage
Sheahan played well for the North- Madison Square Garden; Jan. 2, and the Miami quintet, coached by
Creighton comes to Louisville; Jan. Blue Foster, will be "laying" for the
The Phlladelphlans, clad in black 3, Western Ontario invades Alumni powerful UK basketeers in hopes of
helmets, dark-blu- e
jerseys and gold gym; then on Jan. 5, Miami (Ohio upsetting the famous felines from
pants, kicked oft to UK's Jim Howe, University will be Tiost ot the busy the Bluegrass and winning national
who started for the injured Jack Ktntuckians.
recognition. Miami is led by center
Farris. and the Fort Thomas flyer
Taking the games in the order they Bob Brown and guard Bob
ran from the Your to the
are to be played, we hit Xavier first.
stopped Theilhe Mu.sketecrs are much stronger
J"f ore he itwas me uui wi'iv
than last year
then forced to punt. After an ex
Queen City institution defeat UofL Alums To Give
change of kicks, the Lexingtonians edThe
Franklin College, 3,
in their
a march from their 46 to the opener and then sprung an upset by Dance
opponent's 16, via Blanda to Boiler nosing out. Purdue,
on the
loss put Boilermaker's home court last week- and Howe passes. An
The University of Louisville alum
, u. i wntrt
ni will entertain with a dance after
uc u
ed x ls ,edin by Howie m
game in
the Kentucky-Creighto- n
Blanda booted a perfect field
wno nippod
23 markers
tne Louisville, January 2, Dorothy Jack.. and two former I TIC"
w g.ve un. uirre-pou- n
TUCKY 3, VILLANOVA 0. Tills was cageVs Malcolm McMullen and Dick son, secretary of the Louisville
the only score in the first half of the Boxwell. The latter, who was on the alumni chapter, announced
Kentucky "B" team for a while last week.
in the
The dance will be held
In the third period, Howe climaxed year, tossed in the deciding basket
march by dashing 29 yards in the Purdue game in the final Terrace Room of the Kentucky periiown the sidelines for a touchdown. .seconds of the skirmish. McMullen, tel. Admission will be $2.50 per
Blanda booted the placement and X's first-stricenter, saw action in son. Alumni, students, and
made it KENTUCKY 10, VILLA- a few games early last season before of the University are invited to atNOVA 0.
having Lexington for Xavier. He tend.
The final quarter saw 28 points scored 10 tallies against Purdue: tickets may information from Miss
be obtained
scored by the two teams. The Main Boxwell hit for 11 to take high
Helen King, alumni secretary at
scored early in this frame ing honors that night. Both of these the alumni office in the SUB.
Ralph Pasquariello cagers will play their heart out next
ran 10 yards over tackle for the TD. ( Wednesday against their former
Siano kicked good, KENTUCKY 10, teammates that you can count on.
Temple and St. John's come next
On an intended pass play, Boiler, and they both are generally two of
' by
finding his receivers covered, raced the Easts outstanding quintets. St.
around right end for 15 yards and John's lost their opening game to
UK's third score. Blanda again uenver by two points recently.
booted the extra point. KENTUCKY but will improve in future games
Hit Parade
17, VILLONOVA 7. It was Boiler that ana may be "up" when UK invades
the Bip Town. Creighton, like DePaul
I am not speaking of song hits.
scored shortly after when he interbut of sparkling gifts for your
cepted a Gordon aerial and made a and Xavier, is a CathoUc school
"Noel . Here
favorite people-com- e
Jaunt Into pay dirt before that takes its basketball very seriis a tip on an Xmas bargain
a stunned Villanova squad. Blanda ously. The last meeting between UK
men's cosmetics by the famous
made it a perfect placement kicking and Creighton (in 1940) round the
manufacturers of "His" products.
day when he split the