xt7tqj77x25w https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tqj77x25w/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2004-09-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 2004 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 09, 2004 2004 2004-09-09 2020 true xt7tqj77x25w section xt7tqj77x25w Thursday

September 9, 2004

newsroom: 257-1915

Democratic residential nominee John Kerry shakes hands and signs auto?
IS opponent, PreSIdent Bush, was in Florida yesterday and WII



mrosm l sm'r

raphs for supporters after a rally in Cincinnati
make a campaign stop in Huntington, w. Va., Friday.

Beware of con artists

Campus police warn students
of ‘aqgressive' scam tactics

8y Dariush Shata

Solicitors and scammers
have come to campus. and UK
Police are warning students
about the dangers of their con

l'K Police (‘hief L‘red ()tto
said at least three incidents
have been reported. including
one where a solicitor became
aggressive and physically tried
to bully a female student into
writing a check for his busi

"They‘re not a safety threat.
mostly." (ltto said. but he de
scribed the solicitors' selling
methods as “aggressive."

The frequency of reported
incidents has decreased. and
Otto said this group of scam-
met‘s has probably moved on.
But he doesti't want students to
let their guard down. as more
solicitors might be on the way

”Once one group comes
through. another comes
through." ()tto said "They're
very organized They come in.
hit art area. and in two weeks
they're back."

The solicitors and scammers
have no legitimate ties to the
companies they claim to repre
sent. Whit‘h are usually magav
zine companies. (Mr) said.

“’l‘liey‘re iiist con artists
that go froin one community to
the next.” ()tto said.

Solicitors are allowed on
campus. but they are required

to obtain a permit front the UK
dean of students before they
sell their items on campus. ()tto
said, Under no circumstances
are they allowed to be in the
residence halls.

()tto urged students to m”.
tact llK police it they are uti-
siire whether a solicitor is legit

“if any type of solicitor
comes on campus. (students)
should contact the police and
we‘ll check (the solicitor) out.”
()tto said.

()tto said that anyone who
thinks he has been tricked by a
scammer should take measures
to prevent any further fraud.

“if anyone has given them
money. especially checks or
credit cards. they need to stop
paying so they don't get ripped

' off." ()tto said.

UK Police have been espe
cially concerned with solicitors
gaining entry into the dorms by
"piggy-backing" or “tailgating"
on students. This occurs when a
solicitor follows a student into
a dorm.

l.'K Police and the Student
Affairs Office have been work-
ing together to notify resident
advisers of the potential threat
of solicitors gaining entry into
a dorm. UK Police said.

Keeneland Hall resident ad»
viser Beverly Roe. a chemistry
senior. said that in addition to
the training the RAs receive at
the beginning of each school
year. an email was recently


sent out to the RAs as a warn

“1 tliitik RAs and desk work
ers are pretty clear on proce
dures." Roe said. “We're trained
pretty well on that. We always
stop people we don‘t recogniZe.
if it's someone who refuses to
leave. we call liKPli."

ds/mfa u A‘yA‘ernelco/n


Police release location
in rape of UK student


The reported rape of a
i9—yearold female l‘K stti
dent last week took place at
the victim's residence on
Linden Walk. l'K police
said iii a report released

Police said that the date
rape occurred Aug. as be
tween 3 am and i am and
involved drugs or alcohol
The report states that a
"subject known to her"
forced the Woman to have
sex “by forcible compul-

Police are not releasing
the exact address of where
the rape occurred because
it is an ongoing investiga

A Student Health Ser»
vices employee reported the
rape Aug 30. and UK Police
are investigating the crime
as a first-degree rape.




Opinions columnists debate
Kerry's appearance, campaign

Page 6

By Troy tyle
mt motion mutt

(TlN(‘lNN.-\'l‘l Riding the
tails of Hurricane Frances. liemo-
cratic presidential candidate Sen
John Kerry stormed north yester
day to the battleground state of
Ohio to spread his message ot :i
new direction for :\llit‘l‘il‘éé '

Kerry walked on stage
private campaign rally in l
nati‘s i'nion 'l‘erminal '-.\a\;r., ‘ ,
more than the supports-rs
pumping his tists in the ‘tli‘

The Democrat started his
speech with criticism for Presiv
dent Bush‘s foreign policy and the
$200 billion hi has spent to warn
the war in h'ao

Tuesday die total number ol
PS. casualties in [not surpassed
the Loon mark. a figure Kerry de
scribed as "an incalctilahie loss’
and“:i ii‘!i;1l(‘1i11i~'sl"fit'

"When it comm 'ii. i‘mi
lratr " Kerry «ari. ' v "
would have dot.» on "i‘i._.
ently from the :1l'i'~liii-"
have done 'ilntosi exerg"
ferentlx‘" ‘

Kerry ion" med ;iY"-\\.,".‘
his recent Kilt-it‘d ‘h- ‘i‘ .z‘hw
name (marge \\ Rust: u mos tt‘
“wrong "

"iltuslii made ’hc tuna-:1 h-iic
es in lraq. he mad: llil‘ urea;
choices on t'ti‘ili‘.:lliii‘.. zenith t .ir'e.


. . . . . . . . . . . m m "m
Massachusetts senator and Democratic preSIdential nominee John Kerry ViSited Cincmnati's Union Terminal yesterday. Kerry told the crowd of about 400 in the battleground state he could revive the struggling econorlny.

Kerry promises ‘new direction'

in crucial Ohio

Soc: il Security and job creation
and he made the wrong choices for
this country" Kerry said. "That's
the wrong direction; that's the
w rt ing leadership for America." he
said. pounding on his lectern.

Kerry promised that. as presi-
dent. he would set a new direce
tion for America” and devise a
clear cut plan for reviving its
striiggling economy

He iiso pledged to close corpo-
"‘l'i‘ 'ax loopholes anti to make
health t are available to all Ameri
"not rust the rich and privi-
is-gcd. ' he said

will not privatize Social Se,-

ciirity or new the retirement age.
retired workers of
xi hat the' ye earned." Kerry said.

‘\\'hile Rush is spending $200
billion in lraq. eight million
.‘xaierit ans are looking for work
two million more than when
«iiilx't‘ Nth tii‘ilt‘t'.‘ i“


:‘ehliing out"

he Salt; .. nut
i Ami rscan's harrircarned
~. y: instead. 1 will invest in job
. . mt: lob l reation. making

L"'i‘.‘ll again ”
*' ‘ric crowd lauded Kerry
’.liliilllLT ovation. he ham-
. Tin end of his mes
"when I'm president. we will
sTlt nszthen our military and stand
1;}: to our enemies. we will build a

See Kerry on page 6

Phantom Planet wrl‘ perform at the Sanietarv Center on Friday. Tickets cost $17 to $22.

Phantom Planet ready
to rock UK to the core

By Ryan their l'

LVF IN" C“ It‘i‘si

if you've sect: the popular
teen angst drama the (H . ‘iii-i‘.
you'ye heard Phantom Planet

ltut despite whit Po\ and
MTV would have fins belicvc.
there's much more to the hand
than "(‘alifornia" their catchy
theme song to Ryan and Marissa's
constant quarrels and Seth's odd
escapades with (‘aptain (tits and
neighbor Summer.

Phantom Planet is much deep
er a group that has branched
away from the pop rock that
brought them initial fame and
settled down on a much grittier
garage sound

They‘ve played with the likes
of films Costello. (luided by Voic

es. incubus The Vines and the
“lack Rebel Motorcycle Club.
They now liken their music to an
odd amalgamation of The Who,
i-‘iiga/i. the Gang of Four. Bad
lhams. The Flaming Lips and
Sean Patti

l chatted on the phone with
bassist Sam i-‘arrar and discov
cred where Phantom Planet came
from. where the band is going.
and what's in store for Friday's
show at the Singletary Center
with openers Sahara Hotnights
and The Like.

Q: Well. I guess I‘ll just get
this question out of the way
since I‘m sure you‘re sick of
hearing it. but what happened
with your drummer Jason

See Concert on page 4


 P»: z | Thursday. Sept. 9. 2004

By troy Lyle

conclusion of Sen. John Ker
ry's speech yesterday. his
supporters gathered near
the front of the stage to
voice their support and meet
what each hopes will be the
next president of the United

“I'm a Republican and I
support Kerry 100 percent.“
said Robert Seal. owner of a
Cincinnati-area software
company: "The GOP needs
new leadership that‘s not
right wing. I think the whole
country is in for a surprise
at how many Republicans
will go out and secretly vote
for Kerry"

Given that most of the at
tendees at Kerry‘s private
campaign rally weren't Re-
publicans. all agreed he was

Comlng Monday

See Monday‘s Kernel
for coverage of Presndent
Bush's campaign stop tn
Huntington. W.Va., on Friday.

their man.

Eva Hager. a third-year
law student at the University
of Cincinnati. said she
thought Kerry gave the right
speech for the state of Amer—
ica today.

"I thought he did an ex-
cellent job tying together the
relationship between foreign
policy and what happens
here in the LI.S.." she said.
"What we do in the world to
day affects our future and
the children of tomorrow
that's why we want to make

sttre We‘re doing it right."
Most students at Union
’I‘erniinal said America
needs Kerry‘s leadership
now more than ever before.
"His whole
mentality of
working to-
gether as a
team ritigs
trite with m
said Betsy
Hoover. a polit~
ical science ju-
nior at Xavier
University in
“He offered al-
ternative solu-
tions to Bush‘s
present plan
that‘s what
America needs.”
Kira Simmons. a 31-year-
old UK alumna and graduate
student at Wright State Uni-

"Bush has
done nothing
for education
in four years."
Erich Strecktuss

Universtty of Cincinnati

by their man

versity iii Dayton. Ohio.
agreed with lloover

"Kerry's entire message
was right oti. He brought out
all the things Bush promised
he would do
while in office
but never did."
she said. "He
promised a new
direction for
America. and I
believe he will

K e r r y ' s
stance iii the
science field
resonated with
Meghana Ka-
math. a first-
year graduate
student study»
ing molecular genetics at

"Bush is running all the
great doctors in this cutting

history tumor

edge field otit ot the coitii
try." Kainath said "I'm
young. and I know how cost
ly health insurance can be
Kerry wants to make it avail
able to etc-Hone. and it
should be We are the only
world power to not have a
statidardixed heaith care pro
grant for its people-

The president of
(‘ollege Democrats (‘lub.
Erich Streckfuss. encotir
aged all college students to
vote for the Kerry 'deards

“Atty college student
should support them be-
cause tliey are behind editca»
tioii anti plan to offer tax
breaks to students." said
Streckfuss. a history junior.

"Bush has done nothing
for education in four years."

11er u kykernel. cum



Continued from page]

stt'oiigt-i .-\lllt‘l ica with good
tobs. hotter wages and health
cart- for all." he said

l’iiiot'i 'l'ct'tniiial's cathe
dral like ceiling and old
train station provided Kerry
with a final lliUlllt‘lll of re

"Half a century ago,
right here in l'nioii 'l‘ermi
nal. thousands of soldiers
waved one last goodbye to
their families before heading
off to the Second World
War," Kerry said. "In that
war. their bravery, aitd lead
ers who made the right
choices. brought victory
over tyranny and prosperity
here at home.

"We too can make a dif-
ference. We too can once
again make America great!"

tlyleu li‘yli‘cnie/com

By Chris Mites

Reynolds Building No 1 is turning up the
dial of comfort for the students and teachers
who work and learn in its sweltering temper

A new ventilation and air conditioning
system is being installed to aid the art stzi
dents and professors who have previonsiy
spent their time sweating while they work

“It’s going to be a great improvement
compared to what we have now." said Lind
sey Kraemer. an art studio sophomore. who
pointed out box fans and cracked windows
that swirl a intisky breeze throughout the
building "And it‘s about time “

The staff and students of the Reynolds
warehouse have had to tight to get air condi~

Lynn Sweet. facility supervisor of the
Reynolds [holding said improving the envi—
ronment of classes at the Reynolds Building
has been a goal for five years,

"ti'K President Lee Todd) has been work-
ing hard over the years to improve things
lit-re." Sweet say s. "But the administration
has been siow iii acting "

Robert Shaw. dean of the (‘ollege of Fine
.\rts. said he wants the building to become
“suitable" for classes

"It’s nist not a good place to teach or learn
inf Shaw said “It gets hot in there. These
new renovations will bring things at
Reynolds front bad to better."

Several students agreed the conditions iii
the Reynolds Building classrooms are diffi-
cult to bear.

“Learning in this environment is a chal-
lenge." said Brian Leinenbach. an art studio
sophomore who has two classes in the
Reynolds Building this semester

“The hot rooms are a killer to sit in."
Leinenbach said. but he said the walk to class
is the worst part.

The Reynolds classroom building is oni- ot
the farthest points from campus proper. .11
most a mile from the doors of the Whitehall
(‘lassroom Building to the doorstep of the

“Air conditioning is a lovely thing when
you have to walk that far in the hotter
months." Leinenbach said. "And the A ('


www. kernels rn

Students can soon chill out in Reynolds Building’s A/C

makes class a whole lot better. it's hard to
work when you're sweating.”

The installation of the air conditioning
system is almost completed. said liob Wise»
man. associate vice president for facilities,
The project. which costs Slifiooo. is mainly
servicing the photo and screen print rooms.
The rest of the building won‘t necessarily re-
ceivc any cool air flow. Wisettiaii said

l'titil that happens. box fans will remain a
staph- of the Reynolds Building.

But students prefer to try and look on the
brighter side of the scenario. especially when
working in one of the classrooms with air

“it‘s better than nothing ‘ Kraenier said.

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Sept. 9, 2004


Tim Wiseman
Sports Editor

Phone 257-1915 | E-rnailzsoortsfflytwtnelrom

Warner seeks his old form

By Bob Glauber
krw vonx NIWSDAV

EAST RI "l‘IIIiRFt )Rl). N...l

. Kurt Warner stood in front

of his locker 'I‘uesday aiid

was asked if he remembered

the last titiie he won a football
game that he started

He did not.

Told that it was the NFC
(‘hampionship (lame in .lantt
ary 2002. when Warner led the
Rams to a 25121 win over the
Eagles. the (liants' new start-
ing quarterback said “Well. I
know that now. But I've tiever
really thought about it."

He might be the only one.

Warner is in the midst of

one of the most confounding
winless streaks in pro sports
When he last won a start. he
was in his second run as the
NFI.‘s Most Valuable Player.
the continuation of a breath»
taking rise from obscurity the
NFL hadn‘t seen since the
days of Johnny Ifnitas iii the
late 195(1s.

Nearly three years later.
Warner still hasn't won,

There have beeti concus~
sions and controversies. bro
ken bones in his throwing
hand and broken promises
frotn his former coach. But
now all that matters is one
question: (‘an the guy still

He and we
to find otit Sunday:

Fittingly. Warner faces the
Fagles once again. only this


UK women's runner
earns all-SEC honor

I'K junior

will begin

Allison Grace
was named Southeastern
(‘onference Female Cross
Country Athlete of the Week
this week following her first
collegiate victory at the
Woodford Trials

(‘irace ran her fastest
time in three years with a
mark of 114.3 while leading
her team to a first place finr
ish Friday in Versailles

The women's team finv

time wearing a different tini-
form as he seeks to resurrect
a career whose sudden down-
fall has confounded experts
almost as much as his breath-
taking rise to prominence.
From Arena League to Super
Bowl hero to winless over his
last two seasons.


"It's something that‘s in
the back of your mind.”
Warner said "It doesn't moti-
vate me. it doesn‘t drive me.
and it's not why I'm playing
the game or what the goal is.
But to say it's not there. that
there aren't people doubting
me. I know there are. I know
people think. ‘Can he still
play'.’ (‘an he still do what he‘s
done in this league‘." I know
that‘s otit there and I know
that is going to be something
that has to be proved through-
out the season.“

He will attempt to prove it
in the crucible of New York
and with Eli Manning hover-
itig nearby: As Warner spoke
confidently about what he
sees as a bright future in New
York. Manning was only a few
feet away. sitting alone in
front of his locker studying
the playbook for the Eagles‘

Warner beat out Manning
in a training camp competi-
tion that was much closer
than expected. and ended only
when Manning blew up
against the Jets in the third
preseason game Warner was


ished ahead of Eastern Keir
tucky. Louisville and Mar

The I'K men's team fin
ished in third place. behind
[fofL and EKL‘.

Grace. a 2002 All-SEC and
All Regional selection.
earned all-conference honors
after a ltlthvplace finis at the
Slit‘ (‘hampionships in
(laiiiesville. Fla. It was the
highest finish for atiy fresh
man at the tournament.

The (‘ats return to action
at the Stanford Invitational
on Sept. 2;”) iii I’alo Alto. (‘alif

hardly dominant in preseason
behind a leaky line that of-
fered a frightening preview of
what‘s to come He completed
78.7 percent of his passes. but
didn't have a touchdown and
threw two interceptions. both
of which were returned for
TDs. He was sacked nine

Now it's on to games that
count. Warner. :tzl. knows
there is little margin for error
with the Franchise sitting
next to him But staying one
step ahead of Manning isn‘t
what drives him.

"What drives me is that I
love playing this game."
Warner said. "I want to win
another championship and I
want to get back out on the
field and play. When you show
tip on Sunday there‘s nothing
like it. It's the greatest game
in the world. That drives me.
It drives me to be the best.“

The best'.’

“I want to be the best at
what I do." he said. “I want to
be the best player that‘s ever
played this position."

There was a time when a
statement like that didn‘t
seem out of the realm of pos»
sibility During a wondrous
three~year span with the
Rams, when he threw for 98
touchdowns and was at the
wheel of the Greatest Show
on Turf. Warner appeared
destined for a place in the
Hall of Fame next to the other
great throwers of this or any

ESPN set to launch
college sports channel

ESPN used the occasion
of its 25th anniversary this
week to announce the cre-
ation of a new channel devotr
ed strictly to college sports.
The new channel. ESPNU.
will make its debut iii March.

An ESPN spokesman said
it will be tip to the individual
cable companies to decide
whether the new network
will be placed on a di gitil
pay tier

IZSI’NI' will carry approx
imately 300 live events in its
first year. including Division
l football and men's and

other era.

The only way he gets to
(Tanton now is by recapturing
the fortn he showed before
suffering a series of hand in-
juries and'concussions. fol
lowed by Rams Coach Mike
Mattz's abrupt decision to go
with Marc Bulger as the
team's quarterback of the fu-
ture after Warner was sacked
six times against the (iiants
in last year‘s opener

"There were a lot of fac-
tors. but that‘s what it is."
Warner said.

“That doesn't get into my
head. Never do I go in and
think. ‘Man. I can‘t win in
this leagtte.‘ (,)r. 'Man. I'm not
the same player I used to be.” l
don‘t think that way I'm just
trying to have fun, enjoy what
I'm doing and trying to be the
best I can be

It is a refreshing sense of
optimism from a man who
has known the uncertainty of
trying to make ends meet by
stocking shelves at the Hy-Vee
in Cedar Falls. Iowa. to be
coming independently
wealthy with a come-from-
out-of—nowhere story like the
one Unitas lived with the Bal»
timore Colts almost half a
century ago.

But with Manning sitting
Close by. and with a line that
doesn‘t figure to give him any
time to throw. the story might
end sooner than Warner ex-

women‘s basketball. plus oth
er college sports such as
wrestling. volleyball and

The new network. which
will not take programming
away from ESPN or ESPNZ.
will offer a place for exces-
sive inventory. Games tele-
vised on ESPNI.‘ essentially
will be those that couldn‘t tit
on its big sister networks.

This new Channel. indus-
try sources believe. could be
a way of appeasing the .Ius-
tice Department by allowing
more games from each ("ott
ference to be televised on
ESPN‘s networks.

Compiled from UK Athletics
and ere reports

Krystal Ball Pigskin Preview
Staff picks for the weekend of Sept. 11, 2004

Jeff Patterson

Asst. sports editor

Texas 34. Arkansas 30
Michigan 30, ND 28

Ben Roberts

Asst. Opinions editor

Texas 21, Arkansas 20
Michigan 31, ND 10

Leslie Wilhite
Staff writer

Texas 41, Arkansas 17
Michigan 35, N014

Stove My
Managing editor

Tm: 38. Arkansas 17
room: 35. ND 3

Derek Poore

Staff writer

Texas 21, Arkansas 17
Michigan 21, ND 10

Auburn 17, Miss. St. 9
Clemson 27, Ga. Tech 23
Alabama 21, Miss. 20
Penn St. 47, BC 45
Stanford 24, BYU 13

Auburn 23, Miss. St. 10
Clemson 24. Ga. Tech 17
Alabama 20. Miss. 7
Penn St. 28. BC 20

BYU 45, Stanford .41

Auburn 27, Miss. St. 14
Clemson 28, Ga. Tech 24
Alabama 17, Miss. 10

BC 24, Penn St. 10

BYU 28, Stanford 24

Auburn 42. Miss. St. 28
Clemson limitation
Alabama 21.11133. 17
8617. m 3.33
Stanford We!

Auburn 30, Miss. St. 24
Clemson 41, Ga. Tech 16
Alabama 28, Miss. 13
Penn St. 35, BC 21
Stanford 10, BYU 10

Adam Sichko ‘

Asst. news editor

Texas 49, Arkansas 10
Michigan 31. ND 17 ‘

Josh Sullivan
Staff columnist

Texas 48, Arkansas 21
Michigan 66, ND 9

Tim Wiseman
Sports editor

Texas 24. Arkansas 20
Michigan 17, ND 14

Lindsey Keith
Staff writer

Texas 42, Arkansas 28
Michigan 38, ND 14


Miss. St. 24, Auburn 23
Clemson 27, Ga. Tech 21
Ole Miss 13, Alabama 10
Penn St. 21, BC 17
Stanford 13, BYU 9

Auburn 28, Miss. St. 0
Clemson 17, Ga. Tech 14
Alabama 24, Miss. 14
BC 21 Penn St. 17

BYU 33, Stanford 24

Auburn 17, Miss. St. 10
Clemson 35, 6a. Tech 21
Alabama 21, Miss. 17
Penn St. 12. BC 3

85711 20. Stanford 13 ‘

Auburn 34, Miss. St. 7
Clemson 31, Ga. Tech 28
Alabama 21, Miss. 17
Penn St. 41, BC 21

BYU 38. Stanford 35

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Hillary Canada
Asst. Features Editor

Phone. 251-l915
E-mail: ncanwaOIiylierneltom

Graduate School Dissertations

I— Duel-tolu-
hq- him

In Wit/M
he MD.
M mun-aim

Sept. 9, 2004
Pm 4



”'1‘ NEW
With Ihldlbudlttm-tsmo
Institutes»: WM“.
Into 09/22/200:
in mm
M ziuu


TheCanadaReport: Matt Wertz





the minty Ronni

Assistant Features Editor
Hillary (‘anada will regularly high
light local and visiting artists with
the some seven questions each uvek.

Kansas City singer-song-
writer Matt Wertz abandoned
aspirations of shoe designing
for a career on the stage.
Wertz visited Lexington with
Jason Mraz following the
2001 release of his album
Somedays. Wertz is traveling
through Kentucky now in
support of his new album.
Twenty Three Places.

Q: What was your first
concert experience?

A: I think I can probably
remember that it was an
Amy Grant concert. I grew
up on Amy Grant and oldies.
so Amy Grant came in con-
cert. and all I remember was

that one of my sisters got
pulled up on stage to sing in a
big choir of kids. I don‘t
know why they didn‘t pull me
on stage but I'm on stage
every night now so I guess it
doesn‘t matter.

Q: Who is your celebri-
ty crush?

A: Oh my gosh. you know
what. you know who it is? I
think it‘s Kirsten Dunst. I
never thought that I liked her
until the Spiderman movies.
Especially the second Spider-
man movie. But before her it
was definitely Gwenyth Pal-

Q: What was the first
record you owned?

A: Michael Jackson‘s
Thriller. And that was the
record — the actual record.
That kind of dates me too. I
guess. It was an Easter pre-
sent from my parents kind
of a weird Easter present. but

it was the best one present I
ever got.

Q: What‘s the best
Spring Break destination?

A: I‘m kind of a fan of
Colorado. I think. that going
to Breckinridge is the best
place ever There are a lot of
people around. and you can
ski; (there's) cool places to go
at night. For me. I grew up in
Colorado and I love the

Q: What is your fa-
vorite late night eatery?

A: If we're in the Mid-
west. Steak ‘n Shake. but if
we‘re needing a drive-thru. I
love to get a frosty and dip
fries in it You know what
else I do I do that‘s weird? I
eat whole peanuts in the
shell. You should really try it.

Q: What’s in your pock-
et right now?

A: Looks like some left
over merch money from last

night. $32 and some change.
and a lot of receipts. I save re~
ceipts. I don't know why. Also
a magenta Sharpie and some
green guitar pics. (pause)
This receipt is for $50 to fill
up my van! People need to
support me and buy some
stuff at the show so that I can
continue to fill my tank with

Q: What is the first
thing you think about
when you hear the word

A: Horses. That's kind of
a dumb answer. Okay -— fried
chicken. Honestly. I've never
seen a horse in Kentucky

Matt Wertz will perform with
Aaron Winters at 7 pm tomorrow at
The Dame. Tickets cost $5.

hca nada (u kykernel. com





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Continued from page i

Schwartzman (of Rushmore

A: He decided to leave the band to
become an actor. He was definitely an
attraction to the band but now that he
has left. people will have to concentrate
on our music. But I‘m glad he's doing

what he enjoys and wish him the best.

Q: You worked with David Fried-
man. who has worked with the
Flaming Lips and

Mogwai. What was that like?

A: Great guy. he‘s just a nerd that
loves music. The studio was in his
house in Illinois He made us work 12-
hour days that drove everyone crazy
and made us all want to get out of
there. but it was fun

Q: What was it like getting to
tour with a legend like Elvis Costel-

A: Every good word you could
think of. It's great that he's been doing
it for that long and still loves it. It was
great to get his approval and everyone
in the band was crushing on him the
whole time

Q: I noticed that on your newest
album you took a turn away from
pop rock and went for a more
garage rock sound. What inspired
the change?

A: Touring. (We spent) two years on
the road for The Guest. and we opened
for bands that are much harder than
(that album) You push yourself open-
mg for different crowds and such. so it
was iust a natural progressmn

Q: The acoustics in the (Single-
tary Center for the Arts) theater
you‘ll be playing here aren‘t really
meant for rock bands. What can we
expect from you in this setting?

A: Well. we‘ve played in that type
of setting before and it turned out OK
We'll try not to break anything

Q: What was it like changing
from club shows to playing arenas
when opening for Incubus?

A: Harder , much different than
clubs You have to exaggerate, jump

higher and play louder to get to every
one in the arena. I'm not used to it. but
(lead singer) Alex loves it. But the are,.
na shows made playing clubs much

Q: What is your favorite memory
from the road?

A: My birthday two years ago when
we were playing with Incubus. I had
been talking about how it would be
great to play with them on a song So
they let me come on stage and play
bass on Are You In? (and) then brought
out a big birthday cake,

Q: If you could play on stage
with any band. who would it be?

A: Definitely Radiohead , they're
my favorite band.

Q: Bruce Springsteen dropped
your name in an interview on Late
Night with Conan O'Brien and
drummer Max Weinberg said.
"Now. this is a real band.” What
does that feel like?

A: Max Weinberg actually played
drums on the show with us. We played
“California" and Jason (Schwartzniani
played piano on the show. It's amazing
that a rock legend said that about us.
and Nebraska is my favorite album of
all time. But I guess there's no real way
to comment on what that feels like.

Q: How did you guys meet?

A: I went to high school With the
original guitarist. who isn‘t even in the
band anymore. I met Jason in elemen-
tary school and he met Alex in a music
shop. We all just sort of ended up in
the same room together with our in—
struments. we liked the same music
and had fun playing together,

Q: Have you all graduated from
12 guys in a van to a tour bus?

A: Yeah. we have a tour bus now
We sleep on bunks in the bus and hope»
fully there are showers at the venue. I
usually don't shower for a couple of
days look out. ladies

Q: Do you all write the songs to-
gether or does one person write
them and suggest it?

A: Alex comes up with most of the
songs. lyrics and melodies He‘ll tell Us
about it and we'll Jam it and record it a
lot to make it work It usually takes
about a month to get a song down.

Q: Do you all have one set list

for every show or does it change?

A: We have an outline. but we'll
change it based on the crowd's reac-

Q: Are there any songs that you
get sick of playing?

A: I know you're probably thinking
I'll say “California." but I still like to
play that song. I don't really like to
play our