xt7vhh6c5q4j https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5q4j/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1983-11-18 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1983 text The Kentucky Kernel, November 18, 1983 1983 1983-11-18 2020 true xt7vhh6c5q4j section xt7vhh6c5q4j __________________________——————————————_. ____..._-a -__-.___.__._________...________..-___, . ., _,
fim. N071 7"“,‘21'TM ‘ ’ " awn.“ 3“,; 'T~:I’I§c:”‘ UnMnttyotKontucky. toxington, Kentucky lndopondontSlm to" Friday November to 1933
C 0 9 . . o . ' .
0 U OffiCials intend to 5mm” Wk
0 . ‘
k . ”'\ ,z ‘1‘ the habit tor
1 8 ma e improvements - . health. pies
. . ~.
._.V‘————‘1 . 1 y
in dorm telephones : - . _- . ,
E , ‘M, ' . kxul l.llr t'llilllt
I 2 8 . ,4 .. w’ » 3 l
' i J. ‘ i lttnlnfl lllr'l' l‘ull'x lei.:.«‘. ' l
' l . r I stunt-nu ml 1 l‘ri‘rl‘lbtla .e‘vz'.» : »\' .
Manager cztes lackluster system . J l ,,,,,1,.,_.,R,W,,
i . . i (irt‘dl \im-rlr'ul; \liaiwvlll ‘1' «cu-'-
' drlnlllll lht' l‘lelill '\ lll'lliitl‘l '7 c' ' '.l'
By JEFF DUNCAN vised me that they were aware we " I“ ( I and hit lililll‘llfll‘ll for .l tn
Reporter needed approximately 50 additional _ | m. “hm”, m,“ ,., \..
trunks", l \ * ‘ ' x y i spliusnrr‘vi 1hr l-xi-ri' in V. .' -

Trying to call 0“ campus aha 11 According to Combs, ”*3 are i .V . ‘ {‘s ‘ A ‘ Itmnun .l tum llll'l‘ .i\~-\7.ll-' »
p.m. can be a frtstrating experi- like phone lines that give students , , : ’1 /_ ”V “e , ' “mm“ H, .y..nr.~,, my
ence' access from the central Office (II l , ”a; i J. ‘ . \’ 1/ - spokesman fut 'ch sJIiLI'I )LlJ'ir

Busy signals, lost calls and the camps to the central office down- if , Mm, hp ".13..”‘1 W. .,,,._.. WW,
“we're sorry" recordings can make town. The new trunks at the GTE of- ‘ I “My,“ mm, l, m... P“, “
many residence hall occupants very fice downtown have already been in- . .. l ”WW... lion!" A. J, m.“
“wet. Stand, he Said. I v ‘ llNlUSl r)

According to Communication Combs acknowledges the lacklus- i “I'll l klluu 3hr loll... . ’ll~‘...*-" .
sen/ices Manager Del 0°va Stu" ter Wmnee 0f the University’s )‘ l.‘ lug lI‘Ir :l- hm! hill 1 lrr~ "l!“v'
(huts can expect the Off campm di' phone semce this earnest“. and said ‘ ‘ i arr d lt’i ll! trutm tall“ kilum .il<~..'
aling dilemma to be $30le by the he wishes his office could have done v m. “my,“ MM min, m”, w”,
time they rem from Thankssivmg something sooner» Installations like ' mg ' Ilium." Milli. l lhlnk m- A ll

' vacation‘ this have taken up to Six wan to new lllul il‘\ili‘illll Ami ‘..i\.- .i‘

“The equipment is on site," complete in other places, he said. , ' I nlxnravcrogr-in-rlmmolhr
comm said- uGTE has Started “1' (”CS immnatlon has “ken two Lain. NC .1th prr'rlll‘lfil lllnl lllJli‘. l1 lllr
stallation today (Wyl- I would months. isthmus i, r people- vrhll shipped pulling iii! ”iv
estimate that sometime within the Additional problems arose with a S h to d,“ M” mm“ W m. “A”: m _.,..
2:)“ m? :deeksi everything Should change in long distance dialing ln- ay w a ' All up an- asking is that \lllllll"\

compet structions. Students can no longer » - , . .. x . . . , . .k m H . . . .. k U. , , um- u. siilotun llir ml .‘J noun

According to Combs, GTE is re_ dial nine plus one to place a call. igrtCeslcr,hEnfgllsh trlcxhymdili: lstgiilt [Flilllihlltll‘ 311$}:an 1‘ :ll lll ( lilcilillli lit lltdll l. .l \i din ll ,rh‘mml‘ ““1 “And if mm “A" .
quired under contract to assist the “There were too many calls going apelnt e oreign dllbllrltt d t it cl\\ltl in t ll 3» l uplul' n in“ lhrw 1““ "Hill” 1'. ”M"
University in achieving a P-l grade through and the operator not getting 10 “N. .l u“, in, ,. him”...
of service. “This grade of service the number." Combs said. “Them on.- poison tho m.“ l...r.~
means that :3" every 1“) calls, you fore, 3 lat 0f long dismnctiecaus t‘mslullx kll'kul (hr hallo! lil .I 1...
normally wo d not get but one busy were not being charged to stu- F b d p k p “5 In", pmukm” ,., ,. fl...
signal,”hesaid. dentbillingnumber." ormer am assa or S ea S 0“ eace dent of the Mmlnlt lull‘vvr'rlim-ii: \,~

Students who try to call out know Now the calls can only be made by mwmm “v“ I w ”I“. .
the system has along way to go be- dialing nine plus zero. “Now when By LIN] S. KADABA on the necessity of “understanding Patterson School of Diplomacy Hr- far 1- pfi.mp.ni..m M“, M H r. In
ion reaching this grade. you have to so ninezem on every- Executive Editor among the nations " Followrng the has served as ambassador to Amen ,mpm,

“I tried to call out after 11 to thing, that puts an additional loadon keynote address a fashion show (115- ca in 19797: Before that_ he also ' H, NM ”NM” m. ml, "mu",
order a sub, but by the time I got 8 those trunks. which further compli- Flashes of colorful silk saris dot- played lypical lndlan outfits has served as ambassador lo Paki 1., (”mm w“ drum, mm. W,
hold of the place, they had already catedproblems," Combs said. ted the sell-out crowd of 400. The A vegetarian meal. somewhat as- sign, l‘ambodla. Sweden. Finland and "rpm“ H,“ MN m MW,
quit delivering," said undecided The problems are heavier traffic aroma of spices filled the air. Tradi- similating Indian fare. and Richard and Denmark “am,“ up pmhwmrm w“, ,,
freshman Amy Jonw. a Jewell Hall and more busy signals. tional music played in the back- Attenborough‘s movie “Gandhi" {in "The finish med to claim that M“ m,“ MM,” “mm, up ”u. My,
resident. “My roommate gets mad Margaret Rudloff, a home eco- ground. lshed 0” the night the sun would never set at their em pl'rmlllwlllh l ”. gum“ 1,, RH" ‘l ..
and won’t wait. She just keeps dial- nomies senior and a Blending 1 reel- It was UK's India Night —- a cele- Srinivasan called the event "a pirc.“ Singh said. adding that an map in. ”id
ingandneverdoesgetout.” dent, had a difficult time with the bration of another culture. an inter- grand success." and said. “The English statesman once said_ “Yes prrudanilw , ,..,,,,,Mr.. “WM,

Combs said the largest volume 0f phone lines “Last Tuesday night, I national event. main purpose was to motivatc other the sun never sets on our empire be Vaughn \a'llll llf' kt'l'l .. “ll lllll. ,.._,
calls comes between 11 pm. and was calling New York City and I It was also a time to recognize foreign student organizations to or cause (‘rod wouldn‘t trust us in the ow,- t‘r-..l,.h.m‘.m \ m 1“,“, .,,..l,..
midnight. “That's about the time tried for an hour and five minutes Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi and ganize such events to bring about dark " (luv
they (students) normally get back to before I got a line out.” she said. his call for worldwide peace goodwilland understanding “ Singh traced Gandhi‘s fight for the 7-11.. M. .. m... prim,“ l
the dorm after dates and studying “First I couldn’t get nine to go out. “Peaceful coexistence of people of Singh set such an atmosphere With independence of lndla Despite the Vaughn ,, “Wm WM WM
andsoforth,”hesaid. thenIcouldn'tgetzerotogoout.” different cultures different religions his speech on Gandhi's non-violent poverty and harsh rule of the Bnt- and gm “mm“, M ldfll" My,

In early September, operators According to Combs, more sm- practicing together —— that‘s what resistance to the British occupation lsh. despite the massacre of about ”And he dump a ”min” My ..l
began receiving complaints from dents are now competing for less Gandhi preached," said R. Sriniva- of India: "Hundreds of millions sud- 400 Indians at Amritsar. the Mahat (1*, “m 1”,, mm” haw ,,,,,.
students who could not get lines out. available spaceonthetrunks san, president of the Indian Student denly woke up to the age old call of ma . Great Soul — advocated non lndav. I,“ “M. mm (mm M ”M,
At this time, Combs contacted GTE Brian Jordan, a finance sopho- Association. The association spon- turning the other cheek and lovmg violence "(iandhl‘s response was p-{w‘wnhem den“, run“,
about the problem and a survey of more and a Kirwan II resident, reg- sored the event along with the Inter- your enemy even in the face of lad» not. ‘Now we shoot back.’ " Slngh hem“ m m. MW my. I 4..., .
the University’s grade of service ularly makes long distance callsand national Students and Scholars Of- versityl." said "His response was noncooper "my 1-,... h...“ “mm“, W. M“,
wasconductedmesaid. has been particularly trutrated this flee and Student Government Singh, called “one of the world's atlon. peaceful. wrlh no hatred lor um. u...” m. um, g.“ H...”
“The bottom line is obvious. We semester. Association. most exoerienced diplomatS“ by the enemy " swellguy'
did not have sufficient trunks," “Even when you getoff campus, it Kewal Singh, former Indian am~ George Gadbois. a political science (iandhl was a “profoundly rell _
Combs said. “General Telephone ad- gee puosr, page; bassador to the United states spoke professor. is a visiting teacher at the sec INDIA. pm i A“ W‘t’m'" l' ”u‘knh‘rfl W" ""
had for qurlllng was a ll'l lu- H..l ll
With local ll’lfl’lhion pr-rsonalllu and
W t t. . th h 't f S ' t ' ° weatherman Brian ( ‘ollins
CS CI‘IIEI’S some lmes ignore e umanr y 0 ovre crtrzens imam u, ran... ,,... ,.,..
of the two that smoked was In H‘

By MORTROSENBLUM mm the Soviet Union last Sinn- that beat 100 American groups in re partly because leaders keep World "we 3 P'f‘ ”l W “W“ “W ‘

APSpecial Correspondent mer,h:ronounced, “'lhllay'rf taunt-'2; ’4 “x cent competition in San Francisco Warll freshfor politicalmsons :00“ 1159*“ Medalinlu a t'ul' ,‘ “it
just ‘ e Americam.” n ac, '. v I. p0“ h n lsts l . . . ms w 2 ha: 3 mos. male l

MINSK, U.S.S.R. -— The Soviet are quite different, more seasoned g? ’ ». queensmisugummgrécltt‘fagsczwbhaoldiz ()nl tiled; {mmmf'ya Mm WW W dfly “Wit“ I HEMP!"
general swallowed hard on learning observers say. But not entirely. \ 9,5. m white boots and circus maker erg": I l {h vmbn'l‘da'ml ” to “But. aroma two o‘clock I limin-
his bunkmate on the Moscow train The 375 million Europeans and ' ~ ,5 up could blend mmfimasquare 8 n a" e" bouque M'Mndlll‘w’ up (Winn-N"

. . . . .« - at the monument to the unknown

was an American. Then. warrmng Asians under Soviet sway fall into A Prague Mme,” sell Emma by soldi M h _ off to (cum: w“ m, m. mh pm“)

up, he offered in pidgin Russian: scores of nationalities, divided into " ‘ Jane Austenova er ore “FY“ con- . '. . . ' ., .

u . . . . . ‘ summlethemrrl.ae caught With d (lflBTFlJ' lll lLINl

Sovretsky, Amenkansky. Bang, seven mums, ”Ch wrth separate The Soyiet Empire SOCIOlOEISts say the Western over . Some l'nlvenlt) leaders sprint ml-
bang.Nyet.” cultural backgrounds and historic lay is largely an aping d forbidden. People worry that their forests are day m me "no“ M In“ on. i h,

He followed what is known as the enmities fruit societies But people share a dying under acid rain. rivers have yen“), 0mm“ w” m“ ”an,“ I,
Soviet line, but he was convincing. Few East European peoples dis- From Berlin to the Urals. teen- wide range m feelings with mm of been polluted by headlong dubs to pull
When he was 12, he shot some of the play much warmth for the Russians agers wear T-shirts reading, the West, ward industrialization that left “tug

- Germans who leveled Minsk and re- or, fa' that matter, each other. With “Elvis," “Always Stoned.“ and “l ”1' red h ch time for worry about the environ "l‘m protesting.“ John Hfrbll rli
duced its population by a third. He two generationsofCommunistPal-ty (heart) New York." Those who can‘t ha m. 8"“ 3‘ 3“” m" _ we men. rector of student acllvma. said in
didnotlikewar. control overlaying centuries of irn- afford genuine black market Levi why £“cm Tummli??? Russian in on r are m "OWN?"

As are fam'mredmecow.hhe penal history, modern feelings are )eambuythetags instead. Minsk English teacher. “We don‘t cerned by al mu'muc‘u‘m‘ dents and um. Brs or or d, 50* ammmm
333° Edgar“??? a '.°."Dn'°ruyhba“§ ”gig“, I i amazed mm, in Bulsona. negotiations broke want war with each other. we only empty retirement live- that. accord 1mm mutant. laid the did try
:‘tii'iendship a ' ' is famhparraveer 5 down for '8 Pill? Hill» bill in Hunga- want to enjoy our familis. our lives mg to a French study. live cut bill condo Ml make ll "Y0 l hid a

he mm mm proved the s m renew. mien an down the mailers“; 2:: and WW :3le am. a " m" grammars: :13.
Vie‘ ”m" ““5 “° “were“ ““5“ m“ w a W” Ni” m '“d' undficial currency is Kent ciga- Fe" 0‘ W" 00m” “P 0"” m "‘9 9' she will try min but .l i. going in
tions. But, like 61th W‘ “803th this way: rettes Soviet Union where graying men Human rights. an overriding car new
out the Soviet Empire in Eastern “Andsometimeslwonder, ' wear battle ribbons on tattered corn. are mentioned eeutiouly in
Europe, it displayed a humanity “liowheknowsmy fatesowell, TheSenior Dixieland Band in Pra- coats. Even people born after 1945 fear of secret police eva- aldt fit "I do real good when I'm way
Westernerssometimes ignore. “'l‘hatoldTexascowboy. gue is first rate. but it was Benko's talk of the My siege on Lenin- dissidents Manywhodaredwul stream "But when I get nervous or

Maine schoolgirl Samantha Smith. “WillieNelson.” Dixieland Band, from Budapest. grad as if it were last week. only SecRL'SSIA.puc2 )ustborediendupsmoklna
m T ml'n provides criticism and laughter to students
a ‘ . c; svmyr’: By JOHN GRIFFIN about this peculiar addiction. “When This became a small problem 1
‘3" ’ s W“ a}? Managing Editor I wanted to extend it and make it when she Was filming “9 to 5." she *

‘ _ _ larger, I created" Lucille w.. who said. She said she got up each morn- i
1r laughter is the best medicine, has a fetish for eating rubber ob- ing and told hersell the movie was t

“ 1,7 . chi» the theater department should be jecta. “an educational. but amusing. film

WW “if.“ . - thehealthiestgrmporieampm. Tomlin also talked about the show for secretaries "

M“ “3.4%,, ’9‘ Comedienne Lily Tomlin, who per- she perfumed this week, “Works in Most of the students In the .
’fca.-. cadmawtswiwa famed this week at the Guignol Process." "Idon‘tknowhalf of what workshop were not afraid of per-
ea ~,‘ 'I‘beetre. WI worthyes- I‘m doing, period." she said. ex- fanning for Tomlin. “You were " »

s f 's l'iswaw%r5 terdaytlntleftsmdentalam. plainlng that the perflxmances were doing it in front of somebody who - —

3* W' » home} The class was to have minted of also the first rehearsals she had had cared and knew what you were
. .. M smurf a series of mmologues enacted by with the show. doing rather than doing it for some t
is. ”to" students with Tomlin dieting crit- new. we do . m and we set R one who didn‘t care." said vic Chen. ‘ ‘

,wa W,» :- .-'oe‘“i£‘i?"7‘>-i=s: 7' icilm of their perfu'rnanca. It soul as mortally right as possible, we ey. a the-ta graduate studmt and ‘l‘ '

“(3:323 WIN into ' tree-fuel], howeve, recreate it as closely as possible." one 0' the “069'“ performers "9* ‘ l .
i” :1“; is 1why of the student ham to Milne-id. wuwfriwdly." ‘ ..

so. . a gmmwhaam 1. ll beganheractingcamerin Tiler-9mm open. amplifies: l,‘
.. ' cdlqe where she was a pre-med respome “I“ ”p‘. .. .
Someehenctl'nhn’tlnvem WShe 'dshe todevel relate-ter- WM.MId 11m
lives,"sheseid.“&rtrnatdo.8ane ' m“ “fin“, t. ' was the kind of thing we weren‘t
,_ .» , milieu-meme a “‘"Y " 3°,“ mmdmppcn Butthewhole
. »' - m... amnion of someone who might dingwuworiderful.”
run-ducts.“ ”hm”? Tomlingavethesmdenumed-
, m-nufiefl'un Onoesllebellntopeflorm her vice about creating a character a ‘
m t w- m w on work. howeva. Tomlin said the “it's detail that make- everything."
hWfl...mu~ lllllltdimculttomctactnrac- strenidfltuedtobealoteuier
' u”m"hu t. CHM by ”nobody else “It's when you're young an! on fire — “Imam"... 1......"
, ‘ Mil-”hm”. W—fu‘meit‘shnrder—wttul there'snothingymm'utopst
‘ ”whlfibm‘m Illntodosomeoneelee‘svisim" "l‘mstillmfire" LILYTOMIJN
. s . l

sundaIy Morning Bible said}, 9:45 8.111. Continued from page one II id m have . she said. .. were jut u w Continued from me one '
Mormn Worshi 11:00 am. m . lot a my to get an operator, Jordan ea . mud" . “W
8 p- "1' tten out dietitsttime." as thesmdents. mm mm rights am they
College Forum (Pizza, 5:30) 6:00 pm. ”never“ 7 1 ,, A movie: the gamma-mm. them expected in W in me have been jailed. canted ._ .
SWW ' Evening Worship 7:00 pm. aotmte Johnson to the chic! operator “ UK- 3‘” “‘d ma be the service received, Combs said. He does gored Munich:
______________ upset snidenu call wantinl '0 know why M “m? 5: point out. however. i! everyone m '0 9"“ PM?“ :1 $2M mm“. m mm..." uh. Nobel Peace
CIIVII Baptist Church . 150 Effligh a line out. “Generally, by the time I 3" MM and the same time to get an operator. they W111 probe 8 Prize hum-t Andrei D. W. sick and in in-
I'y a u ) Illa. “the ”I'll-m hive WM them “my signal. . be but W a M d m
(3 blocks north of the Student I! r “magnum-v Combs said he utmlta the campus should now vent “"1“ mum-moon __ a m _ in .5. Same
with the pobletn near the Pl grade service. ”Based on your mm} W‘ ”a“ ticalllbertln
mm m ”a the my m up”! N r oushould get that " hesaid. WWWW ' man! the
_, Because of the situation, workloads for campm Opefl- 10. y . Then is deep “MAW man
(go " * mmfitmmmnmm m,
. , unwantmmwmmwm m
, 2" at. - j a) DOMIDO S fate (at Yalta). We ”IN ”$3.1? "Emu-mew by ma
A t‘ t Ierng , ‘ - “ - - ore cy.
NNNNNNNNNNNNN IURFLAND MAE-l tiletNAttm J‘N - SN?“ Plzza mum mlmdm C New York. it will be the
276-4444 Ntkaoosauur o t Z .,, , o m _ m BUY Mb karma: in (NIH! "
lMI‘I'YVIlli THE BIG m. De'we'S- KERNEL “mam“. mum. amt- g;
m -------'|'--""--' CLASSIFIEDS , cm Eastern and Wooten: societies views of m
I _ ., It"! oneanother. I nec
l 3 D COLUlIIA newer: L]- I F ee I Free : 257 2871 . i N Ironically. the ”mantles!!! the lam. 00311:: pict
l m; .NNNN. me one use me one I r I I V ' g nist governments areIIeoIfItI’lCIAanlhIIcI agnmcSoviet and
IN _;‘,¢.,;;;g;;_:5§§ I | sis BUY ‘ “rm dwtimN are I I. e m N. me
4"“ ‘ ' ' t t e A '- comtitution asserts: ”Cltm are suntan
é” “m“ ““t NtN ' Popsis ' Pep l KERN“ " dom of wt. of “S we? “e233?” Sy-
- S lllll l 1 . - ' .
All mm.t-m l W l ”2?"??? I l CLASSIFIEDS . wen , Smmmm.m“ mm. 2:;
m . n s w. .. wi any _ ' ' .
WIMM‘ o no; Wee (no? it I “2:003"? I plan. One I 257 2871 ® . tain that 3:231: sharpI‘liiepe even ammg file soctal ma
. ‘ New» istalliea, sarewr . bot
1001mm A. -II THE M I coupon per I chwzon PC? I Y I “I feel sorry for kids my age in America because the
.NorocxNNiTt'DNl’;N mu 1:“ m 1H 1!” ’I” I pizza. I P 11 I BU I '_ “my can't afford to study mam want, and they the
h” “N I . 11/20/33 I Expiresn/ao/ss ' KERNEL ' won't be able to get a 10b, 3‘“ 3 14-year-old Wes
getaw- WW 3: g no DA . | Exptm I I CLASSIFIEDS a _ i named Katzfibeimeme: Ion a Moscow street. P
I.‘ ’ , “We are mu . ‘
4 5' t', SSS till? a - A I - - AAMWAAPAAMAAASAMSASM
M M I i I . 3a I : §< I S l S . out, Oleg, took a different view: “We N08: 18110"! som
i: 1 O i; N I ndaand liveth we can. course, ne
@989 m. m N" Nu N. N. M : 0. 8: Q : 1° 7; 3a 0 : L "\N‘Q '* a: firfiafim. But whom do we ask? lj‘Ior all lea
SW , g «>026 " " x theim tantquestions,thereareman8wel‘3-
MOVIES at MIDNIGHT L-KL-----‘—-—----‘ _.,,,,_, WS W” NNN- N.. mgmamhardtomig. here 1’ ”a nu?!
W" momm ,Lemgm Ky. " At Lake Balaton in ungary. w am
M “m ""KMYKM 210mm“ mdwulyr’vm‘". from West and East Germany meet for vacations. nea
3 "WM “ - - ‘ ' th m“"‘fl?¢.m ['17 40511 amour-mm Adenfical twins walked out of a bungalow The first Pml
. v e . l -
’75 “I” A mm Menswear“, I lr‘rwavaW-Howd“ climbed into a sumptuously fitted West German no
\’§"*._ , ._ I \ my, ‘1’LM AIIM 1M Km «:21; i a... \ BMW 733 sedan. me other went to his my fiberg-
‘d A. IAIIIII ,_ ___ ,A- #________,,t ,7 _ ”w“ I . “kahunanEast 3 n car. . ‘
— I Add passion to m?“"€a?$c$’$m‘2§ea§$ ”3%” $333.:
. 1m . .
N 7"“, your punch with often higher than those in New York. In dgg:
/, , 3' , \\ \ Everclear 190 proof on a... . flit: equivalents, but a typical W889 equals .
\c , A: . 33S! At . . S929.S13939L....-.:~:.;: many “’5. those wingldout 4335,33 31‘:
. .S .. . '. 1'~ItII\N/’. 5 ’ l'l, ,' ens. ’G'I- . 3, I ' N ’ N com fa e -_ .
SS‘SESSM, A» Qua S star °°° mandamSS-SSSSSSSSSSS .,,
1* SN S'r..t,‘i:V/ N t . - . " -.’:‘.":S"71« ' ' t” " S. “1'1.” “ . 1 ‘
\‘N V :N ’S-t‘é ,‘ '3-’145“"§§,W%r Nnhsmzofi’zN "'1le f," , _ 1. , V g H g , insPeople complain bitterly that they cannot travel and
. fix?) ’5} A“l’% h V - .v," F. "a .w\ Sana." S4.“ _. V .‘ ;;;g;,,,xn_u lo the West to see things for memelm, prevent“ V. .
a ’S VA 7“” ' ‘ '1 , , . ,m hofearthe won’tcomeback. M11
AM f game» .e m . use to bylaw“ Wm t y East said publ
“That is e wors a Wine Germ“
”'1’?” * WW 9 W;- ital.“ n "N" in East Berlin. “1 don’t think we would object to
‘.',,,,ut;., AW»; -.:1S'-r~ N NS": Sgt-SS:13:93:95}? I_,,_..j..{."-N‘f‘fgg"“NEN 125:"? “N' ‘N-NNN’NHN .m______ Elam em if we Nd j‘nt get out 0‘ he” N
,=.S;r;;§;:;j:7 ‘S - “ . A '.3';§5E;':'EF;'.::%"-‘ . ‘ ‘ S .m__#__._ 8:56 escape m. as a Mama couple who
S -: WM ,__:t _ drifted into Austria under a balloon stitched “'0'“
1 w,‘,_ raincoats. East Germans devise Ingenious ways to t
f f. , g. l 1 , sneak out, and Ia awn-“ill U’Y sutcndal direc 35'
.e- ' . V'SZE‘NNNNN ' , . . MN 5: “.‘Zmi. t: swung-Swarm saultsmtheBer in a _ N
z A TTLE I j]? ! I FHZSTI \ TAKE OFF ’. I 5;? .t-vg'NN‘N ..I S :l / I;:g.':::I‘::;-:;mmwn_z But for mth Who love their mmem and "In.
HERES U . . .t : MY HAT AND PUT ON . t ‘ ._n.,..._....,..,,_et. _ . . They u and
STUNT I DO TO GETY " N‘ (N36 l N‘N N A ' URGlCAL \3LOVE N N ‘N ‘ (3‘2 I yN ---..---.-----------:-I; ditimséiéeaxlng gfgssgtsuteemcomfortN s y
FRIENDSTOBU _. ' 1S _ « 4‘ ' g ‘ ' -‘ , A mhmh-DLM a-der ir 'ves . -
HIGH UFE. f» .. 2A 4 - \ \I\ ,_ ' , ‘ "Mg 1&4 , {4/ l conform and 30m the Young Pioneers or I 08}
I *l 0 ’ -\ S “ ,t, x" 'S’ ~ cal training. By age 13, a ymmsster must make his
‘1/NlS—\: ’2» H Ni .} \l}:\N‘l‘NS ,'N g N ‘N V " Nil: , ., N‘ ‘ fmtmwesmwalrdufitgnyifheorshewantsa
V t; 5; g' S ' Sf _. t' :. ‘ . , A ‘. .. g S ,1 ‘ crack atfull Wild 089 - .
I!“ Vt \I= {5' \I’t ‘I \ \N‘ 2; S: t 5.11 _ . !g a ‘ ‘I I The government, if severe, is the" Wt?-
/ \I ' N' , V: N I, \S I "NS ' g ’ i , N{ 1 I BES'TYPE tive. When their leaders are accused ff murdIfIl‘pIIen
,.; ,‘I ,N c .:I\.‘ II ,‘o‘l e . . g ,I . I» l _ . l. civ. . I a. m y t
’1 .. N l A‘NNN \(tl ' N , ’ f ' . i for a" Ii?" mfimm?fit?ma 11 they live with
N 3. S. 1‘ . SA , ' ' res“ 1' 'ts the makethebestont-
..' III gag: q ‘1 INS .N I = N i needs m“ N y
" ”'N ”t p t ;; l
. ‘1 I @M : I . ‘g ' 1 257-6525 Editor's note: This is the third in a four-part '33:;
.3- . St' S I on the Soviet super alliance. Part four is ‘
/ ., ‘A ‘ I . fi,‘ , l E “The Soviet Threat." I
l N slits " N N/ / SN t: N NN N N N N m N
DOWN v .. e .e , H W ' .I.. - L i x
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 M KENTUCKY [Elm Fm, "com ll. 1'.) J
_. . . _ _____._ __ __ ________.__ _____.__._-_____________.___._________._---. . .. - ._...
In", J null...
V A '| i - -
0.07 N ”on.
M — -» . ' Astra!" it"
sees .., .. . I .
1‘: Th (1' hb ' ' ' ABC’ 'h 'h‘ ’
n. e en 1st e egrnnrng in 3 mg tmaris Day After
nan, TheEnd. their home could be a target in the squattas to leave his home. There ___; “fl” .- Wm — g
rose- Sornehow those words seem to sig- threatening nuclear war. is an unnerving quaver in his voice """"" “A .
lour' nifythefinaleoftheaveragefilm. Thewardoaoccurandthebombs thatbegsforaworldthatnolonger ‘ .4. .
nby But in “The Day After,” an ABC destroy the,“ atoll-6W, exists. All of his stalwartness has ' . .. -
imlc madefor-TV movie, they represent 23m thomands dead and the rem been quelched and he can no longer
1 be thebeginning. beginanew. withreallty. . *g.” “w“. 5 ‘ _
This sometimes horrifying viewiet' There is really no way of knowing Robards is given a more A '
It _ the world after a nuclear holocaust what the real movie would have mel tic role as the doctor ; .-.e... f
3 of deals with the end of all that we been like because two hours of it fight to save his fellow man. He ‘ J t m
knowandarefamiliar within is endedupaitheeditingroomi’loor. too agroupofsquattersathis a. - 1' "I ;
imu- necessarily a bleak, night ' h As a result. many of the characters home; ‘ imtead of meeting with , . 4 .
and picture, playing on people’ fears seemingly hav ,1” ”a”, gated to ignition oneof the group reaches _ 4
Met and portraying a biased opi 'on of stereotypes. as. n msdespair. . t‘ . _
tree~ thewaythearmsraceishea ’ . If the sun” :3: 3:“: - to ;~.‘j* _’ :1: signifies director Nicho ' :
ibly, From the moment the roll better grip ; was "if”? ters. ,4 or" hope that man can come : fig; . - .
_" by, the viewer is caught up ‘jn an sympathy fort WQ“. the - ‘ " ' . brothers before we de- x . . . - -,
Cur- America entangled in impesgi'g of what they etiiie’ii'ence ould s ythetitorld and everyone in it. ‘\ K = 7‘ t. v; lie . ~' ‘~
cial- war. A crisis has arisen in have had a greater o“ is. " . ~ ~\ ""1 ‘ , > .' ,1 s“ “ . H p
many. NATO and the U.S.S.R aré“ however, I am afraid ny Ufiofiwxwilllcitafns' mwtfim ‘\ s, ”L, ' 3: " " , ‘ t“ . " O ‘
ause both opposing any nuclear buildup in Qantas will become as : “zed ' . j . g . ‘ g .“ $ . ‘. . ‘
. Steve Guttenberg and JoBeth th \ , .. _ . - 1
they the area. To add to the confusion, tg nuclear war as they have In sex . give solid 901m . ”e t 1 '. . . ‘. ' . 1 '
r-old the East Germans have blockaded aideiolggce. - ' they rarel a r for longer . " ‘9 h”. ‘1 . ‘ ...dr, ‘4
reet. West Berlin’sairandlandaccesses. _The fitgomlngs of the. . ' \ , aminute at 3W % ' - - ,-- ‘ — l .. .3. ..i . .
People from all walks of life do awwet.rfoma$§Mm .» “The Da an .. o. be the ...- 4.: . , . ‘ 'i ‘i‘ ' 4 k
“’9' not know how to react to the news- 9 cas rom 3‘ .- - " . y er may it .. v i V 4’ . N e' ' 4'
. . . . ‘ fin‘e rformances. ~ ., » tmovre ever made for teleVision ~ ~ . .' ‘ , - I
m {)8 ' , q Q 0- b
some think it is a fluke while others t its im rtant m e should . . K , ‘ .__ e
["3" nervously hope that mankind has John oiillum, as a father vying to water ”gaterefiecmmvmm .. ; m 4 r- , - .
. all learned from its past mistakes. keep the order of his family in a f’ gr ‘ l O “ t a. V f L.
, , world gone mad, conveys lfim' Efi' 5" .. ,. . ’ ‘ ‘ . ’ . *-
. . In the heartland of our nation is a tensity that adds to the ho‘rgror of The Day After will be broadcast ‘ . _f - .- w ,. _ o \ ~ .
tlies nuclear rmssle Site. Children liv1ng film at 8 p.m. Sunday on WTVQ-Channel ‘. ' 4e W ‘ '- I‘ ‘ t .' ‘ ‘
ons, near the site in Lawrence, Kan, ‘ 36. I ‘3 ,v . v. r M e;
first play near the guarded fences as if In one of the most moving scenes f . ' gr I " I. .f
man nothing were there, not knowing that in the picture, he asks a group of JOHN GRIFFIN ' , ' . . .- g ‘
.. -- 4 a a. » «- i
. t. . - - -- ‘ -- "t ‘-
ved, S R 1] ha a a l Reverend Walker (Dennis Lipscomb) gives a sermon lll lht: ruim ol llh rhuiih wind: ~\.t it- . . <
“2‘: onny O lnS S S X ppea the nuclear holocaust. in the ABC mow: “The Day After“
00 a - e l
Sonny Rollins, alias “Tenor Rollins’ name. they will readily was greatly influenced by blues art- . . . __, . - . ~ _ . . . .k , u. ,
the Titan," the innovative saxophonist identify manvofhisworks. ists Coleman Hawkins and Lester . today ‘ufillonlyrrm :hc Liana": Dc 32‘5”: 35' mu “n be “W“ i H J I b i
F‘- and composer, will appear tonight at For example, Rollins wrote the Young. partment V” pre..ent ' ' ‘ or m" ‘ "n "n" ‘ ‘ , .. i
tend ainMemox-ialm‘ musical score for the hit movie From such greats Rollim concep- hurt me til it p.m. in the Laboratory lhcatrc. 0 loday and tomorrow "My lair lath A i
allz- Rollirshas been an integral force “Alfie,” for whichhewas awardeda tualized his own original style, Fine Arts Building. For more information call he presented b» the Lexington \lllsl..l. Hit-.m- ]
avel in the music scene and has played Grammynomination. _ ' which originally was a blend of 257.3297. at it p m at the Opera Home Minn. 4. ., i,» a
dad ”d m°ld°d wrth 8 “Elmer 0‘ d" Born m. New Y0?“ Qty.” a must- “8ka bravado and the occentnc 0 Today The UK Chorus will give it concert are $8.50 and $9.50. marlahlc .u tlw :trmm
. verse artists, from Stevte Wonder to cally inclined family, Rollins was tn- lyricism of Young. 8 . h C r h A l ’4' ll let d SI 0 7’ . 1 _
_ Miles Davis. Although the general troduced to the jazz scene by an Before Rollins was 20, he had re- al p.m. "H .e enter. ort e rts. , .cguigton. ‘ m" ‘3" "I ‘ 1‘
said public may not be familiar with uncle who played the saxophone. He corded with Bud Powell, the bebop 0 Today A» Student Chamber Mustc mil be per 0 Mn 20 -— Rolling Ihunder. .t \nmv «rt-("iv
t to piano stylist. and Fats Navarro, the formed as part oi the (hilly; Senegal noon in can Elder and \ptrllual lCiltlll'l. mil git-mu. .t
'e a well-known trumpeter He ”It!" the Kinglibrary. : hormop at l pm at lratmlidmn i ittst‘ftlH
who I mnfiflgusmzu: :‘ggmt 0 Today through Dec. 24 -— Women Are Beau- lot more inlorniation call 27” lit—H
rom . . : whichlastedforseveralyears. tiful. a photographic amt)" by .('.n “”3;pr 20 -~ Renee Collins. pmum. wrt yixt' .i U
s to i I By the end 0‘ the '5“, Rollins was grand, m” be on d'5play at the (enter for ”claim at iv in. In the Center for thc Mt.
as- _- . 1‘ arecognizedartist and had amassed Arts. Museum hours are noon to 5 p.m. Th6“?~ a
tr 1 .J . animpressivelistofrecordinss. . day through Sunday. ,5. 3 e, Nov. 20 « Violinist Dari Mlsun .m.t [mite .
31:; , r e ._ “Roihns Slammig something 0 Today and tomorrow — “(Settling Oak‘s attain Montgomery wrli gnc .t man: .I' ~
.. . ,_ .~.- ‘ ‘ manila; sum“; hilgian'giygs play about a woman‘s readjustment to socréty flarintthealer tor the Am
r to ‘ " a"; .... i daily practice session m the bridge alter a term in prison. Will be presented at 8 —
olgits- _ 5r . g V“ ‘ between Brooklyn and Manhattan. p.m. in the Carriage House on Bell Court. Tick» Compiled {it part by IAIN) ”slum“
_ ' This prompted the production of his .._______* j _. _
is a % " f' . l well-received 1961 album, The
* " » Bridge. w
“9' . s . ‘ - _ [No Problem. his latest release, N fig , 5" ,
r m ' " , ' finds Rollins taking over production l’l '5 'l O . '6 .
ple, t as well as playing songs like “Illu- l’l ’0‘
with > . y -' 2 I sions,” which was previously per- 6 O ‘ if
- _ ‘ | formed by Marlene Dietrich. l.‘ ’g‘ ' F
, - . fie j The concert committee of the Stu— %‘ a ‘ ' 4"
ries , - k,..:‘,,t:i"*}:°z . dent Activities Board and the Office l; '0‘ . t
tied , . , .4 94.512' “I ' of Minority Student Affairs is pro- ” i.( t , ,
~. . . tg ‘ t viding [axington with a unique op- .
I . ' i . , . portumw in presentins an artist of £0154: " 95 «
. s , . . such innovative styleand talent. Q Q . t'
33 Mg . . . N Rollins will definitely be a great l.‘ 3‘ ° V " __ ,
' fig, ,_,4~ ' .tgé. ;_ . x . new experience for those who have l; t.‘ ’ ‘ r ‘ ~ ) r
re g“ -‘-. -’:' | never seen a jazz romance. N ti I [L I 0/] / 0M .
" '. §N ' ‘— _.. while veteran jazz fans should enjoy ’: z‘ . r ‘ - .
. , a“ so“, ‘ g " .. . ;‘ .. hearing one of the great masters of
N ~- , .. .. 1, , ,