xt7ttd9n4z9v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n4z9v/data/mets.xml  University of Kentucky 1920 bulletins  English University of Kentucky Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. University of Kentucky Press Bulletins The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 10, April 1, 1920 text The University of Kentucky Press Bulletin, Vol. III No. 10, April 1, 1920 1920 2015 true xt7ttd9n4z9v section xt7ttd9n4z9v  i" , \
T• letters: T‘n• ‘ ‘
¢  »m¤»·¤»··a¤¤¤·¤¤ THE UNIVERSITY OF KENTUCKY ¤··=·»·¤ ····¤··»¤
y  ta prepared for the     _:__,:_;:___   ul   _ V class matter at th•
press and is released ;            Mit vfflca at Lu-
hr publication •n       `     " ·—"fs ft  A? Ington, Ky.
receipt. V‘   *   `- ` · _._.;f;` Ei  
·:.·_—·.. .. ——··._. ...,··;. ...... .....   
April 1, 1920 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY Vol. III. N0. 10
l           Basil Hayden To Lead Strollers Select April8 Little Theater Serving
{ C      T      1921 Wildcat Basketeers For Date of Play Needs of Community
Y —————— Basil Hayden, 1920 all-Kentucky The Strollers, the dramatie organ» Tho Little theater of the Universi-
The new athletic Council of thi? WNDU- “'€!‘€ D1`€S9¤t¤d and i¤f0¤’¤1¤·UY forward, will captain the 1921 Uni- ization of the University ot Keutuc ty of Kentucky was formally opened
University of K@Htu0kY, 1`GCQHUY all- diS€uF>$€d· No demiitfi 6¢ti011 Was versity of Kentucky \Vildcat basket- ky, have set April 8 as the date for March 25 with the production of 8
b pointed by President MCVGY and 31* taken but 3» 00m¤1il1t€6 of U19 <>0l111- ball team. Hayden was elected at a their annual pley. "The Clil11bG1`S." 0116-act drama, "Overtones," by mgm.
proved by the University S’¢11¤f€» has vii was ¤·DDOi11tBd to 03-11V&SS 1‘G¤0!11· meeting of the five men who were by Clyde Fitch, has been selected b€1‘S of the class of dramatic produc.
held its first m€€U¤S am} 0I`gwiZ€d· ¤l€11d3-UOHS and make ¤· 1`€D01‘t 61 3 awarded the coveted "K." These for production, and the cast which UGH- After the play a reception was
At {big meeting Doctor J. J. Tigéft. mcetiug to be called all all Gill'}? (MCG men are; Everett, Maysville; Burn- has been working` for about six héld by H10 Department of English
· head of the Dopalrtméllt of PSYCh0lO‘ by U1'} Ch¤i1‘¤1€i11. ham. Paducah; Ridgeway, Shepherds- weeks believe that they have the Y0? fil-Glllty, students and friends ul
V sv. former f¤¤¤¤=~¤ Sm aud mch The ¤<>¤¤¤¤’S v¤¤¤¤S¤ is t¤ <>¤¤<>S¤ vine; Levin, Pans, ami Hayden, show iu excellent Shape ale university.
of (hg football team of 1916, WSS €l€0f· both 0. resident coach and 3. Spféciail Pm-ig, The seats have not gone on sale "OVG1”£011€S" is the first of a, serie;
’ ed chairman Mid PFOYQSSOY H- E- Cm" OF Héld coach, D1`0Vi<}€d S&l3iSf8~0t01'Y I—Ia.yden started with the Paris high as yet but a,l1 the boxes and the iirst of ZYFOSPHDJS including plays, music
UB. m91`¤b€¤‘ Of the Staff of the EX` 111911 ·?11‘€ €lV3ili1b1€>· Thé G0¤1I1·0U also school team and was with the Tran- fifteen rows of the iirst iloor have mid daflcillg Whillh are to be given
_ perimenc sU»~~UUH and S¢<>i`€ti¤`Y‘U`€aS‘ discussed iI¤¤D1‘0V€>111€HtS in the =1th1<¤· sylvzmia. Crimsons a year before join- been reserved by the {raternitieg and ill the Campus Playhouse the menu;
_ V urer of the f0I`m€1‘ ZUIIIOUC commit- UG fiéld. notably 3- C0!1C1`€tB stadium Ing the Wildcats. 501·01·ities, of the university. Herndon of April by VZtl‘iOl1S organizatioug, »
' A tee, was elected to 110ld it similar to supplant the existing wooden one. ——i-j.- Emmy Frankfort, is Stagg manage,. .1,0;]] Ou the campus and in me city_
position 0[1 the HGW b0£U`d· Th?} by' \Vlmi1e HO déflllltti £lClll0l1 WHS til-kéll Journalism Fraternity land has (;h;1_·1‘g@ of the p]_'Odu(]tiO]) Of ThG th€8·t€I' is d€Sig’1'1€d to serve not i
· laws of the new association WQYG in this matter it is hoped by the Takes In Three Mci] the play. Robert Itaible. Louisville. Um? U19 dmnlatic needs of the stu-
V adopted and the old Z1SS0Ci€\’Ji0H (19* council that il) may TJG able to COD- 4 g-.-.—-. ig bugiuggg manager and has charge GGHVLS but CNJZBHS have been invited
"_ Clilféd #1*3 M1 End- SU`¤<¤l3 Such 21 stadium by building a Alpha Delta, Sigma, the lhonorary of the sale of seats ond other busi- to &V&i1 ”U1G¤1$€lV€S Of the Opportuni-
V _ " SBCFQWYY Curtis read his Hmmcim SGGUOH DY it a¤¤u¤UY· journalistic ·fraternity of the Univer- ness connected with the show. Pres- W of USTUE U19 1111iV€1‘Sity thea-ter for
” report covering athletic activities for lxiembgl-S of the athletic council as sity Of Kentucky pledged three mm um Cherry, Bowling Grew, is M_ The production of whatever plays
tho Gl11`1’G11t $659011 l‘·’hi°h» U-lthough &Dl>0iH·fGd by P1‘€Sid€¤t M¤V<>Y» M9: at their annual spring pledging exer- vertising manager and Robt. Mitchell.   mint, `déslrelw mroducg and
V u ma o * ‘ mlm » .
U‘21Ck and b€¤€¤b¤U Cngagemeuts are M€mb€1'S 0f H10  QCUHYT S- A· cises held in the chapel of the uni- Jr., Paducah, is property manager. hou}; ThB1LV$0g$;n,;OC1ubuu;;1;  
yet to be played, shows il- SRti$fHC‘ Holes. head of tho D€=D&1‘f111€H€ of versty. Scholastic standing, journal- iness Woma,n’s Club the city Y W
tory DEUHHCG El€l€€<1 in W6 hands of Physical Edl1* was PL h<>¤¤¤¤‘y Gliginemg ¤‘¤*€¤{i*y Y *0 °$¤°¤‘ $*=h¤¤h¢** Enters stag - i
Finale 'F1_;m,_£m_t_’ R”Ir;gC1_r;;n_ L6`;. host to about 150, iepresentlng six- ¤€ Ulé U111Vc1‘S1ty of Kentucky during _____   Crown Frat 3
Jn mf nu; "W.1gOu‘F1j3 lv;0;;_ {T teen high Semis in tins, are smut *-hw ¤¤¤¤¤l _
` I DO t` GMu:°LGH` (J. ML RIG}, ment in 1917 wa won b' Owensboro, Scholamic Stgmdiug and ability ?lY`@ J0lll`11i1l of SCEOHCB CO11llHil1S H. 1'GTiC\\` WOmc11’S fraternity of the University C \fj
. s y
Covington; C. C. Anderson, Mayfield; _ _ tum.! {M0 Tau BGM Pi The mm H _, f ,- , k id I M. ___ \_
nvm Hqanbv P1_iuCm_mn md R I but Lexington has been lLl`1l1lllDh¢'31lt ··—* · · *~ * · of The Geology of Kentucky, a O AGULUC Y: PE gm ISS FMHCEB ·;
*‘ V st _   “ · ‘ · *· in the mst Umm CGm3StS_ pledged were: Fred Houston Shaw, ,,3001; Dubushygd by PmfcQSm_ A M Kimbrough, Cynthirma, ate tea to the
P°‘t°'r* A““°“’°“* 1“d‘ LeNi·::;t<>n; Torrost Weatherholt, " __ Q “ ` ` women students or me University. 5
—Y’·‘——"‘ Cloverport; R. N. O’Ha1·a, Williams- hhder 0* the Dgpmtmmlt Of Gemogy The purpose of the fraternity is to
Junior Engineers   Ten ggfgmcig Sgudénis town; E_ L_ Bgulchi Fulton, and B_ and Forestry of the state of I{€11JCUC· fLl1‘[fh€1&iCh§i)]{t1`§§11if), de1n<2cracy,tand
‘ · • 1. Hi _. =.11‘*‘. · Q B- .. » genera - as ' ,¤ d . t. 1-
On 25th Annual Tcur Rapyclsent University nes l.Vi<·tn.tc ky nd 1ofessor of Geology at the in n $3% 1 gllizh H 0l1l’0;l %  
C ...._ ‘ i-... _..._..;.. University of Kentucky. The review hg myers ° Q égmm C RSS dm
The Junior idngincers of the Uni- The -UI1l`\’€l’SlIf-Y of [(€Ht\lCkY Y‘{€·LS E . , GT !_ F is Written by Professor Charles C USED O1 lngmberbhllx 4
versity of Kentucky have left on their l`€DTG59lll,9d by t€11 GGIGQHKGS from emcas I 2 "0 ranca gch“CkG1~t’ Dgpnytmgnt Og Ggolog-,-_ .
twenty-fifth annual inspection trip. the University Y. ‘N. C. A. at the an- ""“" T,_,iIF_ T,_m_€?_%ii r H Subgmncc Pr? Picture of Mcvey Done ~ .
They were accompanied by Profcs- nual Kentucky Student Volunteer The Marne Memorial Fund Cam-   J UQ " E" A ` ` By R/{ISS H8fgBshc1m€! _
sors Hawkins, Bureau and Newman. Conference held in Winchester. The paign for America`s gilt to France, {@50* whuchert Says: —···
They will visit the following purpose of the conl'ercnce and of this among University of Kentucky stu- “AS fl 1‘<>Slllt of tWG11fY-HVG YOZtl‘S’ A11 9~1`¥1 Gxhibit, U16 {G6-i3¤I`G of Wllifih
planes: Newport {Rolling Mills Com- nioveincnt is crystallized in the dents 2lc·lrieVerl flattering success endeavor, Professor Miller has here “'“S°·D°"tm1t Ofprésideut M"V€Y»W3·S
pany, Newport, Ky.; American Tool words: "Evangelization of the NVorld the initial day of the campaign. described the Essential Geology my held at mg Uniwrslty Of K¤¤t¤¤ky T6'
\Vorks, Milling Machine Company, in This Generation? when fair co-cds at the doors of the mq vtifn Thi'; book Wm do much Gently- The exhibitors W¤r<>M1SSD¤