xt7tx921g81c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7tx921g81c/data/mets.xml Virginia Virginia Historical Records Survey 1940 Prepared by The Survey of Federal Archives, Division of Professional and Service Projects, Work Projects Administration; The National Archives, Co-sponsor; Other contributors include: Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.), United States Work Projects Administration Professional and Service Projects, National Archives (U.S.); iii, 33 leaves, 27 cm; Mimeographed; UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries; Call number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.5/no.45 books English Richmond, Virginia: The National Archives Project This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. Virginia Works Progress Administration Publications Inventory of Federal Archives in the States, Series V The Department of Justice, Number 45 Virginia text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States, Series V The Department of Justice, Number 45 Virginia 1940 1940 2015 true xt7tx921g81c section xt7tx921g81c     TIIIIINI|IIIIII |I IIINI  
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! Prepared by
ll The Survey of Federal Archives
Y Division of Professional and Service Projects
' . W . . . . .
1 Work Projects Au;iuistrouion
Sponsored by
The Virginia Conservation Commission
The National Archives
{ Cooperating Sponsor
T i  I
. Q Richmond,`VirGi1io
The Historical Records Survey of Virginia
September 1940

The Kistorical Records Survey Projects Z
P. M. Hamer, Assistant Director in Charge of
The Inventory of Federal Archives v
Juliet A. Jones, Regional Supervisor
Kathleen Bruce, State Sunervisor
Division of Professional and Service Projects _
Florence Kerr, Assistant Ccnmissioner S
Isetta Jewell liller, Chief Regional Supervisor » v
Ella G. Agnew, State Director E
{award C. Hunter, Acting Commissioner 3
F. I . Dryden, Hejioial Director
Russell E. i1u1;e1, State Aiministrator

i The Inventory of Federal Archives in the States is one of the
= products of the woi@Tefrthe—Survey of Federaljirchives, which
operated as a nation—wide project of the Works Progress Administra-
tion from January 1, 1936 to June 30, 1957, and has been continued
in Virginia since that date as a state project of that Administra-
tion and of the Work Projects Administration of the Federal Works
1 Agency•
The plan for the organization of the Inventory is as follows;
Series I consists of reports on the administration of the Survey,
acknowledgments, and general discussions of the location, condition,
and content of federal archives in the states. Succeeding series
contain the detailed information secured by workers of the Survey,
in inventory form, a separate series number being assigned to each
of the executive departments (except the Department of State) and
other major units of the Federal Government. Within each series No.
1 is a general introduction to the field organization and records of
the governmental agency concerned; the succeeding numbers contain
the inventory proper, separate numbers being assigned to each state
in alphabetical order. Thus, in each series, the inventory for
Alabama is No. 2, that for Arizona No. 3, that for Arkansas No. 4,
For each local office information regarding each series, or
_ unit of related records, is presented in the following order;
title, inclusive dates ("to date" indicating an open file at the
time the information was secured), general description of informa-
tional content, description of the system of filing or indexing (if
S any), a statement of frequency and purpose of use, form of the
y record itself (bound volumes, sheets in folders, etc.), linear
> footage, description of the containers, physical condition of the
i records (not stated if satisfactory), location by room number or
i other identifying information, and finally, the number of the Form
58SA on which this information was originally recorded by a Survey
worker and from which it was abstracted for the Inventory. This
form is on file in The National Archives.
In Virginia the work of the project was under the supyrvision of
Mr. Terry C. Durham from its inception until September 1936. He was
then succeeded by Dr. Kathleen Bruce under whose direction the project
was reorganized and a new survey begun., Dr. Bruce has continued in
charge of Federal Archives work although in January 1940 the Survey of
Federal Archives was consolidated with the Historical Records Survey
with Dr. Bruce as supervisor of the combined project. This Inventory
of the records of the Department of Justice in Virginia was prepared
in the Richmond office of the Survey rnd was reviewed before publication
by Dr. Richard R. Stenberg of the Washington office.
j Kathleen Bruce, State Supervisor
Historical Records Survey of Virginia
Richmond, Va.
September 16, 1940

Alexandria, Deputy United States Marshal (not surveyed) .,. . . 2
Charlottesville, Deputy United States Marshal (not surveyed) . . 2
Harrisonburg, Deputy United States I-iarshal . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Lynchburg, Deputy United States ijarshal . . . . . . . . . . . . 3
Norfolk, Assistant United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Norfolk, United States liarshal . . . . . . ....... . . . 5
Pulaski, Assistant United States Attorney (not surveyed) . . . . S
Riclnnond, United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . S
Richmond, Deputy United States Ilarslzal . . . . . . . . . . . . L 1O
Roanoke, United. States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14
Roanoke, United States iiarshal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18
Tiise, Deputy United States Iiarsnal (not surveyed) ....... 2L}
Woodstock, Assistant United States Attorney . . . . . . . . . . 24
      I I I I O I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I  
Detersburg, Reformetory Camp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 28


(net surveyed) ·
(not surveyed)
Federal Building, Hain end Elizabeth Streets
l. U. S. I.I,’\RSH,iLL’S CETECK STJBS, l8'7l — 1878. Show date of eech
check, payee, reason for payment, and amount, covering; payment for
services of witnesses, jurors, and deputy marshals and private ac-
counts; Col. A. S. Gray, Deputy Llarshal, died on the eve of his trial
for malfeassnce in office, and the U. S. later sued his achziinistrator
in an effort to recover part of the money collected under felse
returns. Entered chronologically. (Never.) Vczriously sized check
books (69) , l ft. 6 in., in pesteboard box; on enclosed steel shelf.
Dirty, damaged by careless handling;. Basement. (QC)
2. II. S.- LLLRSIi`§L'S DOCIZ`j'I‘S liar. l5 l8’7l -1ZaV 15 l8'?8· Isn.
___ __ Q - 7 7 v
20, l895 - Jager. 28, l896. Record of civil and criminal cases, showing
case number, parties, kind of process, date of issuance, marshal or
_ deputy serving process, and eggount of fee due; vol. 2 contains a record
of U. S. prisoners confined in county and city jails, Jan. BO, 18955 -·
Apr. 28, 1896, showing neztie of prisoner, nature of offense, plece end
date of confinement date of disclt.:.r‘·e emount of fine and sentence.
! ~.J S !
Indexed. (Never,) 15 x 17 vols.   4 in., on enclosed steel shelf.

 Deputy United States Marshal, Lynchburg 5
5. U. S. UL;SHnL'S LLHK BOOK, May 4, 1871 - Feb. 14, 1872. Shows
dates, amounts of debit and credit, and monthly balances; all court
funds deposited in the Lynchburg National Bank by order of Congress.
(Never.) 4 x 6%·vo1., §·in., in pasteboard bciion entlosed steel shelf,
Damaged by water. Basement. (41) ,
4. U. S. lLFSHLL‘S LSTTER eOOK, July 24, 1872 - Dec. 51, 1879.
Carbon copies of four official letters from the marshal to his deputies
and other parties. Indexed. (Never.) 9§ x 12 vol., lé·in., on enclos-
ed steel shelf. Dannged by water, ink faded, practically illegible.
Basement. (21)
5. U. S. b;RSHLL'S HJMORLEDUK LOOKS, 1875 - 1875. Record of amounts'
advanced to deputy marshals and prid to witnesses and jurors, Indexed.
» (Never.) Variously sized vols. (5), 2 in., in pastebocrd box on enclos-
ed steel shelf. Damaged by rodents. Basement. (42)
6. CCHPENSLTION BOOKS OF U. S. HQRSHQL, Hay 9, 1878 - Dec. 5, 1881.
Shows name of marshal or deputy, term of court, defendant, place offense
was committed, charges, date of warrant or other process, where and when
returnable; place designated for service, and itemized account of fees and
expenses incident to arrest and transportation; vols. labeled A_- M.
Entered alphabetically. (Never.) 12 x 16 vols. (5), 1 ft. 5 in., on
enclosed steel shelf. Basement. (105)
Post Office and Courthouse, 9th and Church Streets
7. 1Z3SH;L’S Fei BKOK, Sept. 1, 1896 - Har. 24, 1915. Shows
style of suit, date, amount received, division, and district. (Seldom,
official.) 8 x 15 vol., Q in., on enclosed steel shelf. R. 212. (154)
8. MLRSH;L‘S FEE ;ND ELPEESE BOOK, July 10, 1899 - July 7, 1930.
Shows style ef case, amount collected and paid to clerk, and date.
(Seldom, official.) 11% x 16 vol., 1 in., on enclosed steel roller
Shclfn R•     V

 Assistant United States Attorney, Norfolk 4
Post Office and Courthouse, Granby Street
This office was established about 1791. The Assistant Attorney has
A no fixed policy for discarding papers. Ho does not, however, retain
V useless papers. The original ease papers are filed in the office of
the District Clerk at Norfolk. During the hurricane of August 22-23,
1933, some inactive records stored in the basement of the old Post
( Office and Courthouse building were destroyed by the flood tide, The
number lost could not be ascertained.
9. ENDED ADMIRALTY CASES, July 1, 1918 to date. Correspondence,
libels, processes, marsha1's returns, claims, stipulations, answers,
testimony and exhibits for libellants, testimony and exhibits for
respondents, testimony and exhibits in rebuttal, opinions, and decrees.
Arranged alphabetically. (Never.) 9t·x ll folders, 14 ft., in 8
drawers of wooden and steel filing cases. R. 307, (955)
10. ENDED CRIMINAL CASES, NORFOLK, July 1, 1920 to date. Copies
of transcripts from the U. S. commissioner, indictments or information,
capinsos, testimony, exhibits, depositions, affidavits, judgments,
sentences, and final commitments. Arranged numerically. (Never.)
10 x 15 folders, 33 ft., in 17 drawers of wooden and stool filing
cases. R. 307. (959)
ll. ENDED CRIMINAL CASES FOR RICHMOND, July 1, 1922 - June 30,
1933. Correspondence; transcripts from the U, S. commissioner,
indictments or information, capiases, testimony, exhibits, depositions,
affidavits, judgments, sentences, and final commitments. Arranged nu-
merically. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 10 ft., in 4 drawers of wooden
filing case. R. 307, (956)
July 1, 1922 to date. Correspondence, declarations, processes, marshal's
returns, pleas or demurrers, joining of issue, impaneling of jury,
verdicts, judgments, and bills of exceptions in common law eases; and
A correspondence, bills of complaint, processes, morsha1's returns,
l answers, replioations, testimony and exhibits for complainants, testi-
mony and exhibits for defendants, testimony and exhibits in rebuttal,
opinions, and decrees in equity cases. Arranged alphabetically.
(Never.) 9% x 11 folders, 10 ft., in 6 drawers of wooden filing cases.
Dirty. R. 307. (954)
13. CRIMINAL CASES, July 1, 1927 - June 30, 1931. Correspondence,
copies of transcripts from the U. S. commissioner, indictments or

 United States Marshal, Norfolk 5
information, capiasos, testimony, exhibits, depositions, affidavits,
judgments, sentences, and final commitments. Arranged alphabetically.
(Never.) 9% x ll folders, 10 ft., in 5 steel transfer cases. Dirty.
. R. 19. (953) ·
14. CIVIL CASES, July 1, 1927 - Juno 30, 1932. Correspondence,
declarations, processes, marsha1's returns, pleas or domurrers, joining
of issue, impaneling of jury, verdicts, judgments, and bills of excep-
tions in common law cases; and correspondence, bills of complaint,
processes, marshal's returns, answers, replications, testimony and
exhibits for complainants, testimony and exhibits for defendants,
testimony and exhibits in rebuttal, opinions, and decrees in equity
cases. nrrrnged alphabetically. (Never.) 9% x ll folders, 6 ft., in
4 stool transfer cases. Dirty. R. 19. (952)
1933. Correspondence, transcripts_f;eE"the-U. S. commissioner, indict-
ments or information, capiasos, testimony, exhibits, depositions,
affidavits, judgments, sentences, and final commitments. Arranged nu-
merically. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft. 6 in., in 2 drawers of
swiss suing cass. R. sev. (ess)
date. Correspondence, transcripts from the U. S. commissioner, indict-
ments or information, capiases, testimony, exhibits, depositions,
affidavits, judgments, sentences, and final commitments. Arranged nu-
merically. (Never.) 10 x 15 folders, 2 ft., in drawer of wooden filing
case. R. 307. (957)
17. ENDED CIVIL CASES, July 1, 1933 to date. Correspondence,
declarations, processes, marsha1's returns, pleas or demurrers, joining
of issue, impaneling of jury, verdicts, judgments, and bills of excep-
tion in common lar cases; and correspondence, bills of complaint,
. processes, marshal's returns, answers, replicatiens, testimony and
exhibits for complainants, testimony and exhibits for defendants,
testimony and exhibits in rebuttal, opinions, and decrees in equity
Cases. Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, cfficial,) 10 x 15
folders, 8 ft., in 5 drawers_of steel and wooden filing cases. R. 307.
Pest Office and Courthouse, Granby Street
This office was established about 1791. There are no useless yapers.
Appropriations of United States funds for the Marshal'e office are made
prior to each fiscal year. The originals of the marshal's and deputy
marshal's accounts are sent to Washington at the end of each quarter. `
A Register of U. S. Prisoners in County Jails, July 12, 1898 - Lpril 4,
1929, is filed in the office. On September 8, 1928 a card system for
registering U. S. prisoners in county jails was instituted in the office.

 United States Marshal, Norfolk 6
J The card system overlaps the Register by several months, and antedates
, also Department of Justice Circulars 2029 and 2058, of April 27 and
May 28, 1929 respectively, providing that the card system should become
effective throughout the country on June 1, 1929. Although no policy
exists in this office for making the cards a permanent record, no cards
have been destroyed. For ready reference, however, the information shown
on the individual card is recorded with the corresponding case in the U
criminal docket. Thus the information recorded on the cards automatically
becomes a permanent record, since the criminal dockets are preserved.
18. EXECUTION BOOK, Har. 10, 1886 · Sept. 28, 1891. Record of foes
and costs in cases, showin; style of case, auction fees, advertising costs,
marshal's fees, towing bills, costs of oil, witness fees, license fees,
and other items of expense in admiralty cases; the title on the book is
incorrect, as it is an account book. (Seldom, official.) 12 x 16 vol.,
2 in., on floor. R. 1. (629)
19. CIVIL, ADKIRALTY, AND CRIMINAL CASES, Nov. 1, 1892 - July 1, 1896.
Record of marsha1's fees for executing warrants, summoning jury, and servl
ing other kinds of processes in civil, admiralty, and criminal cases and
for expenses for transportation, meals, and lodging; also newspaper clip-
pings, pasted in, showing published notices of public auction sales of
boats, barges, tackles, apparel, and furniture. (Seldom, official.)
8 x 12% vols. (2), l in., on floor. R. 1. (624)
20. U. S. FUNDS DISDURSED, Aug. 7, 1895 - Dec. 51, 1925. Record
of disbursements, salaries of court employees, fees and expenses of
marshal, foes of jurors and witnesses, costs for support of prisoners,
pay of bailiff, miscellaneous expenses, and total expended for each item
during the fiscal year. (Seldom, official.) 16 x 17 vols. (8), 1 ft.
4 in., on floor. R. 1. (652)
21. CASH BOOKS, July 16, 1896 — June 24, 1929. Shows docket number,
number of case, date, person paying fine or fee, amount paid to marshal,
disbursements of these funds by the clerk, and deposits in national banks.
Entered chronologically. (Seldom, official.) 15 x 18 vols. (2) in., on
floor. R. 1. (614)
22. FEE AND EXPENSE RECORD, Sept. 21, 1896 — June 18, 1905. Shows
docket number, period service was rendered, style of case, amount of
fees, amount of expenses, and name of marshal performing service. Entered
alphabetically by name of marshal, and chronologically. (Seldom, official.)
16 x 17 vol., 5 in., on floor. R. 1. (650) ‘
25. LIBEL NOTICES AND CASH BOOK, June 21, 1897 — Mar. 50, 1902.
Itemizcd statements of fees paid to the clerk in admiralty cases, and
I printed newspaper notices of libel citing names of persons to appear
· before court to show cause why certain boats, tackle, furniture, and
apparel seized under libel should not be sold and showing proctors for
libellents. (Seldom, official.) 10 x 14 vol., 1 in., on floor. R. 1.
I (948)

 United States Marshal, Norfolk 7
Q 24. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, May 5, 1898 - Oct. l, 1924. Show writ
ri issued, nature of offense, person to be served, date of execution,
  person designated for service, amount of fee earned, amount received,
· and amount paid in service of process. Indexed. (Seldom, official.)
. 16 x l7 vols. (22), 5 ft. 3 in., on floor. R. 1. (949)
1929. Shows name of prisoner, offense charged, U. S. commissioner,
_ U. S. mnrnhal, date committed to jail, date discharged, and sentence '
ef court. Indexed. (Seldom, officiel.) l2§·x 16 und°lli 2 l4%.V¤lS.
(4), 6 iu., 011 rigor. R. 1. (615)
26. NAMES OF WITNESSES, Feb. 25, 19lO - Sept. 30, 1911. Show
names and addresses cf witnesses and ameuntn paid each witness quarterly.
(Seldom, efficinl.) lO x 14 vol., l in., 0m floor. R. l. (628)
27. JURY LISTS, Mar. 17, 1910 - Sept. BO, 1911. Show DQMGS and
edereeses of jurors and amounts paid each juror quarterly. (Seldom,
efficiml.) lO x 14 vel., 1 in., on floor. R. l. (631)
28. CIVIL DOCKETS, Jen. 6, l9l2 — Apr. 15, 1925. Record ef writs
issued, showing kind of action, person te be served, date of execution,
person serving, method cf service, amount of fee earned, amount received,
and amount paid fer serving the process. Indexed. (Seldom, efficiql.)
16 x 17 vals. (13), 2 ft. 8 in., en floor. R. l. (698)
COURT, July 16, 1918 - June 16, 1921. Dated receipts from marshal —nd
deputies te special agents fer whiskey seized, shoving defendant and
quantity of liquor seized. Indexed. (Seldom, efficial.) lO x 12 vols.
(2), 2 rt., cn mow. R. 1. (623)
30. CRIMINAL DOCKET FILE, Jug. 25, 1925 te date. Typewritten
data en each criminal, showing ence number, personal description, and
brief recerd cf person from time of arrest to date of commitment te
i prison. Arranged numerically. (Frequently, official.) 10 x l2 fold-
_ ers, l ft. 4 in., in drarer ef steel filing case. R. 349. (645)
Bl. LEDGERS, July Bl, 1927 tc date. Itemized expense accounts ef
marshals end deputies fer salaries, showing amount spent fer travel,
beard, lodging, telephone bills, and incidental expenses incurred in
trnnsnctiug official business. Indexed. (Frequently, official.) `
15 x 17 vols. (2), 4 in., in open steel filing case. R. 349. (625)
32. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, %ept. 30, 1927 tc ent;. Shcwe meme ef
defendant, case number, personal deacriptien, prior convictions, date
V of present conviction, and prisem term. Indexed. (Frequently, ” '
official.) 15 x 17 vols. (19), 2 ft. 9 in., on 8 cpem steel shelves.
: R. 249. (asv)
33. JAIL CARDS, INACTIVE, Sept. 9, 1928 tc date. Show name ef
criminal, case number, personal description, ind brief record cf person
— from time ef arrest te date cf cemmitment te prisen; the data is trans-

 ,· United States Attorney, Richmond » 8
ferred to the criminal docket. Filed alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) 3 x 5 cards, 4 ft. 4 in., in 6 drawers of wooden card cabinets.
R. 249. (627)
34. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, Jan. l, 1932 to date. With various
Government officials. Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently, official.)
lO x l2 folders, 3 ft. 3 in., in 2 drawers of steel filing case and on
floor. R. 349. (950)
V .35. MARSHAL'S AND DEPUTIES' REPORTS, Har. 3l, 1936 to date. Type-
written expense accounts of marshal and deputies, showing amounts spent
1 for telephone bills, hotel, meals, and other expenses incident to official
work. (Daily, official.) 8 x 14 bundles, l ft. 3 in., in drawer of steel
riiing Case. R. 249. (cis)
(not surveyed)
1 Post Office, lOth and Main Streets
T. Section 35 of the Judiciary Act of September 24, 1789, states that
3 "There shall be appointed in each district a meet person learned in the
Q law to act as attorney for the United States in such district . . . .
p whose duty it shall be to prosecute in such district all delinquents for
j crime and offences cognizablc under the authority of the United States,
p and all civil actions in which the United States shall be concerned,
Q except before the supreme court in the district in which that court shall
be holden." The name and date of the earliest United States Attorney at
·, Richmond is unknown. The Attorney has no fixed policy for discarding
( papers. He does not, however, retain useless papers. The original case
U] papers are filed in the Deputy Clerk'e office at Richmond; additional
ig copies of case papers are filed in the District Clerk's office at Norfolk.
` No papers prior to 1867 have been found.
A 36. CONFISCATION DOCKET BOOK, June 15 - Sept. l, 1865. Shows
p copies of writs to the marshal to seize designated property after due
Q and proper notice has been published