xt7v9s1kmb0j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7v9s1kmb0j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1991-09-24 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1991 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 24, 1991 1991 1991-09-24 2020 true xt7v9s1kmb0j section xt7v9s1kmb0j  



Gaines a

Associate Editor

Enjoying the beauty of racing at
Saratoga in New York this August.
John Gaines wasn’t
simply drinking about
his next wager.

He was thinking of a
different gamble ——
building UK's new cen-
tral library. At UK, ad-
ministrators‘ facsimile
machines were kept
busy with news from
Saratoga. Not racing re-
sults. but Gaines' ideas
for the library fund-
raising campaign.

“He has worked near-
ly full time on the li-
brary effort for the past
year and that simply
has to be, in the end,
helpful." said Paul Wil-
lis. UK director of ii-

“It‘s a very large undertaking,"
Gaines said. It is our very rea-
listic goal to bond the citizens of
the commonwealth to a book.

"We have been able) to bond
them to a basketball and. although
there are many people who will
say it cannot be done. I totally dis-
agree with that. In fact, I think it
will be much easier to bond people
to a book than it is to basketball."

Taking what conventional wis-
dom says can’t be done. and turn-
ing it into reality has become an
avocation for Gaines. The former
Owner of Gainesway Farm is re—
sponsible for the Breeders‘ Cup
and the Kentucky Horse Park.

The 63‘year-old connoisseur of
art also aided the UK Art Museum
and the Catholic Newman Center
and helped start the Gaines Center
for the Humanities and the Max-
well Cluck Center for Equine Re-

“He's outspoken. but if you look
back at his career he's accom-



in library project

plished a number of things.” Willis
said. Starting those “took some
persistence and pushing" he said.
The people who have benefited
from the persistence say it pays


Second ill a three-part series
on plans for a new library.


“His presence as a resource and
(his) creativity makes you think
the unthinkable is possible,” said
Rev. Dari Noll. pastor of the New—
man Center, where Gaines is a pa-

“The contribution is as much of
spirit as it is money," said Ray-
mond Betts. director of the Gaines
Center. “They (John and his wife
Joan) remain constantly involved.“

Gaines said taking on big pro-
jecLs is something he enjoys.

“I like big projects. I like big
ideas. l like big people. I like
working with big people,“ Gaines
said. “But most of all I enjoy big

“Let's face it this new common-
wealth library will be the most im-
portant public building constructed
in the commonwealth since the
state capitol a hundred years ago,"
he said, “More lives have been
touched by the successful reali7a-

See GAINES. Page 3

Promise of library affects people differently

3% I.
r .



KAREN BALLADD “nr’n 1‘1“

Philanthropist John Gaines looks at a book of artwork in his downtown Lexington home, be!” in 18t9 He is heading to site": ‘c wise
$12 million toward the new central library at UK. The library is expected to cost $58 million

Library could mean move for church —

Senior Stati Writer

Ralph Fox has read all about
UK‘s plans to build a new library
on or near the land where his
church now stands. But he hasn't
heard an official peep from the

That‘s why Fox, an elder at the
University Heights Church of
God, isn‘t too concerned about
what may happen

“We‘ve found the articles in the
paper interesting." Fox said.
“We‘re not in the real estate busi-
ness. We‘re in the business of
preaching the gospel of Jesus

Christ. We'd just like to keep on
with business as usual "

UK has proposed building a new
central library along ililltop -\x':‘-
nue in the area of Clifton t‘irtie.
which also may require two ’sl‘t‘iill
fraternities to be moved lbe \lit‘
hasn‘t been finalized. hut Paul "-‘~'il-
lis. director of libraries at L'k’ xitld

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Committee looks at

AIDS speaker seeks
KSU administration

‘sexual evolution’

Staff reports

Suzi Landolphi wants students to
goon a quest.

But not the kind of that requires
travel. She is urging people to begin
a “sexual evolution.” creating a
“hot. sexy and safer environment
between peo-

who travels
around the
country preach-
ing safe sex to
college students,
spoke recently
at Memorial

5'.” sue-“ed LANDOLPHI
the importance of
communication in a sexual relation-
ship, as well as “honesty. trust.
whipped cream and trapezes.“

“Couples should communicate
before having sex.“ she said. “This
contributes heavily towards having
great sex."

The show also was designed to
inform people about prevention of
the acquired immune deficiency
syndrome and avoiding HIV—risk
behavior. which includes unprotect-
ed sex as well as lowering the im-
mune system through activities like
smoking. drinking and sleeping ir-

"Dnigs. tobacco and stress seri-

ously reduce the body‘s ability to
fight off disease." she said.

She said people used to give peo-
ple diagnosed with cancer a “death
sentence," but since this has
changed. people slowly are begin-
ning to improve their perceptions of
AIDS. A Similar death sentence im-
posed on AIDS carriers has detri-
mental physical and psychological
effects, she said.

“We should be telling these peo~
ple to live fully, rather than prepar-
ing them for death. People with
HIV can have fulfilling. beautiful

Special Athletics Board
meeting called today

A special meeting of the UK Ath-
letics Board has been called today
to discuss pending litigation and
likely will meet privately in execu-
tive session. UK officials said yes-

UK President Charles Wething-
ton. also president of the Athletics
Board said the meeting was called
to brief the board and discuss
“some pending litigation.“

Wethington said he could not dis-
cuss the particulars of the matter
but said it was “involving the ath-
letics assocration.“

The meeting will begin at 4 pm.
in the Boardroom of the Adminis-
tration Building.


UK golf coach embarrassed by 16th-
place finish. Story, Page 6.




Tammy Beane. of Bridgeport. Ala, constructs a pot lrom Gods
of clay. a replica oi pots made by a North Dakota Indian tribe.



Lexington Herald-Leader Editor Tim

Kelly will present “Managing a News-

paper” at 4 pm. in 230 Student Cen-


Associated Press

FRANKFORT. K\ , ,\ Miami
oi regents committee ‘x‘gan .in .\-
amination yesterday or the tidnlliih-
tration of troubled Kentucky alatc

The four-person committee se-
lected about 20 iaculty members
and staff employees tor interview.
said regent Barbara Curry. chiiir
woman of the board‘s Committee
on Personnel Effectiveness.

The interViews were being held .rl
a Frankfort law office instead ot on

Curry and others said the process
would take at least two days.

The board. which had not DICVIA
ously worked through coiiimitiees.
opted earlier this month to torni ii
committee to handle personnel mat-

The board was at an impaSse wrth
KSU PreSidcnt John Wolte Jr.
twice refusing to approve Wolfe's
slate of administrative appointees.

Former Gov. Lowe B. \iunn. rev
gents chairman who became the lo-
cal pomt of the standoff with Wolfe.
met first With the committee.

Nunn said he handed over .1 stack
of documents and msrsted he had
“no role in the committee."

Curry said some of Nunn‘s ll’IiOf‘
matron was "certainly signiiicant
and new.“ but she would not elabo-
rate on information contained in the

Jesus Jones

makes UK debut.

Preview, Page 2.

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