xt7v6w96b348 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96b348/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1992-03-26 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1992 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 26, 1992 1992 1992-03-26 2020 true xt7v6w96b348 section xt7v6w96b348  

, Vol. XCW. N0. 286

Kentucky Kernel

.Unliioroltyofkontuolty.'l.ow0n. Kentucky Independent since 1971


Wildcats’ Sweet Sixteen foes plotting revenge

Sports Editor

PHILADELPHIA — During this
season‘s NCAA Tournament, the
Massachusetts basketball team has
aimed high, but shot the three-
pointer low.

Nevertheless. if you check their
trophy ease, you will find two
NCAA wins and that the 30-4 Min-
utemen are right on target.

Last week in round one in
Worcester, Mass, the Minutemen
defeated the Fordarn Rams 85-58.
UMass attempted only 12 three-
pointers and made only two.

In round two,the Minuteman de-
feated the Syracuse Redmen 77-71
in overtime. UMass center Harper
Williams hit only his second three-
pointer of the year to secure the vic-
tory. And his team was only three
of 10 from three-point range against
the Redmen. But unlike UK, its
Sweet Sixteen foe tonight in the
Spectrum, UMass hasn’t won bas-
ketball games this season by firing
an endless volley of threes. The

Minutemen's success has come
from accuracy at close range.

UMass is shooting 39 percent
(120 of 305) from three-point
range. But from inside the three,
the Minutemen are shooting nearly
49 percent (990 of 2032).

UK, on the other hand, has taken
nearly three times as many three-
point shots as UMass. The Wildcats
rank third in the nation in three-
point goals made per game (8.9).
UK’s top four scorers — Jamal
Mashbum, John Pelphrey. Deron
Feldhaus and Richie Farmer have
made 40 or more three-pointers this
year. In 20 of 34 games this season,
at least one Wildcat has made more
three-pointers than the entire op-
posing team. But UMass coach
John Calipari said neither statistic
would diminish his club’s chance at

“We don‘t know if we‘re good

SGA candidates
to debate tonight
at UPAC forum

News Editor

The newly-fonned University Po-
litical Action Committee will hold a
presidential forum tonight in hopes
that students will be provided with
more of a voice in student govem-
ment than the Greek Political Ac-
tion Committee offers.

During its four years of existence.
the GPAC debate, which will be
held Sunday. has been the only de-
bate held for Student Government
Association presidential candidates.
GPAC is made up of two represen-
tatives from each social sorority and
social fraternity chapter at UK.

UPAC’s founders Senator at
large David King and Graduate
School Senator Adn'an Jones said
GPAC is not representative of all
UK groups because it is composed
entirely of members of the greek

“(UPAC) is not to take an anti-
greek stance.“ Jones said earlier this
month. “But this group will choose
the best candidate regardless of be-
ing greek or not."

In their guidelines for UPAC. the
senators further emphasized their
quest for campuswide representa-
tion by stating: “The purpose of
UPAC is not to take an antagonistic
stance against GPAC or the greek
community. but rather to include

students generally omitted from the
political process. UPAC will en-
dorse the candidate deemed to be
best suited to lead the University
student body, regardless of greek or
independent affiliation.“

Traditionally, GPAC has en-
dorsed a candidate who is a mem-
ber of the UK greek community.
Also, every candidate receiving a
GPAC endorsement has won the
presidential election.

UPAC. which will be held to-
night at 7 in the Student Center
Theatre, is composed of 18 voting
members. Student Organizations
Assembly, Commuter Student
Board, UK Association of Non—
Traditional Students, UK Black
Roundtable. International Students
Council, Residence Hall Associa-
tion, Lexington Community Col-
lege Association of Students, Dis—
abled Students Union and the
Graduate Students Association
each have two voting members.

UPAC will endorse a candidate
tonight but will not release the in-
formation until after the GPAC de-
bate Sunday night.

“I think that‘s fair to all candi-
dates and other debates. It would
give all people fair opportunity at
next forum so no one has a
heavy advantage," Jones said.

The UPAC statement reads “To

See UPAC, Page 8

Student Bar Association
endorses Ingle in election

Editorial Editor

The Student Bar Association en-
dorsed Student Govemment Associ-
ation presidential candidate Jay In-
gle and vice
presidential can- .
didate Jill
Cranston yester-

SBA Presi-
dent Doug Kem-
per said he
“looked at the
platforms of
each of the can-
didates who sub-
mitted a copy to
us and we thought there was a great
deal of substance to (lngle‘s) plat-

Kemper said the decision was


made by the SBA‘s seven—member
executive board.

They were most impressed with
lngle and Cranston’s emphasis on
student services. Kemper said.

“In our opinion that‘s one of the
most important things SGA should
interest itself in. That's how they
can make themselves real to the
students." he said.

Ingle said the bar association's
endorsement means a lot because
of its prestige.

“I think SBA and the law school
is an objective group that isn‘t in-
fluenced by special interests on
campus. and they looked very ob-
jectively at who is the most quali-
fied and that’s why they choose to
endorse me.” he said.

See SGA, Page 8

enough to beat Kentucky," Calipari
said. "They're going to come at us
with three game plans; we haven't
changed ours in 34 games. We're
just going to play the way we've
played all along. The key is that
we make the game easier for each
other, that we make the extra pass."

The Wildcats defeated UMass
90-69 Dec. 4 in Rupp Arena.
UMass. however, had just returned
from the Great Alaska Shootout,
where it had posted wins over Santa
Clara. Oregon State and New Or-
leans. But this, too, failed to con-
cern Calipari.

“The game at Kentucky — they
beat us,” he said. “Forget about the
trip, forget about whatever you
want to say. They were better pre-
pared. They were very well coached
that game. They knew what they
wanted to do and they came in and
beat us. Now this is another game.“

UK coach Rick Pitino failed to
argue with Coach Calipari's analy—

See NCAA, Page 8

NCAA Sweet Sixteen Bracket

Quite -
S_gton Hall #
Munch sells

Philadebhia Le ,. - _
UK. Lag . . Minneamts

MN 4

Amoqumoue NM
March 26

ii M!3x_i62.§L..

Flgrida Si

MEI/(71 2t;

Indium! .

April 6


to: on
Mar 39

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Chairman 51.

Texas-El Paso

April A

Kama. ‘. V
Min ' .'

“ Hb‘tb (5in Mo
Memphis St.
Ail/ism. 'v “.
Mil ' ‘
Georgia Tech

.__..__. ._.. ___J



TOP:Zach Shuping. 2.
gazed out of the cockpit of
a UH60 Blackhawk yester-
day. RIGHT: The UH60
hovered over the lawn of
the Administration Build-
ing yesterday asa part of
the UK ROTC’s 75th Anni-
versary activities. See sto-
ry, Page 3.



rv'uoitéEitTfibN - ~

SOA seeks

for project

Staff Writer

Students looking for a way to
atone their spring break sins can
check out (‘are (‘ATS Saturday.

Care CATS (Community Action
Through Services). sponsored by
the Student Organizations Associa-
tion. is a campuswrdc effort to pro-
mote volunteer work among UK

Students interested in the pro-
gram will rncet at 0 am. Saturday
at the campus llardee's on the cor-
ner of Rose Street and liuclid Ave—
nue. Ilardee‘s will provide free cin-
namon rolls and coffee.

Students will choose one of five
local agencies at which to volunteer
Saturday, The agencies requesting
volunteers are llomestcad Nursing
Home. trail maintenance for Ra-
ven's Run. the Florence (‘rittcnton
Home for unwed mothers. the Nest
day-care center for victims of child
abuse turd the Hearing and Speech

(‘are (‘A'l‘S is modeled after a
program sponsored by the UK Vol-
unteer (‘cntcr last semester. (‘arc
CATS coordinator Ginni (‘hilders
said the new program is a reward-
ing way to get involved without go-
ing through all “the University has-

(‘hildcrs said she would like to
have a turnout of at least 100 turd
encourages SCYVICC-OI‘lClllCd groups
such as social tratcniitics and soror-
ities to make Care CATS one of
their service projects.

All ptuticipating agencies have

See CATS, Page 8









Three starry-eyed Pennsylvania high school
students watched the Cats play for the first
time yesterday. Column, Page 4.


American artist and sculptor Richard Hunt
will unveil his sculpture, “Pass Thru,” at
11:30 am. on the North lawn of the Otis A.
Singletary Center for the Arts.


Student issues in
the legislature.
Page 6.

Diversions ...................... 2
Spons ............................. 4
Viewpoint ....................... 6
Classifieds ..................... 7






 2 - Kentucky Kernel. Thursday. March 26. m:




Assistant Arts Editor

"For the scream that hangs on
the wall. “ -_ Louis Zoellar Bickett

Outside the room. people go up
and down the foyer intent on their
everyday business. unaware that
just inside Jon Bales lies on his

Enter the Rasdall Gallery and you
have made an unknown detour. a
wrong tum somewhere, leaving the
safety of the UK Student Center be-
hind. You Iind yourself, instead, in
the stark. sterile emptiness of a hos-
pital hallway. Ahead. you sense the
smell and institutionally functional
vacuity of a modem hospital: Is this
a patient‘s room or the darkened
hospital chapel? It is both. and the
bleakness is intentional.

The gallery‘s transformation ——
better said. minimization — is the
work of Lexington artist Louis
Zoellar Bickett. The “exhibit," or
re-creation. or all-too-real actual'rza-
tion, is “Going Gently: An Installa-
tion Concerning a Friend Who

Bickett's minimal. sparse touch is
not the result of laziness or lack of
creative juices. The installation is a
thoroughly planned. emotionally
wrought attempt to understate the
artist and the hardware of art. The
“‘art here is not so much what you
see or hear. Instead. it is the palpa—
ble and undeniable atmosphere. It is
the unmistakable stillness and emp-
tiness of dying.

All of our attention is drawn to
Jon Bales. a 27-year-old man lying
on a hospital bed. waiting to die. He
is surrounded by monitors and med—
ical machinery with catheters. IVs
and tubes running in and out of him.


“Our society wants to segregate segments that it
finds different. Jon was gay but he thought it
was the most natural thing in the world. He
thought the way people thought about gay
people with AIDS was wrong. AIDS has been
politicized in this country. AIDS has been
portrayed as a gay disease. Well, we know now

that’s not true.”

Louis Zoellar Bickett,
Lexington artist


At 85 pounds bald bony and coy-
ered with sores. Bales looks up with
the wide- e-yed gaunt look of a con-
centration camp victim.

The installation is like a darkened
visual funnel. We must see Bales:
there is nothing to distract us. [11
this way. the hospital-zone reality is
overwhelming. You can even smell
the combination human waste and
sickness smell. with a hint of indus-
trial cleaner. You are surrounded by
the delicate mortality of the humzui
body. the unavoidable fact that we
are frail organisms. prone to count-
less. invisible afilictions. Health
and Life are foreign to this place,
green and blue. light-filled. noisy,
laughing life is alien.

The presence of Bales —— once a
Bryan Adams look-alike. a former
competitive swimmer with Olympic
hopes. a charming wit with a gift

projections from a black, waist-high
box. Bales lies on the bed. a blank.
stoic look on his face. He is waiting
and waiting. Weakened and wasted,



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he must shift himself, slowly and
painfully, with the aid of a bar
hanging over him. Bales is dying
from cancers and infections brought
on as a result of AIDS. His silent
scream “hangs on the wall."

Jon Bales died Nov. 4, 1991.

“The day they took him out of his
house on a gumey.“ Bickett said.
“he was cracking jokes. That was
two days before he died."

“What drew me to him was the
way he accepted his mortal illness.“
Bickett added.

Bickett, a friend of Bales. is a
talkative. idea-filled man who spent
six months of artistic meditation
and emotional havoc on the installa-

“I had arranged for a hospital bed
from St. Joseph’s to be set up in the
gallery." Bickett said. “I had photos
going along the wall. But, the more
I got into it. I thought a minimal ap-
proach would be best."

A prolific artist that exhibits re-
gionally and nationally. Bickett
usually relies heavily on visual,
three-dimensional forms. His art is
highly politicized. an active. dy-
namic combination of media forms
including cut-outs. collages, free-
standing objects. TVs, audio tracks
and other electronic enhancements,

photos and paint.

For the Rasdall installation. how-
ever. Bickett was reduced to a mini-
mal approach. In his artist's state-
ment. he writes “it is not what I
wanted it to be. but rather it is what
it had to be. " Bickett also composed
poems to deal with the experience
of his dying friend.

Bickett‘s work started as a pro-

ject for Lexington's ACE Maga-

zine. After a dozen formal inter-
views of his friend and various
photography “sessions." it dawned
on Bickett that he had the begin-
nings of an installation. The inter-
views be pnined downed to poetry.
The photos became slides.

Bickett is not a new band at
AIDS-related art. He was in the
first national. juried show of works
related to AIDS by professional art-
ists at Ohio State University‘s Wex-
ler Museum in 1988. With the cur-
rent installation, however, Bickett's
hopes to bring the tragedy of AIDS,
and dying young, to more people.

“Probably 80 percent of the peo-
ple who see this show," Bickett
said, “won’t have ever seen any-
thing like this." 0

“Our society wants to segregate
segments that it finds different. ion
was gay but he thought it was the
most natural thing in the world.

“He thought the way people
thought about gay people with
AIDS was wrong. AIDS has been
politicized in this country. AIDS
has been portrayed as a gay disease.
Well, we know now that's not
true‘ Bickett said.

Bickett added that “From a lay-
man‘s point of view the country is
racist and bigoted. The country was
founded on it. It will take years for
that to change.

“The way I view things. life. it‘s
wrong. I’m not smart enough to
know what the solution is. whether
its education or money. My art is a
way for me to make an affirmation.
To say I don't feel that way - espe-
cially as a Southemer."

“There are pockets of resistance



John Bales is the subject of a new art exhibit in the Rasdall Gallery.

in America. And I‘d say there‘s a
pocket that lives in Lexington."
Bickett added.

Bickett‘s work has a simple. di-
rect appeal. It's a quiet. pure plea
that goes beyond headlines. sexual
choices or an “us vs. them“ mentali-

Meet Jon Bales and look into the
eyes that are resigned and expres-
sive at the same time. It becomes
impossible to deny the reality of
AIDS and the deadliness of our
modern world.

“I saw some pictures of Jon from
his family and I was amazed. He
was stocky and well-built. He was a
handsome man,“ Bickett said.

“He knew that life was a precious
and wonderful thing. And he knew.

too, that he was close to the perime-
ter of the loss of it," Bickett said.

Walk into the UK Student Cen-
ter. turn right past the Worsharn
and then left. Enter the Rasdall Gal-

We are mortal and delicate be-
ings capable of love. We could all
use a little gratitude. Jon Bales.
dead at 27. generously consented so
that we may witness for life.

An opening reception is sched-
uled this evening from 5 to 8. “Go-
ing Gently: Art Installation Con-
cerning a Friend Who Died" will
be at the Rasdall Gallery until
April 23. Gallery hours are 11 am
to 5 pm Monday through Friday
and noon to 5 Saturdays.






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l Gallery.

. perime-
tt said.
cent Cen-
0. 1081-

licate be-
could all
in Bales.
sented so

is sched-
i 8. “Go-
‘on Con-
ied” will
ry until
e 11 am




""'tIIII‘ '

Kentucky Kernel, Thursday. March as, im - a


Army ROTC celebrates 75th anniversary

Managing Editor

The spinning blades tilted back
as the sound of the engines grew
from a faint whisper to a hammer-
ing echo. like machine-gun fire ric-
ochetting across the lawn in front
of the Administration Building.

Debris flew into the air as the
UH-60 Blackhawk helicopter lifted
from the ground. bobbing and
swaying in the wind, while dozens
of students gathered below to

One of the bystanders, a young
man with close-cropped brown hair
who soon plans to enter the Army,
watched the aircraft turn and speed
off over campus.

“That’s going to be my job,
someday," be said, smiling broadly.

of the more than 210 UK students
who currently are enrolled in the
Army ROTC program at UK —— a
program that yesterday celebrated
its 75th anniversary.

In addition to the special appear-
ance by the Kentucky Army Na-
tional Guard Blackhawk, the anni-
versary celebration included a
speech by UK President Charles
Wethington and a presentation by
Brig. Gen. Larry Baker.

Baker, assistant adjutant general
for Kentucky. presented a procla-
mation from Gov. Brereton Jones
honoring the UK program for its
history of leadership and success.

Proclamations from Lexington
Mayor Scotty Baesler and UK’s
Student Government Association
also were presented.

UK's Army RUPC program.
which has about 250 cadets and is
the largest in the state, also includes
students from Transylvania Univer-
sity, Centre College and Kentucky
State University.

Although exact figures aren’t
available, Lt. Col. Quentin S. Cas-
tle, professor of military science.
estimates that the program has com-
missioned “far more than 5,000 of-
ficers” since its inception in 1917.

Those alumni include retired
Brig. Gen. Zack C. Saufiey, who
currently is the civilian aide to the
Secretary of the Army; and former
Indiana University President Elvis
J. Stahr, who served as Secretary of
the Army and was dean of the UK
College of Law.

While an impressive number of
prominent alumni have graduated

from the program. Castle said he
prefers to gauge the brigade's suc-
cess on a more personal level.

He described its history as one of
pride and commitment, filled with
thousands of success stories.

one day who said, ‘If it hadn't been
for your program, I wouldn't have
made it,’ " Castle recalled.

“He said he was unsure of him-
self, had no leadership ability and
was not mature. Then he said.
‘When I got to your program, I
knew that I could do anything in
life. I appreciate what I got out of

“We not only prepare officers for
active duty and reserves," Castle
said, “we prepare guys to serve in
the community later.

“That‘s success."

State republicans seek passage of abortion bill

Associated Press

FRANKFORT, Ky. — Senate
Republicans, fmstrated by a com-
mittee‘s refusal to take up three
abortion bills, switched strategy
Wednesday and mounted an effort
to bring the proposals to the cham-
ber for a vote.

The move came after Judiciary
Committee Chairman Sen. Kelsey
Friend overruled motions to vote
on the abortion bills during the pan-
el‘s final meeting of the legislative

The Republicans quickly filed
petitions seeking to advance the
bills to the Senate floor in spite of


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L-.-_. _____________

the committee‘s failure to act. The
petitions, an unusual parliamentary
maneuver, will be debated today.

Friend (D-Pikeville) put off Re-
publican questions by offering to
consider the abortion bills if time
allowed during the two-hour hear-
ing, but only after all other matters
were considered.

Friend’s decisions against the
motions were challenged three
times by the committee‘s Republi-
can trio — David Williams, Walter
Baker and Tim Philpot Each time
the committee‘s Democratic major-
ity sided with Friend.

“I want to make it clear as a bell
that this is not a vote on any kind of

technical committee procedures,"
said Philpot (R-Lexington). “The
people that would be voting no
with us would be Mother Teresa.
would be Wendell Ford, would be
thousands of women and minor
girls who regret their decision and
well over half the citizens of Ken-

The committee Republicans later
tried to hurry action on other bills,
and senators took occasional peeks
at the clock.

Moments before the hearing end-
ed, Williams (R-Burkesville) said
he took “personal offense at the
way this committee has been run,“
which drew applause from abortion

opponents in the crowded hearing

“I think it was a great miscar-
riage here today in not considering
these bills. especially when people
have said both publicly and private-
ly that they were supportive of
these bills." Williams said after the
meeting. “We had numerous citi-
zens here today advocating these
bills on both sides and I think those
bills deserve to be heard in a fair

Williams said the Senate had an
obligation to vote on thc bills.

“There are people who are desir-
ous of hiding behind the conunittee
system so they will not make their


Contributing Writer

As the last tired soul trudged
up to the barn and the last hyper
child got on the bus, everyone
knew that Tot's Day was over
until tomorrow.

UK's Block and Bridle Club is
continuing its annual two day
event, Tot's Day. at UK owned
Coldstrearn Farm.

“The main goal of Tot‘s Day
is to promote animal science.
give youth the experience of
farm animals and mainly to have
fun," said Beth Prewitt. chair-
woman for the event.

Tot's Day, originally designed
to orient first graders in Fayette
County Public Schools to farm
animals in their natural setting.
began 15 years ago under the di-
rection of former Block and Bri-
dle president Doug Shepard.
'l‘ot's Day was the first program
of its kind on a university cam-
pus. Texas A&M since then has
followed suit.

“'l‘ot‘s Day is to educate kids.
We want them to know that
chocolate milk doesn’t come
from brown cows,“ said Dr. FA.
Thrift. professor of Animal Sci-

About 4,000 children are ex-
pected to visit the farm during
the event. The children are taken
on a 1 1/4 hour tour. look at and
pet many of the animals and are
given an explanation of their


UK Tot’s Day offers
kids farm knowledge

uses. The children also learn to
given wool samples. coloring
books, balloons and other souve-

In the past five years, farm of-
ficials have seen a rapid growth
in the number of children who
take part. Tot’s Day now in-
cludes Bourbon, Jessamine,
Scott and Clark counties. Private
day cares, pre-schools and pri-
vate groups also visit.

Information on the event is
sent only to the Fayette County
elementary schools. but sign up
sheets are sent upon request.

The demand for Tot‘s Day has
become so great that many
Block and Bridle members won-
der if they can accommodate it
in coming years.

“if it gets any larger, we won‘t
be able to do it anymore. We try
to restrict it to first graders but
it’s taxpayer’s property. and we
can't tell them that they can‘t
come out. We can‘t increase the
days because they (Block and
Bridle members) czui‘t miss that
much class,“ 'l‘hrift said.

Because of the increase in in-
terest. traffic problems have
mounted. 'lhrift said the indi-
vidual cars. not the buses. cause
the main problems. Parking
along the road sometimes makes
the road impassable.

Within the next two years.
there will be a transition from
Coldstream to Woodford County.



loss poses possible threat for dieters

expend more calories (energy) than
are consumed. To maintain good
health while losing weight, slow,
gradual weight loss is recommend-
ed. Decreasing your total calories
requirement by 500 calories per
day allows for a 1-2 pound weekly
weight loss because 3,500 calories
are equivalent to 1 pound of fat. It
is important to choose foods lower
in fat and to increase the portion
size of foods eaten. One of the most
vital components of weight mainte—
nance is one's activity level. Exer-
cise should be incorporated three to
four times per week for at least 30
minutes at a time. If you do not
have time to join a gym or go to an
exercise class, there are other alter-
natives that are considered daily ex-
ercise that you probably do any-
way. lt really makes a difference.


For the

Some foods have more calories
and fat grams than others. Knowing
what to look for on a label makes it
easier to make a healthier choice.
Fat provides 9 calories per gram.
Carbohydrates and proteins provide
4 calories per gram and alcohol pro-
vides 7 calories per gram.

Decreasing total fat intake not
only allows for weight loss, but re-
duces the risk of cardiovascular dis-
ease. High quantities of fat can be
found in whole milk, cheese, butter.
cooking oils. shonening. sour cream
and red meats. If these foods are
eaten, just reduce the portion size

and frequency. Overall, a diet that
is higher in complex carbohydrates
and dietary fiber will sustain your
appetite between meals.

Eat at a table with few distrac-
tions. Eat slowly and concentrate on
your food: you will eat less. Re-
member. it takes the brain 20 min-
utes to realize it is being fed. Try to
be aware of the cues that make you
eat. These cues can range from
boredom. depression, commercials
on TV to the time of day. Find oth-

er activities to eliminate these cues
and eat only when you are hungry.

Some suggestions for low-
calorie, low-fat. nutrient-dense
foods include breads and cereals
that are lower in fat. raw fruits and
vegetables and low-fat dairy prod-
ucts such as yogurt and skim milk.

Fiber in foods provides a sense of
fullness and offsets hunger. It also
helps reduce cholesterol and helps
prevent cardiovascular disease.
Mainly try to reduce total fat intake

and alcohol consumption. These ar-
eas are where the calories and
health complications lie.

Contact the UK Cooperative Ex-
tension ()fficc or your local dieti-
cian. Call Student Health Service at
257-3134 for information regarding
an appoinunent with a dietician.

Rachel N. Griffin and Leslie J.
Williams are students in the UK
Dietetics Program For the Health
of It is a service of the UK Health
Education Program.





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 4 - Kentucky Kerri-l Thursday, March 26. 1992


UK shoot-around
draws young fans
to Philadelphia

PHILADELPHIA —— Three pairs
of blue eyes grew wide with amaze-
ment as two slanky UK basketball
players sank one, then two. then
three consecutive pairs of threes. It
was only practice, but the boys in
blue could not believe their eyes.

”They all can hit the threes," said
17-year-old Jeff Laphen. “Every-
body from Kentucky can hit the

Iaphen, his friends Sean Serany
and Chip Beddis, a trio of blue-
eyed high school boys from Doyles-
town, Pa. drove for about an hour
yesterday to the Spectrum in Phila-
delphia to watch Duke, Massachu—
setts, Seton Hall and Laphen's fa-
vorite team — the Wildcats —
practice before today’s NCAA East
Regional game.

Because admission was free and
open to the public, the boys were
able to secure the bes