xt7vhh6c5q79 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5q79/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1986-03-27 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1986 text The Kentucky Kernel, March 27, 1986 1986 1986-03-27 2020 true xt7vhh6c5q79 section xt7vhh6c5q79 t
AR yd. xc. No. 9. Established 1891 University of Kentucky. Lexington. Kentucky Independent since 19'" Thursday, March 27. l986 -
SGA votes U .8. crew rescues
o , , . . ..
for “WW ‘ Honduran soldiers * ' " '
' o 1 . . I ,
.. -. rom an lnistas ..
Staff Writer ., » 3 .\ . .. . .'-' I.
. " \ ‘ BFRE“) (i..\lll.l.l-2R Accounts of fighting could not he ‘ ': '5 , .
SGA last night recommended to ‘5' '. ,1 ' Associated Press verified independently Honduran '1 7 _‘
the administration that Student I military sources said soldiers were
Agencies not be allocated the space I ’i I’, ‘ . ‘i I TEGUCiGALPA- i‘iOhdhraS ordered to keep I]Ulll'll‘dil.\'t.\ out of ' _. 1-,].
it has requested in the Student Orga- 5 ’ US- military helicopters With Amer- the area . ; .: . - i ', 1.
nizationCenter. ‘ 4L ”fag! ican crews ferried Honduran sol- "I. :I. u .‘..
On March 10 the Student Activities .Iq' . . -' diers to a remote border area yes- Nicaragua's leftist Sandinista got» - ‘2‘
Board voted 106 to recommend to If" ”‘35“ terday where up to 1.500 Sandinista eminent denies any incursion and :. ;‘ :‘ji 1:. ’1
Student (‘enter director Frank Har- ”m/ f“ ” troops were reported trying to fight says the reports are designed to win , " 1 '- ‘1
ris that Student Agencies be given "hw" 3 their way back to Nicaragua. l' S 231dtill‘lhf’t'nlltl‘ns ‘- I’.I‘Z;I.-‘_ ‘ 3.1:".
about 1,000 square feet in the organi- /" ' / 1; US. officials here said 14 helicopt- . . . . ’I t‘. I'
zation center. i ‘ I 5 / ers from Palmerola air base were 1h“ i5 Senate has Mpevtctt to -.i .‘ '5 1‘}: 5,23 :
Organization representatives. ‘ / / \% carrying infantry and artillery units \‘0it‘ h) tthiavtm Pl‘t‘sltit‘tit Reagan's . . 'I All.”
however. criticized the vote because /‘ . to the "Las Vegas salient" about no piliptMi in!“ SW! million in military ._ .
they thought it was unfair to give . III I .12. 356% miles eastofthe capital. and nonlethal aid to the rebels The If . ' I ~ . “I. :I,~';I.‘
one Organilation more space than III . ‘ 't." 4,151: 3:3“ ,g’f ':’ The sallent IS a trlapgulIar_ShaIped ”01159 01 Heprt'ht’nittilVf‘5 tit'it'itit“i . ‘.' .' ‘. Ift‘
other groups. The criticism led to a 1 a. _-_ ,1». 5 '. '_5'3.., ”thaw?! area of Honduras that iuts into Nita iii" PI'UPtNii it) it “333 ‘31“ We ii»! ; _ - ~:' .» .j .~ ’
vote by the newly formed Student 3'" i” 2‘“ - Mfr-ea»; ragua along the irregular frontier Thursday ,‘ 5
Organizations Assembly March 25. t f: a?! between the tWO COUhtFiES- it has ..., ‘ "‘ .' . _"'I _ ' 5.
requesting that Student Agencies not ' 5 ‘ . long been the site 0t 3 major camp Reagan “i‘pmwd M'I Milli”) ”i . . y 5‘ '. ‘ '
begiventhespace. ’ if of the [KS-backed Nicaraguan rer emergency aid to llonduias on iltt‘\I ‘ . .I . .5 .'
Several Student Government Asso- ‘ .1 bels. called contras. who fight the da.‘ t” hE‘iP it “”9" With the "“P‘ii‘iw‘ I: ' ._ . t._
ciation senators were particularly i SandinIiIsta govgrnment from hab'ti‘ ‘ncu’thi‘m . " ' .' z‘ 5‘
adamant in their riticism of SABs in sout em Hon uras. , . . ,_ , . Z ‘ '5 5 ’ .
decision. c Honduran military sources, speak- AmciicanI otliciIaIls said tht-I hell . .' .I .
Senator at Large Susan Brothers ing on condition of anonymity. said (:‘iPtE’IiIh 29kt ii‘iiIidthtlI iiii‘tiit II‘I‘Ii“ “ -. .' .' ., ‘
said that SGA. because it represents 1.500 Sandinistas crossed the {min it”. ”mum“ “i W‘- i"iii~I .‘ “. ~. _- . . t
the students, should consider the tier last Saturday in pursu1t of re» idttalmihto the salient lll Iiouilluey _ . _ .
overriding interests of the center's bels and were trapped inside Hondu- film .“t ( hm‘h’i‘ Iiieiiihiiii‘f "t i h '. _ 5 . .. . .
. . . . a . ~ , ask Force ltiaio The task force of . . - ,
organizations above that of Student ”is b} sOhti‘aS who CUt Oii thtir . . , , ‘ ~ , -
. retreat. about 1.2m men is peimaneiitl} '. \I .
AgenCIes. . . based at Palinerola. a Honduran ‘ , 5
"I think the number of organiza- Other sources put the number of base 'li)t)ut m mum “Hum”! 01 To ~. . '5.
tions and all their numbers far out- Nicaraguan government troops at gut-igiilpa ‘ ' ’ . - ~ ‘ . ‘~
weigh the opposition to this bill." nearer 800 and said most probably ‘ . -‘ '
she said. The “60 organizations would slip through the net because it .» ~ 8 I I». ‘ . _. .I .. , , . . . . ‘
should have some sort of voice in was difficult to block all paths gafpzli akinggzuktlngts):Lghdllltutfifiit ; 5. .
theroom inwhich they arehoused." through the jungled mountain tcr- anonvimitv. said the American hth . ~ _ ‘ - I
HoweverI. Senator at Large Theo i rain. copters were unarmed and would ' . i “
Monroe said he was bothered by the US officials said about 100 Sandi- drop the Honduran soldiers at “hat 5 ’ ~ . .
concept that every organization. no nistas and 8009"“‘85 had been kiiit‘d he called a secure landing site at ' - , ' V -
matter how small. be given equal in fourdays 0f fighting- least loiniles from the fighting
space. . .
“Some organizations are more im- . . 5 ' .
portant than others." he said. add- I iK l - 5
ing that there is a “lot of dead floor summer counse ors . ' . ‘
spacethatcanbeused." ‘fl . . ' ., 'I ‘ '
Student Agencies Vice President ; - t f t t d t , _ .. - ‘
Micha Andersonagreed. v..- aSSlS u “re S u en S ' I .
mdliediftfotthelgmié [Engage r333; Jami? _ o «fag» :a‘ar‘fri. I B) (I‘YNTHIli-L-LPALORMO make new friends and learn the ins ' . -
down there where you can put two ,j. ,' 57:" fig.’ . If“?! ‘ ASS'Stam News Editor d“?;“‘“ ”i i t‘I . i I I , II . ' . ' ,
Student Agencies down there and _ .. : a... ,« . -» Mary . e sumImIti atiIisinIt. tonfeitnte . . .V I.
not displace anyone," Anderson . our own KerneiSta" ruitugintsnfisgrgisetwtmepgogfd2:; form: i:n:as::1g IoigrliiIiIiIimw exh: {it It; - . .5
. ' ' ' '.' i b t . S L ‘
said . GUbernatonal support new students for their days in Big one-day sessions. but there are three i - . . 1
Senator at Large hiad Dixon la- _ Blue Country by assisting at the tthlay sessions The student assis- . . f '. ._ ,
beled the dilemmaa conflict of two Gov. Martha Layne Collins speaks during 0 Association, which was held at the Civic Cen- summer advising conferences. tants have pant-1 sessions during . ' . '. ' ,
futures. Dixon said Student Agen- meeting of the Women‘s Basketball Coaches ter yesterday. “It‘s the best job he had." said which they discuss college lift. we- " . . ' ’ . ‘ .
SceS(,A,Page6 Clint Willis. a business and econom- cifically life at t'K. with the new '. .5 .
ics graduate student. Willis worked students andtheirparents - , .
P C ff t O O on the conference during the sum- Witt said the panels are important .~ .. 5 . ‘.
- mer of 1984. because they give the new students -' ) ‘ 1-; -
eace orps 0 ers Oppor unltles abroad Ten students H five female and opportunities to ask current students I. ’ " —- ‘ ‘ .'
five male - will have the opportuni- about what to expect of the inner . i .. . ' I. ' .-
‘ . - . . . . . . ty to work in a public relations role slty. This is an important part of the ' . ‘ , ‘ ..
UK OfflCC tryll‘lg to attract ellglble graduates to work In ImpOVCFIShed countrles for the University from June 2 until program because often it's the first .' ‘2 '_ t. -. ‘5. . ;-.
July 18. These students work with chance these students have to talk .~" 'I. "I .. '.
is) KIMBERLY SlSK people overseas to get to know cultural differences and specific job Stay with a fainilv 0,- have their own freshmen who will be entering UK in with current students _ _' ‘ I’ I'I . ‘ .I‘
Staff Writer Americans and for volunteers to training. . thatch hut built. in a rural area the fall and their parents during the Student assistants also work one ' - a" .t . ‘.
bring what they learn back to the in the application process. Dan- among the people" summer orientation program, on-one with the incoming students .' . 3'
The UK office for the Peace Corps United States. ridge interviews applicants to deter- The Peace Corps w as estabhghed Don Witt. director 0i 3dVi5ih8 0011' and their Pili‘t‘his . ._ " (J .4 , .'i
is looking for students interested in “We are looking for someone with mine their suitability and how in 1960 by President John F. Kenne- ferences. called the 10b “an QPPOTtU' "Th9 iitmiifphi‘rl‘ is iiii‘iihiai ."i‘i .- f 't ’. ' . 5f
workingoverseas. a bachelor‘s or master‘s degree in adaptablctochange they are. dv and has had more than 120000 nity for students to share their expe- professional. Willis said. . ’. .,‘ I_ It Inf.
To increase campus awareneSsI any number of fields Such as agri' “This is not a precise indicator. volunteers from every state. There riences here at [SK \Nlth the neIW' \‘ln and hIS staff in“ iOOklnR for I' “I i" ‘ 'I. . I.“ ' I";
the Office sponsored an all-day inter- culture health education linguis- but it is a pretty good determinant have been 166volunteers from l'K. freshmen so those new students will students who HUD} working with I s I- .I- 5'. , .J' .' .' .II(
est session yesterday to attract pro- tics or languages. who .is open- for how they will work overseas.“ Chris Haragan. a past volunteer beIinformedI and confident about the 9909i? imd hai'i‘ an 'hit‘i‘f‘St in ii\ " a Lil-«1' 1". ‘; 5;
Sheet“? applicants, , . minded. flexible, can learn a lan- she said. _ _ who returned to L'K to get a mas- i‘ml'eis‘ty; . . afi‘i the new hmdmh enrolling m the b ‘ ". i'fi‘v’. .i‘vf‘;
A 28-minute film and discussmn guage and is willing to do things ”Many times people decide them- “l“lS said the Job gave him the tniversity .. '.. '.‘- I; :1 475115.!“
period, which included return volun- they've never thought about be- selves that they are not suited for s‘cct‘ORl’s. Pat-M Opportunity to meet a W 0i people. \cc(()l \siitiks. i’diii' ~ ‘.‘ ~’ it ..‘ ' '95:}
teers. and an information table were fore "Danridge said it“ after going through the inter- -I : ‘5 - L- if Mid"
part of the drive to increase visibili- ' ' view. Danridge said. . 1'. 6' ‘ 5 _’ ,a ,
.... .. Students recount Nicara ua
Pat Danridge. UK‘s Peace Corps and medical expenses are ph'd and it is evaluated by a regional panel 4' .7 -" t'i-‘i‘r'
representative. said her office wants 3?: :Jfigtég: :cgzgtshasiiiltinltshlgvgg and is then sent to Washington DC. .' ' ” if , 'i t
to inform the ublic and students _ ' ‘ for asst nmenttoas ific countr '. ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ' 'I’
about theorganifation. adJUStmentChecki Damgg. We 03:; M expiry Recent Visnors say U.S. mismformed about Sandinistas _ . . ..
Danridge said the goals of the During the 27 months, a 3-month ences as a volunteer in Cameroon, _ ‘ , ' " .i ‘ s 5 , '
Peace Corps are to provide techni- training period is held in the as- West Africa. Although the govern— Bi‘hhini‘miii‘h‘ ~ " i .
cal assistance (ti: impoverished coun- signed country. which includes ment provided her housing, “in Contributing “iii" ' ' 1 .
tries. to rovi an o r n't o ' ‘ ' ‘ . . ' ' .
p ppo tu iy fr learning a language, adjusting to other countries a volunteer may Three UK students spent their , . . V. .
«mists» was. “’r. spring break vacations in a country ' , .. . . '
Tomorrow last chance W t - . . z- ; .
"tithe, . 2§ Walt Mansfield. a political science 5 _ L ' . ' . .
. . tr" “ ‘ ., " ' 5 ~--5 Junior. Kim Burris. an anthropology .53. . It“ . . .
for award nominations it'l‘f'i 5“ 5;" ‘i55 5 “°t.‘°‘5° ' ' ' - 5 -
s u en in e uca ion. recen y re- 7. o i;
m “K M" 'm M turned from a trip to Nicaragua as » t 5' i whiff? .
BysnAiItOis RArcnrono The award has been given since defected yesterday by EKU members of the Witness for Peace \ ‘ ‘ V ..
StaitWI‘ltei‘ 1927. Each year two graduates —one 3-6. For the highlights, no organization. -, .. i .2; *s ,
. male and one female — and one non- m. p... 2. Yesterday during an informal dis- ' .2 . 1"" , ~ '
Abby Marlatt remembers feeling student who is associated with the cussion. Mansfield and Burris of— . g. 1,. ;' _ '
“pleased. very WHOM and very University in some way are pre- fered a firsthand account of the con- . .-Ii~‘ * '
surprised“ when President Otis A. sented with a medallion and a ditions they encountered. ‘ 2 ' "' a - ,
Singletary announced that she was framed certificate while a citation Mansfield described sitting in the * . ' . ‘5 ~‘_ .
one of the rempients of the 1985 Sul- summarizing why they are receiving m m FOI'MI Wt" northern Nicaraguan countryside . ' - .. "7m 5 4., ,.
livan Awards. the award is read. Lykins said. conclude at the Actor: The- and reading a newspaper's word-for- -v '11., - V
Marlatt has been aIprofcssor of w of how". in. N. word reproduction of President Rea- i‘ ‘ , .
“i““i‘m 3"" i°°d “'ence at UK _Many famous Kentucky personali- cnd. For dototh. m unno- San's. Speed‘- “he.“ C'a'me‘i "“5“ d . .\
Since 1956. has have received the award. in. Sandinista communist agents were
Jess Gardner “about fell 0‘" 0‘ eluding Paul Blazer. founder of Ash- MJOOOS. committing atrocities. SUCh 35 the ~ ”A: \k“
(hi5). chair" when he was t9” He land Oil and the namesake of Blazer ' . murder and rape 0t civilians. in the ‘ fi‘ *1 K ‘
received °“° °i “‘9‘ "3"“ "i, 1953' Hall; Elvis J. Stahr Jr.. dean of 5 ’ exact area in which they were sit- ~29 . ...+ R ,
tvehei‘ihe waslpl'wdent Of UK s "3' UK‘s law school from 1948-1957. . tiiiS-
"‘i ycounci - president of Indiana University from - . ~ ’
"m MW... 0. mm ... «mm M... .. “mam“ m5“;
is Lt?“ it fid‘mthihgbtfida Wit: the National Audubon Society; and 1,”, “m“. M M from even the poorest homeless Ni- . “Alamo Kornotsvo”
8T3 5 0" e if) 8 ii)" 33‘ Bar Bi ham Sr.. chairman of the ' . ' - . . - -
Saundra Lykins. chairwoman of the boar? “"8th Courier-Journal and “ cool with a “it M II. caraguansofsuch actions. Walt Mansfield (Ioft)describos his "up to Nicaragua yesterday.
igsigmfkssuohgtkfigm‘tm and LOUiSViiie Times Co..Gardner sald- Mid '0 W ”. YM mhlansfiel'dt :hieii‘mis exglained parable to US. government and publicized attack on a bus drivenIby
a ' «Id m viii 5. W 3.35.95. ‘i It _ 938?“ a mihis media descriptions. at Swrss agronomist and carrying
Gardner, an associate professor of In 1926, the award was created as M. w W all N- trai'mF continuing disinformation During their ViSit in Nicaragua, only women Mid children passen-
heahh and safety is we of me ,0 a memorial to Algernon Sydney Shh In "I. to I“ h .. cIamiIiIaign to Justify military 86- the students went to relocation get-s. The vehicle had been visiting a
faculty members who will choose livan as a "permanent award for II I." ' "uh t'°“~ camps for victims of contra vic- Sandinista militarycamp.
theiMwmners. character," Lykins said. Sullivan M W i“ h M The students cited numerom ac- lence. In this camp. the students spoke to
Gardner said the Sullivan Award diedih "37- u' - . . counts of activities and conditions in In one comp, they talked to I cou- a ym 3i" WW leg h‘d been
isthe“honorawardoftheyear.“ SecAWAIlDJ‘agco ' Nicaragua that were in no way com- ple of people injured in the much- SeeNICAIlAGl‘A.Pue6

. i .
2-KEWYKERNELM, “27, 1“ t
Sports Editor
Assistant Sports Editor
\* xii"; ' ’ 3 ._ ““4“.
§‘* 1:259:52 22:25”?2:.jug-.5,’-1"=Ié=,5's;:=:55§‘f:§:5,hie:.§;fs§r5:=:5§2;s-I':I- §sj===52s;‘z;s§s§sfs_:§:3~‘§sé;é23:33:?#3:;3?:S:=:,:;.”v-;=;'._.I:..s='f=:"_"Is:I:-fI.I I,>I.I'.:;Ij-3:::Izr:g .‘j. I.‘5:=E:E=Zf:.:i:I£IJ'I'-I1:S:5:::5:§:::3:3<-5:5:’;.5::'~'::3=:»-:::::::3:.=‘-:§'=*:'..3:5:=::.::;:E.::§-§:I:;5:553:54:a _, , . ”'"w‘=‘:"':i'7'“'3'":'“'if???'Ifillfli'if'TT'I.f;‘.."ifli'ii"j.""Ii';I'Z;'§"’"""'"" "'.~\.._.’Ig-.'“"..‘f'i":i;I:J:1‘iJIl;.T‘,;1"..'.;;;12;; I. ,. éfl.éfifi
EKU hand UK th f tr t'ng los
. - By WILLIE HHTT Where the problem recently has whose team is 1+7 on the season. "If Staff and AP reports
Sports Editor been pitching in the late innings. we had given lt‘rusel support the
ll yesterday the problem surfaced With first inning. his win would be even
l'K's ninth-inning Fa .\ against l-ZKl‘snrst six hitters. more impressive.“ ' ‘ '
Eastern Kentuck) yesterday sums l.“ sophomore starting pitcher . . . . t I Wildcats start spring football practices
up the type of season the Wildcats “me 'l‘Ivra was rocked for six Despite relief pitching woes for _ if
' , have had this season ~ close. but "0 strength has tfive Singles and a l'K. Conle)'Icam€ m W TX“! I" the “ » ‘ ' The UK football team held its first official spring prac-
- Cigar bb home runl before escaping the first ”Vim“ inningHand turned Inlathmld tice yesterday. looking to build on last year‘s 5-6 record.
DOW“ 8-6 with [W0 ltllIS. R0 [9 inning “-tth seven earned runs on per ormance. e gave up of) ) r99 . . , . ‘ I. , .
. Buchanan and Greg Stephens hit gown hits hits and one run when EKL’ s Robert . OI“? 0‘ the team 5 ma'h concerns “1“ be TCbUlldlhg the
back~to-back singles only to have the “Y .. ‘t t I I II . 1d Moore doubled in Marc Seimer with 1 . ‘ team S offenswe llne. Which 10st t0ur starters from the
. rally fizzle out when Jim Murphy ”m ”flair? ffidd figdi::d mtwhzh) twooutsintheeighth. ‘; " “ I985 squad. UK coach Jerry Claiborne has moved several
' ' _ ' , figf‘mi‘ld 0‘" w [mm haw fur the asked if he considered going to his Begides the bullpen. Madison also -. ' players from defensn'e line to the offensive side. including
‘ . I ‘I Tihalulrtlllllg told the \ea‘on.‘ tale bullpen m the first inning. pmnts to inexperience rthe Wildcats w 6-foot-7. 27S-pound redshirt freshman Mike Plelfer. .
I' . "Almost M9,... game we“. lost I.“ If the gusting winds partly ex- have nine freshman» andirijhuries in ,I‘ . WeIIfeel f’felfer is one of the better-looking physical
, _ _I has been the game “3).” said senior plalned Tyra‘s rough first inning. (I’Rplalhfhg ”(”10“ "’35“ ‘5 593' a!» linemen, Claiborne said. IHe is not the only person who
. ,I . . fight fielder (‘1th Arnold. t'K‘s Key the Wildcats in turn jumped on the >0” . Will be switched. We are gomg to try to get the best people
> ' U11 player of the game "I‘ve been ('olonels' starting pitcher .IJeff Cruse Senior Russ Schueler is out with at different positions."
.‘ i F , ”” teams where “9."? 1°“! “1950 mrtlgo runs on three ms inIthe tam an injured hip. junior MhCh Knox Entering his senior year. Mark Logan. who led the
‘ 8.32:2”:th ”“5 51“" 't 599”" “‘9 $319532? that inning to (.058 ‘9 bruised his Ithulhh Iii“ ASTMIIIESZ ‘. Wildcats in total offense last season at the tailback posi-
. I» . " ~ . . . . “While" “'9‘ Idb‘ ‘é- ‘ "f . tion. will move to fullback. Logan will be teamed in the
' , ‘ 1“ ‘hh hr“ ”‘ a H-game home “bile Tvra v2»3l took the loss for early I" the 59350“ have those three " b kt" ld I. h' . b M k H.
.r 3f . ', stand. the nonconterence loss l'K. he settled down to scatter three been in the lineup together. 3C '6 “h Junlor-Ito- e ar lggs. .
-. fl; ‘. . ,I dropped the Wildcats to 6-1:; on the mu m.” the next five innings before ..“~ we -ould et «them: in the The spring practice season concludes with the annual
1 lg. . season What that record doesn't being relieved by freshman Darrell lineup ant... mi same mm. we Blue-White spring game at 7 pm. April 26 at Common-
, I » say. though. is that seven of those t'onley, Similarly. (‘ruse lit-0v gave would be a much beetter hall club." CLINT ARNOLD wealth Stadium.
-, A’. I . . j . . losses have been by tworuns or less up only 59‘ en more hits and one run Madison said. .. I . I I .
. , . . .2 ‘ “It's frustrating." l‘K coach Keith in going the distance . _ _ . centertleldel' (hrls Instep s fourth~in-
.‘ . .. , Madison mm "Most of the games Arnold led the Wildcats in hitting nlllg home run was hit third hit of
' ‘ - I we‘ve been m “9“. played very- "We were really sloppy the first with a double and a triple and Ste» the season. all three of them being . I
' . _ ‘ .' good baseball .. inning." said EKI' coach Jim Ward. phcns lilt three singles. Freshman home runs. UK tennis team takes on Tennessee t0d3)
I‘il‘Sth nd kno I d K n S ch m ion The UK men‘s tennis team looks for win No. 12 against
. » ' . a W e ge sees a 838 a a p S Tennessee today at the l6-team Blue-Gray Tournament in
. ' Montgomery. Ala.
I ”I ' , It‘s over. and I still can‘t believe though. The Cards are simply more Ron Kellogg. the shooting guard and The Wildcats (l l-5). who dropped out of the top 20 in
I, . . ‘ , ll. . , talented and they will beat the ITl- Kansas' leading scorer. can either last week's Head Intercollegiate Tennis Standings, split two
- ' .81." gm. emotional setbacIkIcertain . “099' gers at the" own game 7 playing shoot you m or out Of a b?“ game. away Southeastern Conference matches during the week by
. - ly won t damper an otherwise excel- together asateam. \\ hen he s on. he s unconscmus. He's b . \1- , - ~ '5 6 3 dl .- A b 5 l
. lent season ‘_~ "ARDEN For LSU to win, Derrick Taylor ascoring machine. eating. lsSISslppi tate - an Osingto u urn - .
- - . ' It“ be Very tough this weekend to .» ’ will have to control the tempo of the Duke's AILAmerican guard John. The squad s No. 1 doubles team ot Greg Van Emburgh
V , “'3‘Ch the four teams that are Whig ’ . , ’/ ball game and not get into a running ny- Dawkins must have an outstand- and Pat McGee is ranked seventh in the country, while
' for the national championship in " ‘ ’—'—_ match with Louisville. The Tigers ing scoring night if Duke is to beat UK’s No. 2 team of Richard Benson and Kenny Rylce is
, . _ _ Dallas. h tum. Louisville is definitely playing Will have to shoot very well because Kansas. The Blue Devil front line ranked 30m
. Because we have beaten t e two the best of anyone. Forward Billy they will only get one shot against has a lot of trouble with teams that ' I , .I .
teams that will play m the first Thompson and "Superb" Herb the tallerCardinalsquad. play above the rim. And the Jay- The UK women 5 tennis team (l4—5I). ranked 17th in the
_ game ~ LSL' and Louisville — I feel Crook are beginning to peak. This my will have to stay out of foul hawks will gm. them t'its. Kansas by latest poll. also travels to Alabama this weekend for three
as though we deserved a place in the tournament has given them confi- trouble because its bench is so lim- seven. matches. The Lady Kats meet Alabama and South Ala-
: FinalFour. . dence Any team that has gotten this ited.L0uisville by nine. Monday night will see two evenly bama in Tuscaloosa tomorrow. then travel to Auburn to
. [.Sl'. coached by the eccentric far has players who have carried The second game between Kansas matched teams fight it out. Kansas plav the Tigers Saturdav
. . . » Dale Brown. has the most momen- them to this point. And these guys and Duke will be closer. but not by should claim the title because .Th I ' , ”I [h . I d l I I , d .
, ’ " ' tum 0‘ any team m Dallas 1 don't havecertainlyproventhat much. Kansas is a very well~ they've got the championship men I e women won rec ma .L es an OS “0 urlng
think anybody really expected them Compared to when we beat them coached basketball team. They are tality. They expected to be where the” Texas “"‘hg 135‘ week. Uh beat SOUthTh MCWOdlSh
‘ toget [0 the Final FOUR in December. Louisville is playing very mature. and their starting five they‘re at now. Kansas the victor. in Texas A & M and Texas Christian. but 10st to Texas and
' However. once you get to the much more as a team now. I think have played together for basically avery high scoring contest.8l-78. top-ranked TrinitvI
. . Final Four. momentum is negated. all of the Cards have exceptional tal- two straight years. , ' - - v. ,
_ I It is a goal that I think once y0u get ent. but they have just started to Without a doubt. the Jayhawks Roger Harden is a tolommmuni- . TamaIkaI Takagl and dSonlah Hahn. 1:6. [61m 8 [.OP 1“?
. 10 that point . everybody has the sacrifice their skills and develop a have the best front line in the nation cations senior und the newly up. smg €IS P ayers. are ranke 401 and 58t In t e nation. TL-
, sameamountot enthusiasm. teamoriented attitude. in T-foot-l Greg Dreiling. 6-11 Danny porno-r1 warmth assistant coach for specmel)’. and as the No. 1 doubles team. they place 23rd-
While LSL' has the most momen- Louisville will win Saturday. Manning and 6-8 Calvin Thompson. next warts L'K basketball team.
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‘ *"t 75-5 . ., “‘mom Ans Ed .
in FRIKRFW ‘ O a ’
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S' ' ‘ . .
tdff Writer tflUlSVllle for a preview 0f or n
LOUISVILLLE s 0,, itfilfngflfut‘t‘tfles American @222: ‘ V W a
Word Comes down f CC 8 year the The u] . coming year. The Am . . dOWH Walls‘ pla 'i _
sends actors and mm on h‘gh and es "0:5 t ‘5 a clientele that rang‘ ' . erlCan Writer frames, working Wit? Vw1th tlnie aters The .
back - agents SCurr in . “Ppersrust a ‘5 tearin perimem- .- ‘ ..'mages. ex. -. P'd-anhts hail V , v V
w, to r8gional Stages with y g reotypical artists dr gems. to ste- _ g OWn Walls H ‘Vngvuthform, Jorysaid “”m America‘s re . mm“) to the {Ni "1
batcltinis for a “9‘" season and 35?: trip“ and hightops essed m pins' playing With tim ’ the 9&1?“th S the change inflicted on it)“ have their Scrlpktllmrit) theaters good faith Jill] 1;. 7mm“ “" ““t "t
~ 9the'r respective feat ~ 5 In its 10th , t fr . e a d ltd ahd theater as a wh , ‘ l‘l. thrttutéh the a e . mitted to reap comii .4 ’.dppurmt twp“ t'i ' . '
lions Wllhaspectrum Ofop' Vure 5e(- [0 be beg' )ear, the teStlval Seems am65, Worklng with n (”85 ATL S audience as [h 0“. they erle g “("35 for which '5 In m) 1erttttl ‘tttt‘t'tltlli l\ A.“ , ,- i
The Catal ”Hons. . Inning to r u' . ' 50" It hasn‘t lost a . V V8 “33- B'ec- i "V P‘lsition to ”H”. t ‘ , ' V
critiCal enetitst or these creative and Patience from its autlileilire a certain ImagCS, experiment lance ”a sense M thr- plat-s- (“‘81 to“ has been choosm 1dr) ”Man“ Lin} ttitlllt' ' V
mana FestiigalS ifs gt? annual Hu- :IVtzer Prize—winning playgeéf'me Pu. With fol-m n lng "We have one of th reséiitzst :T‘Vt’ly from sources re: Th f -
PtaVs sta 0 e“’ American Wat's early ea 9 teS' - cated aud’ c . e mOSt SOphisii. l- . - 5 Sum agencies l L‘ mum'ml set-iiii ' ' " ‘ c
."‘ ged for a . the' y [‘5 are g0ne and . V lenCe§ m the CO d5! [9“ years th - or [he 50“ JUH . l _\ l\ ”he ”"1 , I . .
WhICh will end ~ S'x'week run . 'r place are da ' ' - "t that is extr , . . ””trl‘. one will ‘ e “Umana Fest ~ -, ”‘t" tht‘ M‘lci-l , . ‘ ‘ ' ' . *
this week m f ring expenm Jon J0 . .. emel) fol-g“, ”0 longer , t _ Hal lee (if A” V . h*li (tilllin‘i 4 V
to g . . end at . Orms tha ehtS r.‘ Ldnbe .. - ., mg 0f “h dttept unso . ‘ . tears l- i , ,_ . . 1
Thghfgslfl 0: LOUisville AC unawarded t have gone relative]y ATL Producing directoi: Ldtted failure, he said at If}??? plays hmed (”It '“ Prmioiis \(‘Lll‘\dnhttdLl‘ hi“ mm“ V , A. t '
‘ lva t5 the rem' , t — Jory bettev . ‘ 4 Will. hOWeve guage 1* e: . t. I W“ ht“ , ‘ ' ' '
212K? (:28 collect“): 0f [flirpg' thg‘tzfgufimly‘ Viewers Seem to se a “Tights benefits f:lLV.-Xti';‘ierlcaii pla\._ gel)! unsolicited ()nohnffztlgnut‘fto ac- theplaylhiiilut‘tftVt‘VVVi‘V’ the pi”. i.“ V)! V ~ 'j V' V'. 4 .V~

‘5 ag la ~ ' . ' ' 'Wa as a c: . e CCOmpanled , matt , . 9 testivil A ”no-act {9- ,. , '.V5 or its ‘ \ ' “‘Iniiii; ‘ ' '~ '. ,‘-' '
the result Otpsuycbh 203389510? and fresh talent rathgfhtfingeadtsplay of dropped as of thrilftvégitl‘al' 15 being may: What its critical apprgl‘hfi 5995 this absntlilel $0 :POVGmber Jon “new“ f ' -’. ' .

i a V . . . . . ‘c 5 '- . < 't ‘ V '.V‘. '»".’~‘.‘
on thVeVname tags of thoseatt'zgnlg- seen Zion that would ultimately 53"?” Jim J0rv_ ATL‘s 0d V “We Want d od of discomnng zest-Elem meth- regional th(‘)‘lt:»t.k thltluil l't‘t'iik’liltiiin .‘ ' 'V.-1 f; ‘V
agCrinics, Ptavwrights 83% aficeges like D.L, Cobiirn‘seVVrVéVthe tor. 00mmented at par pUClng direc. ers .. JOrv 8:“ to “(:n‘k with “mV “”‘Uttaneoiigi‘, ,preVenVerznt while ceiw Joi-t t Hi isVleiginiiiiiL: ii, H. x y -. 15' n, ,

en s an - .' , rs, ame" l e e . ' ress co _ 'V - . "an ' h “Tl , ‘, ~ ' l: ., . _, ~ ~‘"> lt‘ r .\.,, V . .-V“ ~ -. ' .-
from New (1013::r tticftfol:s largely "Agnes of God or John P'etmtfler's is“; tr'rliztiiti'the feSt'val‘S Ptavs 5'15; broad road for Americahttheziztrtte "‘ righting; that hate already becnprii. trm""t)"1miiiihmiii p t t”! “ “ . _ .. .5:
in, . . , , ‘ ' r0adwa ' an" t ‘ ~ "“3 away from ~ 2 . , Thoii , ', ', . .. fi-i'i

m as fiir as Egypt VV flotk d For this reason, the G fined naturalistic dstmili de- in th thVallV of the plays containid V The hawdlnesg m seve 'l The”, W. 'll 1- V f, ,V:

to can Play Contest whichrgathftmeri. forms, a” realistic form; 83 Festival are being pg )ears plavs refleCiS r; of this ttho are in “In It”: > ”W “t“itt‘l\ ,' f.» .";
t In t e past .Th On Stage f V l‘- C(intmum f. , _ - uniana“ ar V 1 V‘V-‘-‘ (l t- it )iiiii “h'u’ 'tl VV ViVV '. . :iVV-V-i ‘ .V ’
8 American W ‘ Some h , or the ttrSt [imp g ‘ndnCtat comm" A ( ((Hng- ht‘ N'lltl l) _. t t .3 _' v. - ".- [I t " '1
Filer .‘ - 2H8 bee , . A Jory t) . . nient i , ‘ ittiiiitii Ht ‘ VV_ 1'; .".‘ "~".";
e U. I .la S . Q . '5 tearing Staged readings ant tVlVXVrtornied as to the fetsrimslttumana s contribiiimn V‘hiltiuiish of tillvnl Jon pl‘i-il V VV VVVh VfVVVVVVViVVV VVV $.57."
X 1 It 1n 0 ‘ 91!“ other the« (llllal‘x. {oi-red” d5