xt7vdn3ztf6h https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3ztf6h/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky Fayette County, Kentucky The Kentucky Kernel 19511214  newspapers sn89058402 English  Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel The Kentucky Kernel, December 14, 1951 text The Kentucky Kernel, December 14, 1951 1951 2013 true xt7vdn3ztf6h section xt7vdn3ztf6h Wildcats Compose Squad To Meet TCU In Cotton Bowl Battle

Forty-Fou- r

the Great Lakes Bowl and a loss in the Orange Bowl in
the last five years, UK has come into its own as a modern day powerhouse. This year's bowl bid completes the
cycle of major bowls.
loss to Texas and Kentucky's
Texas Christian's
loss to the same team seem to give the Wildcats a
slight advantage but comparative scores don't hold true
very often in the calibre of games played in this Bowl.
T.C.U. goes into the game with a 4 record, one of the
worst in the history of the bowl. The Horned Frogs
run from a spread formation, commonly called the Meyer
spread. Led by the running and passing of the polished
and versatile Gil Bartosh, and the running of Bobby Jack
Floyd, the charges of Coach Meyer won the right to
represent the conference in the Cotton Bowl with a 1
mark in league play.
Bryant Predicts Victory
In commenting on this game, Bryant said, "We're going down there and whoop an' holler and have a good
time and beat anything the Southwest has to offer."
The team will be treated to the annual Cotton Bowl
Luncheon before the game, and after the game an
awards banquet will be given to honor both squads. Each

all time greats, performing on the Dallas turf.
This year will see another great master of the pigskin
in the person of Babe Parilli. Texas fans were impressed
by the play of the Kentucky Babe in the S.M.U. game in
1949 and against Texas this year. Comparison between
Babe and Sammy Baugh, former TCU great, will be a
thought in the minds of quite a few of the patrons Jan. 1.
In putting Babe beside Baugh, the following records
should be taken into mind. In 33 games in three years.
Babe completed 331 passes in 592 attempts for an average
of 55.9 and a total of 4351 yards with 50 touchdown
heaves. Baugh, presently with the professional Washington Redskins, led an undermanned TCU team for
three years, threw 599 passes, 274 of which were complete for an overall total of 3479 yards. His average was
45.8. Baugh held the national pass completion record
until Parilli broke it this year.
Frogs' Bowl Record Good
Texas Christian's bowl record is an impressive one
with two wins in the Sugar Bowl, one win each in the
Cotton and Orange Bowls.
Little need be said for the Wildcats' bowl achievements
under Coach Bryant. With wins in the Sugar Bowl and

By Larry Meyer
Cotton Bowl!
There is an air of impending excitement hanging over
the campus as the subjects of Coach Bryant prepare for
their third straight bowl fame.
Forty-foplayers are practicing in anticipation of another bowl victory to the recently added honors. These
men will comprise the traveling squad which will leave
on the morning of Dec. 28 for Dallas.
Following the squad will be approximately 10.000 fans
plus the band. The "Marching 100" will leave Dec. 30
and will take part in half time activities. Another personality on the trip will be Miss Jean Hardwick, UK
Homecoming Queen, who will represent UK in the Cotton
Bowl Queen ceremonies.
Bowl Began In 1937
The Cotton Bowl was innaugurated on New Year's Day
back in 1937 as a private enterprise but soon grew out of
band and was taken over by the Southwestern Conference in 1941.
The history of the bowl has seen such players as Sammy Baugh. T.C.U.; Whizzer White, Colorado; Banks
Clemson; Bobby Layne of Texas, and many other





Conference Manages Bowl
The story of the Cotton Bowl is a short but interesting
one. After a Dallas oilman conceived the idea in 1337,
it ran along successfully but he turned it over to a group
of Dallas business men. These men ran the project until 1941 when it was turned into a conference project,
governed by a board representing each school in the conference. Every game has been a sell-owhich has
helped to further the bowl's progress to a point where it
is second in importance and value only to the Rose BowL
It has an advantage in that respect because it is not tied
up by contract with any other conference and therefore
can pick from a wide group of top teams each year. The
record of wins in past years are:
1937 T.C.U. 26, Marquette 6; 1938 Rice 28. Colorado
14; 1939 St. Mary's 20, Texas Tech 13; 1940 Clemson 6.
Boston College 3: 1941 Texas A. it M. 13. Fordham 12;
1942 Alabama 29. Texas A.&M. 21; 1943 Texas 14, Georgia Tech 7; 1944 Randolph Field 7. Texas 7; 1945 Oklahoma 0, L.S.U. 0; 1946 Texas 40, Missouri 27;
0, L.S.U. 0; 1948 S.M.U. 13. Pa. State Collegt
13; 1949 S.M.U. 21, Oregon 13; 1950 Rice 27. Nortl
Carolina U. 13; 1951 Tennessee 20, Texas 14.

player will receive a special bowl watch, engraved appropriately, and Cotton Bowl blankets.
But before all this "whooping and hollering" the squad
has to get down to the business at hand, namely preparation for the game after a two week lay off following the
Thanksgiving holidays. The team will work out in
until Dec. 22, go home for Christmas and resume
drills Dec. 26. In Dallas, the squad will establish headquarters at the Stoneleigh Hotel and practice at Delhi
stadium, one of the largest municipally owned high school
stadiums in the country.
Rather than moving south to warmer climates, as was
done last year. Coach Bryant got in touch with the
weatherman and was told that the weather would be as
good here as in any part of the south. So practice was
called for Lexington.
For Kentuckians making the Texas trip, many and
varied are the attractions the city will hold during the
holiday season. The Southwest
tournament, Shakespeare's "Midsummer Night's Dream."
night club parties on New Year's Eve, and a dance for
the students from the participating schools, are but a
few of the planned entertainments.
ftex-ingt- on



1947-Arka- nsas

The Kentucky Kern EL


Smith, Lowery
At lend Court
In New York

Choristers Will Give
Christmas Program

A trophy presentation In the College of Law this week served as a

program for Robert Hall
Smith and Jack Lowery Jr. They
re representing the Midwest at the
two-da- y
national moot court series
In New York which began yesterday.
The UK law team, which won the
honor of representing the Midwest
by winning the regional series in St.
Louis Nov. 30, presented the "Bar
of St. Louis Moot Court Competition
Award" and a smaller plaque, won
In the regionals, to the College of
Law before leaving for New York.
Smith and Lowery made the presentation of the trophies at a meeting of the Student Bar Association
Tuesday afternoon.
Associate Justice Harold H. Burton of the United States Supreme
Court is scheduled to preside over
the final argument in the national
aeries today, to be held at the House
of the New York City Bar Association, sponsors of the national moot
court tournament.
The case to be argued by the UK
team in the mock trial involves the
right of a witness to refuse to testify
before a Congressional investigating
committee when the refusal is based
on objection to television and radio
broadcasting of the hearings.








On Display
In Fine Arts
Serigraphs by Sylvia Wald, for
mer Kentuckian now living in New
York, are on exhibition from 10 am
to S p.m. this week at the Fine Arts
The collection includes 33 prints
of the nationally known artist, and
is circulated by the Allen R. Hite
Art Institute of the University of
Louisville and the National Seri
graph Society.
Scrigraphy is a print process that
uses a silk screen through which
colors are forced by g squeegee. Mrs.
Wald creates her pictures while
printing, unlike other artists who
often use a master drawing.
A native of Philadelphia, the
artist lived in Louisville during
World War II. During that time
one of her prints was selected by the
Library of Congress for the "Amer
ica at War" series. Another print
was awarded a purchase prize in the
annual show of Kentucky and
Southern Indiana artists.
Mrs. Wald's serigraphs won first
prizes in the 1949 and 1950 National
Serigraph Society's contests, and
she won another purchase prize this
year at the Brooklyn Museum.
Her works are in the permanent
collections of the New York public
library. Museum of Modert Art,
Philadelphia Museum of Art, Na
tional Gallery of Canada, Atkins
Museum of Fine Arts, the Nelson
Rockefeller collections, and others.



Lead University Teams To Bowls

More Names Added
To SGA Resolutions
resolution sig
natures have been added to the
Kernel count of last week. The total
is now 980 valid names.
President Bob Smith explained to
the SGA assembly Monday night
how the original estimate was made,
His statistical method received both
criticism and passive approval from
assembly members.
Although he claimed the Kernel
report was inaccurate. Smith did
not refute any portions of last
week's article.
He intimated that Dean A. D. Kir-waaccount of the estimate method was nearly correct. Smith said
the original 4000 names were obtained by multiplying the number
of resolutions sent out to the fac- ulty by the average number of
names found on resolutions that had
been turned in.
Constitutionalists Disapprove
"When we made the estimate,"
said Smith, "no one anticipated any
serious question of the number."
The assembly members objecting
to Smith's method were Constitutionalists. Tbeir point of dissension
was that Smith couldn't count what
he didn't have. They thought it invalid to reach conclusions from only
a sample number of resolutions.
Henry Neel made a motion that
the assembly publicize a statement
acknowledging the erroneous estimate and saying that it was mistaken. The assembly decided to
appoint a committee to draw up the
statement. The committee's statement reads as follows:
"In an effort to correct any erroneous impressions given by the
newspaper accounts of the results
of SGA's
we, the members of the assembly,
would like to make clear that the
original 4000 signatures were not a




anti-gambli- ng



For the second group, the ChorisThe UK Choristers will present
their annual Christmas program ters will sing "The Night Has Fallen
Sunday at 4 and 8 p.m. in Memorial Asleep," by Gross, "March of the
Three Kings," a French carol, "The
The Choristers, a group of 54 Three Kings," by Willen. "We Saw
singers under the direction of Mil- - Him Sleeping," by Booth, and
dred S. Lewis, will present works "Hodie, Christus natus est (Today
ranging from the sixteenth century Christ Is Born)," by Willen.
composer, Vittoria, to modern com- carols comprise the third
positions. A special feature of the group. They are "O Nightingale,
program will be audience participa- - Awake!" a Swiss carol. "As Lately
tion in the singing of familiar carols. We Watched," an Austrian carol,
Ruth Trimble, violin student in "The Virgin at the Manger," by
the Music Department, will appear Perilhou, and "Gloucestershire Wasas soloist, accompanied by Arnold sail," an English carol.
Blackburn, instructor in organ at
The audience will join the singing
the University and organist at Christ
of the fourth group, "Joy to the
The Choristers, in former years, World," "O, Come All Ye Faithful,"
have given programs in many of "Silent Night," and "Hark, the HerKentucky's towns, and have done a ald Angels Sing."
number of radio broadcasts. MemMiss Trimble will play "Andante
bers of the University will serve as Cantabile," by Tschaikovsky.
The final group will include
The processional, "It Came Upon
the Midnight Clear," by Willis, will "Glory to God in the Highest," by
be followed by "Fanfare for Christ- Pergolesi, and "The
mas Day," by Shaw, and "O Won- Story," by Dickinson.
drous Nativity," by Vittoria.
Admission to the program is free.

count, but an estimate, based on a
ratio arrived at by study of resolutions turned in."
Smith Claims Some Loss
Smith claimed that part of the
discrepancy between his original
estimation and the Kernel figures
was due to the loss of some of the
resolutions. He did not say definitely
who had lost these resolutions nor
how many were lost,
During the past week, the SGA
secretary phoned all department
heads and urged members of the
faculty to turn in any resolutions
that they might have. These additional signatures were added to the
Kernel total of last week.
Earlier in the meeting, Jess Gard- ner gave a report on the student
directories. He said the directories
would go to the printer this week
and that they should be ready for
distribution after the Christmas vacation.
Jerry Bass reported that the
teacher rating project had worked
through the professors in the English Department. He asked President Smith to appoint someone to
take over the project because he
goes out of office next week.
Commenting on tne ratings, Bass
said he thought they were appreciated by the majority of teachers.
He said he had received many letters
from other schools asking for information on the program.

Detectives Raid Club
On Student's Warrant
Detectives of the Lexington police
force Saturday afternoon arrested
Cleve Biggerstaff, 122 Hamilton
Park, Lexington, on a charge of setting up and operating a handbook.!
Biggerstaff was taken into custody
on a warrant sworn to by Jesse
Wright, president of the newly-formStudent Action Society.
Biggerstaff was arrested at the
Rosebud Club. 121 N. Mill Street,
after Wright had made affidavit before Police Judge Thomas J. Ready
that he placed a $2 bet with Biggerstaff at the Club on Friday.
Wright told the judge he placed
a $2 bet on a horse in the ninth race
at Tropical Park in Florida. He
also swore there were scratch sheets
in the restaurants.
When arrested Biggerstaff denied
accepting bets and said he had no
federal stamp, since "I'm not running any book." The two detectives
who searched the club said they
found no gambling paraphernalia,
other than one scratch sheet, in
either the restaurant or its kitchen.
In Police Court Monday, Bigger-staff- 's
trial was continued until
next Tuesday.
Wright said he visited the Rosebud Club as a representative of the
Student Action Society, which was
formed to combat student gambling.
Last month, three business places
were fined and their pinball ma

chines destroyed after members of
the society swore to warrants against
them for paying off on free pinball

Dairy Contest
Begins Tonight
A professor's showmanship contest for the title of best showman
and a Milk Maid contest will be the
features of the "Festivities" show at
7 p.m. tonight at the UK Dairy Cen
Dr. Roy E. Sigafus, assistant agro
nomist; Stanley Wall, agricultural
education instructor; Jess Brooks,
assistant professor of agricultural
engineering; and Mrs. W. P. Clem'
mons, home economics instructor,
will compete in the showmanship
enrolled at UK are
eligible to enter the Milk Maid contest by calling 2367 before noon to
co-e- ds

A party in

the Crabgrass room of
the Stock Pavilion will follow the
show. Door prizes will be dairy
Trophies will be given to the winning showman in both the Jersey
and Holstein divisions. The winners

(Continued on Page 6)

United Students Win
Majority In Assembly

Coach Adolph Rupp's "little boys"
will be favored to cop their fourth
Sugar Bowl championship when
they drift down South to take part
in the Sugar Bowl festivities at New

Orleans beginning with their tussle
with Brigham Young on Dec. 28.
The winner of this game will battle
the St.
winner for
the championship on Dec. 29, after
the consolation game between the
two first round losers.
On the basis of their number one
ranking, it appears the or.ly worry
the Cats have is finding a place on
their trophy shelf for tr.e Sugar
Bowl trophy. However, the great
tussle put up by the St Xavier
Musketeers indicated that the Cats
are missing the height of big Bill
Spivey under the baskets, and the
lack of reserve strength may be an
important factor especially if a
couple of UK's big guns fou. out.
Another factor which tie folks
Louis-VUlano- va

around the bluegrass aren't likely to
forget is that UK has never beaten
the St. Louis Billikins. Last year
Kentucky was the favorite, but the
Billikins upset them,
in an
overtime period. UK rooters had to
be satisfied with third place when
the Cats trimmed Syracuse,
in the consolation contest.
In 1949 the Billikins, coached by
Ed Hickey, did it again by defeating
what manv consider to have been
the greatest team ever assembled.
the "fabulous five". Ed Hickey has
another strong team at St. Louis
this year and can be expected to
give the Cats a tough game if both
teams can get by first round foes.
That is a pretty big "if", for both
Villanova and Brigham Young
usually turn up with strong teams.
Despite their losses to St. Louis,
the Cats have had considerable success in "Sugar Bowl land" where
they have an overall record of six
43-4- 2,

President Herman L. Donovan
asked students this week to study
carefully the University's budge requests, and to inform their families
about the budget.
In a statement to the Kernel, Dr.
Donovan said :
"Through the years the University
has grown in size and service until
today it stands at the threshold of
greatness. The University cannot
afford to retreat from greatness.
The State of Kentucky cannot afford to let this happen.
"As students here, you have a very
real stake in the University's future.
You should know more about its
many services, and you should know
what it must have if it is to continue giving more and more service
to the people of Kentucky.
"We have prepared a booklet
which tells something of the University's accomplishments and outlines its budget needs for the next
two years. Copies of this brochure
are being distributed by the Alumni
Association to interested citizens
throughout Kentucky. Within the
next few days, students of the University will receive their copies of
the booklet by campus mail or at
the dormitories, sororities, and fraternities.
"I hope you will read this budget
request carefully; then, take it home
with you at Christmas time so that
your family and friends also may
have a better understanding of what
their University is striving to do.
The University can be only as great
as the people want it to be."

Attendance at the Cotton Bowl
game will be accepted in all colleges of the University as a legitimate excuse to void the penalty
for absence after the holidays. Dr.
H. L. Donovan said this week.

69-5- 9,



'Seal' Winner
To Be Given
Loving Cup
The "Miss Christmas Seal" Contest ended last night at midnight.
The unannounced winner will receive a loving cup from the Lexington and Fayette Couny Tuberculosis
Returns, as of Tuesday, showed
Joan Martin, Kappa Kappa Gamma,
in first place. .She was followed by
Pat Patterson, Kappa Delta, and
Kitty Comer, 643 Maxwelton Court,
who were second and third respectively.

The other contestants, in order,
are Anne Grillot, Alpha Gamma
Delta; Joy Fields, Boyd Hall; Janet
Wood, Chi Omega; Beth Dean. Alpha Xi Delta: and Jane Bartlett,
Kappa Alpha Theta. Four girls are
tied for ninth place, Barbara Leet,
Alpha Delta Pi; Jo Doris Hoover,
Delta Delta Delta: Betty Baugh,
Dillard House; and Marion Gregory,
Jewell Hall.
The remaining contestants are
Jane Webb. Zeta Tau Alpha; Peggy
Martin, Delta Zeta; and Gloria
Travis, Tau Alpha Pi.
The money contributed by UK
students will be added to the other
contributions of the Seal Sale fund.
This money will be used to continue
work in health education, fact finding, case finding, rehabilitation of
patients, and medical research to
find a cure for TB.
W. W. McLendon. executive secretary of the TB Association, said, "I
want to thank all the students who
have been most cooperative, and
who have shown their interest
through their contributions."
He also stated that it is not too
late to buy Christmas Seals. He
pointed out that TB kills more people between the ages of 15 and 35
than any other disease.

Slides and films of Australia and
New Zealand were shown at a lecture by Dr. L. J. Horlacher, dean of
the College of Agriculture and Home
Economics, at the Block and Bridle
The film




42-4- 0,

71-C- C,

Elected Vice President

Club meeting Monday in the Dairy

36-3- 0.

57-5- 6,


Slides, Films Shown
At Block And Bridle

wins and four losses while capturing

40-2- 9.

By 185

President Asks
Students Study
New Budget

Game Excuse Is OK

three championships.
In 1938 the Cats won the title by
whipping Pittsburgh,
years latter they copped another
title by edging Ohio State
They suffered their first Sugar
Bowl loss when Indiana defeated
them 5 in 1941. They went down
to their second straight defeat when
Coach Hank Iba's ball possessive
crew deleated them
in 1947.
After defeating Tulane,
the opener, the Cats dropped the
championship game in an overtime
period to the Billikins,
in the
finals in 1949.
Kentucky did some upsetting of
its own in 1950 when Bill Spivey,
Skippy Whitaker, Bobby Watson,
and Shelby Linville were brash
young sophomores. The Cats
squeaked by Villanova,
in a
overtime period, and then came back
the next night to topple Bradley,
for the championship.

For Vice President

May Christmas, 1951. be the
happiest Yuletide you have ever
known. May the New Year, 1952,
prove to be a year of great promise
as well as a year to bring great
happiness for you. May all good
things come your way and your
heart's desires be attained. To
every studerU and staff member
the University administration extends good wishes for a joyous
holiday season.
Herman and Nell Donovan

Basketball Team Favored To Win
Fourth Sugar Bowl Championship
By James Turley

Hale Beats Moore

Donovans Express
Holiday Good Wishes










LANCES, JUNIOR MEN'S HONORARV, recently initiated seven new members. (Back row) Jim Parry,
Stanley Dickson, A. K. I.invillo, and Charles Campbell. In the front row are Carol Hastings Carter Glass

'and Ralph Hovermale.

illustrated Dean
trip to these countries last
February and March.
- Block and Bridle actives initiated
recently are Carol M. Gatton. Van
W. Nutt, Edward Fuchs, Henry Meyer, Charles T. Perkins, James Duffy.
O. Glenn Hall, Joe Rust, Edward
Hayes. Bob Hall, Tony Cocanougher.
Dick Riley, Jack Millikan, James T.
Botkin, James S. Meadow, Bill Reed,
Warren Knight, Louis Flowers, and
Jack Wise.
Officers for the current school
year are Bobby Layman, president:
Roy Giehls, vice president; Harold
Davis, secretary; Herbert Brown,
treasurer; Ward Crowe, marshall;
and Dr. P. G. Woolfolk. faculty
Hor-lache- r's



(Red) Hale. United Students Party, defeated Bacon Moore,
Constitutionalist, by 185 votes in
the race for vice president of the
SGA Wednesday.
In the race for assembly seats,
the United Students won six out of
eleven vacancies. This gives them
18 seats in the assembly, a majority
of three. The Constitutionalists
now have 12 seats.
Henry Neel, SGA election committee chairman; estimated that
1369 students voted. This figure is
a probable record for an "off" election. Last spring in a hotly contested major election, 1400 votes
were cast. Commenting on the number of votes, Neel said it was encouraging to see more students taking an active interest in SGA.
In the College of Arts and Sciences, George Lawson. United Students Party, defeated Jess Gardner,
Constitutionalist, for upper clansman with a vote of 250 to 185. For,
upper classwoman, Dorothy King.
Constitutionalist, beat Betsy Maury,
United Students Party. 278 to 168.
Carter Defeats Bullock
Pete Carter. United Students
Party, polled 239 over the 207 votes
of Buz Bullock, Constitutionalist, to
win the lower classman seat. Elaine
Moore, United Students Party, beat
Emma BamhilL Constitutionalist,
250 to 191 for lower classwoman.
The College of Engineering elected
one upper classman. T. L Glasscock. United Students Party, defeated Ray Thompson. Constitutionalist,
by a vote of 97 to 79.
Robie Hackworth, Constitutionalist, won the race for
in the College of Education. He defeated John Brannon. United Students Party, 47 to 44.
Constitutionalists Take Commerce
In the Commerce College. Charles
Negley. Constitutionalist, beat John
Chandler. United Students Party,
116 to 86 to capture the lower classman seat.
The College of Agriculture elected
both a lower classman and an upper
classman. For upper classman. Robert Jones beat Stan Dickson. 196 to
91. Bill Gatton beat Denzil Boyd
178 to 104 for lower classman. Both
the winners were Constitutionalists.
Vu Tam, Ich, United Students
Party, defeated Warren Porter. Constitutionalist. 74 to 10 to win the
seat in the Graduate





In the race for vice president.
Hale carried Arts and Sciences. Law.
Engineering, and the Graduate
School. Moore carried Education,
Commerce, and Agriculture.
Candidates Comment
After the election Hale said. "I
had a very formidable opponent. I
shall endeavor to do my utmost for
a greater SGA and a greater school

Moore's only comment was. Tm
The lack of secret ballots was
pointed out by Henry Neel as a bad
element of the elections. He said
SGA would try to change the system for next spring's elections.
For .this election, students were
required to sign their names to the
registration book which was numbered to match the numbers on the
ballots. This process was used so as
to prevent any ballot box stuffing.
The names in the registration book
were checked against deans' lists of
valid enrolled students.

Subscription Books
Must Be Returned
All organizational representatives
who have not turned in their 1952
Kentuckian subscription books must
do so today, according to Dave Bere,

Kentuckian business manager. They
may be turned in to Room 210, Journalism Building.
The Kentuckian business staff will
meet at 4 p.m. today in the Kentuckian office. Bere asked that staff
members bring their subscription
books at that time, also.

* vanauic



Only Students Can Solve
The University's Great Crisis s
We do not mean by this that students should
try to ignore or gloss over the recent basketball
that statement. The past year and the past scandal, which js lxiund to enter into many of
month and a half in particular have lxeii hard their conversations with those not directly connected with the University. We mean that they
ones for the University and the Kernel. During this period we have been obligated to print should make an effort to show that this is but a
many news stories and editorials that we had small part of the University, that the larger and
hoped would never have to lie written.
more important part of UK, the educational
The next Kernel will be dealing with the events plant, is still in good operating shae.
of a new year. We have a feeling that the new
We believe that all the information concerning
year will bring the University !etter fortune than the University should lw known, be it favorable
the past one has.
or unfavorable, but information which highlights
This feeling is due to a great extent to the rise the unfavorable aspects of the University should
in student thinking which has been evidenced
not be allowed to distort the actual picture.
as a result of the ev ents of recent weeks. Many
Students should realize that the University is
students still take little interest in anything that facing an educational crisis which could prove
takes place on the campus, it is true, but an into be far more disastrous than the athletic difcreasing number seem to le giving serious ficulties that we'have had. The athletic situathought to the problem of just where the Unition can be, and; being remedied by administraversity is going. These students want to know tive action.
what steps can lx taken to aid the University in
If the proposed budget for the coming two
crossing that "threshold of greatness" we are alyears is not approved by the legislature, corways close to, but nev er seem able to reach.
rect administrative action could aid but not
We cannot detail a step by step plan; our own
remedy the situation that would result from inthinking on the subject has not advanced that
sufficient funds to maintain the University at its
far. We do feel, however, that there is a step
present academic level. Student support of the
that could and should be taken during the holibudget could very easily have a great effect on
days by every student.
its passage. Legislatures will not be too inThis step would require no superhuman sacriclined to pass a bill to aid a group if that very
fice, nor would it interfere with the students
group is not in favor of its. passage.
regular schedule of holiday events. It would
Students need not turn into lobbyists to acsimply consist of students showing through their
complish the desired effect. The mere indication
actions and conversations to those not connected
to their state legislators that they understand
with the University that constructive work is bewhat the budget passage means to the Univering done here, and that all UK students do not
sity and the state could have a great deal of
liave a "what's the use" attitude concerning cameffect.
pus problems.
for 1951.
Tin's is the last
In many ways wo are glad to lie able to make,
Kt-nu- 'l

And it came to pass in those days, that there went out a decree from Caesar
Augustus, that all the world should be taxed.
And all uent to be taxed, every one into Itis own city.
And Joseph also went up from Galilee, out of the city of Xazarcth, into Judea,
unto the city of David, which is called Bethlehem.
To be taxed with Mary Ids espoused wife, being great with child.
And so it was, that, while they were there, the days were accomplished that
she should be delivered.
And she brought forth her firstborn son, and wrapped him in swaddling
clothes, and laid him in a manger; because there was no room for them in the inn.
And there were in the same country shepherds abiding in the field, keeping
watch over their flock by night.
And, lo, the angel of the Lord came upon them, and the glory of the Lord
shone round about them: and they were sore afraid.
And the angel said unto them, Fear not: for, behold, I bring you good tidings
great joy, which shall be to all people.
For unto you is born this day in the city of David a Saviour, which is Christ


the jird.



November 30
edition of the Kernel you stated
that. "Over 4000 names cf UK students are on the
Resolution". We believe that you
have inadvertently created a false
impression by printing this apparently inaccurate statistic.
In order to determine the actual
facts of the case we have conducted
a poll of more than three per cent
of the student body to discover
just what percentage actually signed
the petition.
Because the population of a university is in general a homogeneous
group and because we have taken
into account the relative sizes of the
various colleges and the proportion
cf males to females in them we believe that the poll is a representative cross section of the student
To find out how well the pledge
was publicized we asked: "Have you
peever heard of the
ANSWERED YES TO THIS QUESTION indicating that the SGA had
done a good job in bringing the
petition to the attention of the stuFViday,


anti-gambli- ng



The next question on the poll was,
"Did you have an opportunity to
sign the petition?", to which seventy
percent answered yes.
Most of the students interviewed
stated that the pledge was read to
them in class and that was where

they signed it. Pew students seem
to have signed the petition posted
on the bulletin boards; however
many admitted signing fictitious
names to these.
Our next question was, "Did you
sign the
PH'I'I'I'inn. nnrt onlv twpntv tvr
cent of the males polled had signed
. teixiy eigni per ceni oi mose
who said that they had had an
opportunity to sign did not sign the
Since the student enrollment is
nearly five thousand and since our
poll indicates that only twenty
three per cent of the student body
signed the petition it would appear
that the number of valid,
signatures is much nearer
1200 than the 4000 claimed by the
anti-gambli- ng

It Is interesting to note

that quite
a few of those