xt7tmp4vmg7w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tmp4vmg7w/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19660221  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1966 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 21, 1966 1966 2015 true xt7tmp4vmg7w section xt7tmp4vmg7w Inside Today's Kernel


ahead: Pogc Two.

tacts crucial year

Community College head says citizens
"watch" students: Page Three.
Iditor discusses Vietnam War: Page


Day Ball in pictures:


Wildcats plagued by cold shooting,
but defeat Mississippi State: Page Six.
Rupp predicts possible trouble in
Mississippi game: Page Seven.

Vol. LVII, No. 80

University of Kentucky



Eiglil Pages

Goldberg Speech
M ay Give View

Of World Today


Kernel News Editor
United Nations Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg will probably
present a "general review of today's international situation, including the hotter problems," w hen he addresses Tuesday's Founders
Day Convocation here, his office told the Kernel today.
The former Supreme Court
cal atmosphere and was told
Justice will also "make a reference to the Centennial year, and about pickets promised by a
comnewly-forme- d
the (University's) place in Amerimittee.
can higher education," the
source, Frank Carpenter, director
Told that many UK students,
of public affairs at the United
because of their increased interest
States Mission to the United
in the Vietnam war, are expecting
Nations, said.
more than just a Centennial con"I'm sure the ambassador will
gratulatory message, Mr. Carpensay more than just 'Happy Birthter said, "I'm sure Ambassador
day, U of K,' " he added after
Goldberg will be responsive to
hearing a very brief report on the that (interest)."
campus "situation".
"The ambassador feels very
Mr. Carpenter had asked a
strongly about the United States'
Kernel reporter about the politiinvolvement in this war and
about bringing about a peaceful,

Pickets Here
Will Protest
Viet Policy

honorable solution."
At the 2:30 p.m. convocation
in Memorial Coliseum,

local committee formed Sunnight will emphasize the
"need for a new Vietnam policy"
by picketing United Nations Ambassador Arthur J. Goldberg
when he speaks at the Founder's
Day Convocation Tuesday.
A spokesman for the Lexington
Committee For Alternatives To
War in Vietnam said the
mittee would organize and stage
a protest at 1:30 p.m. Tuesday
in front of Memorial Coliseum
to draw attention to a seven
point program for dealing with
the Vietnam war.
In a statement released today
the committee said, "We seek a
just and honorable peace in Vietnam. If the United States is
genuinely interested in trying to
bring about this kind of solution
to the war, it will have to act
on the basis of the following


1. Stopping all bombing
North and South Vietnam;
Continued On Pare 8



ador Goldberg will be presented
an honorary doctor of laws
degree, which the UK Board of
Trustees authorized Friday.
He is expected to arrive at
Bluegrass Field about 11 a.m.
After a brief press conference, he
will leave for a small luncheon
at the Student Center, given by
UK President John W. Oswald
and the trustees.
Ambassador Goldberg may
tour the College of Law Building
after the convocation if time permits, the centennial office said.
Ambassador Goldberg will be
accompanied by his executive
assistant, Francis W. Carpenter,
whose daughter Betty Ann is a
UK freshman.
Dr. Oswald has invited the
public to the Coliseum convocation, which will be televised or
filmed by a CBS crew from Chicago, the Centennial office said.
At the luncheon, Ambassador
Goldberg will make no speech,
the centennial office said. The
Volume On
UK Centennial
Higher Education will be officially presented there.

Greeks Go Out For Tlie Heart Fund
University Greeks went all out for the heart fund
drive Sunday as
volunteers collected money in the
Students were assigned various parts of the city to


canvass. Above, Mary Lee Gosncy, Martha Rabe,
Karen Cook, and Mary Jane White, members of
Alpha Xi Delta, prepare to canvass the Garden
Springs area.

Trustees Indicate Desire
To Help Paducah College

The Kentucky General Assembly has been requested to
enact legislation permitting Paducah Junior College to join
the University's community college system.
The request was made Friday by the executive committee
of UK's Board of Trustee. The

initiation for Paducah's joining
the University was taken last
week by the Paducah City Commission and the junior college's
Board of Trustees in similar resolutions asking the General Assembly for "permissive



Dr. John W. Oswald, UK
president, said if legislation is
approved Paducah still will not
join the community college
system until financial details can
be worked out.
Paducah Junior College,
which was founded in 1932, presently is financed through tuition

and city and county taxes. Over
students attend the school.
The resolution adopted by
UK endorses the continuance of
the local tax base from Paducah
and McCracken County for use
"to enrich the basic programs
of the college."
UK presently operates nine
community colleges, with plans
for additional centers at Mays- 1.000

Leak Quits Positions
In Religious Activities

Rev. Don Leak, YMCA director and religious coordinator at the
University, has resigned his position and will take a post with the
Southern Area Council of YMCA's in Atlanta, Ca.
The Rev. Mr. Leak will beReferring to his new duties he
come area staff secretary, dealing said,
"My work will be very simspecifically in the area of young ilar to what I am doing now, but
adult and student affairs.
will encompass a Southern region
of ten states. I will be concerned
with the intercollegiate YMCA
with emphasis on program development, staff training, and the
problem of education."
Retiring at a time when the
future of the
at the University is of great cona department chairman would favor one of
The trustees discussed problems the mercern the Rev. Mr. Leak said his
ger might create before approving the recom- the areas. "Suppose you get a chairman
resignation is "in no way related
mendation of President John W. Oswald. sometime who leans, who is partial," Dr.
to the recent announcement by
Dr. Ralph Angelucci, chairman of the exec- Angelucci questioned.
Vice President Johnson concern- utive committee, questioned the rivalry beDr. Oliver W. Deaton, assistant professor
tween the three areas involved.
Future of the YMCA at UK
of dairy science, predicted one of the biggest
discussed in news analysis, jxige
Several instructors, including Dr. Wyatt problems will be in administration. "Can
Marion Insko, chairman in poultry science, one man give due time to all three former two.
and Dr. Dwight Moody Seath, dairy science, departments?" Dr. Deaton asked.
head, said they would not comment on the
"I was not exactly in favor of the mering the future of the YMCA. I
merger w hen contacted Sunday.
ger, but it probably won't make much
accepted my offer on Feb. 1
Dr. W.P. Carrigus, who is currently chair- difference," Dr. Deaton added. He said
which preceded his announceman of the Department of Animal Science, everybody is concerned, but not necessarily
ment by more than two weeks."
was named by the trustees to head the new worried.
The Rev. Mr. Leak, in an
department. Some concern has been exinterview Friday, was particOne of the main concerns is "our repressed as to whether an animal science lationship with dairymen in the state,"
ularly interested in clearing up
specialist will give proper emphasis to the Dr. Deaton continued. There needs to be
the apparent illusion that many
other areas.
Continued On Page 2
Continued on Face 2
Dr. Angelucci said lie feared some day

Instructors Remain Skeptical About Merger
Consolidation Of Three Agriculture Units Approved
Kernel Editor-in-ChiDairy science and poultry science instructors apparently are skeptical about the
merger of their departments with the Department of Animal Science.
Some specialists in dairy and poultry
production fear a loss of identification as
a result of the merger. Although instructors
in the two areas are quick to recognize
the consolidation advantages, most apparently feel there will be problems.
The action was taken Friday by the
executive committee of the University Board
of Trustees. Specifically, the trustees combined the departments of dairy science,
animal science and poultry science into a
new Department of Animal Sciences. The
departmental reorganization will be made
effective July 1.

villc and in Jefferson County.
In other business Friday, the
trustees changed the name of
the College of Commerce to the
College of Business and Economics. The change, which becomes effective July 1, was made
because the "term commerce is
no longer appropriately descriptive of the instructional programs
of the college."

* J

-- THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, Feb. 21,


Must Find Formula For 'Crucial Status9


Kernel News Editor
Take the campus YMCA.
Subtract University financial
support, one director, several
graduating leaders, and a deficit
of candidates seeking office.
Add renewed interest by the
group's advisory board, the hope
for community financial aid, and
continuance of stimulating programs encompassing college life.
What do you have?
The crucial status of a campus
club that's more than just a club
and that's not just confined to the
Confronted with that answer,
friends of the Y have been programing their personal mental
computers for a panacea to pre- -

News Analysis
vent the mathematically


table consequences.
Here are the facts behind the
credits and the debits:
1. The University announced
Thursday the YMCA and its sister group, the YWCA would be
"phased out" of financial support, hopefully beginning next
2. YMCA director Don Leak
announced at the same time his
resignation. The Rev. Mr. Leak,
affectionately and jokingly known

as "C(xl's Man On Campus," has
accept cd a post wit h t he Southern
Area Council of YMCA's in Atlanta, Ca.
3. Several
of the student
"guiding lights" in the organization who have failed to recruit replacements will graduate
in the spring.
4. Only four persons filed to
run in this afternoon's election of
officers. The "choice" candidate
for president, John O'Brien, current Student Congress vice president, withdrew from the race after
announcing his candidacy but
before officially filing. End of
5. Faculty members of the
YMCA Advisory Board have been
sparked to attention by the
Their pledge of renewed and increased interest is the first credit.
6. Preliminary plans call for a
"bridge" to be built between the
campus club and the Lexington
community YMCA, the latter providing funds and staff.
7. Those who remain promise
to continue formulation and enactment the kind of programs
upon which the YMCA reputation
at UK is built.
Next year, which for the Y
begins with the new administration elected now in the semester,
is a most important one, says

current Y secretary Robert Rich,
freshman law student.
Rich doesn't blame the University's ostracism for organizational problems within the Y,
and he is optimistic about the
Y's future.
Rut his cautious optimism
turns caustic when he considers
what may eventually result from
the separation.
"The Y will be very closely
examined and reappraised next
year, and if it doesn't cut the
mustard, the University maydrop
it from the campus," he said in
an interview Sunday night.
Being kicked out of its spacious and central Student Center
location would be the worst thing
that could happen, he said.
"The uniqueness of the Y it
character building and service
projects can be accounted for
partly because of students' identification with its proximity."
Rich, who will serve on the
Advisory Board next semester,
said most colleges are establishing a trend of cutting off YMCA
funds to bring about independence.
But, he added, they recognize
the need for a central location and
provide free office space.
Under the UK separation proposal, the Y would pay rent for
Student Center offices. It now
shares free offices with the YWCA

Consolidation Of Ag Departments
Draws Concern From Specialists
Continued From Pare 1
leadership somewhere, and the
status of department holds more
prestige, he said.
Dr. Deaton did note, however, that combined facilities will
bring certain advantages.
Dr. Okra Jones Abbott, associate professor of poultry science, said, "Some of us have
wondered just how the new department will be set up and if
there will be as much emphasis
on each group. We can see where
there may be problems."
"In the long run the merger
could be in the best interest of
all, but we will have to keep
the personnel interested in all
areas," Dr. Abbott added.
Dr. Durward Olds, professor
of dairy science, said he thinks
the department will be able to
profit by come of the advantages

f wrr""Mj













T1? - :














from a merger. "But I think we
could profit from the other departments regardless of a merger," Dr. Olds said.
"I'm not sure much initiative
will be taken by Dr. Garrigus
to help us," he added.
Dr. Donald Wayne MacLaury,
professor of poultry science, said
the merger simply places the
three areas under an old format.
He pointed out the poultry and
dairy departments were not established until 1960.
No comments were given by
Dr. Arthur William Rudnick Jr.,
Arthur Paul Graden, Dr. Theodore Russell Freeman and Dr.
Don Richard Jacobson, all of
dairy science, and Dr. John J.
Begin, of poultry science.
Dr. Begin said he would

Kentucky Kernel. University
Station, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, 40506. Second-clas- s
postage paid at Lexington, Kentucky.
Published five times weekly during
the school year except during holidays
and exam periods, and weekly during
the summer semester.
Published for the students of the
University of Kentucky by the Board
of Student Publications, Prof. Paul
Oberst, chairman and Lirtda Cassaway,
Begun as the Cadet In 1894, became the Kecord in ltKK), and the Idea
in 1908. Published continuously as the
Kernel since 1915.
Yearly, by mail $7.00

Per copy, from files

In proposing the merger, Dr.
Oswald said he had talked with
representatives of each of the
three agricultural groups. He said
he realized the concern of the
individual groups, but he predicted the reorganization would
strengthen research, teaching
and extension in the animal sciences.



Leak Takes New Y Post
Continued From Pare


apparently have concerning the
future of the YMCA at UK.
"What Mr. Johnson has proa
posed and discussed with me is
structure that will make the
YMCA an autonomous group
answerable to what will be called
the Office of Religious Affairs."
"Presently, we are responsible
to Mr. Johnson and employed by
the University. But, and it is
ridiculous, the YWCA is completely divorced from us and must
answer to the dean of women and
the YWCA advisory board."
The University will gradually,
help the two groups become
autonomous over a period of four
years, eventually becoming independent and answerable to the
Office of Religious Affairs, Vice
President Johnson told the Y advisory boards Wednesday. The
Rev. Mr. Leak said neither of the
Y organizations
should become
extinct, but with the help of the
University must withstand the
future transition.
"With a twofold job here as
director of the YMCA and religious coordinator I have been
unable to pay the same attention
to the YM as YWCA Director
PeKKy Cooley has to the YW.
This is indeed unfair and can be


solved by this new program,'
Mr. Leak said.
"I voiced my approval of the
recently announced proposal to
Mr. Johnson a long time ago. I
feel it is a necessary move,"
said Mr. Leak.

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The Bright, New

Curtis Lctnmon


2nd Hit

tinued and strengthened."

Dr. Oswald said the depart

9 .10

Editor, Executive Editor, Managing
News Desk, Sports, Women's Editor.
Advertising, Business, Circulation 2319

problem will be student leadership. A "vacuum," be says, has
resulted from not recruiting new
faces, more numbers.
Now, after nearly 75 years, he
adds, the Y will again have to
prove itself.
The balance sheet willhaveto
be made a mathematical


itate to comment before being
informed of the mechanics of the
new department. Dr. Freeman
added, "We don't know what to
expect at this time."


The Kentucky Kernel

ment will have a very active
extension program to maintain
close ties with all segments of
the Kentucky animal industry.
The new department will be
informally organized around the
three disciplinary areas of nutriand antion, physiology-genetic- s
imal food science, he said.
Dr. Oswald recommended establishing committees for "dairy
cattle, poultry, beef cattle, sheep,
swine, and horses." He said this
was "in order that commodity
identification is not lost and that
our very important industry-universit- y
relationships are con-

and the Office of the Urinous
of t lie few
Also, UK i one
schools in the South that still
director. The position
a fulltimc
would be eliminated under sepaadmine
ration, and a part-timY
istrator would be hired by the
of the University.
Hich says another important


* .THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, Feb. 21,



Director Falkcnstine Says:

Citizens 'Watch9 Community College Students


munity expects the college students to Be superior citizens,"
says Dr. James C. Falkcnstine,
Director of the Southeast Community College.
"The citizens expect a tre- -

At The

K Club Elccls Officers

mendous amount


not you can hear about it

the church, beauty parlor,
and burger shops."
Dr. Falkcnstine

pointed out

that the law prohibits drinking

on school grounds and he firmly
enforces these luws. He believes
thut most of the students have
respect for the law, but he believes that most of the students
lieves they could do a better

their dress, where they go, and
what they do, he believes, and
when they do any thing less than
what is expected of them, it
spreads throughout the entire
"If dances go wrong whether
it is a college student to blame

The officers and members of
the newly organized Circle K
Club at I Iopkinsville Community
were recently honored at a Charter
Presentation Banquet at the city's
country club.
A. Joe Asher, governor of the
Kentucky-Tennesse- e
district of
Kiwanis International, presented
the charter to the president-elec- t
of the college club, Bryan Le
The officers of the organization were installed by the Lt.
Governor, John Gray. Those installed, including Le Sieur, were
Jim McBride, vice president;
Mike Foster, treasurer; and John
Henderson, secretary.

Literary Review
Is Started

from the stu-

dents. If one student docs anything out of the way, such as
drinking, the people automatically condemn the entire college."
The people arc looking at college students at their behavior,

job taking care of property and

respecting the rights of others.
"We can't get in the position where improvement is im- -

possible, but we should strive
for perfection. Those students
who want a good school should
help change those others who do
not," he explains.
Dr. Falkcnstine defends the
educated college student's morals. "A person in college is expected to be better than tic
average person. He should be of
benefit to thecommunityand not
tear it down. Students who do
not feel this way or do not want
to improve should not be in college.
"Each person has four lives
to live- -a four-fol- d

to grow," he says. "Each person lias a body, a brain, a heart,
are our living
and a soul-th- cse
tools. To use them is a golden
opportunity. The college attempts to help each student find
new capacities and develop into

Falkcnstine commends
the student Ixxly, student coun-


well-rounde- d


cil, and faculty. They are doing
good work he says, but he wants
to see continuous improvement
in all areas as the college attempts to serve the needs of the
people in Harlan County and
the surrounding area.

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"The Elizabethtown Review,"
first literary magazine at Elizabethtown Community College,
will be published this spring by
class at the
the writing-poetr- y
The class members will act
as a board to screen material
submitted by students.
Poetry, short stories, plays or
reviews are some of the literary
works suitable for publication.

163 E. Main


Students with literary ability
at Ashland Community College
are being given the opportunity
to publish their works in "Centerpieces," the college's literary
The project is under the supervision of the journalistic staff.
Judging of the submitted writings
will be done by the English department of the college.
The magazine is financed by
the Student Activity fund.
Deadline for submitting manuscripts is April 1. The literary
efforts may be in the form of
both prose and poetry, in addition
to short stories, articles, and
essays. Any field and style
will be accepted for
judging. Short dramatic pieces
are also acceptable.

Art Exhibit
exhibit of art by Bob
Broughton will be shown Feb.
23 to March 2 in the Student
Lounge of Ashland Community
will include
The exhibit
various types of art including
seascapes, still life, and cities.
They are done in oil, tempera
and water colors.







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Pledges Taken
League, a
club at the 1 Iopkinsville
Community College, has recently
taken ten pledges for the spring
Those women who have received bids to join are Nancy
Alexander, Betty Batts, Beverly
Caldwell, Kathy Duco, Joette
Grace, Margalo Harris, Linda
Hayes, Laura Jenkins,
Salesman and Ann Wells.




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* Escalation

An Unrewarding Victory
The chief strategist of the
United States effort in Vietnam,
Defense Secretary McNamara, told
the Senate Armed Services Committee in testimony released last
week that the war in Vietnam
will be a long one but it will be

resources to win such a war without committing the fullest measure of our strength, sacrificing
millions of our youth, and running the gravest risk of losing.
The Johnson policy, regardless
of how it is stated and justified
in public, can only be leading
us toward that war that nobody
wants and which, very likely, nobody can win.

Once again Mr. McNamara
failed to say just what he meant
by "victorious," but it seems
But even if a victory was posfrightfully evident that the Johnson administration has committed sible, it would certainly be unwise.
itself to a military victory in the
In the emerging nations of
Africa and Asia, the American role
conventional sense.
in Vietnam is viewed as a colonial
Gen. Earle G. Wheeler, chairrole. It is ironic that the U.S.
man of the Joint Chiefs of Staff, which was so
strongly in favor
was even more, blunt: "I myself of the
liquidation of colonies by
have no doubt that, in the long the Western
powers has taken upon
term, we can achieve military vicitself the cloak of colonialism.
tory," he told the committee.
No one can deny that PresiWhat should now be evident dent Johnson's
poor judgment in
to the Administration, as it has the Dominican
Republic and in
become increasingly evident to the Vietnam has led the U.S. to be
nation at large, is that a military mistrusted around the world.
victory in Asia is not only imWhere there was at least respect
possible but unwise as well.
and sometimes even grudging approval under the Kennedy AdminA
victory is impossible because we can not hope to match istration, the Latin Americans parthe hordes of North ticularly look at this country only
Vietnam and Red China. That with fear fear that any "wrong"
is what we have attempted to do action will bring another shipment
thur far: we meet increased Viet of Marines from the north.
Cong forces with increased forces
The Administration says it
of our own. In short, we are putwants peace and no one can really
ting ourselves in the position, if believe that President Johnson
indeed we are not already there,
wants an all-owar.
from which we will be unable
to withdraw with honor.
The grave danger, however, is
in the thinking among the Administration's policymakers and in
certain segements of the country
that our might will once again
prevail in the battle to "make
the world safe for democracy."



Riv itSk


News Judgment Protested
To the

LePelley in The Christian Science Monitor

The folly of this policy is attested to by its failure. A year
ago when we could have gone
to the conference table, the coung
sel within the high
levels of the Administration was
that we win at least a partial
military victory in order to improve our bargaining position.
What we did was drive the North
Vietnamese away from the peace
table and into the arms of the
Red Chinese and Russians.
Douglas MacArthur counseled
President Kennedy against becoming involved in a ground war
in Asia. He noted, as others have
noted, that- we do not have the

It's no longer 1915, it's not
even 1940, and the battles of today are fought on a different level
and with a different foe. For all
of their similarities, the Communists are not Hitler. They don't
plan, regardless of their teachings,
to take the world over by force
as Hitler did.

Dean Seward has done too much
the women students on this
campus to have to subject herself
to such criticism. If this girl felt
that she had been intimidated, her
complaint should not have been
published in the Kernel. This matter
is not one which should be splashed
on the front page, accompanied
by a picture!

The battles are going on in
every section of the world today:
poverty and disease,
famine and plague; against
the ravishes of nature and all other
forms of human suffering. The U.S.
is certainly involved in this battle,
but in recent years we have become
identified with the war to rid Viet-- :
nam of a military force by military
means rather than the far more important battle to rid man of the
prison of his own environment.

Until the Johnson Administration renews its committment to
this newer and far graver struggle,
until it recognizes that the days
of gunboat diplomacy are gone
forever, until it learns that a conventional military victory is not
I'd rather have an inch of dog possible in Vietnam, and until it
moves dramatically, as France did
than miles of pedigree.
Dana Burnet in Algeria, to get this nation and
her soldiers out of Vietnam not
Our ancestors are very good kind until then will the chance of a
of folks; but they are the last per- substantial victory be at hand.
For the present, it is far, far
sons I should choose to have a
away. And one wonders if the
visiting acquaintance
Richard Brinsley Sheridan President even understands why.

Editor of the Kernel:

interested in campus image. A few
The article published in the more articles of this nature and I
Wednesday edition of the Kernel am sure that our image will be
"Intimidation more than splendid.
(Seward by University coed" was
A&cS Senior
in extremely poor taste. I feel
that the article was totally unnecessary and not fit to be printed
in a college newspaper.


If it was absolutely necessary
to publish an article of this sort,
it could have been handled more
discreetly. I admire Dean Seward
immensely for refusing to comment.
She should keep herself above such
The Kernel pretends to be so
letters from readers wishing to comment on any topic
,7 .? KerPe.l welcom
of SDace
limitations, letters should be limited to 200 words. We reserve the right to edit Because received
Longer manuscripts will be accepted at the editor's discretion.
The letters submitted should be signed as follows: for students, name, college and class and
local telephone number; tfor faculty members, name,
for University staff members, name, department rank portion" for
fhme,,hTetOWn anL
name, hometown and hometown telephone number. Unsigned letted
caiot tecon
sidered for publications. All letters should be typewritten and double
Jitters should be addres?ed left the Editor, the Kentucky Kernel. Journalism
of Kentucky, or they may be
in the editor's office. Room 113- the Jnahfm BuifdK


The Kentucky Kernel


The South's Outstanding College





MONDAY, FEB. 21, 1966

Walter Chant,



Linda Mills. Executive Editor




John Zeh, News Editor
Judy Crisham. Associate News Editor
Kenneth Creen, Associate News Editor
Henry Rosenthal, Sports Editor
Feature Editor
Margaret Bailey, Art, EJttor



William Knapp,


Advertising Manager

Business Staff

Marvin Huncate. Circulation Manager'

* THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday, Feb. 21,


1966- -5

The Many Activities Of A Ball










if .r"

J. ,'1





A University coed utilizes a decorated



State basketball game provided entertainment for some at the leginning of the Ball.

mirror in the Grand Ballroom.





Folk singer Tedd Browne performed in the Student Center Theatre.