xt7vdn3zwg0k https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zwg0k/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1973-04-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1973 text The Kentucky Kernel, April 23, 1973 1973 1973-04-23 2020 true xt7vdn3zwg0k section xt7vdn3zwg0k Vol LXIV N0. 133 .m mmivpendvm student newspaper
Monday, Aprnl '23, I973 ”WWW,” Of Kentucky

Euqht pdqo‘s stnqmn. Kpmucky 40506


1 Happiness Day...

\ 4‘ ’ .
‘.~ 'f’ .~

H.I|l|l|lll‘\\ [Lu I'OT‘. .HllgnlI-d .qhuul 300
\llll'l'lll\ \lll\lllt'~ “huh \u-Ir Inc-Id
\umhx .IHI'IIHNIII ln-hmd \Irmmml ILIII
um Imlrll HHNI .II :30qu H Ixhro' lhumnu‘,
.nul ilt'llc'ldl Ilmhnr ILHII .nulunh-d [m .|
\nmll (Hmd .Il lnxl ‘llp'H'l lq-H .uul om-
lmulnumul n-allx Lzul lulu lhr Inmu'.
uhnh [MIL-HI hum Imk In “I”. ‘llu'll‘
“I" l k \t'tlllll\ pnhu- \u-II- um hand lnr
Hu» rnluruhx \ulh Hulnul \hmnu Ill lhr
n-u \O'Jl nl lhr \c'lmlq- \ulh IAIIH‘IJ
[I'IUIIILLIJIHHHL' lhr .IH.I|I kmnrl phulns

.al prt'l h‘ll .umi llL'lIl In linuu- lluluur

A85 300 must 90
Arts and Sciences drops sexuality course

I“ |\\'|” ‘h‘ \R'HH . \‘\\ M, ...m\« 4111‘. muv Hm. .! ‘?'vl'.'f1l‘\nlli!".'YI'O'xplxII-H‘l uhrihw! HI' Mrlwm midmi Wm! rm undt'rurummtv

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"NW”! HI")! l-IH ,. .mn‘w nn Hu- uunrmr} mq-Hunr m yum,” (nnllnln-d on hl'ugv 3. ('ol. 8

John Nrphvnxun. (hum III undt'rurmhmh' \I-|\w1h.u\h'rn'nllnhmdn' ”r \lld 1hr
~4mhm .md lnm Htlxm. .m .nsm'mh- ”my”, . “HM I... Ugh-[H1 “pm \pylng .mvr I: KYS P' RG
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1HHHH' h-«v uhu‘h Ih'u-lnpml 2hr l'tllll‘\t' Houru'l In \u/.nHw Hnqul‘ .1
«NW “NW "A" "‘HIPHL‘ “HWHH, ”1 1' V“ Nnulh Im-mluc-I nn 1hr uImmHh-r mm! 0 .
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H..nnl\ hmmm- Ihv). nm-aimi llnlt' to uhu «HUM Iu- hq-M ‘H't‘lillllldl'll' WI WV WHEN!” 1“,.” nth-mp1 In ”Mum undmvuuhng: ur HH‘II‘ purpxm-
r\.||ll.lh' H HHIIN' m ”I" Wu!” ‘ ”Hll‘l' 'muimutmmH1rlm\vl\lt\ \I'Hkl- .\\II~ \ .\\II)IT1.\ pump:

(Hlxnll \m! (mp M 1hr unmxp‘x Lu'ultx 'I’h. t1!lll“~l‘ |~~ [mm-nth nnlh'l’ (hr 1.. mgr mnw mm- than .111
«unitixn.‘nm \ In .me~~ ULHMHI had .mlhxmh I»! .I ll. IHI‘IIIlu'l uummIHH' [in-mung. «huh1\.:'h-n\wlm: '1‘ “My.” M m.» \\I‘;1.IIlI/vl'\ In
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[ho «hum nt thr xnllruv ml ~(Nldl H’Hw-IHH‘H In! \um \Iundm nmrmm;

wuh‘xxmlh \xlm xx H‘HIIH):1;.I\Q‘ hn 'llu“ m )‘tltl'Hl dumr ml 1.1m

' 0 '
Wi'fe bids Luvuvl].uMIt-w'lhlnxd.u\ Drunk ..m fit' It s ChanQIn \I'\V"I41J\ \ “Wk l-H‘r/v l\ «-\pmlwi In

Inllllll on gum- . u! Ian \ kmnrl Ami |~'I\'\' "\Hh J high In llu~ hm )l‘\ .md .4
In“ 'umvhr m mp mni .1]. H111 m ¢‘\«‘l}

Ian \ M1111»! 1.1] mm [mgr .' H‘\¢‘.‘I|\ Hh' H'm' *0
1(10‘Hllt\ I»! ”w \un nl HH' lmmhlc' \I.m Ime Wm“? WM“ \ .1 win} Imam: [\1'Q‘Ht’].£lH! \

goodbye AMM-








Established ‘894


Milne Tier nev

Katie Mt Carin»

Milne Wines Editor in Cruel
Managing Editor
Larry Kielhopl Auooate Editor

Ron Mitchell

Lian Rhea Day News Editor
John Him-s Photography Editor
chair.» Dickinson Sports Earle!

JLN‘I laiiem Arls tailor

Steve swat Night News lottois


lotion tars vtpu \- m in.-

New 56 must prove itself

Last \\ ednesday ~s Student
Government elections ended on an
ironic note ironic hecause. alter all
the rhetoric that each candidate could
revitalize a sagging organization. the
w inner w asn't even present to give lllS
acceptance speech

But we should have known
all in Jim Flegle‘s‘ platltil‘ttt

it was

“We have noticed a great lack of
concern among the student hody' with
this year‘s Student Government and
the impending St; election We
helieve this not to he student apathy.
hut rather a silent protest against the
failure ot Student Government to
make contact witli and engender the
involvement at the student hody "

“'l‘he tailure ot Student t;o\ern
inent to make contact ” l’leele has
hegun his autohiography' ltumor has
it that it will he entitled "Son ot the
Invisible .\lan "

\\ hat can
president that missed tour out ot in e
St; candidate torums and tound at
teiidance to his own \ ictory speech to

we e\pect tt'om a


‘By golly!’
cried Dick,

as he swung
to safety,

'Someone will
pay dearly

for this!‘

he the lesser ot two priorities" li'lt'gle

has learned etiquette trom the
\cademy \wards he never shows

l’erhaps it is too early to Judge
Flegle taii'ly. hut he certainly isn't
Stdl‘tlltt; oil on the right toot Statute.
that he \\ ill stay on a dehate team that
\\ ill keep him away trom the campus
tor a considerahle amount ot time.
candidate John l'irolli threatening a
challenge to the election tor alleged
l’leule \iolations and candidate lid
ltiley‘s positron ot St; isolation tr'orii
the Heele riiachine

lo make matters worse. only srx
percent ot the campus New students
\oted tot' Fleiile

the drama ot politickme seduced
the lowest turnout in eieht
years. allot it widely split hetweeii a


continuation ot \yeridelsdort style
leadership and an apparently irrore
conseryatiye reuiirie
“hat does all this mean”
that campus
neither lrheral

talt lie
not‘ con



seryatiie hy Southernstandards. that
the tren/y ot week long lorums had
little eltect on the yoters. and perhaps
that students were moiiuiiientally
hored wrtli the entire thing

ltored with tlaiiihoyant accusations
.lL‘dlltSl a nehulous student code and
tired ot hearing ahout student
ecorroiitic power when all they w ant to
do is huy a decently priced iiotehook

.\rrd it to that the
process ot st'lt‘t‘ttltyl an St; president is
in serious disrepair the deterioration
ot the annual elections into a circus is
a slap in the tace and a reintorcement
ot student apathy

also says us

It l-‘leele has a deteitse, this is it ls
it his tairlt that he cant muster la/y
out Student
apathy has steadily ur'own through
the years aird it will take more than

sttlileltts to L‘et to \ote"

e're prepackaued candidate to l't‘\ else
the trend

l‘leule is iiomu to lia\ e to irrake uood
his proiirises or sutter' cliai‘ues ot
dormant elitism llopetully hecarrrlo
all that aird win a tew tlelrates too


'r, ,iuu

‘J ”I”


- ‘ 'U , A ';'
‘ ‘)<»' ‘w




No fan of
James Taylor

The Rod {\icKuen of rock iriusic hrought
his whimsical. softrspoken touches to the
Student t'oncert ('ommittee s still harren
concert schedule last Friday night As I
watched I went through periods of hemp:
hored. hemp, insulted at his triteness and
“commercial lyrics. and heing. tor hriet
and relatryely' few moments. highly en
tertained when his music would cross
those commercial boundaries and exhihrt
a unique honesty. which seems to he the
base of his popularity

Taylor‘s lyrics are similar to that of
Diamond. hut Diamond. a master of
controlled insertion of musical cliches at
just the right moment to give that
climactic instance in his songs. has much
more variation in his music Taylor‘s
scores must look like a Richter scale on a
calm day There rs only a slight veil bet
ween Taylor and the average night club
act. and that something is his attempted
portrayal of honesty and sweetness I felt
that his earlier songs tthose done with
Applet such as "('arolina in My Mind"
his hest And only' lrom repeated
play'inits ol his records helorehand could I



'llSilttL’tltSlt his later songs as their tunes
all iireslred into an incoherent iiiinhle ol

ln detense ot his concert. the sound was
quite good. aird his voice has a mellownes‘s
that is pertect tor his approach to his
music. arid his hand was led hy "Kootch's'
well known guitar
I went to the concert to lie alrle to say
that I had seen James Taylor well. l‘ye
seen him once and that's enough It only
someone could have talked t‘arly'. sitting
stage right hehrnd the speakers. into doing
a lew numhers' Uh well
(-raham Heath
Sophomore— \rts and Sciences

Knocks coverage
of Greeks

I would like to make a complaint on The
Kernel's policy ol (ireek coverage it in
\olyes the l‘Jaster party which was held
Tuesday l’hr (itllltlllil lielta
traternrty and our little sisters tor the
children in the pediatrics ward at the Med

last hy


lit the past you how» said that there Is
not enough response try the tlrecks to your
requests tor news ol lireek haprwninizs

\\~' uau- you this and it trasri t lwen in the

i tell
Inasmuch as it may inspire others to rear-h
out into the toiiiiiruiiily and do llht‘\\l\t'

that the story was riewswoitlry

l’he stttl \ was not intended so much toi oiri

heiielit .is ll was tor the tieiretit ol the
t liildreri
llriiie l-I‘JIII

Soplionioi e . \t'sS

a stickful

Thank you lltl‘ con-rage ot the latest l'K
dehating exploits in ahout a slicktul. in
eluding even the wording ot the proposition
u\pril IT Kerrie]. p oh Not reported. and no
doriht ol much less uiiportance. is news ot
whether Hegle and Jones supported the
attiririatiye or the negatiyeside in the lrnal
A! l decision

I also admired your line coverage ot the
SH electroii campaigns in recent issues.
complete with platforms. candidates'
photos and a hang-up concluding editorial
that rated them all and pulled no punches

Ireon I). \ettleton
I)ono\ an Student

l.ihi'ai y Science and \lusic


opinion ut the [Ll-lurid! Board iiul lhe Uiiwvrw'y

U9 from

Will Pearson
be 'assistant

My k \IH‘ \ lH-t K“ I'I'll

ltle lt‘l'l'lll elm tiittr iit l'eggy l’eal'son to
'tie Student lioyeriunent \ ice presidency is
the lii'st 'rtiic l l\ stiidciits t'\l'l elected a
terrrale \ it: piesidi nt who did not run on
total with Scott “t'lttlt'lsllitl'l
seem like a small distitictioii


lliis ii.a\


at tiially third woman

'lri' nature --t her position til n

l‘. arson is

iletted to post III as titany years

lllrwi \cl

tall ioi its ieeyaluatior.

llll‘ kernel has spent pieelertion
‘\lll"- tittltlllltL‘ wit the olu\ioiis ll"\\l‘-
.lrt'cd .litti l ii'iLIe .rt’etiiled util't one

.In-. tzoir toiiim durum llll' toulw- n! the

.irtiazt: rand ta;le«l :o \trow up on elm lion

:trake ltl‘ at l cptaritt ‘|H't‘t l. l‘ li-iile


r.. o
”a." t " tws iiialisr-iitia :ttep'aiiu that
tn ‘ t". a tone s’ lllllllit' tltll.llllllllll;l 'o
'iptt r" l is .t .i tar-1‘2 iletxato!
it-it er writ s‘l""'ll'l'L‘l|“

,ttt' in ‘tl ~l't ;;I‘ii'lllillllll ‘.\l'[l‘ .\illiiiiJ 'I!

iiLi. fiii» in-iitii-ii lllllilllllll.ilt‘l\



n3.iii'1\‘.ii:iliiii' iii llll‘

-'.iili‘t.l\ HiI' ll.|\l‘ .i

l\\ \l'lllii iiiiii i-ii!

ii’ii-ii ~T.i'i' Illil\t‘l\illl'\ ll.l\1'
ivi'iit ~iii. l.ll Illl\t‘~ Iii lI'lI‘i\l
i: L; ,«_ 'l; l '1]‘»(‘l‘l'\

l i .illi .iiml ’i\i~'-ii'.l\iii'.iii’r.x
l"..i'i\.' ’ii.Iii[ Y 'lii \tlg‘t ill
Ill .iiiiiii-xii 'iiiii. 'llt'.l


sexuality course

iniiliiiiii-il liiiili l'.i::i-

i' ‘m ’i-i: 37.! :i .ii“. .I._i\ tllil '.|ltllll' 'Aiiillil
i. :Mi :,;u:\. -! ‘l.i Klt'ilu! litl‘itfl
\ A l' 'i'f' ‘i.’ iltlv'Vliill’ll
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iii I it 'i' “Mimi: ili‘qllt'\' .iiiil
i :i i.‘
\'. lil’i' !.~i-! ill"" iiini.’i'l5 'iI 'lii‘ lilK h Iil
ii,iii-ii;i-ii' iii. 'lll' i_!iii--i.il i1ii.il\ nit lltl‘

ivi;i~~i \
'llt‘lillllKI .\.i~
iilvii'x iii imiiii


\ iru i l.1‘~\illi it'tHl‘:

iill}!‘.\ ii.” lN‘I'll .iii‘il'ini‘il

lilllt'tl ll\ III :u



liii'llilw‘t .itl\ui'li'il

iviil‘. l’\l)t‘l *llit‘lllJl .iiiil li.iil

illJllEI' .iiiil iiii

tiii t'\p1'l'llllt‘llldl


.i HF“ (‘ltl\\ll|(‘.tll()ll iiii'

il’ll‘l‘lllv‘llll”Lil“. i iiIIl~I‘\ llii'.\i~.i-i‘ l'l\ iiiii

li’lil\¢'\ iiiiix‘ lit'


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lil‘lUl!‘ ’lii‘ l.lll

llHHIlL’lt llH‘ ll\

\'l iilii li‘dlli

«lilllil lii‘ iilli'l I'il

iiiuii' lllllt" iiiii i' .t\ \k‘.\

l k



l Reservations:





April 25, 26. 27, 28
8:30 p m
April 79
7 30 pm

Guignol Theatre
Fine Arts Bldg.

Box ottice open
‘2 4:40 daily,

on days of performance
I) curtain






\llil ’lii-


.iiii il.l\\lll( iiliiin
\t'\ll.tlll) iiiiiI'M'
"\pt‘llllll‘lilth tliri-i-

:iiii .iiiil tvui'i- m


The Kentucky Kernel




v., .,... .., .mn'n iii ini’V‘r‘ k"
u i, w Inn'iizhv
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. , ., in. i. hiy‘ ,0,” mien'
4., iv pm was and 'w 19
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p, A V ,, M... ”gum . mi..- UV

i...” .. ...,, Wm... .i VRQA and piiiaiumM

)"T 7 . i "in iii-ii'iiiiv upriwi SYN“
”1,. v, , . ,... ,i inn-,v, lr‘i humour! ‘9"
i t a