xt7ttd9n6b2v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7ttd9n6b2v/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1913-12-05  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 5, 1913 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, December 5, 1913 1913 1913-12-05 2020 true xt7ttd9n6b2v section xt7ttd9n6b2v «M»Wm.gmymm.mm-m-r »


The Faculty


o moo lfliVHrF1'y not in rogular session at
:2. c: I '~ . L: I; ‘
V 3.4} Patna, ./'9C a ,1, 1.;le
Present: Pro- ,. p .' :1 L ', .o 1—‘- , L: .. 7.. .. \ ‘ » < - 1
M/ in» winuueo o; VJC loop dCGblfié were lead uno apprOVeo.
“s Profueeor Qaston coulg eta; only a few minutes, he was
asked to rend a message from Professor gorwood” requesting that
, the num: of Herbert Adolph Kohnhorst be plaCed in nomination


" for the degree of Bachelor of fiiring Engineeri
aloo “truer that fir. Kohnhorst was a Candidate
last June and tnnt his name had been presented

. 35' 0» the class of 1913, nu» twat he did not hu"e

’ at thy“ time. Since then, his thesis had been

coptod, and he requested the Eaculby to rec
to Lhe Toard of Trustees at its next meeting t
following Tuesdav Dec. *tn for the decroc of

v/ J} ' ’ (.1
l Engineering; (351511.) and to consider iii :1
Class {if 143135
A motion, made by Dean Liller and so

mg n. . .
for graduation
xvii}! tine nzuqes
his thesis rjadv
received «no no-



V Terrell, to recomnend 4r. Kohnhorst for griduati
; Un motion by Professor niller the flszE o
! Miss Gertrude Tartar
9 Eranoes iuffiAund fir. Walter Franklin Wright were
list to receive the n.3, degree at toe December
h~ ‘.\ “r. Wright will “8 considered a member of the cl


be held the
acholor of Cin— 1
cnoer of Che ‘

by Proflssor



s of 1914.










 «M.ww~nnm~m...mmum-. "'

President Earkor stated toot two of our students _
,essrs. Edwin Thomas Proctor and Reuben Thornton Taylor — had
‘ :nssed the examination for the Rhodes Schola ship and therefore
fil‘ were pieced on tie eligibte list; chi ,velred LJU Faculty
to select one of them as a candidate for the scholarship. It
was agreed that the two hen no brought before the faculty in
order to question them regarding their experience and attainments.
Vhile the men were Doing looked for, Judge Chalkley read
a petition of certain students who desired to receive University
credit for oratorical, editorial one other similar work of a
literary character not now in the rocoenized curriculur. We
therefore moved that a committee be appointed to hear the petition-
ers and report at the next regular meeting.
The motion wns oulv seconded and after some discussion,
was carriede

The Pres ‘




upon this comnittee:

Judge G.alkloy, Profs. Dantzler, Firquhar, Weaver and Dean Hamilton.
On a motior by Professor Teues, seconded my Professor Tigert,
”escro. Proctor ant Taylor, the candidates for tho Rhodes Schol-
arship, were called oefore the Faculty, and after being questioned
oy Professors T' Terrell and nethews, were then allowed to
retire. A vote Wns taken u” secret ballot and hri Proctor was
J r
I Professor Farquhnr presented the following petition from
the officers of the Choral Society:-
1 ._ ‘ n . .
’ To the Precioent and Faculty of btote UniverSity,
Lexington, Ky.
1“ The Choral Society of 3tdte University in