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Classes resume January 7.

Senior Group — Cards have been sent
assigning classes, teachers and class—

On January 21 the Sixth Crade will
present a program at 9:A0 A.M.

The Coordinated Lesson for
January 7 is:

God created nothing in vain.(Talmud)

We shall discuss that there is a
purpose for everything — even if we do
not like or want that purpose.

There will be no Religious School
on February 4 for students. It will
be a morning long (9:30—l2:00) in
service day for teachers. Teachers
please note!

9:30 A.M.

12h North
Iexinwton, fentuckf

VI“ ‘iALlfi’ — l‘iA’l‘l‘l‘; lfii’fil’l’llAl.






L 7th inrivrrfarv ”


ETA Neeti;
Adul f. l‘fduca‘ui


“rwmittee Feetino



121fN) P“
Hrs. John Plumlee, past
Chairperson of Citizen's Child
[buse Committee, will speak on
this most Current topic:
9,1112 ELSE


2—6—6: 7356 or irfiiqein gall—Jig for a

266~8627 reservation, please
indicate if you want
a sitter.


CONGRATULATIONS to Bob & Libby Scher
on the birth of Sydney Claire Scher
on December 30, 1978. Proud grand—
parents are Stanley and Phyllis Scher.


fianuurv 11, LQ/q

”rs. hovrpvs bireninum
Mr. Pavia anll;

1; M ITA},,L11.B‘_L57}§§L$
lannary 12, 197”

Mrs. Charles Uorodetyky
Mrs. David Shakit
Mrs. Nematoilah Shakfl


Justin Bing

Dr. J. M. Fine

Leah Coodman

Louis Rosenstein
Steven Richard Fozen
Marie Salmon

Bertha Speyer

Ruben Weisenberg

VoL46 No.19

January 5, 1979




[JR/l) H]. ,l [\l AIR) [2, 1979 8:00 Pull.
Rabbi William J. Imf/lor will conduct services
llrs. Robert Samson will bless the Sabbath Candles

()nogz Shabbat in [he l’ostrvv following worship sen'ii'cs

~\‘e’rmon — The .‘WllZlfUl of Burial

Synopsis - In the ('rwle of life. death
is also a time for observing



'ident: Tr.


From the Rabbi '5 Desk

When Carol Lister, the regional director of the Anti-Defamation
League, was here last month, she called her audience's attention to some
anti—Semitic graffiti on the steps to the First Baptist Church, between
West Vain and Short Streets, at the foot of Patterson Street. It is in
a location that the person driving by on Fain Street would not n01mmllv
see, but almost directly in front of anyone coming down the hill on
Patterson Street. I have tried to contact the minister at the church
(whom l do not know) about it, but have not been successful as yet.

The appearance of this graffiti in Lexington is disturbing. Anti—
Semitism is not dead, as Carol pointed out (I have her talk on tape {or
anyone who might lile to hear it), but is still about, though often less
obvious or virulent. It still reouires our alertness and our response,
as she pointed out so well.

Carol also mentioned the old Jewish stance of ”shah, still”, of
silence in the face of actions or activities which we find inappropriate
or upsetting as Jews, that such an attitude is not acceptable in the
American Jewish community today. We have become activists, no longer
thinking of ourselves as second class citizens, in the community under
sufferance, afraid to point out behavior or attitudes which we as Jews
find wrong, or insulting. We no longer Quake for the survival of
Jewish businesses because some one may not approve of what we say or do.

The market place of ideas and attitudes is far more open than it
was in the past. People are not silentJas was the case a generation
ago, about cultural differences. Conformity has given way to an aware—
ness of multi—cultural difference. Inter group discussion has opened
up. People are no longer fearful of expressing different views on what
were previously considered taboo topics for public discussion. For us
as Jews, the paranoia of silence is outdated. We have the ability to
express our sentiments and we know the legal means to support them
when necessary.

Carol stated her case well. We may not all agree with everything
she said, but she certainly was worth hearing. We need more such
persons to encourage our Lexington Jewish community to be more
assertive of its position within the general community.

William J. leffler



The 75th Anniversary Committee
is selling special T shirts com-
memorating this event. They have
the 75th logo on them with T shirt
in Hebrew letters written under—
neath. They sell for $4.50 and
are in medium, large and extra
large sizes — so far.

We all gotta' eat, right? If
you shop at Winn—Dixie, help us
take advantage of their free appli-
ance offer. Save your register
receipts and turn them in to the
Temple office. With your coopera-
tion, Winn-Dixie can supply us
with some much needed kitchen

Call the Temple office if you equipment. Thanksl
wish one.

‘l.1rv Kanner, dauuhier oi :‘rs.
file I: .p s [xxle lt‘T 1‘10 ' 'x" lvflllut‘r .inll tire laite hr.

firrv‘a—Uoith : : has h«ev set i , , ~n rer marriage to Jeffrey

[he TUXL tour ronths. However, Ev Stern in Santa barbara, taiil. on
are .5 ping from iuesday to he ember 3"
Wednesday» for our meetings - Mr. 5 Yrs. Flhert Sloat (former—
lanuarn 14, February 35, Varfh '- 1v Ie nnette Stivcrsl on their
and April 23. ”ark veur talendars: marr‘ . pcpemper 30,

Films have been ordered and
confirmed _ lettie Bloom, daughter of Mr. &
Mrs. Maxwell Bloom and grand—
daughter cf Mrs. Barney Miller, on
her marriage to Brian Seff on
let. Top Hat » Fred Astaire herember 17 in San Francisco,

and Finger Pogers Califomiia.

Jan. , — State Fair — Foyers and

hammerstein Nuyical

War. I — Finian's Rainbow
Apr. 23 — Name

lunlneon will be served alter the "v"-~*—~ .,‘_W_._ii
film. inst for this delicious
entertainment is only 9J.UO. true
and enioy. bring a friend - or two.

'lhl' lrwltz (4fitwlr izaci d
"HJfiChC7(UH uvrnw Sundan
muth(n9 before Shudflu Schcci.
i‘mngc juice, mill M doughnuts
fold for a niclct ar

FRIDAY.JANUARY 26. 1979 8:00 P.M.

Rabbi William J. Lciilcr will conduct services
Mrs. lrvin Stern, Jr. will bless the Sabbath Candles

0an Shabbat in thc Vestry following worship services

Sermon , The Anguish of Israel

Synopsis— The sccrsaw peace efforts in
the Middle East continue to
bring uncertainty and anguish
for American Jews. We shall
consider some of the sources of
this concern.



Rabbi: William

266—3251 Lexington, Kentucky

J. Leffler

President: Dr. Martin P. Kaplan
First Vice President: Charles Stern
Second Vice President: Dr. Charles Gorodetzky

Secretary: Mrs. Norris Brazin

Treasurer: Joseph H. Niller


Rabbi’s Message

Elsewhere in this issue of the
Temple Bulletin is an announcement
of a forthcoming Adult Education
Sabbath morning worship/study
series. 1 hope that this new effort
on the part of the committee will
prove to be a worthwhile one and
that we shall have a goodly turn out
for them.

I hope the topics that were se—
lected for consideration will prove
thought provoking and interesting
enough for you to participate.

Enclosed in this issue of the
Bulletin is a portion of the
Presidential address to the Board
of Trustees of the Union of
American Hebrew Congregations of
Pabbi Alexander N. Schindler, which
he delivered in Houston early last
month. The message was reported on
the religious page of the Lexington
Herald—Leader, as well as in many
other newspapers across the country.
Rabbi Schindler suggests that we
Jews have an "Outreach Program”
for unchurched and religiously
rootless persons in our country.

I think his words are worth con~
sidering seriously because I be—
lieve Judaism has a great deal to
say to our world that is important
and worthwhile.

The first session of the Sabbath
Study Session will discuss and re—
act to Rabbi Schindler's words.
Won't you join us on Saturday,
January 27th at 9:30 A.M. for a
brief worship SchlCC and certainly
some stimulating conversation.

William J. Leffler


Renew your Nah Jongq membership
thru the Judaica Shop. Send $l.75
per membership; $1.50 per extra
card to Anita Baker, 424 Adair
Road 40502. DO IT TODAY!

I: LIGI us

On January 21, the 6th grade will
present a program (if the weather
permits classes so they can rehearse)
It will be at 9:49.

The 3rd grade program on Febru—
ary 4th will be changed to a later

date, as there will be no

classes on the 4th.

TEACHERS - February 4 ~ An all
morning in service workshop. All
teachers are expected to be present
and to participate.

The coordinated lesson for
January 21 is" If a Nitzvah comes
to you, do not let it sour."
(Nehilta) and we shall discuss how

we should not permit the opportunity

to do something worthwhile to slide

by us.


The Second Annual New Year's
Party, planned and organized by our
Social Committee, was a great suc—
cess. Good music: Good food!

Good socializingl Sixty—nine
lemple members and fourteen non~Tem~
pie - danced, ate and crorded the
vestry, which was beautifully deco-
rated for the occasion. Prizes for
the best costumes of our 1903

theme went to Mike and Freda lerncr,
Larry Sherman, Evelyn Kosofi, larry
Goodman and Sue Wides.

Our thanks to the following
persons for making this event a
memorable evening:

Judy Sandler — Publicity

Ruth Metzler — Reservations and

Helen Coldfarb — Telephoning

Dan Netzler, Charles and Leona

Stern, Norris and R02 Rozen and

Sue Wides r Decorations

Sybil and Irv Stern, Jr. - Food

1111-; JEWISH INDFfl‘pDENTfi

A reorcanized Jewish Singles

group - "he Jewish Independents
will hold its first function on
Saturday evening, February 3, at
7:30 P.N. at the Club House of the
Lake Shore Village Condeminiums on
the Lake at the end of Laketower
Drive. Tress is informal. Cost
is $1.00 per person.

Featured will be:

—Wine & Cheese
(at least 20 kinds)
—A working fireplace
—Disco dancing demonstration
—Hot apple cider
-yood fellowship

For further information call
Mitchell Barnes —

Office, 266—8031

Home, 266—5437


The film schedule for the
Once—a—Ponth Club has been set for
the next four months. However, we
are changing from Tuesday to
Wednesdays for our meetings —
January 24, February 28, Varch 28
and April 25. Mark your calendars:

Films have been ordered and
confirmed ~

Jan. State Fair — Rogers and
Hammerstein Musical

Feb. l Top Hat — Fred Astaire
and Finger Pogers

Var. 28 Finian's Rainbow

Apr. 25 Name

luncheon will be served after the
film. Cost for this delicious
entertainment is only $2.00. Come
and enjoy. Bring a friend - or two.
Everyone is welcome.


The next event marking our 75th anniversary as a congregation will be
on Friday, February 16, when we shall have a special worship service in
music and dance entitled "Taalit", under the direction of Bonia and
Fanchon Shur of Cincinnati. The service should be most inspiring and
yet another highlight of our celebration.

The first event marking this anniversary was a special worship of
memory on November 17, in which two former rabbis participated - Rabbi
Milton Crafman of Birmingham, Alabama and Dr. Jacob R. Marcus, Director
of the American Jewish Archives in Cincinnati, Ohio. Pictured below

are our two guests with Rabbi Lefflen


The fioflomng 1,5 the thud 06 the, (second .5 elude/3 of You/L Jewish Lexicon
spammed by the, Adult Jewibh Studio/3 Pepantment 05 UAHC.

Recognizing 01/3 tincx‘x'cyvs

Perhaps the most haunting Jewish service conducted in the home is the
Havdalah, that fragrant and wistful ritual that marks the end of the
Shabbat and the festivals. he usher in the Shabbat with the Kiddush and
we bid goodbye to it with the Havdalah. The 24 hours in between the two
is sanctified time. It is as though th