xt7vdn3ztr97 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3ztr97/data/mets.xml Lexington, Kentucky University of Kentucky. Libraries 19780804 The title, The Green Bean, was not used until December 14, 1973. During 1992-1993 some issues were sent via email with the title: Green Screen.
Unnumbered supplement with title, Wax Bean, accompanies some issues. journals  English University of Kentucky. Libraries Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Green Bean The Green Bean, August 4, 1978, no. 237 text The Green Bean, August 4, 1978, no. 237 1978 2014 true xt7vdn3ztr97 section xt7vdn3ztr97 i V'l,_ ,<· .'
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8 September ·· Fall Faculty Meeting, Shakertown, 9:00 A.M.
Contributors to this issue: Nancy Baker, Pat Boyle, Faith Harders,
Claire McCann (Editor), Bob Turner, and Paul Willis.

 N 2 r
David Kaser's Comments
Paul Willis would like to share David Kaser‘s recent letter to him
with you;
"My purpose in writing is two~fold. First and most important is
to tell you once again how much I appreciated your thoughtful hospi-
tality during my brief visit to your campus last week. Lexington
is as attractive still as it ever was, and I can readily understand
how you can attract so many obviously competent people to join
your staff.
My second purpose in writing is to summarize some of my observations
regarding your utilization of space in your tri—partite building.
I gather that your four objectives in reviewing space utilization
are as follows: .
l) to maximize its utilization;
2) to minimize staffing requirements;
3) to group like or related services;
4) to reduce user frustration;
although not necessarily in that order of priority.
Ralph Ellsworth long ago identified as an important consideration in
building planning that what he calls the "keys" of the library be
visible immediately to the entering patron, These keys are reference,
the card catalog, and circulation,) I am not at all sure that you
can group these three services so that they can be seen from your
entrance, but I would encourage you to tonsider the desirability of
doing this if possible. l have no quarrel with putting reference
in the first floor of the South addition, if ou`cannot get it into
the lobby, especially if access to th t area through the old core
stack could be freed up a little. l gint there is also good reason
to bring Collection Development into _e tame area.
One thing I think you will want to do over the next few months is
to develop a projection of your spade needs for the next two decades,
so that any interim alterations ypu initiate can be consistent with
a long—range goal. My guess is that you will probably have to
construct some new space and that it might best be developed north
of North. If that be found true, then it seems reasonable to begin
to develop North as a public service bu lding now with the bringing
together there of all periodicals and m crotorms. This long—range
planning activity witl also be a vgluab e and disciplining intellec-
tual exercise for both your staff Ind your tacnlty advisory group
and will probably also gain you some additional credibility with
the University administration.
Then a number of odds and ends:
l. I encourage you to consider compact shelving for some of
your closed-stack areas on the ground—level (e.g., documents, V
special collections).

 s 3 -
2. You can compact your current periodical shelving by
using shelves with 4—inch brackets rather than 7—inch.
3. You are considerably short in the number of reader-
stations available; as you add new ones, I would suggest that you
emphasize lounge chairs, which can often be more economical both
i Of CaPital ¤¤8P ahd of floor Spade utilization than conventional
tables and chairs.
4. Can anything be done to speed up the microfilming of
retrospective Kentucky newspapers (especially with someone else‘s
money) so that the bulky and disintegratlng originals can be
discarded? _
5. Do you not also wish to discard the documents that you
hold also in microform?
6· Might you not beneficially prod the University adminis-
tration to begin to try to rational ge its acquiring and handling
of A—V software and hardware?
· 7. I assume that you are moving as promptly as feasible
toward the utilization of electroniv exit controls, machine-based
·circulation systems, COM catalogd, sto., all of which have spatial
8, You might wish to have the University engineer check the
floor—loading in certain parts of the Qrlqindl King building
(e.g., maps, bibliG9f@PhY¢ docume¤PB$·
9. I expect that faculty stn ies are unlikely to be used
maximally when (a) they are all bronght together in one P1¤¤€» ¤¤d
(b) they cannot be locked,"
Reclassification Unit
As part of the change to LC, the Library is now ready to begin
forming the reclassification unit. At this time, we are looking
for current support staff members with relevant experience in any
aspect of cataloging who would be interested in working on this
project. The assignment would be as a temporary (l2—l8 mos.)
lateral transfer and at the end of the roject, thi person would
. return to a regular department. Any stgff member interested in
participating in the reclassification unlt should see Faith Harders
within the next week.
New SPEC Kit: Personnel Officers V
The Reference Department has received SPEC Kit #45, "The Changing
Role of Personnel Officers," from the Systems and Procedures
Exchange Center. This kit is available at the Reference Desk, King
Dennis Dickinson, the new Assistant Director for Public Services,
is located in the Director‘s Office. Dennis received a M.A.
degree in Library Science and a Ph.D. in Anthropology from the
University of Minnesota. He has worked at the hecalester College

 - q -
Library and comes to Kentucky from the University of Chicago Librar
Dennis holds the rank of Lieutenant Commander in the U. S. Naval
Reserve. Dennis is also the author of the lead article in the
July 1978 issue of College & Rssearcg Ligraries entitled "S¤m€
Reflections on Partic pative qnaqsm nt p rarieS·"
See attached. l

Mankind dedicates monuments to In 1967 the Library became a remark from faculty, staff and stu- '
perebne and accomplishments ofthe member of the Association of Re- dents this year has been, "When `
put; national leaders, war heroes, search Libraries, the only such or· I had to use the old building, I i
cultural achievements, significant ganizatiou of Ullllor libraries in the made excuses to put off working in -
inventions. and the like. But it also country. At that time, Arizona was the library. Now I iind reasons for
dndicates monuments to the future. 38th in size amon the 7 members, extra trips." ‘ I
· The new University Library le elieli Willi abelll Lllllljlllll Vll llllllilil ll’*P‘ A major advantage ofthe new build- l
ll "l°'l‘"“"“t· C°mPl°tl°“ and °°°“#‘ Pmxlmataly Wil i’ll’°"l'l°”l,‘llv llle lp is the consolidation and centrali-
eellei ll" the Llbeii at the ieee eeeeeieliee elle¤ le el ef alloc cf services crc itso   ra
eine el llie ll"? eniiee Semester l·28°·ll¤¤>· Hallway lliielieli ew c l yi is cccli the ec ccccmcctc
nerlel the lellillieeel el e dream liiet eleeetle el nienilieieiii we lied llirrglclcccccc hyacciiyccjccelctllc
lens held by nieny el ie This new nieinteineli ein eelli lieelliii · hill   large collection cf ticrrcri States
building nel enly pievidee the Uni- we were new meeewed enilhle lll npccmchle racking that service
versity with library resources neeee- member l¤Slll¤ll9llS» will 9lll" °l¤lll"'-c rr re efflcieht land effective for all
eeiy le eenely ile ewn inlennetienel liene eleeed ee iiiel eliev lie lll · illcrc real entalll ·i is ccc cf the
needs, it also leads Arizona and (han- Our efforts in   ll§7€ll5   E xlgst l'1G>&`l/fly \1S€dyé€l}l3lOYlS ofthe Ill'
llie entire eeniliweet with ite liesiiii te eliew ie ew eletletleei lili llrary by cltacchc of thc smc who
ultramodern facilities. lt is truly 1976. the lellelll Yea? ll)? Wlllllll ·ra7n0t connected with the Univer-
8 llllllollal l”€S°lll'°9· The llbl'lil'Y Statistics haw lléell °l’“lPll8ll= WF 6?`t· Simll rl reference collections
ieililine le e nienenieei dedicated lied ineeeeed ew eenliiee te llillll Harare lc >;'hS€i'llllFlg nncdci-ts cc.
wacademic excellence. among a m9mlO€l`BhlP will lllllhlllilllk glial acleiacesp humanities wid 逤·
Agreat university leader, Benjamin mg 94 research l“Sl‘t“l1l’“$· illilllil eral reference, have been joined into
- lde Wheeler of the University of llbmry ""S‘?“l`°"S en °”·ml’l“S mw l’li’ a single central reference area: one
California, once said, "Give me a eeed two millieii V°l“m°S‘ stall? anal one collection housed side l
library and I will build a university This growth follows recommends- by side. 'I
around it." That principle mirrors tions made by a team of nationally J ., · · _ i
the reality of the twentieth century recognized libl‘eFl%ill¤ lellellslll hel? éggollg usillliiehvdgffsthild cxgmlsllitlizeilrli  
inetitiilien elhisheiedeeetien- Dur- to enrvey our liliraty eillielieie ¢l¤l"·· {thm cter-based biblio re liic 31 l
ing the first two decades of this cen- ing 1971-72- Their revert eliellell eill qcarchhg · which rovides spiedpand
l¤YY» President Wheeler moved needeintemie ol`elel`l»l`€¤¤l`liliee¢llllll §l‘i'c'e cglnct rg/coal 7 available
C3lll`<)l`l'1l3. lI1lLO tht} I'8Hl(S of the collection davélclqrnenh Ar l`6cqn·l‘°     ;8I`1 ug   5;OUBuitin
eel universities Ol the ¤etie¤· but neelleil eeeeieilieee eiilieel el ee ella ee ci§cc·;—.rl ecicctcdl and
not until he had created an out- million wee the eee Wlilllll We eel- tlllt1ell¤lllJiht'l&;*’1 ih central refer- L
standing library for it. He knew By 1976-77 we i"ee¢l`·e$· gpl cchrcillcct licccrcc which will
ie the lwell Olelly Feel ll¤lV€FSllY· Sllma ei which ellel {Ewell W9 illillle ooptein no usefiil i—*crrrat'ic»~ Com-- `
. LL P _ . .   1 il V i iu. A 4.. J
Building. moving to, and dedicating m fewer Students "ll"° we (lil tlarable manual searching i·neth—
an all-new University Library bqjlq- Libraries in the l?El70’s are much oda waste thousands of research I
ing has kept the Library in the fora- mote tliahjiietluildlngs with books hotira each year and produce less {
f`rontofattent.i0n for the past several lil them. 0111* llew Lllolaty lZlLlll(ll{7,g accurate results. {
yeal-S' Yet the Library has Earned was planned all $710149     '“"Fll"$l' Ob<·v'iGUSlIiS’• blbllOg.,’T&'<3rl`llC EECEGSS does ll
attention from other sources and for ll0¤S9· l°€¥haP$ the lllilillislrllilllli Sl? hot pecceaarilv mean acceee to in-
other reasons. Libraries store books. Partllla {mm the lmilmon Oiloilf Old formatioh content The growth in -
More importantly, libraries make mein llblllly blllllllllg li the ilhslgll Univ rsity Library holdlngs does  
bollke avilllablli {OT PQOPIE to use {Or el Spam that lil OPEH eiill lmillllniili mean? that heora and more ofthe `
nleeeiii‘e· l¤tyei‘l<» lerreeeeren-The Wllh like mlleellgee evelleleleie wanted itcmc`wln`~c§l acne cr-. me ‘
eleek el ineleiiele in the University b"°WS€ lie nel lll flee in ri teiiliel qwiiwslielves hcl. HO academic   Q
library has dramatically increased core. The attractlve surrourlclings lg lim mil bg't;zt&1l& Séligumciem, l
Mine llie neet decade- Liliiery Size end Colmilelile imlliure ie e°lfll· nillahc itlvskii wc added acccsc to l
is cominonly reported in terms ot" llllllal Gvldéllm that tee jllqllqlllg rallliods of library items bv becoro-· "
~.·. lllnncs in the collection. The Uni- Wee l>l¤¤lie¤l le elllecl llees ell? ill lhigi a 'hccrriimr of the och-wir for  
versity liiliiiery ie rapidly ieachinse make their time ill the l’llll¤lll‘= lie P,e"ccar·~h lhilirarice. This 7 Chi- s
size commensurate with the Univer- eomioiteble QS lieeeillle A mlmllqn chgehheezi cooperative iuetlltllllofl '
sitysaicademic stature. _ “ *7 ’ l ° l
S¤l—lIC€¤ Pf€S1d€l’lli'S Report 1976--·7'}l lJn:l.versi.ty of Axizenei, Tuceclnl, Arizona E

 j \
i allows each member airmail or telex   `         ._p_.;§__r    ;   . V   _ · w
, accesstoeveryitem in its collection.   . 1   ‘ ”‘‘·o‘   . l   ii  ia  
{ The Center collects and maintains     l,»»‘   (   ww" — ,   _ _,., ‘ " V ¤   llht      .
library materials which would be,     _ `   ..   — _ _,  »Av   , t . 2..*2     . :.-~{:`. ZQ  
l for most academic libraries, too in-  V ,4} ···/ . ·`=. ;   , ,o.i r o¢¢a,,i,_ 7   __ .;,r-;;eQ,,_.__ il;   ._.c   t   '
  ·     », ‘ "“". * `   . `*#"LV 12       7:°‘:"'=‘=‘**~·»»  ¢—’;V *1%*    
· lYC2qu€ntl.y used to Juni/Hy purchase     r·‘_$£_ ' V    Q;     ‘,~ V- V `,r.yig=_i}7sl?`§ _Ei?Z‘.`JYV ·   t;‘>”?_?T,;-i,»_ s;.
or storage costs. Its strongest areas       a_V-    
Q of collection are documents of all the  V_ .L  
l Sl‘m°`S’ d°°°°ml diSS°"‘“n°nS n'°n‘   ;€»    ..V>&   »¥i.‘ I  
s domestic and foreign universities,       il,  ·4·¤, i   V
l foroigo powspopors, textbooks, co1·   A      
_ lege catalogs and materials coveted    ” ’ll        
° by large microform projects. The             ·;y»  
Center for Research Libraries has       __._           -`V”  
been in existence for nearly thirty  ._Q;,   ''ye'      fg?   ` ’_i' i QQ
. years. ln addition to having its own       , r   i’‘‘ Te}  .·.·  
1 regular acquisition program, it       rl  V3   __    
- accepts materials deposited by     `      
member institutions. Obviously, `   °    
muoh of what if How holds io rio iiiiiti r-ii‘—;   ‘‘``     __‘`i   ‘i‘,  
l” longer available for sale, even to a i {   .s`.        2    
liorory with uoliorited roooorooo- V     i   ``”" .   ‘‘‘· o     ii`"    
Our membership therefore increases     ,_.,        
1 by nearly 300 percent the library i’'‘ "'  `iii`   `i`i`i '   `‘'t‘i `   n`”'”°” A
» materials which our users have  ;,,.g$__£;,i  —..,_.;, g;:;,;·.’,‘·; _;;. jQ,,A,__   ·     ...,         Vgg, I ; .~rr j;.;;,;;,4;;.g;‘ '
lr available *<>lh€m·   »‘.. :2 ~*i ?ii%i`iZii~#§ <=·   ir-. sv! ~,»r . '..`    
;.;<;»§ i‘·     .*·r. PQ}   
l hilve founded an orsooirorioo oollorl   ·..’· i      
. Simply Tho Frroods of ini? UnlV9Y"   `·,. i"_;‘§’fLi.1ii·~.·Jx’li·¢~v; rw -‘ 1 -. ~ 1 ·     ·2¢·:   yi-=¤’rS.,H,4;-·.—r ~~“= _~ eg
,. forthe Library. The support includes     =°z ir_‘ ‘ ._-.· $#6+ .y   —·o·   grguj s. ll   V   . . ${1
· ~ ,· 5n*-r’¢i‘*F,fEr:·‘i‘,f\, i   V, .:2-,:`1'~.: ·ri·`~r: yr *5;   -‘ 1.;;.. _   ·· ·r _ 2~ _ ’ ,   gr - L   ,  
*. nnnln. nlm rod map °°ll"’““°nnr nf.   ·r’»‘   r·»r     .i`‘           `tii’          
  nancial n‘d· nnn other rroso nl   o         ·`r;  
l- assistance. This sort of community     gg;. ig   g`o‘ ` " ·   ·· ’ . 
if support typiiies lOIlg`~·StHI1(l11`lg rela—         JW   1;       ‘Y     T; V: ,~—,_j-ey ,  
J· tionships between Tucson and the     __:.     __r.   _    7, _   il 4 .   up 5;;;,,;%
ol Urrivsroiw   I ..‘i.   .i*.i 7 .`..’ {     i 3   t   ‘ir`· . _i ..r..       7   i  
  Limitations of space prevent de—   "._. j   ,,_i   i__,     r·ii`· ’ ‘iiQQQi`Q.i-~—..i'   i°'_.i°'i*¤li»‘}Y’i;;.tQ ,‘in     ” I  
  scription of many services ofl`ei:e·.l by   .t`-.   ".¤ifiL ilii   tiri fg  *   3 o .'‘` Qi; ..>.       V—_..i` — * `,,‘   , _- _ F  
  the Library. In addition to those       r‘i`   ri.`                 v``*     ,`_`   ‘ `    
g mentioned above, the new Library { ‘·,p, S   ,` .,‘ViV~     _       , ` ·._L·.   '?~` _ ` ._p`·  
r houses a media center with video     Qi   er     ‘'_·ii   i   ‘_--       ,   t·,. r r     .._“,_,_;V";i
· materials and Playback facilities tiiiiifaf  i]§?'.» .    iI;}Q·".—>.{`i*·   JY i-r. ;?   ·;·;§ .i   `‘-.   i’     r `‘`i li ·.V."fl;.Qijl§ii
. never before included in the library g
system. There are nearly 20(),()OO   * V - V   ‘ ~   * z.
i maps in the map collection, many of   · Y ~ ~ -- *   V r ‘
. them available for use outside the   · V .·       =‘ ~ — A  
i` Library. To increase their availabil- irirw-1=¤ i ·     ’**·$      
ity, current issues of journals are l/»"J~ · ·· r" V   ‘   4  
housed in a single separate location. 2*31 i ~ . .  :3*1     i
The special collections depawtizient   · V 1; J. -;.   5
contains the most complete assort-
ment. oi` Arizona materials an;¤¤x1iere