xt7v416t1s62 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v416t1s62/data/mets.xml California Survey of Federal Archives (U.S.) Historical Records Survey (U.S.) United States. Works Progress Administration. Division of Professional and Service Projects. National Archives (U.S.) 1940 iv, 109 l; 28 cm. UK holds archival copy for ASERL Collaborative Federal Depository Program libraries. Call Number FW 4.14:F 317/ser.15/no.5 books  English San Francisco, Calif.: the Survey This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws. California Works Progress Administration Publications United States. Department of the Justice -- Archives -- Catalogs Archives -- California -- Catalogs California -- History -- Sources -- Catalogs Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series V, Department of the Justice, no. 5, California, 1940 text Inventory of Federal Archives in the States. Series V, Department of the Justice, no. 5, California, 1940 1940 1940 2019 true xt7v416t1s62 section xt7v416t1s62 > “‘ I “‘ ‘
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j The Survey of Federal Archives .
3 Philip M. Hamer, National Director
a David H. Maynard, Regional Supervisor
, Cyril E. Paquin, State Director
J ,
Division of Professional and Service Projects
l‘ 7‘ . I o I
'; Florence Kerr, ASSistant Comm1351oner
“ June J. Owens, Regional Supervisor
' Hope L. Cahill, State Director
g F. C. Harrington, CommiSSioner
‘ j H. E. Smith, Regional Director
3 William R. Lawson, State Administrator
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 ‘ PRICE“ ACE i i i
. The Invontory of Fudcrul Archives in the St tee is one of the
_ p]? ofiuc t???" ’1—"37’7775*JITfi’iT—TJ'TWE":1 es, shin};
operated as L nation—wgflw firojoct of tho "orkA frog: :5 Airiniutra—
' tion from January 1, 1936 to Juno 30, 1937, onfl hos boon continu d
. in California since that flat: as a state projcot of that Administra—

Tho plio for the organization of the Invantorv is as follovs:
Sari s I consists of rrports on the rdninistrution of thr bHery,
acknowltdgwcats, anfl gonoral discussions of tho location, condi— ‘
tion, uni coxtunt of fodorul urchiv s in tho StfitLS. ducopading
SKTLLS cont i: tku iotoilcd infornwtiou atcurud by workors of the

” durvcy, in inventory form, a mwparoto Surias numb”? Emir. 353i nod
to each of tL: attentivt donurtnhhts ( Toupt tho vairtnmnt of
Btatu) -n& othsr major unitfi of tho Vqfiorol Govrrnndnt. Jithin
:uCh Sagiuo No. l is a ;anral introfiuotiOH to tht ficlfl organiza—
tion and records of thu govoronentel o qnay concornofl; tho fiUCCUSd~
ing _umhorfi contxin tho inventory prayer, Hupfilfltfl nunbgrs being
asnignod to each xtuto in xlphabetioml ord;r. Thus, in ouch
WLTiCS, the inventory for Alabama is Non fl, tout for Arizona No. 3,

' that for Arkansas Ho. 4, etc.

For tack local office informotion Togarfling ouch surius, or unit
of iolntgd rocorlu, is orcfluntod in tt; following orfitr: title,
inclusivt dfltod (”t0 flihfl" inflicutinfi on opqn filo at tLb ting the
information was upsurtd), {amoral description of inforflztional con—

‘ tont, dgsoription of the syntax of Pilinr or infioxifii (if vny), a
otxtcnont of frequency and purpose a? USw, forfi of ti» r corfi
itself (bomnfl volumoa, shoots in $011 rd, uto.), lifluflf footag.,
ioscription of tho cont in Ti, physicyl confiition 0? 1b? rcoords
(not RthtCfl if intisfmctory), locutior by Twon nunb;r or other
id ntifyinc inform tied, znfi finally, thy numbcr of tht Worm 593A
on *‘I‘Liifih this) information “ms ori;_:i1’1=xlijf : "Myron-:1 by :3; Eiuf'mjr
Vork,t one Pro? which it tux abstrait~i for th; IflVgfltOFj. This
{gym 13 on £11; in Thu Eationml ArchiVus. 'Lwn it contains suh~
mtintiil information 09 ;flflanfiu shrutv Thiflh but not b‘flh includ fl

. in thy mimooctaphwfl ihstraft, iniicztiou of this is :infl by use
at tho ta? inflow ”flog Hid Mia.”

In Ctli?5Tflit thu YD?” w? tho SUTTtY was unfivr tho diruction of
Ir. Uh T1 5 L. QtCYHTt,'fiu;iongl Dirqotor for Culifornin and chufla,
from ibc ifiocption nutil IUNL BC, 1937. From that ting until figp—
tumour 1, E937, *u‘ voTW W17 undo? tfir sup rvimion of ifs. Thelma
Sign r, Statw Uirwctwr of tho Histotioal Rocordo iurvoy. Sinog
thuw Tr. Triil E. Poltin has Dunn in ojmrg; of the Stfltq projcct.
Tnifi inTcntory 0‘ tbs r COrflS of tin Tspartu at of Iufitint in Cal-~

‘ ":Jt'm‘ni a {31‘s}? end in th .3691 .."’:~":".1_:i:,=t:o tV‘f‘t‘i’L; of the Surat-y $11-71
7a: ofiittd Hnflora Final typit“ If I“. A. R. Eonk
L ,

57? Kain St.

In 1923 or early 1974, this oftico was Oztfi Jilted in :1 Centre.
In l?33, it novefi from the old post affice to tLe grosewt enqresa.
The Ta?sh:l supervises the uporehonSion of violators of the feioral
statuton, mgkoa the arrest, and is rcspnnsihlo for the cuatofiy of
priscncrs awaitinr trial for thir appearalce in court. Old
records are sent to the clerk of tLo U. 3. District Court at Los
JUN-3611.653 ,. '

l. LRRKU?S 433 COJPISPOUUZ?CE, 1933 to date. Karrints which
have been went out to be cgrvod; correspondence. (Sqily, official.)
9% x 11} sheets, 2 ft., in 9 drawers in wooicn desk. (7)

Post Of?icc, 1001 Van floss ivc., and Tularo St.

The office of Deputy Zhrfhal, c subdivision of the Northern
Division of the Southern Di.trict a? C:ii?ornii, ”as establishefl
id Fresno in 1700. At that time the flistrict covyrisod two iiv-
isions, the Southern chi the Torthcru. The Torthern Division in—
Clurher‘i iijji'jo, 1:!1Tif.:0£3’2, Neuron-(1, I'-71x‘<’:.r‘:_:, Trawwo, Kings, Torn 2;:"3.
Tulirc Heunties. Throw}? LU Lot of Concrefic, in 192?, the South—
ern Uiotrict of Califotnic fins @ivid o into three Givisions. TOW—
ovcr, tho Tcrthert Divinion remained intact in no f3? as territory
.1“ s; c o 1'10. term; '3. .

This invncfi his Accv;iofl no offico ctko? than its fircsent

Th5 functions of tii: office are tho execution of the laws of
the Fuited Stitcs, tie collcction cnfl flisbursencnt of fund: as
ordered ty the Dopartuont of Just cc or the United States District
Courts, the :orvice of ill lawiul precepts “nfiur the authority of
the United Utwtos, making arrests without Uqrtunts for any 1"chloral
offousc, ago the transportation o? f deinl insonors to ani frow
the courts and Donal infititutionm.

Home of the records are sent to Tashin ton.

E .

 United States Attorney, Los Angeles 3

2. FIHEFRPRIHT I"DEX, 1910 to date. Shows docket number,
date of arrest, disoosition of case, signatures, and personal
and criminal histories of prisoner. (Daily, official.) 3 x 5
cards, 2 in., in card catinet. R. 6. (303)

3. MITWFSS DOCKETS, Nov. 1922 to date. Showing name and ad—
dress of witness, number of days, dates of service, fee per day,
total paid to Witness and name of deputy. (Frequently, official.)
7:1,- It 127% and 10 x 12 vols. 6 in., on shelf in vault. R. 6. (304)

4. GENERAL CORRESPONDENCE, 1935 to date. Between the offices
of U. S. lhrshel and Deputy U. S. Marshal, relative to various
activities concerning their respective offices, and correspondence
with interested individuals, attorneys, and various other offices
of the Government. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in., in
wooden filing case. R. 6. (301)

ing descriptions, photoernphs, fingerprints, color, race, nation—
ality, name, address, age, and height of suspect in question.
(Daily, official.) 8 X 8 cards, 4 in., in wooden filing case.

R. 6. (BOO)

6. CHINIWAL RECORDJ, Feb. 1935 to date. Correspondence and
investigations, showing name, fingerprint number, date of arrest,
charge and disposition; also correspondence from the Federal Bur—
eau of Investigation. (Daily, official.) 9 x 12 folders, 6 in.,
in wooden filing case. 2. 6. (302)

L03 AfliflLES
Federal Dld5., 201 North Iain St.

The office of the United States Attorney for the Southern Dis—
trict of California was established in Los Angeles in 1950. By an
Act of Congress, July 27, 1866, the district was abolished and
merged with the dorthern District of California, with headquarters
in Stn Francisco. On August 5, 1896, Congress recreated the
Southern District, Yith headquarters in Los Angeles. By another
.Act of Congress on Key 29, 1900, the Southern District was divided

. into the Worthcrn and southern Divisions. In 1929, Congress created
three divisions within the district: the Northern Division, com-
prising Inyo, Mnriposa, Merced, Madern, Fresno, Kings, Kern and
Tulmre counties; the Central Division, comprising Los Angelcs, Sen
Bcrnardino, Riverside, San Luis Obispo, Orange, Santa Darbara and
Venture counties; and the Southern Division, comprising San Diego
and Imperial counties.


 United States Attorney, Los Angeles 4

From September 28, 1850 to July 27, 1866 this agency occupied
offices in an unnamed building at the corner of Commercial and
Main St3.; from July 2, 1866 to August 4, 1866 it was not in ex—
istence; from August 5, 1886 to December 31, 1900 the offices
were in the U. S. Courthouse, Old Federal Building, corner of
North Broadway and First Street; from January 2, 1901 to Septem—
ber 23, 1910 in the Tajo Building at First and Broadway; and from
September 24, 1910 to date in its present quarters.

The primary function of this office is the handling of all civil
and criminal litigation involving the United States or its officers.
Another duty is the prosecution of persons charged with violations
of the various anti—tru t acts, the revenue acts, the Bankruptcy
Act, the National Bank Act, and other similar statutes. Legal ad—
vice and opinions, upon request, are given to federal officers in
the district.

None of the records are sent to Washington. All records prior
to August 5, 1986 are in the custody of the District Court Clerk

. at San Francisco. Part of these were destroyed in the fire and
earthquake in that city in April 1906.

Records subsequent to August 5, 1886 are intact, and in the
custody of this agency.

7. ARSTRACTS TO TITLES, June 3, 1846 — Sept. 18, 1929. Ab—
stract of title to portion of Plaza at San Pedro, showing origi-
nal grant of Governor Pic Pico of Mexico, and all subsequent
transfers, including issuance of United States patent and rela~
tive transactions; abstract of title to lands sought for U. S.
Naval drydock in San Diego Bay, with maps, plats, and all instru-
ments affecting title; and abstracts influencing the title to
tract on bay of San Diego, California as a site for Government
supply base and for landing purposes. See aidenda for description.
Indexed. (Occasionally, official.) 8% x 13 and 9 x 1} vols., 11
in., on steel shelf. R. 524, NE. vault. (2014, 2025, 2010)

8. EXHIBITS, 1880 _ 1936. Consisting of books, newspapers,
drawings, account books, pictures, correspondence, cancelled checks,
deeds, mortgages, accounting books, forms, statements, photostats
of letters, duos, personal effects such as shoes, bathrobes; note—
books, delivery orders, and telegrams, notes and legal papers com~
piled by the U. S. Attorney's office. Included are films used in
the Dempsey-Tunney case; accounting books and forms of United
Stétes vs. International Associated Bridges and Structural Iron
Workers‘of America; accounting books and forms relative to the
bankruptcy case of the fieplc Supply Company; miscellaneous rc—
cords relative to perjury patent interference case 63090; records
in case of Dcp‘rtnent of Justice vs. U. S. Foreign Securities Com—
puny, Jordan case, Cleveland Oil UBfipany, California Fruit Company,
Santa Fe Rebates, railroad strikes, Southern Pacific Railroad,
Civil Vorks Administration, and National Recovery Administration;
charts, sketches and blueprints used in case 869 M; accounting
books relative to Pacific Freight Service Company and Carlos 0.

 United States Attorney, Los Angelcs 5
Ramos; accounting books of the Pacific Commonwealth Corporation;
maps and photographs shoving location of various gambling ships
and the distance from Lee Lnaoles harbor, and photographs and cart-
ridges used relative to case 11688 - H CR; signals, sheets, towels,
and other evidence used in the W. F. Gettle case; and special re-
port of the business transacted in the Binnie Gray's Poultry House
case, Serial 1976 filed numerically; serial 1987, maps arranged
alphabetically and pictures arranged numerically. (Rarely, offi-
cial.) 10% x 1% film cans, variously sized vols., folders, envel—
opes, pockets, loose—leaf books, bundles, loose papers, letter
files, maps and rolls, 29 ft. 10% in., on steel and wooden shelves,
in wooden boxes, and in suitcase. Rs. 524, vault, NE. vault;
attic storeroom, 7th floor, center wing; 520, 550, attic, E. wing,
and 510, vault. (2026, 2050, 1976, 2027, 1999, 2050, 1984, 2055,
1971, 1941, 1997, 1933, 1947)

9. KISCELLANEOUS RECORDS, 1880 ~ 1920. Old letters, pictures,
copies of legal papers, reports by various Government agencies, and
grand jury indictments. (Never.) Variously sized bundles, 10 ft.
5 in., in wooden box. Damaged by careless handling, faulty con—
tainers, brittle, dirty, torn and scattered. Attic storeroon, 7th
floor, center wing. (2049)


- parties, cause of action, bail, sureties on bail bond, defendant's
attorney, witnesses, proceedings, and relative remarks. Indexed.
(Rarely, official.) 12 x 18 vol., 4 in., on steel shelf. R. 524,
MT. vault. (2007)

Sept. 1892. Showing name of defendant, equity, date filed, date
of demurrer, points rnd authorities, bills of exception, and date
of filing of final decree. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 12% x
13 vol., 2 in., on steel shelf. R. 524, NE. vault. (2009)

12. connssrounnnca, July 1797 — Ear. 1902. Correspondence and
telegrons between U. C. Attorney's office and various Government
departments in “ashington relative to official business. Filed

’ chronologically. (Rarely, official.) 11 X 12 vols., loose—leaf
books and binding cases, 9 ft. 5 in., on wooden shelves. Dirty.
R. 520, closet. (1977)

15. CIVIL CASES UNDER lhThFNAL REVENUE, Wov. 1987 — Mar. 1891.
Showing date of complaint, name of complainant, names of attorneys,
dates of hearings, and final disposition of case. Indexed. (Rare—
ly, official.) 12 x 17 vol., 2 in., on steel shelf. Dirty.

R. 524, NE. vault. (2001)

14. CRKND JURY INDICTNEWTS, 1993 — 1908. Copies of grand jury
indictments on merchandise contracts for selling liquor to Indians,
counterfeiting, prohibition violations, and various other crimes.

{ .

 ' United States Atternev, Los Angeles 6
Filed chronologicsllv. (Occasionally, official.) 10 x 14 vols.,
1 ft., on wooden rhelf. Dirty. R. 520, closet. (1978)

15. CLOJED CASEK, OTIVINXL 1ND CIVIL, 1894 — 1911. Trans—
cripts, stock records, bills, witness lists, cancelled checks,
agreements, bonds, ledfier shewto of various companies, statements,
work papers, legul documents, indictments, oil leases, maps, photo-
stets, telegrams, and correspondence relative to various civil and
criminal cases. (Occasionally, official.) 9 X 14 vols., fOldch
and bundles, 15 ft., on neodon shelf. Dirty. R. 520, closet.

16. DOCKET OF CEIWINAL ILJS, Jan. 1897 — Nov. 1911. Showing
attorneys, parties, xitnesses of the United States, and orders of
the court. Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 (2) and 53 x 17
(3) vols., 8 in., on steel shelf. Dirty. R. 524, NE. vault.

17. REGISTER OF COHPLLIWTS, Feb. 1897 - July 1927. Showing
menu of defendant, effinnt, offense, date of affidavit, when offense
fies conmittcd, viticsses, county, order of U. S. Attorney, date,
-nd reletivc rennrhs. Entered chronologically. Indexed. (Rare—
ly, official.) 11—3/4 x 16 vols., 1 ft. 8 in., on steel shelf.

R. 524, HE. vault. (7006)

13. ORAHD JURY iIdfmfi ROOKd, May 1901 — Nov. 1923. Reports
of each session of the Unit3d States grand jury for the Northern
end Southern Divi lens, ihovin; n;uc3 of judges and jurors, part—
ies, true hills, filIHMTSqT, roll 0 113, find all relative grand
jury matters. Inder d. (Occasionglly, official.) 9% x 14 vols.,
2 ft., on steel nhelf. H. 534, Hi. vault. (2011, 2012)

In? of the coast—line of the Pacific Ocean from San Francisco to
Ioint T lye, fixico, stating fathom soundinfis; large scale map of
Todor Qandos Pay, Lover O lifornia, Mexico; large scale maps of
the area from i n Dieqc to Point Firmin, Cilifornia. Each map
shows date of publication, map number, coast—line contour, shorls,
nershes, land topography, landmarks, populated areas, anchorage
soundings, channels, ,nd pencil markings with numbers. (Rarely,
official.) 2} x 26 1nd 34 x 48 rolled maps, 6 in., on shelf.
Dirty. Q. 51?. (1966)

20. EERSONAL RECORDS OF ROBERT T. HILL, 1905 — 1915. General
correspondence, drawings, mining assay, geologist's and engineer's
reports, photographs, newspaper clippings, loose—leaf books, and
telegrams. (Never.) Veriously sized vols., folders, envelopes,
pockets, cOVers,vleoee—lecf books and bundles, 4 ft. 7 in., in

" woooen box. Dirty, torn, scattered and bindings broken. Attic,
F. wing. (2057)
1 .

 '- United States Attorney, Los Angeles 7

21. CIVIL DOCKETR, July 1905 — Oct. 191?. Showing case number,
parties, action, date, and final disposition of cases in the South-
ern and Northern Divisions. Filed chronologically. Indexed.
(Rarely, official.) 11% x 16 vols., 4 in., on steel shelf. R. 524,
NE. vault. (2004, 2005)

INTERSTATE COETEBCE COJIESSION, 1904 — 1907. Correspondence, bills
of lading, freight bills, photostatic copies of letters, agreements,
and telegrams pertaining to violations of interstate commerce laws.
(Rarely, official.) 9 x 12 sheets, 4 in., in box. Dirty and
scattered. R. 520. (1981)

23. DEPARTlfiUT L COYDRZPODDEWCE, 1904 — 1924. To and from the
United States Attorney to various United States officials relative
to applications, appointments, recommendations, resignations, re—
quisitions, inquiries concerning homestead lands and mining claims,
fraudulent homestead entries, Mann Act investigations and apprehen—
sion of violators, impersonation of United States Army officer,
Sherman anti—trust law violations, German anti—war activities,
selling intoxicants to Indians, use of United States mail to de—
fraud, custom house seizures of undeclared effects, unlawful use
of facsimile of United States seal, post office inspectors' reports
and telegrams. Arranged alphabetically. (Never.) 10 X 12 folders
and bundles, 10 ft. 2 in., in 7 drawers of wooden filing cases.
Dirty. Attic storeroon, 7th floor, center wing. (2054)

24. FEDERAL CASES, IHACTIVE AUD ACTIVE, 1906 to date. Criminal,
civil, equity, and bankruptcy cases wherein the Government has a
claim or lien through federal loans, covering violations of Prohi—
bition Act, Harrison Narcotic Act, food and drug laws, Dyer Act,
Mann Act, mail fraud, robbery of national banks and federal prop—
erty, kidnapping, murder on high seas and on Government properties,
piracy, counterfeiting, tariff violations, bribery of federal offi-
cials, smuggling, violations of international treaties, forgery,
lottery, and other cases. Individual files contain summons, com—
plaints, demurrcrs, amendments, answers, bills of exception, court
orders, transcripts, bonds, subpoenas, petitions, writs, stipula—
tions, mandates, photostats, attachments, correspondence, exhibits,
and other legal documents. Filed numerically. Index. (Older re—
cords, rarely; current records, frequently, official.) 10 X 14
bundles and 9 X 15 envelopes, 549 ft. 10 in., in 147 drawers of
steel, in 205 drawers of wooden filing cases, and in wooden pack—
ing cases. Damaged by careless handling, faulty containers,

_ brittle, dirty, torn, scattered, bindings broken, and ink faded.
Attic storeroom, 7th floor, center Wing. (2047, 2054)

Accountants' work sheets and reports, cancelled checks, ledger and
journal books, correspondence, photostatic prints, newspapers and
clippings, photographs, copies of confessions, grand jury indict—

i .

 7% United States Attorney, Los Angcles 8

ments, and other miscellaneous evidence gathered by the Departnent
< of Justice in embezzlement, extortion, land fraud, national bank
closin a, conspiracy, and fraudulent stock manipulation cases.

' (Never.) variously sized vols., folders, envelopes, pockets, cov—
ers, loose—leaf books and bundles, 14 ft. 11 in., in 4 drawers of
wooden filing cases, on wooden shelves, in paper boxes, and on
floor. Damaged by careless handling, faulty containers, brittle,
dirty, torn, and scattered. R. 504, closet. (1927)

26. WITDESS DOCKETS, Mar. 1908 — Sept. 1928. Contain names
of witnesses, case numbers, and page number of case. Entered
alphabetically by name of witness. (Rarely, official.) 9-3/4 x

- 14 and 8% x 13 vols., 10 in., on steel shelf. Dirty. R. 524,

NE. vault. (2002)

27. INTERNAL REVERE? RECORDS, 1909 — 1926. Departmental letters
and interoffice communications relating to uncollectable taxes on
capital stock, sales, distilled spirits and income, with forms
showing name and amount. (devcr.) 8 X 10$ bundles, 3 ft. 3 in.,
in 2 drawers of wooden filing case. Dirty. Attic storeroom, 7th

. floor, center wing. (2053)

29. CONTRACT DOCRET, Oct. 1910 — Apr. 1919. Shows names of
attorneys, parties, cause of action, names of witnesses, date, and
proceedings held in equity cases. Indexed. (Daily, official.)

12 K 16 vols. (2), 4 in., on steel cabinet. Dirty. R. 524.

29. CRIMINAL DOCKETS, July.l, 1911 to date. Summary of all
cases handled by the U. S. Attorney's office, showing nature of
offense, names of witnesses, dates of grand jury indictments,
issuance of warrants, dates of arraignments, dates of trial, names
of defense and prosecuting attorneys, sentences, fines, and final
disposition of cases. From 1911 to 1928 this office used an index
pasted in the front of each volume, consisting of defendants'
names alphabetically arranged, shoving page number covering case;
since 1929, a card index filing system has been in operation, and
is located in hallway outside of door. This is arranged alphabet—
ically by defendants' names, showing case number as indicated in
the volumes of this serial; segregated by the ‘Horthern," "South—
ern," and the newly created "Central" divisions. Arranged alpha~

' betically. Indexed. (Daily, officiala) 11% X 16 and 10% x 11%
vols. (15), 9 ft. 6 in., in vault and on wooden shelves under
counter. R. 510. (1939)

30. SURVEYORS' PAP, July 1912. Original filings on land along
Tinemaha Creek, T 108, R 34E, H.D.M. Inyo County, California, and
surveyed by H. R. Brett, showing names of purchasers, acreage, and

-. date of sale of plots touching Tinemaha Creek. (Never.) 40 x 64

’ rolled nap, on floor. Damaged by careless handling, dirty.

n. 504, closet. (1928)
; fuel... a“


?§ United States Attorney, Los Angeles 9


: date. Brief condensed summary of all civil and equity cases, show~
ing cause of action, names of witnesses, dates of trials, decisions

’ rendered, amounts of money involved or awarded, court costs, names
of attorneys, and final disposition. During the period from l9ll
to 1928, this office used an index posted in the front of each vol~
une, consisting of defendants' names, alphabetically arranged,
showing page number covering case. Since 1929 a card index filing
system has been put into operation, and is located in hallway out—
side of door. This is arranged alphabetically by defendants'
names, showing case number as indicated in the volumes of this
serial; segregated by the “Northern," ‘Southern,” and the newly

' created "Central" divisions. Indexed. (Daily, official.) 11% X
16 (25) :‘nd 10-}; x 111,- (1.7) vols., 5 1%., on wooden shelves under
counter and on steel shelf. R. 510 and vault. (1937)

V 32. TRANSCRIPT OF TECTINONY, Aug. 25, 1913. Case of United
States vs. Wm. D. Crent and Irving J. Wooden, with correspondence,
relative—to fraudulent homestead entry. (Seldom, official.) 8%

x 13 envelopes and covers, 2 in., on steel shelf. R. 524, NE.

- vault. (1993)

l916 to date. Ordered hy the United States Attorney and staff be—
cause they involve points of law, decisions and reversals of perm—
anent interest to the United Ctates Attorney's office. See adden~
da for list of cases. Arranged alphabetically. (Frequently,
official.) Veriously sized vols., envelopes and bundles, 147 ft.,
on steel shelves. R. 554, closet. (1926)

34. ”OR? TIIQPS, l9l6 — l934. Tabulations, investigations,
reports, records, telegrams, transcripts, f lse financial state—
nents, photostat copies of bank accounts, bank deposit slips, bal—
ance sheets, statements showing book value of security corporations
relative to various irregularities in stock companies, withdrawals,
miscellaneous notes payable, personnel records, competitive and
non—competitive records, and statenonts of various uses of materials
on C“A projects. These records were compiled and used in the
following cases: Julian Petroleum Company, A. C. Vagy Conpany, Inc.,
“omen's National Publishinc Company, First National Bank of El

. Piso, Texas; Judsonia, Ark.,Chowchilla, California; National Bank
Trust Company, Pasadena, California; First National Bank, Terrence,
California; Chaplin‘s tar matter, Hitchcock Corporation, First Nat-
ional Bunk, Venice, California; Kirkpatrick Syndicate, Rhodes Oil
Company, Fred Foster & Co., Shales Hills Co., E d H Oil Co., Indus—
trial Oil Syndicatas, J. C. Rice Co., Belridge Oil Co., E. G. Lewis,
Cho Chills National Bulk, uctivities of 3. C. Le is, Jacob Berman

, and i. I. Rosenberg, Ronola, Inc., Mack Copper Co., Associated

». Poultrynen, Inc., Cash Finance Corporation, John R. Kantor & Co.,

' ZRecord Searching Title Co., Homer E. Chantry, Bank of America, Los
Angelcs; Smith & Crawford, 108th St. and Proadway, Los Angeles;


1% United States Attorney, Los Angeles 10
Johnson d Byrne, Bakersfield, California; Bert Brixom, Fresno,

' California; Irene Hwy Cochran, Security First National Bank, Din~
uba, and Raymond E. Searles, Belvedcre Gardens, Roy F. Couvors,
National Bank of Commerce, Italo Petroleum Corporation, and other
companies which have been investigated by the Government for vio—
lation of federal laws. Serial 2016 filed alphabetically by name
of company official. (Older records, never; current records, fre—
quently, official.) Variously sized bundles, covers and envelopes,
9 ft. 9 in., on steel shelves, in closed, and in wooden boxes. R.
524, NE. vault, and closet. (1992, 2015, 1998, 2019, 2023, 2021,
2022, 1970, a024, 2020, i968, 2016, 1967, i982, 1989)

- 35. CRAUD JURY DOCKETS, July 1916 ~ July 1926. Show docket
number, parties, witnesses for United States, remarks, and date.
Indexed. (Rarely, official.) 11 X 17 vol., 9 in., on steel shelf.
3. 594, NE. vault. (2008)

36. INTHJTIGATIOHS, Aug. 1916 — Kar. 1936. Reports, corres—
pondence and tabulations relative to various local individuals
under surveillance. (Daily, official.) 9 x 13 envelopes, 5 in.,
on steel shelf. R. 524, NE. vault. (2018)

record compiled by Captain D. F. Quinland for the Government in
Cafe No. 2539. Consists of orders of the Governor made during
military occupation, federal and California state laws relating to
lands ceded to the United Utates by the treaty of Guadalupe Fidel—

. go, extracts from regulations for the government of the Province
of California, by Don Philipe do Neva, Governor, signed and dated
in the Royal Presidio of San Carlos de Nontercy, June 1, 1779, and
approved by Vis Hajesty in a Royal Order dated Oct. 24, 1781; re—
port of Don Pedro de Albcrini, who had been ordered by the Govern—
or to make an examination of the country and report the most suit—
atle locations for the Villa of Branciforte, ordered to be estab—

lished by the Viceroy; and various reports, orders, decrees and
rules promulgated during that period. Bee addenda for further in—
formation. (Never.) 3% x 13 loose-leaf book, 1 in., in steel
filing case. Attic store room. (2046)

To and from U. S. Attorney, relating to various individuals who
were apprehended, interned, or released for violation of the Es—
pionage and Alien Enemy Acts; contains telegrams, orders, des—
criptions, correspondence, apolications for parole, photograph
and physical description of petitioner, letters and correspondence
relating to activities of enemy aliens, registration and list of

interned alien enemies, circular and newspaper clippings, and affi—
davits for search Warrants. Filed alphabetically. (Never.) 9 X

~ 15 bundles, 1 ft. 8 in., in 2 drawers of vooden filing case.

“ Attic storeroon, 7th floor, center wing. (2052)


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(fig United States Attorney, Los Angclcs 11


'“ 1933, Secret and confidential information pertaining to reports,
tabulations, surv-ys, newspep r clippi3,s, legal documents, in—

' " vast nations, conplaints, prosecutions, court procedure, and coop-

*- oration beth;n this office and the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion in apprehending and DTCAHCUtinfl criminals and violators of

' foflerpl laws. Arranfied alphabetically by signer‘s name on document.
(Occasionally, official.) 8% X 11 folders and bundles, 4 ft. 6 in., .
in 2 drawers of steel filing case. R. 510. (1930)

AO. GENERAL CORRTQVOEDENCE, 1917 — 1933. Reports, tabulations,
newspaper clippincs, locsl documents, and surveys relative to com—
plaints, investigations, prosecution