xt7ttd9n4f80 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n4f80/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19731221 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, December 21, 1973, no. 30 text The Green Bean, December 21, 1973, no. 30 1973 2014 true xt7ttd9n4f80 section xt7ttd9n4f80 Ccpt/}'——
` p n r r w
POSITION OPENINGS: Circulation, D ~ · ~ L ~
classified VI, open now; News - ° D C A ,
paper/Microtext, Technical & Sci- ` " V·'@;
entlflc iv; §’p‘j"*“§f“,; * December 21, 1973 ne. 30
Irene Gaines, classified, Circulation.
wALDHART< An article entitled ”Organizational Patterns of Scientific
and Technical Libraries: An Examination of Three Issues" written by ·
Thomas J. Waldhart (Biol. Sci. Librarian) and Leroy G. Zweifel was
published in the November 1973 issue of College and Research Libraries
TRUCK: The truck is here! It was picked up 366 days after it was
due for delivery. We hope to start scheduling deliveries the week of
Jan. 7. The problem now is what to christen the truck. If you have
some ideas about the name it should have, send them to Cliff Black.
He'll collect them and a name will be bestowed.
COPYRIGHT: The following is taken from a letter dated December I3,
1973 from Stephen A. McCarthy, Executive Director of ARL: “This is a
victory for NLM and NIH and for libraries generally. The majority of
the Judges concurred in the view that the photocopying services pro-
vided by NLM and NIH do not constitute an infringement of copyright.
At the same time this is a narrow ruling by the Court, because the
decision is limited to this particular case and to the conditions and
facts of this case. Nevertheless, this ruling becomes, in effect, the
law on library photocopying unless williams & Wilkins makes a sucess-
ful appeal to the Supreme Court or until the Copyright Revision Bill
containing new provisions with respect to library photocopying is
enacted.' A copy of the Opinion handed down by the U.S. Court of
Claims on November 27, 1973 (No. 73-68, The Williams & Wilkins Company
v. The United States) will be on file in the Director's Office for
those wishing to read it.
VACATION: This is the last issue of The Green Bean until Jan.ll.
We‘ve run out of things to count down or up. Any suggestions?
