xt7vhh6c5t0v https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5t0v/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 2006-10-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 2006 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 2006 2006 2006-10-19 2020 true xt7vhh6c5t0v section xt7vhh6c5t0v PAGE 3: Check out the latest album reviews





OCTOBER 19, 2006





Another UK employee suspended

Megan Boehnke

Another UK Stores employee was suspended
without pay earlier this week. said UK
spokesman Jay Blanton. The university declined
to release the employee's name and said it is con-
tinuing to investigate the situation.

Three other department employees. Mark
Renfro. Stephon Carter and Stacy Crossley. were
suspended without pay in the end of September
following an investigation into missing invento-

ry. Renfro resigned from the university on Oct. 4.

UK police received an anonymous tip on
Sept. -2. prompting them to investigate the de-
partment. acting Police Chief Joe Monroe told
the Kernel in a Sept. 30 article. UK police
searched Renfro's home looking for potential
missing inventory and recovered $1.20) in com-
puter hardware and software and $4,000 in ra-
dios. televisions and VCRs. The police report
also listed $4,000 in stolen property that was not

No arrests have been made in the case. Mon-

roe said yesterday. Monroe said previously that
UK police are investigating the entire stores de-
partment as a whole.

The UK Stores Department streamlines pur-
chase orders for different university departments.
1t places orders for the department - including
things such as computer hardware and software.
medical goods. office supplies. and other prod-
ucts — and then bills the departments and deliv-
ers the products to them.

UK Stores has an average daily inventory
value of about $1.8 million.


package prompts
oliee to shut

down Limestone

By Jonathan Smith
ismith@kykerne| corn

Sections of South Limestone. Jersey.
Maxwell and Pine streets were temporarily
closed last night after someone reported see»
ing a suspicious package in front of the Good
Samaritan Hospital parking garage. said UK
Police Officer David Alessi.

The package , which appeared to be a
suitcase .._ was spotted around 10 pm. said
Lt. David Lyons of Lexington Police. The
Lexington Police Department responded irri—
mediately and closed streets within 100 feet of
the package in all directions.

The Hazardous Deyices Unit arrived at
11:45 pm. to inspect the package. and Lyons
said it would probably take them two hours to
clear the scene from that point.

"The trained experts come in and examine
the package." Lyons said. "They havc to ei-
ther verify if it is safe or render it safe."

Lyons said that a package is verified safe
if it is determined that the contents are not
dangerous. A package is rendered safe if
something inside has to be removed for it to
be made safe.

Lyons said that when a situation like this
occurs. the police department gives the neigh—
boring businesses the option of staying put or

“We highly recommend they evacuate."
Lyons said. "but it‘s up to the business owners
to choose."

The department usually forces establish-
ments with primarily glass exteriors to cvacu~
ate. Lyons said. Huddle House which is
covered in glass on its exterior ~ on the cor—
ner of South Limestone and Maxwell was
evacuated. and nearby (‘hipotlc was in the
process of closing.

Police will usually allow occupants in an
establishment that has primarily a brick or l'a-
cade exterior to stay until the situation is

At the Kashmir restaurant just right of
(‘hipotlc. police forced people to leave.

Blwindel Singh was inside of the restau-
rant when the police told him he had to leave.
regardless of who was still inside.

“They tell you to get out, 1 was scared and
so 1 went out." said Singh. who camped out
on Jersey Street until everything was resolved.
“1 told the police officer that my family was
still upstairs. and they told me to get out."

At the (iood Samaritan Hospital parking
structure across the street from Kashmir.
Alessi ordered those still inside the loft to re»
main where they were.

See Threat on page 8


Prios snowman . start

A bomb technician crosses a police line while the Hazardous

Devices Unit checks the package on South Limestone Street last


3!!“ w cit-f-


1 at



After a suspicious package was found on South Limestone Street near Pine Street Lexrngton and UK polite
departments closed down South Limestone from Avenue of Champions to Maxwell Street The package was
reported to the Lexrngton Police Department around t0 p m last night

SG committee supports domestic partner benefits

By Blair Thomas

news@kykerne|. com

Student Government showed early support
for domestic partner benefits at last night's Oper~
ations and Evaluations Committee meeting.

College of Law Senator Tom Rauf introduced
a resolution to support the ability of UK to offer
these benefits to its faculty and staff.

“()ffering domestic partner benefits is a sim—
ple yet important way for the university to
demonstrate its commitment to diversity and to

Flat quo tm. Suharto-in tau» a «on.

set high standards for the fair treatment of all its
employees and students." Rauf said.

The resolution says SG supports the imple»
mentation of domestic partner benetits as a tool
for successful recruitment and retention of the
best faculty. staff and students.

“This is a very~well researched resolution."
said committee chairman Sam Gaines. "It is an
important issue that affects the entire university.
and 1 think it is important for Student (lovem-
ment to take an active role."

Several of UK's benchmark universities offer
domestic partner benefits. as well as the Univer-

sity of Louisville. Indiana University. Ohio State
University and the University of Illinois. accord-
ing to the resolution.

Local industry leaders chmark lntemational
and Toyota Manufacturing offer such benefits.

For the resolution to be passed. it must be ap
proved by the full Senate at next Wednesday‘s

“We want the administration to know that
students think this is an important issue." Raul
said. “We want them to take that into considera-



Center gets
new name,

By Ashley Bowman

news@kykernel corn

The First Amendment (‘enter at UK is adoprr
ing a new name. though its mission remains the

The center. which was tounded in 1987 and is
pan of UK's School of .loumalism and Telecomv
munications. is being renamed the Scripps
Howard First Amendment Center.

"It's being renamed in recognition that much
of the support has come from the Scripps Howard
Foundation and Judy (‘labes. the president of the
foundation." said Mike Farrell. who is the new
director of the center and an assistant professor in
the Joumalism school.

The center is also receiy mg “9250.000 in fund
ing from the Scripps Howard Foundation
q350.000 per year for the next live years.

Still. the center's mission isn't changing

According to its Web site. the mission of the
Scripps Howard First Amendment (‘entci' is "to
promote understanding of the l‘ll'Sl .»\mendmcnt
among citizens of Kciitircky. to advocate lor l‘11'\1
Amendment rights in the (‘omnionwealth and Ila
tionally. and to produce internationally recog
ni/cd scholarship concerning the l‘ll‘sl Amend
merit and its related freedoms.”

Farrell is a 20—year \eteran of The Kentucky
Post in (‘ovington. where he worked as a general-
assignmcnt reporter and then managing editor.
His work there played a large role in how he feels
about the First Amendment and why he belieyes
it should be protected.

“I remember lighting Judges
close courtrooms on the .-. I.
lighting a iudgc who told .r wit that had iris:
completed its work that it \(lllltl nexct till. .rt‘otrt
the case with reporters. lighting eoyeitt-itz'n’ titlr
cials even taking the L'irncrsity of Kentucky
to court when they retuscd to rclc rsc docu
ments that should liaye ltccn lllll"llt ,' laurel! arnl

“It‘s our go\erniiicnt.” llt' added "1.xerytliing
they do .rflects us, and bent); .t iotir'nalist tor 30
years conyinced me that t lll/=.‘11\ must be \igilant
so that their goycrnnicnt remains open to them ”

Alter lcating I'lic l.ir'rell studied the
First .-\iiicndmcnt and 1 list Antelltllllclll
graduate student and is contributing., to .r textbook
on media law Haring recent-d his Mi 1)
1K. lai‘r‘cll teaches .111 arriy ol
cs. including news rc‘pttl'lillL'. copy
media law and ethics


law as .r

touriralism touts
editing. and


fire may be

By Juliann Vachon

tit-wsil‘kvko’ut‘: , on

.\ Me at l'niyersity (‘oninroris \paitmcnts
yesterday morning may |i.i\c been started intcn
tionally‘. a tire ot’tn ial said

Battalion (‘hiet Stc\en lea ot
liire Department said the the
around 1'30 am on the deck of suite WK

“It‘s a \ei‘_\ \u‘l‘icious lire betausc wt the
type of damage that was done and the .llL‘.! that
it was started." l‘ca said. ”There ate no ttl‘\lilll\
causes for a tire on the deck at that time i

There were no obiccts on the dctk .it the
time that would hayc started a lire.
faulty electrical wiring or discarded cigarette
butts. Fca said. An iriycstigation is underway.
and the Bureau of fire lnycstigatioii will deter
mine it the merit should be treated as .in .iison
case. he said.

The tire was iirostly out by the time the lite
department armed. and it \.lll\k‘tl minimal dam
age to the wooden det k and cyter'ioi wall ol the
building. Fca said

Investigators are looking tor .i lead to deter
mine what caused the tire.

"They are doing rnteryiews to see it anyone
saw someone on the deck this morning." Fca
said. “A lot ot times. the inyestigiition of the
cause of the tire leads to the person who started

the l t‘\111L‘1t‘ll
was rcpoitul

sin h as

Newsroom: 257-1915; mmmflw




PAGE 2 | Thursday, October 19, 2006

































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By Linda C. Black

To get the advantage, check the
day’s rating: 70 is the easiest day, 0
the most challenging

Aries (March 21-April 19) Today
is a 6 -- If you've been used to mak»
ing do and getting by, it might be
kind of uncomfortable to have too
much. Don't feel gthy -- you've
earned it. Save it.

Taurus (April 20-May 20) Today is
an 8 -~ You can do what you
promised With what you have, and
there’ll be left-overs. This may
seem to be ImpOSSible but it’s not.
Keep the faith.

Gemini (May 21-June 21) Today
is a 7 -- This has not been an easy
assignment. Soon you'll feel much

better. Tell a loved one your wins
and losses, and get on to the next

Cancer (June 22-July 22) Today
is a 7 <~ You're so cute, you can get
away with almost anything. If you
don‘t do something you promised,
however, there will be trouble.

Leo (July 23-Aug. 22) Today is a 6
-~ Take care of the most important
things first. Put your earnings in a
safe place. More study is required
before you can spend wisely.

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22) Today is
a 5 -- Pay attention to the details
That's where you‘ll find the answer
Use something you might have
thrown away, and you'll earn extra

Libra (Sept. 23-0ct. 22) Today is a
6 ~- Some of the stuff you've been
saying has actually increased in val-
ue Don't (USI toss it, find out what
it's worth first

Scorpio (Oct 23-Nov. 21) Today IS
a 5 -— If they think you have a lot.
they‘ll naturally want you to share.

That's why it's best for them to
think you don‘t

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21) To-
day is a 5 -- You're on thin ice. so
don't try anything funny or even
amusing. Don't even let your eyes
twinkle. if you can possibly help it.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19) To»
day is an 8 —~ Delegate the errands
to others, and save yourself some
time. Have what you want deliv—
ered, instead of racing all over

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18) Today
is a 7 -— Others are beginning to no-
tice that you're cool when things
get hot. The excrtement isn't giiite
over yet, so postpone relaxation

Pay attention

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20) Today
is an 8 -- A person with more expe-
rience is always good to have
around Be helpful, and you‘ll save
yourself a lot of work and trouble

(0 2006 Tribune Media Servrces,


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your dailydose of entertainment, pop culture and fun Kernel ‘ Ql




'I’I'le DiSI-l

The foliage isn't the only
thing changing quickly this fall.
Just three days after her October
4 breakup with her beau of two
months. Brody Jenner. Nicole
Richie showed off a new hair
color (red?) and a new(ish) guy:
Samuel Plouchart. a fashion edi-
tor at the French magazine Citi—
zen K v who was a pre—Jenner
fling. As Richie tells Us. "New
boy. new look." Meanwhile.
Jenner. 33. tells (is exclusively
that near the end of their rela—
tionship. Richie. 25. "didn't treat
me like a friend or a boyfriend."
He. however. cared for her
greatly. says a Jenner source.

"He tried to help her gain
weight. When she'd eat a few
bites and stop. he'd say. 'Finish
that!” .lenner says he's now on
good terms with Richie ("We
peaced it out"). and he's moving
on. too: He took The Hills star
Lauren Conrad. 20. to a hockey
game and then to hot spot Les
Deux on October 6. Although
Conrad (whose Laguna Beach
rival. Kristin (‘avallarL 19. is
Jenner's ex) tells Us. "We're just
friends." a source says the pair
spent the night "touching. and
deep in conversation."

Michael Jackson Pays Off

Three years after Michael
Jackson's exewife Debbie Rowe
filed for visitation rights and
custody of the couple's kids.
l’rincc Michael. 9. and Paris. X -
something she voluntarily gave
up in 200i ~ the battle is over.
(Jackson has a third child.
Prince Michael ll. 4. whose
mother has never been identi—


tied.) A source close to Jackson -
who has been living in Bahrain
since 2005 - tells Us that Rowe
has given up all visitation rights
in exchange for reinstated. bi—
monthly alimony payments of
about $750,000 a year. "It was
hard for Debbie. but she's
broke." explains the insider. The
singer's attomcy. Michael
Abrams. tells Us. "Michael is
satisfied with the results. and I
believe Ms. Rowe is satisfied."
Rowe's lawyer. Marta Alinli.
had no comment.

Eva Longoria & Tony Parker
——Working It Out?

When news recently broke
that Eva Longoria. 31. and her
basketball player boyfriend,
Tony Parker. 24. were “going
through a very difficult time" -
and that she was two-timing him
with Mario Lopez. 33 - the near-
ly two—year-old romance seemed
doomed. But on the weekend of
Oct. 6. Longoria flew to Paris to
meet up with the athlete (who
was abroad for exhibition play).
"He begged her to come." says
an insider. "He said he'll forgive
her. but they need to talk it out."
Though the pair engaged in
PDA at a local Planet Holly-
wood bash. they spent much of
her trip holed up in their suite.
Still. the actress may have an ul-
terior motive for the reunion:
"She wants to take the heat off
what happened with Mario."
says a source close to Longoria.
(Her rep had no comment.) And
while Lopez has been linked to
his Dancing With the Stars part-
ner. Karina Smimoff. the busy
actor's rep tells Us. "Where


Nicole Richie:
A new guy already

She splits from Brody
Jenner, who tells Us what
went wrong

would he find the time to be
with anyone. let alone two

Eva Mendes' Meltdown

On Oct. 5. Eva Mendes, 30.
lit into an LA. gas station clerk
who carded her for cigarettes.
"Are you kidding?" said the ac-
tress. according to a witness. "l
have to go back to my car and
get my ID. like a teenager?" The
employee finally gave in. Said
Mendes. "Thanks for under-

Kate Bosworth -- Not Over
Her Ex

Kate Bosworth may be
down. but don‘t count her out of
the game of love! A friend of the
Superman Returns star. 23. tells
Us she was “devastated" after
seeing photos of ex Orlando
Bloom. 29, with Penelope Cruz.
(A rep for the actress, 32. denies
she is romantically involved
with Bloom.) Still. Bosworth is
"afraid she'll never find a better
replacement." the friend, says.
"She wants to make Orlando
jealous by flaunting guys in
front of him in the hopes of lur—
ing him back." The only trou-
ble? Bosworth (who was recent—
ly linked with British model
James Rousseau. 25) is "having
a hard time finding good bait."
the source says. Meanwhile. it
seems she's working hard to
avoid her ex. After a night spent
partying at Parisian club VlP
Room on Oct. 6. she was seen
quickly gathering her things to
leave at 1 am. Just (5 minutes
later. Bloom arrived!








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 October 19. 2%


Your mldy dose
of ememimmm.
pop culture and fun is now



Make Your Halloween Plans
Spooky events inside. But first. dinner with the doadl

SATURDAY: Have Dinner With the Dead. Really. At 6 pm, at the Old Episcopal Burial
Ground, Third Street and Elm Tree lane. Dinner is $5, money donated to Fayette County
Cemetery Trust.





English group
brings vintage
samples to life in
new album

Michael Powell, a journalism senior from Lexington. has been a
past WRFL general manager, intern for NPR at WUKY-FM and publi-
cist for The Dame. He has written CD reviews for Nougat and the
WRFL publication Rifle. Currently Powell is the Night Operations
Manager at The Dame. where he designs and writes for its newsletter.
maintains the web site. and designs the MySpace page. In CD reviews


. about music in the area.
CD ReViewer

for the Kernel. Powell will review two mainstream bands and two more
bands that are not as well known. He is committed to honesty and fair-
ness in his reviews. He might just be the student who knows most


Belbury Poly

The Owl‘s Map

WRFL’s music director is attempting to get Lexington hip
to artists on a small independent British label called Ghost
Box. and I certainly have been won over. Ghost Box hosts
only four artists. but all four hold tightly to the original mis-
sion statement that aims to unearth “library music." or sounds
and samples from ‘605 and ‘705 television and film. many
from the BBC Telephonic Workshop. and incorporate them
into fresh. whimsical music.

Belbury Poly is the best of the roster, and their latest The
Owl‘s Map is a multi-dimensional transient journey through
night moods. The Owl’s Map is beautifully strange and other-
worldly. yet remains playful enough resemble a soundtrack to



I remember interviewing
My Morning Jacket’s Jim James
shortly after It Still Moves
came out in late 2003. during
which he said “mowing the
grass" is influential to his song-
writing. Though curious at
first. an intense listening experi-
ence with previous MM]

a serene film. Using vintage
electronics and outdated
equipment to create unparal-
leled soundscapes. Belbury
Poly's music almost bolsters

a post-modem approach to music.

The Owl‘s Map. with exception to scattered and indistinct
vocal samples. is an instrumental journey that uses grainy key~
boards and dusty synthesizers to paradoxically create an organ-
ic feeling, aquatic-sounding record. Though sparse at times.
The Owl‘s Map stays in the major key throughout and culti—
vates spacey synthetic melodies that are subtly catchy. Psy-
chedelic and delightfully campy. The Owl‘s Map is a rolliek«
ing 45 minute jaunt across the astral plane. a bizarre compro—
mise between Kraftwerk and Brian Eno and a recording re—
moved from the world that we understand. dying to be ex—
plored through its many layers.

Recommended if ou dig: Broadcast,
Boards of Canada. tereolab


" Eli/\ijfijgr rm -"
a: ; r r . ass. ‘

The Killers

T" ’.c 7 . n
Sam I» town




A few years ago there was
an article in the satirical news~
paper The Onion titled some- .
thing to the effect of “Retro de-
partment wams America is run—
ning out of past." The Killers
will soon face this problem if
Sam‘s Town is any indication.
On Sam‘s Town. the fashionista

After a the year hiatus. li\-
lily.y up to prolonged expectation
can pro\ e nearly llltptisslhlt‘.
Sparkle-horse actually pulled it
ofl~ vyith a satisfying release.
Di’eaiiit for Light Years Is
captnating while sehi/ophreni»
cally eclectic. lissentially the whale of Mark l.inkous. Sparkle-



records reveals the pastoral tones of rural landscapes with cos—
mic barnyard psychedelia. The live shots inside the new live 2—
disc Okonokos even features dangling stage flora.

Okonokos is another testament of shows you wish you were
at. as the two hour. no nonsense tour-de-force successfully docu-
ments the Kentucky~boys-do—right at an apex of creativity and
popularity. Okonokos affirms why MMJ gradually built a mas-
sive fan base. the show. like the records. offer an appeal wide

band maintains their cheese—saturated synthesizers and the '80s
Britpop-style vocals of Brandon Flowers. However. they drop
the dance-rock rhythms entirely. which Will be a good move in
retrospect as we see the dance rock and dance punk era/e slim—
ly implode on itself.

Building on “All These Things I Have Done" from Hot l‘iiss
(stocked with album art reminiscent of the song's \ideol. the
Killers bring out their big guns on Sam’s Town by taking their

See My Morning on page 4

See Killers on pane 4



African Drummers Bring
the Beat to UK

By Sam Lee and Ellen Sawyer


What‘s graceful. athletic and pounds on

large tree trunks? The Royal Drummers of

Burundi are. and this percussion ensemble
will fill the Singletary Center for the Arts
with their unique art.

As a pan of “The Comer on Classics" se-
ries. the Drummers of Burundi will perform
at the Singletary Center today. This is the
27th year of the “Classics“ series.

“The Comer on Classics" series presents
five events per year that feature new multicul-
tural experiences.

“Due to a change in audience. we‘ve
planned events that are a bit more fun." said
Summer Gossett. the marketing director for
the Singletary Center.

“We've decided to pull in younger peo-
ple. hence. The Drummers of Burundi."

The Drummers of Burundi feature twelve
drummers onstage — there are two members
dancmg in the front. The drummers enter the
stage with their drums balanced on their
heads. pounding out their sound for an hour.

“The drummers go back 500 years from
the Burundi king. The drummers have been
there for years. i...) There is a mixture of
drumming and dancing. The rhythm is fol-
lowing the two dancers in the front." said
Michael Panvini. the group tour manager and
a representative of Columbia Artists Manage-
ment. Inc.

The drummers play Taarab music. which
has influences from India to Japan to music
from the Middle East. said Panvini.

Beginning in l96(). the Drummers of Bu-
rundi have broken through racial and social
barriers to share their technique that is tied

See Drummers on page 5

horse has often been placed in the company of vieird stoner altr
country .i la Mai/y Star. lambchop and Tom Waits. llou e\ er.
Dreamt loi' Light Years goes stratified nods to (iiiided By VHIC~
es. Super liurry Animals. Soft Boys and early psychedelic T.

Sparklehorse documents an optimism not heard since the
band‘s debut \iliile keeping l.iiikous~ surrealistic lyrics and

Set: Sparklehorse on page 4

Members ill the
Drunvnurs ol
litirund. dance
and play laws as
a part of the ' 1w
tormauto l’lti
"story M the
finn'mut '5 goes
hart: 500 years.






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PAGEO | Thursday, October 19,2006



Vampire to 'theoretically' visit UK

By Ashlo Brake
featuresaky emolcom

Your parents were lying: Vampires are
real —- and one of them is coming to cam-
pus tonight.

The Student Activities Board is hosting
"Real Vampires." a lecture that is a pan of
the Theoretical Thursdays series tonight at
Memorial Hall. Though many people are
familiar with fictionalized vampires. SAB
is bringing an actual vampire to UK to ed—
ucate students on this lifestyle. said Megan
Spalding. SAB‘s director of Theoretical

“This program will offer a different
subculture demographic that we think stu-
dents will really enjoy." Spalding said.

Theoretical Thursdays is a series de~
signed to bring intellectual discussions and
allow students to debate opposing opinions,
Spalding said. The series aims to bring new
and different programs to UK that students
are not used to seeing.

“All of this year's topics are more fun."
Spalding said. ”But this week‘s Theoretical
Thursdays will hopefully get students in
the Halloween spirit."

ln the past. Theoretical Thursdays dis-
cussions have focused on intelligent de-


Wolf Eyes. John Wiese and Eyes and
Amis of Smoke.

830 pm. Mecca. Tickets cost $5. Sponsored

Alejandro Escovedo

8 p.m., Southgate House, Newport.
Tickets cost $12-$15.

Sounds like: Bruce Springsteen, The

FRIDAY, Oct. 20

The Features w/ Bling Kong and Soul

9p.m., The Dame. Tickets cost 57.
Sounds like: Spoon, Of Montreal

Wolf Eyes w/ Burning Star Core and John

, 8pm., Southgate House, Newport.
Tickets cost 38.
Sounds like: Manowar

sign. the validity of UFO spottings and the
female orgasm. Spalding said she thinks
“Real Vampires“ will be one of the more
entertaining installments of Theoretical

“Theoretical Thursdays is definitely
taking a walk on the wild side this year.“
said Steve Hoffman. SAB‘s director of pro-

Michelle Belanger. the
presenter of “Real Vam~
pires." is an author. singer
and psychic vampire. Psy-
chic vampires are people
who need to obtain energy

. If you go

"Belanger will be breaking stereotypes
that the general public has about vam-
pires.“ said Heather Yattaw. a student af—
fairs officer and SAB member.

Belanger said she believes her vampire
ways arose from "fate. genetics and envi-
ronment." After an abnomial childhood and
upbringing. Belanger accepted her vam—
pirism condition in her
teens. she said. She has
since written books and
songs. and she has spoken
all over the country.

Although genetics may
play a role. Belanger thinks

from outside sources. MC": MGWTlBl Hall that anyone can develop
though not necessarily in 11“.”; Free to a” psychic abilities. As a part
the form of blood drink- students of her presentation. Be-

ing. These people are un-
able to generate their own
energy and depend on the
energy of others to survive. according to
the Psychic Vampire Resource and Support

Belanger will give UK students an in-
side look at the life of these modern-day
vampires through stories of her personal
experiences and other psychic vampires
that she knows.

langer teaches a variety of

ways on how to embrace

vanipirism and psychic

Even if students do not discover psy-
chic abilities in themselves. they will still
find the lecture entertaining. Spalding said.

“It is not every day you get to meet a
real vampire and learn techniques on how
to be more like one." Spalding said.

the week of OCT. 19 — OCT. 25

Joan Jett w/ The Blackheans
8 p.m., Bagart's, Cincinnati.
Tickets cost $25.


Southern Culture on the Skids w/ Jule

9 p.m., The Dame. Tickets cost $12.
Sounds like: Jon Spencer Blues,


Point of Real w/ Lithium and Another

9 p.m., MA Concert Hall. Tickets cost $6.
Sounds like: Breaking Benjamin,

Silverstein w/ Aiden. It Dies Today. Kill

Hannah and The Stick Up

7 p.m., Bogart's, Cincinnati. fickets cost

Sounds like: Hawthorne Heights, Senses

MONDAY, Oct. 23

Diane and the Shell w.’ Tight Leather
9 p.m., The Dame. Tickets cost 33.
Sounds like: Tortoise, Slint

TUESDAY, Oct. 24

Pete Best Band

8 p.m., The Dame. Tickets cost 315.
Sounds like: The Beatles, The auarrymen

Xiu Xiu w/ Dirty Projectors and (‘ongs
for Brums

8:30 p.m., Southgate House, Newport.
Tickets cost $10-$12.
Sounds like: The Jim Yoshii Project


J. Roddy Walston and the Business
9 p.m., The Dame. Tickets cost 55
Sounds like: Wolf Parade, The Walkmen



spends the first 45 minutes of the show playing
the songs straight. hitting highlights from Z.
Later in the show. the band feeds off the room’s


Continued from page 3

enough to drive a truck through. Filled to the
brim with psych rock. stripped down garage
sensibilities. touches of lndie rock experimenta—
tion. and the all—good vibin' that jamheads can
get down with. the Jacket achieves the oft im—
possible l’eat of creating substantial music that

is also commerCially viable.

exuberance. freewheeling a celestial ll—minute
rendition of “Steam Engine" and an orchestrat-
ed and bombastic version of “Anytime." Here.
the band really showcases their disparate influ—
ences. channeling shades of Love. Neil Young.

and Galaxie 500.

fine live performance.

()konokos is not just for completists. but
rather a great starting point for new MMJ lis-
teners as well as a compelling glimpse into a

Recorded at the San Francisco‘s famed Fill»
more West (funny to think that they played Ly-
nagh‘s in 21li)2).a venue made notorious by the
music of Haight—Ashbury. ()konokos adopts the
auditorium‘s sacred psychedelic milieu, Turn-
ing the reverb all the way up. James‘ grain silo
vocals and (‘arl Broemel‘s almost angular riffs
reveal a newfound enormity to MMJ's already
grandiose anthems.

Listening to the show in its entirety. MMJ

Recommended if you dig: Neil Young, Cream,
The Flaming Lips




with a more “mature" sound before actually es-
tablishing any sort of identity.
nine lyrics. guitar jangle directly ripped off


Continued from page 3

mood back another Ii) years. featuring ball»
park«oricnted layered guitars. choirs. choruses
that call to arms. and an undeniable throwback
to arena rock popularized in the mid-‘70s
thanks to producers Alan Moulder and Flood's
knob turning. Perhaps they were trying to
recreate Queen. Kiss. or maybe Peter Framp—
ton. but Sam's Town comes off more like REO

By all accounts. the Killers' uninspired re—
hashing of such novel music is. unfortunately.
not tongue—in-chcek. opting instead to take
themselves a little too seriously. This works if
the music seems substantial and candid. Sam's