xt7vdn3zsv28 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zsv28/data/mets.xml Smith, William Benjamin. 19  books b92-273-32007204 English s.n., : [S.l. : Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. Patterson, James Kenndy, 1833-1922. James Kennedy Patterson, pater universitatis Kentuckionsis  : his career, his achievements, his personality / William Benjamin Smith. text James Kennedy Patterson, pater universitatis Kentuckionsis  : his career, his achievements, his personality / William Benjamin Smith. 19 2002 true xt7vdn3zsv28 section xt7vdn3zsv28 

           3 EN T U C0   Y I X   1944

        as forooasal by Prosident Patterson

        at dinner :ien Lo President Barker,

           :hoenli Hotel, 5 January, 1911.

'Then will Kentucky assert her true dignity; then

will she know that her true wealth consists not in

.cres of Blue Grass, nor in fields of tobacco, nor

in square miles of mineral resources, but in the

developed intelligence, and high ideals of duty,

and splendid morality of her citizens -- a beacon

sending its bevams aE !r and an everlasting ex-,onent

of the True, the Beautiful, and the Good.1

           Almost a Confession of Faith!

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J A M E S K E N             h D r v A. a _ _ _

    Pater Uniers itatis Kentuckionsi s

               Hi s Career

            His Achievements

            L.s Personality


         Willi-= Ben-lamin Smith

- Sophokles -

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                      A  D A W N  O V E R C A S T

                           Witor in adversum

                                         This cardinal,
                Though from an humble stock, undoubtedly
                ;an fashioned to much honor fromn Ale cradle.

           JAMES KENEDY PAT-TERSON was born 26th Maroh, 183Z,  in the

 parish of Girbals, Glasgow. Sootland. His father, ,S.i-rw PFttarson,

 w.',s by trade a calico-printer, one of those sons of tcil to whom

 ,.arlyle so reverentially doffs his hat in a famous passage. He had

 married Jennetto Kennedy, a woman of his own station in life. herself

 a member of a family of calico-printers, but apparently of finer

 srirital mould and of higher intellectual yearnings, - who displa yed

 throughout her life a character of much resolution, energy and in-

 dustry, of sel.f-assertion, poise and native dignity. It is note-

 worthy, t.ough in accord with Scottish prescription, how often the

 name Kennedy is found in thba Patterson familys James Kennedy, 'William

 Kennedy, Walter Kennedy - Patterson. Both these family names .re

 genaine Scotch and meet us )ften enough in British annuls.   F-us,

 William Patterson  (l658-17'Ls) is recognized ai, the chief Drvjeotor of

 the Bank of England (1691-94), - a Freetrader before Adam Sm:th, mnd

 certainly a man of vision a ud daring in commnercial-finmnoinl mttters,

 though not alwys fortunate,, and far from wealthy at the clo:te of his

 kaleidosoopic career. Bettor known in the United :'tates is ':'he nz=e

 of another ban er, John Stewart Kennedy, reared in Gl tsgow, - and

 To wh=m ';ebster should hLve referred in addressing the Sena1Oe (14
March 1834), "It was Williar the :eoliverer, ,nd not ',illiam ihe
Conqueror. that established the Bank of 3ngland."'

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justly honored, not so mulh that he loft S25,0QO000 out o;'

560,COO,OOO to the Dublic, as that he withdrew from busineas at the

age of fifty-two and dedicated the remaining third o0 his dife to the

welfare of All. iant, howrever, may be the blood-rl,.ticnship, if my,

connecting some of the various historimcl Pat(tersors and Kennedys

with the worthy yeomanry af like names in Gorbals Parish, cay be an

interesting question, but no answer need b8 sought in this volume.

          The Accident.  .ames Kennedy was the oldest of five children

born within eight years (the only daughter Helen, the second child,

Lied prematurely, before completing her seocnd year, and lies buried

in Scotland). and the problem of life must have presented itself to

his father, Andrew, in features of froat sternness and severity. For

the son, in the meantime, it had been darkened and hardened by a

heavy misfortune.  It was the spring of 1837, his fourth milestaae

was just passed, and he with his playmate, 'Ni liam Wood, was in

gleeful chase over the unsawn logs in a lumber yard; ase slipnrd and

fell, -nd his left knee-pana was injured.   Kean suffering ensued, and

the local physician at 1 st advised that he be taken to 3lasgow :'or an

amputation of his limb.  However, 't-,vo eminent surgeons, Burns r. d

9.acFarlanue, on consultatLon ereconmended delay'; ho, underrwent la

minor surgical operation by a local physician at hoce,   r. 31ilifle,

it would seem, in the auturan of 1839; through many fluctuations 4;he

Thesa single eoxas s      are used thruout to indicaUe quo Lation from
the Autobiographical Notes of President Patterson.

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condition slowly improved till in two years, 'about six mcnths before

leaving Scotland' he was 'able to valk with a crutch', an=d. 'at

intervals attended school', where he learned reading, writing, ad

'the rudiments of arithmetic' (1842).

          Hgndicapped. Certainly a dull, dark, and lowering Dawnt

For nearly five years the luckless laddie agonized under the hunble

roof of his parents, unable to Join his mates in their innocent sports,

fettered to a couch of pain; without education, without observati4o

without cheer or ccomfort. without hope in the world. Life lay behind

him, before him, around him - an arid waste; his sun had suddenly

gone under a cloud that spread all over his sky. Had he been abale to

read and had h" read Locksley Eall (publishdd 184',). what might have

been his fury and despair at such lines as thes-t

Iron-jointed, su-Dplo-sinen'd, they shall dive, and they shall rua,
-atch the wild goat by the hair and hurl their lances in the sun;
fhistle back the parrot' s call, and lap the rainbows of the brooks,
Tt i th blinded eyesight noring over miserable books.

It is a Ateous image that arises of the helpless patient.    1e WAsy

believe thait his mother was his strength through the e lon years o

im otant anguish. No waonier that he clave to her to the list with

-almost rm-aantic attacllnenis.  One might well supcose that As outlook

uDonl life wuld have been permanently clouded, that I-e woLUtd haire

tbecoe morose or melanoh.J]y, glooy and misanthropic in af Tr yeoarb

Such, however, was ia ne manner or measure the case.  It i3 amaning

with what resistless force the fountains of life bubble up in enrly

youth. He w,,s perhaps fa:r less unhappy thin seems oossib:Le to usnow.

No trace of the afflictive experiences of the boy seems to have been

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left on the mind of the -san. - which may testify not iad.,d to the

peeculia. but at least to the notable, sanity and equipoise of his

nature. He aceoted fasls without any omaplaiat, without any grudge

against God or Nature, fraom whom he might have felt he hal suffered

such cruel and irreparable] wrong. W7e Shall See that it wLs a LOeVy

handicmp that he bore through life, but the question vhether its

total wrking was for gocd or for ill, it would be vain to moot, Snce

it is impossible to settle.

           WVestward, hot The struggle for life grew doubtjess in-

 creasingly severe in the Patterson household, and at last, when the

 lad was nine years old, the whole family, leaving Alexandzia, their

 home since 1835, set sail. 26th April, 1842, in the good ship

 Perthshire, for America, the land of promise or at least cf hope.   The

 little invalid was five weeks ill, even critically, - and 'all the

 preparations were made for a burial at seat, - but he quite recovered

 before reaching port, New York, June 19th. There the financial

 straits would have been too severe, - for Andrew could find no    -

 ployment in calico-printiag, the industry in Rhode Island had been

 brought'to a standstill' by 'local disturbances', which sounds much

 like a strike or lockout - but family affection. always Os con-

 spicuous among the Patterisons and Kennedys, came quickly te help. A

 brother of Mrs. Patterson, Wm. Kennedy, who had emigrated to South

 Carolina in 1822 and become a prosperous planter near Camdan, had

 But it was really the great year of "Dorr s Rebellion"l - :suoh "ras the
 nane falsely given to the unsuccessful struggle of the "Su"'fragists",
 the great body of the people, to wrest the scantiest polit!Lcal
functions from tho exclusSve possession of the "Land'holderis".

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instructed James Lee, his ozmteroial corresrondent in New York, RI.

moet his sister at onoe upon her arrival and deliver her a iraft for

200, -i goodly sim, nearly equivalent in purchasuig power t3 1000

now. :.e had also instructiod James Douglass. senior member if tho

cotton-brokers' firm (of Charleston, S. C.) that firs' emnpli3yed Jim

in 1822, but who chanced to ba then in New York, to c-ill on the new

immigrants and report on return to South Carolina.    This instruction

proved decisive for their fiture, for Douglass had entered an eaton-

sive tract of land in Bartholmoew Co., Indiana. at the nmiiual

congressional prices, and h'd sent thither his former schoo:L- end

play-mat in Scotland, Johi. i'offatt, for its mtriagemont. Nusural ly

the Douglass pointed the fPmily to Indiana, suggesting that they buy

sane land and make it their home. Alast    the poor calico-printer had

not tha rroney for even a mn dest purchase. Again the brotherl s heart

of William Kennedy was prompt with assistance; he freely gare his

sister the necessary money, and the family prepared tc leave, New York

early in September.

          In Cluest of a Hams. The trip to Indiana Was at tiat day a

far more serious matter than is now a trip to Alaska: it wrs made by

steamLoat up the Hudson to Albany, thence by the Erie Canal to Buffalco;

thence by steamer a.cross Lake Erie to Cleveland; thence by the Ohio

C-anal to Portmouth, Ohio; thence by steamb at to Madison, Indiana -

a journey of full three weeks. Having accomplished it about the sixth

of October, and following the suggestion of Douglass, Andrev Patterson

Beautiful for situation, o:a a northward bulge of the Ohio.

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left his family in Madison, vent to visit Moffatt at Bartholomeir,

Indiana, stayed several days, inspected the small farms offered for

sale nd selected one of misghty aores, fiftyr under cultivation,

thirty heavily timbered. The house of hewn logs was large, ccio-

dious, well-finished, 'tho best in the neighborhood'. and inliko its

Poers it boasted la goodly brick chimney', whion had cost ;he owner,

Lawrence Bench, by the proud estimate of his wife 'ten silr-r dollars.

The whole farm with all iis well-built out-houses cost sevon dollars

(the price of a good cow) per scre.   Surely nough, when Government

entries were made at 1.25 an acre, when bacon was 2, and butter 6)

a pound, corn 10 a bushel., and a good horse 35.-s The purchasing

nower of the dollrtr has ftllen to a small fraction of its formex sells

the farmer gets seemingly high prioes for his products, and the

5The generous Bench threw into the bargain, as a pure gratuity, the
following autographic doomnent, which can hardly have failod to serve
Patterson well in frequent emergencies: Reseit for 1roeker, horses
take one quart of wniskey and one quarter of a nound of tolaco and
put in one quart of water and boil the water and tobe'o doarn to one
half cint and gave it to him six or eight table spoon full of the
ambear in the whiskey and one table spoon full of Baitsman Drops aad
mix them together fnd gave it 9.t two doses.-L.Bonch. This script, like
50 many others, received in much later correspondence by Piesident
Patterson, illustrates the contention of Havelock Ellis (in The Dance
of Life, p. 174), that by correct spelling "We are wilfully
throwing away an endless source of delight."

"Compare frontire rates on Kentuaky s adCnis8 on as a State into the
Union (1 June 1792)  Per sound:  Butter u6, Beef 20. Buffalo 1. ,
Venison l, turkeys 150 apiecel The Governor's salary was fixed
(November 1792) at 1,000s the principal judges., each 666 2/31 the
principal State officers', each 333 1/31

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laborer for his time and toil; but their gain is largely illusory ad

iesembles changing one dollar into ten dimes.

          Then and Now. The calendar year begins in January, a m,;st

absurd convention, but the farmer, with a true and ancient sense,

insists on beginning his rear with the vernal equinci or p.tudsntly a

little sooner, the first o March. The farm-price was pa,i in

Madison about midwinter, and the vendor, Bench, came afoot, with his

brother-in-law, to Madison, to receive t;e cash.    I1 may :ntereist the

reader to learn that they demanded silver and would iave naught to do

with paper or gold. All night long they journeyed, eaoh w!hth St= and

saddle-bags slung an his ahoulder.   Arrived at Madison in the morning,

they went with Patterson to the bank, received the precious, coins,

packed them in rolls and stored them away in the bags, ther; made so=

small purchases, and at night-fall set out for hce.    -  e have

changed all that now.   In modern civilized times and climes, when tw

men bearing bags of currency attempt to walk a few paces iD brond

daylight on the public streets, they are promptly met by well-in-

formed gentlea..en, gunmen, -who speedily stun or kill them as seemeth

best, dispossess them of their money bags. mount into a motor-car

awaiting them at htnd, and are quickly swallowed up i:a the :nultitude

that no Dman can number. Little danger attaches to this met:,od of

acquisition, for the entreiprenaurs can secure or have  1lreaiy secured

the legal advice and proteotion of some iliant and skilful counsel,

and only in perhaps one caue in ten does any serious personal in-

convenience result.   If thre method were altogether devoid of risk, it

would of course lack the cl.arr: of adventure and of high em-roise.

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          Jack to Nat-r. Promptly the first of March, 1843, the

Pattorsons left Madison for their noe-bought farm, over forty-three

miles away. They were brDught thirty-en miles on their may - to

Qu-ensville - by the Madison and lndianapolis Railroad, the

second built west of the illeghanies, the first being -iat from

Lexington to Frankfort (Kr.), begun in 1830, coometad in 18Z4,

afterwrds united with the3 Frankfort-Lcuirvllle road completed in

1858. At queenswille (thi terminut then, called Six Mile) they

were met by 'Beneh and hits brothor-in-law with two large wagons4,

Over wretched roads, in e1xtremely cold weather, they traveLed seL

or seven miles to a farmhouse where they stayed over night, and

resuming the journey next morning, after six miles more of Siberian

ilgrimage, about the middle of the afternoon they reached their

now-found home. Imagine their joy and pride, for they had been

way; arers for nearly a yeerxt How must the four children, and not

least the crippled James, have delighted in the ample chambers

of the log-built house, ir the wide acres that invited to l;illa-a

with the most generous promise of harvest, in the dark waving wcods

with all their sole onsecret., unwhispered still to the sae' of mant

     A Dryad. But all fruition. however delightful, is yet saddening,

and it is not strange that the loneliness of it c111 settled. with

heavier and heavier weight upon their hearts., especially ugon the

mother-heart that lived in the ohildren. For six long years (1843-49)

not one of her five sons saw the 'inside of a sohool-house' - a

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deprivation grievous for her to beaor   Schoolu were In fact well-nigh

unknowa in Indiana, save in the larger towns.   Often she regretted

that she had left her "Calodonia stern and wild.", where even in the

lowliest walks therJ was still soul and culture and society to be

found. The noble waxan, full of courage and energy as well as

"enduranoe, prudence, foresight, skill", had gradually assizied the

general direction of the fzrm - for the father, expert in his narrow

craft, know nothing whatever of farming and however willing was quit

unequal to the demands of the new situation; - but she did r.ot forgot

the things of minds  she assuaned charge of her childrents ecucatioc,

she taught them in the Shorter Catechism and the metrical version of

the Psalms, and still more te read the Scriptures (The Self-Inter-

reting Bible, as interpreted by the Rev. John Brown), and such 6ther

wholesome literature as she had 1'rought with her from Scotland'.

     Pioneers. Thus like a vestal she kept the flame of mind-

life burning in that wilderness. The neighbors were mainly mounbLineers,

from western North Carolina and from eastern Kentucky and lennessse.

They were hunters, 'living Largely' by the chase, but their noblest

prey was the daer and the wild turkey; of this latter a large specimen

w-,s sold for 251; - recentl'r the sliced flesh of the degenerate tmes

turkey - universally desnistd since it has lost its freedom

(DeOuincey) - was sold in our large cities at four dollars a poundt

;ith rabbits, squirrels and quail in plenty, it wais easy to maintain

Not only wts the sehoolhouse distant, but the school rate (,'p2 per

quarter) was prohibitive.

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a low level of life with little effort; good nature abounded; the

instinct of Service, of Heilpfulness. was not extinguished by the

rampant overgrowth of the Acquisitive Instinct; it was a p:.eawre to

gather with generous asuistance at log-rollings md house-raisings,

to join in the homely but hearty cheer so bountifully provided. The

fimily feud, that sombre development of high life in the mcuntains,

was then unknown.

            A  R E NT   I :I T H E  C L O U D S

    Mind in Nature. But what of the delicate child, so many yeosis

bed-ridden in Scotland He throve in the wild and hardy new life of

the field and wood. In sp!Lte of lameness he bore his part in all the

activities of the farm, in planting and hoeing corn, in biniing whoat

and oats, in tossing hay, ln tilling the garden, in falling the laedst

- "oft bowed the woods beneath his sturdy stroke"t His axe would

bring down trees I18 inchee; in diameter', and out theon up into lengths

fit for hauling wi th the log-chain, and then into pieces fi-, for the

winter s fire.   Meantime the mother s irge toward literatur' was not

in vain.  He had indeed no school-teacher to guide him, but the

teacher is especially helpful to the happy few that do not r.eed bnim.

Such was James Kennedy Patterson.    3e found a library near by, that

of a Englishman, ThoaA Mowbray, formerly of New York, then living

along with a niece and nephei 'a life of genteel leisure' OD a farm
of 240 acres.  The eager boy was freely and gladly adritted to all its

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treasures, especially of History and Pootry, to such authors as Hume

and Ferguson and Presoott and Plutaroh and Pope and Byron- Frem

seven until twelve o'clock at night, while his mother klnitted aA

darned and mended for the family - his father was absent two whole

winters, Seeking health and   ilver at his txade in Rlhode Island - he

would sit up with her and read aloud from the books he borrowed.

Whenever he heard of a valuable vole, he proseded straightway to

procure it. A rumor of RBa11'ns Ancient History hd reached himl he

rode five miles to get the treasure, - only to find that it had been

sold to a man (Fox Draper') ten miles awayl chagrined but nzt dis-

couraged, he followed the fugitive and returned exultant .Lth four

Of its volumes. It was now that he began severer studies, such as

Arith.etic and Geography, though still avoiding EnglIsh Grinmar as

unmanageable without a teAcher. Chambers' elementary "Introduction

to the Scienees", such as Geography, Geology, Physics, and Piology,

he had brought with him from Sootland (used there as a text1i in

parochial schoolg), and he now Dored over it 'from beginning to end.

again and again'. Of course, all this could never take tha place of a

daily or twice-daily visit to the fmovies', but it was not wholly bad

aS an introduction to the Latelleotual life and as a preparation for

leadership along the paths of mind. Much of Pattersoa's historical

information, poured out sO coPiously in the columns of the Couriar-

Journal (1871-5), dates frm these early years.

     The 'Westward Tide. Ileantime history was also a-making in our

own land, especially on ites Southwestern border. Texas had revolted

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from Mexico and declared its independence; but distrusting its own

stangth. it had asked to be admitted to the northern Unioz. The

Whigs, headed by Henry  Clay. half-heartedly opposed such annexation

as adding an empire to th, region of slavery, but the Democrats

triumphed under James K. :olk. Henes followed Annexation and the

Mexican war, and the peaci of Guadalupe Hidalgo (2 Feb., 1348), with

its cessions of i=,ienso tarritories weot and north of Texas, for which

a-puny recompense was paid to salve the wounds of Spanish pride. The

youthful James was intensoly interested in the territorial draa, and

followed on the map the military movements as detailed in the

weeklies (such as the Calmeroial and the Gazette of Cincilmati8t),

though stunxbling often oveir the outlandish names, convertiag San

Jacinto into San Jack-in-ionl

     Swift on the heels of peace came the rush to Californ4ia, where

gold had been discovered (by Marshall and Sutter", January, 1868)s

Never before had adventure called so loudly to the Young Americen

spirit. Some heard it and set sail from Hfew York for the Colden. Gate.

by way of Panama, or round Cape Horn; the most streaned ovtrland -

a long and painful pilgrimage of perhaps half a year. The plains

whitened with the bones of thousands. 0' 3uch (42,000 by land,

39,000 by sea, in 1849) as attained California, - a region well-nigh

!owbray also took the PhiLadelphia Saturday Evening Post and the
Scientific American.

'"For the tragedy of his life, almost unequalbd in its irony, see
Blaise Cendrars' book, Sutherts Gold.

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uninhabited, with only a few religious settlements (of tha Ronan

Cptholic faith) - many were luckless and returned with nothing but

experience for their pains; the fortunate few brought back their gold

in considerable   _, whether they had washed it frcs the sands or

had received it in oexhan1ge or rental for valuable "claims". The

general stimulus of enter rise was felt throughout the United States,

as not in a generation be'ore. Canmerce and travel poured back and

forth fran the gatewfys o ! the Alleghanies, across the Mississippi

to the Pacifin.   Everywhore the pulse of trade beat high and Hapse

beckoned, especially to thae youlg, with golden proaise.

     If Only -- . Janms 1[3nundy Patterson was about sixtemn years

old,  With his eager, ambitious and precocious spirit, it seems

likely that but for his crutch he would have been caught ili the great

wave of adventure that wav sweeping westward and borne on Its carest -

who knows whitherf Of coi;rseo. no one can say what mi'ght hiuve been,

since almost amything migLt have been. Yet it is not quitoi idle to

suppose cases and to follcw out the lines of likelihood. Probability

is the guide of life, and we may be allowed to imagine whai; would

naturaJly have happened, had the iron franm  of young atteirson not

suffered from a withered limb. f. fact that as a teacher in

Kentuckl, where the teacher is aeldan exoessively paid, he manajed to

live well all his life, and not ungenerously, and yet amasa an est&6.

of over a quarter-million dollars, testifies incontrovertibly both t o

his interest in financial iffairs and to his high order of 'business'

ability. Had he launched 'cuon the "49 tide he would most probably

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havo been borne onward to financial suess fu!lly as iistiaguixhed as

any he attained in any other field. No multiaillioa-ir. of his d;ly

nearlyr eq-aaled him in viswL-n -d in intellectua-l endowment, nor di&

any perhaps surprLss him in prudence, energy, or business sxegci ty.

      One ::inth of a !Tan. But it was a higher niche Than to) be

 master-of-millions that a-vraited the humble cripple. Tet the first

 steps that -eree to loeLd up to it were of necessity feesble and& lowly.

 In the winter of 1849 the father, Lndres Pattersoz, had gone to

 Madison to maricet his hogt, - his main -md almost his sole source of

 income. There 'in consultation with soe of his friends', it seemed

 best tVat the unfortumate lad be apprenticed for five ereari to the

 firm of Srith & Co., Merchant Tailors. Tailoring seerie to be a

 highly Honorable and rs3markbly anciet craft, one of the tarlieet,

 practiced even in the Garden of 7,den, but to the omniverous book-worm

 and the wood-cho:1pper it can hardly have held out an alluring prsmitse.

 Nevertheless, he w-s obediant to his father's will, and doubtless

 with ran-nv teaxs he prepared to leave his he, his books, and his

 trees for the aramnp nd o;Afinement o, a tailor's approntice. .k new

 suit of entucky JeO-,s, tho creation of a neighboring tailoress, a

 glazed silk cap, the gift of his fajther, along 'with a suit of commn0

 clothes .in  a suit of unde:iwear', - with so rmach furniture ad

 sgajplied with generalI directions from his father, the lad 1sft hmie

 the Sth of Fobruary, 1849. Two !cots, Jenes Falooner and Jmes

Finlayson, received gnd ontertqiaed hime kindly in Madison t!.ll the

terms were settled with Snith & C..I thtt he shnuld serve f.ve yeasr

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for hi& bofard and clothing and a anail annual um, inoreasiag

slightl from-i year to year, with B total of five ionthls inJ.truoion

in school, an ,wverage of orte rmnth a year.  Under this agromeint he

bog-n sorvice the ManSay following hls arrival.

      A 5en-ChaM. Por two houra he sat upon a tailor's table,

 serig -iAoher together, ad then, waroxied of the cranPed pcsture, he

 -siked Jr. Snith for ., brief respits, which was kindly grantr&. As

 tha unhlrppy crutohling ato-ped t, the floor, 7eholdt his fethew

 stood tefore him, and ,rnith (who seewas not to have been half so bad a

 :ran -.s his name might imply) bmte him spoe.d thfl rest of the day with

 his parent.  The two mt away to visit Vr. ralooner a d the

 Reverend James Bmown, 'pastow of the .-sociate 14eform  ahuroh', by

 birth a Soot. It seeons strmnge that the heartsiok lad never inqaired

 why h'sfather h, d ovee that day nor whether he i.. d already bien

 conferring with Falooner. :"[e seems to hawve accepted i1l all i.,s B

 angel visit, - hexvenly vision that might vYanish If he locketl too

 Curiouslyr upon it. But it iequires no lively fancy to reconstruot

 tha intermediate ocurse of e vents. The 1aj had lodged j welc with

 F-looner and had Flse meet the Pastor Brown; the ksen-witted. ,;cots

 could not f dl to recognize the extraordinary intelligence of the

 Youth (which had indeed become the cooon remark of such as lew

 him), .ad to perceive that It +romlAd be a blunder worse than s crime

 to fatter such - spirit to a tailor's bencI: for lifo.  Mdeantjne tho

Triather maust have a3'.- zed at !am over her beloved son, qad in sme

way a conference had been planned and effected.   As its result, it

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was --greia to .sk role.:sa fran the apprenticeship (w1.ichA Mr. Smith

re;Adily granted), and to rter the lad as a boarder with Mr. Brown

afl a8s a pupil of lr. Robert French, a student of Divinity, then

about to open a school in the Lower Seminary. The captive soul was

thus unaxpcotedly freed ani at once began the pursuit of Geography,

AritI-nctic. and English Grianar.

     TVe Horizon Widens.  This Mr. Brown, in whose house Frmnoh &

,lattersn rocrned together, had been gritduated from Hanover Ln 1836.

and was well versed in the classics as well as in Hebrew. 1o wonder

tae Put.Xer son always revered the memory of the mann at whoso table

au;a rireside a new day dawned upon him! There he encountered minds,

moeeting won of distinction and discussing with them the absorbing

questions of the day. It sas an era of chase. In America lhe fieroc

nursuit was for gold, aot merely in California, but by evexy channel

of cammeroe ana industry. "Trade is tJe golden girdle of Ue Globea'.

In s-arope, ait least on the continent, the noblest spirits were chasing

another Phantoa not less iaLr but still more elusive, the phbmtom od

Preedcm. It is n4t strango that Patterson has no sympathy for the

high-hearted and passionate strivings of Mazzini andhis peers. H19

speaks of the Irevolutionar, frenzy in guropeo . The bt noire ot

the Briton is revolution.  IaYs Burke, f"'d!th or without righi,

revolution wil! always be tie last resource of the thinking and the

good". Alast who shall decide when the resource is the las-;, and

when it is not.   The Tory will always be able to plead that the time

is not quite ripe and it were better for the poeple to suffer a little

while longeri True, the American Republic originated in a Revolution

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which votllcl h-.ve been merely a senseless -oebellion had it rot been

successful: true also that the Englishman has dethroned one king and

decapitated another, but it was all done in such perfect order tha'

the kings themselves could hardly take offense. With the Briton,  

Order is lHeavonus first Lawr, and as for Law, "her seat is the bosom of

God, and her voice is the :arzsony of the world."  This loftr con.-

caption of Hooker, which It is impossible not to samire, needs for its

balance that other more realistic definition of the -ur-ose of the

Law - acceprted and proclairLed as authoritative till very re:sent yearst

'to nroteot the rich in th4lir Possessions and to restrain t:3.

vicious proot".  

     Two Haldanes.  Another' im-ortant theme of this Table Talk was

Jean erle DAubigne's "lHittory of the lieformation in the liAth

Century", which was then aTrpearing is n English translation (:.84G-;,3).

The famous work w: s partiet.larly interesting to the Scots in madison,

for it might in some measure boast a Scottish origin.   The name cf

Haldane is now known a:lnd honored over the worl, as b rme by a

deep-thoughted savant as well as rublicist and thinker, the Viscount

of Cloaa, Lord 'igh Chancellor from 1912 to 1915, translatos of "the

World as lill and idea", and author of i--i ortant phIloso-Thic con-

structions along the highway of Relativity.    e may estimate in s

t1ilder, and marking some rVement of Ristory, Lord Melbourne's
definition of The whole dut; of Government: "to punish crime and to
preserve contracts." Too often in riore recent times, Last and
Government are a "gentlemen's agreement" among the ric5a and the strong.

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rough  aner the movement of the ;cottish maind in a century, by

going back to another Haldane. Robert (1764-1842), and his brothem,

James Alexander (1768-1851), religious enthusiasts and propagandists,

who, when license to preachi was refused than by the Churah of Scotland.

- as they (like the Apostls) had neither classical 341 theological

training - nevertheless weat boldly forth, as lay preachers, ordainad

of God; and in tcoen of eocclesiastic censure they bore the borah of

missionary zeal -l over ,o:tland and thence to ;ndia, and back to

Switzerland  They spent large sis (Robert,     70,000 from :L792 to

1310) in building "tabern-acles" in cities and founding ssmin.aries for

students. In Geneva and Mo:ntauban, Robert Rlaldane greatly Lafluenced

the university life and fairmed the dying embers of Protestantism into

flame.'  In spite of his very Imuerfsot knowledge of i'rench he iL-

srired a number of theological students, unon; them J'Aubigne    n