xt7vhh6c5p17 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5p17/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1972-10-09 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1972 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 09, 1972 1972 1972-10-09 2020 true xt7vhh6c5p17 section xt7vhh6c5p17 KQHTUCK ( , .
y Vol. LXlV No. 28 in independent student newspape
Monday, October 9, 1972 University of Kentucky
Eight pages Lexington, Kentucky 40506 .
W'ld i v on
I ca 5 e en seas s Q
Wit 17-13 VIC'I'O W '2!"
.. amt ”his 33%;; ._ ,. Sikh .. X
By CHARLIE DICKINSON The Bulldogs had two good quar- «it , i 4 e5 .- e
Kernel Sports Editor terbacks. Melvin Barkum and Rockey ' ”hit? its. «w 3 as ~-
Darryl Bishop can’t tackle but he sure Felker. Together they tore the UK defense *3: “t 323%
can run. apart for 421 yards and 23 first downs. Q“. t Mm“ «It
BlShop, a proponent of the-grab ‘em by The UK defense often came up afflicted " ht t has
the shoulders and hang oh-style of defense, with the same virus that has been . - s- ‘ a. s» a
picked off a MISSISSIPPI State pass and nagging Bishop all season. Several times -. , s ‘
returned ’t 97 yards for a tOUCthWh~ UK had the Bulldog quarterbacks hemmed ' is» .g :g s. s“
The touchdown snuffed 0‘" a MSU rally in only to mysteriously slide off and spring -~ $39 >- ' s h" -. ,
that would have put them ahead and it the quarterback free .6 ‘ .. his? "h . §
gave the Wildcats the margin needed to .- t I. V. I h- . ..
win, 17-13. On the third play from scrimmage Doug it: ‘ ‘1‘ ”s“ h:
But there was still almost twelve Kotar, who finished With 67 var ds in 20 » . ' it 7
minutes left after Bisho ’s sna and a carries, blew through the left side 0f the a i ' 652%”
good quarterback canpmakegtwelve line, cut toward the middle, and seemed . ‘ - ~» . asst ,
. . . . headed for six when he ran up the heel of "
f minutes seem like a lifetime. his blocker and went down. , . .
. . . . .
Adm ISSIOHS Job]; Ray took to running hlS backs in UK's Gary Knutson (30) is pursued by Mississippi State‘s
strea ' . . Glenn Ellis (86) in Saturday‘s game at Stoll Field. (Kernel - .
. Kotar started by carrying on eight of ,
s e is de adlln e UK’s first nine plays. Later Gary Knutson, photo by RIP Rhor")
Wh° 5’3”“. the “m he seemed t° have Knutson finished with 136 yards in 25 In the third quarter things got sticky for
f left .Wlth Villanova, took over for eight carries and a lone touchdown. Kentucky.
0" re'entranfs straight carries. _ The Bulldogs finally got on the board Barkum put on quiteashow of munching
By YLVA CEDERLOF Wh‘le Kotar s smglehanded attack on late in the second quarter with a 34 yard UP the Clock and chewmg hp UK all over
Kernel Staff Writer the MSU defense went dry, Knutson S was field goal to make it 7-3_ the field.‘ It was during. this drive at UK
The UK Admissions office has set a new more successful. . Doug Sexton, With his high SCh001 mate, defender 5 hands went 3"") the” sleeves.
. . - - - He did 311““? bahca’ryms 0“ a 43 yard Ernie Lewis holding for him kicked a 19 Still. Barkum couldnt get it over and
. deadline for resadmissmn applicants in drive in six plays highlighted by him . . had to settle for a field goal
order to get them to advance register leapfrogging from the three for a touch- yard field 8031 to PM UK at a 10-3 ad- .
along with the rest of the student body. down vantage at halftime, Continued on Page 6. Col. 4
Applications not in by Oct. 16 will not be '
considered for admission, said Dr. Keller ' ' ' ' °
Dunn, associate dean of admissions. Legal definlflon In qUGSflOn
He said the new date will enable the . . .
University to process the applications far 0 f d f f
ahead of pre-registration dates, leaves rgan'c 00 s grOW'ng 'n O can r0 ve rsy
more time for correspondance between the
University and the prospective student, By RONALD D. HAWKINS on North Broadway since March 22, 1968. He became in-
especially when concerning dates, times Kernel Staff Writer volved in the health food industry when his wife returned to
and places 0t advising conferences. Reacting to the growing number of health food stores an active life with the help, said Moore, of health food store -
AdViSing important around the country, which includes two in Lexington. the products after she had suffered a serious coronary attack. ’
Dunn said advising conferences are as stores have become a target of scrutiny by the Federal Wife helped
important to re-entering students as they government. “The doctors all said my wife would have to be a shut-in the
' are for new students, since the university Much of the controversy involves the legal definition of rest of her life," said Moore. “We talked to some other
has Changed and keeps changing. A organic foods. Officials in Washiigton, D.C., are currently people, however. and they informed us about health foods. -
student who has been absent for more than working on legislation which would define organically grown “We were pretty desperate so we bought some items from
asemester may find he has forgotten what and organically processed food. the health food stores. Within three weeks, my wife was
was included in getting into classes, and In a recent interview Elizabeth Helton, UK extension fixing blouses and moving around without any problems.
how to get around on campus. specialist in food and nutrition. said, “I'm not in sympathy “She was completely healed within six months and we went
“Before, the ‘01d students’ coi‘td apply with health food stores at all. I believe they tend to un- mountain climbing and scuba diving. This made me a
“P to the last minute and then jUSt show up dermine the confidence of the American people in the believer."
at the Coliseum for registration. They nutritional value of food." Moore says he has never heard of anyone being harmed -
wouldn’t have registration cards and such Some dangers from taking under 100,000 units of vitamin A.
and they would end up With 3 mt 0t “h' Miss Helton points to the sale of tablets of vitamin A as a ”The symptoms Miss Helton is describing," said Moore,
necessary hassle and often totally particularly dangerous action of health food stores. “are also the symptoms for deficiency. People Who take -
frustrated,” Dunn said. “The recommended daily requirement is 5,000 units a day vitamin A have greater sheen in their hair and are generally
No extra Pr°hlem5 of vitamin A. Some of the super-vitamins sold contain 50,000 mUCh more healthy.
Dunn said he did not think the slight to 100,000 units. This is in to 20 times what is needed." said ‘Fanatical claims‘
increase in the number 0t pre-registrantw Helton. Helton says ‘fanatical claims' by health food enthusiasts
could cause any extra problems in the “This becomes overpowering and can create nausea lack “do cause harm “
drop-add procedures at the beginning of of appetite. yellow jaundice color. upset the digestive system "Their promotions give a biased and inaccurate picture of
the semester. “The students will realize and. generally. make a person in" our food supply." said Helton. “Quite often the prices of
Continued on Page 3. Col. 1 Ted Moore has been the proprietor of a health food stores (‘ontinued on page 5. Col. 1
s ,3; InSIde the Kernel , .
T d . The weather in a word...g0iden.
Nicholas Von Hoffman says a few things about 0 ay ° Today Wt“ be sunny and cool wtth
S HUD on page 3. For the ecology-minded, the results the temperature expected t9 “59
w of a study on Hickman Creek pollution appear on s Unn y and ”"0 the ”Ni 60 5- Th"? Whhe
a a page 4. The editorial page offers commentary on the zero chance _ 0t precnpitation
revenue-sharing hassle. Want to spend Christmas today and tonight.
s r vacation in the sun and surf? Check the SCB ad on co 0’
page 4.

 The t u. a A -'.u\l Managing f mun Kdlu' M((av"‘y Ed It I I
i ‘l' .mi M... man. Mitt :VLHIAQIHQ Editor Nwii Mmq.in

Kentucky m.:.z;"i:::;:::.. ‘ 31:11:::;:::::::::::::::: man“ I ONO S

Kernel ‘ 'Wt‘ t‘m‘" Mm" """‘ ' i~1 'i‘ M“ 'v'v'vsn-Iit vm- Opll‘lfln‘. m "w endow, ....i m. Unwm .u,

o O O . t .
Getting exact revenue-sharing figures is axmg

“'3‘" way back in 1971 Richard case would require two hands. Both which seems too casual to us. As one There are other pt‘OjeCtS. which
Nixon. foilhwihg in the steps of his (‘ook‘s office and the Internal young lady in the revenue-sharing COUid equally welluse Lexmgton‘s
presidential predecessors, labelled Revenue committee have admitted division put it, a $200,000 loss to estimated 319‘ million and Fayette
his legislative master plan a “New their original figures were in error. Louisville under the revised figures (‘ou'nty 5 $907,295. cut of the funds.
American Revolution" that would Part Of the blame must also go to “'35 “only" 2 per cent. Sanitary sewers, improvmg the hlgh‘

- remake federal-local governmental Congress. In resolving the deadlock What‘s $200,000? Well, the wayarteria‘l system and upgrading
relations. between the House‘s urban-oriented Louisville and Lexington Housing public housmg were all earmarked

One key phase of that strategy—— hi“ and the Senate‘s rurally-oriented Opportunities Centers, (HOC) Inc., for now-uncertain funds. .
i'evenue-sharing—is near final bill. portions of both, containing are facing extinction unless they can Protects like this are stalled until
enactment. But judging from the different formulas, were passed. So find $100300 from local govermnents. the checks from the. Treasury
controversv that‘s arisen over it's possible to ladle out the gravy in The HQC fulfillsa worthwhile purpose Department start comingin. We hope
bureaucratic bungling in the division different portions—all legal. in helping local low and moderate the federal bureaucrats get their
of the funds, Kentucky‘s local Then there‘s the attitude of income families find decent hOUSihg» fingers out Of their-"059,53” get them
governmental officials are going to be Treasury Department functionaries. and could we“ use that mere per cent. “'Orkmg on the” final figures instead.
left up in the air for some time. , fl. . "L . ' 1;»fl‘fl.“f?’

The problem began two weeks ago. “my" ‘13.. _ 9:; "77". :é'f‘vi 9t .'
when Kentucky Republican Senator -\ .‘ _ _-' ‘s “1.3. .~ “"3‘ { 1"

Marlow (‘ook decided to find out how Rt 2 -\ \_\\ "'1!“ ' ‘ 3 147477 ,

the state‘s $87.3 million in revenue- \E, " “ ‘f‘ -§,“\ ~l\ ‘ y i ' ,
sharing money would be divided up. ._'o'l1:‘\"-\ 9.. ‘ .~ $2 ‘ k \ A‘x \ Q? '
No one could tell him. so his staff heftyfihn ‘S-‘;;\"\‘.&i;‘ i k

worked with the Library of Congress \ \ '.-‘\t Q ~\ ‘\\“‘ _ i .h '

to prepare their own set of estimates. ‘ . \\ . ‘ “i . . '~ ‘

Then the statistics hit the fan. The ‘ ‘ -\ \ I t ' . ' J hs‘.) git-(N , . ‘: - ’
Joint Senate-House Committee on ‘ » \\ ' . ,. ‘ ' rd‘a‘s‘i .‘ y "
Internal Revenue Sharing Taxation \ \ :7 c ‘ . i3, 3”? c »\ ~
released its own report, with a dif— ~ ‘« \ '\ :3, . ff f. \\. .\\ 9.0“ i ,- ‘.—._t— ’ f"... , ,
ferent set of figures for alloting the~ \. \ \ \ \' t.‘ ' ‘. ' 0. i wett‘\\“\v’t o _ , .i \
money. In at least 60 cases the \\. \\ ‘\ .:-\\ Vb. - / / 33. .‘h\\ /’// / - ,' y . fl \ \
Treasury Department committee 5 \ 1;, / , i n/ A . t -\ ’l’/v \t \
report showed Kentucky localities ‘\ w , y '..l . k t \ o - \
getting less funds. ' \ \ . _ ’3 j i . j ’ _ ..?£~‘- \ - / ' \\

In addition to the differences, some \ \ a - i . ,c" ’ “ c '- ' \ _. _ \\‘_ y \ \ '
of the committee‘s allocations were ' \\\ \ .- \-—;. , 7! ’ I"; "§ , Q 3-- lHO‘N ital Fir/Writ"
suspect. For instance, the com- ‘~\\\~‘ '. f, fi’ 0 3‘ 9*"‘\“» fitt‘tititfggj’lflmi: :
mittee's figures showed that town- Q 0x“ _..;\ Q“ \ 1;.‘1/‘.‘ I!» .09 Q dink 1r £3!ny
ships in Adair and Allen counties . 2’ ’5 fa- \.:-\‘ - J ‘*Q‘\ ~-.\ . ‘ \ ='~ ‘ \\
would receive about $200,000 each. 9 / / g \ g" ‘0 ‘ \\ m. s \, -. 7 __
Unfortunately. thereare no townships @ Q, ,' ‘ Q o ‘. ‘~. . \ Q Q 9‘ ‘V. “\
"‘ “the? C°”".ty' . . . was»: i WANT YOUR OPINION . . .'

To pomt a finger at the guilt in this J

the “creative" thing that many dream of, trade schools across the country. The of the money spent by the University on
I I but it is very real and rewarding. management-theory curriculum produces television equipment had been centrally
Te ecom C asses The department is reality oriented. It thinkers, a quantity in much greater coordinated, as long advocated by Ripley,
works to train students for their livelihood. demand than bodies With technical skills. we would have one of the finest university

are realisfic It is more concerned with weekly One student criticism of the department production centers in the country.
paychecks—for future media personnel— has been that management skills do not Ripley, Robert Brown and former

Some telecom majors have expressed than creative glamour. assist them in getting jobs. Managers and professors Joseph Berman and Elizabeth
the opinion thatthey will not be adequately 1 most approve of Dr. Ripley’s revised management trainees are not appointed Taylor were some of the best teachers of
prepared for careers in production. They curricula. It seeks to match the major for from a royal family. . .they come from my undergraduate career. It distresses me
explain that managerial curricula are the developing industry and its carrer schools such as the one here at UK. that what they have built has apparently
being overemphasized at the expense of opportunities. The new curricula, and the There is no question but that a basic been neglected by the University and
production courses. The Kernel cites telecom department, are oriented toward knowledge of technical skills is necessary; overlooked by the students.
unrealistic courses th the department. the realbusiness world. Unfortunately, too however, 1 am acquainted With many John T.McGarvey
Quite a few telecom majors and the Kernel many telecom majors overlook this. My broadcasters who would rather build from 3rd yearlaw
should take a good long second look at the only Complaint is that the department basic knowledge than reeducate a product WKYT-TV
department‘s offerings and the job doesn‘t have any sort of sales training of a non-commercial operation. Possibly
market. program. some of the students who object to the

Without speculation. it could easily be Tony TObbe curreiiltztggnd :23? tinglegihgbatgscrhgfl:

- ~ - Telecom senior SPeCta m 1 a 0 r o
:asglirtihnagt mifrfiicllzrz‘re 3::223? :2: four-year college. As for academic rituals; POhCY on IONOI'S
Photographers. Everyone is after the UK I f they seem unnecessary but they have built In order that everyone may have
glamour of the media. Too many people neg 9C 5 names wet] as Northwestern, Columbia, equataccess to this fomm.letter5 to
dream of hitting it big. only to find that no . gm; names that virtually guarantee the the editor should not exceed 250
one needs or wants them. 'e'ecom policy JObS the current critics are worried about. words. Issues requiring more ex-

tended discussion shall be run as

HOW many have seriously considered the As a graduate of the telecom- Many of the criticisms are valid but the “Comments" and should not exceed
non-glamourous bUt financially rewarding munications department and a broad blame “85 outside 0f telecommunications. 750 words. All submissions should
career 0f being a time salesman? Here is caster, I am very interested in the con- The blame ShOUld be directed at a be typed and triple-spaced and
where the greatest number of job op- troversy currently surrounding the University administration which has must include the writer‘s hame
portunities are. BUt too many 0t “5 don’t Department. allowed various departments to build their classification and an address and
see them because of stars in our eyes. The management-theory courses in- own little empires, each with its own tel

_ . . _ . . . . ephone number where she or he

The most common route up is through St'tUted by DP Joseph Ripley are what audio “Wat system that '5 either "1‘ c be .

' lr d me to telecommunications. For- compatible with or unnecessaril an reached. Material t°lehgth
sales and management, not production. U 9 . . ’ ‘ ‘ , y '1] not be edited exce t for
This is what the telecom faculty is merly, the Radio-TV-Films Department duplicates someone elses (l have been w; 11' . P
presently emphasizing. This is reality. turned 0Ut technicians. The same type 0f to” there are 1.1 different types 0f 8 ammar, spe mg and “be"

Being a salesman or manager may not be technicians are produced by countless teleVi5ion systems in use on campus. If all

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL, Monday. October 9. I972—3
I Nicholas "
,1) .
mnHoffmon .g Suppressed (Ilaissit'l
M ARIA )N BRA N l)()
o O 0 6t. .9
IMPACT pOison for HUD OffiCiOls BURN
] W n . \ - )
, _ _ ‘ Full length color him In (villi) lunlet'orui ,
; WASHINGTON—Al Lows Ripskis, a child of during their lifetimes. Soit could beargued that . . g l . I .
E the work ethic, says that the other day he was lead poisoning indirectly stimulates the Illret‘lur "t I a” 9 ”t ’\ i—rH'r’
peddling his papers by the entrance to the HUD economy, creates jobs and should, therefore, be W E I), (H IT, I l 7: l 5 P. \l .
. building where he SOt run Off- The paper Al was encouraged as IMPACT seems to think HUD is , ‘ ‘ \ l ., l (H)
peddling is one of his own publishing. It is called doing, bludent (miller 1 heat” ’ ‘ "1' '3’ '
IMPACT, and it concerns the internal doing at - .._.-_..-.___.. w . _~______
the Department of Housing and Urban Rom ney a victim
Development where Ripskis works as a FHA *,
program analyst. According to A], George Another explanation is that Romney himself I "* “ “ '
Romney, the big boss at HUD, came by and may be a victim of lead poisoning. Not that his {a ‘ “Jr
Ripskis gave him a complimentary copy of Democratic predecessor was any great shakes. 7i :7
IMPACT. It was a couple of minutes after that The history of this department is a succession of , fit”. I
that the program analyst was told by a cop to scandals, pilot projects, corruption and ' 334‘, I
move it. demonstration grants. There is, however, k“ “.‘\
. something particularly pathetic and impotently ' y
OttiCIOI tOOIS around circular about HUD’S nonfeasance on lead
Conceivabl , the uritanical Romne m' t poisoning.
have been azgered about a story in 1);“? Ass; HUD commissioned the Bureau of Standards $50 CASH PRIZE
‘ charging that “one of his very high HUD officials to do a half-million-dollar study on blow to get ,“d
i has been cavorting with a female ‘assistant’ all of the lead paint in the old slum bui dings which .
over the country at the tax payers’ expense.” fig: 3;? :ugizogefrgsad’i:tggidgnmgdsiggfs AND PUBLICATION IN
Ripskis says this partying was going on under r” , ,
or ”Dr...” "“9" "“3”"
rebuilding after hurricane Camille. If that’s so, , , ’ , , . .
we can now understand why the Pennsylvania wordage, but not ifwe re looking for a practical I. BIOCK ("Ed White ,entries It least
flood victims are apoplectic over Romney’s and way to remove lead-based paints. 8 X to In dimensmn.
HUD’S failure to help them. The rest of us, who ' 2. Entries should be moun'ed for
are lucky enough not to need help from this most Don i forget plum hing d. I
incompetent of all government departments, But an ther HUDe rt sa s that oin in and ISP 'Y°
ought to be pleased that there are two people in strip ingo the paint :3: wou)ld be inorgmously 3. Should be 0.x. and/or Student
that organization who are capable of planning, p . H . , . . .
. . . . . expenswe. You see, its really not Just the lgfe orlen‘l’ed,
, coordinating and executing an aSSTgnation. aint ”he said “What are you going to do about
The same issue of IMPACT carries a story the plumbing‘l The plumbing’s leaking and 4, Submfl’ entnes to Room 513,
' 1:222:23: 55:11:11.2: dbiiillligtpztiigefiazz’tezggg that makes the paint peel and then the children Patterson Office Tower by
about it. In January, 1971, Congress passed a law eatstth: its]: S‘c};£;1r::e :23]: 1:23:55 shagcietggt NOV . I , I972. .
instructing HUD to go after the problem and mo . y . . ’
report back within a year. Still no report. 3:63;] :rfth::$iyr:ra:§::::§€£;t thigisfggng DEADLINE' NOVEMBER 1
At the hearings on this bill an Administration We d mgst eo le (yang: take to da Itbrana be that '
spokesman conceded that “this man-made lead isorhin: will keep Ameriza supplied with .
disease exists in epidemic proportions in many 5,0,3,“ cooks and HUD mm For Further Information Call 257-3754
, cities. . .Silently, almost unnoticed, it causes the '
needless death of many children and leaves Subscribe now Co-Sponsored by the S'Udent center Board,
= many more with mental retardation, cerebral and the Student ttfll‘ldbOOk
9’ palsy, convulsive seizures, blindness, learning IMPACT is hardly a professionally done job
defects, behavioral disorders, kidney diseases’ but it does give you a rare look at the inside of a
and perhaps other handicaps.” demoralized leaderless and corrupt department \ , /’ \, /' /—\s
’ ~ / \
. of government. (Subscriptions are $5.00, care of mm; 4%“
Children left retarded IMPACT, Suite 303, 2605 39th Street NW, «atom A
Children aged one through three eat most of Washington, DC Wk 21182;] w'u keep y (in; Q 0 , ’0 Q
the leaden paint chips, in their tenement homes, name secret ‘f y 9“ wor , or e 8_°"emm°“_- , f‘ 72 I a
and die at about the rate of 200 a year. Another HOW long A] Will be With HUD IS ya guessmg i, t g, / _-,. _ ,. _ __ t t c
estimated 12 000 to 16,000 are poisoned, half of matter, but as he says, “There haven t been any "
need something in the order of a quarter of a “’0'” be “11 after the elections.
million dollars in special medical services (C) 1972' The ""“smnmn Po“ ‘
Admissions ,ss—r‘sfi‘rsme- =.-.= 53’1—1'2‘2.“ .5 =;~'f$=.—.~ so: TUESDAY 3. WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 24, 25
. (ii .3 Voting for HCQ ’
sets deadline ti 2 fl , v,
f - "fronts (it) \gt/dwe ‘2 a " "' THURSDAY, OCTOBER 26, 8:00 P.M.
or re 9 t- C 06 ‘ (t Pep Rally..,Bon Fire
Continued from Page 1 0" 3P3 adder m ‘3 5 Homecoming Queen finalists presented
hm mmhutlme ”If: nefilsysmm ‘“ . (a) Coach Ray to speak...
w1 save em, a er a , many a _ , ,
have already done it our way," It ‘0' 000 MENU ,5 Location Field in back of Seaton Center 8.
said Dunn. l» KENTUCKY’S MOST COMPLETE SEAF ‘6' Complex Tennis Courts
For those students who plan to ' , ‘ f. h -
. . ll EVERY FISH FRY (met 0 ll ) s 59 I‘
5‘“? 59““ ““5”" but ”“1" In) MONDAY 3.37.3?“ m l FRIDAY OCTOBER 27, 8:00 P.M.
like to come back to school next .. 4 PM-9 PM French Fries, Hush Puppies, Cole Slaw .i .
. . i- Homecoming Revue
year, deadlines for applications U AT __ . _ _ _
- - - EVERY “"5” “”5““ You “N E 5 09 Mini-Concert wuth Josh White Jr.
are April 2 for admiSSion for ‘ TUESDAY imam." g0 _
summer term 1973’ and June 1 for d 4 PM - 9 PM French Fries, Hush Puppies, Cole Slaw 1 ‘ Casmo Party
Fall 1973. . , Mystic Array
‘ EQDNESDAY BABY MAINE SHRIMP $1 MOVle- Liberation of LB. Jones _
We goofed ‘ 4 pM-9 PM French Fries, Hush Puppies. Cole Slaw *' Location I StUdenf Center
h '.. ‘mc adder: t9 SATURDAY, OCTOBER 23
Due ‘0 a makeup error in t e . C C A 8:45 AM. Homecoming Parade
Friday Kern“ weds?” 0" "“2 3 3p °BCa°FOOdlfistaumm5 .3 1-30 P M Wildcats vs. Georgia Bulldogs
blood center omitte t e name 0 . . .. 1 .r ,‘ ‘ ' ' _
Lance Churchill. He is director of IN annmrm‘nuw ”N mow“ "“I"";'.‘,',’ a? 8:00 P.M. Tem ptatlons 8. Supremes Concert
donor services for the blood :2 “misfiilzm‘ 2"" 32"???" "d E"""£:§‘§tos" '“ ET Location : Memorial Coliseum
“e"‘er‘ «xii .

 l—THE KENTUCKY KERNI‘IL. Monday. October 9. I972
a; ‘ W‘ H 'd W t o o o 0
- W“ 3“ Cities complicate drainage
‘ . 3 I .
8 -;~ . 3 . Johnny Unitas
" Vi ' . . t t h By l’.~\l'l.(‘URRAN man Creek. a stream located quhne added "18thle the 16
"1§."Q-l:x Q ~ ~ 0 can Kernel Staff Writer south of Lexington. 599095 found 1“ the main trunk
*3? " \ 3’” fl . stream are of the type that thrive
\ :-.. 234.3 . ‘ E I a" football The increasing encroachment Taking samples of water from in a high organic atmosphere—an
- - , ,. “at «1 ' of cities on natural drainage the stream at various collection indicator of water pollution,
‘ is V .~ .. areas has resulted in increased points. Kuehne was able to
33-: I! 3 water pollution, and is also determine the chemical makeup With the recent closing of the
. ., 7 . posing possible flood situations, of the water. 'l‘he collection Sites two sewage plants on the west
3 . x . .MK . K3 ._ ’ said Dr. Robert Kuehne, an were situated in such a way that branch of the creek, Kuehne feels
‘ 3.3 ' ..- in; 3 . aSSOCla‘P PTOfGSSOI‘ 0f the the samP‘es WORM t1): that a reversal of the pollution
3 _ i .. *‘W 3 Zoology department. reptresentaéive otf botthk noggin there is a good possibility.
‘ ' . or” : wa er an wa er a en ' - .
4 ~- . We . ‘ aid all the sewa e han
. 3 ‘ _ Kuehne 590k? beforeasemlnar stream from sewage treatment He S k . h g died
. 3 » “am 2 hosted by the department of plants. by the cree (w't the exception
' 3 - . 3 3 ,. physiology and biophysics Friday 0f one or two small units that
. ', '3 .._ ' \ _ i, ‘ afternoon in the Medical Center. Kuehne tested the water for serVice a few families) '5
. ‘ _ h it The topic ofhis address was“The alkalinity, acidity, temperature processed by a main plant
: . 3; ,- ‘1 3. 3 ‘. . Impact of Lexington‘s Ur- and chloride content. located Just inSide Jessamine
1 - E“ banization on Hickman Creek.“ County.
,. V 3 3 ~ 3 He found the greatest change Kuehne said the plant has been
' I ‘ 3 O Usmg data that has been between the “normal water and adequate and produces an ac-
], var 3 {:3 ~ collected by Kuehne and his the water downstream from the ceptable product
i t t h u i H fl {Q 3 students since 1962. Kuehne plants. was in the chloride con. Drainageproblem
. o eac yo 0 y. traced a ten year history of Hick- 323551;;2: Saute; higher in the Turning from sewage treat-
' .. , ' ' merit to the problem of drainage,
5 M ' COS/$553583? Kuehne explained this by Kuehne said the urbanization of
— — — — — — — — _ R E PAIR saying the high amount of Lexington in the direction of the
. _ cholride indicatedthe presence of creek has increased the amount
Ces‘é’n'a- :1: (“til“lll‘mt‘l”‘31:“ urine in the water. of water and soil runoff.
9“ . H H .\ WWW“ t‘l't‘ He said the continual buildin
— I Fish decrease . g
I Pill” GENE" MODE RN SOUND . . . . and pavmg programs "0W un-
Tracmg the fish population in
“r— . derway reduce the amount of
IntrOdUCtory _ EQUIPMENT CO' the creek, Kuehne said the available drainage area needed
Flight Lesson mum“ “Mm 3.1.3 lliillx-ur number 0f different SPeCies in the when heavy rains occur. Instead
I l 3 [;ltlt‘k\ hilllll (armpits main trunk stream decreased of the rainfall seeping into the
This coupon and $5 buys your introductory liighl lesson. It‘s our way ”mm, 3.533 ,3.“ froma high or 23 m 1964' to a low soil. it collects on the streets
I at ,miodJcng you in a grand newjaign: training program developed I “16'“ 1972. I" the west branch 0f parking lots and building sites,
by Cessna. werid leader in personal flying. A new system that brings the creek, the number of different forming large volumes of water
I flight training down to us smp‘est term. makes it easy ‘or everyone I Dept of Theatre A 1 SpeCIesdecreased from 16m 1962, that must be taken care of by
to learn to fly. Lea'n iron the ‘eruier—i/c‘AJr Crissna Pilot Center. ' r 5 to one 'h 1972- storm drains and streams.
I BOHMER FLYING SERVICE, Inc. I ShakeSpearls 33-1} 3 4. .303?» {3:44 3.“~.i‘i§3i,w 37
I Lexington — 255.9447 I The Taming 3‘ 4... ,‘3 gig O
" . Of The Shrew 3”?"‘fi ' . ~. .413"; i‘?“:=;in- 21:11.12 3’3535 iglgbfiiwfiif?i“;i‘”f,}fklg§h-‘ 9‘
I I 0d. 11, 12, 13, I4, is F :0 ,- F‘fuff? — m u ’ For 53"? ““
°"" 1 "e '9" ma 9 ' e" “H” ' °°° 3' For Sale 2-7726 in. J-speed b'kes, pa' to $70
Guignol Theatre °" campus 9”“ ”5'72“ “0‘0 Call 252-6040 after 4 pm. vols Ir r
F_ A Bldg “For Rent» *“ —‘ 1962 Corvette, both tops 70 engine, 21,000 mi.
' ' ' . . Tape player, A speed, never wrecked $1,450.
_ 3"“- ‘sgsedohoo? I?” 3380;?“ 3Cb°dr°9m Nicholasville 8853739 alter 6. 5011
Z BOX Office NOW Open c332) A53 for Sam“. 30‘; ( °mp”""g For Sale—Electra Guitar new. Call 266-4128.
12-4130 Dally Toplloorturnished apartment.2t04people. 2:05." 1970 M ‘ It 31275 154 Bon '
]2_9 . 00 AV'esf‘m‘ P'°C°~ SI 25- 7734‘25 313° '0 530- Brae (olf'Maxweliolrfr‘rfea-r law iaiiiliiiing)ri.;3
' ~—Miscellaneous—- Pm 309
I Performance Days Need Riders 30 pay gas? Need a ride? Call Tennis rackets and balls at discount prices.
888 it:momszt‘egi'zirai'Jarret):
. 3 n . . , 1 .
F/E Phone. 258-2680 bl2i2v7r02rgh2msgruc': atlggéfglorzls'lrgr: “Canon" Pocketronic Calculator, Thermal
Med Center. Phone 252-4971 ext. 210. 4cm "”9" 'ec"°'9°" °"9"‘°“V ‘3”, W5" 58"?
ms. 257-2296. 4010
_ - 1960 Toyota Corona 4 dr. sedan automatic
43100m Excellent condition. 5950 252-6521.
WOUId you i954 Ford. good condition, inspected, new
battery. 5125 Firm. Call 252.3909. 6010
b “69 Fiat Sport Coupe. 5 speed. $1400. 757.
e 3440 days or 25412251. 5011
) .___ - Wanted ————~
int f d Two quiet girls to share apartment with
/ ares 9 third. 90-month. miles. 309
3 Male single student to live in funeral home.
. Contact Chet Poushee, Room 505 Patterson
In 0 Tower. 4010
Urgent—Student. with Honda car, who look 2
/ freshman girls, standing in front of Blood
n TRIP To Center at 2 p.m. Thursday 5th, to Fayette
(6 Mali, need lo contact girl that rode in back
seat. Please call Jon at 269-1281 at 6:30
’ promptly. 9010
W ‘0 ' Male and Female models needed for Free
University photography class workshop on
_—;?£- // the nude. Salary open. Mike Walker 255-7423.
6 s 9on
. Part Time Help. Retail sales-stock. Also
/ ’ " . ava’lable through Christmas New Way Boot
/7( Xfolf... J 3 d fh I Ifh Sharla 120 North Mill Street, 255—1319. son
‘ .— Veterans—earn $50 plus for a weekend.
I . anuary r ru Army Reserves. Phone 32-3534, 2547336.
I/ . .
P t time oh for male student. Light
I 00 n DU R 'NG CH R ' STMAS BR EAK mts'hual labor'. Skillwith hands required. Call
5( we 253 ms alter six. eon
-—- —- —' --—- Lash—u—
2 ’ —— COST: Lost: Female white 8- gray cat on Rose Lane
- please call 253-3372. 509
AIr‘are and Room Lost: Tan wallet and l.D.’s in Kampus
. . Triple $27900 Korner Sun; Oct. 1. Please call Maureen 255-
' 6178. 9011
Werflfy 300k We Double $299.00 Lost—rrbloRnde cocFl’ter pup, around UK
campus. eward. hone: 2557587
Lost: black cat, near Cooperstown, Sept. 26.
Sfuden' center «U I If Interested ca" SCB A, gall Pjegs‘araml or 802 Patterson Tower.
ewar 2
‘3 . Lost: Collie. 5 months old hi 5. bl k
I I “‘8 ,. 288-8887
no I ‘ ‘ .1-

 THE KENTUCKY KERNEL. Monday. October 9. 1972—5
Health food controversy .4 [fit/£43 /
h ' ' "All
its 2 Lexmgton stores F k |_ ,
ree Referral to New Yor C mic
(‘ontinued from page 1
items sold by health food stores are beyond the budget EUCLID GRILL l 2 weeks or less
limitations of the bu er." ] 000
y Breakfast Served $ 5
“I see no point at all,“ added Helton, “for paying 50 percent 24 Hours C 0 l l 3
more for fertilized eggs. There just simply isn’t that much - '" A Spec'a‘ Any “me CONTROLLED PARENTHOOD
One area suppermarket prices its eggs from 37 cents for ‘2 Eggs A n n- ,- fli or on lZOll n
small to 56 cents for extra large. A local health food store ~Hash Browns ( O P 0 g 0 )
prices its fertilized eggs at 68 cents a dozen, whereas another »—'I‘oast 8‘ Jelly (5 0 2) 5 8 5 -4 2 4 9
prices its eggs at 65 cents a dozen. 59¢
“I m not in it for the money, said Moore. “We went in the 502 Euclid Ave. 252-9568 CA Ll. COLLECT
busmess to help people. When I was an engineering -
professor, I was making $1,500 a month. Now I’m not making
one-tenth that much,"
Moore said some people, however, are in the health food
business “just for the money. I know some places that are
doing it. It does a lot of harm to people who really care about
the business." . .
South Broadway at Virginia Avenue is the site of another
area health food store. The store is filled with a variety of —
health food items and books and magazines on health foods. _-— ,_____.4___4.. -«- —~~ — -» ~ - » ~
Ruth Kearns has worked as a clerk at the South Broadway - caning Comte-Raga
store since it opened in June, 1969. She said in a recent Dry Cl .
interview, “the main thing we tell people to do when they .
come in here is to read. We usually recommend Adelle _ .
Davis. I won‘tnadwse them on anything until they've done ' Deepen-Rata-Shicta Laundry
some reading. _
“The main reason people are i