xt7v9s1km91k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1km91k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-03-30 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 30, 1983 1983 1983-03-30 2020 true xt7v9s1km91k section xt7v9s1km91k \ W '
‘ ’ Ilrtliln'polno
' I f Music iunior lobby Plunkott‘s ballot
l , \ "Tho Hoothon" premier” tonight at tho
i ‘ ' ~ 2 Center tor the Arts, but it hasn't boon
, ~ oosy — it took one and one-halt years
- - and 0 tot ol lrlonds to make it hoppon. ' ""“““‘ “'—“‘
‘ I See pogoil.
.‘ ‘ .
Vol. LXXXV, No. I40 Wednesday, March 30, I983 An independent student newspaper University of Kentucky. Lexmgton, Kentucky
‘ _-—F-——'—_ time talking and listening. _, LTl‘s somal professions rogram has been nity colleges in Elizabethtown. Henderson
By Mii HELLERB . . . . ,‘2 are p . 2
Senior S‘t'iff Writer Singletary credits the reorganization With g}, .j,....,., moved to Hazardhe said Madisonville. Somerset. Hazard. Cumber-
‘ ‘ ‘ permitting himto make the trips. “as. "We have a lot of institutional cooperation land. Ashland. Maysy'ille and Louisville
“()ne of the things that I had hoped the re- 7 ' in the community college system and it's They are gomg to Paducah this spring,
’ .2 . ‘_ V . organization would do was make it possible ‘ good."he said Singletary said. and are scheduled to go to
Preb'deht,f)l'5 h'hgh‘lhh“ as a ”Shh ‘Vh for me to get freed up to do some more visit- 1‘ With the help oi the advisory boards. the Hopkinsville next month The only visit still
the administrations reorganization If”! ing around the state, and that has proven to community colleges are continuing to grow unscheduled is in Prestonsburg
JUI-V' has been “Sh'hg around the state a becorrect." he said. ,. -' . in enrollment. at an average of ii percent Reflecting his concern for the system. Sin2
,2 IotVrecently ' bl“ “9 “'35 m ““1"“ Whh U‘ During the vis1ts. Singletary and Wething- . ‘ ‘ this year. while other institutions in the gletary said. “The community colleges are
allalong ton have met with the directors of the col— y statearelevelingoffanddeclining.hesaid in fairly serious financial straits. as we all
I?“ : ._.___._'* ‘° ‘1.-_:*1 leges and members of their staffs and have "-2. , ‘2‘, “a 3%. K The nation‘s economy is a strong factor in are But I think the morale is good and my
toured the campuses to see the physical fa— " $3} that growth. he said. because more people belief is that the state is finally givmg the
w . cilities __;V'_ - fl . are deciding to stay close to home and save community college system the kind of recog-
M . ' They have also listened to people. learning money otherwise spent for room and board nition that I think they have deserved for
. . I about their concerns and their problems. ‘1 ‘ “~ . The lexmgton campus‘ selective admissions some time They do a very good job with
. ° . ' Singletary said " policy. scheduled to take effect Fall. 1984. what they have‘
Cg”??? -...___ “We've usually had an opportunity to , will not affect that greatly. Singletziry tea The 1381 report oi the Prichard Commit-
._--, 2 J meet with some cross section of the fac- . soned tee. a group of distinguished Citizens chosen
The president. who said. ”[ really feel the ulty.“ he said. up“. had an opportunity. on OTIS SINGLETARY The growth has another sides-fleet .\l.\' by (iov John Y Brown in 1980 to study and
need to be out there. seeing the place. most of the campuses. to visit with some construction projects. scattered throughout make recommendations about education in
looking at it myself. talking to people. hear cross section of the student group " moved from campus to campus in response the system. are in various stages oi comple Kentucky. spoke very favorably of the com-
ing from them.“ has teamed up with They also have held meetings with each to those needs. tion. Some have started. while others are munity college operationssmgletary said
Charles Wethington. community college college‘s advisory board and foundation About the dental technician program. Sin- about to be bid "We like to keep a close eye . . _ . -.
chancellor. to tour IU of ITK's 13 two-year ”)7 board. he said “Those advisory boards gletary said the UniverSity admits and on those developments." the president said 863292;;raryJVthgthtthELdPgicg“therhouse
stitutionsthis semester want to tell me what they perceive to be trains about a dozen students annually to the The media also has been involved in the ago m sthdv higher education 30’2"“? yiar
Singletary said he‘ll visit the remaining their problems and concerns." two-year course. then move the program to excursions; Singletary and Wethington have gave “,er high m'irks m the comm e then-hi.
three by semester's end The ad'JlS()I‘_\' boards help to determine anotherofthecampuses. made courtesy calls on newspapers and ieges hesiid ‘ ‘ uni 3 '0’
The president said he and Wethington what community needs are in the technical “They fill a need for those dentists. right thanked them for their support of the college " “
agreed some time ago to try to visit all the and vocational areas. Singletary said The there." he said. "And then we take it out to in that area "We‘ve gone by some radio or "We're now getting some recognition from
campuses this year and assure officials at state's dental technician program and Lex~ Hazard and let them stay there for N0 TV stations and cut tapes ii that was oi any people who haye looked at it and have found
the colleges of the t'niversity‘s interest in ington Technical lnstitute's social profes- years and leave about a dozen qualified peO- interest to them." he said. it's well operated and the state is getting a
them an interest may included spending signs program are two programs that are ple right there for theiob market ” So far. the two have been to the commu lot iorits money hiiigletary said
SAB readies Ian for ' *2 BU SH 2 m . . ’: :-»:.
MT 5'61,” ‘ I ,2 3’12 4 ' " 72/ ‘- ’ 3’22, ' 2" . 4.42
~ ~ 2 ‘7‘ ‘ * ' 2 E“I§/:2,;2zl‘.j2“f. , ‘5
. . “(unlit Vt) 22 57:2in ,2. g. 2 42,2. 2/22
change In committees i... am , 1, ,V , . .
., , . . , 2 ., ‘29.”. [Ml/WMZ? , 7/70 22,;I V V
! Staff Writer said. . . . . VV .,.,, >2. , ' V” ”KW/W” m, '22V “ 3VWIL’I2M,%.W21H: _. ,1}... V
; Reorganizmg and establishing g; 262 MW ‘ ,2 .. . g
committees are ways the board lea/7227i, .22, any It“: 2 2: " E W... - . .,
" “"“ "“""“"' “""""“““‘““ plans to reach students. 2/“; I‘firkfififii , .22.. , g ' ~ - i ,
The Student Activities Board yes- The board voted [0 discontinue its 2 fl/MW/fl/7 ,. . ,, . , . .M , V ’* 2. 2.32:2; “V...
terdav announced at its regular travel committee and institute 2‘ '2' I, V, 2,2,], ‘1’.“ 1W2 ': I 2 ,~W
» meeting plans that would reorganize changes in the format to form a sim- WM V? . , 7/2”, : m. ' , , ’1 fiw
committees in order to reach more ilar committee. “The Prwem travel H I L L g ' ., . , ” W" 7 ZL‘, . 22* «as
effectively a larger number of stu» committee 15'” meeting the needs VV . z ' ‘ m MWWWM/w $2,711 W7 , 7 1.12 m 9,.
dents 0f students anymore, Kennedy 2 , 3‘ ' ”47‘ 27% ”W” i. % ‘ . "’ a " V ,3 4‘2;
' ‘ l- > 2 ,w’chézflr22,” ”fly/22 ”2,217,.”732”, 2" "2,4 .. . ' .f‘ntt .V, ,._Vi ,,
The board plans to "redirect their 533%“ Herbst student activities 2f , V , V 2 ' 222,2 x , 2 s ‘12“ 22;. 23:5,? _m
activities in an attem t to involve , . , ' [ALF W , .2 ” ' / 2V ,2 ' ’ .. .22’ « « WWW"
other student organizgtions “ said staff adv1ser. feels the “economic 9' WM WW 72/22/31:" ‘ "" ‘ ' . 5/772 *§.€**°§'§t§l
Doug x nned bli relations climate has changed.“ and doesn't ”J”‘“““’71‘722‘2 2. . .., 2 ’ ' 2 22;
chair Kehnedyyheligelvescthat by or- Wide reasonable 59m“ ‘0 5” 274222 2/7277”? ~ ' 2 7 ' 2% 2“ ”
. '- - - 2 2 ' dents. “I think it would be best to 7%2//’2"§I7“ f , /‘?g///Z/ : , V22. . wérjgéég
h the 22/2, ,. ,,.....2, 2 . 5/ 2... / ./. .2 2/2 . , ... may)“, . ,,. t.
gamzmg aChV‘heS w" o r - . .. 2/”W’Mfl77/I222éflfl/I 7722: WVW/W/fidi/ “ . 0/ 2 4"“ ‘Mw t
. [h l" , f . f. start With a whole new outlook, he % 2122/5.,,’;,2g*fl,.,g»,2:;w 2/2 322/,2/7,;I2KI225’2/V22.!27,2;2¢/22,////I/yéy’VI/a2/,y/2, «:42 ,: . 2222.247 I,» 2, . . grffg
$03152]le quahhea programs 0 suggested 77%”fl/W“”A””’r/fljiwf/fl/fl/4”7%%/Q//2/I7§%/47/ .,/ . 2,, 1‘ g.» 2%,}! as?
. er WI muc er. ‘ . ’2”/.2‘W2,7I, ,2~ ,.,,,.2, v ' ‘27“ ' ‘
“If we can offer better quality ac~ The board intends to offer shorter 7/9“”37 a; 2/62/72/W2M ”{7wa 02 1.x ' 27:” 2 2' 2 “ ‘ . ara§:§
,- tivities more students will become See SAI, pages ”I,;2/2%7:/7t22 1.7"“. 7/” 2.22, . V” 224 ,2 2. 134;; ir§
; _ . . high/é“. xflr’lhh/f/éfi’fé”? 2V” ., ,V..;,22,VVVV , 22.7%” . VV2.VV V V V V -V V ks” ng
. I . .. »' . I/pzwg. 9,5,2 ”z... L , ., .. .,.,.4. . r .2 . Limilu.‘ “f
.. * , .2 s. 2 . . . ,2 ' ., 2 tfi'»
’ 7...: . 2 x 2 z,,, 2. eta-MI.
*; . r ., . . V 1, ,2 2.23 V.
Voting for Student Government Association president, Vice , , . Q. “g, ' 2 ‘ aera§2°jt§t
‘ President and senators will be held at the following loco- "" ‘ . ' . ' 2 ~ . I . - 2 2 ‘r 6"
" tlons today and tomorrow: 5. f 1" t. JACKSVIVIIS/Kem045tati
Agrlsultural Selene” North 9:30 am. to l:30 th‘l. (Agrl- g '
culture "WW" W'Y-l Jenny Dorsey, business administration junior, walks post 0 front of White Hall Classroom Building yesterday. Student
‘m H." ‘0 °-m- ’0 2 PW" (EW‘WMQ mlm multitude of campaign posters plastered to the columns in Government Association elections willbe held March 30-31.
0:!le . ,
”manhunt! andCommonsmlt emit. tot _—
p.m.; 4:15 p.m. to 6:") p.m. (All lull'llmo main campus “0- States should realize this and seek to rescue its credibility. I
d’"”-) WEDNESDAY have made this position clear to Ambassador Hobib."
Commerce Iulldlng 9 am. to 3 pm. (Motors only.)
. mutual 100m. to2p.m. (Studéttts’ortlyg) ‘ V From AssoaatodProssroporrs Rea an r as missile cut
Lexington teainieei institute 9:30 mm. to 7 tht. (m m. 9 P 090’
dents lull- and part~ttme.) SI 1
' oano challen es foes tax Ions _ . . .
MJ. “h. um" ‘0130 0.111. '0 3 meV (Full- and ”"4"“. g p WASHINGTON Presrdent Reagan sent the Soyiet Union a
studontt) scaled-down proposal yesterday that would first reduce,
' OWENSIOIO — Lo isville M0 or Herve Sloane has chal- , . ~ _ _ .
39“.!" COIIIOOI' l0:30' o.m. '0 5:” p.m. (Full-time mom len ed his two Dechrotic oppyonents inythe gubernatorial rather than elirréinote. m: arshenoVVI: Of ir-ned'uyr‘n rVonge m-Jde
c ' ‘ a Mo. SN to who My. '0" 9h!!!“ l9 or “MW racg to "tell the so to whether they plan to raise taxes or cram?“ es ,m {what-e." U, ' e rem m s C 'e negotiator
curd "w“vo'.” StudontContor.) rene eon their ccfm :i npromises " smfh mno opimlsn'cll f h U - d S
utt W centurion em. to ma tun. (Allied Health, 9 . P 9 ' a f n 9 Prop“? 5“ e°V°ST°°m 9' f e “"6 “"335 '0
Dentistry Modlclnd Nursingafldmmmfihflofll’) Sloane said yesterday 0' ‘3 candi “’95 orum 9 had ’9‘ install new crUise and Pershing ll missiles on the continent
,' “If. "'0" CW lulldlngttam 903p!" (All '0". viewed the spending commitments 0* former Human Re- late this year. while requiring the Sowets to tear down
2’. . ' . . 500“” 59¢”er Gde Stumbo °"d U- G°V- Martha Layne some of theirs, Reagan declined to discuss the specifics, but
. limo students.) . . .,
ll .. . . . Collins. said We ve never retreated from the plan.
g I, "They have apparently adopted the debut spending phi- 5,,” his proposal represents the first major US. effort
é unknown vandal hlts l°5°PhY "‘0' is 50 "WC" 5" V°9U° '" Washington, SloanVe to break the lo-month deadlock in the European negotia-
§ said. Either "‘0'2 0’ they re mak'"9 promises they cant tions It was put on the bargaining table in Geneva. Switv
- keep-H zerlond by US negotiator Paul Nitze as the talks broke up
2 K Irwan elevator car 2 .
3 . . . of regional iails supplemented with local 72-hour holding The Reagan adminisnafion has long been urged by
3 One 0‘ Kirwan Togr: threed el- Rjfldeat Dag/eHRabetsatdt. . cha facilities. NATO allies to offer an interim aims deal demonstrating
, E fizzgllsisnfiaseaglgmgfindavy "filling; cell‘s: fofgdriiihizfrasttgln 8339””: Stumbo said in Frankfort that if elected. he would sup- the United States is not .nflexible from the zero-zero plan
9 and may be out of commission for costs have not been étimated. A P0” “99"00 0t 0 regional rail system and increased use of orglnol'y proposed by the president. The allies also hope
i the rest of the academic year. Head similar incident last year cost about co""“WN'Y work 05 PUfi'Shmenl for “'mes- the new proposal will give the United States an edge in the
l b”18500 Irre'dweverll At can‘etrdaactor has propaganda battle over the entire issue of arms control.
: nas to eva on e mage.
. ‘ The mm an mdemmed Sm Syria predicts war with Israel |
‘ . : I dent, allegedly struck the elevator
. doors and walls while the car was IEIIIU‘I’, Lobdnon — Syria said yesterday it expects to fight .
j “illnCVQliriack Purim". vice chan- again with Israel, and Lebanese leaders expressed pessi-
‘ ce or are inis ra ion. . .
' . . . 5 ob t . . an is t orran e a ullout of Israeli A HER
’ There were three indiViduals on :m m f othUVS Vamp o g p
t the elevator when the incident oc- °"°’V'°m V°" C°Vuh 'Y' .
curred. No one was injured, accord- Syrian Prime Minister Abdel Raoul al-Kasm told his Cob-
ing to Mark Smithson. a Kirwan inet in Damascus an Israeli attack on Syria was 'possible
Towerresidentadviser. . and expected." But he claimed the Soviet-supported notion
BVlanton “'d the student “n" be was ready to light the Israelis. locomlng mostly cloudy today wlth d 20 poncnt
, ,, obligated to pay {or the damages . S b S I h , I ‘ . ' b ' d M h
sV .. -. . ~ and could possibly be taken tocourt In Beirut. Lebanese elder statesman oe cam con- i: one. 0 rd n ovo op no 0 or. winning an n g
‘ ,3 -. ifhereme lorrod with US special envoy Philip C. Hobib for one hour In tholow 50'.
1" According to Joe Burch, dean of and told reporters he was pessimistic about negotiations Cloudy tonight wlth d 60 porsont shone. of rain
students, any student who damages aimed at getting Israeli forces to withdraw. undo low ln tho uppgr 30.,
rattan“ luli'lolgrtgrg Ll: lhmt "Israel is trying to dictate peace by the gun barrel. he Cloudy with . (In-"c. of phonon fomnow Ifl‘ .
_—- {"8 contract, then subjected to Uni- said. "We cannot go on negotiating forever. The United hl'h In tho uppor 40o.
varsity discipline.
‘ 1 l .



em Mold." Andrew 099mm- John cum. Mkfioy human u... 5_ I“. j... You...“ p... am.“
NHO' to UN" “NHNW' N" “"0' Spom idoio' swiavaoi-(in Editor Photo (duo: Graphics Educ:

PBRS' 'ASION JomIlulnMnb I-vb-r-Muhllu museum». ”New iiuiiiouuiiiui ”You“ (Mi-A». ‘

Managmgidnui tittov-O‘H'w AwsioniAr'sEdoo' Alli-toolsisorintdi'w SputuvaoionsAuIMom ct...wnoiog.opmi tupyDv-fl-ttiu-t
___—___h—fl— -—-————_——_—____..._._—.—__

Bradford, Freudenberg are Todd, 1,, ,, , N, 0, 2’1"” 60,, m. ”We .

best choices in SGA race stew 5“? Pm““.”*"’°‘““ “mo“ “t“?“h‘t'wto «
I -

(iioi'd'ild fivun'ititlil Visi‘l’tflion in ad; an dorms mfomblg, . i

. l . i

As the Kernel-sponsored Great Debate the time to learn all the rules and regula- bY immediail dearth by HM "9”)!“ °737 '“WaSe 1") MMS, i
showed Monday night. the candidates for the tiotTlsd govgrning his job — something that man at (14.0”), rqp+;cif’q+m 0? all Uflhf‘jwms 3,, spontaneous |
Student Government Association presidency co ea to serious consequences were e . +11
this year are exceptional. All three argued tobeelected president. Mtri'fii’ibn CXPW'MW‘tS/ and 0, 059/ OP Robinson FONS—if as I:
well and forcefully, relying on well-thought- And Miller‘s outspokenness, while indica- (A Mmg gPOUM ‘509 new napalmlti? . t i i I // ,
out. serious platforms and a solid knowledge tive of his sincerity. seems to come more in , -. _ ._ \ \ //
of the issues facing students. from the gut than from the brain. His lonely +24 “times ' ~~ \\ , I .,

The vice presidential candidates. although stand in favor of the mining of Robinson _‘ \\ ,
not appearing with their running mates in Forest was a particularly good example of \ ,/
the debate. are equally impressive. All are strong sentiment misplaced. \ ._ / / / .
visible members of the SGA Senate and are The Cheryl Hardcastle/Jack Dulworth “ ’h /, ,,‘ :
invaluable to their respective tickets. ticket is also appealing. Hardcastle made a _.. > , a.“ K 3/,

Choosing between them is no easy task. If point of emphasizing that she would not /_.___.. _. ‘ i t / ‘ ,
it were possible to roll all three into one. we waste time and resources on unrealistic w CWLD THIS ‘ 't , 9 "io ‘ V . 1‘.
would be more than satisfied. In the absence measures. even going so far as to say she \ f 91’ 3 d. 7/0
of this alternative, however. it has been nec- would pay for lobbying trips to Washington, N ,y: 934 , 0% ‘A I} //5/ i3
essary to exhaustively evaluate each plat- D.C..out of herown pocket. ‘ , ,, / 4 «ii/74¢”) A 3%
form and candidate before deciding on an She also has pledged to promote commu- . r (w J Q l: / , t;
endorsement. nications between herself and other student 5 ., ‘4' “it“ . / it fly, . //; ,t i

After hours of discussion, the Kernel's edi- leaders through regular meetings with resi— 0 . W ,3 ”’i I... t ' %/ 17
torial board has finally arrived at a conclu- dence hall council presidents. student advi- ‘ \ I ’.’,;W/// J m ' /(/// '8 ’-
sion: Based on experience, platform and re- sory council presidents and others. And she 11K t I t,“ // , p “:1 m t
cord. the best team for the job is that of has promised to take every issue concerning /‘ f Y, W, K». [WI/Ill” Q” g
David Bradford and Tim Freudenberg. increases in students‘ costs to a referendum \ ’iy " CZ: ”04/0 . }% ‘3

The John Davenport/John Miller ticket before makinga decision. *Vfi ‘4‘"; , ts ’ , // )J/ y 1
was hard to pass up. Their pledges to pro- While on the surface these proposals are , %, s ’ ' // f .‘ / , , ,7, :/ :20
mote campus safety. particularly pedestrian commendable. they indicate an unfortunate "Matt/b0, 02w U52 Oil Oi'oi ' \ t, N. '/// g ,
safety — long a sore point on this traffic~jam conservatism reflective of the less desirable oi'oi +2 ' Y t liki' i0 UH, +0 Vo'iP, tech 9
prone innercity campus — and to pursue the aspects of the administrative style of _current YE can ' q, “1 fie iQS‘i’ mdfidagl-gon 7 So thi
establishment of a day-care program for President Jim Dinkie. one of her major sup- are {0U goinrs‘ib do This election? VOTE oFcOUt‘se.
adult students are indicative of their strong porters. A preSIdent. while responSive to stu- «M - 7
deSire to provide practical services for stu- dent opinion. also must be a leader of stu-
dents. dent opinion. Hardcastle. who plans to

Also. Davenport's experience as Senate delegate much of the responsibility of the able contacts with administrators throughout up exam policies, thus correcting a serious
chair pro tem — a position to which he was presidency to others in the administrative campus. injustice.
elected by the Senate — has given him expe— branch and Senate. does not appear to be He has also proven his ability to make a Above all. Bradford and Freudenberg’s
rience in a leadership role that combines that kind of leader. good end of a difficult task, playing the pri- platform shows a visionary bent long over- ’
both adminstrative and legislative functions. We also have reservations about her run— mary role in the recent passage of liber- due for an organization that just two years

Miller has also demonstrated his ability to ning mate. Jack Dulworth. Although he has alized dormitory regulations. which once ago had its budget more than quadrupled.
lead in a constructive manner. When the served as chair of two very important Sen- seemed as far away as the dark side of the They reflect, in a modest way, a positive
Senate was faced with the prospect that stu- ate bodies. the Political Affairs Committee moon. And his work in the organization‘s an- movement in student government taking
dents opposed to the mandatory health fee and the Committee on Committees, much of nual affairs, such as the Fall Festival — a place throughout the country.
would call a General Student Assembly for his activity as a senator-at-large has been as success depsite the withdrawal of one of its With pledges to provide an interest-free
the purpose of approving a referendum on a spokesperson for Dinkle’s initiatives. This major sponsors—has been outstanding. student loan service. a revised (perhaps
the issue. Miller. who was opposed to the re- has engendered among other senators Freudenberg also has gained valuable ex- computerized) book exchange. doubled funds ,
fendum. saved SGA — and ultimately. the charges that he is an opportunist, and they perience as an Arts & Sciences senator. a for the Student Organization Assistance .

~ students — a considerable amount of time have also questioned his originality and sin- role to which he has been uncommonly ded- Committee and to pursue the set-up of a Q
and money by introducing a referendum bill. cerity. icated. He sponsored nearly .30 percent of the campus pub, they have put together a plat- 7
which was passed by the Senate. Hardcastle/Dulworth. while a solid team. blllS offered to the Senate this year. and has form that emphasizes the role of SGA as a

But the ticket has its drawbacks — not . . . . demonstrated a knowledge 0f parliamentary faCilitator of consumer serVices and campus

. . . seem to lack the ViSion and direction needed - ~ . . . .
critical. but worth noting. Davenport has to run a trulv effective administrat' procedure that earned hlm unanimous accla- actiVites; in short. asa true student union.

ion — one . - - . . .
demonstrated an unfortunate tendency to thatwould achieve long—term goals mation as acting Senate Chalt‘ PTO tem when- It may be Just Wide-eyed dreaming. as
leap before he looks. which earlier this ' ever Davenport was absent — an important Hardcastle indirectly charged during the de-
school year led to a Senate investigation of Which brings us to Bradford and Freuden- consideration for an individual who, if elect- bate, but this is a time for new ideas and a1-
possible improprieties on his part in a com- berg. Their range of experience is consider- ed,will serve as chair of the Senate. ternatives. Bradford and Freudenberg. with
mittee appointment. He later was cleared of able — Bradford. as SGA vice president, has Also, as a member of the University Sen— their proven effectiveness and SGA‘s back-
the charges by the investigators. who found had the opportunity to gain an intimate ate, he was instrumental in resolving. in the ing and influence, may be able to suceed
his mistake had been innocent — a result of knowledge of the workings of the administra- students” favor, a conflict between students where others have failed. ,
inexperience. But it showed he had not taken tion. and in his role he has also made valu- and faculty members over chemistry make- We encourage you to give them a try. ,
“___—___“ .
._ ___.____________.. __ ._ ___. ___ . _____. __.. _ . _____.._______———____—__—___— .
T—fifi ("'!'H>dll(1iiikt"lt 'ioniipontlieni else can be detrimental to interim Jack have worked exceedingly wall dent of the Student Government As
. Correctlon i l ttt‘ilt’H‘ the l'lfilll choice for presi tional students in their pursuit of withoneanother soctation I
. . dent and \lt't‘ president \\lii be John higher education The SGA needs to I ask for your so wt of ('hei‘yl l believe the ex triencc this team
l in yeste'rdoys I'St'ngs of the candidates for senatorial F105" l).i\enport .int: ,lolin \lllle-r It you show more aggression and concern Hardcaslle and JaCiZWIthol‘tll lor holds will undoubti‘dly lead the SGA '
l ‘0"5 t 9 Keme' mistakenly 'dentttted Rob Sutherland, a look .it the L’imlx they would like to to the students interests against SGA president and vicepresident inapositive.upwarddirection
l condldote for senotor—ot-Iorge. We regret the error and .n-coiiiplisli l'llillk\till'AliillLll't't' these continuous and unchecked in Both Band and Tim have played
9 Opologize for any inconvenience the mistake may have . t‘rt‘ilht‘ot’.‘”It“étdtttltlI-‘tt'éttlon .limliinkle an extremely active role in SGA ,
E caused I Martinr‘uchs Fighting tht‘h‘t‘ ”lt‘t‘t‘iN's shottltt SGA president during this past year. Their proven
--———~—-—-—-———————_—-—J marketingfreshman take priority In an) NM .idnnnistra 'l‘elecoinmunications senior track record shows they are (m,
.ki'll'lltid my name tron. the rhino! tlon Piéttttit‘ni ilttilli ltllllvsl r‘or ithis dedicated. enthusiastic. hard-work» ..
I . oi ioliege of Business 5.- i‘.('ltllltllilt\ . reason. tie n erna iona Slutenl . . ' ' r - _. 0 . .
SiUdenis rights “mp“, Keen Interest t'ouncil. a coalition of ll internation QUOIIerd leader titti‘lttthtlldglsi3b; figlfeiieclgiziylg ind. 7;
l dpprpmu. all m) ll‘lt‘llti.\ \H‘, al student ltl‘galllliltltills rcpresenta complish forward steps for the stu I

l _\ N. u. 31“. .mc ”MM—tum. 1,, W” mm ,4". but I “1.1 l (ml l't"’l"" it in“; wt 31,.» (in camp“, Stu ti\'e of all international students on I have known David Bradford lor dent body
urge- .iE: students 'o title :or .li'l? tlti‘ltt‘f‘tillllpiilflllIllthf'llltlll‘t dent Hoard it l\ lll_\ pleasure to en campus. sit“ it appropriate to en about a year now When l first met '
i‘:,l4 ht‘tvg t rot io-t' .iiid ltot, hie.” \s slum-nit \u- are pinyin-gull in tloi'st- tln- t‘illltillliit') oi t'lipnl Hum dorse lliirdt'iistli- and llulworth mer DaVld In Leadership 396 class. I Jackie-SueHoward
:oi st'l‘iii'tll‘\ if: hirer li .ulri:'ioi l hau- the right to \ote tor our L’m rustle toi \ludctil tioiernim-m lheiroprxments could tell by his poise. attitude and Financeandaccounting 50m“?
tll'L‘t' l’. i 'HII'L’" \r‘\ A \l'tt'lit‘i'\ writing student body I urge _\oii in Association president and Jack liul Wt‘ étrt‘t‘XlX't'tHlL' a lot from Hard knowledge that h" ““5 1' qualified T
st lllt‘l 's ‘o zotrwr l’lii. itl'vl'l.’ ext't-rt'ise that right and \iiti~;iiiiotii_1 wortlitoi st. \\lt't‘})l'(*.\ltit'lll unite and Dulworth next year “c leader

I kilos oi no other t.iiitiitl.i‘.i-~ :u: the lllilll} illliillllf‘fi indi\iduuls run r\tti't mH'tul :‘olisidvration. the km)“ “VWHWIit"‘il-‘itppttlmt‘ti “3"“ currently 59”” as "w" LTI SUpporf ‘

‘ho- "ll‘lt"' tiw‘ t'l";l'it'l' \nsllt hi‘iui. tiltig l'it‘ SGA positions St.\ llf't'tl\ ‘ltl tuttipus Student Hoard \oted to president 0f the Student Government '
.tno mu- .torkw: .is mg or .is tutti} \our support lll furthering its t‘lllil'i’s supl’ot” lluidt .istle .ind Dulworth . MatterAliukhatcr Association He works hard for the As a graduate of the associate dc-
ioi- the v‘ grits oi .in .i nit-nu imprint-tit s t'allllius iK‘t'dllH' or their keen interest in the t oinnmmt-ution graduate students “0 has Stuck “'"h "'~""“’ gree nursmg Program at the Letting-

MW, Manly!” v mm. Hahn“. ”Md”. and problems 0, ”Humpug InternationalStudent ('ouncil tion policies against pressure from ton Technical Institute and as a for- '
inent to students .woir: .Tll‘llillf' 1hr Henrietta l’eppei sludt'nh 'l‘hcy time also demon president the administration to do likewise llc mcr l.Tl student senator. I urge all
petition t (“llw l w. .lez‘: Hot» .l’llti Marketing sophomore IElliott-:1Il’midcrslnp ’tlllitil:lf'.\”(lurlng oil‘thrdr3aiiifnTTrlflertus‘: p}: lt’htrilse [HI l.'l‘l students to vote for John Daven-
l'litl \\ lii‘i iii lllillfitt‘h :, ‘hi- \ ii I' " US as who Hrs n it'lr m. . . - " ’ ' a 0 S u- , , .

(tent pom gaining ’iir ragli' ‘o tote StreSSing issues '.til‘.t*ll.i-lit m in.- [ruimm] Affairs Diligent Workers dents will have a pool {K is one of 533(-r‘hri'getiltOthsix-ittriotiorpritsliSSSi
I,“ ,m mm,“ m. IN“, \w, MW tti!i.lliittm' and other s(;\ (‘tinllllll a handful “1 umwmi'” that (“we and vice president in the pending
.m- hummnm; "I I.“ _Wd‘ 3.] m ~,.,.. ”,1. makes them H.” qual I am writing on behalf of (‘heryl not have a pool for its students. as campuselections

MN“. [MW mum. mum“ “'le student ’trou-rnment Assotiation ,lii'tit‘.ill(ilti.llf'.\ Hardcastle and Jack Dulworth lor wellasitsathletes I served as student senator in
[m], ‘n gaining A “HWKHM. ”M... elections lh(- whole campus l\ si't' w. ”R. int i “mpm Student premdenl and \‘lt't‘ president of the Above all. I praise David and Tim l‘lttl-h2 and was‘im ressed With D...
t‘t‘iii‘mllt ili>rlt‘itui". LLM'rl'Hill poo int: posters about the t‘tt‘t‘tt‘m‘ “r l’nuil‘ti \lltlllfli} urge “it olleampus Student Government Association l-‘reudenberg for their solution to it v‘en rt's loyalty aiid dedication E0
(\ should hi“? in m'““« “'m 'h“ “'\ stiidt-tils to \iito- lot‘ and sllllhtirl ("he The" candidacy most 'mpn’ssos nanCial aid from the coal severencc re friction ' ill-S constitu nts [Me

It eli-t twl .‘ill tour will l‘llllilllllf' to t‘l“'i“’n-‘- the “Em ”WNW ""l‘i'k" r2: iiill'fif tl‘iit‘ and Jack Dulworth to me. because they are setting realisv tax veg ~rt is ad hard-working studeht "
“mi, r,, VWHW. W. ”my. ,,, d“ .m John Davenport and John Milli-r Low Humming autism. (r, mm. I” he goals for their administration As a student receiving financial “”32 advodate and commands the
dents «mm ml] M“, M” ‘1“ mm m for president and \l('t' prt-sitleii' st-\ and not making outrageous. Idil.‘ aid. which has already been cut. and respectofhis peers ‘
supporting semi :inniiiii f‘t'f"f‘l‘ndllm‘ “h““ld, t“ “”9" “Om" ”' Wm "11"“ pmm'“”‘“”"""' year homecoming chair. I fully “pm" itnlike the other candidates for ex _
oriviiaiorissue» ”fl“ ”1“” “itmpitlfl” “ "”“W iiifiltil) Allenll A5 5“" president ”"5 3“” l “3““ Bradford and Tim l-‘reudenr ecutive offices in SGA the‘ Daven-

er “NR 1,”, and Phil no”, some of the issues we as students Zoology iunior know lroin firsthand experience berg for SGA president and Vice port-Millerticket has takenastrong
\‘tltt‘ mo. ti. in” H,” it...“ w“. m areconcernedwith «m t .inipiis student Hoardchair that (‘heryl and Jack arc the most president stand on campus-Wide issues and is
let youtoteoi: issue-sot tniixirtiince They would like to see the l h l’o responhltltt‘ candidates ‘0 WWW“ proposmg Viable programs to meet

I“ ”0%“. I know I want to have “u. ”‘8'“ a foot pan-0| litt'.‘ “N, 'SC concerns my administration Both have Seth B. Hall theperceivedstudents‘needs
“m“, m, H. I. m”, (m 1“”..8 that would like to initiate bltX'k mitt-ties worked diligently for their fellow (‘ourtfinance Many ITI students feel alienated
“I“ ”m.” ”H. hm ”Mu, .\”U' for student apartment complexes ‘ students since day one of our term political scienceiunior from the4 rest of the {Universny‘s

Wouldn t it be nice to how someone Student hon-rntnent Asstx-iation inofficc Phi Kappa Tau prestdent » ., ‘. ' i.

\,.p,,,, liuncan in SGA who was interested til min prisideiitial and we presidential (m many occasions. they have un» affine?" ‘me‘is because preyious

l-lngineering wmor safety" candidates ("beryl llardcastle and selfishly given of themselves to ‘(' at rtglnizpationsi Igcludinghthe

. They are also interested in lobby .lm-k liiilworth‘s platlorm seems the work with lobbying efforts. guest Assured success pfese; .m e Bra (:r 0.“ aye
ing the General Assembly for more most appropriate to meet l'K slur speakers. voter registration and 51:5: filirhgdgoglgdmgnclgpgogi .

Withdrawal funding of our academic programs dents needs other student organizations it would Regardless of the effectiveness of [TI ‘s'ificdents l believec Daven rt

They want to register students to fighting lor tee increases and bea travesty to lose their leadership its members. an organization Wllhv ‘ d M“ w'll k h d- _hpod

vote and increase our lobbying et seeking tiei'er communication he and extx-riencesintheSGA out quality leaders WI“ never reach apth ml er 1" lwfiled LT? m {an

l am writing in regard to the up fort tween campus organizations uni mo The president and vice presldonl its potential It is for this reason mm] re "fingfiect. sena ors
coming Student Hoyernment Ass-o These two young men hdH' dent \ital issues for all students. cspe must be loyal and trusting of one an- that I strongly endorse [)aVId Brad p 0") Si ua ion _
(‘iation elections for senator t‘ntor onstrated good leadership They are cially internationalstudents other Servmg together as chair and ford and Tim Freudenberg. "the Sharon Napier '

tunately. other obligations and outspoken on the issues they il‘iHWf’ Any sudden increase in tumon. Vice chair of the Political Affairs team With the superior track re First-year

responSihilities have forced me to in They will listen to students t-on housing or parking fees or anything (Tomunttee th