xt7vhh6c5q2c https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5q2c/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1982-09-23 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1982 text The Kentucky Kernel, September 23, 1982 1982 1982-09-23 2020 true xt7vhh6c5q2c section xt7vhh6c5q2c %
‘33 _ 3,43%? . ’. oolly hm Louisville
X. i ‘ Q W3: Carol Chonning brings "Hello Dolly!" to
. ‘3'” '. 15.33 Louisville as a continuation at a career
' t that has taken her to stogos across the
3 .3“; country and to the top of President Rich-
’3 fl .» » he,“ ard Nixon's list at enemies. See pagoS.
' 6“,???
_ V°'- [XXXVI NO- 32 Thursday, September 23' '98? An Independent student newspaper University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky
B ' ' f Ito ll obe
egln S re use ca pr _ 333
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draws resignations, protests v _ . _ .
T‘fi ':' *

(AP) — TOP Israeli officials resigned, Arab protesters Iitiamen) into the camps?” Shimon Peres, leader of the ' riski-
battled police inside Israel and Menachem Begin's gov- opposition Labor Party, asked in an impassioned % 3
emment narrowly headed off a challenge to its power speech. He called for the ministers responsible to re- - . '
yesterday as repercussions of the Beirut massacre sign. _ f» , 3_ 3_ 3. * .33
shook Israel. 3 _ Defense Minista' Ariel Sharon told Parliament the Is- % 3 .5: j,-

U-S‘ Marines and French paratroopers were sailing raeli army did help plan and support the Christian mili- f 3%“ 3 I
back to the Lebanese capital, meanwhile, to try to pre- [ia raid on the camps to drive out PLO guerrillas be- K, 3 3 fi 3 w 3. "r
ventnew ”th. “wed hiding them ‘4 ” L39 " f r

. . But the Israelis “in our blackest dreams” did not ' 3°“ '
W5 WWW! ”WIS“ the "WES 0‘ Fhe Sabra and imagine that hundreds wouldbekilled, Sharon said. __
Chatilla Palstlnlan refugee camps in Beirut recovered Although Begin rejected the opposition demand for an is,» e~ . " . _
more bOdIS', bringing to 29d the total confirmed “"5” independent inquiry, Justice Minister Moshe Nissim _, -‘
19 “St. ‘7?“ s slaughter °f ”“113“ by Lebanese Chns' told legislators the government would “in the very near w
"a" m’l‘mmen- , , future take the appropriate cbcision” on what kind of ‘ . 1""

“That doesn’t include those who were thrown into investigationtoconduct.

holes made by explosives,” said dean-Jacques, a" Red Energy Minister Yitzhak Barman, a member of Be-

Cross-spokesman. “Therearecertalnly many "‘0' e. gin’s conservative coalition, announced his resignation

‘ Estimates of the final toll in the rtodommantly Mos- in protest of the prime minister’s refusal to order an ‘

‘em camps range from 3’0- by ll” 05- government, to immediate probe. Ber-man also voted in favor of the mo- ,3
1,400, by the Palestine Liberation Orgamzatlon. tion for an inquiry.

Israel’s army had the two West Beirut camps sur- Israel radio reported that Menachem Milson, civilian
rounded while the massacre was under way late last governor of the Israeli-occupied West Bank of the Jor-
week. Arab governments and others hold Israel respon- dan River, also resigned in [rotst of Begin’s decision.
sible for the bloodletting, and many Israelis have called Milson could notbereached for confirmation. . LB. Vlmmernelsratt
for an immediate independent investigation of the cir- Anger over the Beirut massacre touched off new dem- A general meeflng
cumstances,acall rejectedbyBegin. onstrations among Arabs inside Israel and in Israeli-oc- P ‘d t 0t“ 5' l d h' .3 GI . . .

After a stormy session of the Israeli Parliament yes- cupied territories. Many of these Palestinian Arabs A'es' :"OTC '25 dng elary ”L. h". WI' ‘2' °"°' 9'9?“ 3"9' Gen. Issac sm'lh' "'9 commander °l the
terday, Begin’s Likud coalition defeated by a 4342 vote haverelativesinLebanon’srefugeecamps. “my." c ", A 99"]"3'3 ‘2’ "3 Cm“ ” es UK- 53'3“" ”‘35 °" “"3"“ "3" °b’:"’.°.'h° 3°59"? 9“““5
amotion callingforsuch an inquiry. Some 1,8(k) Marina set out from Napla, Italy, yester- m l 91 ogps nnuo e rea eremony on t e para e groun s of t e A ministration Bolldlng at 5

“Mr. Prime Minister, Mr. Defense Minister, whose day bound for Lebanon aboard the US. helicopter car- shim—WWW..-“
stupid idea was it to send the Phalangists (Christian mi- rier Guam.

WT 8398 recaun t massacre 01 I' 91 U gees

(AP) — It was 10 am. Sept. 16. In West Beirut, Israe- remained in the Lebanese capital, they barred their At dawn, the first militia forces emerged from the me. Please don't use my name. because of the dshon-
li troops encircled the dusty Palestinian refugee camps troops from the Palestinian neighborhoods, according to camps, telling Israeli officers that battles were heavy. or.“
of Chatilla and Sabra and allowed Christian militiamen official sources who requested anonymity. “Sensitivity" But Israeli units began to hear rumors that civilians The woman said she was spared after she showed her
inside. was the reason gven byasenior Israeli official. alsohad been killed. Lebanese passport. But she added that 26 of her Lab

Guerrillas, remnants of the Palestine Liberation Or- Israel asked the Lebanese army to secure the camps. A few civilians escaped to tell tales of mass murder. anese relatives were killed, including her mother and
ganization, and not civilians, were supposed to be the But the army, demoralized after Gemayel’s death. re- No one seemed to pay much attention. her father. who was found dead on his bed with his
target, Israel now says. fused. Later that Friday morning, four doctors left the Acca wheelchair beside him.

Butaslaughter was beginning. By Thursday morning, Israeli troops had taken over Hospital with a white flag and tried to enter the Sabra Samir Azub, a young Lebanese. said he was arrested

Forty-eight hours later, reporters entering the camps West Beirut and announced that the refugee camps, camp. A grenade killed three of them and wounded in by Haddad‘s forces on Friday. While he was being ques-
found hundreds of bloated bodies, including elderly peo- “harboring terrorist concentrations, remain encircled fourth. tioned, he said. “One man tried to run away. They
ple, women and children. Some had been dismembered. and enclosed." Reporters who tried to enter the camps during the brought him back, put him up against a wall and shot
Estimates of the number of victims range from 300 to Israeli and Phalangist officers met to choose targets day Friday were turned away by Phalangist mili- himinthe head."Azub was released.

1,400; 293 were confirmed by Wednesday evening. and go over operational plans. The official word was tiamen. They could hear gunfire coming from inside the Sometime during the day Friday, tractors moved in
____..__.____'___________ that Phalange officers wanted an active part in “mop- camps. and began bulldozing bodies under the rubble of explod-
ping up the terrorists." At about 1 pm, a Danish television crew began ed buildings. Israeli soldiers remained outside the

Israeli Defense Minister Ariel By all accounts, Sharon, the driving force behind the filming at the southern entrance to the camp. Armed camps.

, Beirut siege, personally gave his nod to the Christian militiamen stopped women from leaving the camp. One _

Shafon "0W says that durmg militia’s mission into the camps. Nobody knows the reli- woman waved a passport or identity card and shouted. . I N k

- meetings With the rightist gion of the people killed, but the camps were pedomi- “Lebanese, Lebanese.“ But they turned her back also. James P I‘ my a, a ewswee
, _ , , _ ”_ nantly Moslem. An old man seen walking into the camp was later reporter asked a man he believes
Chrlstlan mIIItIa, It was Sharon now says that during meetings with the light- found shot in the head. A neighbor identified him as a ' , .
emphasized that the action ist Christian militia, “it was emphasized . . . that the Mr. Nouri. who was90years old. was a Phalanglst soldier what
. . action was against terrorists and that the civilian pop- At about 4 pm. James Pringle, a reporter for News- W68 0 in g on inside the camp. H8
was against terrorists and that ulation must notbeharmed." week magazine. asked a miltiaman outside the camp . g ' u I
. . . . Then the militiamen moved into the camps, which where he was from. The man replied, “I come from the said the man rep/led, W9”, we re

the CIVIIlan populatlon MUSt "01' blend into each other in a sprawl of low-slung houses south" — which would mean he was one of Haddad‘s I h t . them u

be harmed. ” and narrow lanes. Israeli soldiers held positions on hills forces. _ . 8 aug er’ng '
tothe west. Pringle asked what was going on inSlde. and Pringle ———————-—————-———
. . . “In the beginning they killed with knives, so as not to said the man replied. "Well, we‘re slaughtering them." Friday night, the eve of the Jewish New Year, was a

This '5 the story of the Beth massacre, recons- make noise," said Yahia I-Iassam Salame, a survivor of An Israeli colonel across the street said the Israelis time for reflection rather than celebration in the Jewish
tructed from interwews w‘u‘ Witnesses, 5°1d‘m’ phySl- Chatilla whose 80-year-old brother was killed. Salame were not going into the camp. Asked about the possibili- faith. Israelis went to synagogues, others prepared for a
mans and offlClals 1“ Lebanon and Israel. . , said the killing started at 10am. Thursday. ty of militiamen getting out of hand. he replied: “I hope three-day holiday.

The debate over who was to blame “'1" continue. By 11 am, sniping began in the streets. “Anybody that doesn‘t happen." In Beirut. Jewish soldiers worshiped on the hills over-
Some 00ml“; and unanswered questions, among them who crossed the street, they killed him,"Salame said. No one knows for sure whether the Haddad mili- looking the refugee camps. still unaware that a slaugh-
the role T ll any - of Israeli-supported Ma]. Saad Had- Samir Ayyoub, a Palestinian who is a sociologist at tiamen, from an Israeli-backed fiefdom in south Ieb- ter of stunning dimensions had happened under their
dad s militiamen. But enough facts are clear to draw Beirut Arab University, said he had talked to about 10 anon, were involved in the massacre. Haddad. a rene- noses.

”"5 outllne. survivors, including several who fled to his home about gade Lebanese army officer. is a Greek Catholic whose Earlier Friday. Major Gen. Amir Drori, chief of the

The deadly drama began Tuesday, Sept. 14, when an amile from the camps. militias are predominantly Christian but include some northern command. ordered an immediate halt to the
Israeli officer in Beirut discovered and identified the "Early Thursday, they heard people moaning and Moslems. operation through the Phalange liaison officer. Sharon
body 0f Lebanese President-elect 335’!" Gemayel 1n the crying," he said. Survivors said that some assailants wore the uniform said Wednesday. But. Sharon added, “it was not known
bombed-out ruins “his ChHSt‘an Phalange Party head- Israeli soldiers heard the gunfire but assumed it just of Haddad's men and spoke with southern Lebanese ac- then what was being done” in the camps. At 6:30 pm,
quart“ 15' 391 mm?“ “maydanany- meant the militiamen were meeting resistance from cents, but both Israel and Haddad deny that Haddad Sharon said, the Phalange commander agreed that all

In Jermlem, Defense Minister Ariel Sharon consul- PLO fighters, several government sources said. was involved. his militiamen would leave the camp by Saturday morn-
tgd Prime Minista' Menachem Begin. Then he sent the A 17-year-old girl, who said her name was Amal, as- Most Lebanese Christians and many Moslerns blame ing.

Israeli army into wggt Beirut to keep order and block caped with her mother and sister through side streets to the PLO for a decade of violence that has torn their But survivors said the militia continued to kill fami-

the return of the PLO, Sharon said in a statement is- Acca Hospital.She gave this account of the carnage: country apart. lies and butcher children and infants. Even horses and

sued Wednesday. The PLO had evacuated only two “People began to cry, ‘They are slaughtering them, A middle-aged woman said she was raped by Chris- dogs fell victim.

weeks earlier, after a manner-long Israeli siege of West they are slaughtering them.‘ We began to believe it tian militamen as she reentered the camp to search for In the morning, the Phalangists left the camps and

Beirut. when they started bringing in the wounded, with bullet her mother. She said one soldier grabbed her on the the Israelis ordered their troops not to enter “so as not
. . wounds shot from close range. We heard that armed street and took her intoa house near hers. to link the Israel Defense Forces to events that oc-

By 5 a.m. Wednesday, 15" aell "0°95 had moved "“0 men had lined up30men againstawall and shot them." “There were four soldiers there,“ she said. “They curred there." Sharon said.

West Beirut. 'I‘heyleft‘the “"3” camps alone. , Friday, it turned out, was also a day of random hor- said take off your clothes. The first one said. ‘I.et them There was no one to stop reporters from entering.

Although the Israells believed up to 1000 PLO flghters ror. do what they want to you and you‘ll be 0K.‘ They raped The carnage was over.

yesterday to curtail a liberal filibuster against school prayer of rapes blamed on the "Grandview Rapist." The attacker in
THURSDAY legislation but then created what Moiority Leader Howard some of the ropes had worn surgical gloves.
Baker, Rl-tTlTnl?” called a "legislative gridlock" by rejecting a The "Grandview Rapist" case. named for the neighbor-
move to i t emeasure. hood where the initial attacks occurred, involved 80 to 100
MAWMW In two separate votes, liberals showed they have rapes. Police said they lacked a common link to tie all the
enough strength to block on up or down vote on the volatile rapes to a single assailant.
Smtomombly mmrploymont rate falls prover measure, but not enough to kill it. Jackson had been charged with aggravated burglary and
The Senate first refused 46-54 to limit the prayer debate, possession of criminal tools in the Sept. 5 incident. Police
FIANKFOI'I’ —— Kentucky's unemployment rate dropped by mooning conservative Jesse Helms, R-N.C., fell six short of said thoy'found a ski mask. surgical gloves, rope, a flash-
ano-halt of a percentage point in August, but the number of the 60 needed to invoke "cloture" on the school prayer leg- light, a pry tool and a plastic bag in the apartment when he
manufacturing jobs in the state dropped to its lowest level islation he is sponsoring. was apprehended.
in more ihgnodoco’do, ' Then, Sen. Barry Goldwater, R-Ariz., a hero to many Jackson. who had been free on bond, surrendered yes-
Statlstics released by the Human Resources Cabinet yes- American conservatives who nonetheless opposes the New torday and Judge Craig Wright sot bond at $300,000.
torday showed Kentucky's unemployment rate for August at Right's agenda on social issues, rose and called lor tabling,
l0.8 percent, down from ".3 percent in July. _ or setting aside, the prayer bill.
However, Ed Blackwell of tho cabinet's labor market That move tailed 47-53. Had it been approved, the prey
analysis section said Kentucky's manufacturing employment or light would have been over and conservatives would \
» lost another 2,200 jobs, dropping to a total at 244,200. have suttered their second major defeat in two weeks. /
Blackwell said that ls the lowest number of manufactur- \
ing labs in Kentucky since January I970 and is below the Physicon indicted on sax-related charges _
figure for much of the l960s. WEAT
That is the blg story, Blackwell so;d. Ah" 0‘ these COLUMN”. Ohlo — An "outstanding physician" who was / \
l 9'02" going out ol business h?” boon'klndo rozg ' . ed caught in two women's apartment with surgical gloves and
. We "‘3" lost a dl°c.°d...m ":9 oy'mo‘nJ ' at we 9m" a ski mask was charged yesterday with breaking in and
m the '0'. “than? oar Y '70" Bloc. z. :29 ‘00 IO 7 or- raping dozens of woman in their homes. Today will be mostly sunny and warmer, with a high
, Th. num f o manu acturlng [o s s ' ' or ' p Authorities said a man who looks like Jackson was im- In the law to mid 70:. Tonight wlll be mostly clear
. cont, fewer than in August I98]. prisonod five years ago for two of the attacks, and a pros- with . Igw In m. law 50.,
. e- ocular said he thought the man would now belreed. Tomorrow will be partly cloudy and warmer with a
AnmeuMmm Ever since police officers, alerted by a neighbor, found slight dun“ 0' “03".". "3. high will b. in m. up”,
Jackson in the woman’s unoccupied apartment Sept. 5, po- 70'
WASHINGTON — The Senate refused for the third time "Co had been investigating him in connection with a series '

 ————____————————_—# h
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41le “mm 13.12533“ “mam” “33m... some: m”°"u"7.1 . I
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i —
Abortion th ' '
" e poor get a les “Ot Ch
, Olces —
A few years ago, the intellectuals who nancy. 3
study trends in population growth and demo- Furthermore, the ruling is another 0f the it
graphics invented a neat little proverb to de- many roadblocks placed before women by V. . ‘—
scribe the human condition. “The rich get local» county, state and federal govemments 1'27; 6 f - C”
No group knows that better than the poor dom °_t ¢h°iee regarding reproduction. i"; ‘ \ VIC . QM ‘ chant
women of Jeffersm County. It appears they Antlflmrtlon and anti'woman forces have \ / A, K ' A “"\ i C MAND’ " . All
will suffer the most from Friday’s ruling by had a field day in recent months, most re- t ’ "1’ ,. ' *Vue‘ SWEE-T16"' 3d,:
a Kentucky Court of Appeals regarding non- Gently In the halls 0f the U-S. senate. $11. Q\ \ ‘1 \ ‘i j 1' Via Q“ ’ Milli!
therapeutic abortions performed in the coun- Jesse Helms, the North Carolina champion \? . \ » \ Q, , '. ,5 relei
ty’s hospitals for morality 811d conservatism, two wwks k \ f- ”(Cy i mIBil
The appellate court upheld a February 89° attempted t0 railroad through a package ’( " ’ O mm
1979 Jefferson Fiscal Court resolution that °t anti-abortion legislation drafted by him , ” iv (r i ‘ V ‘1' £1
withheld county funds from the University of and his cmorts, but was rebUffed last ' it ’1 S , i‘ l’\\ I , h _,_.'v i \ iinthle
Louisville’s University Hospital for non-the- Wednesday by clever liberals like Sen. Low- L.‘\ ' “ ‘ ‘ Willy «QVL ' - “I
rawutic atmrtions for pwr women_ ell. weiCker, R'Conn-, Who said, “We weren’t “~ ‘ \ k I :i .. I it} :' i=’ " "'2' It; ‘ ) 9r ‘1‘ ' there
The fiscal court’s resolution required the gomg to get snowed under by a moral cru- - "i" ’ h“ -‘ 7 ‘IW ‘f‘x mt
hospital, which was not under UL’s manage— sade.” » - i: ' - ' 4’13" ' KS, Sgt“ pom]
ment at that time, to report the number of For women, however, there aren’t enough- “ l .‘4' \. """' . 1" \V i , i ‘ - ' gk
elective abortions performed. UL did not Lowell Weickers t0 80 around, especially in .. 'i 3Q?- (:1 "- " i ‘ ’/ ‘ ' me".
take kindly to that opinion and filed suit in Kentucky The 1982 General Assembly eased ‘ ' - \ l . < 5'"
Jefferson Circuit Court in May 130 to over- through b°th houses legislation which totally 5 ' - - . ‘- K - t t ‘ It Gem“
turn the ruling. That court found in favor of debases women who elect to abort their pre- - ~ " 1% «“13“ " '7 ' ‘ 0‘ fl
ULinNovember 1981. gnancies. Under the new law, a married " : ' ' ””2“; , ""‘u, 1‘ ‘ keep:
The high court's Friday ruling, however, woman who chooses to have an abortion .‘ - . . - ’ . 3
allows Kentucky counties the right to refuse must h°tity her husband Of her decision, and i .. i i 1' ° ' it i
Payment for elective abortions, describing unemancipated minors must notify their pal" ‘ ‘ ' W
the fiscal court resolution as “reasonable” ents. .‘ . i. C '
and “necessary_” And in Lexington, Urban County officials . _. i W V
The verdict made Jack Underwood, the as- refused last year to allow minors the right to '1. » ' ‘ . ’- i
sistant county attorney who argued the case, obtaln contraceptives without their parents’ ‘ J ' / -.- l N. '
very happy. “Fiscal court should be pleased consent. The officials said they based their .. "l . .‘ _' -" " M . i
that tax dollars do not have to be used to Judgment on President Reagan’s desire to . .- , / " / x .. a?
subsidize elective surgery,” he said. Improve family unity- ’ “ - - . .. 44:: rigs“: WW
The ruling cannot be construed as pleas- What government doesn’t realize is this - ‘ im m K, '* ’ii‘i (fig/fl; i
ing, however, to the hundreds of Kentucky there’s not much unity to be found in a fami- ‘ ‘ l. . eat/Nauttne‘wt 'i .
women who cannot afford, emotionally and ly Wlth unwanted children. With its decision, ‘ i V
financially, the burden of an unwanted preg- the Kentucky Court Of Appeals has re- «W W l J i ‘
inforced that undesirable tenet. (pm ' h i .
r Local clubhouse has lots of character
Prologue. No one plays the piano here, but Right beSide the pinball machine, benefits," he notes sipping on one in '
’1 :‘he sold. ‘Bill,l believe some playing cards and the electro— a jukebox has Georgia on its mind, particular. ’ . ”
2191:: killing me, me game that attributes its .top on itsmind. .. The only bad point, he says, is i
. . esrnile . score to someone With the initials “I’d love to write a soap opera “the restrooms downstairs are a
M J1.“\ Var;s:®fr