xt7v6w96b49r https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96b49r/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2005-07-14 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers English Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, July 14, 2005 text The Kentucky Kernel, July 14, 2005 2005 2005-07-14 2020 true xt7v6w96b49r section xt7v6w96b49r Thursday July 14. 2005 www.kykernel.com newsroom: 257-1915 First issue free Subsequent issues 25 cents. THE KENTUCKY Kerrie Celebrating 33 years of independence 1 Dave Matthews: Coming to an (ampi)theater near you. Page 3 Undrafted Morris returning to UK By Josh Sullivan THE mmcxv mm UK fans may get to see Randolph Morris in a Wild- cat jersey again after all. On Monday. Head Coach Tubby Smith confirmed that the 6- foot-lO center will return to Kentucky for his sophomore season. pending NCAA ap- proval. “I met with Randolph and his parents this past weekend,” Smith said in a prepared statement. “Ran— dolph indicated to me that he would like to return to UK. and I told him there is a place for him on this basket- ball team." Morris sent UK a fax in early May, notifying the coaching staff that he was entering the NBA Draft. He avoided contact with UK coaches and officials for the next two months while trav- eling to workouts for vari- ous NBA teams. On June 24. despite sub- reviews from NBA par scouts, Morris announced he would remain in the draft, ending his UK career k or so everyone thought. Morris went unselected in the draft on June 30, opening the door for a possi- ble return to collegiate com— petition. But before Morris can re- turn to the rotation, the NCAA must officially rein- state him. “The eligibility issues that stem from his NBA workouts this summer are still being addressed.“ Smith said. “Our compli- ance office is assisting the NCAA as they look into this matter. The NCAA has been very helpful and they under- stand we would like a timely resolution." Under NCAA rules. Mor- ris must reimburse any NBA team that incurred ex— penses on his behalf during his summer workouts. The NCAA is also inves- tigating the extent of Mor- ris' relationship with Cali- fornia-based sports agency SFX, which released the statement detailing his deci- sion to remain in the draft. Players who hire an agent forfeit their remaining col- lege eligibility. SFX repre- sentatives have said that Morris was never a client of the firm. When and if Morris is cleared to rejoin the team, it‘s likely he’ll be forced to sit out a number of games. The NCAA suspended for- mer Mississippi State for- ward Lawrence Roberts for the Bulldogs' first three games last season, after he worked out for the NBA‘s Portland Trailblazers. Roberts repayed Portland for their expenses related to his workout and withdrew his name from the draft. Morris would join fellow returning starters Rajon Rondo and Patrick Sparks, along with a cast of experi- enced reserves from last year‘s team that reached the regional finals. E-mail jsullivanm kykernel. com Walking, singing UK hopes new dorms (but not performing) in the . practice. Several teams are ere participa ing in a volleyball camp, camps hosted by UK during the summer. soonlounn | 51»? Grace Soards a Psychology freshman and her dad Marty Soards of Louisville walk back to their dorm after a day at the summer advising conference. is ._ Irma-nus] sun The Lexington Shakespeare Festival was forced to cancel its opening night of Cyrano deBergerac due to inclement weather. scontounn | sun The Immaculate Conception Hi h School volle ball team does a cheer in the rain after one of many UKtopromoteartsinruralKY By Jennifer Neal m: xmucrv mm Two UK colleges have joined together to create the nation’s first cooperative extension ser- vice for fine arts. In Spring 2005. the College of Agriculture and the College of Fine Arts created a ground- breaking program that will dedi- cate its time to the development of fine arts programs in rural Kentucky communities. With the assistance of one Eastern Kentucky County. the joint effort is helping to change the face of arts education in Kentucky. UK's Cooperative Extension Service. which is based in the School of Agriculture, serves Kentuckians by providing edu- cational programs on agricul- ture. mineral resources and eco- nomic development. The out- reach to Kentuckians involved in the Cooperative Extension Service provides an opportunity for the exposure of fine arts in small communities. Larry Turner, Director of the Cooperative Extension Ser- vice in Kentucky. realized that he and Robert Shay. Dean of the College of Fine Arts. had simi- lar ideas. “Bob had this idea how we might collaborate for fine arts extension.“ he said. “At the same time. Pike County was ex- pressing interest in developing a fine arts program." During separate organiza- tional meetings in early 2002. the two colleges recognized a need to expand the fine arts pro grams in rural Kentucky com- munities. With the help of state and county funds. the Cooperative Extension Service also hired Stephanie Richards. a UK gradu- ate. to fill the position in Pike County. “A lot of people who. even be- fore me, entered into this pic- ture. really went out onto limbs stating and staking themselves in the belief of what art can do." she said. “I know that they have a lot of belief in that process and that journey and I promise to do everything in my power to make it all happen.“ Soon after accepting the po- sition. Richards chartered a spe- cial evening of celebration to kick off the program in Pike County. Artwork, dancers. in- strumentalists and singers en- tertained the guests of the re- ception at the Pikeville Exten» sion Office. One of those guests was John Benjamin. Arts in Educa- tion Program Director for the Kentucky Arts Council. who also saw the b eginning of a great opportunity in Pike Coun- iY- “You've got to believe me when I say people think Ken- tucky is way out in front in arts education and in their apprecia- tion for the arts." he said. “And you wait till I tell them what's going on down here [Pike County].“ For further information about the fine arts extension program in Kentucky. contact Extension Agent for Fine Arts Stephanie Richards at (606) 432- 2534 will aid in Top 20 title By Erin Thomas In: xmucxv KERNEL Campus housing at UK has acquired a poor reputation, as it ranked 11th on Princeton Review‘s “Dorms like Dun- geons" college rankings. “Reputations are hard to earn, but they‘re sometimes harder to lose,” said Carl Nathe. an information officer for UK Public Relations. Improving campus housing is a prior- ity if UK wants to become a top 20 public research facility, said Rich Riedl, senior project manager for the construction of four new campus dorms. “The new housing facilities are the first steps to reaching the top 20.” he said. Riedl said progressing to the top 20 has been the “whole motivation" for con- struction. He also said that UK hopes its new dorms increase desirability and comfort, improve retention rates and increase con- nections between the housing and acade- mic communities on campus. These goals strengthen UK’s chances for becoming a better institution, according to Riedl. Carl Nathe said he hopes the newly created dorms will encourage students to stay and graduate from the university. “The new dorms are designed to be more comfortable. more energy efficient and have more functionality," Nathe said. Also, the suite-style rooms provide more privacy. he said. Riedl said each floor has a kitchenette and washers and driers. Each room has a sink and a shared bathroom. “Everything is contained within a smaller group of people on each floor,“ said Riedl. The self-sustaining dorms offer stu- dents the chance to “create a communi- ty.“ thus increasing their chances of re- maining at UK until they graduate. Nathe said. Housing more students on campus is a long-term goal for the university. ac- cording to Riedl. “UK now houses around 29 percent of its student population," Riedl said. “By 2010. we hope to house around 40 per- cent." The 684 beds in the new dorms in- crease the total number of beds on cam- pus to more than 5.700. Nathe said room assignments have al- ready been made for the fall semester. and there were more than 5.000 appli- cants for the new dorms. Ben Crutcher. associate vice president for auxiliary services, said that because of the added housing. he did not think students would have to be waitlisted. He also said the finishing touches were being put on the dorms. and that they expect to finish by August 1. The three new dorms on South Cam- pus are Smith Hall. lngels Hall and Bald- win Hall. The new dorm on North Campus is on the corner of Euclid Avenue and Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard and has yet to be named, UK decided to integrate teaching and learning into each new dorm. Smith Hall. lngels Hall and the new North Campus dorm are living-learning communities that serve to connect dorm- life with academics. Developed and pro. moted by the office of Residence Life. this concept is meant to aid in student gradu- See Dorms on page Z thursday July 14, 2005 PAGE 2 Features timny Stephens Features (Io-Editor Mic: 2514915 PM onIn Fox fudqes wi The best comedy on television right now belongs to Fox. In 2004 it won Bmmys for Best Comedy. Best Writing. and Best Cast- ing. It‘s star. Jason Bateman. won a Golden Globe for best actor. It has won awards from the ’l‘elevision Critics Association for Best Comedy an Out- standing New Series. It‘s called “Ar- rested Develop- ment." But unfortu- nately: there is a good chance that you have never even heard of this show. let alone actually seen it. For some reason the executives at Fox have decided that it is not worthy to push or hype the show at all. Fox feels that it is more important to hype shows such as “Life On A Stick". a horrid show about working in a corn- dog stand in the mall. In fact. Fox has a solid history of pushing horrible shows down our throats and pushing quality shows to the side. Twice Fox has canceled the show “Family Guy." mainly due to poor ratings. The problem with that scenario is that it originally had very good rat- ings. until Fox decided to put it up against the two highest rated shows on television. “Friends" and "Survivor." After that they decided that the show's ratings were too low and it was cancelled. Of course it would be ini- possible for the show to have good rat. ings against such a line up. Only Ryan Ebelliar I'EAIURIS C0 [DIIOR when the show was released on DVD it had record sales. and the reruns on Cartoon Network consistently beat all competition. did Fox give “Family Guy" another chance. Between the time that Fox can- celled “I‘amily Guy" and finally came to their senses. the following shows were aired. and then subsequently cancelled: “Action”. “That 805 Show", ”Wonder Falls", “Fast Lane". “Skin". “Girls Club". "Cracking Up". “The Pitts". "Firefly". “Get Real". “Wanda At Large". “Costello". “The Lone Gun- men". “A Minute With Stan Hooper. "Normal. OH". “"I’asadena". “Harsh Realm". “Keen Eddie". “The Street". “American Embassy". "Louie". “Greg The Bunny”. and “Oliver Beene." Do any of you remember any of those shows? I sure didn‘t. I had to look them up. The few shows on there that I do recall watching were some of the worst television shows I‘ve ever seen. This sort of dreck gets hyped up by Fox constantly while great shows are pushed aside. only to realize that viewers don’t want to watch this crap. They actually want to be entertained. “Undeclared" was probably the best new show of the 2001-02 sea- son for any network. It was created by .ludd Apatow. of the notoriously un- derrated “Freaks and Geeks" fame. It was constantly preempted for other shows such as “Worlds Wildest Police Chases" and Fox aired episodes out of order. ensuring that no viewers understood the story. The episode about the first day of classes was aired as the second to last episode of the season. ruining continuity as it was meant to be the second episode aired. Of course “Undeclared" got poor ratings as it was constantly shuffled about in the line up. confusing any po- th cancellations tential viewers. “Futurama”. which is the best car- toon ever and one of the best series of all time, suffered the same fate. The episodes were constantly preempted for sporting events and then re-aired months later in the midst of rerun season. so that most people that didn't even realize they were viewing a new episode. It, too. was shuffled about in the line up, showing on three different nights during its run. finally settling in a non-primetime slot on Sundays. assuring that it wouldn‘t be able to get a sizeable audience. According to creator Matt Groen- ing. dealing with Fox executives was the “worst experience of my adult life". The man who created “The Simpson ."s and single handedly car- ried the Fox network for years was treated like dirt during the production of a new show. It really seems as if Fox is in- tentionally trying to fail at TV. Occa- sionally a good show slips through the cracks. such as “24". and has to cling for dear life to stay on the air. Fox desperately needs to get its act together if it wants to build a solid and consistent lineup of shows and have more than “American Idol". NBC realized that solid shows deserve a sec- ond chance. and therefore America was introduced to both “Cheers” and “Seinfeld”. whose first year ratings were abysmal. Fox needs to start taking chances and stop looking solely at the corpo- rate side of the entertainment indus- try. E-mail rebelhartwkykernelcom HBO lacks luster sans ‘Sex' and ‘Sopranos’ By Paul Brownfield Los Anoeles III'M'S HOLLYWOOD HBO. so bullet- proof when it was in the midst of two signature series. "The Sopranos" and “Sex and the (‘ityf' has seen its image and its ratings suffer lately from a string of semi-flops or times: “The Comeback." starring Lisa Kudrow; “(Tn- scripted." from the executive producer team of George (‘looney and Steven Soderbergh; and “Entourage.“ starring three unknowns and Kevin Dillon evok- ing the early Hollywood life of the show‘s executive producer. Mark Wahlberg. Still to come is “Extras.” :1 s(‘i‘l(‘ts' de- buting Sept. 2:? about movie extras star- ring Ricky Gervais. cocreator star of the BBC hit “The Office.“ OK. so maybe the pay cable net works comedy development has be come oddly myopic. evoking that scene in Robert Altman's ”The Player" where studio executive Griffin Mill draws a laugh when he asks his Iunchmates: "Can‘t we talk about something other than Hollywoml fora change“ We're ed- ucated people." Surely. HBO remains an enviably profitable machine. and when you hear about an upcoming series such as “Rome." about the ancient empire. starting Aug, 28. and the Tom Hanks produced “Big Love.” about a polyga- mous clan in I'tah. starting in the fall. there‘s still the fleeting notion that we'll be getting something bigger than a more TV show. somehow The unhurried. uncorrupted ap- proach to making and airing series tele- vision is part of HBO’s lore. As the nar- rative goes. that system is what made possible innovatitc series such as “Deadwood" and “The Wire" and al- lowed “Sex and the City" to become a risque crowd-plmsor As a result. HBO. whose subscriber base stands at roughly ‘38 million. has become the network of choice for high powered Hollywood talent, But maybe being the network of choice for high powered talent is its own kind of trap. The ultimate model for the HBO au teur is not David ( h; ise a re spec ted se ries creator but not at the top of an. one s list before HBO picked up IIIS oft rejected pilot of "The Sopranos : it s Larty David who w as fabulously wealthy after the sutcess of Seinfeld and came to HBO to film a little spot ial on his return to stand- up comedy. That little special ended up being about the fear of doing a special. The special about the fear of doing a special led to a series Curb Your Enthusiasm.‘ about being Larry David. Which is roughly where the trouble began. Because David seemingly just by virtue of being himself made it all look so easy and self— evident and. most especially. creatively rewarding. he made getting a semiautobiographical show on HBO feel like the ultimate ex- pression of the freedom to do what you wanted to do. As the network's cachet has grown. there are grumbles that HBO has gotten more leverage in the traditional de- mand for first position on the writer of any pilot scripts it buys. That means a writer. once he's sold a script idea to HBO. is less free to get other work around town. with rival studios and net- works worrying that his or her services will no longer be available should HBO decide to order a series. David. of course. didn‘t need to wor- ry about this. nor do the stars and cre- ators Wahlberg. Clooney. Kudrow. “Six Feet Under‘s" Alan Ball 7 of the network‘s current series. for whom HBO is more like taking a break be tween movies to do summer stock the- am: The fifth season of “Curb" debuts Sept. 25 to an audience now awash in knockoffs. like so many copycat mem- oirs about tortured childhoods post—“An- gela's Ashes.“ This month and next. across the dial. get ready for Pauly Shore‘s “Curb." and Kathy Griffin’s. and Howie Man~ del‘s. But HBO has both the gold standard and the series that seems to have brought the genre to a tipping point. Kudrows “The Comeback.“ It's not exactly “Curb.“ because Kudrow doesn‘t play Kudrow she plays her doppelganger. Valerie Cher- ish. a character who seems to be suffer- ing. week to week. every indignity that can be known to an insecure and once- famous B-level sitcom actress. Comedy is hard. so the pairing of Kudrow. hot off of “Friends." and Michael Patrick King. hot off his run as head writer of “Sex and the City." seemed like the kind of deal only HBO gets to pull off. But the brittle reaction to the series has betrayed a certain peutvup frustration among critics and viewers about the genre as a whole. and it has left HBO in a position to which it is not accustomed: on the wrong end of a television trend. In recent weeks. with HBO?" stories have popped up about its programming slump and downturn in viewers. if not profitabili- ty (a Wall Street Journal story. citing a source that had HBO making a whop- ping SH billion in profit last year. said 20 percent of its revenue is now gener- ated by ancillary businesses. most no- tably DVI) sales). Like any network. then (say. NBC). HBO finds itself living off the fumes of past hits (they‘re sweet fumes. mind you. with A&E reportedly buying syndi- cation rights to rerun edited episodes of “The Sopranos“ for a record $2.5 million each). The jaded view is that the “It‘s Not TV“ tagline now seems less a distinc- “What‘s wrong tion of class than a haughty boast that doesn't hold up. quite. It‘s lost its way by going too inside Hollywood. the chorus goes. but HBO has always been inside Hollywood and in fact has benefited from the image. dating back to the critical and cult-hit evisceration of showbiz. “The Larry Sanders Show." And for every 100 viewers alienated by “The Comeback" or “Unscripted." another A-lister who wouldn‘t do televi- sion under any other circumstance (e.g.. Sarah Jessica Parker) signs on to devel- op a show there. It’s not TV. it’s a creative-writing class for the famous. Write what you know. At HBO. where the mantra has long been that the executives leave you alone. stars have used the freedom to unburden themselves about ,, guess what being a star. So Clooney. the movie star. spear- heads a show that harks back to Clooney. the workaday actor. trudging to auditions. Kudrow. the sitcom star. dares to lampoon the pedestal of “Friends“ with a character who is an insecure hack. aging out of the busi- ness. But the perception that HBO has made. a wrong turn isn't likely to abate at this week‘s semiannual gathering of TV critics. where HBO will be talking up the Sunday-night pairing of Gervais‘ “Extras" and the new season of “Curb." “It is very possible to have success create a mind-set where you are trying to measure up to an idea that is actually created by people talking about you than about you doing the work that you did." HBO Chairman Chris Albrecht was quoted as saying by the Associated Press recently. I think he meant what comedian Bob Odenkirk meant when he told the Los Angeles Times four years ago: “My biggest fear is that they’ll develop a brand. If you attract this whole big crowd of people, you’re going to want to keep them. And to keep them. you have to give them what brought them there" in the first place. Odenkirk paired with comedian David Cross on the old HBO sketch-com- edy series “Mr. Show." back when the network seemed more in the discovery business. and when not knowing what “Six Feet Under“ or “Curb" was all about was to feel left out of a conversa- tion. Getting Gervais is a coup. I guess; at this point he‘s an undeniable talent. But that move has now come to feel so HBO , less exhilaratingly counterintuitive than just whom you'd expect the coolest network in town to be able to land. HBO needs to remind us of its abilio ty to identify and nurture a TV series that becomes a new kind of presence in the culture. Put another way: It should give someone I haven't heard of a shot. www.kykernel.com Dorms Continued from page] ation. according to Riedl. Smith Hall, named for the first UK African-Ameri- can doctoral graduate. is promoting the Global Vil- lage. This is a program to promote cross-cultural un- derstanding and friend- ships. according to UK's un- dergraduate housing web- site. Ingels Hall is named for Martha Ingels. a UK gradu- ate and the first woman in the US. to earn a graduate degree in mechanical engi- neering. The undergraduate housing website said this hall specializes in the New Economy Incubator Com- munity. which appeals to technological innovators and entrepreneurial-driven The will be tation." students. new hall on North Campus appeals to those in the arts community. Prac- tice rooms and art studios available for music and art students. Cabarets and open mike events will also take place in the com- mon area of the hall. “UK is competing with colleges in Kentucky and other major universities. and we don't want students or parents to choose another institution because of bad housing," Nathe said. “We don't want someone to not come to UK because of a ‘Dorms like Dungeons‘ repu- E— mail newsm :kykernel. com EVERY THURSDAY NIGHT 010 PM “WWW”! ZJ-I WSW ”MST r. i ‘ K a} “3:. 4.). mrcmmru "7' NEW SUMMER nouns :mr- M! M ”MY-“WY "All Early bird specials Bargain matinees before 8pm cinemarlt. com ' MOVIES 10 WO0DHILL $5 BEFORE 6PM ' $5.75 STUDENTS ADULT/EVENING - $4 MAYENILD - $2 THE WEDDING CRASHERS (3) CRASH mi t0035'17u0945 isoAio'rmweo THE FANTASTIC Foun (PG-Ia) LORDS or oocrown 19643) IP25?‘.-0‘>I5740l00‘i ”HUMANS“ REBOUND (p0) ms SISTERHOOD or m: 9 25 TRAVELING PANTS (PG) ITCN _‘ I 2‘~ (“Si 3( u 1.25:) 3 05E502ropgasaio 05 "‘E "”5“ “N "6’ NERBIE. 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REVENGE or TME sn'n (PG-I5) l250345640950 KID SHOW-THE SPONGEBOB SOUANEPANTS MOVIE IPGI MAM wfli was “mu 7 2i ‘IN| 1 line music & spirits $5 BEFORE 6PM ' 55 75 STUDENTS ALL STADIUM SEATING CHARLIE AND THE CHOCOLATE FAC- TORV (VG) ON TWO SCREENS 1.1 it, I be i ioa ooh so I one to Lute THE WEDDING CRASNERS (R) I} .10 "1406 so sat: THE FANTASTIC FOUN (PG-1]) ON TWO SCREENS 1. lil‘ I021L4Iii‘i'lli7lII7Ilt‘IP‘i Q fill DARK WATE" (PG- ‘3) iezo2r s 10 4( min WAN OF THE WORLDS {PG ‘3) i2 so 3 so I in I BEWIYCHED lPG- ‘3] I2U'JZL’54M H.445 BATMAN BEGINS WG-13) no 4 4o 7 so MR 5 MRS SMITH [9643) t? ‘u 45o t; do to at: A Featuring Lorry Redmon i Thursday, and Saturday nights 7' NOW OPEN WEDNESDAY NIGHTS Featuring local music THURSDAYIS COLLEGE NIGHT ~ocovrn W/ COLLEGEDI Thursday Opening Act : Kenny Owens Friday: Kenny Owens Open Wecl_Thurs_Fn_Sot 8’2 859_252_5802 269 West Mum Street Lexington Ky 41050.7 Perms TO 7:00 With this Ad until July 31 ACROSS from Business; and Fconotnics Building Next to WILDCAT TEXTBOOKS 8. PIZZA HUT 381-0901 NO APPOINTMENT NEEDED 557 South Lilncstonc 50 WIS-Ill 3M5! In at) test tradition! SPIN/LIB BAH asti=IIfl____I Illlltll IPEIIIL' IIIIIIIIIIIAII IIISIIIS- lltIlIIIIIIlII' Thursday Night: Special Rockin Deals Folks! mmmm—m mountains-m mnmrunconnmnmumunmmnim GREATDRINKSPECIALS&HOTFOODOFFTHEGRILL' IIIIII Il'Si IIIIIII' III! III“) I'llll WIHHtht-Illldljlm'lflll“Ii: Ill smrs - sum Mllclll - 333 S. limestone - lex.. KY - 254-5000 Thursday July 14. 2005| PAGE 3 ONTAP I For the weeks of Juu14 - Jun 27 nati TONIGHT Veggletales Rockin' Tour Uve 10:30 am and 7 pm. US Bank Arena, Cincin- Tickets cost $15 - $24. Dave Koz 5 Friends 8 pm Louisville Palace Theater Tickets cost $30 - $50 The Fakes w/ Marbles and Defender 9 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $3 FRIDAY Dark Star Orchestra 7 p.m.Fraze Pavilion, Kettering 011 Tickets cost $18 - $24 Pete Yorn w/ Minibar 7 pm Madison Theater, Covington Tickets cost $22.50 Adrian Belew 8 pm. Bogarts, Cincinnati Tickets cost $20 Michael Bublé 8 pm. Louisville Palace Theater Tickets cost $45 - $55 MONDAY Songwriter Spotlight 8 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $5 TUESDAY Chicago w/ Earth. Wind and Fire 7:30 pm. Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati Tickets cost $24.50 - $68 Silvertlde w/The Jon Justice Band 8 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $7 WEDNESDAY Emanuel and Circa Survive 7:30 pm. Bogarts, Cincinnati Tickets cost $10 Allman Brothers Band w/ moe. 6:30 pm. Riverbend Music Center Tickets cost $17.50 - $45 US Pro Rodeo 7:30 pm. Rupp Arena Tickets cost $14 - $34 SATURDAY US Pro Rodeo 7:30 pm. Rupp Arena Tickets cost $14 - $34 The Woggles w/ Parlour Boys, Moth and Ten 0 Midnight 9 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $5 SUNDAY Boys of Summer 7 pm. Madison Theater, Covington Tickets cost $18 MONDAY Orangewliip performs Cream's Disreall Gears 8 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $3 TUESDAY Widespread Panic WWE Raw Live! 7:30 pm. Rupp Arena Tickets cost $20.50 - $40 The Appartltlons w/ The Elephans and Margot and the Nuclear So and So's 9 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $5 SATURDAY RED Speedwagon 8 pm. Kings Island Tickets cost $24.99 - $49.99 The Itals wl Rob Dread S The KMA 9 pm The Dame Tickets cost $10 Chevelle 8:30 pm. Bogarts, Cincinnati Tickets cost $20 Les Claypool 8 pm. Jillians, Louisville Tickets cost $16 Lyle Lovett and Ills Large Band 8 pm Whitney Hail, Louisville Tickets cost $33.25 - $63.25 SUNDAY Toby Keith w/ Lee Ann Womack and Shooter Jennings 7:30 pm. Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati Tickets cost $33 ~ $68 The Killers 6 pm. Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati Tickets cost $23.25 - $34.50 8 pm. Louisville Palace Theater Tickets cost $26 Caitlin Cary and Scruggs 8 pm The Dame Tickets cost $10 THURSDAY Dave Matthews Band w/0.A.R. 7 pm. Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati Tickets cost $39.25 -$56.75 Kasabian 8 pm Bogarts, Cincinnati Tickets cost $10 Dinosaur Jr. 7:30 pm. Madison Theater, Covington Tickets cost $25 I inside w/ Duiver of Jasper 9 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $3 FRIDAY Vans Warped Tour Rahzel w/ CunnlnLynguists 9 pm The Dame Thad Cockrell w/ Chris Tickets cost $12 Duran Duran 8 pm. Fraze Pavilion, Kettering 0H Tickets cost $35 - $65 Jewel 8 pm Louisville Palace Theater Tickets cost $39 - $49 WEDNESDAY AND 1 Mix Tape Tour 7 pm. Freedom Hail, Louisville Tickets cost $17 - $50 Tallboys Robert Bradley's Blackwater Surprise w/T he 9 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $7 -COMPILED BY FEATURES (IO-EDITOR 12 pm Riverbend Music Center, Cincinnati Tickets cost $32 9 pm. The Dame Tickets cost $5 Sexual Disaster Quartet RYAN EBELHAR PHOTO CMTESV 0f Insurance.“ Kasabian, the British band that until recently only rocked cities like Birm- ingham, wrll perform at Bogarts in Cincinnati next Thursday at 8 pm. Recycle the KERNEL ON CR0 0 TA ,2 (/48 (a E m Government site under fire from experts By Ceci Connolly m: WASHINGTON POST WASHINGTON~A gov- ernment Web site intended to help parents and teen- agers make “smart choices about their health. and fu- ture” includes inaccurate or misleading information that may alienate some families or prompt riskier behavior, according to a team of med- ical experts who reviewed the material. Three physicians and a child psychologist analyzed the Bush administration‘s 4Parents.gov Web site and concluded it made many in- correct assertions about condoms, the dangers of oral sex, sexual orientation and single-parent house- holds. They also found omis- sions of information that could go a long way toward raising healthy young adults, such as warning against the dangers of drinking alcohol. Rep. Henry Waxman. D- Calif., a frequent adminis- tration critic who solicited the analyses, said the site is the latest example of “the distortion of scientific infor- mation" in favor of a con- servative ideology focused predominantly on promot- ing abstinence-until-mar- riage programs. “A federally-funded web- site should present the facts as they are, not as you might wish them to be," Waxman wrote to Health and Human Services Secretary Mike Leavitt. “It is wrong—and ulti- mately self-defeating—to sacrifice scientific accuracy in an effort to frighten teens and their parents." Laurence Steinberg. a child psychologist at Temple University in Philadelphia and author of “The Ten Ba- sic Principles of Good Par- enting," complimented the site‘s information on eating disorders and some other topics. But Steinberg, one of the reviewers. said he was disturbed by negative mes- sages about gays and single parents and alarmed that the material was virtually silent on the dangers of drinking alcohol. “‘If your concern really is to provide parents with information they can use to help raise healthy teen- agers. there is a whole list of topics that need to be cov- ered." he said. “Risky sexual behavior is just one of them, and frankly it's not even the most important one." With a virtual army of medical and behavioral ex- perts on its payroll. Wax- man questioned why the De- partment of Health and Hu- man Services paid the Na- tional Physicians Center for Family Resources $46,000 to develop the site. The group. which bills it- self as a nonprofit focused on child welfare. is known for promoting a study by board member Joel Brind suggesting a link between abortion and breast cancer. assertions the administra- tion first embraced but later withdrew from its Web sites. In an e-mail. HHS spokesman Daniel Morales said officials had not re- viewed Waxman’s letter. The administration often hires outside contractors to design Web sites. he added. “The purpose of the Web site is to equip parents with the resources they need to talk to their youth about sex and relationships; encour- age their teens to remain ab- stinent from unhealthy risk behaviors; and to take an ac- tive role in the sexual health of their teens." he said. John Whiffen. an ortho- pedic surgeon and chairman of the physicians center. said he is open to suggested changes and plans to add more information to the site, on alcohol and tobacco use. for example. But he vigorously de- fended the site's emphasis on abstinence-only educa- tion and the failure rates of various contraceptives. “The majority of parents in the United States would prefer their children don't have sex in high school." he said. “In the areas of sex be- fore marriage. there is a great deal of misinforma- tion out there and a great deal of misunderstanding.“ John Santelli. a physi- cian at Columbia University and a former division chief at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. agreed there are problems of misinformation in the field of sexual health. But Santelli. one of the specialists who reviewed the site. pointed the finger at 4Parents.gov. Contrary to statements on the Web site, “there is lit- tle evidence that oral sex has increased over time or that this behavior has be- come widespread among 12 and 13 year olds." he wrote. And he complained that the Web site's approach is based on the fallacy “that young people engage i