xt7v6w96b120 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96b120/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-01-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, January 26, 1972 1972 1972-01-26 2020 true xt7v6w96b120 section xt7v6w96b120 By NEILL MORGAN Department. Senate Council. The Faculty Council tWO PFOPOSBtSi . "
Kernel Staff Writer . proposal recommends its committee Dr. Thomas ()lshewsky. chairman of
A ”0905231. from the UniverSIty report to the dean of the College of Arts the A8;S Faculty Council. said the way
The continuing debate about ROTC Stu'denttAdVIsory Committee (USAC)' and Sciences. Another point of members of the committee are chosen
and its position in the UK educational which introduced .Ohe _proposal last disagreement is that in the USAC could affect the character of its work. ‘
process will take on a new perspective spring. favorsua UniverSity-WIde ad hoc proposal ROTC courses would not count He said that a committee formed by the
Jan 31 when the University Senate committee to study the proper role for: towards credit for graduation. In the college would be able to concentrate
considers two, and possibly three, ROTC at the Uhtvet'Stty 0t Kentucky. other proposal this is left up to the in- more on course vevisions and in-
P° W“ W“ ‘ ec
' reVlew 0 t e programs. Selences .Faculty’CounCilt and am- The possible third proposal WOUId be able to submit recommendations. -
While all of the proposals agree that mended in the UniverSity Senate come about if the original proposal .
' 5.. , both the Army and Air Force ROTC Council, calls for a permanent com- from the A&S Faculty Council were to (‘ol. Arthur Nicholson, chairman of
programs should be downgraded from mittee on ROTC. This committee beintrodm ed in the University Senate. the Department of Aerospace Studies. o.
departments in the College of Arts and would review ROTC curricula and Under this proposal the committee to said that the only real effect of the
' ’ ' Sciences to“programs” or “divisions", ”work toward creating an atmosphere review the ROTC programs would be proposals would be to keep the ,
they don‘t agree on very much else. of mutual understanding" between appointed by the A&S Faculty Council University “better informed" of ROTC
. The disagreement centers on how to ROTC and the UniverSity at large. and it would report to the dean of A&S. activity. He said that a permanent
, review and, if necessary, revise the More differences This would. in effect. keep control of committee 0“ ROTC “mm the
cpresent ROTC courses. For example,a the committee in the college rather welcomed because I" WOUtd PFOVIde
review committee could shift courses in However, under the USAC proposal than having it function on a University- "K‘ROTC coordination that does not
' military history to the Historv the committee would report to the wide basis. as called for by the other "OW eXISt t
Apathy hinders SC progress ,
. 0
ST W increases student servwes
By BONNI BROCKMAN dealing with people on a day-to- ——the formation of the Council processh . Plans for increasing services
Assistant Managing Editor day basis. It’s not something you for Women’s Concerns. Nude.“ l°bb¥mg . . include the development of a .
Student Government President can label as a concrete ac- —the changing of the Arts and MOSt 0t hts admm'Strat'O“ 5 student-owned bookstore. which . * _
Scott Wendelsdorf’s year in office complishment.” Sciences general studies work falls ""0 the area 0t StUd‘?“t Wendelsdorf says "will definitely
a is more than half over. Similarly, However, there are several requirement. lobbying. .Wendelsdorf 53”" come about.“ Starting this fall. t -
‘ his administration has fulfilled majorconcrete accomplishments .. , . ”We re try ing to return to the the bookstore will be limited to
more than half of his campaign his administration has made: . We ve been a lot more active students the control over the" books in the greatest demand ' .
platform’s 34'P0tht5. _ ' ' ‘ this year than Student Govern- own lives and over the" own from students. Wendelsdorf said.
v - - - the revxtalization 0f the ment has ever been in the past " education “ added Vice 7
“It 3 almost ImPOSSlble to Sit Kentucky Student Association. . u . ‘ _ . . He also plans .or the bookstore to
back and analyze my ac- Wendelsdorftsaid. Our 8031 ‘5‘ t0 PreSident Rebecca Westerfield. sell law and medical books.
complishments,” Wendelsdorf —the deve10pment of a Legal have meamngtm .Stu‘te'“ ,"t' :ftth_iflt$fl_€iiYé 8.9“? “Yon“ Ste"? Wendelsdorf is negotiating this
. said. ~50 much of what we do is Services Office fluence in the deCiSion-making eWm r ' - -» week with a lawyer who may
,. ._ _._ Second in a sprigs direct the Student Legal Services h
.. . __ _ ()ffice. Although originally
11“ H‘flfluk ' ' Wendelsdorf had decided to
9 Bright (1970—71 president) finance the hiring of the lawyer
. especially in student SBI‘ViCC‘S." with a $1.50 fee from each in-
Student services include the terested student. he has since
Legal Services Office. an in- "dumped the idea of the fee.“
formation-referral service. the Legal Services
compilation of a student The Council for Women‘s ,
4 telephone directory. and the USEd (‘oncerns is one of the most active "
Vol. LXIII. No. 76 LEXINGTON, KENTUCKY 40506 Wednesday. January 26‘ 1972 book exchange. Continued on Page 5. Col. 1
e -lt-a a .
O O C O O .
Satlrlst lashes both left and fight With hit-and-run w1t _ -
By RALPH C- LONG Turning from the right to the left. Sahl zeroed in . , .. ”W W WW
Assistant Managing Editor on Daniel Ellsberg of Pentagon Papers fame. Sahl . . , .
Wielding a rapier-sharp wit. satirist, Mort Sahl called Ellsberg a CIA agent trying to discredit __ 3 Wet . a .
left many 0f society’s sacred COWS bleeding 0“ the the military because the military is no longer of use l t j?“ “ ' ‘
floor of Memorial Coliseum last night. to the CIA. . . » $.19- .. it. ' ”a...“
Sahl.apopular satirist,attacked everything from Sahl also referred to substituting for deceased ' W t
the FBI to Daniel Ellsberg and George McGovern to comedian Lenny Bruce while he was in jail. He said 2 «v . r ,-1“ .
President Nixon. there was always a policeman in the audience with ”firm“ , ' ‘”
Speaking of Nixon. Sahl said. “Nixon‘s trying to a tape recorder to see if the act was obscene, if}; . 3’ "2 .i. :
determine where the American people are going 50 "Either I have a clean act or I never met a cop that ' %t WW” .
he can catch up and lead them." knew what I was talking about." it, A “‘“f 7
.HR'Chhrd Nixon IS a Quaker. one .Of the most In a short hour and fifteen minutes Sahl also i : m the WW
“(hem examples I can Che‘ Sahl said. managed to take on Senator George McGovern. W '
. . Agnew necessary Women's Liberation activist Gloria Steinem. TV t - ,.
Sahl went on to hhy that Agnew was a necessary pcrsot’ialities Dick (‘avet and Johnny Carson. U -'
part of the administration. According to Sahl. , . . . . . . -- a» ' meme“
' . . . authors (iore Vidal and 'l ruman ( apote. televismn.
“Agnew served .h'h purpose— to be the thh Of this in general Ed Sullivan. the FBI TV show. actors " a ,
administration. . . .. . . Eddie Albert and Zsa Zsa (iabor. Allegheny ’7'.
hhhl d'hn.l confine himself to criticmng only Airlines. phoncy liberals. biggots and the news g” 'V
elected officials. He managed to attack some of the media 14- » 3-5... *
more prominent. appointed officials. noting that 8.1”" . . . . . .
“the country is run bv people who are not elected.” . .III also touched on some of 'the Dcmouiitic ’5 .,
. . . ‘. . . ‘ , _ presidential candidates. such as New \ork Mavor \
such .is J. hdgm lloovei. . . John Liiidsiiv -
Siili'luerdiiliilili‘tl'hlizihltnr‘rliiiltfig iltiiwlgeilthiggirrt‘titltglnghst. . Act-ording to Sahl: lttlndstlh' is‘the only ttlnitarian
said. “many of you will be suprised to learn that the lhhh'ht‘ h" 'hh p. hh'hth‘ hth dth' ibed the I ' ‘ \1
Catholic (‘liiirch is a front for the (‘ommunist lhhhnhh.Chlh‘hh hh h lthhl.ChUH-h where the . . ’ . ,
l‘artv .. congregation prays "to whom It mm" concern. Mort Sahl relaxes In hts dressujg room.

 ., c
Z—TIIE KI‘ZN’I‘lTKY KENNEL. Wednesday January 26. I972 ‘
1 a " l'l'Ii‘ tl 1' ‘.
'1 ' ' resignation of South Vietnam- a :lti-inontli period. ‘ . :Llll‘ttl d to (l l u ” “mm
"”1”, offers I," ”0", M10 l’resident Nguven Van In a broadcast from baigon ( - -
WASHINGTON (AP) Di-es- 'l‘hicu and the holding of free timed to coincide With le32: N01"!!! “I ([0],, "P
‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ . . , . .- .1 1 .. - 1 meric'
1 hp ’lews idelit Nixon disclosed Tuesday elections iii that country again l\I-lrl(llt) sputh tolr.t he had W \SHINGTUN (AP) _. in
/ ‘l secretly offered Vietnam conditioned on llanoi's release ’l‘hieu C(iillll‘mUd “d . _ I l . . "
. . . _ _ , . , _ . _ _ , 1 if North Vlet- ident Nixon asked (,ongress
-‘ 'e )l'lll ("lllln I for Wltll- of prisoners and agleement to agli ((l to Half,” . . . . l
. . M1“ l f ‘ P». Q ‘ _. ‘ 1 . . - U S. roposals. Tuesday for a $50-billion raise .
. b drawal of all American lorces a cease~tire throughout South- lianl aucpts 1' fibse uent in the n'ltional debt ceiling big m“
. , . .. - . 1, _ _ .. ' 1 5 ‘ e . . ~ .
ln rle \\'ltlllll Six months after agree— east Asia. Nixon said thus tai And lit said llldijl1ll'l()ilal Sibel“ ,0.“ single increase since Vit;
' lllcilt l)\' North Vietnam to free the North Vietnamese have re- elections the d I" . l‘.‘ ' ‘ ' .. Un
1 ‘ . . 1 . . . 1 . - 1- tl . Viet (ongw World Wai II. to accommodate
all l'.S. prisoners. The secret iocted or ignored seeietl) ()t- allot] l‘ l Um K . ‘ 1 ld be _ *(‘Ol‘d l‘ed-ll‘k spending fro
plan also would provide for the lered proposals developed over and all othel‘ Wm” “0U ’ N’ ‘ ‘ ' me
. fro
O O ' in
l niversily of Kentucky Hillel Foundation invites all to attend a lecture by _ _> , Q .1;__.....;.;,;.:.;.;..;.;.;,:,.;. _. , (
M r. Eh ud Lodor 61551 16 5 ' ' ' ’ " m.
('oilncil from the State of Israel for ('ultural Affairs va‘
at 8:15 PM. Student ("enter Ballroom t fro
WW, 1” Southland area. (all Stt‘Vt‘-278'2769 “f er "W
'l‘opic: "Israel's Quest for Peace In the Midwest ' FOR RENT , five. (20.125 WANTED 1
" - , . .. . :‘ . :_ .251 ~' " Rent Have two bedrooms of three bedrOOm ———'————.—— 1. . KE
. . 1 , 1.-_ 0 1 ~ ' ' ' 1 ; ‘1 ; ’ .‘h‘d ipartment til May wanted tobuy: used MG or 'I‘rlumph. (‘1 ll
house humsmd’ SM m nth. Split utllllle“ 1‘3ltli‘ll1iotlstlximinili‘lu:‘galrage. l'Pl)er hi3”;f ilny time; 265‘3340 (241,26) 1 [9‘
house. 5125 a month. 332 Aylesford. 254- 5 . W. . . _ p“
' - ., WANTED—Second or third»year accounting
' ’ \\\\\ve‘\\\¢~x Lfi—w student needed for part-time industrial cost
1,. x.e:\x‘~\‘\\\‘ " ' \\‘~\\\\ For Rent Efficiency apartment—3 blocks accounting and possible full-time summer
. ‘ Willi“ ll; . “\\\\\\{\€l\\~ 1 \, K from ("Imlllls ('all 25513276 after 4:00 employment. Write M. Hartley. controller.
l llllll/lllllllllilll ‘ \\ ’ (24 I98) ( i . Ultra Corporation. Paris. Kentucky 40361 or
. V'1‘” 1‘. ‘il 1 “‘11.“. 3%: 0 i l )hon ‘ 233-1957.26J2
fl 1 ”I“ l l lllllllliilili l s '\ —______—fi_=..——.__ - l l :3-
' - .1...»- lm lull'lLll...” l I 3 . .. El1‘l-‘l(‘ll1N('Y APARTMENT. only two “‘"‘ —
"“‘l‘fi. " "m" l lllll U N 0w D Ayl N G 'l §E§e “N‘s;- “WM“ from campus 0" ’l‘ransylvania Park- WAN'I‘Elr—Une female for roommate in
'll 1 .73 wa)‘. 3120 a month. (‘all 277-9775. 25.11 mm... hump in umuem section on (Mm... Rd
l ll .. . .\ ..
mm , “ —_———_——— 57.3.00 a month. 266-4296. Preferably older.
1. l \‘ \ \ \\ \\ \ \‘ ll\\l1 ll 1 l l .l / 1/ , l .\ M“ 26.128
l} ll‘llllml‘llwmlllll \\\\l\\\\\\l\\\\\\l\\ \lll l l l l l l / [l / I l / /. $35.: (H'ERSEAS JOBS FOR WANTED: Female roommate. Efficiency
p ._ ‘ \ - / . 1‘ 1011st ' . . ‘ 11.5 ‘ .-f '1 ‘.(‘z ll [.1'; i.
“t: ‘1 l“Hull llll’ . \ \1 . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1", § Rustralia. Afrioa. etc. All 7.233(70221905grgg‘123ml impus . (ls
#‘ 1.“.1..ll“ l’lll1.11 1 1 . 1 :f j 53 ) of .'.i ‘ind occupations. S700
.111. .1, .1.” ll “I... ' . . L ~ . j . 5% E . § ll: :ihf‘ltllmnionthly. Expenses __.__—____
/ .llllllllll lllllllll llltllllfll‘ m, ll , 1 ::: . gag g g . , 1 1.x: Pélld. overtime. sighmeeing.
’ (llllllll'llllll‘1ll‘ll lllll l i ll?" ., . — = g / 3%; Free information Write Jobs FOR SALE
Jl‘rlll'illlllllli‘ ll l‘“ .11" 1 lllllll.V ‘ ll ll 3;: E =5 _3_ . / 5'4», Overseas. [X‘pL Bl. Box 1507], "WWW
lulu 1.1!.111 1W illilr . of. 1. _ Q E % go“; -. ”f a sun Diego. (‘A 92115
. llllll ‘i’ll11l1l11illl l'll’lllll 111”»; will” 1 a 5 ~ J ~ 1
Mild lllllllll‘llllll‘ llllil‘ll.‘ li‘ll 1 l1 “ lllllll ”’31 . f. . r - . ‘;—~ .33 W 1965 ()lds-Auto—I’ower-Good ( ond.-Mustsell.
lll'llllll l/Illllllllllll‘ lllll llllllll‘ ll ‘l ll ‘ lll/fllllll'u’ ’ / . . \l- 1”“ _ ('un 278-8190 (24J26)
' lllllll‘ illllill'flll..1.11111, "l1; ~ “ . ;_\ 1. . E
llyllvlllllfllllllllll“’llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll‘l ,. “ 11,.“5llllll1‘lll‘l/‘l/ l ‘l l ’/ ' . i .- . \\ ‘ STARTS 7:30 ADM. $1.50 For Sale 1Sueded leather waist and fringed
‘ lilllllillrllllllll .1.“l.lll‘.‘lll“"‘"4W1?” “Ill // “llllll; 1/ . C O O Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q Q §\ ., .. 0581 Pissqwmrhmavu (zglr‘tllSS'z‘tintlgrnl'liibmttlziglzrst‘: (all 2520436 or
l"llllrli"lil1’?l1llwll‘llillll lllll 11... 1 ‘ ' 1, 1 1 1 s .
1, ll’lll l l ll. ///// 9111 .1 '1. l 1' l l \\,\ \\\\\\\\§\\\\ ' [RBI 3:...) 113.21%; —‘—:r—..—:—..
M“ . . ll featurlng a HAT 124 Sport Coupe. 5 speed. dual
lllll‘ . 11 . . ‘ 1 1 " ‘ .. 1 111 0000 overhead cams.AM-FM. new radials.$1700.
. ”‘11. ;.1.11“3.1‘.1.1‘lf11;_’..;’ 1:11 . J'ul NOW SHOWING 272-5826 (24.123)
.1‘.‘ "1‘.llllifllgil‘lllljf17‘11‘1jlil1l1" 1 ‘ —————-———\
. It 1; MENS s. LADIES CAST .,
21/11” 1' 1 ., reel. New heads. auto shut off. extras. /
.‘lll‘ . “.1 1.‘ 111‘ 3‘” Warranty. $150.00 After 10:00 p.m. Charli ‘ .
lllssi‘ 1 . ‘ . ‘— , “ll! [ G UADANTE E D To , x: .. .-:.::.-.. 257.2372, 25.131 9 f'
lit.“ "1‘. -" . .. <1, .1 ., ._ _~ l2 x 44—1969 Frontier. 2 bedroom. small 1
lll1lll. l“ l .. “Pl S VE DU DN E 9 ~ g . lt l 1. a _.'__r-“'”1:~ down payment and take over low monthly '.
' lill " 1‘“ l ' .11“ o5 1 \g " ' 3 ' 6.141;. payments.cui1252-0331betweenga.m.and5 -
l“ ‘11“ " I ‘ ll "l i * i i ‘k t t t ‘k t ‘k i t t i t ‘k t 3&1... 1‘ 1 :3” " ‘- p.m. Ask for Lee Biankenshie. 25m
ll...) .‘ “ 1 ' ‘lj.l,,{ l MINS ( 1‘8] l k/‘I ‘II S ‘ AST : Y" 9 g ‘5“ l '1... 1970 DELUXE EDITION-Encyclopedia
llllllsllll. ' l l1l1 : . I {a :2 f§§§§§§§§lfff5i1€§y t,‘ ..}5°-1§ Britannica-~American Annals~History of ¢
li11l“r..‘ ‘ 1 1 Q1 ' l > 1;; 5555555553555 1.}... 1 civilization. Like new. Call 277-9218 after
'lfl" 1 1 i". l * Sunts & ' ¥ Dresses : t' 5 " ”63 “Y 6.30pm. (26.12)
‘ lilisillll‘ ‘ . ‘ ‘ 1 "'1 I $5.55 ' .3523355'23231? ’ 1 1- " -
llllllllll“ .i .l Ill-l ' S o rt coats . I if" - .1123l-l.",:“:"’-.4.f-;f' “j ff: ‘ .x' 5 ll
“ill . 11‘l 1'“ I t' 5’35? * '51:;:.>/.‘I.-';
lllll l I“ l ' ..l l l I o * ops : 1 253;" "’ §(< me MIRlSCH PRODUCHON COMPANY 11....“ a
11 ill.lllllill11111.1...1W11’.'fl... 5 AIM" 0le l CHARLTON HESTUN
111i..,1.l1i11‘ ‘ l 'l lliii‘l‘ll‘ -—_—-_—-_——-————-————- . ——......_-_-- .
, 1-1 111lliill1l1..l..llllll,,l lllllllllll‘ 4 AwlllEER MlRlSCH 11110011011111 In Memorlum
‘ . AW 40”; WILL INN FUR PANAVI AWAIIANS The Pertwillably Papers. a
A LIMITED TIM E v» SIGN COLOR bVDeLU‘e cartoon strip drawn by Don Rosa.
. o w 7, off ONLY lGPl‘. Ullmld Al'hs‘ls Will not appear in the Kernel this
—p1us - semester due to space con—
? NOVQ/ ‘ 01%;,“ DATED GD The Landlord mmdt
; ~ *
_ _
. I: all!lIlllllllfllllllllllllIlllllllllIlllllllIIIIIIIWIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllli:
"4. E - . '='
. ABU lOUS fDDTI ES «40 err “in m g Lexmgton Studio Players Present 5
-'~' n =
1 . . .1 ‘5‘ E E
* ' 2 murrmt opt
. a . '='
@ Student Charge Accounts Welcomed “to; ‘ ‘2‘ Sold Out Jan. 2 7 g
-._ :4 E Few Seats Le t 'or Jan. 28 29 E _
Store Hours: 9-5:30 * ‘ 5 f f ’ g : ‘
n . a
- 1. g Held Over Feb. 4 8. 5 8:30 p.m. Curtain g
. 407 5. [line 255-1523 . a R . E
g eservatlons Tickets: '5‘
o a =
. Records compliments of Tape Centre ‘5‘ 278-8882 ‘20” 2
1.3 E E
= o =
E Bell Court \ Carriage House .3
. ‘ *
"‘x l .

 ‘ q-
. , I I ‘ . . I
THE Kl-IN'l‘l'('K\' Kl-IRNI‘IL Wednesday. January 26. 1972—3
com piled by
'I' n cam US
, Pres- dove callahan
ingress . . '
I raise UK debaters took four trophies varsnty level- Set‘lllg 9&9 dogs program. Defense Roger kelley and other .
lg. big- this past weekend at an in— TWO third-place trophies were “The Seeing , Eye Dog Washington \isit Department of Defense officials '
Since vitational tournament at Ohio taken by Brown and his debate Program isthetopic ofa lecture Stephen W. Fm.“ny a vi Air on Fe” 2+ '
nodato Umversnty, Athens. Six debaters partner, Jim Flegle, Bardwell. to be presented 4 pm. today in Force llti’l‘t‘ student. will attend
I; from UK partic1pated in the The team took third place in the Room MN263. Med (enter. a Pentagon seminar in The following morning, Fort-
meet, which attracted 96 teams varsity division, and Flegle Robert H. Whitstock. vice Washington. DC, on Feb. 2+2?) my “in attend a breakfast . ~
from 43 umversnties and colleges gamed the third~place speaker president and field represen- Fortney and 250 other RUTt‘ meeting with Senator Strom
m 12 states. . I award. . . tative for The Seeing Eye. lnc., students from campuses 'l'hurmond on (‘apitolI Hill. The
Egg:35355:;giggifi‘lm . CarlBrown.L0u15v11]e, W?“ the The Flegle~Brown combination will outline specifications and throughout the country will meet cadets mll also hear from House
first-place speaker trophy in the was the top . varSIty team. considerations concerning those with Defense Secretary Melvin Speak“. Albert and A”. Force
varsny d‘ViSlO“ over 80 debaters recording 51" Wm? and no losses, applying for the seeing dog Laird. Assistant Secretary of (Mel ot Staff (len. John 1). Ryun.
M from 29 institutions. in the snx preliminary rounds. , . —
m Arch Moberly, Lexington, and A third UK team composed of . I
mm m” Karl Merchant, Barbourville, BenJones,Cambellville,and Jeff . l . . .
' ‘ took the second-place cham- Lankford. Louisville. won ("‘“r‘ 2., .
m pionship trophy in the junior preliminary rounds. ,. 3W '_:_ . Ag.
strlil H ,/.(; I; ' ‘flj’rf’lf; » J, ,, 'Iv'. ..
4006! . . . . . . . .. ’m .-. M"« 1-1." t
l summer , $355.53.?! 3; 39115.3( . Q'l \ “('1' ' '/.'“,;’§“; 71.‘ - at”:
'ontrollor, . _~ fifmo-tf‘aihe‘ 17114”: 23,!) ' val .
y 40361 or . . ". (I? . HFO(«,.>-{‘ ‘1... .’ {a [it"{fig't' , 7
=;:Ea}5é;i:i5g2;:is}5£2§eézfeési:§;§:§;I:§3§:r§§§§il[i“: '; 51-15233 ' Hg" ( LONzDO N’ . '~ ~' , 't‘ .4 III,
——— :i3- “1...i5;15:22?iaiiiéii'iésiiéiiztifégiiié:3. c o as Ic I s g NATIONALLY KNOWN ’. {"37pr {I ,rk-W-J'fiigr; an“: . _ ‘-.- Ml? 5;,
'- ‘ ,, ill)? 13,59 5’. 5350}?! . m fif/r- .
Timute in 5. , ' ‘ J" I x ’57 . T- “fifty-”d E 5M "- (r ’
mm... . men s ,, .34.: M ,5, IA _ Lfi :39 W»; ll
bl. dd). . . . ‘ . fl . ." "-"f "'1': ’ w "" ' -j'v " ‘_- " . '
V( (r Prepared by professmnal writers w1th graduate degrees. ha1r W: ft . , tif/ ”giggfigpg, 1.. l, .151:
n Special emphasis 0“ “ism Termp‘tpersi 3“ ”“35” f“ designer ht‘llézitzfrit~ ' 2.705.." 1-5 DIALYWOD ,za ’
1.11m. ‘— research and study. Also busmess fields of management. 'tnltlll‘???‘""‘ —" ~753M£EQ§2~651¥5 “Mr «' army
_. economics, marketing, and labor relations. Termpapers $25. , III gQ
- 0 ‘ .'L,-$.t
“m f'lat-rateincluding footnotes and bibliography. Quality assured. 51‘1““) III -. of .415. «I;
Send cash or money order together with number of pages w" m 1.34.52), .. s .‘5 \f’l =. I'II 855 1124
‘ 35-1; 1,3 W/.A’-‘ J " Y , _-.
Must sell. 5;: Igr- {Ith‘h :1; . . _
“:91- t ,6. / apt—“rs :f/
_— . ' 1.? T l ol‘ll;\," 'i“.'.Ie,‘;.§‘.§?5."" 3:1/ ’
”d ”mg“ Classic PUbllCO‘llOl‘lS, Inc. 1 \ . “ i 73%
52.0436 or l ' “ail/z Stir" ~ ' ’ . 2% 208 9.11mestone lex1ngton ky,
Box 963 t 1:.“ NJ}; ‘ , ”-/ .
-—- ' . . . t . 1 my .. 4' ,
‘33" 3963’ Dade City, Florida 33525 . . «SMMI
3 . ua .
__ /
3r reel to
. extras. .
l. Charlie f‘. . . .
mom.” \Ong ow . ' at - .
|.m. and 5 o “<21“ \ \ ' - ‘ \
» "~:=:i:-.-'-:§' --.5-'- ::-' .\‘-'-‘ ..- -.--:...-.-.:-...::::».-..».-.:=:::>-9.t'--'<2-.\ --~::~. ..'§:.=\‘v=~-:
‘Clopedi" " ———"'..:""-_..——'->-" ‘ " '— - ml?“ *fifi‘kfih’eQx??? \§>\\‘§\\‘\\:\3\‘\%
istory of .__________-,_-______._——_‘_:__-—__——_______.-—— . .- w <3 II_ . II “k .§ .. s~‘*§~"‘-":>"--;:>'--::" iii. ..,.....I;3;.:.sag... \VS
Ma—........_......_.—-—--——-~' _._.-_... "7- ~-* "‘ ' §§$\.\§‘W§e\wmws\w
. \ \B F - -' is.
“’9 “M" Egg 5 ecial bu s f . . '
Reward. , p v ‘ I~I I - . " LOIN CUT
..... NEST S 28 ~ pork
m Everead Cocoa 75 * m c ,
swing it?
{at Faith , oust LB
————— . . 8 oz. pkg.
—— ' Spaghetti Dinner 3] c
‘ . . ’77": 41'-
’}‘gge H ' c J 0 c - WASH INGTON w . .
e .5 I mces 4. -
OZ . can .
con— g” . F $
/ '
__ MORTON HOUSE A '95 ‘5 o .«
Slappy lacs 1. 0. 57 ’ .- R
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'=' For Kentucky Kerne Rea ers On y..
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E IV 0 0 Cf! Mo New Circle Road
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g ' :. ,I 2524 Nicholaswlle Rd. '
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E Lag! ‘3 {I Except Sunday
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E - “— Prices Valid Thru 2-1-72
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I he Hemel nght at the end of the test tube
Estahlished '894 LEXINGTON. KENTUCKY
c I 0 6 ‘ ’
ameer:£“£::tfdv“We“ The [05’ days 0/ a dymg Junk/teaser
nix/0:1,}:2:222:23,“ Moving at the pace of an arthritic snail, students. . _
"m8""gigfig’gg'jggg'fEgghefgrjgeGem the UK administration is making great Vice—President for Academlc Affairs
Mtlsél'iafmlm?"3.52:? strides toward replacing “Junkhouser” Lewis Cochran defended the. ad-
Dick Thornton, 1:15 édtthror BiOIOgy BUlldlng Wlth a new one. minIStrauon S p01le on a new BIOIOgy
Keg: 3:35;;;:"3;°;;j;";:f;;°r Seriously, after long delays architects building before the Beeedef Trustees
Commune“, Na,',°,,a,,,,,a,,m,,or have finally been named to design the four stating, “A .blology' bUlldlhg for un-
mn EM. madman Manager million dollar structure. They expect to dergraduate instructlon contlnues to be
Pubhshedb ”Hem“ have a design ready in a year and con— the hvery highest prlOI‘lty as the
anon promlorporanoneolfiéi'segch struction could start by the following University has any capaClty for new
”till: 3512:3351:£3323“ spring. construction . ‘ ‘-
FOUNDEDlwl The news of progress, however small, is the test tube. Even though the building
ENNIS"mm,mewmnsomeem“ heartening. For too long students and won’t be ready until around 1976 (the
' nonheumversnv ' faculty of the Hunt Morgan School of University’s pace is more leisurely with a
Biological Sciences have had to brave the classroom building than .with a football
EDITOR'S NOTE, A“ Wm u, [he a” summer heat, the spring floods and try to field, saying something about its
Im‘ mus! be typed. double-spilt“! and not conduct courses amid the junk 0f other priorities) the mice, students and faculty
"l‘ffe ”‘4'" 3??" Irelrh 3.". length)- .lThe departments. will have a new building.
ILURZH'Inrji,It:"lull, I3:333;'fll,:_:._(s‘:]s:i Last spring concern over the condition of And the credit to a large extent should go
01' (lt-liwr all letters in Rmnn lIISA of the building and prospects for a new one to a few concerned students who saw that 3
x, ”W .lmll‘lmli-‘jm Building- The Huge! re- reached a height with a Kernel series little or no education was taking place in ‘
(‘1':lténl'3‘lni'fl‘l‘n‘” "d" “"0"“ “mm" exposing many of thedismal aspects about “Junkhouser” and decided to do 3
‘ ‘ ' g' l the building and complaints from many something about it. 1
(CM—filmy mega/a gmwh‘vwhwfxm“$ (
'9”me T g Kernel Forum: .- i
CZ/W a the readers wrtte t
“7 V t
a - 9 r
' 1 Little patch of green n
i 1L VAC“ ‘ The pretty little patch of green on u
' ~ .3 l, Virginia Avenue could make a very nice
I '/ spot for a motel but I do hope that the
am“ ‘ u V/ U University saves this land for a different
l ; " function.
k; B . Si‘7b\ Thanks to the regular maintenance of
fife} /M, the site by UK groundskeepers, it
/\\§5r i‘“ ' 35X“ it ’ presently provides a welcome relief from
- \. t ‘ \‘3’5 '5 S: 3‘ 1' 1}! . the adjacent stretch of tobacco
- :‘t I ‘2“ 3M 3'. . lll , ' ' warehouses. Any changes that are in-
\\1‘4 ix“\~ m \ \Qw z m; . ,e\_ ° 3 stituted to this property should only be
\‘h‘ '5‘°\c K \5‘3‘55f 5135/ / ' ”“3 ones that can take advantage of its
ti: “=“ ’4 “ inherent physical beauty and provide an
magma; , :3‘33 91 . ( additional resource for the neighborhood.
. -. .. ._ 1;? ‘ ,W/ a If not. it should remain as it is, a pretty
WAN/W3... “ $33M \ \ Xi % ’ / W/ littl tch {
.r' ~\\\\ K\ s “\s WW * e ”3 ° gm” .
Q? Q \\~. x _- 1 . ‘\‘ \\ ~“:{ is, ,, /%. A " , -./ . Gerard Sofflan
\ s y - ' W 1' ’7" " m ' ' " Graduate Student
The l k .
_ more you 00 at 1t...
. 9
...0r, a dogface by any other name...
Join the Navy and see the world the Army allow you the chance to touch the ear. and frazzled, navy shirts to blend '7
or how about the Air Force—what prepare for a short career the Every year the Army comes up in even better with the rest of the
could be more exc1tlng than Slt- government has already chosen with some new promises. brighter student body. <
tl'llg behind th cogtrols of a sleek; for you; . predictions about your future if 3) ROTC courses will include: Q
S! ver Jet.bomber..But the Army. What 3 more, Army ROTC 18 you Jom the ROTCprogram. Now Finding A Job As A Veteran 101, 4
Foot soldiers stalking throu;=h the making things a lot better for you, that most colleges have dropped Subjects To Talk About At Parties C
mud, digging m the mud, sleeping trying to remold their image. ROTC as a mandatory Other Than The War 203, and 3
in the mud. Dropping that old fighting man requirement, the recruiting game What Not To Volunteer For In The q
And Uncle Sam? His star- line and talking about is as strong as ever. Army 306. (
studded hat and that bad- management and. leadership— Here’s our prediction of the 4) Professors of military <
mannered painting of ms remind experlence you Just can’t get ROTC program on the college science will be issued turtle neck 2
3 you 0f one thing—your draft anywhere else. _ campus for next year: shirts and cordoroy bell bottom
number. An Army draft number. .YeSSll‘ee». Army ROTC IS the 1) ROTC cadets will have their slacks so they can sit at ease in a
They’re the ones that get you, like thing to be in these days. For one “cadet officer’s club” complete University Senate meeting. 3°
It 01‘ hOt- , thing, cadets ho longer have to with 3.2 beer and a wide assort- “Army ROTC. The more you 3 .
So why shoulent ROTC be wear their uniforms during the ment of “Sink the Battleship” or look at it, the better it looks.” A 3 ‘
offered as a credited course on a school year, you can wear your “Fire the Machine Gun” slot suggested modified version— 3
University campus? After all. if “civvieS” to class. Hair length game machines. “Army ROTC. Trying to make 3
college can mean four years Of restrictions aren’t as strict 2) ROTC cadets will be issued a you look better, so you won’t get 2’
draft deferment. why shouldn‘t anymore either—just don’t let it wardrobe of patched bluejeans so many looks.” oo

 'l‘lll'l KI'ZN’l‘l't‘KY KENNEL. Wednesday, January 26, 1972—5 -
3 STW seek t d t ° fl ° UK ff °
(‘tliiiicgifithozltfgfalAdv-, of the Student (‘ode standing l'iider their leadership. an ”“W'H'IV 1” MN “"9 ”l his "\M-deeidedthat wasn'taWise -
. . ‘ y . Isory committee. In a recent meeting organizational meeting “as held PM"!S lt't-{l-‘lillm‘ lobbying it" -. , . - —
()‘lhhm'llui‘ headed by Mark with (lov. Wendell Ford, the in June. Wendelsdorf, Wester- ehaiiiteiii the tenure system has thing m d”. “0nd0l5d0” we
I aster and (:len Harvey, has also governor told Wendelsdorf he held. and ErnestoSeorsone, a L'K been scrapped pl‘mw‘l
5 “’"lr'hhud l9 59 ac- was undecided about this issue, junior, wrote the KSA con- q -
_ COlhphbh'hthl-S‘ "hIClUd‘th the but that the situation looked stitution, Wendelsdorf said. W
, changtngol the 6’15 and Seiences “favorable" for Wendelsdorf to KSA is active new. Four KSA- _
; general. ““9“ reqmrements, h“ appointed. sponsored bills, being lobbied for m ‘
Lule [Lhd'llhgcsfm ire UrgverSitz Apathy a problem by Seorsone and senior Mark he
' .ena e, e acu y CO e, an Westerfield said her main r‘etzer, have been submitted to ~
3 “went recor‘fi'S- _ . disappointment with this year is the 1972 General Assembly. KSA fillfitg Natl HAS
3 Th? recent liberalization 0f the “the trouble in getting students will sponsor a conference on the .
, dormitory open house rules “V3.53 invoived in anything. There New Student Vote Sunday in A '1'
direct result or the SG Housmg seems to be universal apathy." Louisville. Last semester it ‘ wfi’?”""m‘fi’ ‘ ‘
Committee, Wendelsdorf $h'd- The Student Affairs Com- sponsored a conference on -" EEK . .1." .[BE l
Ihe committee '5 3150 organizmg mittee,headed by Susan Tomasky, student rights. .: _ "5:? ‘3‘" " “5‘39-" : ‘
a Tenants UhI'Oh to deal Wlth Off' has experienced some of this This semester Wendelsdorf will m? ' ’ Eu ‘3‘ 2' L, _ ‘
campus housmg problems. apathy. keep working on his 34 points. -,' E [J3 7:; 3. i571 _'
The Student Senate has To gain student input on the ’ .l y, .4""“")"l “‘ “,‘\ '
changed under the Wendelsdorf Student Code, three Open 'I'L"- ”WT-3 .-, >_'.‘. .. J ‘
administration. . hearings were scheduled in was 3.3%};‘é‘fiéfifl’v‘3? my?» ‘ .- I ' — l 0‘ l l. i "
“Asabody collectively, they’re dormitories last December. .4875 7"?»‘t‘5‘iw‘3 3'3} . Lunch 11 :30—2 :00 .18 Euclid A" .
hardly doinguanythir‘ig,‘.‘ .Wen~ Although students attended the ) if: ' ll ' Dinner 5 230—11200 S'l‘liAK AM) [.OBS'l‘liR ‘
delsdorf said. . But asmdiViduals hearings at Haggin Hall, they Every w k ‘ ‘1‘,"
they re workmg' A" bUt one “were SO sparsely attended at fgi line, hit 3%? 8UP}: 11‘ ‘ EN'i‘pR'I‘AINrMEN'I‘ #
senator came into the Senate this Blazer and the Complex that they hurts you , a” [T’s ”0851 RR SALAD VA :1 A ‘. k. .. .1 ' i —
year completely cold. They have were not held,“ Tomasky said. My). ,0]: *RUSTY BURGER VC , i‘rl , Sat. 7
to learn—next year it Will be The Committee also sponsored '¢‘<5"-‘<~"’-"-“i*‘ f@‘o *OMiiLET'I‘ES 7 '00'1 1 '00 l —
better. Y a Student Records Forum, which ,' “2, u.” ::..Sou.c“..~:;3§§§§ , ’
was“; In his dealings with the Board only 20 students attended. A ' ” ° if? V ,
“'4' ”g 0f TFUSteeS, wendC‘lSdOl‘f said, he General Student Assembly was M "
:. is“not going to bow and scrape to scheduled to follow the forum, V
the administration. We’ve proved but “the small number of a"
3 that in Board meetings.” students in attendance made DRYCLEAN'NG- 7° DISCOUNT
“ Wendelsdorf received a set- such an assembly impossible," I .
back last May when the Board Tomasky said. ONE -
I, rejected about 25 of his amend- KSA F
ments to the revised Student KSA had not been in operating HOUR
Code. However. he's not giving for two years when Wendelsdorf N - - - > . . ,
. o Lilmf—Thi !
an .on up; the Student Affairs Com and Westemeld took office. 5 Coupon may be used as many times as you like
rerem New blo budding to cost SWEATERS C DRESSES Pl ) C
( ain
. . . 5 KIRT (Plain) EACH EACH
of $4 mllllon, open 1n 75 S S Sh‘ L d d 4 f 99
's, it ~ _ 7
from Architect for the new four million dollar biology "1-5 all" ere or C
new building will be the Lexington firm of McLoney and EUCL'D at WOODLAND . IMPERIAL PLAZA
. - _ T