xt7v6w96b574 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96b574/data/mets.xml Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass Kentucky Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass 1986-09 Newsletter of the Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass, previously named the Central Kentucky Jewish Association and Central Kentucky Jewish Federation. The Federation seeks to bring Jewish community members together through holiday parties, lectures, Yiddish courses, meals, and other celebrations of Jewish heritage and culture. They also host fundraisers and provide financial assistance for Jews in need, both locally and around the world. newsletters  English Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Jewish Federation of the Bluegrass records Jews -- Kentucky -- Lexington Jews -- History Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, October 1986, volume 9 number 6 text Central Kentucky Jewish Federation newsletter, October 1986, volume 9 number 6 1986 1986-09 2020 true xt7v6w96b574 section xt7v6w96b574  








Ihe first annual Sue Friedman Jewish
Family Life Education Program, featuring
Sol Bordon, director of the Institute for
Family Research and Education at Syracuse
UniverSity, will be held at 8 p.m., Satur—
day evening, September 80, at lemple édath

Ur. Sordon 5 lecture “Raising Children
Lonservatively in a Sexually Permissive
SoCiety” is free of charge and open to the

Sue Friedman, a social worker and
educator, was one of several individuals
who were instrumental in developing the
Jewish Community Association, which preced-
ed CKJA(F). She was the first chair of the
Camp Shalom Committee, the first JCA
program. She served also as a president of .
JEA, and later as chair of the CKJA \ 3
Social Services Committee. She brought §
extraordinary professional skills to her Following Sue’s death in November, 1984,
volunteer commitment, and her role in the the CKJA board was unanimous in its desire
early formulation 0f 3 JEWISh community to establish a significant program in her
organization Tar exceeded the formal titles memory. Knowing of her strong commitment
she held. to transmitting Jewish values within her

Shortly before completing her final term own family and in the community, the board
on the CKJAlF) board, Sue began laying the voted to allocate $1000 to the Social
groundwork for a Jewish Family Life Educa— Services Committee to develop a Jewish
tion program in Central Kentucky. Illness Family Life Education program.
intervened and she was unable to bring this
Project to fruition. . continued on page E .......................






Jewish Family Life Education is a
program for community education where
partiCipants have a chance to express their
feelings and learn from one another in an
informal setting. it lets people find new
ways to deal with family problems while
emphaSizing the quality of Jewish Family
Life and our Jewish heritage.

After several months of exploration Judy
Levine and Marilyn Gall were named
co-chairs of the committee to develop the
Sue Friedman Memorial Program. The commit-
tee, consisting of representatives from the
major Jewish organizations in Central
Kentucky, decided that the Sue Friedman
program would serve as a keynote and a
catalyst to encourage all the Central
Kentucky Jewish organizations to present
various Jewish Family Life Education
programs, as some had already done in the

At the same time Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wolf
of Corinth, Kentucky, had made a generous
contribution to CKJA(F) for use within our
local community. This money has been
invested, and with the agreement of the
Holfs, the income from the wolf Endowment
Fund is being used to supplement the money
allocated by the CKJF board for the Sue
Friedman Memorial Program.

CKJF President Gloria Katz, in speaking
about this program said, ”We are honored to

be the recipients of Mr. and Mrs. Wolf’s
generous gift. Their concern for the
future of our Jewish community and their


recognition of the importance of the Jewish
Family Life Education program honoring one
of our most valued and respected community
leaders represents an outstanding
commitment on their part. We are extremely
grateful to them.”


On Sunday morning, Sept. 81, Dr. Gordon
will lead a series of three workshops
related to his presentation on the night

The first of these, ”How Can I Promote
Self Esteem?", will be a breakfast meeting
from 8 to 10 a.m.. It is for adults who
work with or have contact with teens -—
parents, educators, and other professionals
such as psychologists, social workers and
school counselors.

The two following sessions are for teens
themselves -— 10:30 to 12 noon for llth and
18th grades; and 18 to 1:30 p.m. for 8th,
9th, and 10th grades. The title of the
teen sessions is ”How Can I Tell When I’m
Really in Love?" The two sessions for
teens will overlap at noon when a pizza and
coke lunch is served.

workshop session will be held at
Adath Israel on Ashland Avenue.

Please respond on the form below if you
are planning to attend one of the workshops


so that adequate food and space can be
All three sessions are free of charge

and limited to the Jewish community.

Mail to: CKJF, 333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, KY 40504 by Sept. 15.

Yes, I plan to attend Dr. Gordon’s workshop on Sunday, September El,

8 - 10 a.m., "How Can 1 Promote Self Esteem?”, for adults

_______ 10:30 - 18 noon, ”How Can I Tell When l’m Really in Love”,
(llth & 18th grades)

______ 18 noon — 1:30 p.m., ”How Can I Tell When I’m Really in Love”,
(8th, 9th, & 10th grades)

 e Jewish
ing one


e night

lts who
eens -—
ers and

or teens
11th and
or 8th,
of the
wen I’m
Jns for
izza and

if you

can be



$5000 Grant for
The CKJF welcomes Rabbi Jonathan Adland,

CKJF Community Relations Committee newly appointed rabbi of Temple Adath

Israel, and his family, his wife Sandy and
son Joshua, to Lexington’s Jewish communi-

Prior to assuming his new position,
Rabbi Adland had been with the Indianapolis
Hebrew Congregation since his ordination,
first as assistant rabbi and then associate
rabbi. With 1250 member families, Indian-
apolis Hebrew Congregation is the largest

The Kentucky Humanities Council has just
awarded a $5000 grant to the Community
Relations Committee of CKJF for a year—long
project ”The Jewish Experience in Ken-

Designed to include an exhibit about
Kentucky’s local and ethnic history, the

newly inaugurated "Kentucky Legacies" . . .
ro ram attracted fifteen rant a lica- congregation In Indiana.

‘3, 9 9 pp Rabbi Adland studied at Hebrew Union
tions from across the state. The CRC . . , i . .

V . . College in CinCinnati and was ordained in
prOJECt, one of five selected, will focus . _ _ ,

A , . . 1988. Familiar with Lex1ngton and the

on Central Kentucky 5 Jewish history,

region, he jumped when the Adath Israel
position opened. ”Indianapolis was wonder—
ful,“ he said recently, “but I couldn’t
possibly get to know every family, and at
Temple Adath Israel, I have that opportuni—

In Indianapolis, Rabbi Adland served as
vice president of Great Lakes Ohio Valey
Area Reform Rabbis of Indiana and president
of the Indianapolis Board of Rabbis, and he
served on the boards of both the Jewish
welfare Federation of Indianapolis and the
Bureau of Jewish Education. In addition,
he was chaplain for Ft. Harrison, Butler
University Campus Ministry and local

Rabbi Adland continues to serve as
““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““““ chairman of the Central Conference of

w”NTED: R h CRC t ‘ ct.
H esearc er for gran DEOJE . American Rabbis Mentors Network for Curric—
Ne need one or more persons to do histori- ‘

ulum Implementation.

cal research in Central Kentucky libraries
and court houses, and oral history with
local Jewish community members. Hours
flexible from now through April, 1987.
Honorarium: total up to $1000 to be split
if more than one researcher is involved.

particularly in small communities.

After a year of research, spearheaded by
Dr. Jeremy Popkin, James Seidelman will
design a portable exhibit including histor—
ic pictures, marriage certificates, deeds
and other archival documents, and oral
history presentations. The exhibit will
initially be displayed at the Synagogue and
Temple with accompanying lectures, discus-
sions and programs for all age groups. The
exhibit will then travel to other Kentucky

The project kick-off will be an after—
noon ”Share Your History” event later this
fall. Watch this space for more details.

An installation ceremony for Rabbi
Jonathan Adland will take place on Friday,
September 12 at Temple Adath Israel at 8:00

Experience helpful but not required. Dr. _ _ .
. e . p.m. The entire community is welcome.
Jeremy Popkin Will direct the research. If R bb‘ J th St _ th , bb‘ f
interested please call CKJF (858—7622), 3 .1 (ma. an em’ 9 59mm.” 1 To”
Indianapolis Hebrew Congregation, will

Marilyn Moosnick (277-3040) or Charlotte

Baer (evenings-877—307E‘). “mm” the “WWW-




Gloria T. Katz, President Elissa Golin, Editor
Linda Ravvin, M.L.S., Administrator Judith Saxe, Contributing Editor
Beth Altenkirch, Office Manager
333 Waller Avenue, Suite 5, Lexington, Kentucky 40504 (606)252-7682
Member of the Council of Jewish Federations





Campaign ’87 is no longer on the back
burner. Chairmen are in place and planning
has begun.

After her success in last year’s cam—
paign, Bail Cohen is back again as general
campaign chairman. Bob Baumann is chairman
of the Men’s Division and Nancy Hoffman is
chairman of the Women’s Division. Joining
Nancy this year is Ellie Goldman, women’s
Division co—chair.

”I’m excited to have this experienced
campaign team back,” said President Gloria
Katz. ”With their leadership, hard work
and stability are guaranteed, and an
effective fund drive is sure to follow.”




Help us get our house in order for the
New Year...pay off your campaign ’86 pledge

Many thanks to all who contributed to
the campaign’s success. But we need our
$$$s to back up your promise of support.

The CKJF staff will be happy to answer
any questions you have regarding your
pledge. Call Beth or Linda at 252—7628.




We welcome Elissa Golin who recently
assumed the duties of editor for the CKJF
newsletter, a volunteer position.

A native of Miami, Florida, she moved to
Lexington in 1984 when she accepted her
current position of assistant general
manager to the Lexington Philharmonic. She
came here soon after completing a Bachelor
of Science degree from Indiana University
in Bloomington, where she studied music and
arts administration. She plays the flute.

“1 am thrilled to welcome Elissa into
our organization," said Administrator Linda
Ravvin, "and look forward to working with
her. CKJF is dependent on volunteer
efforts, and the newsletter is a prime
example of this."

The CKJF newsletter is an ongoing
project of the federation, made possible by
your contributions to the CKJF-UJA annual


The first fall meeting of the TAI
Sisterhood Mitzvah Corps, a membership
luncheon, is Tuesday, September 23, noon at
the Temple. This luncheon will be hosted
by the board. Please RSVP to Carolyn
Heinberger (872-4833) or Lore Pappas
(272-7395) so plans can be made and tables
can be set.

The speaker will be Dr. Michael R.
Nichols, adjunct professor at the U.K.
Department of Educational Psychology and
Counseling. His topic, ”The Healing Touch
of Humor," is sure to start the year on an
upbeat note.

Dues must be paid up to attend this

event. Send $10 to Ethel Feldman at 337
Irvine Road. If you are interested in
joining or know someone who is, call

Membership Chairman Marcia Chatoff at

New officers have been elected for the
Mitzvah Corps’ fifth anniversary year.
Carolyn Neinberger is chairman, Lore Pappas
is first vice chairman and Ruth Kessler is
second vice chairman. Hilda Abraham is
parliamentarian, Helen Paritz is corre-
sponding secretary, Natalie Sherman is
secretary, Ethel Feldman is treasurer and
Liz Levy is "Sunshine Gal".


g?“ H














Local Members of Jewish Community
Participate in NCCJ Camp

Editor’s Note: Participants in the
Anytown, Kentucky, National Conference of
Christians and Jews leadership camp repre-
senting the Jewish community were RUTH
BELIN of Lexington and DANIEL DICKSTEIN of
Louisville. LAUREN HEINBERB, executive
director of the Bluegrass Chapter of the
NCCJ, served as codirector of the week—long
camp, and NATALIE SAXE of Lexington served
as a counselor.

Dear Central Kentucky Jewish Federation,

Thank you so much for your partial
scholarship to attend Anytown, sponsored
by the Kentucky Chapters of the National
Conference of Christians and Jews. Your
letter arrived at a terrific point. I was
beginning to question spending a week at
Anytown, not knowing a soul and acting only
upon my parents’ recommendation. Your
scholarship was the perfect answer —- it
showed that you felt that this was a
worthwhile endeavor.

And it WAS! From the morning group
discussions to the afternoon workshops to
the fun recreation, our diverse group
learned to work together and to care for
each other. We not only broke down preju—
dices, but also allowed each person to
express his innermost thoughts and display
his talents. This led to a greater appre-
ciation of our diversity. This experience
made me extremely appreciative of my own
family’s strong love and support and
educational values. I found that the
biggest differences existed not between
blacks and whites (which the newpaper
photographer highlighted), but between the
city and the rural youths.


Une of the highlights of the week was

cultural night. Each group —— Blacks,
Jews, Indians, Irish, Germans, and
Anglo-Saxons -- gave a presentation about
their culture. Our group consisted of

Lauren Weinberg, Natalie Saxe, Daniel
Dickstein and me. Using flashback tech-
nique, an old Jewish couple (Dan and I with
grayed hair!) reminisced over a Sabbath
dinner about their traditional marriage (by
Rabbi Weinberg) and their daughter’s
(Natalie’s) Bat Mitzvah, etc. At the
celebration following the Bat Mitzvah, we
danced the Mayim and proceeded to teach the
whole Anytown group the Cherkazea. Using
my own Bat Mitzvah candlesticks and wine
goblet, I thoroughly delighted in having
this opportunity to share my Jewish back—
ground with others, many of whom had never
before come in contact with a Jew.

That week was truly an ”Experience of a
Lifetime!” In fact, Anytown will always
remain a highlight of my past, and I look
forward to bringing the “Anytown Spirit”
back to my youth groups and friends.
Thanks again for your support.



Ruth Belin





lf you re waiting to see Shoah and have
been disappointed that Lexington has yet to
receive a screening of Claude Lanzmann’s
monumental documentary on the Holocaust,
you can now rent it at a local video

No ordinary documentary, Shoah, over
nine hours in length, does not contain
actual footage from the 1940’s. Instead,
Lanzmann relies on narrative as well as
interviews with Jewish survivors, German
officers and Polish bystanders. A montage
of the experiences and observations of
these individuals, the film’s organization
and focus conveys clearly the director’s
intent. Lanzmann, as interviewer and
director, is always in control, evoking
emotional and intellectual reactions from
the viewer.

A sense of reality is successfully
maintained throughout the film even though
all ”action” takes place in the present,
over forty years after the Holocaust.
Lanzmann’s choice of varied subjects
contributes to this as well as his demand
for detail after minute detail from his

The Nazi’s systematic approach to
extermination is the thread running
throughout the film. Dan Isaac writes of
this in the Spring/Summer publication of
Issues of the American Council for Judaism.


...Shoah demonstrates over and over again
that the Nazis in the death camps had
created a system from which there was no
possible divergence, no opportunity for
revolt, no latitude for purposeful action.
There was only compliance or death.

...It is precisely in the accumulation of
facts and detail that this film also
becomes a chronicle giving us the larger
overview of how the words ”Final Solution“
was intuitively interpreted down the line
of the Nazi chain of command in a way that
would would lead to the industrialization
of death...

Shoah is available at Video Village on
Regency Road, 277-7871.





From the Near Last teport:
lt’liracles in the Negev

The Blaustein International Center for
Desert Studies, located in the Negev near
Sde Boker, transforms Israel’s desert
region into both a laboratory and a nation-
al resource.

with over 100 researchers of eclectic
specialties on the staff, the Center’s
projects include research in solar and wind
energy, agricultural potential, practical
architecture, animal physiology, and social
patterns and adaptation. The guiding
principal here, one staffer explains, is
”not to change the Negev but to adapt
ourselves, not to destroy the environment
but use it on a scale that makes sense."

The facilitation of agricultural endeav~
ors in the desert plays the most pragmatic
role in the Center’s experimentation.
Realizing the potential of using the
desert’s brackish water in growing cotton,
asparagus, pistachio trees and other plants
is one goal. This has led to the develop—
ment of a process which uses the water,
plus high solar radiation, to grow algae.
Efficient fish farming is the focus of
other brackish water experiments.

A sophisticated greenhouse has been
developed for use in the desert. It has
walls and roof composed of two layers of
plastic. Between these, a liquid circu-
lates, acting as an optical fiber. During
the day, the sun’s intense radiation is
absorbed, reducing the plants’ water
requirement drastically. During the cool
desert nights, heat is released to protect
the plants. ln addition, carbon dioxide is
pumped in to accelerate plant growth.

Of use to countries with similar desert
regions, this complex closed-system process
is being simplified for export to the third

Joint projects have been conducted with
many American and European universities.
The Center would like to work with col-
leagues in the largely desert lands of
neighboring Arab states, and the suggestion
has been made to Jordanians, Saudis,
Sudanese and others at international
conferences. Unfortunately, these nations
do not want to have contact with the
Israeli center.

The Blaustein Center operates on a $2.5
million annual budget, supplied by the
government, grants and the Blaustein











for what a head -— it takes it all in
ear —— the calls, the mail, the reports:
ert Nhat hands _~ they can squeeze the requests, the facts -- and then
Oh‘ out Gloria’s signature; dial up the through qQICk computation, puts it
Executive Committee for an emergency away, redirects, files, calls, and
tic meeting and still type 19 letters on In a busy orderly systematic se-
r’s a not—so-busy morning. Not to quence gets this same information
ind mention the clipping, cutting and out to the proper personnel.
Sal pasting the layout for the newslet-
{al ter and all the flyers that come
lhg from the CKJF office. And, now that
15 we are computerized, they can
apt process information and recall the
ent facts on demand.
what ears —~ they can listen to
3V“ an oral Community Activities Commit-
tiC Nhat legs —— they take this tee report that the chairman wants
Oh- newsletter to the printer, drop off to get into the newsletter and get
the a special communique at the presi- the information on paper and OUt to
Oh! dent’s house, pick up a report at a the entire Jewish community.
.nts CRC Chair’s Office and make regular Fantastic! Those same ears hear
0p— and frequent ViSitS to the post requests for all manner of informa-
er, office. tion -- "where is..?“ —— ”who can I
ae. talk to...?" -- "is there a...?" -—
0f “Tell me about the Jewish community"
-- frequently the first contact for
:een many who need to know the how to’s
has what shoulders __ they carry the of the Lexington Jewish community or
Of burden of all the billing and In an emergency tracking. down the
eU‘ bookkeeping for the Campaign Commit- CKJF administrator or Soc1al Servic-
'1h9 tee; they lift all the reams of es Committee chair to deal with
15 paper that come in and go out of the human needs.
uter .
. is
.ert V
'15, All of these parts are really . afart
rnal of CKJF - our office managefl 'IE-eth
":2: Altenkirch. She has been an invaluable
help in the 4 years she’s been with the
federation office; and to show our
53-5 appreciation, we dedicate this issue of the
the newsletter to her...with heartfelt thanks!

Beth Altenkirch




Editor’s Note: In May, 1986, the CKJF
board unanimously voted to encourage
tourism to Israel to counter the concern
many people felt following recent terrorist
attacks. It is noteworthy that so many
Central Kentuckians have visited Israel
recently, are planning to go in the near
future, or have settled there.

This begins a two-part series on those
we could identify. Let us know if you,
too, are planning a trip to Israel or have
been there in the past few months.

”I felt very safe...no problem.” This
was Sara Levy’s instant reply to a question
about security in Israel during a two week
visit to daughter Leslie this past June.
”But there were very few tour busses," Sara
added, ”and of course that cuts deeply into
the Israeli economy."

Leslie has been in Israel, living in
Jerusalem, since January. A congressional
liaison for the American Israel Public
Affairs Committee (AIPAC), she took a
year’s leave of absence to study in Israel.
The first six months she took an Ulpan
(intensive Hebrew language course) and at
the same time attended classes at the
Jerusalem campus of the Jewish Theological
Seminary and Pardes, a Yeshiva which draws
many students from the Diaspora.

Now that her Hebrew is fluent she is
concentrating on her courses at Pardes,
while maintaining her AIPAC contacts from
the Israeli side.

Leslie’s brother Phillip and his wife
Robin spent the month of August traveling
in Israel, following his graduation from
Harvard Law School.

Another recent law graduate, Howard
Barr, son of Martin and Barbara Barr, also
spent August in Israel. For Howard, who
completed his studies at the University of
Louisville, it was a first visit ~~ long
anticipated and undeterred by the many
Americans who cancelled trips abroad this

This past March, as conditions in the
Middle East seemed to be increasingly
uncertain, Bob and Judy Baumann embarked on
a long awaited three week trip to Israel.



In addition to visiting family and friends,
Bob attended the meetings of the Interna-
tional Child Neurology Congress in Jerusa-

lem. They also managed to visit
Netanyah-Sela, Lexington’s Project Renewal
community and several Jewish Agency
projects in an effort to familiarize

themselves with the uses made of our
CKJF-UJA campaign funds.

While in Jerusalem they brought greet—
ings from home to four Lexington teens who
spent the year on the Young Judaea Year
Course in Israel, Elaine Cohen, Adam
Joseph, Neal Saxe and Debra wekstein.

Judy summed up her feelings succinctly,
"I feel good when I’m in Israel. After
four years, I’m amazed at how much there is
to see.“

The Baumanns will return in December
with their Children Steve and Lauren and
Bob’s mother to visit daughter Barbara.

Later the same month Maurice and Evelyn
Hymson returned to Israel for the first
time in many years. Besides visiting the
outstanding tourist attractions the Hymsons
spent time with Jeff Moosnick, the son of
Franklin and Marilyn Moosnick, a member of
Kibbutz Keturah. Jeff has been living in
Israel for seven years and is justly proud
of his part in turning a part of the desert
into a verdant oasis.

In Jerusalem the Hymsons also visited
with Harriet Saxe, daughter of Stanley and
Judy Saxe. Harriet spent the past year in
Israel working as an intern for the ledgal
advocate for Na’amat, the largest women’s
organization in Israel.

For those who are contemplating a trip
to Israel, you may want to contact Ann and
Jimmy Levenson, who will be leaving Septem-
ber 10 for a two week Hadassah tour. They
postponed their trip for a few months, but
decided they could wait no longer for this
eagerly anticipated ”Israel Experience“.
They will be joined by friends from Tennes-
see, and will report their impressions in
the next issue.











n s





Community Activities Committee
Pre—school Holiday Parties Chair Ginny
Luftman announced the first holiday celeP
bration on the community’s preschoolers
will be a Rosh Hashonah party on

3 — 4:30 RM-

The party will take place in the Temple
Adath Israel auditorium for all children,
ages two and a half through five year olds.
All parents are welcome; parents of chil-
dren under three years old must accompany
their children.

A great time is planned in our Rosh
Hashonah celebration with games and crafts.
Refreshments will be served.

Pre-school holiday parties are sponsored
by CKJF in cooperation with Dhavay Zion
Synagogue and Temple Adath Israel.

For more information and/or to call in
your reservation, contact Ginny at 223-5033
or co—chair Terry Goldfarb at 283—9521, or
CKJF at 252—7682.


Pre-school holiday parties are another
of the ongoing projects made possible by
your annual contributions to the CKJF-UJA


Jewish Dance Receives Long Desenwad Attention

...taken from the Hadassah magazine.

The National Foundation for Jewish
Culture is holding a conference Sept. 20-83
in New York on “Jews and Judaism in Dance:
Reflections and Celebrations“.

According to project director David
Eden, “Dance is the last recognized aspect
of Jewish culture.” The conference’s
umbrella will be broad, covering dance
created by Jews within a specifically


Jewish framework as well as dance and
dancers using Jewish elements in more
universal contexts.

Topics discussed will range from the
distinctively Jewish dance of the hafidim
and the Yemenites, through the creation of
Israeli folk dance, into the more nebulous
realm of the individual artistic vision
where the diversity of approach can be

For information about the conference or
tickets to a special performance of ”Women
of Yemen“ on September 81 at the Joyce
Theatre, write the National Foundation for
Jewish Culture at 122 E. 42nd St., Suite
1518, New York, NY 10168.

New to the CKJF Board

Mr. David Kaplan has been‘appointed by
Temple Adath Israel President Rose Brazin
to fill the unexpired term of the late
Stanley Rose as Temple representative to
the CKJF board. ‘

A member of the Temple board and active
in the Temple pre—school, David is an
attorney in private practice. David and
his wife Chela enjoy remodelling houses and
spending time with their son, Jonathan.

Good Luck Sara!

Sara Mason, daughter of Susan and Manny
Mason is one of four senior girls from
Lafayette High School chosen to participate
in the local America’s Junior Miss Pageant
on October 1. The pageant is sponsored by
Fayette County Parks and Recreation.

Participants are selected on the basis
of scholastic achievement, leadership
skills, school and community involvement,
and extra-curricular activities. They will
be judged on scholastic ability, personal
interviews, artistic performance, physical
fitness, poise and appearance.

Sara is a member of the Lafayette
Student Council, National Honor Society,
Youth Salute, Beta Club, and girls’ soccer
team. Sara is serving as Senior Programmer
on the Central States Region Young Judaea
Mazkirut (Executive Committee).





Lexin ton Havurah

Saturday, October 4, 9:30 a.m. Rosh Hashonah service, at Rolling Ridge Clubhouse.

Sunday, October 5, 9:30 a.m., services, at Rolling Ridge Clubhouse 4 p.m.,
Tashlich, at the home of Stanley and Judy Saxe, 2001 Lakeside Drive.

Sunday, October 12, 6:30 p.m., Erev Yom Kippur Kol Nidre, Rolling Ridge

Monday, October 13, 10 a.m., Yom Kippur services, Unitarian Universalist Church;
o p.m., Yizkor, N’ilah, Break-the—fast potluck meal, following. \y

Sunday, Oct. 19, 4 p.m., Sukkot services, at the home of Avram and Judy Levine,
1776 Mooreland Drive.

Sunday, Oct. 25, 8 p.m., Havdalah and Simchot Torah services, location to be


For more information concerning Havurah services please contact
Steve Shedlofsky at 278—0753.

Ohavay Zion Synaqoque

Saturday, Sept. 27, 10:30 p.m., Selihot program and services.

Friday, Oct. 3, 7 p.m., Rosh Hashonah services.

Saturday, Oct. 4, 8:30 a.m. preliminary services; 9 a.m. morning services,
10 a.m. youth & junior services.

Sunday, Oct. 5, (same as Sat., 10/4)

Friday, Oct. 10, 8 p.m. Shabbat Shuvah evening services.

Saturday, Oct. 11, 9:30 a.m. preliminary, 1O a.m. morning services.

Sunday, Oct. 18, 8 p.m. community service at Lexington cemetery
6:30 p.m., Kol Nidre
Monday, Oct. 13, 9 a.m., preliminary; 9:30 a.m., morning services;

11 a.m., youth & junior services; 12:30 p.m. Yizkor; 4:45 p.m. Minha;
7 p.m. N’eilah; 8 p.m., Havdalah.

Friday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m. Sukkot evening services.

Saturday, Oct. 18, 9:30 a.m., preliminary; 10 a.m., morning services; 11:45
a.m., Hoshanot; 6:45 p.m., Minha & Ma’ariv.

Sunday, Oct. 19, 9:30 a.m., preliminary; 10 a.m., morning services; 11:45 a.m.,

Friday, Oct. 24, 8 p.m. Sh’mini Atzeret evening services.

Saturday, Oct. 25, 9:30 a.m. preliminary; 10 a.m., morning services; 11:30
a.m., Yizkor; 6:30 p.m. Sinhat Torah Minhah; 7:30 p.m., Ma’ariv.

Sunday, Oct. 86, 9:30 a.m., preliminary; 10 a.m., morning services; 10:30
a.m., Consecration & Hakkafot.

Temple Adath Israel

Saturday, Sept. 27, midnight, Selihot service.

Friday, Oct. 3, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m., Erev Rosh Hashonah services.

Saturday, Oct. 4, 10 a.m. Rosh Hashonah.

Sunday, Oct. 18, 7 p.m. & 9 p.m., Erev Yom Kippur services;
Cemetery Service: 2 p.m.

Monday, Oct. 13, 10 a.m. Yom Kippur all day service.

Friday, Oct. 17, 8 p.m. Erev Sukkot

Friday, Oct. 31, 8 p.m. Consecration Service




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1986 SEPTEM BE elul







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SHALOM 8 p:1bvurm1New~
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6—8 Ohavay Llon 8 quassah 0 Jewish Family

Newcomers Event p L, . Life Educatio

Women s Discusslon fl .
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801 Gordon KiTavo

21 17 ELUL 22 18 ELUL 23 19 ELUL 24 20 ELUL 25 21 ELUL 26 22 ELUL 2 7 23 ELUL



8—1:3O Jewish Family 12 noon — ’I‘Al
Life Education Mitzvah Corps 7:30 p—CKJF Women's 8 p Nikki Silver Pin 8 P CK“: g
Workshops . , ‘ Division board Bat Mitzvah a Intermt a
14‘ Young Judaeans 8 p 028 Slsturlmnd 8 p (.K‘II‘ Board meeting Temple Adath SELICHOT 5
and families Israel HQ '
FALL BEGINS Nvlzawm/Vave/ech


28 2a ELUL 29 25 ELUL 3O 26 ELUL OCTOBER
5 M T W 7 F S



3—4:30 Pre—school _ 1 2 3 4
Rosh Hashonah .1 ‘ , _ 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
party 7:30 (VKYII' 511(‘1Lll 12 13 1‘ 15 16 17 18

Services meeting 1