xt7v154drj9n https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154drj9n/data/mets.xml  United States Housing Authority 1940 v.: ill.; 29-40 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Library Program libraries and the Federal Information Preservation Network. Call Number FW 3.7: 1/43 journals English Washington, D.C.: Federal Works Agency, U.S. Housing Authority: For sale by the Supt. of Docs., U.S. G.P.O. Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Works Progress Administration Housing Publications United States Housing Authority -- Periodicals Public housing -- United States -- Periodicals Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing June 4, 1940 text Public Housing: Weekly News from American Communities Abolishing Slums and Building Low-Rent Housing June 4, 1940 1940 2019 true xt7v154drj9n section xt7v154drj9n V ." ,
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E Federal Works Agency - John M. Carmody, Administrator Vol. 1, No. 43 - June 4, 1940 U. 8. Housing Authority - Nathan Straus, Administrator

o o o

Slums cost You Money; NAHO Management D1V1Slon Holds

E “The Housing Authority estimates . . .

i- that the Birmingham slums, housing 25 lst Annual Meetln 1n Plttshur h
percent of our people, cost the city in 1 g g
year: $175,000 for law enforcement; On May 13 and 14, the Management tive spirit between buildings, and recogni-
$20,000 for PHbiiC health; $114,000 for Division of the National Association of tion of good results by public notice in the

2 fire department service; $430,000 for Housing Officials held its First Annual tenant newspaper were found to be helpful.
SCh001S; and abOUt $366,000 ‘for other Meeting in Pittsburgh. The 2—day session, Mr. Artis has a 4—Step procedure:
thmgb- _The slum areas bring about attended by almost 209 managers and (1) Frequent spot checks of stair wells
$317,000 in taxes, which subtracted from others interested in the management field, are made, and notices are left under the

‘ the gross slum cost of $1,103,000 leaves preceded the Eighth Annual Meeting of doors of tenants who have failed to assume
a total net loss of $786,000 a year from NAHO. their responsibilities.
slum areas.”—Bzrmmgham Age—Herald. Tenant and Management Maintenance (2) If these notices do not get results,
_—__+_ Responsibilities the management calls upon cooperative
leited Dividend Housing Bill In opening the discussion it was pointed neighbfors to get the noncooperative tenants
- _ out that in an a artment ro'ect tenant 000“ orm.
Slgned by GOVBI'HOI Lehman maintenance can efIfect a savigg Jof approxi— (3) If hOth these methods fail, the man—
New York’s Governor Lehman recently mately $2 per unit per month, This saving agement calls the tenant to the office and
signed bills permitting domestic insurance ShOUId be reflected in reduced SUbSidY- goes over in detail their mutual TESPOHSi‘
companies and banks to invest in the stock MT- Meade (Manager, Old Harbor Vil- bilities under the lease agreement.
and debentures of limited dividend housing lage, Boston) reported that in his project (4) If all the foregoing steps fail, the
companies organized under the New York tenant maintenance had been so successful tenant is given notice to vacate. It should
. State Housing Law. that the management had not furnished be said that this step has been necessary in
The new legislation is designed chiefly to janitor service on stair wells for more than the case of only one family.
stimulate the construction of homes for fam- a year. Mr. Thorne (Manager, Langston Terrace,
ilies Whose incomes are above the eligibility Mr. Artis (Manager, Lockefield Gardens, Washington, D. C.) reported that the resi-
limit for public housing and below the pres- Indianapolis) said that successful tenant dents’ council is used as the medium for
ent market range of private enterprise. maintenance of stair wells and laundry space achieving satisfactory tenant maintenance.
A significant aspect of the legislation is has been achieved through a well-organized Tenants in this project are HOW doing their
2 the endorsement of housing company bonds tenant association and its cooperation with own interior painting, With paint, equipment,
as safe investments. management. Development of a competi— and instruction furnished by the manage-
' ”3””:Iir77/1'VY73, t./-',"‘,r/.~ , ~«,,,,mr~,,, ww, ,, ,7, fl , , ment'
1» 2 a, if; fix, From the discussion and the remarks
, ' ,y ' , /;4%%§:?45” ,v‘ which followed, the followmg prmCiples,
. - 444%,g’t‘ E3} representing majority opinion, developed:
' 2’Ifhéc244g : i (1) Tenant maintenance should be
Mrfri/ E E ’4 planned for in the early stages of project
" i ’» “4 development.
, «44:3: 4 tefltffis (2) It is best achieved by developing a
, y: » ~ ' :4”; fl 1 , « , spirit of cooperation, a sense of responsi—
.122? i 2 . .. - Mi “4' ‘2, seem/c billity, and a competitive spirit—not by
11...: -- -' s ‘ - .53; . ' "1 ' . ' D0 wmg-
tigfi’wi i . ‘, in t i’ifl'4~ , ‘ ,4: 3: it???» achieves lower rents through lowered op-
,géffmfiyg F I! 2 ll 8 E n v‘. . y it 3: , 1;: f. 5 . crating-costs. and extends the .hou'smg pro:
’ 2iwfig$fif ; n '5 . I. 3 :1 4‘: 2 ' a, f . gram, smce it permits Wider distribution oi:
* .q- i 5.» ~,- M f g ._ = :h; subSIdy funds
it‘ll?! . ~ We“ ,4- “ «e I ’ . ' (4) Most important of all, it is necessary
“LT—2.» ~W¢%§r""-r=«e.. ' " .3; ~ to plan for tenant maintenance from the
‘ " ‘t’v.:fl‘:‘r, is,“ ' , ‘ ‘ outset 1n the development of new prOJects.
:fiLQfN‘LEéM‘W ”in“. , “(a I, To this end,‘the accumulated experience of'
2 .. . Ilfijfwgggg‘gwgw‘agyéGx‘ ‘ . w» managers of operating pro Jects should be
. .1 . .2 . We“; my ., r x” .2» . drawn upon.
. j; ,7 “02.7" V' i. f»: - W i ",5, i’“? ,’ 2 M. .1: . . “we”... ‘33 ‘2 T . Management Training
2 ’ an” . ”‘* , ,th’: 3:“ ~\-.~\1 Dr. Hovde (Administrator, Pittsburgh
. LT; ’ ‘ w ' 1 WW; .. 'm 77"." ‘ ., ', ‘ i ‘ .. housing authority) in opening the discus-
This is Holly Courts, San Francisco housing authority project scheduled to Sion’ Clted natwe ablhty as the firs‘t requi-
, . -.. Site of a good manager. This requirement,
. open early in June. The first USHA-aided develo )Inent x fitthe Rockies if properly developed, is probably more im-
to be occupied, Holly Courts is madenup ogfi Wfii ent homes. ‘ (Continued on next page) i
E 1
Y _ 2:2 . , :7”. .,, . .....—'.~.,.

 ortant than actual experience. He stressed 0
Ehe importance of careful selection of man- NAHO Round Tables DISCUSS Many
agement personnel and the basing of such
selection on merit and ability alone. These T f P hl’ H ' P bl
two job specifications for a manager are ypeS O u IC 0118ng 1'0 ems
outstanding: (1) Breadth of viewpoint, as
evidenced by an interest in and understand— A series of round—table discussions were through a central office and a master card
ing of public affairs. (2) A knowledge of held on the second day of NAHO’s recent system set up. . .
a community and its resources—a knowl— Eighth Annual Meeting in Pittsburgh. Mr. Gimre of Nashville emphasized the
edge not necessarily related to the par— Conference members attended the meetings necessity of a local authority’s developing a
ticular city in which the housing program which interested them most, and an official policy on housing and city planning, work—
is located, but rather an ability to properly reporter was appointed in order that the ing in cooperation with a city plan com-
integrate the project into its surrounding round tables might all be summarized before mission.
community. the Meeting closed. These reports have David Ki'ooth, Assistant General Counsel
Mr. Ridley, Director of the International been condensed to form the basis for the of USHA, described both the short—term and
Cityh C11VIanfagers’ Association, outliniedt 3 present article. the long—tiernlidfinfargiSnIgApf the llOllSlclllg‘ prod
met 0 o iii-service training, con uc e . _ gram ant to o . activities irecte
through correspondence courses, which is The Frontier Of Local AUthOl'lty toward reducing interest rates and encour—
successf'ully operated in the city manage- Administration aging the investment of private capital.
menit (pigfession.I‘liap'erstlare reviewed and Elizabeth. Wood, Reporter iI‘heset effogts (ilavft bein ma(dle) ti; malice tltie
gra e y spec1a IS s in ie various piases ong- erm on s a rac 1ve: ma uri y
of city management in various parts of the Dr. B. J. Hovde of Pittsburgh suggested schedule has been devised so that annual
country, with the Chicago office of the Asso- that, in fostering decentralization of the contributions will cover annual debt service;
ciation acting as clearinghouse. public housing program, the USHA should: (2) annual contributions have been made
Mr. Goldfeld (Manage r, Lavanburg 1. Employ generalists rather than special— payable directly to the paying agent of the
Homes, N. Y.) reported for the Committee ists as field men. purchaser; (3) at the time the bonds are
on Training of the Management Division. 2. Develop cost indices and cost limitations issued, the USHA issues a guarantee that
Guided by the returns from a questionnaire as standards so that control may be exer— all obligations of the local authority have
circulated to housing officials and educators, cised through auditors rather than techni— been met; (4) provision for a reserve ac—
the Committee has plannedacomprehensive cians. count for Series A bonds is made; (5)
program comprising both management in- 3. Assign to its field men the authority or USHA reexamines the annual contributions
stitutes and apprenticeship training. Such power to make final decisions. contract at the end of the first 10 years, and
training will emphasize the development of 4. Reduce paper work requirements. periodically thereafter.
an apprenticeship system as a continuing Other speakers advocated that the USHA _ .
means of training top management per- abandon some of its architectural standard— Training Housers
sonnel and would involve the establishment ization in favor of local variations resulting William H. Cary, J73, Reporter
of apprenticeship training centers at vari- from climatic conditions or local architec— It was reco nized b members of the
ous projects about the country. tural styles. . fl . group that siigse manyy members of local
“Manawers’ Grub 1311"” latliifihdse’i1 it:lisageggl'gislgggillilagt 'Of pubhc 16— authorities are appointed because Of their
F K b 1 Local authorities assist in the formation outstanding ablhty as CIVIC leaders rather
The second day of the management con— ' . . , . . than because of their knowledge of public
. ' . , . of a Citizens committee, which would sup— .
ference was given over to informal 5—minute j _ fi ‘ housmg, they cannot be expected to possess . .
talks on various managerial problems and pelt a sound piogiam 01 oppose an unsound a technical acquaintance with the subject.
their solutions. gileComprehensive local housing programs In the ensuing discussion the following sug-
Mr. RafTetV (Manager Laurel Homes, . gestions weie made. (1) That board mem-
Cincinnati) described the, use of visiting be developed to remove the focus Of interest bers be encouraged to come to staff meet—
housekeepers furnished through WPA to from the subSiClized program. Such a pro— ings (2) that inspection trips to other cities
assist in the, instruction of tenants whose gram should stimulate the erection Of IOW' prov’e hel>ful (‘3)that executive directors '
h _ . cost dwellings by private enterprise, aim to 11 . ’ ' . ‘ | V. ;
ousekeeping standards are low. control the physical growth of a city bring should fuinish boaid membeis “1th facts
' . . . ‘ .. , . ~ . . . . ‘ . . .
c1MSZMM‘eéeégibligeétfafflgiiégifia3: about methods of. proceured .for Mt 2311lfiiibafiliéflifiifii?i-t§°l’3:)“ilift$53.23 ‘
ra ment under which a )rivate a 'ency repair, and demolition Of “nuisance” build- members should be encoura ed to allocate ‘
haligeconducted a demonsti‘ation nugrserv ings, and effect a reexamination Of obsolete the functions of the authoritgy so that each
SCMOOI' . gméfii‘lflfeoiisercised in using such terms as member may specialize in one fiEId’ (5) that ]
alt-.1332; (Magi?fill'acii‘iiiglimifi’ “low-cost housing? “slum cream” and 23:23 fieTiiiliuiii’f $333118 $33763? fill
dent’s ap t' ph' ' th r t’ n f “rehabilitation,” since confusion as to their authoritv (6) that board members sho ld
pprenuceus 11.) 1M ‘e. prep: a .10 0 exact meanings has often caused trouble. _ ‘ ‘ 2’ . .. ‘ . u . ,
a survey on the Relationship OI nent Pay- . . _. _ . be uiged to attend national and reglonal
t t Ad 7 f In ome ” 4' Cities Clanfy the tax exemption phase 0f meetin 's (7) that NAHO should )rovide a 6
men S 0. equacy ,Os Hc] ' V'll At the program by publicizing the present tax “b ‘dg ’ b _ , 1,, 1 .
MM C21“ (Stanley ' O mes 1 agg’l‘l _ burden of the slums. (623 TM"? :15 mgmuia h d‘ . 1
lantic City) describid the proggan; WdlC lh‘lle Mr. Allen of Hartford, Conn, reported on . ie'i‘hpiinhs ma cf" uiing 1t e isgusswn i
has pursued 1“ lma mg neig or 100 c 1— that city’s coordination of building inspec— glint? t' a It) :16 ls :fiquint y.no a ignite
dren f1 lends of tie piOJect. tion activities. The building, fire, and is inc ion e ween e unctions 0 tie _
Mr. Thorne (Manager, Langston Terrace, . boaid and those of the executive and ad—
W l' t D C) d crib d a uni ue health departments were found to be duPh‘ ministrative taff" that ther h " e I‘ttl
as Mug on, ' .' es e f q . cating work, and there was no clearance of ‘ . . sf h, e as .0 en 1. e
method of developing a sense 0 responsi- inspection records. A coordinating agency iecognition 1o t e fact that public housing -
billty in the prOJect children by posting inl realigned the “objects of inspection,” and a is a spec1a ized field, and that there are
the trash baskets slogans Wiitten by tie new report form was drawn up which could too few competent teachers in the field of —
children. _ P ’d . M be checked to indicate if a follow-up inspec— hous1ng. . . _ . . . 11:
agM' (:SSESJE‘Mc‘iné-Simigil-SnOe‘féé‘g c183? “on were necessary Cards were cleared agiisthfi Misguifliiiiéiifl‘flgt 31323352122301 1
! 7 ’
land) described a method developed in x for at least two or three more management fi
Cleveland to eliminate the use of master bor Village, Boston) described an experiment training institutes besides the one conducted _
keys in a housing project. A group of tern- in a rent insurance plan which was operated by New York University. The importance
porary cylinders, all keyed alike, are used for a time by tenants of Old Harbor Village. of field work was stressed. d
for vacant suites, and a complete set of Mr. Moscoso (Executive Secretary, Ponce, The use of staff meetings for in—service . . c:
duplicate door keys in sealed envelopes are P. R., Housing Authority) discussed some training was advocated. In relation to
kept in the boiler plant for emergency use. of the problems peculiar to the Puerto Rican general housing education, it was announced '
Mr. Meade (Housing Manager, Old Har— program. that the American Youth Commission is

 seeking to introduce more material on hous- able to give as many architects as possible with great care—a man or woman who will
ing into the public schools. the opportunity to obtain training and expe— be accepted by the largest possible number
rience in the housing .field, since most of our of people in the community.
Authority Problems and Procedure in citles are ”1.1“in of JUSlJ such men to aSSISt The program must take into account both
Small Communities “1 Clty rebuilding 311d replanning. . those interested in obtaining information
, g It appeared that all the reporting au— and those who are skeptical on the subject
(”WWW My/klrmd, R82104"t97' thorities retain clerks at the site during of public housing. The generally accepted
. . The problems discussed fell naturally into construction, him the authorities differ media available are newspapers, publica-
four groups: Wldely 1“ the amount 0f SUP91 V'ISIOD 01 111- tions, speeches, demonstration units, organ-
1. What is the most effective manner in Shim??? delegageélh 13: tfihe glifihlfieffi: 191?: ”(Pd slum tours, mov1es, and adVISOI'y 00m-
which a small community can get a pro- :peta “R1913: (bd a ‘ ell: 1 0 11110? fer— mittees. _, _ .
gram initiated? All small communities fee sta‘ 81 ,he. 1 S welt? e_ wasla _ 5d 1.‘ d ibome authoiities have used advisory com-
seem to be faced with the problem of arous— unc 01y, Vi eileas. ano (.31 spea (€113 gise rmttees t0 gieat advantage, particularly at
ing an effective public opinion in the interest that the entiie _inspection 15 Cdnle on “he time Of tenant selection. Such commit-
‘. . . _ _ . . through the architect s Ofl‘Ice. tees often include representatives of the
of the housing piogiam. SuppOit by c1v1c . . p . . . .
organizations was held desirable. . The architects present asseited that noth— Building Commiss1oner, the Vv'elfal-e De—
2. How can equivalent elimination be accom— ing can replace competent and consc1entious partment, the I-lealth Department, IHduStl'y,
- ‘ ., - - ., _ superViSion of a building operation by the and the professwns.
phSth' In small Cltles’ the personal ele architect who drew the lans and wrote the ‘
ment enters the picture far more than it S) cifications 1) Th? importance 0f newspaper contacts,
does in a larger city, for the public officials 1e ' “(lie ththlhg 01; newspaper lfleztlses’timd the
are a it to be nei hbors and friend“ of a rel— - . - r - a Van ages 0 DEI'SOIIa 0011 ac 5 W1 1 news-
ativelly larger segment of a commdnity. It Budding Ragilgbi?-I:gfii\elghhorhOOd paper reporters were discussed. .
is, therefore, extremely difiicult to effect , l n ‘Te‘nant 59195510“ offers the greatest FOSSI-
the exercise of police power in a small city_ Sidney Schulman, Reporter gillities for effective publilicf relationst work.
3. What are some of the problems connected - h‘ . t' 1 , , _ . e DETSODDG respons1 e 01‘. (man se ec—
with tenant selection that are peculiar to niaciggecdussofflgtwts :15 iound db e “€18 sum tllonhtherefore, ShOUId be tl'alned in public
small communities? It is desirable to estab— 1. The need for clarification of terini- 19133510115 W011i-
lish income limits as near as possible to the nolo . , , .
statutory limit in order to give the PTO-190’; agilecognition that repair and rehabilita— Current Argtieiguril atnd T901111“ al
necessary stability. All existing eity or— tion form an important element in the e PH?“ 5
ganizations and facilities should be util— entire housing picture. Charles D. Loomzs, Reporter
lzed m “11am. 861%]??? 32d .111 plannifiig for 3. A serious housing shortage (with dis— Mr. Ralph Walker, of New York City, in
tenant actiVities._ 1039c s ”ha sma com— astrous consequences for the low-income 11 . “Th A‘t f A- h' .
munit must be inte 'rated With the entire - - - - 1 S papei on e 1 0 1° itectuie and
y 't . t veg 'reater extent than $101.11)) might 1'65111t1f a 1'619311‘ and reliabil- the Design of Housing,” defined architec—
c01nnliuniy ’to an e n g itation program were undertaken Without ture as building for “human use and for
in llNliutget Cley-of or anization and erson— regard for the supply of low-rent dwellings. human Satisfaction.” Stating that “engi—
'1 i ab 531:1) suited ‘50 small coniimijnities" 4- Neither public hOI' private financial neering economy is not necessarily human
Isle 11s :31 om act staffs with some officers agenCies are at present equipped '50 aSSist economy,” Mr. Walker pleaded for housing
ma . an e errla) in functions are essen— 11} a rehabilitation program Wthh can pro— standards based on livability, standards
. . ngilmlgiigin); thd pdegelopment period an Ylde an adequate SUPPIY 0f low-rent dWEH‘ that respect both the “physical and mental
‘ . . . ’ . 7 ings. ‘ . . . comfort” of the tenant. He condemned
m. Unless ss so of
s ‘ , , . , minimum sani ary. an . we ing am i ies, projects.
iohnltdnth’ ltenlglaiiirlilccedlehlii’ :hdfgcfiiei: some formof subSidy Will be needed. Ex- Mr. Philip Nelbach, of New Haven,
DI“? anth 95311 seement eriod the staff perience with rehabilitation is still so lim— Conn., reported on studies in optimum
uiilgg est a fag;1 housih mana '61" an ited that it is. doubtful whether, in View of orientation, day lighting, artificial lighting,
mig t cton(Si ho (is also an afcountangt) ’and legal disabilities, subs1dy FOUId be P110V1ded and heating. He criticized present practice
assi: an. Wmana €ng aids— )I-efei'abl a under present publichousmg legislation. regarding sound transmission. Fluorescent
a? 0us1n§ , tgn n ma Iis also disir— 6. Finally, rehabilitation and repair can— tube lighting, although still far from prac—
“Elma“- main e a Ge h not be treated as an isolated program, but tical development, may soon offer a real
a e. 311““ imlrdat'eiifo Erogeléhmty fllahhlhg, to solution of lighting problems in projects,
. , e \Vio e neig or 00 , e w o e commu— Mr. Nelbach believes.
Local Authority Problems Centered in nity. Mr. Vermilya of FHA spoke on the “Ef-
Technical Personnel and Procedure . . . feet of Building Codes on Technical Pro '-
P g
ublic Relations for Housmg . ,, . . .
Wm. A. Good, Reporter A h ‘. . less. Of some 1,800 building codes now in
1 1 , . “t 0‘ lties force in this country, 27 percent are over
i 7 It was generaily acknOWiedged that 1t 15 Kenneth A. Parmelee, Reporter 15 years old, and 10 percent are now going
essential to retain local architects for hous— . . through more 01. less complete revision.
ing programs, and that the employment of The public relations program of a local
associations of architects is preferable to housing authority should, Wherever possible, S h d l f B'd O . D —1—'
the employment of individuals. It is desir— be the responsibility of one person, chosen 0 e u e 0 l pening ales
——_—————E Local authority and project ( Number of Dale of bid
Weekly construCllon Report Hum 111 units openingm¥
Wech ended \V'cek ended Percentage BllOXi (MlSSr5—3)____,", 102 7 4,40
I ,. i , - . . . n . .
tern J Ma) 24, 1940 Ma; 14,1040 ' cliiingi, Fall RIVCI‘ (hiaSSrfFZ)- 222 (5712740
Number of projects under construction 1.c-_____._.,.. 210 209 +0.48 fizlrl‘zitgfinggge‘tirai; ”3'33 “718740
Number of dwellings under construction Loom“... 80,966 80,882 +0.10 6A1.) ‘ . ‘ ' ' 48 672;}40
Total estimated over-all cost 2 of new housing______ $359,053,000 $358,756,000 +0.08 Martiugh-did:(firm-WEZ"
Average over-all cost 2 of new housing per unit_____. $4,435 $4,436 ~0.02 (F2) “ 4‘s ' ' 52 67277le
Average net construction cost 3 per unitumfimfic... $2,772 $2,773 —0.04 § “,‘ ' "
A an Antonio (10x.—
1 Includes projects which have been completed. . , ~ . . 6A4) _..,..__........__..__.J 230 (#20240
ZIncludcs: (a) Building the house, including.r structural costs and plumbing, heating, and electrical installation: (I1)
dwelling equipment, arcliitecis’ fees, local administrative expenses, financial charges during construction, and contingency ex
expenses; (c) land for present development; ((1) nondwclling facilities. ‘ ~ 1 [here 15 usually 21 30-day I’L‘rlo‘l DCIWCCII bid uchrllsmg
3 The cost of building the house, including structural, plumbing, heating, and electrical costs. and bid opening,
Publication is approved by the Director, Bureau of the Budget, as requiredby. rule 42 of the Joint Committee on Printing. ' .
For sale by the Superintendent of Documents. Washington, D. C. Subscription price 31 domestic, foreign $1.80 per year. Single copies. 5 cents.
Material for PUBLIC HOUSING should be addressed to Informational Service Division. U. S. Housing Authority. Washington. D. C. .

 ‘ » l- i l , l 5 :‘ ..“ i , is“ i t. "it
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, ’ ~ _ , ““7 seat” ' Ww 3% ' t i. ~“t~w, “’1
' e _ ”We" Wife MW 222% i
W ., , “figfi ”55%? 21%”? 1
Keeping the Project Clean C l . E F I Mothers Watching Spray-Pool Play
There are Two Prize Compe- , 7‘ A First prize, a second prize,
titions, as fOllOWS= ' and 10 honorable mention prizes
A First prize, a second prize, , will be awarded for. the best
and 10 honorable mention prizes . ' . -' pictures of children in wading
will be :warded tor the f best , : pools or spray pools with mothers
pictures 5 owing tenants pet orm- . , - - -
ing some act to maintain the F0 r a II Sitting by 'watching them.-
neatness or improve the appear— , , Such pictures should illustrate
ance of the grounds. Preference ' ’ , , the healthful and attractive nature
Will be given to pictures showing _ of this type of play, and the
some activtty in connection With ‘ , y , , ' I, , , des'r b'l't f t
the use of the waste receptacles, ' ,' y j end" S ,, w 3,, I a I I y o arrangemen s
such as picking up litter and de- , ', , r ' I whereby "10th“ may 5UP€rV|5€
positing it in waste receptacles. , ., /, : ,r 7 : , _ , j r, , the fun. .
'0 Keep the Home Grounds Clean Eligibility: Size and Number of Photographs:
and Attractive . . . To Make the Best Alltenants of USHA-aided projects There is no limitation on number of
Use of Recreation Facilities are Chglbl? No'Management employ- photographs that may be submitted.
- - - ees or their families may partiCipate. _ _ .
Standard “pOSitive” prints of any
People naturally take an interest in Subiect oi Photographs: Size Will be accepted. Neither negatives
the attractiveness of their home sur- nor enlargements should be submitted.
_. ,_,, s . .. . Photographs must be restricted to —
roundings. .lhus, iamilies who live in the followinr sub'ectS‘
public housing projects will try to make ( > g J ' Method of Submission:
the surroundings as attractive as possi— 1 Children playing in wading or .
ble and will want to make the best use spray pools, with mothers sitting about prztég?;a:;1gefhogegr:§iis56:31 3:331; '
ofo or niti r i for recreation. an t 'n ' . '
pp tu es p 0v ded dtiwatChl g them, . . to Washington. All photographs must
To promote interest in these vital (2)"I"enar_1ts picking up litter or be in the manager’s hands not later
matters, Mr. Nathan Straus, Adminis- depositing litter in receptacles, or per- than August 1, 1940.
trator of the USHA, is offering prizes forming other serVices intended to keep
totaling $200 for the best pictures taken the IJFOJECt well-maintained and free Judges-
by tenants in USHA-aided projects from rubbish. ' . '
this summer. John M. Carmody, Administrator,
. . . ¥ Federal Works A enc ;
It should be emphaSized that artistic P R I Z E s g y
excellence of photographs is secondary. Roy EffStryker, Chief of Historical
The Pm“? purpose 13 to obtain the 2 First Prizes - - $50 Total $100 Section, Division of Information,
best. poss1ble pictures showrng how 2 Second Prizes _ $25 Total $ 50 Farm Security Administration;
mothers and children make use of 20 Oh P' $2 50 T l $ 50 .
wading pools or spray, pools and how l er "I“ ' ' ota Coleman Woodbury, Director of the
tenants are c00peratmg In keeping the GRAND TOTAL _ , 5200 National Association of Housing
project neat. a Officials. -