xt7v9s1km55q_56 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_13/Folder_18/Multipage8318.pdf 2004 2004 2004 section false xt7v9s1km55q_56 xt7v9s1km55q  



VOL. 71 NO. 5


I remember opening my first law office. I
had a Tandy 1000 and a Daisy wheel
printer that operated at, what was then
break neck speed, 10 characters per second.
I had a state of the art set up. The only problem was that
this printer made lots of noise, so it took a padded sound
buffering case to make it functional (that and a whole
table on which to put it). It was amazing! I could produce
documents that could be changed at will. I don’t know
how law offices operated before computer. Either legal
secretaries had lots more patience or the practice was far
less complex. In any event. I became near addicted to this
wonderful technology, and as it upgraded. so did I. I was
not a techno-file. I never had a Palm Pilot and am not
looking for a computer watch. but I did try to keep a
computer that would run the necessary software and
usually carried a cell phone. I became very thankful for
this blessing. and then. true to form for most of us,
thankfulness left and I began to take it for granted.
1 was once again reminded of the importance of computer
technology in my life this past week. My computer
crashed while I was out oftown. As I stood at the
computer shop and begged for help, I would have given or
promised almost anything to get it back and whole. As I
write this article, I realize that I am once again blessed, I
promise never to take my computer for granted again.
This sounds so much like the way we approach each other
and God. New relationships are special. They are
exciting and fresh. Eventually, we often times forget to
keep them special. and we begin to take them for granted.
or "upgrade” them as our social status or geography
Changes. We do this with God, too. In the midst of our
angst we make all sorts of promises. "If only You get me
through this . . is a frequently heard phrase that many of
make and begin to honor. Yet after the prayer is
answered, we fall back into usual patterns as time goes on,
forgetting the blessing for which we felt indebted. It
seems as though. in this same way, we take our tradition
for granted. We look at the Torah and talk about its


wonder, but do not spend enough time engaging it.
Rabbi Eric Yoffie, the President of the American
Reform movement, offered us a solution to this
dilemma. At the recent Biennial convention of the
Reform Movement, introduced an initiative seeking
Reform Jews to reinvest ourselves in Torah study.

His idea is that we should spend ten (10) minutes

each day studying Torah. Short lessons will be
planned and available on line, with a goal of making
Torah again relevant to our lives. Candidly, I

endorse the initiative and would hope that we all

take the opportunity to dive back into our tradition

and study, even ten minutes a day. Call the office .
for details. I

C P A? Mllgi‘rlg









Worship Announcements



Worship Services

December 5
Preschool Shabbat Service 6:30 PM
Mark Novak & Renee Brachfield will
conduct services
Candle Blessing Tina Simpson
Oneg Shabbat Hostesses/Hosts
Laura & Trevor Creamer
Tina & Mark Simpson
Ushers: Susan Cantor
Jeff Davidson
Mark Simpson
Linda Noffsinger
Pete Sobel
Child Care Available

December 6
Vayetze—Genesis: 28: 10-32:3
Torah study 9 AM

Worship 10:30 AM

December 12
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM
Candle Blesser: Rose Rita Wurmser
Oneg Shabbat Hostesses/Hosts
Rose Rita & Jerry Wurmser
Linda 8. Jeff Noffsinger
Judi Wurmser & Paul Cable
Ushers: Laura Creamer
Alan Kaplan
Jerry Sander
Pete Sobel
Corey Kline & Stepanie Barrett will sing
Child Care Available

December 13
Vayishlach— Genesis:32:4-36:43
Kollel Study 9 AM

December 19

Shabbat Around the Dinner Table 6 PM
Erev Hanukkah ist Candle

Michael Hustedde Bar Mitzvah

Marilyn Zelcer will sing

Child Care Available

December 20
Vayeshev—Genesis: 37:1-40:23
Torah study 9 AM
Worship 10:30 AM

Michael Hustedde Bar Mitzvah
Hanukkah 2nd Candle

December 26

Shabbat Service 6 PM
NO Oneg

NO Child Care Available
Hanukkah 81h Candle

December 27
Miketz—Genesis: 41:1-44:17
Kollel Study 9 AM

Januag 2

Shabbat Service 6 PM
NO Oneg

NO Child Care Available

Januau 3
Va yigash—Genesis: 44: 18-4 7:27

Torah Study 9 AM
Worship 10:30 AM

Januag 9
Shabbat Around the Dinner Table 6 PM
NO Oneg
NO Child Care Available

Januag 10
Vayechi—Genesis: 47:28—50:26

Kollel Study 9 AM


Shabbat Service 6 PM
Koleinu will sing

NO Oneg

NO Child Care Available

Januagy 17
Shemot—Exodus: 1:1-6:1
Torah Study 9 AM
Worship 10:30 AM

Januagy 23
Shabbat 6 PM
Corey Kline and
Stephanie Barrett will sing
NO Oneg
NO Child Care Available

Va’era—Exodus: 652-935
Kollel Study 9 AM


Shabbat Service 6 PM
Rabbi Kline Installation
Marilyn Zelcer will sing
NO Oneg

NO Child Care Available

Januag 31
Bo—Exodus: 10:1-13:16
Torah Study 9 AM
Worship 10:30 AM

Februag 6
Shabbat Service 7:30 PM

Candle Blesser: Lisa Tau/bee
Oneg Shabbat Hostesses/Hosts
Lisa & Dan Tau/bee
Carol & Paul Kaplan
Child Care Available

Beshalach—Exodus: 13:1 7-17: 16
Kollel Study 9 AM




Preschool Shabbat Service

Shabbat Around the Dinner Table
Michael Hustedde Bar Mitzvah

£1an 16
Shabbat Around the Dinner Table

Januagy 30
Rabbi Kline installation




Friday night, December 19, is our
monthly Shabbat Around the Dinner Table
beginning at 6:00 PM. Michael Hustedde will
participate at the Shabbat Dinner Service
and will celebrate his Bar Mitzvah on
Saturday, December 20 at 10:30 AM. This is
also the night of Erev Hanukkah, Bring your
menorah and we will light the first candle

In honor of Michael’s Bar Mitzvah,
the Hustedde family will provide entries.
Please plan to bring a vegetable or salad to
feed six to eight people. Join us for this
special evening. PLEASE call the Temple
office at 269-2979 and let us know that
you will be there, (hopefully by Thursday,
the 18th!) so that we may properly prepare.
See you Friday, December 19.




@ar dilemh





Please share our jo y as our son,
Michael Martin
celebrates his Bar M irzvah
on December 19 cf 20, 2003

Michael Marfin is the son of
Ron & Carol Hustedde

The Friday service begins of 6 PM
on December 19, 2003
Michael will part/ciao fe in fhe service

The Saturday service begins at
10:30 AM on
December 20, 2003

Kiddush Luncheon will fol/ow
the Shabbat morning service






Mark Novak
Denée Brachfeld


Temple Adath Israel is hosting an exciting and very different artists in
residence weekend December 5 — 7. Our guests will be Mark Novak & Renee
Brachfeld, a dynamic husband-wife storytelling duo, who draw their material
from the warmth and richness of the Jewish tradition. Renee is a storyteller and
juggler, and Mark is a cantor and musician. Their unique skills as performers
emanate from more than two decades of experience delighting audiences at
synagogues, JCCs, schools, churches, festivals, and community events
nationwide. Mark and Renee present Artist-in-Residence weekends at synagogues
throughout the United States, enriching Jewish communities with performances
and workshops for both adults and families. The weekend is planned with
something for everyone!

Mark and Renéee will lead Friday evening worship services with Rabbi
Mark Kline when we honor our Temple Preschool in connection with our 100th
anniversary celebration. Services will begin at 6:30 PM.

On Saturday morning at 10:30 AM, Mark will conduct a special worship
workshop ,“The Art of Prayer: The Spiritual Magic of the Niggun”, an interactive
exploration of the power of the niggun to enhance prayer.

Saturday evening at 8 PM. Temple’s Social Hall will be transformed into
a cabaret theater for the performance of "This Ain't Your Bubbe's Yiddish
Theater", a rollicking, touching, soulful, thought provoking, and funny
celebratation of the warmth and richness of Jewish culture. Mark and Renee
weave together a vibrant and joyful performance brimming with folk tales, music,
and contemporary stories drawn from Hebrew, Yiddish, Sephardic and American
Jewish sources. Your Bubbe will like it and so will you!

Sunday morning at 9 AM, our guests will lead an In Service Teacher
Training with religious school teachers, providing teachers with tools for utilizing

storytelling in the classroom. Special sessions will then be held for religious

school classes.
WOW! What a weekend this will be. Mark the date on your calendar and

plan to be here!




This is the third in a series of excerpts from
the hundred year history of Temple Adath Israel.

By 1945, the Temple had grown to 132
families and we had completed a garden in the rear of
the Vestry, equipped it with a barbecue grill, and
dedicated it to the members of the Congregation
serving in the Armed Forces. Rabbi Lewis returned
from active duty and the Congregation, after much
discussion, decided to build a prefab house for him at
the corner of Woodspoint and Fincastle Roads, which
was later sold and replaced by a house at 304
Culpepper Road where our rabbis continued to live
until 1961.

The Sunday School, under the direction of
Fannie Miller, a long-time superintendent and a
splendid teacher using the NFTS curriculum, operated
in both Lexington and Frankfort, while Jane Scherago
commuted to Danville each week to teach the eight
children of that community. Our religious school, in
addition to becoming a model for other Sunday
Schools throughout the region, was also bursting at
the seams with the pre—war baby crop. Now the post-
war crop was being planted, as the soldiers came

As usual, there wasn’t enough money to
expand, what with inflated post-war prices, so we
waited -- again. When Rabbi Lewis resigned to go to
California, the Board proposed a 30% increase in
salary in order to offer the next rabbi a competitive

The next rabbi was Sidney Ballon of
Columbia, SC, who was accompanied by his wife
Jean, a cousin to the Hymson-Levenson clan, and
their three children. Rabbi Ballon was the first of our
rabbis to wear ceremonial robes on the pulpit. That
innovation, the beginning of a Temple bulletin, the
birth of the Brotherhood and the institution of
children’s services on Saturday mornings were his
major changes. The names of the children who
attended were listed in the Bulletin, as either reward or
incentive. As always, overcrowding in the Sunday
School was a major problem. The Board purchased
the Williams house next door, providing classrooms
for 50 students, but there was still a need for more
room to accommodate the religious school growth.

Finally, plans were approved and the contract
awarded to Morris L. Levy, a long—time Temple
member whose four children had all been confirmed
here, to build a $34,000 extension to the Temple
behind the Williams House, which could then be
rented out, since we would no longer use it for Sunday
School rooms.

The trials and tribulations of our need, of
building the addition and raising the money were
expounded in an opus written by lrving and Ada Gail
and used at a fundraising evening.

Based on the musical, “South Pacific,” the title
was “South Prolific” and the parodies were performed by
members of the Board. The play, one of several created
by that talented couple, was a huge success and raised a
lot of money. Here is an excerpt, sung to the tune of
“There is Nothing Like a Dame" by that variably talented

We got children, lots of those,
Sundays we go on a spree,

It’s a habit, I suppose,

When they go to school, were free...
We got time for fun and pleasure
And we propagate the race...

But what ain’t we got?
We ain’t got SPACE!

Now with architect and plan,
We attacked the building code...
On the march with every man,
How the tempers did explode!
We present the finished product
Of our efforts, high and low,

But what ain’t we got?
We ain’t got DOUGH!

Now we’ve got the building built,

Now we’ve got the space we need
But we're mortgaged to the hilt.

Hell, we hardly own the deed.

Now we‘ve got the rooms and closets
And a place we‘re proud to show...

But what ain’t we got?
We ain’t got DOUGH!

Harriett Rose

To be continued in our next bulletin


Leah Craft will be running a marathon on behalf of
the Kentucky Chapter of the Leukemia & Lymphoma
Society (LLS) on January 11, 2004. Her goal is to raise
$3,500 which goes directly to benefiting research, families,
and the patients of leukemia, lymphoma, multiple
myeloma, and Hodgkin’s disease. Please send your
check addressed to the Leukemia & Lymphoma Society
with Leah Craft’s name on the memo line. All checks are
tax—deductible and all donations are greatly appreciated.
Please mail to Leah Craft, 4413 Shagbark Court,
Lexington, KY 40515.



Outreach offers support and learning opportunities
for intermarried couples, Jews-by-Choice, and all others
who are seeking information about Judaism. Adopted in
1981 by the UAHC, Outreach provides programs that help
participants deal positively with the issues presented by
intermarriage and conversion. The program is meant to
make everyone feel more comfortable practicing Judaism
and participating in the Jewish Community. Stacy & Art
Dunahue have graciously agreed to chair this group this
year and as you will see from the upcoming schedule, they
are doing a great job. Be sure to join the Outreach group
and learn together.

On December 23, 2003 at 7 PM, Outreach will
share Hanukkah and Latkes (Place to be announced).

Beginning in January, 2004, the 3rd Thursday of
each month will be Outreach Night at TAl. Watch the
bulletin for any changes in place of meetings.

January 15, 2004 What happens after we’re gone?
A religious perspective of what’s After.
February 29, 2004 Can Jews celebrate valentines?
Bring your favorite dessert.
March 18, 2994 Passover recipe tasting and sharing

April 14, 2004 You’ve been taxed long enough? To
be planned—a fun and social activity.

May 20, 2004 Pentecost/Shavuot: Who‘s 10?

June 17,2004 Family night—TBA

July 15, 2004 Family night—TBA


"On behalf of The Temple membership we would
like to thank Joann Miller of Barnie Miller's for making CD
copies of the Temple's oral history tape collection. The oral
history tapes, 25 in all, were recorded from 1983 to 1985 by
members of the Temple Mitzvah Corps.

Lowell Nigoff and Garry Hoover"



The Tuesday Bridge Group
meets in the Temple Library beginning at 11 AM. Bring
your lunch and play until 2 PM. You don’t have to be an
expert to join. This group is going strong, so if you like to
play bridge, here's your chance to join and socialize with
fellow Temple members.

If you wish to join in, please check with other
players or the Temple office each week to see if the group

is playing.


100th Anniversary Trivia Contest

Answer the following questions and turn in at the
Temple office. Get those noggins working and turn in your
answers as soon as possible. The first entry received with all
correct answers will receive a $5 gift certificate to use at the
Temple gift shop.

If no one gets all questions correct, the first entry
received with the most correct answers will be the winner.
Here they are, have fun with the Temple history.

1. How many members have dual memberships with the

2. How long has John McDonald been the Temple

3. How many husband & wives have both been Temple

4. How many people have been Religious School Directors?

5. How many people have been President of Temple Adath

Temple Archives In Danqer!!!!

Lowell Nigoff and Garry Hoover of the 100'h
Anniversary Committee need help identifying individuals in
photos in our Temple archives. These pictures, dated from the
early 1900’s until the 1990s, are an irreplaceable part of our
history and are in DANGER of becoming obscure, as many are
not identified.

If you would like to help, please give us a call and we
will arrange to meet you at the Temple. We know you will enjoy
looking at these photos as much as we have, and your help will
be greatly appreciated.

Lowe/I Nigoff
Days 233-1173 Garry Hoover
Evenings 278-5220 Evenings 271 -0127

Email — killshot@iglou.com Email - tai100thyear@aol.com
An additional note: On October 4, Renee Hymson, Lowell
Nigoff and l, (Harriett Rose) spent a couple of hours identifying
the people in some old pictures that have been sent in for the
100th Anniversary Year archives. it was really fun and we
enjoyed it, but there are faces we know whose names won‘t
come to mind. They have left Lexington but were here long
enough to participate or they are children whose looks now
don’t resemble their early pictures. If you can help identify
these people, call Lowell Nigoff at 278-5220 to add your
expertise to this search of names.




get well wishes to:

Bea Milner

Mark Halleck

Larry Goodman
Phyllis Scher
Stanley Rosenberg
Audrey Rubin


New address for Jerry & Jan Cerel
743 Brookhill Dr., 40502-3364

New e-mail address for Penny Miller


To Jo & Bob Belin, on the engagement of their
daughter, Ruth, to Mark Salzinger


To eliminate the large number of e-mails sent from
the Temple office, we will now send out a weekly e-mail on
Wednesday of each week. if your group or committee has
a special event that is coming up and you would like to
include it in the weekly e—mail, please e—mail the information
to Sandee at the Temple office by each Wednesday at 12
noon to tinkert22@aol.com as the e-mail will go out on
Wednesday afternoon. It you have an emergency
message that needs to be sent out, please talk to John
McDonald or Rabbi Kline.


The deadline for the next bulletin is
January 6 for February events and

Temple Adath Israel Website. Add this to
your favorite places. Visit our site often for

Temple news.



Special Messages To Our Members

Committee & Other Meetings

Executive Committee Meetinq
Tuesday, December 2, 6 PM


Board of Trustees Meetinq
Tuesday, December 2, 7:30 PM

100th Anniversarv Committee
Tuesday, December 9, 7 PM

Sisterhood Board Meeting
Monday, December 15, 7 PM


The Nominating Committee for the Temple’s Board
of Trustees has been appointed. Members of the committee

Names may be placed in nomination for election to
the Board by means of a nominating petition for each person
sought to be nominated. The petition must contain the
signatures and addresses of at least five members in good
standing of the Temple, no such signature to be valid if the
signator has signed more nominating petitions in any one
year than the total number to be elected to the Board of
Trustees. In order to be valid and acceptable, the
nominating petitions shall be mailed to the chairperson of
the nominating committee and must be postmarked on or
before the 15th of February 2004.


Larry Kant continues the course “Finding A Jewish
Path While The Ground Shifts Beneath Us”. It will be
meeting Sunday mornings once a month. Larry’s purpose is
to make scholarships accessible to lay people so that
biblical texts come alive in a way that makes Torah
meaningful for class participants.

The group will go through the texts very carefully to
show how close reading (including Midrash) can
fundamentally alter the interpretation of stories. Please join
us on December 14 at 10 AM in the Temple library.

Other class dates are January 11, February 8,
March 14, and April 18.




On Friday November 14, as part of the 100th Anniversary celebration, the Temple honored our current and past Religious
School teachers and prinCIpals. There was a special dinner followed by a Shabbat service where the Temple recognized
their contributions and celebrated their service to the youth of the Temple over many generations



Jane Grise, Debbie Masters, Elayne Crystal and Anita Baker sign the Temple Adath lsrael Educator’s timeline tallit. Ida
Waldman lights the shabbat candles prior to dinner. Past Religious School principals who attended the dinner: Sybil
Stern. Jo Belin, Judi Wurmser, Harriett Rose, Marsha Rose and Current Director Jane Grise.



Laura Creamer—Director

November was a busy month in our preschool
classrooms. We spent a lot of time exploring the fall season
through our 5 senses, and enjoyed many fun and interesting
lessons surrounding the holiday of Thanksgiving. Our
students dressed up as Pilgrims and Native Americans, and
came together for a Thanksgiving feast that was enjoyed by
all! It was fun to recognize how much we have to be thankful
for! Since Hannukah will occur during our Winter Break, we
will spend the beginning of December learning all about the
holiday and we will have an early celebration with latkes,
dreidles, menorahs and more! The Preschool Shabbat will
be on December 5th at 6:30 PM.

Our Holiday ShOpping Fair was a wonderful
successll A BE thank you to all of the organizers, vendors
and shoppersll

I also would like to thank the Preschool Committee
for all of their time and effort and investment in our
Preschool! Mimi Kaufman, Rebecca Young, Jackie
Sugarman, Eve Stern, Laura Rosenberg, and Dave Brown
are an incredible group of people and are wonderful to work

l can't believe it, but registration for the 2004-2005
school year begins January 1, 2004. The enrollment policy is
as follows:

January 1-January 19 - Pre-registration for class members
and siblings. A sibling is defined as a sister or brother of a
child attending TAI Preschool presently or who has
graduated from the four year old class.

January 20-January 31 — Pre-registration for Temple

February 1 -— Pre-registration open to the community.

There are still a few openings in our 3 year old
and 4 year old classes. For more information about
Temple Adath Israel Preschool call Laura Creamer at
269-2979. Happy Hannukah!



Anita Mersack, Teacher

The first graders have been busy studying the
holidays that come at the beginning of the school year.
These are the things they remembered and liked.

We made Torah for Simchat Torah and we made a
pointer to go with it. We got to decorate a cover, too.

Sara Suhl

We learned how to say head and good morning in
Hebrew—rosh and boker tov. Eli Meece

We got to shake the lulov and smell the etrog.

Jacqueline Engel

We ate apples and honey on Rosh HaShanah

Rachel Kaplan
We made a circle-chaped challah for Rosh
HaShanah. Samantha Reaguer

We made cheese sandwiches together for the
Hope Center. Ryan Dunahue

We made apples and shofars for the bulletin board.
Avery Cohen —8—


Jane Grisé—Director

November was filled
with lots of activities at
Religious School and more
activities will be coming in
December. On November 7‘“,
our Fourth Grade class led
our Shabbat Around The Dinner Table Service. They did
a beautiful job of picking out their favorite colors and
relating these colors to Shabbat. Thanks to Elissa Brown
for her coordination of this service. On November 14‘“, we
honored our Religious School Directors and teachers with
a wonderful Chinese dinner. Our students decorated
placemats and cards for the past principals and all of our
teachers. On December 7‘“, we will be having Renee
Brachfield and Mark Novak come and delight us with
Jewish Storytelling. December 14th is the Hanukah Fair.
Come and enjoy the celebration.

Last month, I updated everyone on the activities of
our 9th and 10‘“ graders. This month, i want to focus on
the new programs that we have developed for 7th and 8th
grade. The 7‘h graders have had a full program learning
about other religions. They have visited a variety of
churches and have had many interesting visitors come
into the classroom. in January, our kitchen will be filled
with delicious smells as the class will have the opportunity
to cook with Bobbi Fried. They will make brisket, honey
cake, challah, and lots of other tasty dishes. They will also
learn about Jewish humor with Drew Fried while their
culinary creations are cooking. In February, the 7m
graders will start a wonderful unit on Jewish identity with
Wendy Waltman.

The 8‘h graders have spent this fall learning about
Judaism through film. They have watched films about
anti-Semitism in the 50‘s. They have also watched
Jewish—related films such as the Marx Brothers. Corey
Erdmann has been the “Film Director” and teacher for this
class. The students have also been introduced to Yiddish
and Sholom Aleichem with Etta Pollan and have had fun
learning about the Bintel Brief (the Jewish version of Ann
Landers) with Fran Bloom.

Thanks to all of these great teachers for giving
their time to our Religious School and helping us to
educate our children.



On October 19, TRYB went to the UK Children's Hospital
to volunteer after Sunday School. We played bingo with
the patients, and after two exciting rounds, we went from
room to room with the gigantic toy cart. Every child picked
their favorite items, including books, stuffed animals, and a
various assortment of games. We all had a great time,
and it was a great opportunity for all of us to give back to
the community.

Jordan Barnhill, SAVP





The Kollel StUdY QFQUP meets Saturdays at 9 AM, The Social Action Committee continues its Mitzvah
0“ alternate weeks, alternating W'th Torah StUdY- These of the Month by selecting St. Vincent de Paul Society as
groups orrng together people who love study and matters the recipient of $54 from the Tzedakah/Social Action Fund
Of the mthd _ ~ for the months of December and January.
_ The Torah Study QFOUP '5 leisurely studying and The Society is an international Catholic lay
discussrng the f'Ve bOOKS 0t Moses...sentence by volunteer organization working with the poor and
sentence. At present after many years it has reached the disadvantaged that was founded 200 years ago in Paris,
last book, Deuteronomy, _ _ . . France by Frederic Ozanam. Last year the Society
. Feel free to attend anytime, and 10!“ the lively distributed $200 million to the poor in the US. The Society
discourse 'h a friendly, SUPPOFttVe envrronment. in Lexington has 4 conferences that financially receive
support from the parishioners of Christ the King, Mary
Joe Engelberg Queen of the Holy Rosary, St. Peters and Elizabeth Ann
266-2653 . Seaton. These donations are distributed to clients that call
engelber@earthlink.net our food hotline. We provide approximately four clients a
day Monday thru Friday a food voucher that can be used at
HANDCRAFTERS 8. STITCHERS NEEDED a local grocery store. Anyone who calls the food hotline that
has not been helped in the last four months is eligible for a
If you are a handcrafter or a stitcher of any kind, food voucher. The food vouchers are distributed by St.
would you like to meet as a group on a weekly or bi- Vincent volunteers by making a home visit. Make you
weekly basis at the Temple for a get together? We are contribution to the Temple Tzedakah Fund or directly to the
looking for 15 to 20 people who knit, cross stitch, quilt, or St- Vincent DePaul Society Christ the King Conference,
do any type of needlework to meet and work on their 200 ColOny Blvd., Lexington, KY 40502-
projects and schmooze for about an hour. We are still collecting General Mills “Box Tops” for
We now have four people who have expressed Education” for Ashland Elementary. The box is located on
interest. Please call the Temple office at 269-2979 and the Rabbis office d00t~ For more information 9'83“?
join this great group of people. contact Dianne Bazell at 278-3042.


Volunteer help needed!!! Temple Adath lsrael will

A big THANK YOU! to all Temple members who be providing food, cooking, sewing, and cleaning up at the
donated food during our annual food drive. Hope Center for Christmas Dinner on December 25, and

We topped last year’s total of 3,299 lbs by 277 lbs. also for January Zhd- . _
We collected 3,576 pounds this year. This is your chance to do a community mitzvah and
be part of the Temple’s caring and outreach to the
Lexington community. If you would like to volunteer to
Circle help, please contact Lowell Nigoff at 233-1173 (days) or
278—5220 (evenings) or e-mail at killshot@iglou.com.

DeCe m be r 1 4 The TAI Social Action Committee announces an

additional opportunity to serve our wider community. We

On Your calendar will be preparing and serving dinner at the Hope Center on

_ _ , _ March 28. Please contact Nancy Schoenberg at 323—8175

. . The 8003' ACt'On COWm'mer wtth help from the or at nesch@uky.edu. If you can donate special food items

Religious SChOOI' '5 once again sponsoring a Hanukkah (i.e. fresh fruit or dessert), or wish to make a cash donation

Carnival, yard sale, and srlent auction to be held on or can help prepare the dinners, we'd love to have you help
Sunday, December 14, 12 PM at Temple Adath lsrael. us!

Fun for singles and families, young and “mature”.
Spend your money for good causes and take home
wonderful art objects, plants, tools, pottery, and much
more. We want this sale to be bigger than the last one, so
please donate your items as soon as possible. As always,
your items are tax deductible and a donation receipt will
be available at the office when you bring your items in.
The Social Action Committee wishes to thank you _9_
in advance for your donations to this year’s fund raiser.



Sisterhood News


_/ Did you solve the mystery? What a
delightful evening we had on
November 16...Kudos to Jana Lazur and her
committees for a very enjoyable and profitable
evening. The evening provided great food, great
entertainment, auction items and most of all good
friends joining together for a fun evening and
supporting a good cause. Religious school and
other worthwhile sisterhood projects benefited
from the evening’s proceeds. A big THANK YOU
to everyone thatjoined in the fun and also to
those who were unable to attend, but so
generously supported our efforts. How about a
pajama party? Have I sparked your curiosity...
mark your calendars...on December 17th we
have a special program planned. Sisterhood
means so much to our Temple and all of our
members mean so very much to sisterhood. It is
never too late to join sisterhood....there are many
more programs and projects coming up....we
have only just begunll Your participation will
have an impact on our Temple and enrich your
life, as well. Don’t forget it is time to start


shopping....the gift shop is stocked with many gift

items, dreidels and of course, menorahs and
candles! l want to wish everyone a very happy




Our children are our connection to the Jewish
future. In order to insure that this Jewish future is strong
and vital, we bring our children to religious school and
Hebrew school, attend services, and celebrate the Jewish
holidays. Whenever possible, we further our own Jewish
education so that we can teach our children about the
values, history, ethics and ideals of our Judaism.

Living in a small Jewish community, the missing
link in our children's growth as Jews is the chance to
experience Judaism on a daily basis. You can find this at
Goldman Union Camp Institute.

For the last several years, Temple Adath lsrael
has had one of the largest contingents of children at
G.U.C.l. Each camper returned with a better
understanding of his or her Judaism and Jewish identity.

l want you seriously to co