xt7tmp4vmq40 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tmp4vmq40/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-11-20 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 20, 1972 1972 1972-11-20 2020 true xt7tmp4vmq40 section xt7tmp4vmq40 y VOt- LX'V NO- 53 an independent student newspaper
K Monday, November 20, 1972 University of Kentucky
Eight pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506 E
Gov. Edwards denies LA. Times report 1. . ' -
Dispute ar's s o d th " H
of two SU black students ~ ' .
k - «~ , -
LOS ANGELES (Apt—Louisiana Gov. takeover of the campus -- _ ‘
Edwin W. Edwards has no doubt two In a statement issued yesterday Ed- '
young black students slain at Southern wards accused the author of the article of ' ——
University were felled by buckshot fired showing “a gross lack of regard for the "
byadeputy sheriff, the Los Angeles Times whole truth” and said the reporter had ““ . _ ” '
reported yesterday. attended only 30 minutes of a two-hour s;
In Baton Rouge, Edwards called the meeting between Edwards and Justice I I. —-
story “irresponsible. inaccurate and Department officials, then wrote “an t . .. ‘ . 7—.
unauthorized" and said his remarks had irresponsible. inaccurate and l ‘2’
been taken out of context. The Times, unauthorized two-minute summarization, ' e‘" _7
however, said it was standing by the ac- Oht 0t context. - a ;. . c.
g count. Edwards denied he said he would fire 2; . _ é ' .
THE NEWSPAPEunoted the governor Netterville. adding in any event. that ‘ tma ‘ ~—-:
as saying at a luncheon meeting, “I have POWE‘I‘ rested With the state Board Of e“ l i;
no doubt it was a deputy sheriff who Education. g e a“ '
fired.” He noted he had commented in the past “as t
The two students were shot in the head many 0f the student demands had merit " see —
Thursday as police and sheriff's deputies and could be implemented without delay. . . ., ’ .
moved to break up a demonstration by butadded that hedid notintend to agree to V . g "
students in front and inside of the all demands. . We ‘0—
university administration building. The governor said he called the Times ' ' '1, , .. ,. . W -«- ”t
Law enforcement officers say they fired Saturday night to complain BbOUt the iii. . .
only tear gas canisters. Edwards said last StOFY- “The editor then killed the StOTY~ ”L I : .- r _W e at“
Friday it was possible they mistakenly exhibiting momentary responsibility to the w t i ‘9...
. fired buckshot. The school has been closed public interest and journalistic principles. his .. . ' . -I -- w 7
mm after Thanksgiving. but later yielded to baser instincts for one , . - I:
THE TIMES said Edwards also sensational story? Edwards said- t “ “i w I
disclosed: ‘ . . " it . W» "m ”too-V
—-He will fire Southern University EDWARDS TOLD the Times he thought “K . . . ‘ - . \
President G. Leon Netterville, who the students who took control of the ad- "t . -. “rev . ”We"
students say has been out of touch with ministration building were looking for P'Ofi'lng her course
them since July, trouble. . Taking care of the business of pre-registering while # '
—He will accede to all of the demands of “Neither I, the Presndent or the POW sitting on the patio of the Fine Arts Building is
the students and welcomes their par- could. have g°t them to leave the occupied Sherry Watts. Wednesday is the deadline for pre- -
ticipation in the school administration, but hhhdmg- the Times auoted Edwards as registering for the Spring semester. (Kernel photo 7 —
will not agree to a complete student Continued on page 6 by mu“. Singleton)
M is sing l i n k
T b ° H t h ° b k' "
O OCCO Ins I U e researc es COHI‘IGC‘I’IOI‘I etween cancer, smo mg
By RONALD D. HAWKINS institute is governed by state law Dr. RB Griffith. director of not created biases in his current "'-
Kernel Staff Writer and evaluated by the Kentucky the institute. said in a recent job. :4;—
EDITOR‘S NOTE: This is the Tobacco Research Board interview. “The institute is in- "I DON'T FEEL I‘m biased. ‘
first ofatwo-part series in which (KTRB). Section five of Ken— volved primarily in providing There was a question in some _
Ronald D. Hawkins explores tucky Revised Statute 248.520 services. We are responsible for people's minds when I first came
tobacco research on the UK charges KTRB to prove or the over—all development of the here," said Griffith. “However.l __ _
campus. disprove “questions of health program. Our office is the feel we have cleared up most of “’1;
With aid from state and federal hazards to tobacco users and to coordination point. We made the doubts. If you look at the
sources. UK's Tobacco and preserve and strengthen the people aware of other's work program you‘ll find this as ob- >
Health Research Institute is tobacco industry in Kentucky." which helps people compare iective as you can make it "
continuing a search begun in 1965 notes and work together." Tllrl lNSTlTl’TE'S program
to find more specific links bet- KENTUCKY LAW also armour: count: to the includes studies in tobacco
ween tobacco and the reasons requires the institute make a t'niversity in 1969 as director of production. manufacture of
why frequent tobacco smokers report to KTRB every three the research institute, Griffith tobacco products. chemistry 0t 7’“
are more susceptible to cancer. months. The board consists of worked 10 years with Brown and tobacco products and smoke. _
The institute sports a budget of eight permanent members and Williamson Tobacco Corporation response of nonhuman biological
$6,300,000 for the 1972-73 fiscal four members elected by the as their director of research and systems to tobacco products and
year. while involving at least 200 Kentucky Farm Bureau. development. human response to tobacco ,
people and approximately 30 State law requires one of the A 1941 ['K graduate and products. w.
departments throughout the elected members be a recipient of an MS. in l943 from
University representative of a major t'K. Griffith said his former jOl) TUMURRU“: .\ look atlh? work - ,
Research conducted by the tobacco corporation. with Brown and Williamson has of campus tobacco researchers.
F #
Several community organizations convened ()ccasional light snow ending central in the
. last Saturday atthe StudentCenterin an effort to . morning and cast in the afternoon, (‘Ioudy and
InSIde: solve [,exington's air, water and solid waste outSIde : cool Monday Highs 38 to 45 (‘loudy and cool
pollution problems. For more details check page Monday night Lows 30 to 35, Mostly cloudy and
6. continued cool Tuesday. High 40 to 47.

 The ES'dblisht-d 1894 Assistant Managing Editor Katie Titian"; d It I
Kentucky 2:22;.'::::,'..,.“'::.':'"M":.... 23:32:: m::::::::;::::' 02:: E l OI'ICIIS
[arterial Editor Greg Hartmann Assistant Managing editor Mike Board

Kerne' Campus Editor Mike fierney Editorials iepyesent the opinions of the editors not the Ufltvt'l'n'y
UK d ' ' ds drastic improvements I

Advising at UK is a mess. been prepared. One, entitled“Making dergraduate Studies, is the ad- .2.) More student input in the ad_

We‘ve all heard stories about the It," is a realistic, irreverent guide for ministrator behind the UniverSity VISlhg PFOCeSS- A POSSlble Ohe-h0ur
freshman signing up for courses he students. It is sponsored by Free U. advisor Handbook. Stephenson said course in education could be created
can’t handle, the sophomore with and is designed mainly to help fresh- that he had no misgivings about the to EN? interested students. the 0p-
courses that he doesn't need, and the men through orientation. The other handbook. He realizes that it alone POFtUhlty to advise 0" an Informal
senior being told that he doesn‘t have pamphlet.to be out in a few weeks, is isn‘t the answer to quality adVismg, level. WhO else '5 more qualified t0
the right credits in order to graduate. the product of the administration. It is but said that when things are bad all give the run-down on a particular
Unfortunately they are all too often the University Advisor Handbook, you can try to do is make thema little course? 1 1
true. designed to help the advisor help less bad. And the new handbook 3) Professmnal adVISOt‘S whose 8010

In an attempt to clear up some of himself. should do just that. dUtX WWld be to adV‘Se students.
the confusion. two pamphlets have Dr. John Stephenson, dean of un- 1 1 . Theirtob'wouldbet'o keep UP With all

_ The adVlSOI‘S handbook W1“ be changes in UniverSity requirements,
gt. ' 7 ‘ _-_._-__ ? divided into two-sections. The first leaving the teaching to the other

I f; 73:3 WW ,._ ,...._ will contain possible questions and professors
;] l.‘ r \, EREGIS then the answers to student inquires. Any of these proposals would be an

D 1/11 /,\J/1 There will 8150 be a supplementary improvement. .I)oubtless there are

:l ;,t‘|1€gé,1"9 W E'\ l ' ‘ ’ K7 1 HE llSt 0t telephone numbers 0t 990919 some good adVISOI‘S at the UniverSIty

.. 3.5!. . t1 1 ,, within the UniverSity that could help at present. but why should a student
_, f\, ’ , . 1 ‘ ' ,7 _g\ 7 _ _ in answering questions that the ad- be hindered by so many that are not“? ‘

“V @kg 1’, j 9 i fi “' {f _ ’ V'iSOr is having dlffICUlty With A college education is too serious a ‘

“j '21/ ’ \“5 ”"'"5_.t',_~ , 1'/ “ l 1 . 1 matter to be run aground by faulty
/ -. . ' 4 H i .-..::';'-"-'5; / '3"-'-"'I=if/ \E‘f ('1 The second section Wlll be a series advising.

' Q ‘l- Kt 65:7- 3-12 "l" fits-"’5“ of articles dealing with advising '

. \L k ; ,1: 1 . . . b t .11 tht; ac”-.- .__--- z_z--___t_-_____1
jtj “1‘11 40,...3‘ , g i, ‘. / \.\ 1 111 1 1 '1 These were written y exper s l 1 1
E..." ”"1 .-, It.“ tho ‘ ”111, /3 f ‘ t“ V ‘1 adViSing field and are taken from the 1
j A? I ”iii-iii“. Slit... .5533]th ~" it; ,~ _ 1‘9- ; viewpoints of both the adVisor and the “t
. , . ' '. ‘t'tioiissttm to j ' d t / i . .
1r“ I"... Y. I {11);},95'37f15’ '/ ,g ' \t a J 1 ‘ >i Stu en' 1 1;? f;
_. 4‘! l t ”5,7514%" . '3: ) 1, t 1/1 i 1" :‘d'

’ it; w - gas 2 s in” - V' Some «Hemaiives l a a? 1
1 11 i '1, , - 1‘2 1 t , \ :7_:_‘__,1 t i t i‘

I" “if ' F553;». 1 chy’f? ‘ -;—ARTSI We think both Stephenson and the 7S’V’ 1f:§::xf:= 1
m g (1/ .1: 1 . ix”: 3 xx xx ,7 6:; [oree U. have taken a step in the right 1 fl } mix: .

fl \‘ ' . ,-t 11.“; 11-72311" ..=:;_§:-»' ':;;;1 1‘" ‘u‘i‘i'mi direction. but the students deserve 1 14 .. 1..’.-’£;'1:_:33\1-..f"

,/ S - «2:31,, ““1"."th .wv”: ,;.:~.,t:’ ‘t-g/ PlillulmuflL, th t h 1 k hl tt. 1 \l v.> \a

111—1: 1/11/10‘ ,’t"'.‘.‘iit3'73‘.)»-'ll5" . I :fi M1 R “if . ,fi , more an pa 0 wor pamp e mg. 1 1 _

1 \‘1‘ / ‘jv‘ 'ittnm... . i “’jj‘ 1‘51 54““, .r Vte propose three alternatives. 1 __ =1

Eh “ i -- "' '. :2"; 1‘ I m \\ {0,71 frdj // _ _ 1 I
“flit l-L' ié_;_ 21 Tia" 11‘ if ,~_~Ll to ~ 1) An adVISIng workshop conducted 1 1; _ - 2! 1
‘2“ ..___.. —— ’ for University advisors. The course 1 ‘7 1; fl
.. i . . - wouldbemandatory for all professors ' , 1 ' ""

...and Im sureyou ll find Light Horse Husbandry who function as advisors. Any A“ V! 1 .
the most stimulating pre-med course you ve ever professornotwantingtobe an advisor 1 _ -._.... _. ~.»-~ 1 1
taken !" would also have that option, ‘—~»—————r .-,,w_,z.______~_, 1

Letters '
place would not move the county court to lives. If we want to improve ours. I guess deviant. While I can‘t see where deviation :
Hea'fh CO'Umn has issue court orders to allow voting to take we ourselves will have to prove it. in itselfis enough tojustify your opinions. I
. place. These accidents bring some in- Leon I). Nettleton feel that you were incorrect in labeling it
hosplfaf defender teresting thoughts to mind. Donovan student as such. Homosexuality has been recorded 1

The comments bv Dennis Van Gerven. If these "‘accidents" were indeed ac- (‘ollege ofl.ibrary Science in almostevery culture known to man. And
the N6“ 7 “Kernel“ regarding Dr. Student: :Xliisigkltwhjltldcgzédn bgcéilone. on t;ven in ml: countrgdwhere it I: stronglz ‘
1 1 1 y p s . ,I w s i yisma o (isapprove 0 an iscourage , aroun
£25151: 29:101222111029 1:232:23 Courting: very poor state of affairs when GLF pres'dent half of the men surveyed in Kinsey‘s study
‘ , ‘ bureaucratic mistakes deny a person his admitted to at least one homosexual
terpretahon 01f, the purpose 0f the column basic constitutional right; the right to rerfeS reader's lefler contact to orgasm.

"\our Health and a mistudgment of the vote. Mr. Jarman, perhaps before you
author. _ Interfering with someone's right to vote I" “3590059 to Dave Jarman‘s letter dispense VOUI‘ opinion again, you should 1

Surely an anthropologist understands 1S a federal crime (under the Civil Rights concerning Homosexuality, which was run make ancffort to acquire a better un- 1
that you cannot read the soul of a man by law of 1965). But who, if anyone. in this in the letters column of The Kernel, on dcrstanding of the subject. 1
one set of markings on his cave. 1 case will pay for the injustice? Nov. 101 1972. . ‘ PeterJefferv Taylor 1

Arnold Nunnery Mr. Jarman, I feel that you contributed President of Lexington my 1

l'niversity Hospital a fair amount of spleen and not much else A&S Sophomore 1

Greg Wanger to the issue of homosexuality. Most of the ‘1

A&S Freshman statements you made were un- . 1

L05, Chance to VOfe . supportedand those that were, were POI'CY on letters 1
Pralses SChO" calumn supported in a vague, haphazard manner In order that everyone may haVe ;

along With records . . with nothing in the way of factual reasons. equal access to this forum, letters 1
1 1 on p0" Infracflons .. l 0“ Stfitt‘d that honiosexhallty is to the editor should not exceed 250 1

It has come to my attention during the immoral because it s “obViously not words. Issues requiring more ex- 1

lastw'eekthatseveralpeople were cheated Good for Tom Scholl in protesting What nature intended.“ Firstly, how can tended discussion shall be run as 1
. out of their rights to vote. These people election day violations and in writing you possibly be in a position to observe. “Comments" and should not exceed . 1

registered with the Student Governmentin about his experiences? And good for The interpret. and dictate to the rest of us __ 1 d‘ All , b - - , ‘hould

the manner prescribed by law. When Kernel. passing along his report to us "What nature intended."Sec0ndlv,[can‘t ’00 “or 5‘ su1missmns S

(‘lt‘Cthh day (‘flmfi lt “‘85 found tht‘ readers. Tom sounds like a worthy and imagine this opinion being based on be typed and triple-Spaced. and

records of their registration were promising disciple of John W. Gardner‘s anything but ignorance, For example, did mUSt include the writer 5 name.

somehow lost. Someone at the Student (‘ommoii Cause and Ralph Nader m his you know that homosexual behavior has Classification and an address and

Government office brushedtheincident off recent disclosures about (‘ongress n all been observed. within natural habitats. in telephone number Where She or he

with the sentence. “We expected to lose a adds up to the need to begin reforms at the nearly every animal from primates to can be reaChed- Material to length

few“ local citizen level. porpoises" ((‘hurchillt will not be edited except for

liven signed affadavits attesting to the ()ne writer has stated that every country You further stated that it was “per- grammar, spelling and libel. 1

fact that the registrations did in fact take deserves the government under which it verse.“ Hy perverse, I assume you mean

 . ' . THE KENTl'(‘KY KERNI‘IL. Monday. November 20. 1972—3
I ~ ‘ ’ 3-H .
NIChOlCIS 1, n. rumANo MALI.
2 277-6I00 *
VonHoffmon .- om.
muonswnc no» a. LAN! ALLEN \
H I t h” k r been found? ”OWSHOW'NG
a s o s I I a c e . DINO DE LAURENTIIS presents
‘ WASHINGTON-The Monday after him that Lewis and Murphy, also known as DB. JOSEPH szgMAN MLLIRELANO a '
r Thanksgiving a man by the name of Donald Cooper,were for real is that they produced three GERALD s O‘LOUGHLIN a .
3 Sylvester Murphy will go to trial in a Seattle $20 bills on the FBIseriallist. Notwanting to bea WALTER CHIARI I '
I- Federal court accused of fraudulently claiming receiver of stolen property, Fleming photostated AMEOEO NAZZARI 0 *
l to be a crook. The government is charging and returned them while proceeding to conclude Monday Times Only 0
D Murphy, a Bremerton (Wash) real estate adealwith the two men whereby he‘d pay $30,000 2'00 4‘45 720 9 40 M ®
r promoter, with falsely claiming to be the famous for print and film rights to the story. No Matinees M
and secretly admired “D.B. Cooper.” The story that Murphy-Cooper tells is a richly Fri., Sat. or Sun.
9 In case you’ve forgotten, D.B. Cooper is the persuasive one of a Boeing Company engineer
name used by the middle-aged man who boarded who is sacked from his job after years of hard,
i a Northwest Airlines Boeing 727 in Portland, loyal work.He depicted himself asagood family
Ore, a year ago, hijacked it, demanded and got man, cast aside for younger, cheaper talent, who
‘ $200,000 and then parachuted out the plane‘s rear takes his revenge on Boeing and the world by .
r door to disappear somewhere in the Pacific hijacking the plane. None of these details - _
Northwest wilderness. checked out. In real life, Murphy-Cooper never 7
‘1 Assuming he wasn't killed when he landed, worked for Boeing in any capacity and. far from A B O R T I O N
3 Cooper by that act became the first and only being a model Catholic father, he is divorced.
,r person to get away with the crime of hijacking Butwhatdoes check out, so far as the details are , ,
t for money. After jumping and winning a certain known, is Murphy-Cooper’s account of the actual F ree R efe rrol to N ew Y O r k C I ' n 'C
.’ admiration for his bravado from a world that has hijacking itself. ] 2 w e e k S O r |e 5 5 -
a come to regard airplane hijacking as a Whatbrought Lewis and Murphy-Cooper to the
. frightening crime, he disappeared. court was that before publishing anything, $ 1 50'00
' . Fleming went to the FBI and told them what he
N0 RObln HOOdY reasons had. He didn‘t want to be party to helping D.B.
. Cooper make good a second escape. The FBI
wa'VI‘She:h1;’0tShsliY;§er:;::::: oieffgfelfrif:r 3:: investigated and then arrested the two for selling C O N T R O L L E D PA R E N THO O D
published in a Reno newspaper. The latter a phony story to Fleming. _The serial-mark (A n on 'p rOf't O rga n '20 hon)
disavowe d any high-min d ed, Robin Hoody money was doctored, they said, although how
reasons for committing the crime, and then said, they CPU” know from photostats hasn t yet been (5 0 2) 5 8 5 ‘4 2 4 9
“My life has been one of hate, turmoil, explained. CA LL COLLECT
frustration and more hate. This seemed like the Take the money and ium P
fastest way to gain a few grains of peace of
mind." If Murphy-Cooper is a con man, his modus
The letter was read by Karl Fleming, the operandi is uniqueThe classic con man gets the
editorof a new, very smart-looking Los Angeles money and splits. The man who’ll be tried in :«-——---——~—-»—~ .,,_._____..___.,_,_ --—~—---~-~--~-~—"—j
weekiy called L-A' “‘3’“th i8 “0 silly-putty Seattle didn’t. For four consecutive days after i
underground journalist. Former contributing Fleming had paid him, he met with him, posed TEN T n G: A R
editor and L05 Angeles bureau chief 0f for pictures and remained with his alleged
Newsweek, he is considered by those of us who victim.
have watched him work to be one Of the very best The thought occurs to everyone who‘s heard “I"! Gila“
in the business. Once before Fleming had been the whole story that Murphy-Cooper may be the
able to arrange an interview with a left-wing world’s only successful hijacker and that he “A wig:
bomb thrower 0" the lam by placing ads in the answered Fleming‘s advertisement intending to t L ‘ ‘3
papers, so he decided he‘d try it again. If the elicita fraud conviction. This all happened about / \
D.B. Cooper Reno letter was genuine, this was the time of the Clifford Irving scandal. Murphy- jet . I \-
one crook With a very strong desire to Grow over Cooper has no prior criminal record. If convicted / \— {1/ ,
his crime. or at least explain it. he can anticipate probation or a few months in ,. \ all; _:. ,
A month passed before Fleming was con- jail at the most, but at the same time it would be \\‘§§'\' "",
tacted by a Jack Lewis, another Bremerton man, almost impossible later to convict him of -,J?A .
who Will also be tried With Donald Murphy 0“ the hijacking that plane. Anybody who tried would 'k"
n same charges. Fleming writes that Lewis told have to explain how Murphy-Cooper was con- .
1 him he was acting as go-between for 13-3 victed of fraud for confessing that he had. 33105 and servme
it Cooper, that Cooper FOUIdh't use his h0t tbbt As for Fleming, who‘s been living in this hall of P h 0 n e 2 6 9 _ 5 0 0 3
(1 Since the FBI had serial numbers of all the bills, mirrors for months, says he feels “like the g . .,
d bUt that for $45300 in cold, spendable money he monkey making love to the skunk. It was great,
3' WOUtd talk. but I‘ve enjoyed about all I can stand.“
d Fleming was skeptical. but what convinced Ic) 197111“, Washington Post ‘ “w .
. WWW—é}.
.V (I
it .__. ._.4.... .__._ . . . , x , ‘. v.33, . . 7.-
F , '-'7‘,T_3;'-;-';':.'3'~’f::'-f;-fl.7;*-':~‘7 / ‘ “ ‘ 2 ‘ \Q\' 2. » ' pl -, " , t)
. . - V ' / L‘. _ , . .' k V_, \Q'T' - , V, ,} .l-s’ . ‘ ' gt W56 2 w v 3
3 !' €20 ., . ~ New $223 I’ " 7”“ dd '*
VV I. t _,'V' V-\ [IL-TV/ I L is ' V ., 7 \ \I\- \“ It .‘ 1’ ',\ t \ Ca Cato . /
|'7 ' ' ' “ 7 ' it * -' -. '- , --\;‘I~&L*Tlts 2 '1! ~ ‘ .I\g.»’ . » ' p or A“
31 i' -~ s; aivpewj- v y" .5: Q ‘ I, ‘4
P I v- 1 I/ 5-7” ‘ 1 ‘ tg‘fiyé' ‘2“. . fl \- ', i , 4' . i I KENTUCKY‘S MOST COMPLETE smroon MENU
‘ . ‘V tit—T7 . 7 ‘ I ' ’3',’ I .451 1;? - "Gilt \ I . I , ‘ . . risii FRY IVfilet of fish) 8 59
. . , . ,. ,. y w g." . :A\\__ _ ; _ _ M Em ALI. W. (M an 1
I . 3 .~ - ‘ .. _- .I‘" :5} f\- - ._ V)“ J MONDAY .‘mludinl
i \'_/ . ' V‘ '- ' . 3;: ‘- VKT\Y§\K "-\ \r a 4 PM - 9 PNI French Fries, Hush Puppies, Cole Slaw 1"“
t \\K ' I , ‘I ,‘t/ '%\I f“: V $1.3, - >v rt; \ “V “J EVERY ram) cums — ALL YOU CAN EAT 3159 v
I V \K' V , ' /’ ' \ V . V). \\l \C_,.> / “‘ »\ TL‘ESDAY inrluding V ¢
1 .<~\ I ”I \\ I, it ”VJ/z ~ 4 i \L V-1 H/ ’ 4 FM - 9 P31 Hench Fries, Hush Puppies, Cole Slaw 1n
9 _ \\ ” tV‘, . VIIFJQIV, f ,‘t‘ I 1/ I t ‘V EVERY (new NIGHT —— BRING THE €st 8139
1 V >\,\ , J. 1 1 I" VV \: . Q/ - . _ d WEDNESDAY aim MVAINE SHRIMP .
. i V ,, V, \ZV, . I" ,\ r/ \ . iV a“) ,1 4 pM - 9 PM Hcmh I-ries, Hush Puppies, Cole Slaw
.4 r ‘7er , "
I » meow »
I \ t ’ V -‘ 8p °3ca ‘Food Restaurants
‘ \\ ' \‘ ’h . ‘ , I } 3(‘0NVENIEVT Lornions
‘ ‘2 ‘ ‘ w LEXINGTON IN iiirimoivn V
\\ 107 S. mllld zozi Regency Id Eastern Ky. By‘Puu .
\\ / , zen-i202 277-1221 623-46” B V
if z 4. 5 ,1. # _,____.._-_,._ _ Wei

 4-—THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. November 20. 1972
o 0 fl 0 f .
Kissmger 19$ 0 Paris,
" W‘ ’ ‘ 1'" f ' t
:7 6‘0“ fiécaf“ . peace 5 I an uncer am y
£X‘“ \VE. ‘“ ux— )
0/“ wwsgjgv'e‘ By MiciiAEi.nornsmn‘n PRESIDENTIAL PRESS
SHORT DRIVE SOUTH o~ LIMESTONE + us 27 Associated Press Writer secretary Ronald L. Ziegler told
sruoems + use FREE PASS m coueo~ aoox PARIS (AIM—Henry A. newsmen in Washington Nixon
Adm. 5150 STARTS WED. Kiddies FREE Kissinger flew into Paris on had not met personally with
‘ ,, Sunday night and said a quick Kissinger before his departure,
M “II can 888 W W end to the Vietnam war is but conferred with him by phone
mm or tor me mt m "probable" if North Vietnam's and provided notes on the US.
, / \ ' negotiators show “understanding negotiating position.
JOSEPH g Lgvmg ,, ’ and flexibility." Soon after Kissinger's
“IKE NICHOLS /.-’ \\\ President Nixon‘s chief foreign departure, Nixon returned to
EFWEENCE lURM‘Nl/I \ ACADEMY affairs adviser arrived from (‘amp David. Md. where he will
x K. VENEER Washington to resume his secret be keeping in close touch with
’1 " . ' BEST talks Monday with the top North developments in the Paris talks.
IHE ’ . ”52.7.22 Vietnamese negotiators. lie lluc Indications from White House
GBABUATE L \\ mew}: Tim and Xuan Thuy. The White sources last week were that the
, ‘\\\\ House hopes for a cease-fire by Paris sessions might last several
PG Q35, AN AVCO EMBASSY FILM An AVCO Euaassv Roma , . .
« ALSO mid—December. days as the negotiators discuss
t" . . , the final form for the tentative
a A remarkable film ofa time...Any_ti_me! KISSIMHm To”) newsmen nine-point agreement made
(t’ . i' n- HAL WALLIS i he was under instructions from public last month.
r... . \ RED SHYAT '6' Nikon to remain In Paris ‘ as long FOLLOWING AGREEMENT
i §$ ill?" MORNING {E}? as IS useful. He said he WOUld be between Kissmger (“Id Th0, the
\ g _. A UN VEQSAL mew“ recamcoms" in constant touch throughoutvthe pact presumably would be
negotiations With South V let- submitted to the Saigon regime of
“ Lys namese negotiator pham Dang PX‘CSKTCHQ Nguyen Van Thieu by
, was g5. ‘ . Lee Lam. who was among those Kissinger while Tho would be
Pa :_ t n! waitin to meet him at Dr] seekin final a roval from his
“I .--' :~- ' é . I a! U in . g y g . pp .
Newman . Airport. colleagues m Hanoi.
~‘ 3* - l In addition, other govern~
m”"smlmmomm ” 0 " Kissinger was accompanied bv ments including those who
“ ,_ a.“ . v .
(3 Pocket $3335? i613 ‘ his chief aide aid, Gen. Alexander would be charges With super-
“CHN'COLOR -Altlll0tlAl6Ettt M . M. Haig Jr., and William H. vising a cease-fire.would have to
Sullivan. deputy assistant be consulted before the peace
secretary of state for Southeast package couldbe finally wrapped
Asian affairs. up. announced and signed.
. o " Clo ' "
. -. . ssified
. / ‘.l _ . .
l ‘1 ‘ l I l.
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 THE KENTUCKY KERNEI.. Monday. November 20. I972—-5
. . : 3
Offense and defense missing : “I 1.] : .

Kentucky put down by Gators; Fa .l N. ht s
ByTIMMct‘ARTIiv . V“ 3mg '1 ea: 3;,
~ . .. a ._ a. = at Ponderosa =

()kay Gator fans, just wait until T‘ 5 an i E? 9‘2- QT 1"?" 49'”; alike 1'." I? V. 1 2 a
January 13. V 3 5‘: / 5‘ : Hi}? . v 35?. ., ‘? . its?“ 23-" Z :
()ur basketball team will beat Via... ’4' fi" a“; "K . 3» 0“ TET‘V ‘ I

you so bad nobody will even T ”m-‘ 1’ § § “‘Qe 9* fit”? ,3 ‘ ‘t 3 ecause . . . 3

remember the trouncing you w M .. ‘" 1” . #g V” ax ‘ M‘b 3

gave us in football. ‘ QT” g . ,1 _ C e? ' " T * t 1 '
Besides, you all were just . " :_ l" a“ .. ' .w~@ ‘33 . : . ‘ .

lucky, A couple or six in- «a; v 1- 1” {imwtfitt‘c . ; . . . I get tired of cleaning and ; »

tfircepti0:s hers. adfunlible or . o g )‘(saé ‘9’ ‘_ : sewing and cooking for my 5 ’

t ree t ere, ig ea. Just fist ;_ ‘ o a ’f’ ' ‘fi .1“ " g.“ I , . . , ,, . . , I

because we turned the ball over 8 f $ ‘53 g, T “t E jg» e E blblLT‘S, 50 “Try TUCde}

nine times and you cashed in on g. fl” . . . §§T3 n . , 4’. , : night I take them to Don— :

Lon: oftéhem doesn‘t mean your «i g _ ‘5‘ ._ at . ‘a. : derosa for a complete steak : .
et er an us. ‘ 32”?" a a; a i g; g 7 ._ t g; 2 - , g g ; I ‘ ' ~.
And that sandwhich seller Nat . a; .. . Z $71; 3.. :11; . ' dinner thdt or”)! L05“ 99 :

Moore, if one of our guys didn’t . £ ’ g T ‘ . :1} ‘ ; cents. I also think that Pon- :

sip on that artificial turf, he a g 5:! “we M? : derosa is a good place to 3

would have never gone that 29 gt to ' g .4 = .. , . : h' . ,, :

,sa- t" , ‘ meeta aeeaeme =

Florida’s first and only needed m ,‘ y 73' “a... _» ~- .. -~ .. 3 Cinderella ;

touchdown. fa ,1 -' ’ M; x. M H 5 :

.If 0;" gm]: hhadn t kept T“; In the Georgia game earlier this year Dinky McKay gets 5 ‘

ping, aw?" h' ave never gain off a pass under pressure. Dink threw a lot under pressure 2 Ponderosa Steak House 3

1“ yalr S m '5 gr“ 14hcaril‘liels, Saturday, coughing up four interceptions in UK's 40-0 loss to ; 286 Southland Drive 5

[gnUCh ess l46yar Sfort ew 0e P‘loridan (Kernel photo by. [Juan Yoppo) :0...I.O0...0....................O0......OOOOCQOICUIOI...Inhoo’.


I think we could have come And you Gator fans,it was pure

back from 19 points down if that bUSh when our guysuwere down

Tyson Sever hadn’t got lucky and and you all chanted ”Go to hell,

ran back a 46 yard John Tat- Pussycats. G0, to hell ' .

terson punt 71 yards for a touch- You wouldn t see our Wildcat

down. Sure a couple of your guys fans domg "'3?- . _ , a
threw some fantastic blocks, but And to add insult to injury. It
if our guys could have stayed on was supposed to be our home .
, their feet he would have never game but your Gators wouldnt A

. - come here for economical

made it.
reasons. Then you go and _

Besides, we did prove proclaim it your homecoming
something. We can put the ball in game. '
the air. We don‘t complete many Even though you did pour it on .
bUt we sure can PM a 10t in the and taunted us with you cheers. '
air. you didn‘t get our guys down. '

Dinky McKay and Ernie Lewis McKay~“lt's just a matter of 3
combined to throw 36 aerials. getting it all together." I
McKay completing 4 of 21. and Lewis—“I‘m glad I got the
Lewis 5 0f 15- experience and I'm looking

Alld Dink completed 4 more to forward to playing some more."
your Gators and Ernie had 2 Coach John Ray—“We just had
pichzed off]. too many turnovers." .

e any reason your guys Ray again—“This is a tough , . .
intercepted those passes was way to make a living.” OSBORNE 8 three fabUIOUS ChrIStmaS Break
because they were thrown right Buzzy Burnam—“All we can do - -
to them. is get ready for next week. . .One Travel Opportunltles' Your Chance to turn

YOU? guys were pretty lucky to more to go. . .one more. . ." T I

be right where the ball was when Yeah Dink. just one more week on 73 In Eu rope.
we fumbled those three times, to get it all together,
. ' t re 0 er . .
([3,: one": 3.135322%: of ycouvrs d 0" ,tyfiahgg 1283:; 3333339 1. SKI SWITZERLAND 2. RUSSIA IN WINTER 3. NEW YEARS SPECIAL
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two weeks In Zermatt and/0r In Leningrad. Moscow and HeISInkI 26 '72 for twenty days led up In
Verbier. World famous ski school. Meet Russran students See the the Summer7 Consider seeing
challenging slopes. the Matterhorn Winter Palace. the Hermitage Europe In Winter New year