xt7v9s1km55q_63 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_13/Folder_25/Multipage9320.pdf 2011 2011 2011 section false xt7v9s1km55q_63 xt7v9s1km55q Temple Adath
Israel Bulletin


Adar ll/Nisan 5771




Inside this issue:
Volume 78 Issue 8



Worship Schedule
B’nai Mitzvahs

Hebrew Marathon

It was supposed to be Spring last month, but we had snow up UndeaEJeWiZh PEN},- SS
through the writing of these thoughts. I had gotten so tired of winter that l {$335,392 ay we
met the snow with fierce defiance. I shook my fist in the air, as if to say, "Be anothétzvath f
cursed, you foul snow!" Just as I was at the point of absolute resentment, Tiling ”es
standing there in the wet cold, a snow flake landed on my nose. It tickled 2A1 onysyeuewte
and made me smirk. I went to brush it off and then realized that before I ommi ee gems
could, it had melted and l realized that I had lost the chance to appreciate it. Sisterhood News _ 4

. . . . Oneg/Nosh Dates Available

In Just an instant, I had gone from anger to Silliness to melancholy. In MaZaITOV
one instant, I had experienced all three emotions and, as I got into the \éVaystoviurrfokrt Elem Grar
car, the entire moment went by almost as if it had never happened. The 0° '8 e e 8 Ge
psalmist teaches that 1,000 years is but a watch in the night for God, and Weetenry fihanaflesmber ?
the span of our lives is but a blink of God's eye. In God's eternity, I am but Cfnzzbiceiw
an eye twitch, but God's eye twitch is my entire lifespan. That said, I wasted Refueh Shlemah

. . . . . . PreSident‘s Note
an entire lifespan being angry over snow, and it took another whole lifetime
to recover from that anger. Now, I do not know how to measure the eye Egfigl%:tr§hhgf:??Parsha
twitch of a being. I cannot even begin to define, but I do know that we Sim Shalom New:
waste (relevantly speaking) inordinate amount of time being upset over , ,

. . . Religious School News

matters that are themselves fleeting (again relevantly speaking). It takes an cum News
equal or greater amount of time to restore from that anger, and in the Preschool News
process, life passes us by. Yahrzen

As we enter the month of Nisan (the first month on the Jewish _ ,

. . Contributions

calendar, we need to make a great resolve to spend less time wasting our Death Nome
lives on the matters that only set us back. Figure out what these things are
in your life, make the new year resolution, and join in the celebration of

living.. Ads '1


Passover Seder

Information . 12

Inserts Calendars

m0 :2 K ‘- -~~ Items forSeder




















April 1

Nosh 6 PM

Shabbat 6:30 PM

Kevin LaZur Bar Mtizvah
Matt Cohen will sing

April 2
Torah Study 9 AM

Kevin LaZur Bar Mitzvah 10:30 AM
Tazria— Leviticus: 12: 1-13:59

April 8

Nosh 6 PM

Family Shabbat 6:30 PM

Lorne Dechtenberg & Children will sing

April 9

Kollel 9 AM

Parsha 11 AM
Metzora—Lev/t/cus: 14: 1 -1 5:33

April 15
B’nnot Mitzvah Shabbat 7:30 PM
Matt Cohen & Lorne Dectheberg will sing

April 16

Torah Study 9 AM

Parsha with Worship 11 AM
Acharei Mot—Leviticus: 16:1-18:30

April 22

Sisterhood Shabbat 7:30 PM

Guest Speaker: Rabbi Melinda Mersack
Debbie Sogin will sing

April 23

Kollel 9 AM

Parsha 11 AM
Pesach—Exodus: 33: 12—34:26

April 29

Shabbat 7:30 PM

Samuel Flomenhoft Bar Mitzvah
Shir Adat (adult choir) will sing

April 30

Torah Study 9 AM

Samuel Flomenhoft Bar Mitzvah 10:30 AM
Kedoshim—Le viticus: 19: 1—20:27

May 6
Nosh 6 PM

Shabbat6130 PM
Matt Cohen will sing

May 7
Kollel 9 AM

Parsha 1 1 AM
Emor—Lev/ticus: 21:1-24:23

Jana LaZur & Eric LaZur

invite you to share their great happiness

as their son

is called to the Torah
as a Bar Mitzvah

Saturday, The Second of April
Two Thousand Eleven
at Ten—Thirty in the Morning
Temple Adath Israel
124 North Ashland Avenue
Lexington, KY

Kiddush luncheon immediately
following the morning service

Kevin will also lead the
Shabbat evening service
on Friday, April 1, 2011 at 6:30 PM

Steven & Deborah Flomenhoft

invite you to share their great happiness

as their son

is called to the Torah
as a Bar Mitzvah

Saturday, The Thirtieth of April
Two Thousand Eleven
at Ten-Thirty in the Morning
Temple Adath Israel
124 North Ashland Avenue
Lexington, KY

Kiddush luncheon immediately
following the morning service

Samuel will also lead the
Shabbat evening service
on Friday, April 29, 2011 at 7:30 PM


Page 2

Volume 78, Issue 8



Rabbi Kline will conduct a Hebrew Marathon

Class, on Saturday April 9, 16, & 23 beginning at
12:30 PM Cost of the class is $18. To prepare

materials for the class, call Sandee at 269-2979 and

sign up today

"Finding a Jewish Path While the Ground Shifts
Beneath Us":

Here are the upcoming dates for Larry Kant‘s class
at Temple Adath Israel: April 17, May 15. We meet

at 10 AM in the Sisterhood Lounge.
We study sacred Jewish texts, including Bib/e,

Midrash, Talmud/Mishnah, and Kabba/ah, to explore

how we can adapt story and tradition to a life of

wisdom. We look at language and wording, multiple
interpretations and meanings, historical context, and

mystical significance Right now we are exploring
the life of Jacob and are in the midst of discussing

Jacob‘s dream vision on his way from Beer Sheva to

Haran in Genesis 28.



Class dates are April 10 & 24 at 10:15 AM
in the Sisterhood Lounge. Everyone welcome.



A Look at Jewish Traditions with Rabbi
Kline meeting the second Thursday of each month
Dates: Thursday, April 14th 7:00pm "OK, I said
the Shema, now what?" A look at the Jewish
Prayer Service;
Thursday, May 12th 7:00pm Jesus in a Jewish



The Adult B;not Mitzvah class will complete
their training and celebrate their B;not Mitzvah by
leading the Shabbat service on April 15. 2011 at
7:30 PM.

Please join the class to celebrate this cycle
event. The class consists of: Ann Buckholtz, Jane
Chaput, Rhoda Eldot, Rebecca Katz, Angie
Ornstein, Karen Petrone, Ruth Poley, Elaine Potts,
and Pat Shraberg.


The March board meeting had 20 members in
attendance. All committees have been busy planning new
Temple Adath Israel events in response to the
congregational survey. These events will be announced in
the upcoming monthly bulletins and the weekly emails as
they come to fruition. Many positive changes are happening
around your Temple! Thanks for your input in the surveyl!
The first Parlor meeting was conducted and the second
Coffee Connections was held, and TAI on Rye had a very
successful day in support of the Pre-School silent auction.
All will continue full steam ahead!

The Rabbinic Intern Proposal was approved, and
the 2010-2011 budget was presented. There will be more
discussion on the budget at the April board meeting.



At long last, our kitchen has two spanking new
commercial appliances. Thanks to the generosity of the
Rose Family Fund, we have been able to purchase a
refrigerator and freezer to keep our food fresh and sanitary.
Drop into the kitchen next time you’re at the Temple and
take and look at our new acquisitions.


TAI on Rye, your New York deli in the Bluegrass, will be
open again on April 3 from noon to 2:00 pm. If you haven’t
tried it yet, you really need to get here that Sunday. Aside
from all the wonderful food, it‘s a great social experience;
you‘ll be meeting and enjoying people you may not have
seen in quite a while. We’ll have our usual great brisket
pastrami and corned beef, chopped liver, turkey breast,
tuna, egg, and chicken salads, all served on fabulous rye
bread. We have genuine Russian dressing, real deli
coleslaw, and very tasty potato salad. Our special in April
will be a cabbage strudel, and dessert will be black and
white cookies. And who knows what else we’ll decide to
cook between now and then? Treat yourself!


Committee & Other Meetinqs

Board of Trustees Meeting
Tuesday, April 1,2011 at 6:30 PM

Executive Meeting
Thursday, April 28,2011 at 6:30 PM


Volume 78, Issue 8

Page 3


Rebecca Young, President if

Our devoted Sisterhood members provided the
residents and staff of the Florence Crittenton Home with a
wonderful Valentine’s dinner. Our thanks go out to Mimi
Kaufman and Elissa Weinstein for organizing the event and
to Lori Bernard, Starr Gantz, and Debbie Masters for
helping Mimi and Elissa that night.

Sisterhood Past President’s Meeting will be held
on May 15 at 10 AM in the Sisterhood Lounge.

We treasure our Sisterhood members for the many
ways they support each other, our congregation,
community and the continuation of Reform Judaism. The
Sisterhood Board invites all Sisterhood members to
brunch on Sunday, April 10 at 10:00 AM at my home An
Evite or postcard will be sent to all Sisterhood members.
It‘s never too late to join! Contact Christy Roth at 219-3238.

Sisterhood members Leona Stern and Mary Engle
are hard at work preparing for the congregational seder
on April 19 at 6:00 PM at Temple. The annual seder is one
of the many functions Sisterhood organizes and runs for
the congregation and community. This is a huge effort.
Please help by returning your reservation quickly and
volunteering to help cook or set up tables.

Sisterhood Shabbat will be April 22 at 7:30 PM.
Sisterhood members will be leading us in worship and in
song. Rabbi Melinda Mersack will be our guest speaker.
Sisterhood will be honoring one Sisterhood member with a
special award. You‘ll have to come to find out about the
award and who we honor.

Our Sisterhood Member’s closing
program will be held on Sunday, June 12 at 5:30 PM at
Jimmy D’s ltalian Kitchen in Midway. Owner and classically
trained chef Jimmy Duggan will open his restaurantjust for
us! Private dining with Jimmy, who will share his restaurant
experience with us, cannot be missed. Carpooling is
encouraged. Members, look for your Evite or postcard
invitation with details about the dinner and carpooling.


Thank you to all who have signed up to be oneg or
nosh hosts and to all who donated so generously to help
the sisterhood ensure all dates are covered. There are still
many dates open. Those who are interested in hosting but
have not yet replied can contact Deborah Nelson at
deborah | neison@insiqhtbb com Dates available: July
8, July 15, July 22, July 29, August 19, and August 26.




To Jerry & Jan Cerel on the marriage of their neice,
Erica Cohen. The proud parents are Harry and Arlene



Shop at Amazon.com We have received $1,040.04
since May 2010.

Go to the TAI Website (MAL—@131) select the
“Donate” tab on the left hand side. This will take you
to a page with a link to shop Amazoncom. Shop and
buy from Amazon. It is that EASY and TAl will receive
four percent of your total purchase price.

Buy groceries at Kroqer’s with Kroqer Gift Cards

We have received $4,884.48 since May 2010.

Get your Kroger Gift Card at the Temple (contact John
McDonald). Cards can be charged with up to $500 at
any Kroger Customer Service counter using cash,
check, or credit card. After that, use it as you would a
debit card. TAI receives four percent of your Kroger
gift card purchases, Last year, TAI received $7,400
from Kroger gift card purchases alone!

Recycle and the Temple Earns Cash. We receive $20

credit to spend at Staples each month from cartridges


We continue to collect old inkjet and laser cartridges.
There is a drop-off box in the Temple office. The
Temple will receive $20 a month in Staples coupons
for all cartridges that we recycle, There is no cost to
the Temple and it helps the environment. All
cartridges are accepted. Thanks to all who continue
to donate. Keep them coming and help TAI continue
to profit.




Cookie Wenneker Community Service Grant

The Social Action Committee is now accepting
applications for the 2011 Cookie Wenneker Community
Service Grant. The grant was established to honor the
memory of Cookie Wenneker‘s lifetime commitment to
social action programs and dedication to Tikun Olam.

This grant funds projects addressing
congregational and/or community needs. Applicants must
be individuals or groups from Temple Adath Israel. All
ages are welcome to apply. The amount of the award is

The application deadline is Monday, May 2,
2011. Proposals can be mailed to the Temple (124 N.
Ashland Ave, Lexington, KY 40504), left in the Temple
office or e-mailed to Austin Cantor

Applicants must submit a written proposal, no longer
than two pages, that includes the following:
Project Basics (Title of Project, Contact Information,
Community Need Addressed), Participants (Individuals or
group members who will carry out the project and target
population who will benefit from the Grant),. Project
Description (Details of Project, Goals and Objectives),
Timeline, and Budget

Recipient(s) will submit a written report and make a
presentation to the Social Action Committee following
project completion.

Grant recipients will be notified in June, 2011.
Contact Austin Cantor at 278-2530 or
Mantel fiinsightbb con; for more information.




Page 4

Volume 78, Issue 8


Correct address for Alan & Stephanie Brock
1348 Prather Road,
PO Box 22280, 40522-2280

New address for Dr. Kenneth Ain & Dr. Sarah Rosenthal
2336 Abbeywood Road, 40515-1257

New address for Frank & Jill Kramer
3604 Stocklea Way, 40515-1612

Correct phone number for Mike Wolken


Monigue Roman

Monique was born in France, and currently
teaches French at the Carnegie Center. Her interests
include: cooking, travel, teaching, health and wellness
and reading Monique is the mother and grandmother of
Temple members Anir, Nathalie, Joshua and Emilie



Mark & Judy Wiljanen, on the death of Mark’s
mother, Ruth Wiljanen, on February 1, 2011.


REFUAH SHLEMAH Get well to...

Max Kovinow
Vickie Greenberg
Rachel Plavin
Donna Silverman
Carolyn Schneidt

Mindy Kovinow

Doug Stern

David Wortman
Rosalind Weisenberg
Kaye Frankel

Vicki Doukas Zelda Gall
Beth Yelowitz Val Nicholson
Lloyd Mayer Rhoda Eldot
Frank Kramer Peter Schogol

Irene Bloomfield


Ken Slepyan

This April (April 24 to be precise, but who’s counting?)
marks a year since I was entrusted with the Temple
presidency It has been a challenging and rewarding
year for me in so many different ways. i would like to take
this opportunity to review some of the happenings that have
occurred this past year even as we think about the future

direction of the Temple. In truth, there are so many activi-
ties and community leaders that I can mention only a few,
though I am profoundly thankful for everyone’s contribu—

There have been some notable enhancements to
our building, employing funds dedicated to building im-
provements. This fall Micah Kaufman supervised the in-
stallation of a Voice-Over IP system which has significantly
modernized our telephone system and has provided wire-
less access throughout the building This system has al-
ready been put to good use by our religious school stu—
dents and by congregants enjoying bagels and coffee on
Sundays. By tinting the windows in the sanctuary, we have
improved our energy efficiency and have cooled the sanc-
tuary during the hot days of the summer and early fall. Fi—
nally, there have been important enhancements to the
kitchen, including the purchase of a new refrigerator. And,
thanks to the efforts of Jo Stone and the religious school,
the temple now sports a thriving vegetable garden.

This fall, with the help of Amy Messer and Anne
Graff, we conducted on-line and telephone surveys.

Among the issues mentioned by survey participants is the
need for better communication between the board and the
congregation. To this end we’ve instituted “Coffee Connec—
tions,” an opportunity for congregants and board members
to chat informally about temple affairs. The Temple bulletin
now includes “Board Briefs" which summarize the issues
discussed at the monthly board meetings. The Publications
Committee is investigating ways to update our website as
well looking into using other forms of social media to facili-
tate communications among members. Most significantly,
under the leadership of Stephen Auer and the Financial
Resources Committee, we have begun holding parlor meet—
ings. Parlor meetings are informal gatherings of 12 to 14
congregants, usually held in board members’ homes, at
which temple policies and programs are discussed. We
hope that within the next year or so that every congregant
will have had the opportunity to attend at least one parlor

Another finding from the surveys is the desire for
more social events and educational opportunities. With this
in mind, the Adult Jewish Growth Committee, under the
direction of Debra Booker and Mixon Ware, has revived the
temple book club. Rabbi Kline is conducting a large and
enthusiastic B’not Mitzvah class. Our musical offerings
continue to grow, and led by Lorne Dechtenberg, our adult
choir, Shir Adat, now enlivens our Friday night worship.
And last, but not least, thanks to Ruth Poley, Pat Shraberg,
and a dedicated volunteer corps of sandwich makers, we
have our own deli, “TAI on Rye,” which has the added dis-
tinction of being a fundraiser, a delight to the taste buds,
and a wonderful community-builder all-in-one!

In short, much has happened in the past year, with
more to come in the next. While we will also have our chal-
lenges to face, thinking about the dedication and the en-
ergy that is so evident in our community, I am very excited
about what this new year will bring.

flax jaw


Volume 78, Issue 8




Please join us on April 22 for an interesting
program. We will have lunch at 11:30 with the program
to follow. While this program was designed for those
sixty and over, any and all are welcome to join us.
Please let us know by April 19th if you can attend.

Love to cook?

Want the enthusiastic appreciation of many?
Volunteer to cook a main dish for a Chavurat Chochma

Our group of 60 + year old members meets eight times
each year to schmooze, nosh and learn.

interested? Please contact Deb Kratzer at
dlkratzer@gmail.com or 223-8601.



Joe Engelberg leads this study of fundamental
ideas of Jewish life and thought. Drop in the library on
alternate Saturdays at 9 AM and join in the provocative
and friendly discussion. April 9 & 23.


Rabbi Kline conducts the study
of the Tanakh (the Bible) from the Book of Joshua and
beyond using the new Jewish Study Bible on alternate
Saturdays at 9 AM in the Library. April 2, 16, & 30.




Join us each Saturday morning at 11 AM to
take a look at the Torah portion for each week. Rabbi
will lead some, and everyone will take turns. Each third
Saturday (April 16) will be a worship service with a
large study component. See you in the library!


Bulletin Deadline
will be April 4,
2011 for the May




By Jesse Weil, from Budapest, Hungary

Like many Reform congregations, we have an
active youth group. Actually, the present one is our
second group. The first one started about 9 years ago,
and was so successful that half of our current Board
members were in the group. One of them, Peter
Radvanski, is in his fourth year of study for the
Rabbinate at the Leo Baeck College in London, where
our Rabbi, Kati Kelemen, studied, and another, Miklos
Budai is our very talented cantor. One of their biggest
achievements was to start the first international
European Jewish young people's group, Eurojews,
which held holiday get-togethers several times a year at
various venues in Europe. Lots of present day young
Jewish leaders were in that larger group. Well, our group
broke up due to university attendance and moving on to
bigger things, but then about 3 years ago we restarted
our youth group with a new batch of kids. They've done
a couple of photo shoots, and made presentations of the
results, One is of the Budapest Old Jewish Quarter,
which is being redeveloped out of existence by Israeli
developers and corrupt city politicians. The other was of
the region in northeast Hungary which had a large
Jewish population before W H. You can see a video
selection of some of their best pictures on our website
at: http://www.sim-shalom.org/’?page_id=38,

There are a couple of shots of the kids at the end.

This year they have a new activity called
Palacsinta, Torah and Us, lt's led by Rabbi Kelemen,
and is a discussion of various ethical issues from the
standpoint of Jewish teachings in the Torah and Talmud.
The topic last Monday was whether a protest leader
should end the protest under the threat of dire
punishment to himself and the group, as is happening
everywhere in North Africa right now. The majority
thought that the protest shouldn't end, because why
would the protesters want to live without freedom, and
this was consistent with various quotes from many past
Jewish leaders. The palacsinta part is the sweet
pancakes, like crepes, which are needed to fill the ever-
empty stomachs of all healthy, growing teenagers. i
think a big attraction of the program is that the
youngsters like to be treated as adults, dealing with real-
life issues of significance, The success of the program is
attested by the fact that the attendance has almost
doubled since it started last fall. It's not that we suddenly
have more youth in the congregation, The kids are
bringing their friends, Jewish and non-Jewish, to
something that they find important. For fun they are
going to put on their annual Purim Spiel soon for the
congregational celebration. And then they‘ll take a week
long trip to London next summer.


Page 6

Volume 78, issue 8


Jane Grise, Director



Upcominq Religious School Events for April and May

April — Spring Garden Time

Under the leadership of Jo Stone, we have begun
our spring garden with our Religious School students. We
are growing parsley for our Passover Seders and will be
sowing peas and other cold weather crops. We have
applied for a Neighborhood Community Sustainability Grant
from Fayette County that would enable us to continue our
cooperative work with Ashland Elementary School in the
garden and expand our growing season to include the
summer. Of course, the success of the project, whether it
is funded or not, depends upon all of us. So, if you like to
garden or would like to learn to garden, be sure to join our
Community Garden this spring and summer. We
guarantee that you will find friendship, fun, and great food!

May 1st — Community Yom HaShoah Program,

On May 1st, we will have a community-wide Yom
HaShoah program at the Temple, Our Religious School
students will learn with Ohavay Zion students all types of
important lessons from the Holocaust. We will learn about
friendship, tolerance, and respect. Please join us for this
important event.



The Temple has a limited amount of scholarship money
for those youths attending Jewish summer camp or
participating in organized travel to Israel. To apply for
a scholarship, please submit a written request to Rabbi
Kline by April 1, 2011.

Entering 3rd through 10th grade children from
synagogues across the Midwest are currently being
enrolled for the coming summer program at our regional U.
R. J. camp, G. U. C, I. A fourweek session (a two week
session is offered for entering 3rd and 4th graders) at
Goldman Camp is a unique experience. Scholarship and
incentive grants are now available. Find out more about
this wonderful opportunity for your child by picking up a
2011 Goldman Camp brochure from the Temple office, or
call the camp directly (317) 873-3361. You can email the
camp at SDILL@URJ.org.


Katherine Henry, Director


I want to start by thanking
everyone for making our silent auction a big success.
We were so lucky to tie our event to a Sunday that TAI
on RYE was open. The food was delicious and people
really seemed to enjoy looking at all of our items and
making bids. I want to send a special thank you to Mary
Engel for making the children’s meals and all of her hard
work the past few months in helping plan this event.
Laura Creamer is another person that went above and
beyond to help put everything together and the
preschool is so grateful to her. All of the people that
were on the committee, donated items, helped put
baskets together, drove around town collecting items,
and of course those that bid on the items were all a part
of helping raise money for the preschool. THANK YOU!

March was a great month! We had a wonderful
time at our Purim Carnival. We listened to the Purim
story, sang songs, made crowns and masks, and made
as much noise as we could when we heard Haman’s
name mentioned. We are looking forward to celebrating
Passover this month! We will be having a Preschool
Seder to share with our children and their families. We
will be making many crafts, reading Passover stories,
and singing songs to celebrate Passover in our
classrooms. We are excited about sharing this special
time with our preschool children.

Registration for the 2011-2012 school year is
still in progress. We offer a half day program for children
ages 2 to 4. We offer extended day from 12:00 — 2:30 on
Monday, Wednesday, and Friday to our three- and four—
year-olds. Our caring teachers engage our students in
exciting activities each day. The children develop a love
for learning and enjoy social interaction with their peers.
The curriculum is inclusive of Jewish learning activities
and celebrations. For more information about preschool
enrollment call Katherine Henry 269-1915. We would
love to take you on a tour of our preschool!

Have a happy Passover and a wonderful




Temple Adath Israel is a Reform JeWish congregation linked to a tradition of
welcoming those searching for a community committed to honoring the dignity
we all share as children of the one God by embracing these enduring Jewish
values. AVODAH (Worship), TALMUD TORAH (Torah Study); TZEDEK (SOCIal
Justice), and KEH/LAH (Community). Our mission IS to inspire our congregants‘
JeWIsh engagement and to ensure a Vibrant JeWIsh present and future by
nurturing the many generations of our community. We share a commitment to
the Reform Jewish foundational beliefs of furthering indIVidual and communal
spiritual growth, while recognizing a range of personal philosophies, practices
and needs We are the community center through which our families can
celebrate faith, justice, and the blessmgs of family lives past, present, and future





Volume 78, Issue 8

Page 7



April 1

Hennie Abel

Jacob Abraham
Millie M Abramson
Michael Adelstein
Rev. R. H. F. Anderson
Lillie Bederman
Clarence Bernstein Sr.
Mildred Cool
Henry Frank

Lucie Frank
Sandor Fried

Gitel Grobstein
Delbert Haynes
Leon J. Henry
Ronald Holl

Pearl Jarvis

Stan Jacobs
Robert Katz
Edward Kessler
Virginia Lloyd
Pearl Ann Lowenthal
Jacob Mandel
Joseph E. Marks
Leonore S. Mayer
Gertrude Meyers
Nettie Rosen

Anna Slesinger
Carolyn Straus
Jay David Weil
Maree M. Winters
Sol Wurmser

April 8

Leon Amster

Iris Bergsmon

Rose Brazin

Jean Burnbaum
Marcia Chatoff
Mortimer l. Cobin
Esther Cohen
Leonard Granville Doran
Lillian Klein Eilenberg
Selma Feller

Dr. Ellis Rivkin
Hans Julius Sander
Rita Sander
Dorothy Shuster
Robert E. Sloat
Mary Wenneker
Louise Whiddon

April 15
Nettie Mae Amster

Julian Bloomfield
Minna H. Bloomfield
Robert Cohen

John Crawford
Eleanor Crystal
Philip Davis

Mike Engel
Margaret Effron
Prof, Mischa Harry Fayer
Sam Goldberg
Bernard Hirsh

Rita Kramer

Dr. Edward D. Levy
Rae G. Levy
George Miller
Hattie Wittgenstein Rosenberg
Mina Rubel

Fred Samani
Jeannette 8. Stem
Stan Tracy

Fernand J. Weil
Frances Weinberg
Victor Weitzman

April 22
Leo Aberson

Hannah Madeline Abou-Jaoude
Dr. Clarence Bernstein

Leon Darlow

Shari Annette Eldot

Faye Friedman

Minna Goldenberg

Robert (Bob) Goldman

YAHRZEIT......These we remember....

Esther A. Weil
Herbert L. Weil
William Wenneker

A ril 29
Adele Aberson

Harry L. Alperin
Mary Ann Baumstark
Olga Davis

Philip Dechtenberg
Henry Diamond
Freda Dunn

Sonya Fishman
Sara Keger Grobstein
Phillip Hurwitz

Oscar Kaston
Regina L. Landesberg
Marjorie B. Leffler
Herbert Liebman
Bert Colyar McEIroy
Edward J. Meyers
Lawrence Miller
Sarah Austin Miller
Leona Rodden
Richard N. Rose

Lil Rosenberg

Dora Rosenthal
Maurice W. Spector
Kahlman Stern
Isadore Weiss

May 6
CT. Cole

Alberta Dunahue
Adelle M. Engel
Lee Wayne Hicks
Annie Jacobsen
Samuel Kahan
Anna Konicov
Morris Mayer
John K. McDonald
Beatrice F. Miller
Seymour L. Moskowitz
Nathan Mulinsky


, _ Ballard Hall
Erich Fischer Arthur Kant Boris Pressma
John-Floyd . Wolf Kremer Drezel Rosenberg
Marvm Harris Sol Levy Ernest Rosenzweig
Henry A. Hart Rabbi A'bert LeWiS James Wlle Strauss
N. O. McDowell Samuel R. Lowenthal Hattie Weil Thurman
Meyer Mendelsohn Silvia Paris Bella Zusmer
'W'Ug Miller Ruth Povsner
Lou's ""90ff Henry J. Robin

Robert Spickard

Page 8 Volume 78, Issue 8


Jan & David Doctrow in memory of Harold Frankel,
Rose Markovitz, and in honor of Rabbi & Lori’s wedding

Alan & Irene Bloomfield in memoryof Dana Bloomfield,
Minna Bloomfield, and get well to Irene Bloomfield


David & Marsha Rose in appreciation of condolences
received during their time of sorrow

Joe & Judy Engelberg in appreciation of Caring


Malcolm & Carolyn Siegel in memory of Meyer Siegel

Scott & Beth Schumacher in memory of Neoma Mellman

Alan Paritz in memory of Ethel Paritz

John & Paula Frank in memory of Boris Davidson

Jim Levenson, Sr, in memory of Hyman S, Hymson and
Kate Hymson

Ruth Kerber in memory of Adolf Kerber and Ruth Brown

Vladimir & Valentine Goloborodko in memory of Riva


Rev. Donald G. Lewis, Sr. in appreciation of TAI

Michael 8. Patricia Marx in memory of Henrietta Israel Marx

Samye & Darryl Stith in memory of Bernice Herman, I. As
Jack miller, and in appreciation of Stephen Auer for the
parlor meeting

Vladimir 8. Valentine Goloborodko in memory of Rose
Rita Wurmser


Ben Kaufmann 8. Janet Zusman in memory of Joseph
Wile, Sr, Ben Snyder, Evelyn Wides, Lena Skuller,
Sidney Gall, Harry Kessler, and Rose Markovitz

Lois Kline in memory of Cindy J. Kline
Samye 8. Darryl Stith in memory of Cindy Kline

Ira Mersack and Joe & Rebecca Young in memory of
Jeffrey Ballon and Aaron Weinberg

Stan & Phyllis Scher in memory of Harold Frankel


Sidney Saewitz in honor of Rabbi Marc & Lori’s wedding

Richard & Barbara Grossman in honor of Rabbi Marc &
Lori‘s wedding

Michael & Patricia Marx in appreciation of Rabbi Kline

Bob & Jeannette Sloat in memory of Fannie Cohen and
Thelma See

Norman & Adele Potter in honor of Rabbi Marc & Lori‘s

Charlie & Jill Crouch in appreciation of Rabbi Kline

Eleanor Benblatt, get well wishes to Patti Herzog


Lowell & Betty Nigoffin memory of Rose Rita Wurmser

The family of Rose Rita Wurmser extends their sincere
gratitude and appreciation for all of the heartfelt
expressions of caring and support following the passing
of their beloved wife, mother, grandmother, and
great-grandmothe.r and in memory of Aaron Weinberg

Martin 8. Odette Kaplan in appreciation of uniongrams
received for Odette’s birthday


Jerry & Jan Cerel,