xt7v6w96b412 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96b412/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-11-11 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 11, 1997 1997 1997-11-11 2020 true xt7v6w96b412 section xt7v6w96b412  

97 ~—

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mm Sunny this after-

noon, big/J near 3'5. Cloudy and

cool tonight, [out near 40.


Sunny tomorrow, big/J near 50.

m m New couch Tubby Smith

is lookiugfor players to step up and become



leaders on the court. See Sports, page 2.



November 11,1997

0 (Ian/put 3 [)1tw'uum O

l 7,2] n malt—5' Sports 2




(.ios‘s‘a'ori/ 5 Ivlt'L'Pl/IHI 4

lfilABl WM 11 1.4491

in slaying

By Justin Willis
Staff Writer

Questions surrounding the mysterious death of UK
architecture professor Pete Pinney may be closer to
being answered.

A man was arrested Nov. 5 and
charged by the Lexington Police with
unlawful use ofa credit device.

“There is a chance it came from
Pinney," said Captain john Potts, 3
Lexington police spokesman. He
would not say if the credit device was
in Pinney's name, but he did confirm
it was somehow related to Pinney.

“You can have someone’s credit
card, but that doesn’t mean that you’ve
committed homicide,” Potts said.

Potts would not identify the man’s
name. But said he is still in custody.

Although police would not confirm
last night that there is a connection to
the case, District Court records show
there was only one fraudulent use of a
credit card arrest made on Nov. 5.

Paul Barnett, of Lexington, was
arrested for attempting 12 withdrawals
with a credit card from an ATM machine at 866 High
Street. Barnett is being held in the Fayette County
Detention Center on $10,000 bond until his full
arraignment Thursday.

VVhen asked if the same man was somehow
involved with the homicide, Potts said, “1 don’t know.
Until we do know, we can't say."

Pinney‘s body was discovered eight days ago beside
Cleveland Road in southeastern Fayette County. Pin—
ney, a UK professor for more than 30 years, was killed
by blunt force to the head and neck, according to the
Lexington Coroner’s Office.

Duct tape was found at the scene. Pinney’s posses—
sions included his keys and a credit card.

Although it is believed that Pinney was killed by
more than one person, no one is presently charged
with the homicide. Pinney, with an estimated weight
of 250 pounds, was found approximately eight feet off
the road when a passing motorist discovered the body





around 6:30 a.m.

During a news conference on Nov. 4, Lt. William
Fockele of the Lexington Police said he believed more





See PINNEY on 3






Architecture students
construct outdoor gallery

XII/ll rcpt/l1

Don‘t call them “sculptures" in the presence of the
architecture students. The students get quite offended.

They prefer the term structures to refer to the objects
they‘ve built on the law it behind of the Student (Icntcr.

All first‘ycar architecture students were required to
work on a project that involved constructing something
out ofmaterials they could find for free. Those included
wood, metal, fabric. you name it.

The students were divided into 30 groups of three stu‘
dents each. :\ week ago on Saturday. they built models o1
their projects. They had the rest of the week to work on
the life—site versions, which were completed Saturday:

All projects were based on haiku poems. which they
were given by their instructor.

()li Mclntosh said his structure, which is three feet
wide and ranges from three feet tall to 1‘ feet tall, was
intended to imitate the poetry form‘s abstract, modest
qualities by retaining a simple design.

“Mine was based on the haiku itself, not what it was
about," he said.

Participating in the assignment helped him improve
his knowledge of construction and what makes a struc—
ture sturdy, he said. He discovered most ofthe materials
he used -— predominantly wood —— by digging through


BETWEEN "If llNES josh Smith. ajomvmlimi senior, surveyed the work of‘arcliiterture students lteltiml the
Student Center yesterday afternoon. Tlte pieces are based on lull/(II poet/y (altot‘t') supplied by professors.

garbage dumpsters.

\\'as be embarrassed?

“No, I loved it," he said. “It's become habitual now."

next two \\ ecks.

The structures will stay on display for at least the



.‘ j Stadium work

starting SOOII

Seatou Center plans moved up as well

By Mat Harron

campus Editor

Work on two major campus
projects may occur soon.

Very soon.

Construction to add 8,000
benchback seats and close in
Commonwealth Stadium may
begin as early as next fall, con-
struction officials said yesterday.

Preliminary plans indicate that
construction will begin after the
football season next year, said Jack
Miller, senior project manager of
Capital Construction.

“We may be able to do some
construction around the perime-
ter,” he said, "but major construc-
tion won't start until after the last
home game of the 1998 season.”

Four construction management
firms will be interviewed Nov. 13
for the roject, said Ken Clevi—
dence, director of Procurement
and Construction Divisions.

The construction management
firms under consideration are
Bovis, Inc. from Princeton, N.j.;
Beers Construction from Atlanta;
Turner Construction from
Cincinnati; and Huber, Hunt and
Nichols from Indianapolis.

Design firms to be interviewed
Nov. 19 are HKS, Inc. from Dallas,
and HNTB from Kansas City,
Mo., which studied the feasibility of
an on-campus arena this past year.

The department will ask the
consultant to consider eventually
making all seats benchback.

Some work has already been



done on stadium restrooms and

The entrance facing
Nicholasville Road will be reno-
vated, and a novelty shop, more
lights and improvements in light-
ing levels are also in the works.

“The uestions will be aimed at
finding wcltat their experience is on
projects similar to this expansion,”
Miller said.

Also on the agenda for the next
two years is the Seaton Center


MW WEALTH Officials moz'ed up plans to improz‘e Commonwealth Stadium.

Originally included in the
3000-2002 biennium budget, the
project will go before the General
Assembly in January and will be
included on the list of projects for
the 1998—2000 biennium.

The project is in its second
phase, said Bill Pieratt, director of
Campus Recreation. The commit-
tee, which includes Student Gov—
ernment Association President
Melanie Cruz. Student Activities


Guyou receives
another award

for excellence

By Kristin Henley
Staff.” 'rlrt'r

\Vho knew Nagasaki Inn had
a tie with someone at L'K?

L'K professor of architecture
Scott Guyon recently won the
Honor Award for Excellence in
Architectural Design for the
design of the japanese restau-

The Kentucky chapter of the
American Institute ofArchitects
honored Guyon for the fifth
time in nine years.

“\Vinning the Honor Award
is like winnin the Best Picture


award in llolywood." (iuyon

PI‘OI [18819118 local
Japanese eatery

said. “lt's‘ the big one."

His first four awards were for
the designs of Dream \Veaver in
Louisville, the Premier Federal
Savings Bank in \Vinchester,
and two private residences.

It took nine months for
(iuyon's company, Guyon
.-\rchitect.s, lnc., and the contrac—
tors to complete the restaurant.
which opencdjune 19‘)().

[port entering the restaurant.
one sees a series of aquarium
benches on the left, and while
waiting for a table guests can sit
across from a collection of tropi-
cal fish.

The restaurant is a combinav
tion of four distinct environ-
ments. Tatami rooms are for the
traditional japanese dining expe»
rience. Guests remove their
shoes and sit on the floor of a
private, c uiet dining room. The
’l'epanya 'i Garden offers a more

See DESIGN on 3


New sta

By Justin \tllllls
Staff Writer

Help may soon be on the way
to ease the financial burden of
tuition for future students at UK
and other coll: s across the state
with a new sc olarship program
that could possibly begin as early

I 1

as next year.

Under the Commonwealth
Merit Scholarship, proposed by
Senator Tim Shaughnessy and
House majority leader David
Karem, a aduating high school
senior wit an A average would
have one-fourth of their colle e
tuition paid for by the Kentucky


Higher Education Systems

A hi school senior graduat-
ing wit a B average would have
one— i hth of their tuition aid
for. e scholarship woul be
possible at all in-state institutions.

Students in a four year institu-

tion would be compensated for


Illl) may

four years of schoolin . If a stu-
dent chooses to attend a private
college the scholarship would be
ca ped at whatever the tuition at
UK or the University of Louisville
would be.

“The Commonwealth Merit
Scholarship is a real effort to kc:
the brighter students in-statc,


said Senator Shaughnessy. “I've
been interested in this for a long
time, after the incredible impact
that the Hope Scholarship had in

The Hope Scholarship in
Georgia offers to pay the college
tuition for a graduating high
school senior who holds at least a


be available 80011

B average. At least 95 percent of
the freshman class at Georgia
and Georgia Tech are Hope

Student Government Associa-
tion President Melanie Cruz
spoke with Sen. Shaughnessy and
announced the SGA’s support of

See HOPE on 3

§ 1






VMQWWW’J’VJ“. a. {new .1

'l'ucsdoy, Not


By Jay 6. Tate
Spam l'LlItur


\\'hen the Cats take the floor
tonight against Court Authority in
L'K's first Rupp Arena appearance
of the season, L'K head coach
Tubby Smith won't be looking for
the eye of the tiger from his point

lle'll instead be looking for the
to. It of‘a lion.

\\ aV ne lurner who now takes
mm as point guard after spending
his first two seasons running the
point both behind and alongside
\iithonV F pps has alw aVs gar-
nered Lonsiderable praise for his

'mlm' l I, l 997, Kentucky Kernel



He can penetrate off the dribble

Ile can pass.

He can score.

But Smith says he needs even
more from his point guard if this
team is to reach the heights of its
recent predecessors.

“W e re not a very vocal group
right now ”Smith said yesterday.
“I think it starts with Vour point
guard. Leadership mines in many
different forms and Lertainly he's ‘
shown In ex xaiiiple.

“But I need him to call the
offenses out and to get us in our

So is Smith's assessment accu-



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.. ~”—-,. .


“Yeah, it’s true," Turner said.
“But I think I've improved on it a
lot and gotten more vocal this sea-
son. Hopefully as the year goes
on, I II become the leader (Smith)
wants me to be.”

Turner as a vocal leader? To
some, it may seem like a miscast
role. But for Turner, the mild-
mannered temperament he has
displayed on the court since his
arrival was just the role he felt was
most appropriate for the situation.

“I came in and there were a lot
of older people here,” Turner

“For some reason, I felt it
wasn’t right for me to tell the
older guys what to do and et on
them, in some cases, ‘ they
weren’t playing hard."

Now that Turner has become
one of the older guys himself, will
his role change?

“I think it will be different this
season,” Turner said. “I've real-
ized realized that (point guard) is
mV position and (being Vocal) is
11in job. If I want to he a leader
that 5 what I haVe to do.”

“He's definitely quiet," forward
Scott Padgett said. “But the rea—
son coach wants him to be more
Vocal is because he’s the one that
sets up the offense. I rcallV think
he s gotten more Vocal mm the
past few weeks and I think he s a
great leader."

Plclis, lull-mm and videotape

After Saturday’s Blue-VVhite
scrimmage, Smith was concerned
with his team’s performance on

the defensive end.

“After evaluating the film yes-
terday of our (scrimmage), what
you saw was that you’re never as
good as you think you are and
you’ re never as bad as you think
you are,’ ’Smith said.

“So it will be interesting to see
how we need to improve on many
areas — especially in the defensive
area.” _

Padgett agreed with the critical
analysis of the scrimmage, saying:
"It turned into a street game.
There was a lot of one-on-one
and that’s not how we’re supposed


“But I think we’ll come out and
play better (tonight),” Padgett
added “because we re playing
against another team.”

Tonight 5 opponent, a team
comprised of former colle e play—
ers based In Richmond, 21., will
provide the Cats 2 change to bat-
tle a squad of strangers rather than
another scrimmage against team—

But for Smith, the faces will
still be familiar.

Four of Court Authority’s play-
ers attended Virginia Common-
wealth, including two players
(Edmund Sherod and Calvin
Duncan) who played for Smith
while he was an assistant with the

“I know all these guys pretty
well, so it will be strange coachin
against them," Smith said. “It wifi
be a test because theV 're a veteran
ballclub and they’ve come pretty
close a few times. T hey ve got the

ability to beat us.”





[HIP Allen Edmund and Cameron Mills apply the prerrnre r0 fires/”nan
Alyron Ant/Jolly In Igllflll'fltlv‘.f Blue- White i‘i‘rimmuge.


HBISIIIflII IIVIIB nearing summit

Mam/1mg stzllfdvored despzte lack of success versus UF

Ver 900 Votes go out this

week to members of the

media across the country
who will vote the most prized indi—
vidual award in collegiate football
~~ the Heisman Trophy.

TheJohn \Y. Heisman Memo-
rial Trophy Award is given annu—
allV to the nation's most outstand—
ing college football plaV er by the
Downtown Athletic C Iub of New
York In December. Most out—
standing is supposed to mean the
nation’s best all—around player, not
most valuable.

\Yith the passing of
judgment Day in college
football this past Saturday,
the Heisman picture is
began to take some sort of
shape while recognizing
that there is still more
football to be played.

Here’s a look at a few '
of the top contenders:


tcrback Brian Griese, his third
scoring play of the year.

He has yet to strike a pose like
cit—Heisman winner and fellow
\Yolverine, wide receiver
Desmond Howard, when he won
the award in 1992.

The fact that VVoodson plays
on defense and doesn’t handle the
football on every play like a quar—
terback or running back will be the
one reason he might win it.

VPeyton Manning (Tennessee,
QB, Sr.)

Manning has virtually been
handed the award since
announcing last March that
he would return for his
senior season in Knoxville.

In l995, Manning fin-
ished sixth in the balloting,
and last year he was eighth
in the final count.

\Yhile the Vols’ QB is

the consensus number one

VCharlcs \Yoodson PI‘ICI pick in the next NFL draft.
(Michigan, DB/\\'R,]r.) MKIIISIIII through much of the season,
In dominating Penn gym”, I was not a believer that he
State 34-8 in Happy Valley, CulIflnIIIT‘I is the best player or quarter-

l’a., over the weekend, V
\Yoodson showed w hy he is
the best plaVer In the country. I he
\\ olVerine “D" held the NittanV
1 mm to a net (18 Vards through the
air led by the two- position star.
“oodson s athleticism has car-
ried him to the offensch side of
the ball from his natural position
of defensive back. Ile caught a 37-
yard touchdown pass from quar—

back out there. But after
watching him this weekend,
he may indeed be the best QB.
After a rough game in the 22—7
win over South Carolina the previ—
ous week (8 onS for 126 yards, 1
INT), Manning produced more
I leisman—esque numbers against a
solid Southern Mississippi defense
Saturday, 35-53 for 399 yards and
4 TDs with no INTS.

Basically, it is \laniiing s to lose
this year but he never conquered
his ultimate mountain, a win over

VRandy Moss (Marshall, \VR,

Moss has caught 3| Tl) passes
this year and 76 passes for 1,376
yards for the season. llis number for
TDs is just one short of the NCAA
single season record for rcccivcrs.

Silky smooth as a receiver in
stride, at (1-5, Moss can outleap
opposing defensive backs with his

Nicknamed “The Freak"
because of his attitude, Moss
served brief stints at two big-time
Division l schools, Notrc Dame
and Florida State, before run-ins
with the law.

FSL' head coach Bobby Bow-
den said \loss possesses athletic
abilitV comparable to former
Seminole, Deion Sanders.

Yet thef fact that Moss competes
in the .\lid-;\Iiicrican Conference
eliminates him as a serious threat.

VRyan Leaf (\Yashington
State, QB,_lr.)

Playing on the west coast, Leaf

has not received as much national or
teIeVision exposure as an east coast
\Ianning or L K s lim ( ouLh.

NeVertheIcss, Leaf is produc-
ing, and producing big for the
PA( ~l() contender byp passing for
mer 3,000 yards likc( ouLh

In \A'SL"s 7 I -7 win over South-
west l.ouisiana, Leaf tossed just I i

Fill [ilmiu
QUICK BENIN" Tim Cour/J one
year I'emoz t’t/fi om Bill ( III-1y \ rti-
fling option offense I1 1102. rem": I'ng
m iout ronridcmrzon for the Ht’lWflflll

passes, but they were for 305 yards
and 4 scores.

VTim Couch (UK, QB, Soph.)

In nine games this season,
Couch broke the NCAA record for
Iiiost TD passes as a sophomore.

And Couch has two more sea-
sons to win the coveted trophy
after phenomenal numbers, and it
is just his first season as the starter.

.S'ponr (.‘olnmmrt Pi'lt‘t’ :1 Ikimnn ILL/1
finmmlirm .V'mi'or.



By Dave McNamara
( ontrilmting H mm

About as far as you can get from
the limelight and the roar of a
Lapacity crowd at Rupp Arena or
( onimonwealth Stadium there Is
the High Street Y MCA.

In the relative obscurity of a
tiny basement gym L' K boxing
makes Its home, and its 45 fighters
toil to perfect their craft

It is a simple gym, about two
boxing rings wide with just enough
room left over for some heavy
bags, speed bags and floor 5 ace
for jumping rope and shadow ox-
ing. Mirrors, fight promotions

azine and newspaper clippings
antfpictures of boxers adorn the
walls. Above one of the rings reads
the slogan, “He who fears being
con uered is sure of defeat."

T here is a buzz of activ.ity Two
fighters spar in one ring, another
works on footwork and jabs In the
other. On the floor, several others
jump rope, shadowbox and work

on the hea

( oach ( hristy "Mia focus—
ing her attention ontk m fight—
ers sparring She watches intently
and occasionally offers instruction.
When the bell rings for the end of
the round, Halbert has sotne last
minute remarks for the pair, some
things to work on as they move to
their next exercise.

Halbert is a boxer herself, a for-
mer UK club fighter who eventual—
Iy became a professional. She went
4- 0 in Toughman competitions
and l -0 on the pro level. She calls
boxing a “t endurance s ort,’
but stresses 0t e level of sa cry in
club boxing

“I’m omg for my Ph. D.," Hal-
bert said, “and I did research to
make sure that I wasn 't killin the
brain cells (throu h box1ng)t at l
was trying to builtf.”

A boxer Is in the comer assault-
ing a heavy bag with a flurry of
fearsome hooks. His name is James

Dendy. He laced third in the
National Col egiatc Boxing Tour-
. is
- .. 4-L:~

nament last Vear. Ilis loss was to
the best collegiate boxer, in his
weight class, In the country.

“I think it s a good sport. \ lot
of people should gch it a try,
DendV said. I Iikci I the indiVidiiaI
aspect. I used to plaV basketball
but here there are no coaches
tellin you what you can and Lan i
do. I you want to box, you can

Boxing Club head coach
George (Iinter can't say enough
about any ofhis fighters.

“W'e’yc ot the best team in the
region by far,” (iintcr said. “But
our whole program is geared safety
first, no question.

But if there is a theme that dom-
inates conversations more than
(Iinter’s obvious pride and affec—
tion for his boxers, it is the fact
that, contrary to popular belief,
boxing on the collegiate level is an
extremely safe, fun sport.

(iinter said.
NCBA competition, there has
never been a serious injury.”





“in 22 years of


As far as promising talent on
this year‘s team, Ginter is extreme»
IV outspoken. Most notably, he
mentioned Sal Bertuna from New
York City who was runner-11p at
nationals last year and is expected
to win this year. His praise also
included All-American and 1996
national champ Brant Dutle, 1997
national runner-up jeremy \A'in-
ton, All—American Dendy. and
potential All—American Gary

UK boxin is a tremendous suc-
cess story. Sk’ith most of their
bouts against schools with more
advanced boxing programs, the
milita schools such as Navy in
particu ar, UK has still managed to
achieve great success They placed
fifth nationally last year.

All It takes 15 a strong interest in
the sport, and a willingness to work
in order to join. Perhaps Matt
Raney, whose father was a fighter

atWest Point, said it best

“I don’t know if I’ve got it in
me, but I'm going to try.”




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By Heather Kamlns
and Peter Romer-Frlsdman
i’Vlichigan Daily

ANN ARBOR, Mich. — Uni—
versity President Lee Bollinger sat
on his bed watching the Michi-

an-Penn State game with his wife

aturday night when more than
1,000 University students hurdled
his bushes, climbed the trees,
crammed onto his lawn and began
screaming his name.

As the crowd mounted the
steps of the white house shouting
“We want Lee,” Bollinger
emerged and invited the students
in —— making the President’s
house the home of the largest
post$ame party on campus.

“ ou can stay here as long as
you want and come inside,”
Bollinger said, huggin and
embracing students in celeiration

of the Michigan victory.

The swarm of students pushed
through the small door of 815
South University Ave. Hundreds
of students packed into every room
of the house, including Bollindger’s


bedroom, living room and s


Kinesiology sophomore Bob
Lehrer made himself at home in

Bollinger's bedroom.

“I sat on Lee Bollinger’s bed and
was watching football on TV,"
Lehrer said. “I called from his phone
to my answering machine and left a

message. He gave me a hug, and on

the way out he said he loved us all.”

Bollinger, who had watched the
frenzied students sprint down
toward the
house, said he was concerned that
the celebration would mirror the
recent riots at Michigan State

South University

University after the
defeated \Vestern Michigan.

“I didn't know what the crowd
was like,” Bollinger said. “I was
worried about that, but it all turned
out all right. It was wonderful."

Students said they did not want
to cause violence or destruction #
they simply wanted to party with
the president and celebrate the
victory peacefully.

“He‘s a great guy," said LSA
sophomore Jason Ragnick. “1 Te
let us arty in his house. \Ve’re
not maliing violence. \Ve‘re party-
ing with the president."

The students then ran to the
quietest place on campus, the Law
Library, shouting and chanting
“The Victors” while tuba players
followed closely behind.

The Anti Arbor Police Depart—
ment and the Department of Pub-
lic Safety said there were no
arrests made last night.

Although students blocked the

roads for about an hour, the
motorists were not disturbed by
the inconvenience of having to
turn away front campus.

“\Ve'll have to take a detour,"
said music seniorjames Kerr, as he
tried to navigate down South Lini-
versity. “It's not a problem,
though, considering the occasion."

Bollinger said nothing in the
house was stolen or broken. A
number of students, however,
claitned to have stolen bottles of
beer from the refrigerator.

“You don’t steal from the presi-
dent," Lehrer said, “you buy beer
for the president."

History professor Nicholas
Steneck, who teaches a class about
L'niversity history, said the presi—
dent's house has not welcomed
the entire student body since Har—
lan llatcher served as University




Center, Stadium

may see growth soon
From PAGE 1
Board President Winn

Stephens, Pieratt and Dr. Don
Frazier, will now decide “what
they want,” Pieratt said.

The committee plans to solic—
it a lot of student input through
surve s and gatherin informa-
tion om recreation acilities at
other universities, before decid-
ing on the final plan, said Pieratt,
who hinted at the possibility of a
new facility students wouldn’t
have to share with athletic teams.

UK’s recreation facilities
became the target of student
concerns after a Recreations
Committee found that cam us
facilities ranked well be ow
benchmark and in-state schools.

This finding played an
important role in President
Charles Wethington moving
the project to the current bien-
nium, Cruz said.

"‘There’s a drastic need to
improve our campus recreation
facilities, and I think now both
the administration and the stu-
dents realize this is a concern,”
she said. “I don’t think anybody
in the University likes to see us
rank low. It’s embarrassing ”

Cruz, Stephens and Pieratt
will visit Vanderbilt University
in Nashville tomorrow “to see
what we want in our new Seaton
Center and to see what we can
do to improve,” she said.

Committee members might
also go to the University of Geor-
gia to see the school’s new recre—
ation center, which Cruz esti-
mates cost $30 million.


Growing institution



"A" DAMON Kernel rm”.

Keith Priestley (left) and Kevin Smith of Land Design plant a honey locust tree in the Patterson Office Tower Plaza.
They also planted Chinese elms and maplesyesterday.


Scholarship funded

by the state may he
ready fiir students

From PAGE 1

the scholarshi program.

- “The scho arshi could show
that education has come a pri-
dtity in the commonwealth and
reward them for their efforts,”
Cruz said.

. The scholarship would be
awarded to anyone who meets
the requirements of at least a B
average and is a Kentucky state
resident. Family income would
not be a deciding factor.

‘1 Althou the roposed merit
basgd schgl‘arshiri) has yet to go
fiangh the General Assemb , it
ig'agreduled to be discussed en

6 . -J-----

the session begins in January.
Basically the only obstacle to
etting it passed is the issue of
hinding, Cruz said.
“The concern is how you
hase out the lottery revenues
from the general fund without
destro ing the general fund,"
Sen. S aughnessy said.

With the estimated transfer of
funds, by 2004 the lottery’s gen-
eral fund would be completely '
phased out and 90 percent of lot-
tery revenues would be desi at-
ed for the Commonwealth erit
Scholarshi . The other 10 per-
cent woul be offered as assis-
tance and tuition grants.

The Council for Post—sec—
ondary Education‘s 23 percent
tuition increase, approved on
Nov. 3, was in no way related to
the proposed scholarship,
Melanie Cruz said. The scholar-
slgp was prefiled by Aug. 22,
l 7.



UK architecture
professor honored

again fbr excellence
From PAGE 1

livel dining experience. The
chefg’ prepare food before the

ests in a “culinary floor show.”
The Karaoke Room is an enclosed
area for ests to display their
musical ta ents. Finally, a sushi bar
situated in the center of the
restaurant, attracts the most dar—
ing of guests.

Marie Wood, owner of
Na salti Inn, was very impressed
wi Guyon and his company.

“Everything was carefully
picked.” Wood said. “He paid
attention to detail.”

Wood is from Nagasaki, a

. . dfl..._...__ _

region in japan, and provided
input as to the design of the
restaurant. The restaurant was a
consolidation of two other restau-
rant's that \Vood owned, Nagasa—
ki Steakhouse and Hibari Restau-

Paul Swisher, an employee of
Guyon Architects and a 1989
graduate of UK, was a project
architect who controlled the con-
struction drawin phase. Swisher
was a student of Euyon’s second-
year studioclass.

“(Guyon) is an excellent
architect. He knows the con-
struction end and is very artisti-
cally motivated,” Swisher said.
“It's a good mix that isn’t very

Guyon has been a visiting pro-
fessor of desi for 11 years. He
enjoys teaching and practicing
aspects of architecture.

“It reconciles the need for
thought and action,” Guyon said.

l . .__.__.-



Kentucky kernel. 'luesday, November I l, l 99." '



By James Ritchie
News Editor

The raging floods of WW7
brought on debate that such
severe weather events are the
first signs of a changing climate.

In his book The [It'lll is ()n
(:\ddison \\'cs‘lcy. l‘l‘l7),
Pulitzer Prize-shinning reporter
Ross (ielbspan said the :\mcri—
can public has been misled by a
“campaign of disinformation"
on the topic supported by oil
and coal interests.

(iclbspan will speak at 8 p.in.
Monday at the Singletary Center
for The Arts. The event is free.

(ielbspan will discuss about
all aspects of climate change.
The problem‘s reach includes
concerns as diverse as driving
patterns, agriculture, food sup—
ply and infectious diseases.

“There isn't really an area it
doesn't touch," said Trista (Ilaxon.
fonner president ofthe Sierrans.

People are confused about the
topic, she said. including the
campus community. A
widespread belief is global cli-
mate change is still in question.

In reality. she said, it's no
longer a theory. The 3,500 scien-
tists who make up the Intergov-
ernmental Panel on Climate
Change are calling for 60 to 70
percent reductions of rreenhouse
emissions to stabilize t e clitnate.

Some scientists disagree on the
issue. (ielbspan said in an inter-
view. But, he said, much ofthe dis—
sent comes from about 12 scien—
tists who are influenced by money
from coal and oil companies.

liven if climate change weren’t

involved, Claxon said, more effi-
cient use of energy resources
would still benefit industry
because it would save money.

“I“.ncrgy efficiency in general
wouldn‘t hurt the bottom