xt7v9s1km55q_65 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/mets.xml https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001.dao.xml unknown 20.85 Cubic Feet 27 boxes, 2 items, 1 map folder archival material 2017ms001 English University of Kentucky The physical rights to the materials in this collection are held by the University of Kentucky Special Collections Research Center.  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Temple Adath Israel records Bulletins text Bulletins 2024 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km55q/data/2017ms001/Box_2017ms001_13/Folder_27/Multipage9546.pdf 2013 2013 2013 section false xt7v9s1km55q_65 xt7v9s1km55q Temple Adath
Israel Bulletin



September 2013

Elul 5773/Tishri 5774




It is that season again! The High Holy Days are upon us. and here at Temple.

we are scrambling to make sure that everything gets ready and done. There

is a lot of work that goes into making the liturgical /school year open well and

the holidays run smoothly, John and Sandee make sure that the nuts and

bolts of administrative matters work right Rachel has been scrubbing the

building to welcome everyone in. Austin and Connie have the worship
choreography and bimah guests planned. Lorne and Shir Adat (our really great ch0ir)
have been rehearsing for over a month already. In truth. they rehearse every Sunday
morning year round — more voices are always welcome. Sisterhood is already putting
together the Break—the-fast to end Yom Kippur. Katherine has pre-school on track for
another great year. Susie is our new educator (come meet her). and has religious school
opening with a blast Brotherhood has the opening picnic ready. There is a host of people
who are doing other work around here. too. Jo and Mickey keep the garden flourishing.
Lowell and Betty are diligent and gifted landscapers. Stephanie is singing and tutoring
Hebrew, Amy maintains our website. Brittany is here every day to help religious school
open. Marian and Anne have our WISE program on the move. teachers are in place
there is even a well substantiated rumor that our deli “TAI On Rye" will be back this fall!
There are so many other people domg so many things, from our Board of Trustees and
the many committees to the people who just show up to help out. all of whom who plan for
and service our well being.

This is a wonderful statement for the beginning of a year. There is so much happening
here. With all of the preparation we are doing to make our home spiritually vibrant. the
question has to be asked what is each of us doing to make ourselves spiritually
vibrant? As we are meeting. we are calling into review and account our progress, our
challenges our successes and failures. We make plans to accentuate the good stuff
and figure out how to heal the places where we have fallen short. This is the work in
which each of us is supposed to immerse at this season. Each of us needs to look in the
mirror and figure out the places where we need to celebrate the blessings we have and
bring, and heal the places where we fall short and heal the relationships that have caused
us pain. In that sense, no differently than people here find their niches and places of best
involvement. each of us needs to discover the places of our greatest interest and talents.
We are blessed in so many ways, and at this time of year especially at this time of
year, we need to figure out how to best share those passions, skills, and talents with the
community around us. Our souls grow as we appreciate the gifts that people share with us
no differently than when people appreciate the gifts that we share with them. There is a
symbiosis that is nothing short of amazing when we find ourselves in concert with each
other even when we disagree over policy, practice, and politics... when we find
ourselves in concert in spirit and respect. We look forward to

sharing in 0 (a this blessing with each of you this year and
prayerfully. for years to come.

Inside this issue:
Volume 81 Issue 2



Worship Schedule
High Holiday Schedule and

From the PreSIdent’s Desk

Yom Kippur Memorial Book

Shabbat Shuvah
Supporting TAI

Chavurat Chochma
Kollel/Torah Study/Parsha
Committee Meetings
Condolences to .
Directory Changes

Annual Food Drive
Blood & Bagels

Refuah Shlemah

Green Team News

Sisterhood News

Generation TAl Dinner
Religious School News

Simchat Torah/Consecration
Preschool News

JFB News

Yahrzeit 9
Contributions 10
Ads 11
Information Back Page
Calendars Insert

Welcome Rosh HaShanah
And Yom Kippur Insert












September 6
Shabbat Shuvah 7 PM

50+ anniversaries honored

September 7
Kollel 9 AM

Parsha 11 AM
Ha ’az/nu—Deuteronomy: 32:1-52

September 13
Kol Nidre

September 14
Yom Kippiur

September 20
Shabbat Circle 7 PM

followed by service in the sanctuary

September 21
Kollel 9 AM

Parsha with worship 11 AM
Sukkot—Exodus: 33: 12-2436

September 27
Shabbat 7 PM

Simchat Torah/Consecration Service

September 28
Torah Study 9 AM

Parsha 11 AM
Bereshit—Genesis: 1: 1-6:8

October 4
Shabbat 7 PM


If you are having out-of-town guests,

please call the Temple office to request
seating so your guest/guests may attend
services with you. As a dues paying
member, if you plan to be out of town, call
the Temple office so we can request seating
for you at the Temple where you plan to








Se tember4
Erev Rosh HaShanah

7 PM—Child Care*
Oneg to follow

Se tember 5
Rosh HaShanah

8:30 AM—No Child Care

10:45 AM—Child Care*

Tashlich, Youth Service & Picnic 5-7 PM
Jacobson Park Shelter #1

September 6
2nd Day Rosh HaShanah

Torah Study 10:30 AM

September 8
Cemetery Memorial Service 1 PM

Lexington Cemetery

Se tember 13
Kol Nidre

7 PM—Child Care*
9 PM—No Child Care

Se tember 14
Yom Kippur

8:30 AM—Early Service —No Child Care
10:45 AM—Late Service-Child Care*

1:30 PM—Children’s Service—No Child Care
1:30 PM Afternoon Study— No Child Care

3 PM—Afternoon Service-Child Care*

4:30 PM—Yizkor Service—Child Care*

5:15 PM—Concluding Service—Child Care*
Break-the-fast following services

September 19
Sukkot Sunrise Service 6:30 AM at TAI

September 25
Sukkot Yizkor Service 6:30 PM

*Child care will be offered only if reservations are
made for the service you will be attending. Forms
available in the Temple office or on the Temple

website at Imp: \nux .chiai.oru


Volume 81, Issue 2

Page 2





Judy Engelberg, President

We”. here we are. Another year has passed and we‘re
about to joyously celebrate the High Holidays again.

In the past there were two evening sen/ices on the eve
of Rosh Hashanah which split our congregation. This year our
Worship Committee as an experiment, is providing an oppor-
tunity for our entire community to celebrate together.

Consequently, there will be a single service on Rosh
Hashanah Eve

This will give us the opportunity to reflect on the past
and make a start on the future as one united congregation.

By now you will have received all the High Holidays
schedule information.

| just want to remind you that the Erev Rosh HaShanah
service will be at 7 PM. There will be an Oneg after the service
provided by the Temple Board.

Everett McCorvey will once again be our cantor Shir
Adat. our adult choir. will be singing under the direction of Dr.
Lorne Dechtenberg.

I am looking forward to celebrating the High Holidays
with all of you.

May you be blessed with peace happiness and good

| wish you all,
L‘Shana Tovah.


Again this year, Mazon is joined by the Conservative,
Reform, and Reconstructionist Movements and Hillel Interna-
tional in a High Holy Days appeal to collect food and funds for
hungry people in our own country, in Israel, and around the

To deepen the meaning of your Yom Kippur fast and to
help end the involuntary fast of millions, please use the enve-
lopes at the sanctuary entrances to send dollars you would
have spent to feed yourself and your family on Yom Kippur. or
send your donation to Mazon: A Jewish Response to Hunger,
PO Box 894765, Los Angeles, CA 90189.


It is a tradition of long standing to honor the
memory of departed family, friends, and loved ones
with special acts of kindness and tzedakah during the
High Holy Days, One opportunity for an act of
remembrance is offered through the Memorial Book.
which is passed out to the congregation just prior to
the Yizkor service on Yom Kippur afternoon.

Names on the Temple’s memorial tablets, as
well as the names of those who died in the past year,
are automatically listed in the booklet.

A $36 donation to list one to ten (1—10) names.
Each name above ten (10) would be $5 each.
Memorial Book funds are used throughout the year for
special Temple purposes including printing new family
services for Shabbat and Holy Days and more.

All listings under a personal heading (ie
”Remembered by...”) will appear only by request.
Detach the form below and send it to the Temple office
along with your contribution made payable to Temple
Adath Israel Memorial Fund. Reguests must be
received no later than Tuesday, September 3, 2013.
Enclosed is my check for $ for the Yom
Kippur Memorial Book listing of the following names.

NAMES: 1 to 10: $36, Additional names: $5 each.






Remembered by:



The Break-the—Fast potluck, sponsored by
Sisterhood, will be in the social hall immediately after
the final Yom Kippur service on Saturday, Sept. 14,
2013 Sisterhood will provide kugel, bagels, cream
cheese, and tuna and egg salads. Congregants are
asked to bring salads or vegetable or dairy (non-meat)
dishes. It's best to bring your dishes during the
afternoon because kitchen storage space is limited.

Also, several volunteers are needed to
make kugel at 10 AM on Thursday, September 12,
2013, and for final preparations about 4 PM on
Saturday, September 14, 2013. If you'd like to help,
call Mary Engel at 252-3734 for specifics. To ensure
we have ample seating, please RSVP to the Temple
office at 269-2979.


Volume 81 , Issue 2

Page 3



Continuing a custom started several
years ago, those TAI couples
celebrating marriages of 50 years
and longer are invited to receive a


This year Shabbat Shuvah is Friday,
September 6, 2013 at 7 PM.
Everyone is encouraged to attend
this special service and celebrate with these
couples. Those married 50 years

and longer are:

special blessing on Shabbat Shuvah.

Jack & Frances Goldenberg 3/9/43
Lester & Ida Waldman 9/8/43
Irvin & Sybil Stern 7/14/46
Warren & Betty Rosenthal 8/31/46
Stan & Phyllis Scher 6/12/49
Max & Mindy Kovinow 6/15/49
Norman & Adele Potter 6/11/50
Charles & Leona Stern 6/17/51
Abe & Marian Rabiner 11/25/51
Joe & Judy Engelberg 4/11/54
Arthur & Marilyn Lieber 6/27/54
David & Jan Doctrow 10/28/56
Alvin & Ellie Goldman 11/23/56
Henry & Lynn Meyer 6/15/58
Edwin & Sheila Menkus 5/16/60
Lou & Bobbi Shain 8/5/61
Stephen & Karen Edelstein 9/3/61
Malcolm & Carolyn Siegel 6/17/62
Sheldon & Marion Steiner 6/9/63
Robert & Jo Belin 6/16/63
Stuart & Donna Lowenthal 8/17/63



1) Buy groceries at Kroger’s with Kroger Gift Cards. We
have received $3,060.34 from Kroger scrip since May 1,

Here’s how it works: Get your Kroger Gift Card at
the Temple from John McDonald. Cards can be charged with
up to $500 at any Kroger Customer Service counter or cash
register using cash, check, or credit card. TAI receives 4%
immediately After that, buy your groceries, prescriptions, and
gas, and then reload it as needed. (Hint: If you reload your
Kroger scrip card with your airline points charge card, you get
the benefit of accruing your airline points, as well. Such

2) Shop at Amazon.com. We’ve received $247.27 since
May 1, 2013.

Here's how it works: First, go to the TAI Website
(www.lextai.org). Next, hit the “Donate" tab on the left—hand
side (orjust hit this link here: http://www.amazon.com/’?


This will take you to a page with a link to
Amazon.com. When you shop and buy from Amazon USING
THE TEMPLE LINK, TAI receives 4% percent of your total
purchase amount.

3) Recycle and the Temple earns cash. We receive $20
credit to spend at Staples each month from cartridges

We continue to collect old inkjet and laser cartridges.

There is a drop-off box in the Temple office. The Temple will
receive $20 a month in Staples coupons for each 10
cartridges that we recycle on a monthly basis. There is no
cost to the Temple and it helps the environment. All
cartridges are accepted. Thanks to all who continue to
donate. Keep them coming and help TAI continue to profit.
Staples credits are used for office and religious school

4) Getting rid of your old car? Donate it to the Temple
and take a tax break! Contact John McDonald to find out

NOTE: Keep up the good work! We appreciate your
support of Temple Adath Israel.



Temple Adath Israel is a Reform Jewish congregation linked to a
tradition of welcoming those searching for a community committed
to honoring the dignity we all share as children ofthe one God by
embracing these enduring Jewish values: AVODAH (Worship);
TALMUD TORAH (Torah Study). TZEDEK (Social Justice), and
KEH/LAH (Community), Our mission is to inspire our
congregants‘ Jewish engagement and to ensure a vibrant Jewish
present and future by nurturing the many generations of our
community. We share a commitment to the Reform Jewish
foundational beliefs of furthering individual and communal spiritual
growth. while recognizing a range of personal philosophies,
practices and needs. We are the community center through which
our families can celebrate faith, justice. and the blessings of family
lives past, present. and future.





Volume 81, Issue 2

Page 4

(A Friendly Gathering of Wisdom)

We will meet on October 25, 2013 at 11:30 am
in the social hall for a delicious lunch and to hear an
interesting speaker. Cost is $6 per person. While this
program is designed for those sixty years old and over,
all are welcome. Please RSVP to Sandee at 269-2979
by October 22nd.


Kollel meets at 9 AM every two weeks

in the TAl Library. The group explores

cultural. ethical, and historical aspects of our
4000-year tradition lts emphasis is on dialogue and
exploration. Please join us any time. September 7 &



Rabbi Kline conducts the 2; study

of the Tanakh (Bible) using the

Jewish Study Bib/e on alternate Saturdays at 9 AM in
the library The discussion is always lively and
informative and you can join the group anytime.
September 28



Join us each Saturday morning at 11 AM in
the library as we take a look at the Torah portion for
each week. Rabbi will lead some discussions and
everyone will take turns on September 7, 21, and 28.
We will have Parsha with worship on September 21.


Upcoming Meetings

Board of Trustees Meetinq
Tuesday, September 3. 2013 at 6:30 PM

Social Action Meeting
Sunday, September 22. 2014 at 10 AM

Executive Meeting
Thursday. September 26. 2013 at 6:30 PM



Linda & Lorne Dechtenberg on the death of
Linda's brother and Lorne’s uncle. Robert Darlow on
July 10, 2013.

Regina & Mike Mizell, on the death of Regina’s
grandmother. Grace Akers. on August 9, 2013.

Susan & Austin Cantor, on the death of
Susan’s mother, Helma Victor, on August 17, 2013.

Davida lsaacs & Rob Farley
3417 Pepperhill Road, 40502-3810

Correct address for Tim & Susie Magill
4030 Tates Creek Road #1254, 40517

Neil & Ruth Poley New address

13 Abbey View Way

Cary, NC 27519


Correct address for Sean & Mara Tugel

100 Big Sink Extension, Versailles, 40383

New emails for the followinq members

Ann Buckholtz Darryl Stith
annbuckholtz@twc.com pdsesq00@gmail.com

Naomi Clewett Dan Yarus
nrclewett@gmail.com danyarus@twc.com

Paul DuBose

Rebecca Young

Lynn Furness

Jann Geddes

Milton Gellin correct email

Judi Gewirtzman

Joe & Connie Grobstein

Daniel & Tricia lsenstein

Alan & Eva Kaplan
Eva— evalu3434@gmail.com

Albert Kaplan

Micah & Mimi Kaufman
Micah & Mimi—m.kaufman1@twc.com

John & Connie Loventhal

Betsey Mickler

Norman & Adele Potter

Abe & Marian Rabiner

Jerry & Karen Sander

Nat Sandler


Volume 81, Issue 2

Page 5




TAI will have a blood drive Sunday, Sept.
29 from
9 AM to 1 PM where donors can feast on
bagels and on and other goodies. This
mitzvah is virtually painless, saves lives and
takes only about half an hour.

Don't assume you can't give blood because
of a condition you have or something in your
health history. The rules may surprise you.

Appointments are recommended but not
mandatory. Call Bruce Engel at 252—3734.









Every year, we celebrate our own
renewal as we welcome the High Holy Days.
We are blessed to have all that we have, and
use this time to check in with ourselves to
make sure that we appreciate these
blessings. Every year, we make sure that we
share these blessings with others. We are
entering our annual "GOD'S PANTRY"
gathering of food. The need is only growing,
and there are many who work 40 hours a
week, but still live below poverty levels. The
barrels will multiply in our foyer through the
end of Sukkot, so that there will be plenty of
room to collect all that we bring. We hit the
3000 pound benchmark every year, but this
year, let's strive for a full 2 tons. You will
receive shopping bags during the holidays
fill them up several times! If we consider
that the average human consumes between 4
and 5 pounds of food a day, 3000 pounds of
food sustains 100 people for less than two
weeks. Let's be thankful enough to help
others be thankful, as well.




Vohune 81,l$ue 2

Page 6

Get well to...

Mindy Kovinow Steve Kesten
Arnold Goldman Jerry Wurmser
Kaye Frankel Rachel Plavin
Rabbi David Wortman Val Nicholson
Bobbi Fried Betty Rosenthal
Eleanor Benblatt Carolyn Schneidt

Barrie Konicov Samuel Sommer

Max Kovinow Doug Stern
Irvin Stern, Jr Kevin Zeefe
Gail Lazarus Pete Sobel
Jack Joffe Regina Mizell


On August 2”“. Beate Popkin. president of the
local chapter of “The Wild Ones". spoke after services
in the library on The Four Reasons Why We Should
Garden With Native Plants, For those who were
unable to attend this very illuminating talk. her main
four points were as follows.

1) Native plants are very beautiful and add color
and variety to what might otherwise be a more
restrictive looking landscape.

2) Native plants are adapted to our climate and can
handle the changes in temperature and moisture
without needing a lot of care,

3) Native plants have evolved over millennia with
our native fauna and therefore provide food and shelter
for them. This is important because our modern
neighborhoods have largely eliminated habitat
environments for native fauna. especially

pollinators. Without pollinators we would not have food
(remember honey bees are not native to America and
may be becoming endangered right now).

4) Native plants help keep the non-native invasives
at bay. Non-native plants do not have natural controls
to restrict their growth, so over time they take over an
environment and keep spreading as birds carry their
seeds from one place to another. Pollinators do not
proliferate in their presence because they have not
adapted over millions of years to the non-native

Some undesirable non-native plants in our area
are ornamental pear trees, burning bush, honeysuckle,
winter creeper and Japanese Siltgrass. Local sources
for native plants are: Shooting Star Nursery, 160
Soards Rd, Georgetown; Springhouse Gardens, 6041
Harrodsburg Rd, Nicholasville; Michler’s Florist, 417 E.
Maxwell St, Lexington. An excellent book on this

subject is Bringing Nature Home by Douglas Tallamy.


Rebecca Young, President


I sit at the table with my Sisters and I see the light
of God in their eyes. Each one comes with their
special gifts, their valued opinions, beliefs and
intentions to build and improve a sacred
community, embracing the work, the vision with
laughter and grace. And it will be very good
because I see the light of God in their eyes.

-by Trina Novak from Covenant of the Generations

Sisterhood Events 2013-2014

Sept. 14 Break-the-fast

Oct. 20 Donor Dinner @Portofino

Nov. 10 UK Art Museum -paid up members only
Dec. 18 Lunch/Learn with Rabbi Kline

Feb, 9 Florence Crittenton Valentine’s Dinner
March 16 Vashti’s Banquet

April 25 Sisterhood Shabbat

May 31 Havdalah and Installation

*events subject to change, details TBA

Stronger Together

Our Sisterhood reflects the diversity of our temple. with
members of varied backgrounds, ages and interests.
Whether you are looking for social, spiritual, or tikkun
olam opportunities, there is a place for you in
Sisterhood. Please contact Deb Flomenhoft at
dflomenhoft@gmail.com for membership information.

In recognition of WRJ’s (Women of Reform
Judaism) commitment to social justice, Sisterhood will
be marking this Centennial celebration by collecting
100 items each month. This month, we will be
collecting school supplies for the students at Ashland
Elementary, There is a basket in the hallway for you to
place your donations. Thank you for supporting this
important project.


Generation TAI is our Chavurah group for
young adults. Programming runs the spectrum from
worship to social action, and from Shabbat to holiday
meals. Please join us for the monthly Generation TAI
Dinner on September, 2013 following Shabbat
services. The cost is free for those who bring a potluck
dish. If you don’t cook, bring $7 to enjoy all the food.
Please contact Reva Schottenstein at
rschott86@hotmail.com or call her at 859-221-9473 to
reserve your seat.


Volume 81, Issue 2

Page 7





Temple Adath Israel Youth

Education Director

It is our pleasure to announce the hiring of
Susan Magill as Youth Education Director. Susie
and her husband, Tim, moved to Lexington from
Arizona in October 2012, and have been members
of TAI since their arrival.

Susie has extensive education and experi-
ence working with children and their families, as well
as administrative and training skills. Susie’s many
years of professional experience include the posi-
tions of Special Education Teacher, Director of a
Learning Center, Associate Camp Director, and Re-
ligious School Teacher. Susie brings years of expe—
rience developing and implementing various educa-
tional programs. Susie holds a BA in Psychology
and a Masters in Special Education Susie has
great enthusiasm and passion for educating chil-

Please join us in welcoming Susie to the
position of Youth Education Director We know she
is looking forward to meeting all the congregants
and working with our staff and children.

The TAI Youth Education Committee
REMINDER: First day of Religious School is

September 8, 2013 at 9:30 AM. If you have not
turned in your registration papers, please do so
right away.


u... .7 »


7 PM at Shabbat Services when we celebrate Sim-
chat Torah with our students as they begin their
Jewish learning in Temple Adath Israel Religious
School. This year‘s students and their parents are:

Seth Fine
Son of Brad & Jamie Fine

Lucie Pitman
Daughter of Jason & Beth Pitman

Taylor Smith
Daughter of Jonathan & Angie Smith

Corrine Yelowitz
Daughter of Aaron and Beth Yelowitz

Katherine Henry, Director


We returned to the classrooms on August 20m
and we are thrilled to have the same wonderful staff. We
have many returning families to the preschool, but we
have some new faces as well. We welcome everyone
and we are looking fon/vard to another successful year at
TAI. We always begin the school year learning all about
one another and our families.

We are also very busy with learning about the
Jewish holiday Rosh Hashanah. The children love this
holiday! We eat many delicious apples dipped in honey!
Thank you so much to everyone that supported our
Rosh Hashanah Basket Fundraiser. Your generosity
helps purchase many items for the preschool. We hope
everyone enjoyed their baskets and Happy New Year! I
want to thank the preschool committee and especially
Mary Engle for organizing and planning this fundraiser. I
truly appreciate all the hard work and dedication that
was involved.


On Thursday Sept 12th at 7pm Mary Volkerding,
the Community Relations Representative with Kentucky
Health Cooperative, a member—governed non-profit or-
ganization, will be coming to the JFB office to give a
short presentation. It is designed to focus on some key
aspects of the Affordable Care Act including going over
important dates and the know how to apply for assis-

If you are uninsured or underinsured this is a
great opportunity to come and listen and get questions
answered, If you are someone who provides direct ser-
vices to families or a volunteer who works with families
this short 20 minute presentation about options available
will hopefully help you to better serve your constituents.
Please RSVP by SeptembertOth to

JFS@jewishlexingtontorg or call Mimi Kaufman at


Volume 8i, Issue 2

Page 8


NOTE: Names to be
read on Sept. 13 will be
read on Sept. 6th due to
Kol Nidre

Julie Egli Biederman
Jake Bloom
Graham Rex Brown
Eugene Cazden
Norma Cohen
Mazel Elkouby
Bruce Foster
Edwin l. Friedman
Abraham Frumberg
Rita Gailor

Dorothy Gantz
Blema Gerson
David M. Glixon
Anne Goldberg
Harry Gordon

Sol Graff

Joseph Arthur Guttman
Miles Hall

Gertrude Hamburg
Eliot Hammer
Katherine Harr
Sarah Holstein
Sheldon “Cokie” Hymson
Mildred Jaffee
Leonard Joffe
James A. Jonas
Julius Kauffman
Gus Kerber
Charles Kubert

Ed Lawrence
William J. Leffler
Bertha Lundin
Steve Markendorff
Federico Milch
David M. Miller
Jennie Miller
Garnett Nathan
Roberta Novick
Marcia Roche

Max Rosenzweig
Risa Rosenzweig
Reuben Rozen
Rosalyn Rozen
Saul Rubin

Mary Saretsky

Alex Schwartz
Dorothy Shapero
Marvin Snyder

AI Sommer

Phyllis Seidelman
Norbert Siepyan

Don Taulbee

Janice Jaegel Wagner
Jack Wallace

Arnold Morris Warshoftig
Joseph Wasserman
Sara Wasserman
David Simon Weil
Dorothy Zuckerman


Leon Vincent Arnson
Pearl Behrman

Sylvia Bingham

E. Carrington Breck
Rabbi Lawrence Broh-Kahn
Leonard Cohan
Adalbert Erdmann
Aaron Franzblau
Edward Green

Sybil Guttman

Joseph Hamburg
Blanche Hersh

Thelma D, Katz

William Kauffman

Flora Lasky

Hyman Levenson

Paul Scott Marder
Marvin B. Meyers

Albert Nigoff

Fred Perel

Frangois Piroska

Ann Rosen

Leonard Shapiro
Richard Sloat

Adele Biederman Snyder
Joseph Emanuel Snyder
Jacob Speyer

Irvin H, Stern, Sr.

Mrs. Simon “Matilda” Weil
Pauline White

Samuel Wolfson

Sarah Yarus

YAHRZEIT......These we remember....

Frances L. Ades
Jacob Orion Ayers
Ben Cantor

Orsella Davis

Nettie May Drautman
Nathan Heller

Arthur Herman
Pauline Hemingway
Bruce Heyman
Russell Leaf

Lillian Moseson Levens
Marie P. Mayer
Olive Miller

Harold Paris

Albert Putney
Norman Reiss

Betty Rosenberg
Sam G. Rosenstein
Daniel Schermer
Linda Sondergard
Ruth Stanakis

Harold B. Weinberger
Clara Zusman


Fara Amsalem

Geri Bernard

Milly Bloomfield
Miriam Engelberg
Alice Gellin

Leslie Boxer Glass
Helen Goldfarb
Maurice H. Hymson
Harold Kessler
Emanuel S. Leopold
Allie Moses

Helen Paritz
Charlie Rosenberg
Leonard Silver
Sandra “Cookie" Wenneker
Sidney Scher

Jane Sobel

Phillip Strauss
Richard A. Weiss


Bulletin Deadline
will be September
3, 2013 for the
October events





Volume 81, Issue 2

Page 9



Ben Kaufmann & Janet Zusman in memory of Anita Baker

Jerry Wurmser


Annette Milch in memory of Edward Steinberg

Judi & Ira Gewirtzman and Susan Katz in memory of
Simon Jacobs

Jann Geddes in memory of Ann Lincoln

Eleanor Benblatt in memory of Lillian Cooperstein

Estelle Hamburg in memory of David E. Guttman

Stacy Dunahue in memory of Hugo Bloomfield

Dan Liebman in memory of Rose Kornreich

Betsey Mick/er in memory of Alice Mickler, Abraham
Mickler, and John Mickler


Julie Lauderback in appreciation of Temple

Joe 8. Judy Engelberg in appreciation of birthday wishes
for Joe

Seth & Donna Moldoffin appreciation of the care for their
Son, David

Arthur & Marilyn Lieber in memory of Don Buckholtz

Larry Kant & Dianne Bazell in memory of Israel Abittan
and Robert Darlow

Ilyse Lonsbury in memory of Seymour & Rita Nichtberger

Lauren Higdon & Centered for the Temple garden

Ben Kaufmann & Janet Zusman in memory of Maxwell
Bloom, Irene Wenneker, Joseph Liebman, Manuel
Lowenthal, Jayne Bolotin, Ruth Kessler, Jeffrey Kaufmann,
Ben Shraberg, Dr. Irving Kanner, Anita Mersack, Dr.
Richard Kelly, Saul Zusman, Graham Beck, Samuel Milner,
Carroll G. Cole, Ada Gail, Alice Mickler, Louis Ades, Robert
Miller, William Shraberg, Harry Skuller, and Saul Rubin

Arthur & Marilyn Lieber in honor of Bob & Jo Belin’s
anniversary and Joe Engelberg’s birthday




As a result of patient confidentiality, some area hospitals will
not release to us the names of Jewish patients when our Temple
ofliee calls. Therefore. Rabbi Kline and the Temple are relying
on you to let us know when someone is in the hospital. Please
call us when you know about someone going into the hospital.
Your help in this matter is invaluable.





Ben Kaufmann 8. Janet Zusman in memory of Dr.
Sherman E. Miller

Freda Millerin memory of Joseph Herman Miller, Faith
Miller Cole, Freda Grace Miller, Joseph Ari Miller.
Fannie Herman Miller, Dr. Sherman E. Miller, Sam
Herman, Ethel Herman, Bertha Waisblum, Judith
Plotkin, Gus Milner, Nathan Herman. Tanya Herman.
Nathan Gordon, and Douglas Hyme


Bob & Jeannette Sloat in memory of Alex Cohen,
Marion House. and Louise Robin

Eleanor Benblatt with get well wishes for Jerry Wurmser

Charlie & Jill Crouch in appreciation of Rabbi Kline

Amy Sibulkin in appreciation of Rabbi Kline

Sue Fletcherin appreciation of Rabbi Kline

Norman & Adele Potter in appreciation of birthday
wishes for Norman

Lois G. Kline in memory of Stanley S. Kline

Morris Rozen in memory of Pat Weir

The following people made contributions in memory of
Bob Scher

Ilene & Steven Brausse Elizabeth Kahn

Gail Cohen Pamela Kowan

Irvin & Lucille Cohen Arthur & Marilyn Lieber
Joel & Debbie Epstein Jack & Susan Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Leonard Feed George & Nancy Moser

Mindy Heller Janet Oppenheimer
Bradley Hooks H. Stanley & Eleanor
Rae Hopkins, Elwyn Rassler

Hopkins, Megan, Nat 8. Judy Sandler

Dana, & Bina Hopkins Linda & Jay Weisberg

Lou & Bobbi Shain in memory of Israel Abittan

Jack & Susan Miller in appreciation of anniversary
wishes received

Jann Geddes in honor of Eliana Shapere’s Bat Mitzvah


Volume 81, Issue 2

Page 10








Seima’s Catering


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Selma Owens — Caterer
e-mail selmacooks@aol.com
1165 Center Parkway

cell 396—4357
Lexington, KY 40517



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