xt7v6w96bb2z https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v6w96bb2z/data/mets.xml La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 France La Harpe, Jean François de 1739-1803 Bourlet de Vauxcelles, Simon-Jérôme 1733-1802 Fontanes, Louis de 1759-1821 1797-06-19 This bulletin is part of a collection of newspapers and journals published during the French Revolution, collated by unknown person, representing both sides of the revolution. Call Number Rare Books: AP20 .R235 bulletins Rare Books: AP20 .R235 French De l'imprimerie de Crapart  This digital resource may be freely searched and displayed in accordance with U. S. copyright laws French Revolution publications France. Assemblée nationale législative (1791-1792) France -- History -- Revolution, 1789-1799 Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 31) 19 June, 1797 text Le Mémorial, ou Recueil Historique, Politique et Littéraire, (No. 31) 19 June, 1797 1797 1797-06-19 2023 true xt7v6w96bb2z section xt7v6w96bb2z   

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11011111010111“ 17:1 (1111:1111: 1111 11111 111: prince, CL 1112111; de 1111
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Vicuue (:1. 1112 Berlin.


Berlin, [(3 3 frlfrz (I5prjirz'1zl). 1111 1-111 7 on 11111110. 1‘13—
(111111 111‘ 5:: 11111111121511" 111111:;1|111:;'111111 7 \‘11 1111:1-551111111111111 11111111113
Ls 1‘111121 1;:Py1'111m1t , 110:11' 1211112111111 511 5111113.

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£11111 111113113: 11\‘1'(‘ 1:1 111:»11’.

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Vis‘11111‘, 1111 11 (:51 1‘1‘111111.11~é 11111111‘1111111‘, 111‘ licllcr, (‘51 110
rolznn‘ 1113111115 11101111105 11mm. 811111 11111: 11‘111‘1‘ 111111101111131'0
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111.11: 5.11 011111111‘. 5111' 11: 1'1:\'c1's 111“ 111111 1211111111: 7 151; 111111 110111'
1211‘ 11125311313, 511113111211'11611111 [11111111111 1111‘11 111111: 1411111311111 1111
11101111115 111‘ (1‘ 11143111111111” , 1111a 1111 11111113 111‘ P11:11:111‘111)”11‘l1.
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tcms 110121111: , [1: m: retire , si 101/; ne 11111.? dies 111/cldc'.



771171.113 , 1’! 3 17/11 ( 15 pnz'r/u/ ). (111 1111111111110 11111jn111‘s
11‘s [11111111211115 1111111:111‘1‘.s , 111 11 111111 511c1‘c55lvell11‘111‘ 1105
11‘111111151111111‘ 111111111-1-1 1111111 1.11 1111111. 111111111111111111113, 1111115
9111111111115 11111? 111 10M,“ 11m; 1111111311115 5’11" " 11‘1’1‘1‘, 1)1‘1111—


amp 11.1)1'111'15 ()1 111,‘ 1‘131131'1lé, 111 1:111- 11‘5 1111111'1‘5 110 (‘1:110
1111111111 [)91111111191151‘ , 511111 (=11 111111'1‘111- sur 11111151111115 111111115.
1,)1111'511) 011115 11’111‘111111‘ 13111 1'111111 111- :4‘ 1011410 1111 11,111c , 1111
131111111111 (11111011 111111. 1111119 111) 1:1‘5 g111‘1'1‘11‘1‘s. (111 111‘ 51111. 11
1111111 110110111 111m11111‘ ecu 11191051110115 , cm111u151u111 151115111112-






"is cc-11siliezqcrs 111019 11111 951‘: ;
V1111 temperatzzm 111 1111051110 12101 1:1.u11t

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1-1-1111‘111 (woo 105 circumstances actucllcs , 11111 nous promettcnt

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Trieste, [c 261na1(7pmi~i1zl). 13111111,11n .. ‘
111111111111, 11‘s. 171111133115 11111; 111111113 1315110 Ville; 1'1‘1'5 105 1113111
1115111135 105 1111111105 31111' '1 1111111135 [116111 151119111169, (111 1111111;
11’11111‘ 111115111110 111111111116 (‘1 1111); 31:171111113110115 11’11118 1011111111;
10111 passage. A1155111‘1t le 112111111111
vi1le at 1111 1:111‘110u11, 1‘1:
Cctle 101111111611 (5,113 1111::

111 11¢le


110111113 11155121111116 5111'
1'1‘111131115 lvut e1111‘Vé 111‘, 111 1111115011 (10
17111131 1111111111 111 1111\‘111011 1111111511111. ‘
{GUI 1111111' 10115 105 1111111111415 1113 r1111:5113, CL 11111 11116 ’5'151.
111:11111'13511'212 11:11' 195 11é111111151ra11011s 163 111115 10116111111108. 1111‘1'
11 v 0111 11110 5111;1‘1‘1)? 11111111111111.1011; 011 11v011 (-1cvé 1111 gan
11115111: 1110111111113 131 105 111101211163 d’un grand 1101111)I‘C 11811111151111:
é1111m11 11111695 116 11‘1111511t11‘cns eh d’emblémos , aver, 111‘s
1115121111111111511111 emu-1111010111 Panachmuent et la. fidélité 1111,51
1111111111115 1:11111' 171:111111‘1‘1‘111'.

11 y :1 1111111110111111 1111115 1111.110 1101‘ ‘
311111111115 Ct 1.11111 11111191115; 11.1110.

t tmis 111559311X (lee:

guorrc cspugnals, 1111:1110 1111
111111116 \3 1‘51 1111151 111111150.
Vanda, la 31 mai ( Ia pnzirt’zl ). T111111" 111 Term-Fume.
“311111111111 051' 1111111111111'1111 1'é\’.)111111.11111130 : 11s 11111111013111111";
1‘1‘5111?C11\'1:s gauvumc'm 5011511 1111112111111 111:5 17111111311115. Q11:1:1t
is (1111 131111110111 occupé, 51‘ 511111, 1'1‘1'11'5‘11 ,


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(31051 , 1111—1111 , 11111? 5111113 1111 1m1Lé do 11:11); , 111mb 105 11111111-
110115 111: 511111 11115 C111‘nr1: 171111111195.

Quolqnes 111111111105 1113 mcr 11150111 qu’une 051311119 111111151...
3 1 1111:1111} 1111 dé1).11‘q11c1111‘11t 31C01'l1w11 , c1 s’cn (st 0111311112111 ,
11111511111c11115111111‘1‘5111‘5 \‘1'2111111‘11111‘5 1111 Levant : 11 y n 111 1..-
51111‘1; 1'111141111111 11.1115 C1,".16 occasion. L119 111131111‘5 (1115 ( 11
1111115 11111‘1115>,1‘11: 11111151111191 1:1)11111‘1111111111) 11111‘11‘11'1 Q1113 l
111111411115 11111 1113011111311111115 é11111‘111‘ :11'151511 1'1-1111re 5 111‘s 1

1'151111111111111‘ 111: thisc, si (lle (31111111111011 11c subsislcr 1111115
son 111111511113.

Londru, [5 14/3/1511 ( :6 prairial). LC 12 la 1111111 1111 111111
131111111111 1‘51 1'01111‘é81‘1'l‘m‘1111v : CC rclour 11111119111111 est 1-1-1111
11’1111c 11011117111‘ 111:.111'1'00111111' 11111 :1 én'lalé 5111' 11111511‘u1-s \'
smux, ()1,111m11:11131-1'111110111 51110111 du Pumpéc. Q11.111~1‘—\'1n;:: 1;
(10111111111- 09 11115513311 111113



1'1111t(.‘l(1ls 111: 1113:1'1111111gc 111111010111
11‘ [11111 111‘ 1111'1‘51‘, (11-11u11t 113111131 111 1111119 1311111 1111111; 1‘11
1‘1‘111511-1'1‘; 1111.15 11;- 1'1‘5113 111‘ 1’1T-11111pngc 5’); 011110511- S1"! ‘ 11 S
1‘1‘1111111‘111121 1111113115, :11‘1110111-111m11 111511‘11115 :1 11111111111 171/5101-
11:11“; , V0111 (1111‘ 11111115 11:11 11n12m1s1zi1 111-. 13113110, confora

111611111111 11 111 11121C1'11111111'11J11 1111 10111 131111111111.





[711!) [othfe (1e Shown-5.51, 1'[.I.'11£e (i’hier, 8 heures ([11 soir ,
11111111 111111011113 (311’111'1 11’11313:e1'.;'11it 311113 111 (3'11” 3.111'i[[1)r1 mug;
(1.1111. [.1 1:140 ([11 Nuc- ; (31:11 111115 [es 1'11isaea11x $1111L disposés
51 so Z‘L'Ildfij, el (3111: s ’11.; 1113 shut 31119 (111'111'1; 11111111135 (111113 [e
I.111'1,( (fest [1111'11- ([1:- 1'1:1:t. (312 1311i 0011111'1111- C1111: [11311101150
J1()1;\.I:'[[1- , c 'est (31:?1111 1'11it '1,-1:1111I (mp (316 111isst-a11x 1111110111 '11115
(3I1i 1'1'111(.111t(:11t [11 11'1' i1;:'c , 11.1v1111t ("311.1111'1: , ([1111s [(1111' 31115—
511311, 111161111 ()i')51:1('[11 ([c [1131.11'1 ([125 1".1'11 11111i111s111'g1'1».

(:1: mafia, il est '111'1'1\'1". 1111 (.'x3)1'("s 1'111 1[i1'1'(,"1011'1: (:11é1‘111ii'
(11: 171211215,- , nice ([15 (11'-5":[115 (but (111 iDqurc Incurc [c



.P"Illl(1‘/(')/t, 101'71'7 ( 22 p711l'ri11.) O11 11111111111 (105 [101115
1111 [{[1i11 (311'il s1; (1131.11i1) ([1: 111111v0a11, 3'131'1'11i [1. s 111'111é1.s 1111—
é‘lu'Jl‘CS [)C[[ig("r1'1nt(:s, 1111 11313711111Ii[ ca3111[)[1,' ([1' 31111'1'1’1:31(111~
1.1111!) (Inns ['111111.‘ d1'11111iz1'1111i sincére ([6 [1'1 31111.; 1:t([13 [’[11111111-

[runcuisu ([1:51111b1'1111t [\11'11513,

11in" : 111113 31111119 ([1' ['111'111'3.
(311i (';l.')iL (‘11 111'11'1'1113 31(1111' 1'1‘3111551-1'113 1111111 51. :'\ll([()l‘u{1(t[‘1, 11
rr'13'11 (111. 1'1- ([0 11111111111131.1111 1'e311'1'11d1'e ([95 3Iosi1i1111s (31111'c (:e

".'11(':'11[ (I11i ([111111'11'1'111 1'2'11113-

:[1'I' 1111-, ('1 [1‘1 1\i([(1.1; [1; (31:

j1":1".1.\1"111.1i1;1[, 11- \11' 1_ 311<131111 11(1111'1-'[ (11([1'0 11f1ie1[[)--rg3

.1'l i131“-



11'. c.)1=1s ([1: 11311111103 1111i.)[;113111.1'11 ['11 [.11111'0551'. 1["["1i11'('11[)r1-11.~1—
1"in , "([('11)iL 110 i'('11([11' .1 'i'1'1'11' "s 13:1[11111 [1's (11111-111§,i[11 éiIE
([l"(‘.[1[L'.‘ (311'i[1'(.':;tc1'1 it 3111' [111'1'1'1‘1dmilc ([11["1 [1i11 ([1111s scs posi-
1311115 11011101101; ; ('111i1'1, [1's Franguis ['1111 [111ns31111'1111' 11111'
(sl'1'1'1_\. 111213 (31111111'1'11': ([71'1'11‘1'1'1'1'i13'1'1'1‘5 [11 Sihg ('1 [1'1[111[111, afiu
1['1-.'1 :_I1I.1'11i1' [1-5 1'011'117II'[1(1111'11S 1311i 1".111t (1111: éluvés sur [cs
1"111'. ([1' (:1'5 ([1'11x 1"11'i1'-1'('.'~'.

011.11111‘1 1711111113"- :111l1'i('[I.i"11110 (il1B11S—1U1i11, 1-[[(I(1(:.’:1!31e1'11
I. .. [111115 1111 1'1'11'1‘11 3'11»(3'1' '111 111111:1'11l ([P. [:1 3111('1[i(:.1Li()11gel-111}—
1'.1[(,' : [.‘S (:111'315 1311i ('11 11111 (:1(,- ([- '1'1.1c[11Es 3115131111—311'1351-111, sm1'1
311-11 (.111:1si<[r:'1'11[1iI‘-3,(:t[11 31l1131111'111'11'31111'. 5.1111. 1'1'1'(.-1I.11s 8111' [01115
31113; ("1 1111 111'1t, ('1.-1; (ii )Ii‘1i1111-1 (311i 11111 [i141 ([11 311111 (3'1
Il'.11111" 1, 001111110 5'i[.s"1 ' '11111 (['1).11'1i1'11111-. 1111111II [[13 (2.1111311161111,
1111 .1-111: [1011111111131 1: (311i 111)<11)1131i1'(-11L1311al): [1'111'1111—








..7,'/I1.'_'.;'1'1's , [6 2,1) [Iva/rill, { 16 ['1'/in. ) DP [(111105 3111115
]1'1 :1131'215 (in .111 .'11'1.,'1'11('.1I=' ' [[1 1 ['1'- 11‘1 1'15; 31("i111's [1's 31['11$
' .[ . ”("11 '3"'""""""""" [11"-
113i 11i1311'1‘:«; ([12'1"1:[111i11i'1.1'11'1i1111
] 1111111; i3111[1 1.11 1: 1111 11([ .!.1[311(I;; (1:1'131111'1151111'11r'zlt(,[1'5111'11x

i.1'1[1('s) 11 (1111131? 5:111'1'1'15'11‘91111'111 1['11:; 1'111311152111i1'119 1'1 [11



:'.\.':1'1's (31111100 [(11 311'


('1111111i41'11i1'e ([11 31I11I1I-.~.1I.' I



1.11111': .I'1[i1‘1': ([1; 1\'['L[i|1(.'.', 3111:.1' [:1i ([I'111.1111i(':' [11 [3511' ('11s
3. . 3 1 . .1-3 1 ,
(1'1 .'.~(. 113111.34 111:1) s111.11..~1111.-:1i1. .11111i1' s. (.9111.-


'..I1 ('I' I'l- $'[[<1[[(3'I'


1111111i(1' "[11.'- 11. s1.:13- -[I'11.1 (1i 1'1'1311)'1-.I ., 1
{1. [21mm 1'i[[1' 1'. .1111'1’ [.111 [31.11"
1‘1 13'.'. 3.111111 [1' 51'11'31'l111;1[ Ii1."1'.1ii >'11([1"(-.1>1'1 .111 31:11:1'11i1' 31:1“—
? [1's 111i11i11'11'1'11' (‘1'.1 I'11[.('. (""1‘1‘.1':11‘1‘ 1'1


11.111exi11-11'31111'I11 [i111

.1i1'.'. in {11111114.1111,
' [I‘I.11's {'11'1121iI1Is, 1'1 [-11 "11111413 s:11i~;[11('7i1111 ([11 311-113-113 7

.311i i[ 111' 11:51'.‘ 3[1as, .1i11si1311'1'1 111115 [“5 [3-141-

31.9, 1[.11:111'

('1:1.»':1'1.1‘1i1111 (3111,- [.1 1'1[i33i1111, 1111 111?.[i1-11 ([15 (:115'11111i1135 5111111
111111510 1[.I.1t I.' '11311'5 (:1 nz'1‘.11[1[:".

[311 111i” ["4 [11¢1it111s ([1: [31'11:1'1I[[I's 5'17h1i1'11t [[11111'3 (.[C

' I‘I'~~:(-1' 3111:11' (:11:.; [11 ([1111'331: 3-1'111i[1[(' 111's [.1—




['1-:.311i1' ([1' 1.111


1:1.'11.-. 111i[i[1i1'.':; [1111

. .. .
5g ([1111111‘111', 11H (:111[1'1111'C, ': (1.3m 1'11
. . . .
11151-1' 3.1115 (3111' 3'111115 3121‘ ('11.\'. .L1CS 1171113101; ([1: 11.111'1', qwu-
1111; 111 , (311i (111 g1'111151' 3111'li1'. é1'1i1I111 ('1:.s'11'111':-.-s, 1'11111'13111111-1
. .. . . .
(1":1, \‘1[[1' , 11111111. (3111' (--1[(-s (31.1 11111; 141111 111'1'111'05 ([1-1—

.11". '1.-1111111 ([13 ['111'1111'211 ([11 .1‘1111'1'1 1~-.I~;1.~.1-11111 ici, 31(1111' (:1):1131()1-'('1‘
.[1 [1.1.1.- g11111isv11 (311'1 1111113 (:51 ([1-11i1:(‘(' : (1[[(' s'1'm 131' 1;i11(3
1111”" [11111111-1.'s, ([1111 (3:111‘11'9 11113'10 (['1111"r1n[(tt'i0, I". 111i[[1'.( [e
1111'11111131'; cu (11:111', (1'111111'1'5 1111113113 c11r1‘1('-;1111'1'1:11'.1 11.1115



[’i111""(1i('111' ([e 1105 ([1? -31:1rt'.r'm(Ins. Cos dispositionk 110113 3110”.
"(3111' ([1113 [11 3)[11s 1iv1> (:11115lIW'11111li1111, 31211'111' (3111' 1111111. 1mm
111(111i1111s ."1 élm I1111' '1.“: ([0 11011\C[[('5 C[1.11'5(s. of. 11 iiuunir
11111' (311111110115 ([1)[)'1I.~11311(' [es (51111111115511i1'115—111'([(11111.1'11‘ 1115 1.1-
m111113111I1'1)11t 31115 (1' exiscr 31111' 1.111.111: requisition, 5011111 [1111

111' 31131301110111; ([11 t1'i[)111111[. ('1'i111i1101 ([(1 110116 ([153131'101111'11l,
(‘11 ['1111'111' ([11 C111'é ([11 '[11‘131i111[ 1113 Saint-1701111, (1 1111311111
[’1131311'11l1111i1111 (i1-s £01111 311'11l11's 11. [1111131131053 1111 1::1111111i1'1-,
[12 minihh'u ([1: [11 justicv, Mer[i11,:1 [émnigné ([11 111('.-(',1111-
11'111‘1-1111'111 1'1 (‘1' 511301, (11111111111011 [1: 1'01'1'11 31:11 [11[(,'l11'11 S111~
1'111111' I311'i[ 11 131:1‘111'1111 ([i1'1'1'1('111' ([11 jury ([11 ['111'1'1>11([issc1111'.1t
i111é1'icul' ([13 Cutie (,‘0111111'11111'. :


P111111, [12 CLO praii‘z'rzl an S.

(r Q11611311’11it (E16, (3111111:n, [1'3 mniif' (311i :1 ([iclé 1111 UL
[11111a[ (:1‘1111i111'[, [’1311'1'11131'1: 3113'31'1111'11L ([1111t 1'11115 1111- 31:1'.'[('.'I.,
[11 [oi 1'(.-'.".(' 111111611'1111121'1'. , (:1. 3111111'111'1111'('1!('1['1'111[('I(' 1111.1 3'-i1.1'1;
, (~[[.,- 11'1'11 (:11!1.I.'()1'\'(' 31115111111111


([11115 11110 .1['['11':1'(' 31.11'Li1'11['11"
tmm 50'; ([1'11'115 11 MW (1[1I"'1.«:1I.111:() i1111'31'11[13.

)1 LL? l1'i[11:1111[ ([1' 1?
311'i1111'1' ['1'1'1I1‘1 ([11 11"1[1:'1I1.1[ 1I'i111i111'1, Ct 011111411115 111115111.-

1151-111 511111: ([(1111r ([0 1'13-


s:11[i.111 $111.13

([1'11'". 31:15 11mins 3'113_I_1'1' C1 [1'11 1115 [11111'11.'1( s (‘1 1'1'111'1'. (1)11:-
(‘i1'11cu [1'51.['['11i1'1'5 ([1'111l 11111-13 tribunu; ('.;1 5.1131.

)1 [1111-5511. (:'1i(-'1 [.111111[1'1-i'.[1':11('.(.',1911's €1.11 '11r'111's 311-155(‘1'11111,1't
[1 s 111 13:31. 1111;, .311’('[[1's 11'11111‘1111! 3111i11i (11136111151111fi11i1'1', [1'111'
(11'1'1111, 3:):1i1'111'1l. 111111—111-11i1'111111t ([1' [111(1' 31111311, 1'51i11111, 3m,-
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('1311'01 [111};[11 (.‘I ([711111)

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au L11x1-11111111113; , 0'1 119 s’y 11111311,- [u.1s (1.;115 1135(11)11111.~1‘111111:13
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1111x11'1s11-s , [111111511111 (1'1:[1[11-1111 , 1‘: allirer 1es 1111[.1‘1111c115
11.1115 ([111211[11e (31111111111510. 117115.111 ”1561', 51.116 awnzli.
A 17 'r 11 1“.

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111-11-11’11—u11 (51111;)113 , 51111111 ["11111 (1110 (1.1119 1.1. b.)11li([111- (is,
“11.111111? (111 :11 (1111011211121 11111101 1 111 me 11'01C111: 1:11:13 1 1‘1;-
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IL'mnw/‘Ic’, ([111 (-151
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.‘.-, [ .<,. 1‘.” . [1- t . », ..

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5111:! 5:51- 111‘ (1411‘ 1111


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311111133 11 (:1‘.11111 ([110 1‘1-X[1C('11111\'(- (11s 1‘éc.1111r1111:(-s 11*:
11111110 [11115 (1" l >
(171111 [1111111.


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([11 (11311111111. 11% [Ln-11.x, 111111 (1[1[,..-_([- 111.0,


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V.=_~,.——._,, v";u

1—,. mu“-


(inns l0 sanciuair-e (L's loix, l’opinunt propose dc remctlre
,eu Vigucur 1:1 lui LlU l‘assumiili'zc coustiluauto.

},)u.n.)l‘u-il: Uu ne iii‘ucmisem sans (loule [mint (le. Cher-
Clirr :1 (illilltll' l0“. l)Jnlle graces du directuirc 11i des mi—
nistres ; muis m1 m’ulvpmuur au'ec courage aux L’IlVLLlIi559-
umus (l’uu liou‘mir iiilurcllumcut usurpateur , jo Plililll'di ses
droiis mu; ii‘aliiclliac. L21 cuiistiiuiiou est imlre unique ré-
gulateur. Ur , cu lmrlrrut (lcs relations'exismutcs Culre lc
ilircutniru (*L 1L5 ex-rcprési'ulans du pcuplc , lil COIthiLU-
tim lllt'xtlllit cos duruicrs d’uucuuc limcliun Pllbiliillt‘. La.
exccpiizul illi’cllu imliquc, clcsl. (luluucun (form 110

s-kulc. I I I I ..
aux lauciions Llll‘L'ClOl‘liLlL‘S , 5 ll. ue s’a'st

puurru (‘urc pmmu
ércmlé Z111 moius 1111 ml ilepuis SH. 8011“! du Corps légb‘liiii.

Pious m: [NIUVOHS vnuloir plus quc 117a voulu in. constitu—
timx. J9 dcmumlu l’orilre «lu jour.
Hucliel et Jul) Aymé rélmndgul. (111’1l XI’L‘XiSlG (lans in arms"
iituiinu uucune disgosiiinu positive fluiiepn-usse la. Imvuure
li‘nr meucve. L’ol) eclimi ll lI‘.(:()ilSlltllL10H-
Y n l , . . .
Duumlurtl , m: [lent (lulu: b zipplliluur mi. 01‘,
imr csL muctlc, le corps législdiil'nc pent-ii
semble nécessilcr l’imérét Public? Hu-

impméi‘ pm;
nililé liiite par
«luguul la constitiu
pmclamor uue lni 11m: . .
rlir-L m Jul) Aymé apkrumnt. la motion. V '

Vuus vouluz iloui‘, sliiurwui‘. anmt at 'i illinulfleafu 7 vous
vimlrz (lmxc him my; Imuvellc lui du 3 [)rrunzzir‘: 2,,_

Le cmxsril, cili‘uyé suns Joule. par l’umln-c seVult: do, Cctte
[oi 1111 3 [HUI/mire, (icuriv lL mnhou Parvl’m‘dl'e (111 1‘0”?

Cillu-rL Dt-snmliéros suumet cu consequence aux uélibé-
ses (:nllitglucs, lc premier de ses tmis pmjms 5m
1595 finances. ()u 51-. mppclle que ce Projct tend 21 peruiettre
:1 LL lrésnrerio mitinimle , (le liiirc des négnciativms imléiielh
(ldiumcnl du (ill(‘(‘l0i1'i,: cL suus 5:1 proprc ruspouaaliiliLé.

Villm's , (lui me 39 snuvrf‘nt Plus du. rapport (luut iut Pré-
C'itlée 1:1 prm "i: l<:1:‘mn: (5'0 e prolct, m: dc’vmc [H'Ml'lt’
Ilit-il , lris iimiils (lm ljont ulcic. ll. Lrouvekausm lorL 5111311-
.lll‘l' qu’mi n’uii pus pitfHequ CL: profit pluhit (uppureuuuurt
(Illilllll on on mail ”Innis l)t’50ln ). fl convienL ([ll’ll est ur—
- ime conclusum alll-(lXTSSIIS (lc L1 logiilue

raiiims dc


ql‘ul ; mais, lur .
()rulirmim , V illers (lemzuule lzijnumenwm,

‘ \'()il its plus sIrzimls dangers dam le projet. En
rnnliv r lu, liurlunc yuliliiluu ti. cmq lmmmus 1 car , tel
I ~ (‘Ulmniamil'cs iii: lil Li'ésnrcric nuriuxi.rlc....



‘51 la unmlim 1
Co Immlirc (‘HHl cm
PM réfli'ujl‘ii , cla