xt7vdn3zwj7s https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vdn3zwj7s/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1997-02-07 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1997 text The Kentucky Kernel, February 07, 1997 1997 1997-02-07 2020 true xt7vdn3zwj7s section xt7vdn3zwj7s  





lSlABllSllfD 1894




ues today from I 0 am. to 8 tonight.

f history

and culture

As part of Black History Month, Martin Luther King, ]r. Cultural Center
held a book fairyesterday featuring Afrocentric items. In addition to books and
calenders, ceremonial artifacts, above, like a libation cup and a Kanara that is
used to celebrate Kwanza were also for sale. History and English senior lllilca
ll/IcClain and communications freshman Will Hallbach. right, loo/e at some of
the items for sale yesterday. The book fair in the King Cultural Center contin-

WEATHER Cloudy today,

high 3 5 to 40. illix of rain and
snow tonight, lot." in 20s. Light
snow tomorrow, high 30 to 35.

CAT F000 UK devoured Witctern Caroli—
na as an appetizer to Sunday 3' big game

against Villanova. See Sports, page 2.





Fires, write ups all ill an llll's day

Advisers keep

full schedules

By Mal Herron

Features Editor

Seven in the morning.

Sarah Signorino, an English senior and
resident adviser in Blanding Tower, rises
from an all-too—comfortable slumber to
exercise at Kirwan II.

From there, she attends classes, and
returns at 2 pin, to check her e-mail at the
residence hall’s front desk. She relaxes, lis—
tens to a few of her 30 residents beat anx-
iously on her door in hope of hearing the
wisdom of an adviser who has spent four
years in the tower.

Every Tuesday, Signorino and the other
RAs make three rounds each night in pairs.
On weekdays they stay indoors from 4 pm.
to 12 a.m. on a six-person rotation.

“I almost uit this past fall,” said Sig-
norino, who :ilso serves as assistant adviser
for the tower’s residence hall overnment.
“It was draining me emotional y; I couldn’t
find the stren h to be supportive of the
pee le on my oor.”

ound like slavery? Not exactly.

The night the Wildcats won the national
championship, for instance, Signorino
recalled fire alarms sounding repeatedly,
streakers racing from floor to floor and the


Year of on starts Saturday

By Brian Dunn

RAs walking the halls between plays.

Of course, some celebrating occurred,
too. Advisers partied in the woodland—
Euclid Avenue melee on 15-minute inter-

“We have a couple of weekends a month
free so we can go home, do schoolwork,”
she said. “We’re free to not have to stay in
the building.”

Trainees must attend a course in mental
hygiene for one semester for 2 1/2 hours.
The class is tau ht by Melanie Tyner-Wil-
son, Pat Whit ow, Tony Ralph and Jim
Wims, director of residence life, another
former trench worker.

Wims started at Kent State about two
years after the infamous killin of four stu—
dent protesters in 1970. In this first two
years as RA of Kent State’s Dunbar Hall,
Wims was in charge of nearly 170 students.

He climbed the administrative ranks to
Coordinator of University Conduct Sys-
tems, and Director of Student and Staff

A course in “mental hygiene” may sound
like a no—brain sleeping pill, but Wims said
the subject matter, which deals with suicide
intervention, substance abuse and conflict
management resolution, provides RAs with
crucial information.

“The topics really speak to the kinds of
situations RAs are going to encounter on a
day-to-day basis,” he said.

When selecting the front-liners of the
residence hall system, “I look for individu-
als that take initiative, help others, have

See RA on 7

pain of feeling homesick.

Benchmark universities show

RAs war/e more — receive less
By Chris Campbell

Assistant Editorial Editor

director at the University of
North Carolina. “It sounds very
nice compared to others I have
heard of."

For the Tar llccls at ENC,
the RAs may not always be avail <
able when students
need them. A UK
adviser will oversee 25
to $0 residents, while
at UNC, advisers look
over 4; on the average,
()0 in litany cases.

Not much changes
at another benchmark
from the Tar Heel

For the perks UK residence
adviSOrs receive, in comparison to
RAs at benchmark universities,

there are none.

RAs at bench-
marks do not easily
receive the same
amount of compen-

That (UK)
sounds really
competitive to
other schools. ”


sations for the jobs
thev hold. Along
with that, the
turnover rate for RAs
is much less then that

of UK, which brings v State, North Carolina
up serious questions. Wayne Kunfl State University. jen-

Do UK RAs really residence li , nifcr “'ildcr said the
have a gripe? ding-for, UNC average number of stu—

dents for RAs there is
between 55 and 45, but
again, because of the size of some
residence halls, ()0 students is not
“uncommon.” Said \Vilder, “25
to 30 is nothing.“

Wilder, central campus hous-
ing director, agreed that UK RAs
complain despite better benefits
in the program.

“From what it looks like, you


As it stands right
now, UK advisers get
their housing paid for, live in sin-
gle rooms, $150 on their plus
accounts and $650 on their meal

This looks to be a “competi—
tive” figure compared to that of
other universities.

“That sounds really competi—
tive to other schools,” said
Wayne Kuncl, residence life




the sun's cycle like the American year, Lieu said. A
Chinese year can vary in length but is usually
between 12 and 13 months long, and begins and
ends sometime in February, he said.

The Chinese New Year celebrates the legend of
Xi, the monster that represents the year, Lieu said.




Contributing Writer

About 300 Chinese students and faculty will come
together this weekend to celebrate Chinese New
Year with friends and family.

The Chinese Students and Scholars Association
will be throwing a party at the Baptist Student
Union to celebrate the Chinese New Year from 5:30
to 10 pm. Saturday.

Chemistry graduate student Yue Lieu said the
Chinese New Year for Chinese is much like Thanks-
giving for Americans.

The New Year is a time for a reunion of family
and friends, he said.

Ligan Cai, a junior, said many Chinese students
and faculty here miss the chance to get together with
their friends and family. To Cai, the party offers
those people a chance to come together and ease the

“I’m always away from family,” he said. “I’m
going to call them tomorrow and wish them luck.”

Lieu said the party also gives Chinese students the
opportunity to meet and get to know other Chinese
students on campus.

The celebration starts with a Chinese celebration
dinner provided by the Panda Garden. The dinner
will include 16 different Chinese dishes, including
everything from fried rice to traditional Chinese

“We have really great Chinese food,” Cai said. “If
you come, you can get a feeling of what it is like
studying abroad.”

Karaoke, dancing, games and a lucky prize draw-
ing will follow the dinner. A tape will be shown of
the celebration in China, which actually occurs the
day before.

The Chinese year is based on the lunar cycle, not


‘l i" I



‘7”-.. -. _. .


Xi comes out each new year‘s to pester the people,
he said. So the people celebrate and light firecrackers
to scare the monster away.

Also, the Chinese use a 12-year cycle, each year
named after an animal, Cai said.

Saturday the Chinese will be celebrating the end
of the year of the rat and the beginning of the year of
the ox.

The 12 years fall in the order of rat, ox, tiger, rab-
bit, dragon, snake, horse, sheep, monkey, chicken,
dog and pig, Cai said.

“If you enjoy Chinese food then ou’ll like the
food we'll have,” Leiu said. “If you‘ like to know
more about Chinese culture than you’re welcome (to

The Baptist Student Union is located at 429
Columbia Ave. Tickets will be available at the door
and are $4.50 for adults and $1 for children.




February 7, 1997

o (.‘Ll‘fl/ll'ti‘ 9 (Fill—It'll!“ 7
Z” (firmimhl 9 Vputh 2

[Myron/Hi 6 liexpomr 8




tests tail,
not pupils

By James Ritchie

Senior Stuff” 'i ith'

Minorities and women serve as the “miner's
canary," Indicating social problems that affect
everyone, .1 University of l’cnnsylvaiua law profes-
sor told a crowd of several hundred in Memorial
Hall last night.

lain Gunner focused her argument on the edu-
cational system in a lecture titlcd “Rt-framing the
Affirmative Action Debate “

“\Vc- may be using the wrong instruments to
measure cvcryone's capacity to succeed," Guinier
said, referring to standardized tests such as the
SAT, Glx‘l’ and LSAT. “\Yc are calling this merit
but It actually functions as a test of wealth."

Blacks and Latinos tend to score lower on these
types of tests. she said, not because of their race
but because oftlic'ir class. :\ disprtiportionatc num—
ber of the members ofthcsc minority groups come
from low economic classes, and whites front the
snlllt‘ c‘c'nnnllllt' lc‘\'t'l lt‘lltl l0 Sc‘tirc l0W, sllt‘ Sillcl.

(loal inincrs used to lower a canary into a mine
to sc‘c’ ll tbc- air was safe to breathe before going in
lliclll'scbcs, Guinier said. If the canary dicc, it
indic .ltt'tl a problem with the air. not the canary.

lalzc-wisc. the difficulties minorities and women
f... c with current standards indicate a flawed edu—
cational environment, not incapable students

-\nd the problem hurts all students, not just the
“cinarics.”v she said. \Vhitcs from low economic
classes are at the same disadvantage as minorities.

“ llic' poverty of whites is hidden by the afflu—
ence of other whites," ( iuiiucr said.

StandardI/cd tests are coachablc, Gumier said,
incanlng students can be taught to do well on
them. \Vcalthy parents can afford to enroll their
chilcli‘cn in courses that tcac h “ .ti .itc-gic guessing."

Gutnier talked about .1 sct of twins lll Florida
who scored perfect SAT scores. When the New
\ ork limes asked their mother why they had been
so successful, she responded that they had been
taking the test since seventh grade.

Gmnicr said that studies have shown standard—
llt‘ll tests to be inefficient predictors of a student's
performance, random guessing would yield nearly-
as—accuratc predictions.

()ncc labeled the “Quota Queen" by the “all
Street _lournal, Guinicr was nominated to the
nation‘s top civil rights post, then dropped amid
allegations by conservative members of congress
and the media that she was radical, extremist and

Gumicr was not afforded the chance to publicly
address the Senate during her nomination process.
However, Arts and Sciences Dean Richard
lidwards said he was more proud to have Guinier
as the college's 19‘)? Blazer Lecturer.

“Maybe they didn't want you in \Vas'hington.
but we‘re delighted to have you here," l".dwards
said to Guinicr as she came onto the stage.

The Blazer Lecture Series was endowed in 1948
by Paul Blazer, a founder ofAshland Oil Inc, and
his wife, Georgia Blazer, the first woman to serve
on the UK Board of’l‘rustces‘. Since then the col-
lege has hosted more than 10“ speakers. including
Kentucky author W'cndell Berry and former prcsi~
dent Gerald Ford.



NAtIoN WKlI regents
look ten new president

BOWLING GREEN, Ky. -—- \Vcstcrn Ken—
tucky University’s board of regents Will meet Sat—
urday to discuss the search for a new university
president to succeed Thomas Meredith.

Meredith. who came to Western in 1988, was
hired \‘Vcdncsday as the new chancellor of the
Universtty of Alabama’s three-campus system.

Board chairwoman Pe gy Loafinan said the
search will be nationwide, Ell! qualified candidates
currently working at Western will be “seriously
considered" for the opening.

Meredith begins his job in Alabama onjune 1.


Seinfeld sweats all marl-ma Ilsa:

NEW YORK »-— ls marriage in Jerry Seinfeld's
future? The subject is enough to make im sweat.

“You know when I'll get married? 1'" get mar-
ried when somebody like John Kennedy Jr. gets
married," Seinfeld joked in an interview airing
Sunday on CBS’ “60 Minutes.”

Informed that Kennedy had tied the knot,
Seinfeld replied, “Really?" One question later, the
star of NBC’s “Seinfeld” announced with a ner-
vous laugh, “Can we get some powder on my

Compiled from wire reports.




1‘1? vft"

. es




2 Finlay, Fel'nrww 1W7, Kmtutky Kmlr/


.4-c4 ..u‘—-~Mu~-v‘_'~ww«..

[ Wildcats roll in Catamount rout

By Jay 6. Tale
Weekend Sports Editor

Lightly—regarded \Vestern Car-
olina came into Rup i Arena hop-
ing to catch the “'iltlcats in a funk
tfter 'l‘uesday's‘ loss at division-
leading South Carolina.

The (Lataniounts went inside.
1 hey got stuffed.

'I'he (Latamounts went outside.
lhey got stripped.

11111th didn't work out.

Instead, L'K fleXed its collective
muscles and coasted to a 82-55
.i.'tory last night. improving its
ord to 2 l ‘3 on the season.

\nd though last night’s score
a familiar sight to out-of—con—
terence opponents at Rupp Arena,
Elit' source of the pain was from an
unlikely outlet.

ln his second game at the
power forward spot recently vacat—
d liyJared l’rickett and his ankle
injury, sophomore Scott l’adgett
ittokcd the (i.1[.llll(lllnIS for

.ircer-highs in points (23),
rebounds (13) and assists (6). It
was the kind of effort L'K head
coach Rick l’itino has been hoping
for since l’.idgett's surprising play
during the team‘s 1995 totir of

“Scott is gaining more confi—

dence," Pitino said. “1 saw the
)Otential in Italy. I didn't expect
him to play like this as soon as he
For Padgett, it couldn’t have
come any sooner. After academic
woes forced him to sit out last sea-
son, last night‘s )erformance
seemed to validate t e time he’s
spent improving himself on and
off the court.

“1 just wanted to prove that I
could play at Kentucky," Padgett
said. “1 think that there's a huge
difference in me as a player and as
a person. I’ve learned a lot about
the game and a lot about life.”

Although l’riekett‘s injury has
thinned an already short bench,
playin it time at power forward has
sniiletfsquarelyr on Padgett, pro—
viding him an opportunity to play
his kind of game ~- without inter—

"I felt so relaxed out there
tonight and it was good to know
that with l’rickett out, Coach
couldn’t put anyone else in for
me,” l’adgett said.

Though l’adgett’s powerful
outing lead the team, UK got solid
efforts frotn nearly everyone on
the court. The (Iats shot nearly



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fall Skirts


Fall Pants

\iiiim to Sl 55

liall Knits
\qw. «is?» so

(ill—percent from the field and hit 5
of 12 from three-point range. Big
Blue also outrebounded the Cata-
mounts 55—19.

In recent weeks, Pitino had
asserted that the 1055 of Derek
Anderson would likely shift defen-
sive ressure toward Mercer. As a
resuft) of Anderson’s absence, Mer-
cer spent several games adjusting
to his new role. Last night’s stat
line included 9 of 12 shooting, 18
points, 5 rebounds and an assist.

Adjustment completed.

“1 felt good out there tonight,”
Mercer said. “It's great to be going
into the Villanova game with a lot

Although Mercer’s improve—
ment has UK fans smiling, the
Catamounts found out the hard
way that a confident Mercer and a
hungry UK team is a major obsta-

“Taking no credit away from
Kentucky, they are good team."
\Vestern Carolina’s Bobby
Phillips said. “They showed us the
difference between the SEC and
the Southern Conference."

Though the Catamounts now
head back for the more comfort-
ing pastures ofthc Southern Con-
ference, the Cats instead look for-


ltmiicliy 82, W. Carol-a 55

ml (tour Fleming 54.04114; Mayo 0-
3,1-21;Wh‘rtmore1-5.0-0 2:915“): 5-10.1-
211;Schol114-8,0-1 8;C%sot10-1,0-00:
Graham 6-10,0-012;C|Iytot 00. 0-0 0;
Wright 04. 0-0 O;Catoy1-2.0-O 3: Scott 0-1.
0-0 0; Goreliolt 0-0. 0-0 0; (Shaman 1-2. 2-2
4. Totals: 23-50, 4-7 55.

I (21-8): Edwards 6-12, 1-1 14; Padgett 9-
10. 3-5 23; Magloire 2-5. 2-2 6; Epps 2-3. 0—0
5; Mercer 9-12, 0-0 18; Mills 2-4. 0-0 5;
Mohammad 3-8, 1-4 7; Tumor 2-3. 0-0 4;
Mastello 0-1, 0-0 0. Totals: 35-58, 7-12 82.

Halftime- UK 40, WCU 27. Rebomds: UK 35
(Padgett 13). WCU 19 (Gibson 4). Three-points: UK
5-12 (Padgett 2-2. Epps 1-2. Mills 1-3. Edwards 1-
5), WCU 5-8 (Fleming 4-5, Carey 1-1, Mayo ()1.
Phillips ()1) Asssts. UK 23 (51113 7), WCU 11
(Carey 3) Blocks: UK 10 (Magloire 5). WCU 1
(Claytor) Fouls: UK 11, WCU 12 Fouled out: None
Attendance. 22,134 (23,000).




ward to Villanova. After Tuesday’s
loss at USC, the Cats were happy
to have a satisfying outing prior to
Sundav’s nationally-televised bat—
tle with No. 18 \Vildcats.

“1t was ood to have a game
like this at is time,” Pitino said.


—*U’I-. "M- m-,



' srtmuit connit Kim/m;

”$88 “If“ Sam Padgett goes up for one ofbis game-high I 3 reboundi‘.


Mumme wraps up
first lllt recruits

By Dave Gorman
Stuff ”’31 MT

The wait is over.

UK football fans can finally
begin to look forward to next sea-
son and see what Coach llal
Mumme has ptit on the table.

Mumme held a press conference
yesterday to discuss his high school

Although Mumme had less time
to recruit than other coaches across
the nation. he is happy with his
future players.

“\l'c're pleased with how we did
in the short amount oftiine we had
to work," Mumme said. “\Ve had .i
inotith and a half to do about a

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year‘s worth of work. We’re
pleased with the young men we

lleadlining L'K's signees is run—
ning back Derek Homer who will
be a fine replacement for Derick
Logan whose off—the—field prob-
lems have put his football career on
hold. llomer joins current UK
quarterback Tiin Couch as the sec—
ond consecutive “Mr. Football" to
sign with the Cats. Homer should
provide a spark for UK’s running
game as he averaged 8.8 yards per
carry and 164.5 yards per game
playing for liort Knox High

Mumme also has managed to
add some Texas flavor to the UK

Roderick Green and Jeremy
Bowie are names the coach hopes
will standout for UK‘s defense.
The two ’l‘exas natives ran track in
high school and played in Five A
leagues with great competition.

“Something we needed was
defensive speed," Mumme said.
“\\'e are very pleased to have

One of the new offensive line-
men protecting Tim Couch Will be
Matt Brown out of Harlingen,
'l‘exas. Brown, at 6-foot-5, 280
pounds, should make an impact
right away according to Mumme.

“1 le's all of280 right now, wears


VJeremy Bowie- 08- 5-10, 172 lbs.-

VRoderlck Green 08- 511, 179 lbs






Mumme's lirst sinnees

The 22 players who have signed with UK since the signing period began on
Wednesday. '

VJed Bassett- DB- 6-0, 185 lbs.- McAIlen , Texas (Memorial)
VAdrien Black- RB/WR- 6-2, 195 lbs.
VDustin Bonner 08- 6-2. 200 lbs.- Valdosta, Ga. (Valdosta)

VMatt Brown- OL- 6-5. 290 lbs- Harlingen, Texas (Harlingen)
VNolan DeVaughn- ()L- 6-5. 285 lbs: Corbin. Ky. (Corbin)

VRandy Garver'- OL- 6-5, 295 lbs.- North Canton. Ohio (Hoover)
VWillie Gary- 08- 5-10, 175 lbs- Valdosta, Ga. (Valdosta)

VKenneth Grant RB- 60. 101 lbs- Tavlor, Texas (Reagan)

- Victoria Texas (Victoria)
VSeth Hanson- K F’- 6-2. 1901bs.- Dallas (Lake Highlands)

VDerek Homer- RB- 5-11, 190 lbs- Fort Knox, Ky. (Fort Knox)
VDerrick Johnson- OL- 6-2, 315 lbs- Harrodsburg, Ky. (Harrodsburg)
VMichael Kamphake— RB- 5-1 1, 196 lbs- Cincinnati (Moeller)
VLance Mickelsen'- WR- 6-3, 180 lbs- Salina, Utah (North Sevier/Snow

VScott Mims'- DEfTE- 6-5. 250 lbs- Bowden. Ga. (Bowdon)

VRyan Murphy- LB- 6-2, 230 lbs.~ Cincrnnati (Moeller)

VTeddy Neptune— LB- 6—2, 205 lbs- Montreal, Quebec (Vieux Montreal Col-
VJosh Parrish— OL- 6-6, 3101bs.- Westerville, Ohio (North)

VMarc Samuel'- K- 5-10, 158 lbs.- Anchorage, Ky. (Ballard)

VPascal Trudeau- 08- 6-3, 195 lbs.-
VJermaine White- WR- 6-6, 200 lbs.-

’ - indicates signees who enrolled in January and will participate in spring

- Houston (Marine Military Acad.)
Tyler, Texas (Tyler)

Beloeil. Quebec (Vieux Montreal Col-
Gainesville, Fla. (Buchholz)



a size 16 shoe," Mumme said.
“He’s going to grow a lot. He's got
great feet and real long arms. He
will be a great pass protector."
Mumme and his staff ventured
across the Us. borders to Canada
to recruit three players. Teddy
Neptune will standout from the
other Canadians as a 6—2 linebacker
weighing only 205 pounds.
ffensive coordinator Claude

Bassett agrees with Mumme’s phi-
losophy of looking for players that
fit into the system.

According to Bassett, L'K did
not paid much attention to ex )erts
and top 100 lists of high sc ool

“\Nhen you look at these kids
here right now there are some
awfully great football plavers who 1
think are going to excel." Bassett










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o o .
‘t ' . . '
' ammo ""'"""'""' attox I‘BIIIIItG
l Sunday, 3 pm. '
Ru Arena
I P’ Byflob "MRI to Eastern Kentucky on
Weekend Sports Editor Wednesday.
Illanova K." lmllckyll(2'1l;33) The Cats had won 19 ~
MW Hr II“: A five-game losing streak is enough straight games “V” ”I”
F Ron Manor 173 50 pain for any squad. Lady olonels until
Efilwlomm 3% a; A five-game losing streak and No. 6 \Vedéiesday 5 loss m R‘d"
GWEN“: 9.9 3.9 Georgia coming up for a visit can be men .‘
5mg? 7] ~43 pure torture With the loss to
m: WWMJJWGWM Turner. .. ' , . unranked Eastern behind
_ . , That s what the UK women s basket- . . ~ -
4.8.6CmmMifls.2.9.GSteveMasldio.1.0. _ g . it UK wrll trv right its
By an“ Dawson ball team faces as they take on the Lady flounderin shi ') in “emw
Smior StafliW'n'rer vulanova (11.5 Bulldogs Saturday evening. rial Colisegum l3 mills! the
WIMMO 12 Georgia’sLady Bulldogs are a fine owerful L‘ad Bllflldtits
On Sunday, UK lays host to the team Probable Starters: "82 Rob: team — a Final F0!" contender. The p y . . . bi.
. . E FT Tn 168 59 W‘ ‘ g . ‘ One can Lxcuse UK
that puts the Big m lg East. "Tl 011138 . . ildcats, in contrast. are not a fine , , _ , .
~- . ,. FChuclt Komegzy 71 2.7 . . . , head coach Bernadette
Size Wlll matter when V illanova. boast— CJ 135 84 team With a record of 6-1 5. lhev re not ~ . . . , . .
~ _ asontawson . . . . . - Mattox lfSht. has a soft spot
ing three starters 6-loot-10 or taller, GAlvm Williams 150 .49 even an N1 1 contender. in her heart for (sew ria
invades Rupp Arena on Sunday at 3 pm. GJolin mm“ 5-0 3'0 To make matters worse the Cats are Not only was \laitotban
UK's key concern is whether all its Emma: GHowardBrown.6.5 fimmLmJg reeling after an embarrassin 67—62 loss _ . ._ ' .1
.. tantrum g 33.1"”
. , nanoone,.; nsee... ~ -»
'Jared Prld‘ut’ out the Pa“ “”0 games . scorn“ at Kenumky coach for the Lady Bull-
With a sprained ankle. is expected to play "BSSISlSWW- T . ‘ 7 d d ‘ U(‘~\'~ .‘
in some capacity. ' ‘ 07710710119, P'm h0g3 on U L 5 current
The Wildcats (21-3) could use him in TV:WKYT(Channel 2" Live Immortal COh'wum ea‘ ‘coach Andy Landers.
, ‘ . . (reorgia “Ill always be
its effort to prolong a 32—game Winning in mv heart but "mg it"
streak against non—conference foes in , . , Kalllllckv (6'15: 0'8 SEC) " t , i ., .. ‘Vl' S .. . ~’
Rupp “cm UK Will take any hops it can get National rantlng: None ime f.) 5,0 t“ “ «1r. " attox ..
,, . a ainst'Nova. Probablasul'tora: m: Bob: said. Its always excmng
r . . . '7_ . . g . .
V illanota s “ildcats (1. 5) vull tn to ,. ,. , GNatalie Martinez 51 .33 anl fun f . 1 .
_ , ‘ , ‘ ' Ihree ofVillanova s starters —— (i-ll . . ' ' ‘ _ ”r "‘L l" P 3.‘
be the first non—conference opponent to , GNikkl Hay 7.5 5,1 (‘eor “3 a 1 1 .\ l l 1 .
defeat UK . R A . .. P‘tt Charles lxornegay, 6-H Jason Lawson CKim Denkins 93 76 ' E i 'g‘ ' l“) 5 n” I J
burgh 0“ VJ? ) Infill)“ rena smu. I 5— and 6~lO Tim Thomas — are projected as Fiiltany Wait 126 4.1 61:33“ [radllltin there1 but JAMES cmsp A m.
. V . ._ , . . .31)! f ._ d NBA D ft “ks, FKalieVlelil 7.0 3.3 l at goes ”l” I“: (nor " ' t' ' . . I .. \Iiivr -‘
“We have to get Jared back for Vil— Pillhlo faidlifilgolljlfi coach caller; allliliree Ruamszimunda Roberts, 130mg: when we hit the court." Ills,“ fluff [recur Nail/It (lift-3“ “VII. 1:" I}! )lnrm l
lanora,” UK coach Rick Pitino said. “His potential [61) 15 piclcs. EPalrtcggoyd. 5.1;F/C VondaJackson26.GRobyn Mam,“ “cs run deep fr“ ' ”“” “ ’0 '-‘ "Tim.“ "’ P’” "W!“ "‘ ”” ’ " ”’1‘!”
ankle looks ugly right now, but (UK The liigdra-w among tNovars big guns "WY - with Landers. ller collegiate career national potter .ind .\l.itto\ i» .lllc‘llllilr
{raineriil‘ast l‘iddie Uamiel) tells me he'll is (ll? versatile Thomas. Georgia (174, 6‘1) started at Roane State Community (Iol— ”‘51:"l’Ill'l‘l"lll‘ill'l‘rl-‘l[MW‘F . . .
' ’0 rent 3' . _ ‘ lhe freshman from Patterson, N._l., is Natlonalranklnoz No.6 lug“ “1‘ch Shc Pli‘YUl l‘" “V" W350!“ ”r “m” .“l‘l “” " ” ”‘ 'f' “‘ U” ‘l‘ "
r" “We can t liattle them on the inside drawing comparisons to the NBA’s Kevin Probable Starters: Pia: Bob: the“: when Landcrs was the head MW“ l1“ l“ W :1“ l“ l‘” “mini“ l"
”fl ' without him.“ (larnett with his all-around plav at the GKedraHolland-Com 16.6 :41 man.\\'hen Landcrs went to (icorgia, build a lop I; squad. 'liransl'er and
Prickett expects to practice today. He small forward spot. ' 2237mm 3% 3? so -did Mattox. Landers' specialty is injury problems llLIVt.‘ rerlucerl L'K's
said after last night’s game that his ankle “”ch tough to match up with __ he’s a CSigne Antvorsltov 3‘1 2'7 defense and that's what Mattox has team to eight pl rvers, iii. Iodinti tom
' ' J is “about 80 percent." little like Sum (Padgett) because he's got :Biafldl Berger 3.3 39 learned most from him. freshmen.
— - “There's been a tremendous improve— the size but he can plav out on the floor," 039N082 La'KeSIllaFrell.168990:ClraCY “\Vhat I probably enjoyed most from “\Ve have so lllllL li \outli on the
l merit the last F‘VU days," l’rickett said. “I said L'K forward Ron Mercer, who saw gdélfgtllec‘esfiguslfiélégm Biomfis'fllmywalm’ him was that he was a defensive guy," team and irk lust .i nmlit'r of gum“;
' warmed up With the team a little today. I 'l‘liomas play in high school. Mattox said. “1 le gave me the freedom experience for Us," \liiim \.lltl "it
think it 5 lumping that causes mg the most “113's a‘great player, but they've got ‘ASSISISDEIaame to press and steal and I loved that." takes time and We just Irate it» be p illt'lll
problems right now. more than lust him." Now Landcrs is in charge of .i right no“. \Ve t .in't mature .lll\ t.i--.ter "
if IOUCOOOCOOICCCCO......O............0.....0000...IIICUOIOOOC0.
‘ Weport
‘ V
Alvin “idioms is the Big East’s active leader in both assists (298) and steals (115).
Williams has 82 assists and 32 thefts thus far this season. Ron Mercer has contin~ ~- ‘
"K5 ued to excel since the loss of Derek Anderson, scorhg an average oi t8.6 pornts
over the three games leading up to last night‘s game against Western Carolina. . .
fa t5 Allen Edwards has also picked up his game since Anderson's injury. “ILLANOVAS fl] [5
- v
Team statistics Mme, Freshman Tim Thomas has been everything that he was billed to be coming out of Team statistics
Patterson (N.J.) Catholic High School. He is averaging 16.8 pom and almost six
rebounds a contest Jason Lawson has been a beast on the board grabbing 8.4
UK Opponents rebounds. llll opponents
.471 Field Goal Percentage .393 m .454 Field Goal Percentage .385
.699 Free-Throw Percentage .654 .701 Free-Throw Percentage .650
360 Three-Point Percentage 3“ transmigration?team'mmmmaa .307 Three-P°impercemage 289 -
83-9 Pomts Per Game 62-2 return of Jared Prickett. Wayne Turner has been llio'Cats’ mosfconsistent bench 75‘5 Pomts Per Game 642 ‘
40.3 Rebounds Per Game 34.3 player during Prickett's absence. ' - 9 * 42.6 Rebounds Per Game 33.5
15.3 Off. Rebounds Per Game 13.2 [To 16.2 Off. Rebounds Per Game 14.1
__ 19.6 Assists Per Game 12.7 - _ ., ~ ~ , . ' ' 15.1 Assists Per Game 12.5
n 15.2 Turnovers Per Game 23.1 gymgamwggeficg (15899309 33$” ”it“ :98 m 2%? 15.9 Turnovers Per Game 15.4
r- ec a ram. un . ' at e to‘c 'n0'
m 4 9 Blocks Per Game 2.8 awaytromfiiettncksthis gum New Mum m W. m UK Louise 6 2 Blocks Per Game 2 8
l' i 12.0 Steals Per Game 6.4 mwgfleagvmm.m1wmeefing. inme 1988NCMTomnament, 8.6 Steals Per Game 8.6
rts ., _. , ,
m Special Ski Program Announced
l , azz S
' -J ummer F
- Students, F