xt7ttd9n678q https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n678q/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1996-03-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1996 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 07, 1996 1996 1996-03-07 2020 true xt7ttd9n678q section xt7ttd9n678q  



















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WEATllfll Flurrie: today,
big/J near 30; clear and tonight, u \
low near 15; sunny and cold
tomorrow, big/J near 3’0.
KEG B , .. 11/1an17 7, I 996
ognrtr Ls about to get on the trashy
ride when Garbage comes into (.‘im'innati. 'N Lilli/"'LE lmim'im‘l 6
Z (from. on! 9 Spam 4
Sec made 567.710”. (Am/pm 2 I'Ieu'point 8
' NEWS]? t
NATION TW ll ll t
l j Ii 1 01 b tion. The class includes several “open" sessions, students spend on campus. During Fall Orientation, . 9 can I a. as
may 6 p which may address a variety of academic and social student leaders welcome students to cam )us, dis— qult anal. ”In ”ole WI“
. ’ issues. ' . .. tribute information about campus life and help stu~
ddufltZOfl rates The pass-fail, one-credit hour class offers students dents get to know each other. . AUSTIN, Texas _ Bob Dole watched two
g? an ogportulmtyUto. leel'conlneclt‘ed to fStudent leaders are put in groups (;()p rivals fall by the wayside yesterday but two
_ peop e at t e niversity. -ac sec- o two, and each )air 5 )ends the . ' - '. . ' - . " .. 7 1 '
By JOMOS RIICIIIB do" is taught by a {QCUIW member Why do th.’ |.av°? weekend With a ngJUP ”ll about 4’0 liiii‘rewliillidfhlet LKZNsiECSciil':iirljstsidfflirltigliifihdil
Stafanter and an upper-class student assistant. students. “mission to unify the Republican Partvl." ‘
. , , , , “They have 3“? opportunity to A recent study shows why Amy \VCHS» coordinator "I. new The withdrawal of Lamar Alexander and Dick
UK is t rig to increase its retention rate by form a relationship With a faculty most student leave UK. student services at UK, said that Fall lurar from the m“. )rom ited llouse Sie-iker
offering Fal Orientation and UK 101 to all incorn— member and an upperclass student," Orientation and UK l01 both are Skirt Gin rrich tt, “mintmclt. that “Duh. islnomi—
mg freshmen. UKcurrentlyhasa six—year graduation Jordan said. VTranslerred to another great experiences for the student “3th " E l i
rate of 50 percent. Statistics are not available on the university. Ileaders, as well as the incoming stu- But Pat Buchanan gait! he wag in the race to
Both programs have been around for several retention rate for students who have VFelt UK was too large and dents. The student leaders get the gtav even if Dole’s nomination now “a ears
years, but not everyone has taken advantage of them. taken UK 101, but student reviews impersonal. opportunity to develop their leader- ine—v’itable v And publisher Steve 1:0th voglgditti)
They are deSigned to speCifically address the reasons have been overwhelmingly positive, VDid not have enough ship skills 'and help other students press on "is well pickjn u the endorsement of
that students leave UK, Dean of Students Becky Jor- Jordan said. Student evaluations money to continue. adjust, possibly improvin retention former HhugihgigectetatngEL-k Kemp i
dan said. show that 94 percent of the students VWanted to be doset to my rates. This has widesprea benefits. Dole rolling off an e't'ghtfitate swee of ri-
A few reasons apply to most students who leave who have taken the course would rec- fami'y and/orlriends. “If our freshman class doesn’t maries obtained the endorsement (,ftmepgeoptgc
UK, according to a recent study done by'the Univer- ommend it to incoming freshmen, 7"“ personal or famfly stay, it hurts everybody,” Wells said. Bush ahd got some kind words from another
Sity. Most students leave because UK is too large, and an additional 2 percent would problems or "messes She said working as an assistant in Texas Gov (ieor re w Bugh son of the {up -
they want to be closer to friends and family, they are recommend it for students who need a UK 101 section or as a Fall Orien— mer pregtdent. ut hi; gu ',(,,t‘t,gh,,,d the Senate
II havmg personal problems, they don’t develop a sup— any help adjusting to college life. UK ration leader helps upperclass stu- ma‘oritv leadergt a newsptionference on the lawn
portive group of friends or they get bad grades. 101 only lasts half a semester, but dents to understand the issues that 0f the state ca itol i i i i A
d Somedtopics of‘the course include pgofess§r5,l:i51a- Jordan slaid that the first six weeks of the semester are affect freshmen. She noted that freshmen comprise a p .
emic a Vismg, time management an stu y s ' s. a critica transitional eriod. Iar re iart of the membershi ) of many student or ra— - ' ' ' ‘ ' ' '
Social issues, such as date rape, also receive atten- Perhaps even moi; critical is the first weekend ané't’ltltlHlS, such as fraternitiesland sororities. ii Report. cmna Sltuatlon nlghtmamsn
\1':\Sl'll.\i(i'lq().\.i —— The State Department
1 one.oooooooooooooocoococo...oooooonooooooooooo0.00000o0.90.0000.nooooooooooocooooooooocooococo-.0000...coo-0.00.00.o ()lltllllt’tl What it thSCl‘llRfitl “5 a “lghtmarlfih
human rights situation in (ihina yesterday, with
increased repression of dissent and widespread
mistreatment of prisoners. including torture and
""" forced confessions.
Despite the harsh words. the administration
said it has no plans to renew threats the Clinton
administration voiced in I‘Ni—‘l-I to condition
trade privileges for China on its human rights
“\Ve think there is little evidence that denying
trade to China would lead to major improvements
in human rights," said Vlohn Shattuck, assistant
secretary of state. “In fact. it‘s possible that the
contrary could occur."
The report said (ihina's rights problems stem
from intolerance of disscn' and inadequacy of
legal safeguards h it basic Ircc-doms.
“Abuses included arlntrari and lcngiiy ll‘lt'Wl‘J-
municado detention, forced confession, [more
i .. . and mistreatment ofpi‘isoiicrs," the report said.
5 . I} ‘ . . _ 1%” . . . [he-IZ—page review on China was part of thc
- ‘ ' .. 6' State Department's annual report on human
0 rights conditions in 194 nations and territories
worldwide. ‘

Study says lamilies becoming stable

“’ASHINGTON —- Despite a widespread
belief that the American family is disintegrating,
family patterns in the 1990s are showing much
more stability than they were 10 years ago.
according to a private study.

One reason: The baby boom generation has
reached middle age.

The American family of the 1960s was a mar-
ried couple with two or more children in which
the husband was the sole breadwinner, says the
studv by the Population Reference Bureau.

The family of the 19905 “typically has onl ' one
or two children and both parents work outside the
home," it says.

“Changing marriage and divorce patterns, the
influx of married women into the labor force, the
stagnation of men's wages, and the aging of the
baby-boom generation all have played a role in
the transformation of the family."

IiiAMidgoppmg .




White HOUSE lIllOl'Oll MOOI‘B'S call

\VASHINGTON — The next time Demi
Moore calls. the White House will snap to atten—
tion. Particularly if it involves a
wet suit.

The highest-paid woman in
movies got the brush—off when she
called President Clinton seeking
help with some research on a part.
Now, 5 iokesman Mike McCurry
jokes. .linton is upset: “Particu—
larly when hc hears that it was
involving her in a diving uni-

Actually, McCurrv said, Clinton was not aware
that Moore had called last month trying to get
help on a new movie.

Compiled from wire reports.


fter three weeks on the road, the UK baseball
team returned to Lexington this week to play
in front of the home fans.
xpectations this year are high for the team,
which returns several power hitters and have All—
American candidate Scott Downs back on the
mound after an injury kept him out most of last sea»

Even though the Southeastern Conference is
filled with tough opponents, the Wildcats are hop-
ing for a run at the league title. UK baseball coach
Keith Madison returns every starter from last sea—

son, along with a couple of freshmen who can con-
tribute right away.

Freshman shortstop Kenny Miller, from Joliet,
11]., will help solidify a UK defense that had some
problems last season.

Centerfielder Chad Green will be of the leaders
during this year's campaign. Green, who bats leadoff
and led the league in stolen bases last season, is good
enough for a possible run at the Olympic Team this

For a complete preview of this year‘s Wildcat
squad, see page 10.





“MO “IE BASES The UK baseball team returned to
Lexington for itxfirrt borne game this week.


Curtis hopes his personality will help him lead the flock

that Curtis would like to see
become reality if he becomes the
successor to current SGA Presi—
dent Shea Chaney. This fan of





I would like to pursue, but I am
not going to even attempt to cam-
paign on a platform of proposals

that I cannot keep,” Curtis



UK Advising Conference Office.
He has served as a student leader
of the advising conference and an
SGA senator for the ast

By Chrl: Padgett ple here,” Curtis said. “It’s one of
. Staff Writer the reasons I really enjoy going to
' school here."

Student Government Associa— A few of Curtis’ friends have





tion presidential candidate Phil nicknamed him “Jesus.” They year. Curtis is proud 0 the said. classic rock and alternative muSic mum Parents, Stephenand ,

Curtis is quite a personable per- don’t call him this to be sacrile— record that he has chalked Curtis' ideas include also feels that it is important for melatonin, Ryan. OUK 1
“WA son. The contender for the top gious. His nickname has to do up in SGA. romoting fiscal responsi- the students who plan to vote In human, andMlahaeL :

student office on the Lexin on with the wa he looks. Curtis’ “1 am glad that I have Iiility and spending student the election tobeaware ofthe fact

' campus has difficulty wal ing long hair an beard may actually been able to turn ideas into fees in a wise manner. that the job of SGA presulent is W

around cam us without stopping remind someone ofa portrayal of reality,” Curtis said with a “SGA is budgeted an enor- onl for one year. While Curtis YEAR:

to talk Witll 0116 Of his many the man born in Bethlehem. smile. Curtis has more ofa mous amount of money sai that many things can happen W08:

friends. When one Of Phil’s close philosophy for the office of each year and I believe it is in one year, several things do take WF


“It’s a problem _I am glad I
have,” Curtis said while walking
with me recently to sip some java
at the Intermezzo coffee shop.

“I’m glad I have had the o por-
tunity to meet so many goo peo-

‘ I

friends was asked about his nick-
name, Mandy Lewis, a social work
so homore said, “Just take a look
at im and you‘ll know why.”
Curtis is an advertising senior
and also works part-time at the

SGA president rather than Cut“:
a strict platform on which
he plans to campaign. Curtis cites
his record and personal character
as two of his greatest assets.

“I have ideas and proposals that

extremely important that
this money only be 5 nt
after careful consideration. A
web site on the World Wide Web
and endowments to better steward
student funds are also two ideas

a while to accomplish.

“If the students of this campus
give Phil Curtis the opportunity
to serve as their president,” Curtis
said. “I will commit myself in
mind and body to the endeavor.”













L".-. .. .- ...-

scq almv' WITH THE CATS. . .



2 ll'mulay, Mun/F 7, I996, Kmuul'v Kernel


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Lance Ililliams ................................................... Editor in Chief
IeiintterbnnthMana ng Editor
Brenna Rtllll' ........................................................... News Editor


left Vinson...’ ................................... ' ..................... Campus Editor
:llison Right .............. . ........................................ Executive Editor
\liu feliee .................................. . ..................... Editorial Editor
; ~listuill-ittilo .......................................................... SportsEditor
t Robert Iltllll Arts Editor
Erin Baeherf .......................................................... Desi Editor

Claire lohnston ............................................ , .......... _..Ke i' Editor
.Ilatt Barton ................................... . ........... Chief Photographer
Bernainin :\lies

indicts ( ittstaisson ......... ................................ ( )n-Iine Editors
ltshlet Shreusliurr ................................ lsst. I‘ tIIlOl’lal Editor
Lhris Izusterlinu ....................... . ................. \sst. Sports Editor

issl Arts Editor
....................... \sst. KeG Editor

lulie ‘tntlersott., , , . ..
Il;intl‘.\etll....,. ..

Fidel-C I’Lirdon

Sheri Ilhilsiphie ..................... _ ......... , ......... » \sst‘. Design Editors
lohn .‘illllllll, \ittltel olltns. Strut Gordon, Ilrnnllrivett,
.llelinie htuj.'ers._lett \mson, Iillany Ilhite ....... (.opy Editors

"K Sta" to be thanked OVBI' break

and John
Montgomery concert tickets. In
addition, UK Food Services will


Michael worth their time to come. Some-
one does appreciate them."

Staff Appreciation Day is open

By Kathy finding basketball

Stuff W rim

will feature 52 display booths,
door prizes, food from UK Food
Services and a contest for depart-


L._-..._ ..._ .-._




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\Vhile students enjoy time
away from campus during Spring
Break on March 15, the UK
\Vomen's Forum will present its
fourth annual Staff Appreciation
Day, to promote and thank Uni-
versity staff and faculty.

Ann Porter, chair of the
forum’s committee for apprecia-
tion day, said Staff Appreciation
Day gives well-deserved attention
to university employees.

“\Ve recognize students. We
recognize faculty, but we have not
recognized staff as a whole,”
Porter said. “This is something
that had not been done before we
did it."

Staff Appreciation Day will be
held in the large ballroom of the
Student Center from 11 am.
through 2 p.m. Porter said this
year‘s event is the largest yet. It

mental displays.

“We have been working to
bring together services that are
available at UK and in Lexing-
ton,” Porter said. “Sometimes
staff get bogged down on what’s
going on our side of campus and
don’t look to other things. It’s a
way to make people aware of
what’s out there.”

Some exhibitors include Park—
ing and Transportation Services,
Human Resource Services, Lexin-

ton Community College’s chil- '

dren’s program, UK Federal
Credit Union and UK Art Muse-_
um. Porter said many displays are
parent—oriented due to the lat 6
number of parents employed Ey
UK. More than 100 prize give—
aways are also planned, such as
dinners for two at area restau-
rants, golf weekends, fitness club
memberships, an autographed UK

to all staff and faculty


have a complimentary
“Taste of Campus
provided by various
food vendors. Porter
said a popular feature
of the event is a con-
test for departmental
exhibits prepared by
staff members.
“Every year it
keeps growing and



of UK, including those
on main campus, at the
Medical Center and in
PPD. Porter said the
Women's Forum
sponsors the event to
communicate with the
university staff of both
genders and find out
their needs. The



growing,” Porter said. Women’s Forum is
“This year we’ve Staflfa victim composed of elected
about reached our day ' be March UK employees, to
limits.” 15m ll am. to ensure the issues of
Aside from infor- 2pm. in the women employed by
motion, free food and Student Center the University are
prizes, Porter said Ballroom. addressed.
Staff A preciation “They (the Forum)
Day provi es UK staff feel that Staff Appreci-

with the opportunity to mingle
with each other.

“It's a good time for all,” she
said. “We want staff to know it's

ation Day does address a concern
of pea Ie on campus, and that is
what t e Women’s Forum is for,”
Porter said.


86A votes to support
child care endowment

By Alison Kight

[iterative Editor

Student Government Associa-
tion presidential candidate Phil
(Iurtis apparently got his carn-
paign off to a running start with
running mate Tim Niebel at last
night's Senate meeting, although
their intentions fell under ques-
tion by fellow senators.

Curtis and Niebel co—spon—
sored and helped pass a bill which
would establish a quasi—endow—
ment fund for child care grants.

Currently, approximately
$2,000 every year are directly
given to students for child—care
purposes, but a quasi—endowment
fund would give SGA an account
in which to place that $2,000 and
supplement it with further dona—
tions and solicitations.

The account would be provid—
ed through an action from UK’s
Board of Trustees. A resolution
needs to be presented to the

Board for the action to be

“It will save (SGA) money
because after this year we won’t be
directly giving money for child—
care grants out of student fees,"
Niebel said.

Niebel also said the endow—
ment offered a five percent annual
rate of return, which means the
money in the account won’t
diminish yearly under current
inflation rates.

Senate Pro Tempore Wendy
Hyland said she agreed with the
social merits of the bill, but won-
dered why Niebel and Curtis
waited until so late in the year to
present it before the Senate.

Senator at Large Scott Coovert
agreed, and wondered how the
endowment, which needs to be
built upon for the future, would
fare under an executive branch
other than Curtis and Niebel’s.

“I feel very uncertain about the
future of this endowment,”






SENATE TIlKS UK Student Government Association senators go over one of

the five bills at [art night’s meeting.

Coovert said. “What will happen
if(donations and solicitations) fail
to come in next year?”

Niebel said he wanted to estab-
lish a base for the endowment
before going out to organizations
and soliciting funds.

The Senate also unanimously
passed a bill allotting UK’s VViId—
cat Danzers $1,795.20 to cover

the cost of uniforms for the
National Cheerleading Associa—
tion National Dance Competition
which takes place in April. The
Danzers are the defending cham-
pions at the competition.

The UK Chapter of Kentucky
Academy of Students of Pharmacy
also received $1,900 to cover reg-
istration at a national convention.





t.t:i\.\lzl)Y ‘
Ill )0}: STORE _





°/u Arts In ,\/n i/ 30 'liu‘i Amos

("U/It't’l'l (II I/n' (His~ xi. .S'ing/etal‘)‘

(ti/lr‘L/HI' l/H’ xll‘lx

0) Kit/t l’i/inu autographed

°l//\’ sweats/Fir] d2 T shirts

( ‘ull it u Pep Rally il‘ynu
“aunt- \V'c like to refer to it as
[\lurrll I\I:I(lncss—~—\vilh a
capital ( '--~/\~—'I'——S.






Join several thousand 'of the

biggest Wildcat fans in Memorial
Coliseum TODAY to send the

team off to New Orleans in style.
Doors will open at 4:30, and the
excitement will begin at 4:45.


Student Development Council will hold its March Challenge
of Southwest Airlines (must be present to win.)

Pass-holders will receive priority seating. and the first 250 to enter will
take home a special Spring Break “survival kit."

Pick up a Pass in front of Memorial Coliseum from 24 this aftemoon.

0—- ——————————————————————————— 1


26 regular season wins
No. I National Ranking
Second Most Wins Ever

38th SEC Regular Season Title

I9th SEC Tournament Title (The Sixth Consecutive)
l5 of the Best Players in College Basketball



Combine all these ingredients and you ‘ve got one of the most touted

I basketball teams in recent history. Come show your support at the

I history-making pep rally on Thursday. March 7 in Memorial Coliseum.
I ‘Then watch the Cats whip up on the competition through March.

L ——————————————————— -_-—¢—-—-_




-.... .._.._.























-sh .6.“ .,





.c _. ,., -.~m—..—.,._..a._. ,


Arrests by UK Police

March 5

VLucas Core, 32. no
address. alcohol intoxica-

March 2

VRobert Richard, 22.
1583 Astaie Drive, con-
tempt of court.

March 1

VHerman Pearson. 30.





1020 W. Market St.

Louisvrlle, alcohol intoxication.
VRichard L. Burkhardt, 27, 196 Rud-
ders Mill, drivrng on a suspended

Feb. 29

VHenry Earl, 46, no address, alcohol

Complaints filed with UK Police

March 6

VHarassrng communications; Kirwan
Tower, complainant advised that per-
sons unknown phoned her and made
annoying remarks Incident investigated
and prosecution declined.

March 5

VMenacing, Virginia Avenue parking
lot, complainant advised that suspect
approached her causing her to fear for
her life or serious physical injury.
Vlndecent exposure; Virginia Avenue
Parking lot. complainant advised that
subject exposed his genitalia to her in
the Virginia Avenue parking lot.

VTheft by unlawful taking over $300
(felony); minerals industry building,
complainant advised that unknown per-
sons removed property without permis-

VFirst-degree arson; Blanding lIl,
unknown persons set fire to bathroom
shower curtain on the second floor

March 4

VTheft by unlawful taking over $300;
388 Kirwan Tower, complainant
advised unknown persons took items
from the room at Kirwan tower.
VThird-degree criminal mischief; Com-
monwealth Stadium Red Lot, com-
plainant states unknown subject
scratched paint on her passenger side
door and damaged her driver's-side

VFirst-degree wanton endangerment;
Greg Page Apartments, 621 Common-
wealth Drive, offense was carried out
by unknown person or persons who
(repelled object causing listed damage.

a hole in the wall in the
front entry foyer.
VThirdsdegree criminal mischief; Com-
monwealth Stadium Red Lot, com-
plainant advises unknown subject dam-
aged property.
March 2
VFourth-degree assault; 800 Rose
Street, the complainant states that she
was assaulted by her ex-boyfriend who
is the father of her children. During her
assault her glasses were broken.
VChiId neglect; B-10 Cooperstown.
VThird-degree burglary; Dickey Hall,
persons unknown entered 119 Dickey
Hall and forcibly opened a snack vend-
ing machine and unlawfully removed an
unknown amount of coins and bills.
VThird—degree criminal mischief; 505
Rose Street, Chemistry and Physics
building, damage to property.
VPossession of marijuana less than 8
02.; while on a traffic stop UK police
found the strong odor of marijuana
coming from the vehicle. Closer exami—
nation revealed three “roaches” in the
A search of the vehicle revealed a small
amount of marijuana in the console.
The occupants were cited for posses-
March 1
VThird-degree burglary. 110 Scott
Street, complainant advises that per-
sons unknown entered the building and
removed property.
VTheft by unlawful taking over $300;
Virginia Avenue lot, persons unknown
entered an unlocked jeep and removed
the stereo from the dash.
Feb. 29
VTheft by unlawful taking over $300;
220 Oswald building, complainant
advised that persons unknown removed
property from a locked room.
VThett by unlawful taking over $300;
123 Journal St, complainant advised
that persons unknown removed proper-
ty from a UK vehicle while it was parked
on a city street.


Advertise in the
Call 25 7-2

el. WW







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Committee wants nominees

March 3

VThird-degree criminal

mischief; 330 Clifton Dr.,

Sigma Phi Epsilon social

fraternity house. com-

plainant states unknown smflnpm

ginornde‘ggllzg SEWMY . A UK group is in the process of taking nomina—
phone wires "om the ser- trons for the Darrell A. VarnVleter heryicc Award.
vice panel and wires from [his year marks the fifth in which L I\ has recog—
the fire panel Also an ruled the outstanding volunteer service achieve-
unknown person punched merits of Vanhletcr through thc presentation of an

undergraduate award namcd in his honor.
VanAIcter, a sophoriiorc at the time of his dcatli
in 1991, was recognized by tlic Liniycrsity commir
nity and his home community for his positive con»
tributions and his dedication to scrving others. The
impact of his “good Samaritan" approach to liclp—
ing others was apparcnt to faculty, staff and surf

dents alike.

“It is a very gcnuinc award," said Rhonda
Strouse, chair of the award sclcctiori committcc. “It
goes to someone who‘s really unassuming."

in an effort to rccognizc and value the “spirit of
giving" to others, students are encouraged to iden—

.....«....a.....-‘. .-.-.. . _, “.1.“ .~...

Kmrmh Arnirl, lbmnluy. .llirnlr 7, I996 3

tify and submit nominations for those undcrgradu—
ate junior or senior students who cmbody this spirit

of scrvicc.


faculty, staff-

Bccaus‘c of' tlic unassuming nature of. \oluritccr
scrvicc, Strousc said that many timcs tlicsc stiidcms
arc not likely to scck rccognition for tlicir‘ \oliiiitccr

Strousc charactcri/cd past winncrs .is pcoplc
who were “gcriuinc at heart in the conuiiitmcm to
helping pcoplc."

'l‘lic sclcctioii committcc is compriscd ot sclcct
and studcnt rcprcscntatiics from
across campus. 'l‘hc sclcctcd rccipiciit will rci ciic a
plaque and a $300 cash award at the L'nivcrsity

Honors and Rccogmtion Awards program in .\pril.

March ll).


The dcadlinc for all noriiinations is \Vcdiicsday,

Students who have questions about the award or
need additional information may call Strousc .it

“It plays host to engineering event

By Allison Carmichael
(.‘omrrlrmmg Hitler

The. Civil Engineering
department will host the biennial
conference of the Honor Society
of Civil Engineers, beginning
tomorrow night.

The National Civil Enginccr—

and activities with other chapters.

“'I‘hc studcnts will bc involved
with intcnsivc meetings and stu—
dcnt groups that will discuss
issucs relating to society," said
Donn Ilanchcr, chainnan of civil

A very selective iroccss is used
to dccidc who wil be asked to
join the Honor


ing Honorary Fraterni—
tv was established in
the 1920s at the cm
vcrsity of Illinois, and
has bccn expanding to
schools all over tlic
country ever since.

This will bc thc first
time in 16 years that
UK has hosted such a
conf'crcncc. About 351)
people from universi—
ties around the country
are invited to attend.

“We expect people
to start arriving on
campus around 5 p.m.,
but the first cvcnt
doesn’t start until 7
p.m.," said Mark
Dollcr, civil enginccr»
ing graduate student
and co—organizcr of tlic confcr—

Studcnts involved with the
conference will be staying at the
Holiday Inn North, where most
of the events will take place.

The focus of the conference
will be to share ideas, methods








7 and invitations arc.

’l 71c conference
zt'r'll begin on
Thursday at
7 pm. at the
Holiday Inn

Non/.1 and 141.17

flow/1gb XIII/(lily

. 5mm 1200
$195 With ILV compact me. it fits
. w. almost anywhere Making
~. It easy to move
wherever you want
to go And with Its
outstanding printing
qiialni, II make)
your work look

A Society of (Iivil

“Active members
solicit names of‘stu-
dcnts' from the
dcpartmcnt who are
in thc top third of
the junior or senior
class at minimum,

wt“ to pt‘ospccthC
mcmbcrs‘," Ilanchcr

L'Is' currcntly has
about ill iiiciiiiicrs
in its chaptcr.

ln atltlltiiiti to
otlicr cvciits. thcrc
will bc a banquet in
tlic Studcnt (icntcr
ballroom on \lillt‘r
day night. when (Ilianccllor lilis-
abctli Xinscr will dclivcr an

An award and initiation ccrc—
mony will follow Zinscr's‘ spccch,
concluding tlic cvcnt. Honors
will bc given on tlic basis of.
national achicvcmcnt.



“I think this is a ncat deal for
students in thi: group each ycar.
It gives them a chance to learn
leadership skills and to give back
to their dcpartmcnt," llanchcr


I m. . til. i i l'.t ants
I~II..,).1L, A

S to I
\iiOiihi .



II‘I( RtitidLDS ill)
I‘ll Burk





‘II Noll.
con A mm; in: in u an amt... E]





Advertise in
the Kernel.

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I know what you’re

thinking. What does a fish know,
right? Well, I may not know much, but I do keep
my ears open. Like just the other day. I overheard a
couple of students talking. Found out that Apple is altering
incredibly low campus prices on Macintosh computers. Found
out that a Mac' is a really easy way to get up and running on
the Internet. I even found out that more students are
using a Mac to share ideas on the Internet than any
other computer. Boy, what I would give to get
out of this stupid castle and

start surfing the Net.

forMore"Hermit/runI‘m/rum]llrcIrrIi'r‘iri'lii/li/(f Iri'ilrrrlnrr/y'ilti or .








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ml: at] my W on «ml coup-lot cystei- prim. Iolal In. mun. um and [oral «In I‘m, "to ring: In Ih "M We lam-u! Mr. I’m/militimlmn (melon Ilti‘ lrurn pmmi hm flu-r mvgmmmrw l‘rm/ [mm :r/yviwnl .144th

in than gum in Jolene-l affine-I'll and Jan in! Include rule o: In! sale: In. MIN]
.r. . r/tliI/‘lrli r'r/rumnrr drywmvrli mus] hr ri'i’i'u'iil br/rw unur loan it a/ipriml ”(I'm Mm "bore 61]"?! Hai