xt7v154drm9r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v154drm9r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1981-03-10 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1981 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 10, 1981 1981 1981-03-10 2020 true xt7v154drm9r section xt7v154drm9r U SE t t t tablish t l (1 11 t A

By JOHN GRIFFIN Herbert Drennon, acting dean of the However. President ()tis some contain about 100 students At did not know how much money was not high SChOOIS were preparing 1'

Staff Writer College of Communications. Drennon Singletary appointed a committee to present. there are twr'lo full~time facul- avaylkable at preslent hir thetgisitior: students adepuatlely to fldjfliidtrhe "d '_ .
said funds for the itions were examine the structure and or aniza- ty members teac ing — one a ’ e proposa wi go fore t e quiremen so co ege.an a esse -

The University Senate voted to re- “authorized a couplepgf years ago. tion of the College of Comigumca. visiting professor -~ and four part Board of Trustees today for action at the question of offering remedial ' ,
establish the telecommunications We have the necessary funding tions, and {role the money until the time professionals from the come the Ehp m.:‘xt’('ulll\'t‘ nieeeténg b0] h copasesatstatelcollegjeisr. , _ y
de rtment in the Colle e of Com- substantiall to o ahead with our committee‘s re rt was released last munity. " c senate a so wt to a is e repor a so a eases oppor- ‘
mifnaications yesterday aftgerthedean chairman sgarchigiext year." he said. Spring. Gov. Jolt); y Brown‘s budget “We‘yebeen finding it increasingly the honors ctxiemthet‘ollege of Denr tunities offered in college to gifted ., . . *
assured members that there is “It (the money needed) won't be cut last summer continued the difficult — especially in the produc- tistrycwhich its dean said was too students . ..
money available for faculty posi- hugebyany means." freeze. tionclasses."hesaid.“In upper level “laborious"tokwpmextstence The second subcommittee to .' ’V
“ODS. According to Drennon, the Board of "Long before the crunch, the courses. class size is overwhelming " The group discussed reports on the vestigated the relationship between I. . .

Some faculty members initially op- Trustees established funds for four University allocated funds for the The salaries for each of the two nature of thestatc‘s higher education the number of students attending col- ,, .1
posed the plan, saying there is not poSitions two years ago, one of those department," Singletary said. new professors will probably be written by thrw senate Vsubcommit- legi‘S and faculty stilettos .. >1 r .‘
enough money to finance the new a chairmanship. At the time. the “These funds are still intact though_ about $16,000 to $17.000 each year. he lt‘h’b'htrmt‘d by tht‘ ('Uum‘ll {Or Higher The third sumommltlfi’ dealt W‘lh ; 1', .
department, chairman and faculty board said it recognized that the we haven'tspentthem." said. adding that it is impossible to Learning of Kentucky low faculty morale. and the increas . .
positions. money was not adequate for that Drennon said telecommunication estimate the cost of filling the chair. The first sutx'onimittee‘s report mg problemof fewer faculty position x .

Countering these charges was number 0f positions, Drennon said. classes are so overcrowded that man's position Drennon said he also dealt with the question of whether or Openings . ' .4 ' y:

r ' '.

Vol, LXXXIII, N0.120 _ l nitersity of lwntucky 1.- f. 5-?

Tuesday, March 10' '98] \ an Independent student newspaper l.t‘\ington. kcnlut'k) I“: .2 .
_ .— if};
BOOt ’CII] OUt ' . I!- I!- v I'- '3' '5' "’

ii in . m ,. ,. . ‘ A»

Threat of academtc saspenszon i "‘ V... . . - 7 "'
° - :' . I! e -- Iz- _ I!- ‘I' . .
hangs over those lax In studies . . ,. ... . - - _ .. ., .
Y } ‘~ ‘\ ? -‘f .I

. \\ ; ‘ A v... v .0 v ' v ' " “-

ByJAMES sown HARRIS point deficit. ~ , g 1. W gt ’ ‘ ‘ _ .
Staff Writer If the deficit is more than five s" ‘ -:- ‘ ..... f” 1
points. “the dean may place him on 1’ J, ’= f . _ ' v v . V V ' ~'

The words “academic suspension" scholastic probation. If he has ”5‘ '" V _ ., é Q _ u - ' ' .' ,-
struck home for more than 300 demonstrated that he cannot or will ' ,. . i' I i V». ‘ z ' 5
students in UK‘s three largest 001- not do satisfactory work, he shall be .. ' ‘ ' L ‘— ..
leges last semester. while a larger subject to academic suspension from ' , an ' e e T T i Z ’ I if
number of students were placed on the University, but the dean may ’ \_. .. . W ,> . ' .
scholastic probation. place the student on scholastic proba- ‘ . - ' ’ -.:

Curtis E. Harvey, acting associate tion if the individual case justifies \ ' (V .3 I '
dean of the College of Business & it."the publication says~ " . - .-
Economics said that “television, par- Additional rules place students on I M” ' . .. .WN “—3" ._ :
tying and Other activities" are probation who have GPA‘s 'of less WW a. " .__.l . _ .. .. ~- , ‘.
reasons for students‘ poor academic than 2.0 after 90 hours of work. or ‘ ’ , - . . . " . ‘. ' ' .
performance. who have accumulated a quality v.5,\§; -‘ k ,. .

Raymond Cox, associate dean of point deflcitof five or more. f " . _ _ _ ;.-'.' -
the College Of Arts 3‘ Sciences was A student may be suspended if he I By BEN VAN HOOK/Kernel Staff .1 ‘ ..
more critical, citing 10W ACT scores, ac uires an additional deficit of five .1 -' . 4
poor writing and parental pressure orqmore quality points while on pro- Footnotes 7
35 causes for failure. bation. if he has a cumulative deficit :4.

“Some Studenis just can‘t read, 0f 15 or more quality points while on English professor Don Burkholder kicks up his feet at the Ml King Library. llc “us taking a break from making up an exam. 1. .7, ',
write or organize material well scholastic probation or if he spends ' ..-' -
enough." he said. “And some want a three consecutive semesters on pro- __.____ _. _..._____.___.__________.______..——m~————————— "I;
degree, but are unwilling to put in the bation. . ‘ ~
time t0g€t it" Suspension also brings an enforced follow the rules," said Lyle Back. that it is their own fault. ‘ Harvey were dropped litim A&S last (’d‘UthOha'Channels WIthOUt “199““ 7

The rules for dismissal and proba- absence of at least one semester plus assistant dean of student records in said. adding that he thinks probation semester. ”“55”“ .. 0f parents or a dill} VI _ f -.
tion are outlined in the Student COde asummer session. the College of Engineering. However. causes students to try harder to suc— Inflormihg Pilmlh‘ 0‘ academic :Udmts‘ I Ctijfidai; art'tdox)‘: 'j’ 5 . .
OfRightS and ReSPOHSibilmesI The deans said they react to he said he ives students the chance ceed prob ems is up to the student. - “WE ’mu 0" I’P‘" 5‘ 41v” I"

“If a student has a quality point suspension in a liberal manner. tosee“the§rror of their ways," ”You sort of get better in time." F” 59W” “fl” ”‘9 “”11”." the bill. referred "0 a‘ the “Buckley .
deficit at the end of his first full usually requiring that a student “You hope that someone can catch Cox said. "Students who get through Educational Rights and Privacy Act Amendment. was WSWd- , «
semester, the dean shall warn him fulfill at least two of the above rules. fire and pull out of their academic their {reshrnan year are usually of 1974 has prohibited imtitutions An adult student‘s pawn“ an) per .
that he is making unsatisfactory pro- “We are on the generous side."Cox doldrums.“ said Jack Delap, A&S aware of what it. takes to stay iii ““0"“ ”‘0 h‘gh ““001 1“""I from "mutating; to h]; file unit with hH ~‘
$85531”? publication says. said. “I follow the guidelines (in the associate dean of student records. school," ' “"1111th 10 anyone the status 0f it written consent L ‘ I .7

Quality points are computed by rules) as clasely as possible, but Dismissalrates run higherinthe spr- 'l‘hestudents dismissed are usually “mm" “““dvm'c ”WW1 ““hm” A i ’»
multiplying the number 0f C1355 there is a degree of subjectivity to ing because students do not take ad- freshmen and sophomores. the deans tliestudent's “Tm“n ix‘rmmw‘ ”All" "Ntlulmh “Outing it the I:
hours attempted by the grade pomt it." vantage of their second chance. he said. There are juniors and seniors. "Schools and colleges are pro 18W ' (‘Uuld lose all financial aid from .15
average. A student With 1955 than a “Dismissal means that the Univer- said. however. who are also dismissed hlilllt‘ti from giving information 1h? ['5 government" the article ."f
“C"average is said ‘0 haveaquality sity is insisting that the student “Students in most cases realize But (‘ox said fewer than 10 seniors =from New to anyone outside offiCial said. I 51’“

O 2:” '

SCB ares field of a licants from 67 to 19 ~
- NCAA student tickets
e e 0 .'.:. : '- .-,
By LESLIE MICHELSON hon-returning SCB members) were meeting for applicants to learn immediately. but “sooner or later [0 be dlstrlbuted [Onlght fit” f
Staff Writer in charge 0f deciding. One faculty ad- specific details about the SCB most people return if they were real— . n, :5, ‘
viser Presided over the meetings, but groups. ly interested in the first place.“ she '5' -.

‘ Now that the new Student Center was not actually involved in the Filer said the main factors the said. One reason why applicants are Student tickets for the NCAA ing 50”“;th l1) and Mum}- card f‘ .."'
Board has been selected, 19 people selectionsaccording to SCB Contem- selection committee is looking for turned down is lack of experience. Tournament preliminary round. to can participatein the lobby Lottery ' -,‘ ;
will be given the power to decide porary Affairs Chairman Mary Stan are“experience.willingnessto work. Fizer said. he played March 15 in Tuscaloosa. stubs will be issued beginning at 5 "i
what concerts, speakers. moweS. Fizer. .. . ripeness to new ideas. dedication. and Even though some of the rejected Ala. will be distributed by lottery pm. Students must be present after L" pf"
trips. artists and speCial events w1ll Since there were 61 applicants the fleXibility of schedule. a licants may not agree Director tonight at o p m in the Great Hall of recemng the stubs unh] (, p m '. ‘ I _,
bearranged next year. decision was difficult. Fizer said the Although certain character traits oimStudent Activities John Herbs! the Studentf‘enter mm)” winner‘ 1 . ‘ 3.: -

. .- - - . . . ~ . . ~ - _ s max oiirthnse . , -

For such responSIble posmons applicants had to first fill out an ap- are deSIred, Fizer said no particular said the selection prom)“ H mm l k s opponent will be the winner two tickets which WI“ t . gr I l . t .- y .
there needs to be a responsible plication and sign up for an inter. “types"ofpeople are preferred. “We letel fair " ‘ of the University of Alabama. Birm- {rich and m q t ) 3"”?! d .71 ,3, ;
methodofselection. view. There was an orientation, then are looking for a variety of people p y ‘ ingham . Western Kentucky dish u. X pun “5” w“ ’_ I

Seven students (four of whom are interviews, and finally an open who like all kinds of different “There are three ways of getting a [Tniversity contest ‘ - ‘

- “an, . things,“ she said. “Everything from new Student Center Board: election. Athletics Director Cliff Hagan re» [f the Wildcats win on Sunday, a ii.

‘ ‘ . A applications to interViews is taken in- appomtment. and selection ‘We use quested and received additional second lottery for student tickets for l. ,
.. . .. . -» - ' to consideration because each case is selection to avoid a pOpularity our tickets for the l'mversity this year the NCAA MidEast Regional Tour- " ‘. .
special,“ Fizer explained. test and because we can get the most A total of“ 250 tickets will be available nament played on Friday. March 2o , ".

{ /—' ,, a» She said the people who do not qualified and interested students. for students ~ 25 going to the pep at Blmmington. Indiana. Wm hp

R‘e . make it usually 30m the committees he said, Herbst added that UK s band and 225 allocated for sale to held at 5 pm (in Tuesday. March 17 -
I,” M ‘ eventually. Some people get selection process is so successful students in the Ballroom 0f the Student ,
é, 9... y discouraged and do not come back other schools have adopted it. Any student with a validated spr~ Center '5 __ '_‘i-
It a“ . S k .t l . to r . l n t .
. A wor S] s preposa s in pa king p a ..
i. “ ‘ to be voted upon by Board of'l'rustees today
' :-".*.",~.. . ,
I ,. ’ '1’ 5‘ .5. By PEGGY BOECK issue tickets for cars illegally park regarding tickets ' ed a three-year implementation‘but ' . , “
5 h _ . I ‘ . I” Staff Writer ed. ./ 1000 additional parking spaces will compromisedon the two year period. ‘ . t
1. £ a; . ‘~' ,1 All people using campus parking be paved at the Stadium parking lot “We came off pretty well on that we
J ' . ‘ facilities will be issued parking SA proposed that these spaces he did get some ideas incorporated and .
‘ f I '4 , 5. At last night‘s Student Association stickers. Sturgeon said the senate paid for by the Athletic Association there were some compromises," ‘ j . .
t J i i meeting, SA President Brad was opposed to this proposal, The parking proposal‘suggests one- Sturgeon said? ' . .‘
3 ‘ i“ ! ff sturgeon announced SA‘s success in however, he felt it was essential. halfof the cast be paid by the Athletic In other action: Finance Director _

:5 y . . 2’ J _' ‘ ‘ ‘ . incorporating eight ofits 11 proposals .z A graduated fine system will be Association. with the other halfofthe Bobby Clark said that SA's hearing. ~ ‘ ‘

. into the parking plan which will be implemented. Students will have five money coming from parking sticker scheduled for yesterday. regarding . .

a: ,1 - I ‘ voted upon today by the Board Of working days to pay parking fines. revenue its suit against Gov John Y Brown , . ‘

* . . .. v ~- .3. _. Wteps The fine is being proposed at“. If the w The towing fee will be $20. SA sug was postponed. The suit was filed in ‘ ~
5“ ”I‘m very happy with the “suits." fine is not paid in five working days. gested a $10 tnwmg fee. The initial Franklin Circuit Court. _

"15" e OUiSiO‘z Sturgeon said. “It proves that the fine will be raised to $7. The cur— plan called for a s25tovnng fee . SA IS charging the governor With
sws_':_»__.~.___~‘___. _s.a. , ._.-_/. students will be listenedto when it rent fine is 35, .1 There will be transportation im- over-stepping the executive authori- - ~ ‘
NOt only is she the 30” woman 0“ Partly cloudy through tomorrow, comes tom—campm decisions." I An amnesty week will be held May provements. such as mini buses for ty given him by the comtitution by _ '
"’9chng “mnggfdtmflgp with highs today and wfinfidaygm Sturgeon saidtheSA's ideas which Hi, in which parking fines can be night serVice and improved bus making”; [ifiiflatfitg ldecisionC to ' .

la ers in na ion. y e the mid 405 to upper 40% w 0'“ in orporated into the rking paid for $3, shelters merge i i y u a cry om-
lliasyovercome the trauma of being intbeupperzosto low 305. gffpoén paare: .z The appeals process will be .1 The plan will be implemented over mission and the Energy Commission ‘
paralyzed from the waistdownto ex- .1 The University will employ six printed on parking tickets for two years. instead of the one~year intoa Public Service Commission.
eel in road racing 38 well. See story students for the tm1~82 school year to students with questions or objections period initially proposed. SA propos- Continued on page 5
onpege 4. ' 0 - ‘

l ' h . l

 I I -
e d Ito rl a I s & 1 ‘ sine \lassr) Scott Robinson ”I". Ash John (1-) far) Willis Tom Morn
. . \ Editor in Chief Editorial Editor \nne Charles Sports Editor Entertainment Editor Picture Editor
l Debbie McDaniel
T ! J3) Fons?“ Assoc lute Editors DIV“ (:0er
. CO m m e nts ‘I ' Managing Editor .. . \lext rout-Ii Chief Photographer
1 \icliil’oole
. l | Assistant Day Editor “0“ "all Stevelonlher . V Bum
. Jam Rudd John Little Donnie “IN Lisa Wallace June! Flynn
. - Ihr “him.“ An", “1“an all Mum-"d Uplllliilh I rlm‘ "m uptnltilh "mum he “pm "ID“ _ it Do» Editor :V'd'r‘Vrithtm Assistant Sports Editor Assutant Entertainment Editor StqflArtiuI
‘ mined and include n-Inc. "\ldfllir and wow ion-imimon miiuuinx t It It) tor ulndrnh Ind | Ii ‘ ‘ Seniiirtgujlj Writers
emplinrcs lellch should he limiird In :00 \‘Ilfd‘ Ind opinmns mi! u-mmmis to two moms ‘ I
. . , ., .,, H, 7., _, A m L g, . "mm. a- ,,A______.__ an”. ______b.__#____. ________.___—————————
f w‘ ~ -rw r '— v- ,
s / y A ~. a a“ 'JLfoE‘NV’V. :4, . -.
' ~ “ Io'uche’ W e i \ a
; '."i i '
. 2 O ‘3'; ‘ WATS WITH HIM .2 *7 L , :‘i
. l \
p - ~ Newspaper staff bemoans fact that hlndSlght \ » ‘ 7’15”” . - < "
. , a s g V I V, \\\
. is a much better safeguard than foresight "0 “ ' ‘
. - I .
. A V:;.V 0'. I '
- , Calling a newspaper racist or sexist is an depicting two students apparently in the pro- (0; D 7 ' / i
, x , ‘ittitck on the inherent journalistic principle cess. Although it was unintentional, the two .. 1 ,
. , -f objectivity. Such attacks should not be students appeared to be black. ""04 < h .in.
’ ‘ .icwed lightly. V , * "g 1,” “WV—h" k—m 1
.V 1 . V At the Kernel. they are not. Vie have admittedly erred. Q \_ 1
. , _ Yet we have been barraged by such at- But we hope that these errors are viewed «11L. - 4_____
_ " " , tacks recently. And these attacks are not as Vamateur mistakes and not as Kernel
. ,' V . , . -ihout foundation polchy. We arehfor the most part, amateurs
, j , .- . put mg out a aily newspaper for 23,000+ .w “35' t "’ W‘J 4
- 110‘)“ ‘1‘ the eVidence. students. And as such, we do occasionally ,‘x L. I KNOUQ HE'S 'Vl’fféifi- a h .
. . . , ‘ /1.ast semester, we referred to a female make mistakes. .‘ i ii‘ - r ' ‘ X“ _ '\
'. -, _ tK housing reSident as a coed. Such a term But regardless of these errors, our record ' w THE / ' ‘ ‘ \V " _, ‘
. VV 1. :lrcilillC and SOXISt. It ShOUld not have been indicates [hat we have supported the m0ve Rm STAFF ./ /
- , . '. USPd- for equal rights for women and have sup- KE . {K324 O.
. ' _ F b . . d th hl' H ported minorities intheir efforts to have bet- .‘_——_ ' 2 . Q
» - g ‘ 31h” 6. ruary. we ”be e catc .me So ter representation at UK as well as nation- ‘—"" «r J I
, . -. . what .’ With a picture of two black girls who wide V . . .. . l f') "
. . , were listening to their uncle —— University of ' . , , . '. ‘ \
.. ‘ 1' Texas professor George Wright — give a I“ the WWW: W9 WlVll strive to be more ~. .\ «M {a
. . . , Spftech on Black History Month. Although aware of senSitive subjects and treat them ‘V_‘:'.-,':" ‘ ~ % , ‘\
_ _ the girls looked tired, the sensitivity of the as SUCh; . \hu _' NM “\
. subject their uncle was addressing did not B)’ being more aware, we can give readers A '\ [‘2 OD
. 1 ‘ merit the use of suchacatchline. a more accurate representation of what is ‘ § . Q
. . . . gomg on. VA 0/ Qt] II. Join,
V . ‘ “Last week. we ran a story on cheating. It is unfortunate, however, that 20-20 hind- "" n “\ “"“‘ " q
- ' . ' lilClUdt’d 1“ the story was a graphic deSign sight is often the clearestkind of vision / 9) V‘ ‘ $~ .
, rm_.-__-_,.-.._-. _ . _ . A; 3
o' h 11 F kl"h
, 1 - . . tstraug t roommate fee S eft out after ran in s ouse bums
. , ‘ . V . . I opened the how to M h ~miling to look at me She wrinkled her face. was talking toa girlas I walked up. the garage. His friends collected “Franklin,“ heV yelled over the noisy
- . , . _ . .. . . ~ , -' , o" I m really all right. Dorian. he $5,200 in cash for him, the Japanese din, Im a builder and Im here to
, - I} standing there. holding a paper 15 th15 creep one 0‘ [hf firemen. . .. _. . . . ,
* ' “*‘C‘“a“~“ "mi“ ““59”” AS“ Xaif‘iii‘é‘f‘i “3‘1“ mifi-‘fil; 23:2: ii‘idii‘i ‘ffiétgfiihiiinfoiaiifinz I???“ 123;? a “we "‘3‘ s ””8
' ' '7 . . .. - . . Wednesd' ‘throu hSundav.”ls id 0“ ‘ "i“ ace ‘ ' ' or 935 1 -
‘ . . .iiiiiig :QTXSTWK awful. 5'“ Mld' guest The p.133“, ranggand l answeread it. alone. though.“ . with him in hourly shifts." V Everyone screamed and whooped
_ . . , ~ , h h >1 1.“. H m hm“ ' "Is Franklin there?" :1 mm. asked Bass Messy. with whom he had Messy looked at me. ”DontfeeVl so for Joy. Except for me. I looked over
. g (( e , ii ..
' I ~ _... \‘tillllg‘ l “W" Jib“! hu‘mm hp m a urgently moved in with after the tire. walked neglected. I brought you something, at MessVyV. Well, I guess atVleast [get
' .- ' - ’ ' . COIUmn ~- . . . ,0” in. “Hey Franklin] iist brought you too. He pulleda mound of material Franklinsroom now [said
. .V . . iither than that. though there s “h'hk 50' “h3- . J ' H ,, . H , ‘ h
. , M. ,N ~- "I heard his house burned." said some filet mignonV and chocolate out ofasaVck. Here, he said. Itsa MessyV stared at me. Are you
. ~ . 2 \hVV SthVd “ham ”Wth [thV the male mm. "I‘m his hhhm. pro- mousse in case you re hungry.“ he suit,andl mginmgVit toyou. crazy? I mtorching this place.
. i V’ .h I (';in;(- 1 brought these clothes lessor and I‘m calling to tell him not called. _ . _ . .1 IOOVIV‘VeVd at h‘m- A How do you know . .
_V ' V . _ .' I ranklin -~ Her face grew sad I turned to shut the door. but a girl to worry about the test. I m giving IPUhedV Messy asineV_V "1 m getting ‘t ”ht- .. . V Donations for Franklin's roommate
' .. ‘ - ‘ it. sorry, I didn't know he roomed quickly ran in "My God. Franklin. him an A forthe semester " a little tired "f ‘hIS- 1 531d ”My _“Hh5 m'.. be answered. ‘Its one can be 59'“ ‘0 My House Burned,
». .I ‘ " V tiZ another person “ how are you?" She grabbed him and I hung up. remembering that the apartment burned. ‘00 VBUt Franklin 5119 fits all. . T00; 9/0 Dave MaynarVd; Kernel
. . . I . He didn't.“ I answered bitterly kissed him. same prot’3ssor had just called to tell gets all the attention, \ou gave him Just then a large man wearing a Press, Inc.: 11.} Journalism Bldg;
» V ‘ '. .lvict m.. * ‘ llis smile faded ~'l think I'm all me he was changing my incomplete the spare room and made me sleep in hard hat burst into the room. (‘ampus 00123.
.. ' l swing the door wide as Franklin “th Nancy.” h“ 531d sadly, ”At toan E.
. 2' .- ‘. «inp bounding into the hall. “Aunt least. during the day. But I‘m just not I walked back into the living room
_ - V. V‘ V. _,_m,m._ whats happfihmgv- She sure I can face tonight alone." to discover hundreds of people mill— I
. ‘- . : “..V 2 m1 Franklin. who was standing. She hugged him "Don't worry. ing about All carried packages of
_ . ‘ .5: ‘ ‘aiiil wrapped in a towel baby. I'll stay with you " She turned clothes. food and money Franklin
' . . ; eliminatelibelous material. and ma) condense or reject contributions.
. ,‘n '\ V' i: . .
" "riflm picks ' ’ N ( Z'A A
'1' 5 devotion, it is not a permissible state objective under the
,‘ 5., . - . ._ . . , . Faux pas Establishment Clause.“
C -' -. I we worked the better part ”.1 the # and racquetball clubs Pay to pla , if
V. . " “St.“ICCK 0“ a reply to Dana Pico's i vou can. M ' L "m”. enduring your ”dUCkynfau" Pas 0f 135‘ week. and The Court went on to point out that it made no dif-
V -.VV . iil'lfik‘SS defense of capitalism, but I g- - i ' What starts on the playgrounds of your recurring Heaganite wisdom. I feel obligated to ference that the posted copies of the Ten Commandments
- 'V up now gnpped with basketball . 1 the ghetto has an uncannv wav of point out that in your March 5th edition. you neglected to were financed by voluntary private contributions. In
.1 . i '. i ._ ever. and for the next few weeks . - .Ms» ; becoming chic tothe elite Iz‘riim.'azy point out in which country the American Embassy was other words the United States Supreme Court indicated
1 V. ,' ' ‘~ " . ivory ioundball tan. and thus every ’Qmes V. i 1 to drugs to modern art money is] , t: fired upon inthe “World" section. While the United States that it does not matter how the school board receives the
. _ ‘ r" ,' ' I{entuckian will be as close to 3V" tracted h) the games ahd recreatiim does not have embassies in all the 150-plus countries in copy of the Ten Commandments. by gift or otherwise,
,-< :53}. V -. V haven as we (in earth can come. Griffin V at“ ‘ ofthelrickroads and‘illevs ' the world. I believe some better indication of perhaps the because it is the permanent posh-"g of the Command-
": {'9 '" “”1”“ ”5 CM“ ”‘3' ‘5' "‘5 “10“" ““ ’i - Alrc'idv ticket ‘ri 1i: 7 , h“”‘“"““”‘“ l“ "rd” ‘1“ "“5 “as" 1 can give yo” “in“ ments that violates the United States Constitution.
. ‘, ,. .‘ ‘.(‘ ll be. some will be still closer For 3 hibitive {0‘ man' {.81 (5 di‘ VVpro it happened somewhere in the Western hemisphere. .
I i " '. "-31" ' sample. when B‘M'h' goes up for the ‘ .. like ever 'one 'V {153 mvufl .16; Possibly your staff can arrange a pool and watch the. The above words Mid thoughts are "0t Steve Beshear‘s
.' " he} oop. or when Aguirre winds up i ‘ b' ‘k itb ”y . e 5‘. m Organ”. V newstonight l A they are those of the United States Supreme Court.
. ' . .‘«= . .-. windmill slanidunk » . . . , . dstVVt a . aerV loViViking to make a The Attorney General‘s Office was then asked by the
‘V'Ii' . ' -." 3h” “V” Plilwffs may doom pickup basketball. not the nature of ATuihrni(iic:i-:Ls;1;s Eggrgiéflgffhld' (-erald It. \h-hster Kentucky Superintendent of Public instruction what
'. 3. phwhht Reagan‘s economic plan the basketballmost peopleknow. It IS sanctioned seal ing' lar edonatiozhr? (it-tigraph) graduatesludenl should be done about copies of the Commandments ,
' . . -_‘:V man the start hm for tho“, who know with any bu ‘access to rIi')me seats 5 already pasteo in clVassroomVs.VBy statute, my office is to
.' , .- t"i[1,\'1d(-r the economic impact of degree of certainty that they will be 13%? (1659sz I‘ll Net h) th ‘t On the Court give such an adVisory Vopimon when requested. We
. , 'V w.» \(‘AA championships from free on the same day fora number of Shawn action this gear .g ht p9: therefore issued our adVisory opinion, based upon the
.‘ ‘.' -. V Inch 12 to March 30. almost three weeks in a row; it is a disappoint- numerous basketbali )olL e 6“ g Sincethelinited States Supremet‘ourt handed down its clear language quotedVabove, that the United States
VV .,..b..~. millions of dollars of idle ment to the average person. who I“ a gr“; wav t0F" ts'n '0] V d . decision concerning the posting of the Ten Command- Supreme Court is requiring the removal of those copies of
ii ,V V '. . ,V; , apoai will sit in bedroom drawers. rarel)‘ knows what is going to happen each and every at: ' ”Vm‘je Vh“ ments in Kentucky‘s public classrooms. much has been the Ten Commandments now posted on KCMUCK)’ SPUbIIC
," ‘V' V" ; mow-3 inthed in basketball Wits from oneweektothenext. basketball nov'ice has :8" 00d e “TM?“ and said about ll- There have been 091181" classroomwalls.
'V- , ' Vi ;’ ;~v.Vilassorted basketballwagers The good courts that are available chance of winning as the die-bar: misleading statements concerning the Supreme Court Contrary to some statements being made, the Attorney
'. '. ' V ”16‘ government 5 economic will likely be used for a fullcourt fan. Upsets are common in tourney (’(‘C‘Sl‘m and th“ ml“ O' the Attorney Generals Office 'h General‘s Office is not ordering anyone to do anything.
. V. ' . iHUN‘S Mr the PCFIOd ought ‘0 reflect game. depn vmg deservmg others play and knowing the favorite {g ”“5 math" ””1” hhmmeh‘s have ‘hh'chted an apparent This office has no authority to order a local school board
. . V' V V' tho- inflation in point spreads and the like a driver whose car uses up two mohl, of handicap thana help ‘ lack of understanding of the haSic prinCiples underlying to take this kind of action. Our opinions are advisory only
,. , . . _ V, rising cost in partiCipatmg an a parking places Let‘s put this in a capitalist light our constitutional forrn of government and the statutory and are meant to give guidance to local officials as to
,V g i - . inch-that! pool. both factors that m- Basketball is on the way to becom- According to Dana pm .h a‘ pmon‘ “"0 ”I the Attorney General 8 Office of Kentucky I want what the law is. If we had not advised local school boards
', - '. -. ,’ , "’“"“’U’ “m“ ”10 WOFKmR 900919 1" ing a spectator sport. a non—sport does not work atall then he has earn» to take this opportunity toexplain what has happened Md the way we did.we would not have been doingourjob.
' , . this country Productivity will plum. really, where performers are paid to ed hothin and d ‘erv . t th t ., why 1‘ has happened.
.' - ' . ‘ . met as millions gather around the entertain audiences with their Seen this a V b 8: this] Jusl. aV- In November. 1980. the United States Supreme Court As the son of a Baptist minister who was raised in a
~V V' V ,V -. tube to feed their basketball addic- wondcrous {page The mi,“ w,“ be communistaytoo‘ils (fesiangoi‘ 3” a declared unconstitutional a Kentucky statute requiring christian home, I understand and appreciatethesincere
‘ .' . j -' , iioii missing. however, and the sport will courage collective gum b0 ft? the posting of the Ten Commandments in public fee|ings of many Kentuckians that copiosofthe'l‘en Com-
. V ' Stati- high school playoffs iboys surely the What gives basketball masses ac ' y 9 classrooms of Kentucky. However, the court in itsVopinion mandments should be posted in the public classrooms.
. 3. , ,V and girls. 30 states i. NIT playoffs. such appeal is that the spectators are ‘Vlavbe that i wh I‘ it ted went far beyond a Slmpk‘ dISCUSSIOH 0f the statute tngues- However, under the Kentucky Constitution and the laws
" ' '. -. ' V .‘leA championships. Women‘s pr0- frequently participants. We are there to‘them' the ‘Sre y msVoab rac h h"” “9”: are m" exact words 0‘ the Uh'ted States Of this state, my jobas Attorney General is ‘0 tell people
i ‘ '. ti nional league championships. and with the players. dishing off the pass S stem ‘Youv‘i'lactu21l‘iayt 0 cath e Supremef ourt: What the law is — "0‘ what many people might like it to . '
. . the Women‘s college tourney tnot to to the open man on the give and go, far almost nothin )9: "50m: Lng . - be.
— mention countless other tourncys'i haubng down the rebound off the payoff g. K a ris ' lg ‘The preeminent purpose for .V’Sh'lg the Ten cm." . .
', , .‘I will all add to the crowded spring glasgV taking the ball to the hoop and Anvwa V in this V NCAA mandmentVs on schoolroom walls is plainly religious in There are only two ways to change a daemon of the
,‘ V schedule slamming it home, We know the tune, tourrie é; ick IkPaulyf:l: Sttl K nature. , . United States Supreme Court: 1) Wait for the member-
, V. It is a good thing there is a lot of we know the words, so we burn along. tucky {5;} [£9 Mideast 5 ti: th: {Veni .. . . _ . Sh'P 0‘ h‘e CW" “VJ change and hope that a new "1310““?
. , basketball to be watched. mam“, The song will not always remain four lSU to be t [:0 . 1:1: am; is notacase in which the Ten Commandments hasadifferent attitudeVonVan issue: 2) Anamendmentto
. V' . VV. im-H- .5 not go much to be played the same Unless facilities are ex- Midw t N th 8 Vf’wa VI" be 9 are integrated into the school curriculum. where the 81- theUmted States constitution.
j i . ‘ 1 his am, is sorely lacking in public pended m accomodate the weekend ore of Stag . sigma] (V) at ble may constitutionally beVused in an appropriate study V Asyou can imagine, this is not an easy opinion formeto
V , basketball facilities. The outdoor plaver. basketball will become the Vir gii' 1 VI" 95 ‘Nand of history, en'ilizVation. ethics. comparative religion, or issue. However, the United StatesVSupreme Court leftme
. ' (.ourt that is Open may be missing a opéra or ballet of the priviliged. Dagi ".3 1h: 5: t :‘V’ee'fiz on V9”? the like. . . . posting of religious texts on the wall serves no chOIce. Ididn't make the decismn, butonce made, my
, hoop and a net is a rare sight Indoor Ticket pm,“ will continue to go up. w‘ll V2)“ 't ll 5 . l 935‘ VINO? no such educational function. If the posted copies of the role ts VtoVadvise chhooolV boardsVsoas to keep them out of
' c nirts are almost always too crowd and cable will mean paying to watch I kei a . Ten ( ommandments are to have any effect atVall, it Will legal difficulties, including possmle lawsuits.
V i”). lmmhy with league play or mm, ‘1“th on television. Jam“ (‘riffin is .. V "h WM be t: induce the chhooIVchildren to read.V meditate upon. V
, otherorganned actm‘ty it would not be surprising to see "k ml ' ‘ “ VP“V ' 0'- per aps to venerate and obey. the commandments. Steven L. heshear
()rgamzation is not the nature of basketball clubs pop up like tennis - "m" appears 9V") “N'sday. However deSirable t