xt7vhh6c5v9p https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vhh6c5v9p/data/mets.xml University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate Kentucky University of Kentucky. University Senate University of Kentucky. Faculty Senate 1991-04-08  minutes 2004ua061 English   Property rights reside with the University of Kentucky. The University of Kentucky holds the copyright for materials created in the course of business by University of Kentucky employees. Copyright for all other materials has not been assigned to the University of Kentucky. For information about permission to reproduce or publish, please contact the Special Collections Research Center. University of Kentucky. University Senate (Faculty Senate) records Minutes (Records) Universities and colleges -- Faculty University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 8, 1991 text University of Kentucky University Senate (Faculty Senate) meeting minutes, April 8, 1991 1991 1991-04-08 2020 true xt7vhh6c5v9p section xt7vhh6c5v9p LHMVERSHW OF KENTUCKY



1 April 1991

TO: Members, University Senate

The University Senate will meet in regular session on Monday,
April. 8, 1991, at 3:00 P.M. in room 115 of the Nursing Building
(CON/HSLC). Note: The NUrsing Building is across Rose Street from
the University Hospital and is connnected with the Medical Plaza.
Room 115 is at the north end of the building.
1. Minutes.

Chair's announcements and remarks.


Report on Proposed Long Range Campus Plan: Warren Denny.

Action Items:

a. Proposal to establish a Center for Membrane Sciences
(circulated under date of 1 April 1991).

b. Proposal to transfer Communications Disorders from the
College of Education to the College of Allied Health
Professions. (Circulated under date of 2 April 1991.)

Proposed change in University Senate Rules to change ACT
requirements for Admission to the Honors Program, Section
IV - 2.2.2. (Circulated under date of 2 April 1991).


Randall Dahl
Secretary, University Senate




The University Senate met in regular session at 3:00 p.m., Monday, April
8, 1991, in Room 115 of the Nursing Health Sciences Building.

Carolyn S. Bratt, Chair of the Senate Council, presided.

Members absent were: Barry Applegate, Jim Arnett, Carl Baker, Harry V.
Barnard*, Anthony Q. Baxter, Mark C. Berger, James D. Birchfield, Dan A.
Black*, Gifford Blyton, Peter P. Bosomworth, T. Earle Bowen, Kelly
Breitenstein, David Brickeen, Joan C. Callahan, Rutheford B Campbell, Jr.,
Bradley C. Canon, Ben W. Carr, Edward A. Carter, Samuel Castle, Jordan L.
Cohen, Christa E. Collins, Audrey L. Companion, Raymond H. Cox*, Clifford J.
Cremers*, Frederick Dann, David S. Durant, Jr., Walter C. Foreman, Raymond E.
Forgue*, William H. Fortune, Michael B. Freeman, Wilbur W. Frye*, Richard W.
Furst, Brian Gullette, Marilyn C. Hamann, J. John Harris, Zafar Hasan*, Laurie
R. Hatch*, Robert E. Hemenway, Micki King Hogue, Tony Holloway, James G.
Hougland, Jr., Richard A. Jensen*, Adrian. Jones, John P. Jones, Edward J.
Kasarskis, Kim Kells, Kenneth K. Kubota*, James M. Kuder*, Gretchen E.
Lagodna*, Thomas W. Lester, C. Oran Little, Sean Lohman, Jill Lowry, William
E. Lyons, James R. Marsden*, Shawn Meaux*, John Middleton, Greg O'Connell,
Thomas M. Olshewsky, Clayton P. Omvig*, Jose Oubrerie*, Barbara Phillips,
Ronald Polly, Thomas R. Pope, Daniel R. Reedy, Robert E. Rhoads, Thomas C.
Robinson, Frank A. Scott, Michael C. Shannon, David C. Short*, Timothy
Sineath, M. Scott Smith*, Mike Sparkman, Robert H. Spedding, David Stockham,
Theodore R. Tauchert, Michael G. Tearney*, Ann R. Tickamyer, Thomas J.
Waldhart, Charles T. Wethington*, Ervy Whitaker, Carolyn A. Williams*, Eugene
Williams, Paul A. Willis, Emery A. Wilson, and Peter Wong*.

The Minutes of the meeting of February 11, 1991, were approved as

The Chair made the following announcements:

One of the announcements I want to make today is important for
the Senate Council members to pay attention to. We need to have a
non—scheduled meeting on Wednesday of this week, April 10 at h:00
p.m. in Chancellor Hemenway's office. I sent out electronic mail
messages about this. Some of you are not on the electronic mail
system so my apologies if you have not heard about it before. If you
can't be there, please call the Council office so that we will know
how many to expect.

I also need to announce that there may have to be a Senate
meeting scheduled for the last Monday of April which is April 29. If
you will mark your calendars now, we will send out an announcement
telling you whether it is going to happen or not. If it happens, it
will be Monday, April 29 at 3:00 p.m. in this room. The holdup is
that we have a number of honor codes that are being considered by our
Senate committee. If they complete their work in time for that April
29 meeting, we will bring those honor codes or some number of them to
you for you to look at because the colleges that are involved would
like to put them in place by the fall of next year. The April 29

*Absence explained.


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

meeting would be the last time we could do that because the Senate
cannot meet during the summer when the faculty is not officially on

I thought I also would announce for your information that the
Senate Council is hosting a breakfast on April 24 for all the college
deans and associate deans so that we can get together to talk about
the academic issues that cross colleges. We need to identify such
issues as the Senate may have to take action on them in the future.

Unless that special Senate meeting is called on April 29, this
is the last University Senate meeting that I will chair. My term as
Chair of the Senate Council expires very soon, and the leadership of
both the Senate and the Council will pass into the capable hands of
Dr. Marcus McEllistrem beginning on May 16. I want to take a couple
of minutes to thank those people who played such a pivotal role in
the work of the Senate this year. First, I want to personally thank
all the members of the Senate Council. For those of you who have
never served on the Senate Council, you have no idea about the amount
of time that it takes. The contributions of the Council members this
year have amounted to hundreds of hours of voluntary work, that makes
it possible for this Senate body to accomplish its business through
that smaller group, the Council. As you know, Randall Dahl and
Martha Sutton efficiently and accurately provide the minutes for all
our Senate deliberations. Gifford Blyton, who is not here today, is
our parliamentarian and makes sure that we don't stray too far from
our own or even Roberts Rules as we conduct our meeting. Frankie
Garrison and Jacquie Hager continue to function as sergeants at arms
each year in a very exemplary fashion. Finally, neither the business
of the Senate nor the work of the Senate Council could ‘be accom—

plished without the outstanding work of Celinda Todd. She provides
both the continuity and the institutional memory that is essential to
the effective and efficient operation of the Senate. Would you
please join me in applauding the contributions of all of these

The Senate gave these people a round of applause.
The Chair continued with her remarks:

"This has been a very exciting year in which to be the Chair of
the Senate Council. My tenure began in the midst of the turmoil of
the presidential search and during the ensuing year fundamental
changes occurred in the administrative structure of the University.
The women's report and the minority report were issued documenting
wide-spread problems of sexism and racism in the university communi—
ty, and I could go on. But, the purpose of my remarks is not to
provide a laundry' list of events which have transpired during the
1990-91 academic year. Instead, I want to share with you a very real
concern that I have. I am uneasy if not downright alarmed by the
decline I perceive in the faculty's role in governing the university.
Faculty governance, in my mind, is the very essence of a true


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

university. Yet, more and more decisions of fundamental importance
to both faculty and students are made without adequate and meaningful
faculty consultation. One simple example of the declining importance
of faculty in the governance of the university is the ever increasing
number of professional, as opposed to academic, administrators ——
people who have had no experience as faculty' members at research
universities. Their lack of experience in teaching and research and
service means that they lack the faculty's first—hand understanding
of the mission and the purpose of the University of Kentucky. Too
often such administrators employ decision making models that are more
appropriate to businesses that are manufacturing widgets rather than
for a community of scholars whose tasks are to educate students and
to create new knowledge.

Another indication of the relative unimportance of the faculty
in the governance of the university is our total exclusion from any
participation in the budget process. The budget is presented each
year to the faculty at the same time it is made public. We don't
even have a consultative role to play in its formation. Any attempts
to define an active role for the faculty are resisted as unwarranted
intrusion into administrative prerogatives. Budgetary decisions are
not merely administrative decisions. To a very great extent the
teaching, research and service missions of the university are driven
by those budget decisions. At other universities the faculty have a
much stronger voice in this critical process.

My final comments today are not directed at those of yOu who are
here, but rather to my faculty colleagues who don't participate in
faculty governance. I know that research and teaching responsi—
bilities consume most of the faculty's time. Yet increasing our role

in the governance of the university entails the concomitant increase
in the number of faculty and the amount of faculty time spent on
non—research and non—teaching activities. There is not any sense in
demanding a more active role for the faculty if the faculty is
unwilling to make the commitments of both time and energy that are
necessary for effective and meaningful faculty governance to occur.

Why should we care about revitalizing and reasserting the voice
of the faculty in the governance of the University of Kentucky?
First of all, the university can ill afford for us not to demand a
central role in decision making. If the faculty is not an active and
equal participant in making the decisions which impact on the
integrity of the academic enterprise, who will make those decisions?
If those decisions are more and more likely to be made by profes—
sional administrators, what kinds of decisions will result? Such
decision makers lack personal knowledge of the workings of the
university and they are depriving themselves of the benefit of the
faculty's knowledge and expertise.

I want to thank you for the opportunity you have given me to
serve this year as Chair of the Senate Council. It's an experience I
would not have missed. Thank you."


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991
Professor Bratt was given a round of applause.

The Chair recognized Professor William Ecton (Accounting) for a memorial


Robert D. Haun
1901 — 1991

Dr. Robert D. Haun, born in the state of Washington, September
9, 1901, passed away Saturday, February 9, 1991. The faculty of the
School of Accountancy, the College of Business and Economics, and the
University‘ of Kentucky community as a whole, wish to express our
sincere condolences to Edna, his wife for over 60 years, and their
son, Dee, and his family.

I had the privilege of working closely with Bob during 15 of the
42 years he devoted to the University of Kentucky. Sharing an 8 x 10
office with him for seven years in old White Hall was, indeed, close.

Bob earned his Bachelor of Arts Degree from the State College in
Washington in 1925; his Master of Arts from the University of Chicago
in 1930; and his Doctor of Jurisprudence from the University of
Michigan Law School in 1939.

Bob joined the faculty of the College of Commerce, as an
Assistant Professor, in 1928. He was promoted to Associate in 1930;

and to Full Professor in 1937.

Not only did he provide outstanding service to the University of

Kentucky through his teaching and research, he also served his
profession through such organizations as the American Institute of
Certified Public Accountants, the American Accounting Association,
the National Association of Accountants, and the Kentucky Society of
Certified Public Accountants.

His academic and professional honors are reflected by his
membership in Delta Sigma, Beta Gamma Sigma, Phi Kappa Alpha, and
Beta Alpha Psi. Further, Bob was recognized for his work by having
been listed in Young Men of America, Who's Who in the South, and
Who's Who in America. During World War II, he served more than four
years as the District Price Executive of the Office of Price

Some of us will remember Bob for his competitiveness and talents
in bowling, billiards, and in golf, as well. His many former stu—
dents will remember him as having been an outstanding teacher,
willing to provide counsel and advice on academic, professional, and
personal matters, as well as a person who could be relied upon for
his honesty and sincerity. Although viewed by some of his students
as a taskmaster, they all appreciated the effort and attention he
gave to his work and to their interests.


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

Indicative of his sincere concern with students, he made a
sizeable contribution to the School of Accountancy, within the year,
with such funds earmarked for deserving student scholarships.

Professor Ecton. moved that the memorial resolution. be included in the
minutes and that a copy thereof be sent to Dr. Haun's widow, Edna Haun.

The request was so directed, and the Chair asked the Senate to rise for a
moment of silence.

The Chair recognized Professor Richard Gift (Economics) for the second
memorial resolution.

James W. Martin

The passing of James W. Martin on September 30, 1990 is an event
that evokes expressions of extraordinary affection and respect from
those who knew the man and his work. It is also an occasion to take
note of important developments in the history of the University of
Kentucky and the economics profession.

After completing his bachelor's and master's degrees at East
Texas State and George Peabody, Dr. Martin pursued a vigorous program
of teaching and research that ~took him to several southern and
midwestern institutions, including Emory University and the
University of Chicago. When he came to the University of Kentucky in
1928, he was already a recognized and respected scholar in the field
of governmental finance. His employment with the university con—
tinued until his retirement as Distinguished Professor of Economics
in 1964. He remained active on the campus in a variety of profes—
sional and research activities for about two decades more. He
received the university's Doctor of Laws degree in 1965 in
recognition of an intellectual leadership having a number of

Well known as an effective classroom teacher, he conducted his
seminars as integrated components in an individual's lifetime
research and professional development. The lasting collegiality he
had with many of his students was notable.

As Director of the Bureau of Business Research, he inspired and
guided a large number of highly significant research programs, and he
skillfully mobilized resources for the advancement of these projects.
Through his efforts this agency became a real center of gravity in
the intellectual life of the university. One measure of this is the
quality of the doctoral dissertations that were developed in this

As a consultant to governmental agencies in Kentucky and else—
where, he brought to public policy the benefits of sound economic


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

analysis and sophisticated research techniques. In Kentucky, he
served at the Commissioner level in three divisions of the state
government during leaves of absence from the university.

In all of this work, Dr. Martin left a mark on the history of
economic thought. His scholarly papers in the field of highway
finance represent a genuine advance in the theory of taxation. He
developed a number of rules to construct operable systems of tax
administration from abstract principles of efficiency and equity.

Most important of all is the impact of the Martin household.
Jim and Dotty created an environment, and indeed a sanctuary, for
rational discourse. This together with their warmth and grace
presented a rare specimen of the academic life that we all seek.

Professor Gift respectfully requested that the remarks be spread upon the

The Chair so directed and asked the senators to rise for a moment of

The Chair recognized Professor George C. Herring (History) for a memorial

Joe Allen Thompson
Joe Allen Thompson, a faculty member in the department of

history and its chair from 1976 to l98h died on March 21, 1991, after
an extended illness.

Born in Carnduff, Saskatchewan, Canada, he grew up in Oregon,
graduated from Walla Walla College, and earned M.A. and Ph.D. degrees
at Stanford University.

He taught briefly at the Universities of Nevada. and Arizona
before coming to the University of Kentucky as assistant professor in
1966. He was promoted to associate professor in 1972 and to
professor in 1983.

A specialist in modern English history, he was the author or
editor of four books, ten scholarly articles and numerous reviews.
He was a master craftsman in the art of history, and his books and
articles were all put together with the utmost care, meticulously
researched and written in a clear, witty, and often elegant style.

He brought to the classroom the same qualities found in his
scholarship. He was a superb teacher at all levels, from the large
introductory courses to the graduate seminar. His lectures were
prepared with the greatest precision and delivered with style and
wit. A demanding mentor, he nevertheless earned respect and


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

affection from the ten doctoral and fourteen M.A. students who worked
with him.

He gave eight years of his valuable time and his considerable
talents to the always challenging and often thankless task of depart—
ment chair. In that capacity, he tried to do the right thing rather
than the expedient thing, thus earning the respect and confidence of
his colleagues. He had a special gift for reconciling conflicting
interests. His patience, his wry humor, his keen insight into human
nature, and his integrity and sense of fairness were among the most
prominent attributes of his leadership.

He took special pains with and special pride in the recruitment
and development of new faculty, and during his eight years as chair
much of the nucleus of the present department of history was formed.

By the standards of most, his career was a short one, but he
left a rich legacy to the department, the university, and the
community. He will be most remembered for his wise counsel, his
forceful yet patient and gentle leadership, and his old—fashioned
commitment to honor and integrity.

Professor Herring respectfully requested that the resolution. be spread
upon the Minutes and that a copy be sent to the family.

The Chair so directed. and asked the senators to rise for a Inoment of

The final resolution was offered by Professor Constance Wilson (Social
Work). The Chair recognized Professor Wilson.


Dorothy Arthur Miller
1921 — 1990

Dorothy Arthur Miller, Emeritus Professor of Social Work at the
University of Kentucky, died Wednesday, December 19 following a brief
illness. Professor Miller was born in Grand Rapids, Michigan, re—
ceived her undergraduate degree from the University of Michigan and
her graduate degrees in Social Work from the University of Minnesota.

Professor Miller's intellectual gifts combined with her high
energy, contagious enthusiasm, and warm sensitive genuineness made
her a highly valued colleague, teacher—mentor, practitioner, and
friend. She was chosen for the highest award given to a faculty
person in the College of Social Work, The Witte Award.

Professor Miller was one of the original participants in the
development of the graduate curriculum in social work in the College
of Social Work which immediately received accreditation from the
Council on Social Work Education. Before coming to UK, Professor


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

Miller held teaching positions at Columbia, Ohio State, Nebraska, and
the University of Louisville. She also spent a sabbatical teaching
and helping to refine the Graduate Social Work Program at the
University of Norway in Trondheim. At the time of her death she was
Director of the Field Practicum at San Jose State University.

Professor Miller was an active member of many national, state,
and local community boards. In 1983 the Bluegrass Regional Mental
Health—Mental Retardation Board established the Dorothy Arthur Miller
Award which is now given annually' in her honor to an outstanding
member of that board. She accumulated many other awards and
recognitions in her numerous service activities.

Professor Miller published extensively in referred journals
presented papers in the field of mental health and aging. Hers
one of the first articles to discuss the "sandwich generation” —
middle aged caught with the responsibility of aging parents
growing children.

She was above all a loving wife and mother — giving strong
support to her husband Jerome as he earned his Ph.D. in Psychology,
her daughter Rachel, who earned her Ph.D. in Social Work and her
son—in—law, Greg, through his J.D.

She and her husband traveled extensively — visiting every
European country, including Yugoslavia, Hungary, and Russia. The Far
East countries of Japan, China, Thailand, Kuala Lampur, Hong Kong and
Burma were visited twice.

In addition to Mexico and Alaska she had visited every state and
had scheduled more travel this summer.

It is difficult to capture the totality of Dorothy Miller. We
shall miss her but her impact will continue in generations of social

A scholarship fund in her honor has been established in the
College of Social Work.

Professor Wilson respectfully requested that this resolution be spread
upon the Minutes of the University Senate and a copy sent to Mrs. Miller's

The Chair so directed and asked the Senators to rise for' a moment of

The next item on the agenda was an informational item. The Chair stated
that the Academic Facilities Committee, chaired by' Mary‘ Witt, has been the
"eyes and ears” as the proposal has gone along toward developing a long—range
campus plan. The Chair recognized Mr. Warren Denny, who is the University
Architect and Director of Design and Construction, to give a presentation as a
discussion item of the campus plan which has been developed.


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

Mr. Denny's presentation included slides, and a summary of his remarks

Mr. Denny stated that about a year ago the University hired
Hansen Lind Meyer, a Chicago based Planning Firm along with Harland
Bartholomew and Herman Smith to help the university in putting
together a campus plan. Mr Denny's presentation was a result of that

About a year ago a series of interviews and retreats were held.
There were talks with faculty and staff, and questionnaires were
distributed to the faculty. Mr. Denny stated that as a result a list
of goals and objectives were developed. The planning effort was
correlated. with the Strategic Plan which was used as a beginning
point in the planning process. The primary goals and objectives
identified were: (1) provide a strategy to meet current and future
university needs; (2) diminish the pedestrian and vehicular conflict
on campus; (3) redirect the parking strategy to organize parking more
efficiently; (4) develop and integrate the pedestrian circulation
system; (5) enhance the university's image and the historic char—
acter, (6) integrate the Medical Center and the Lexington Campus
growth, (7) limit infill in the academic core of the campus; [Mr.
Denny describes infill as being an addition to an exiting building or
taking up existing open space with a new building.] (8) to develop
better space for student services and related activities (a place
where one—stop shopping is possible); and (8) maintain and enhance
the open spaces on the campus.

Mr. Denny stated that one of the things the planners felt would
impact the planning most was the existing transportation network and

in particular the vehicular circulation system surrounding the
campus. [A map was shown of the existing transportation condition
around the campus.] The heaviest traffic is on Nicholasville Road ——
the heaviest part having 43,200 trips per day.

Mr. Denny pointed out on the next slide how the planners tried
to respond to the traffic situation. The planners are using Urban
County Government, traffic engineering modeling in order to project
how improvements in the roadway system around campus might be
accomplished. He stated that there are two significant proposals ——
one, a new roadway that begins at the intersection of Nicholasville
Road at Alumni travelling to the east, continuing along the campus
boundary and heading north; two, a new roadway paralleling Limestone
and connecting Waller Avenue with Bolivar. It is hoped that by
routing traffic around the campus that the traffic on Rose Street
would diminish over a period of time. It might, in fact, allow Rose
Street to be discontinued in the area between Clifton and Rose Lane.
He feels there could be a potential misunderstanding about the
eastern bypass road —— many people want to know exactly where the
road is located and whether it is going to cut across their property.
He stated that if traffic can be moved around the campus it does not
have to necessarily' move along the route shown. The map shows a


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

location for the proposed road that "hugs" the campus as much as
possible. This would be ideal from a traffic planning perspective.

He stated that the planners could not hope to do too much with
Limestone as it is a state highway. The prospect of closing it is
nil. He pointed out a parallel road that would handle mainly
university generated service traffic, visitors to the Medical Center
complex, physical plant activities and deliveries to campus that
would not be required to use Limestone. He pointed out on the map
the academic core of the university, housing, Medical Center, and the
clinical facility. He wanted the senators to look at the agriculture
area, Medical Center, and the academic core which are the areas where
proposed changes will occur. He showed a slide of the proposed land
use. Mr. Denny explained how the Medical Center would extend across
Limestone to the west. Agriculture would grow to the south of Cooper
Drive. Areas to the north would remain static with no further
expansion of the agriculture facilities. He pointed out that the
academic core would move easterly across Rose Street into an area
that is now mostly surface parking and open passive recreational
areas. Many people refer to this area as Clifton Park.

Mr. Denny stated that the area south of the campus stays
basically as is for the foreseeable future. The university would
maintain all the green space that is now in the arboretum area. The
planners do not project a need for additional housing, but they do
project a need for more specialized housing such as graduate or
international student housing. That is proposed for the area rounded
by Woodland, Columbia, Rose and Euclid.

Mr. Denny pointed out the multi—disciplinary zone crossing
Limestone and extending to the railroad track. The planners have
proposed that facilities that have a strong relationship program—
matically to the Medical Center and a strong relationship to the
academic core of the campus would be located in the multi~discipline

In the next map Mr. Denny indicated the amount of land that
would be needed should the university realize all of its projected
growth over the next twenty to twenty—five years. He pointed out the
land now owned by the university and land which is in the univer—
sity's current acquisition plan. Every two years the university
adjusts its land acquisition boundary, as necessary, when the capital
plan is prepared. He stated that the university now owns roughly 700

Mr. Denny stated that the planners considered the expansion
potential for housing and other related facilities when they devel—
oped the acquisition plan. The zone proposed for new housing is in a
transitional area. He stated that either the university or the
community can develop it. He added that this would be one of the
major agenda items to discuss with the impacted neighborhood groups.
The planners hope to convince the community that the university is


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

planning compatible usage in this area. He feels it is important
that the community and university plans be coordinated.

Mr. Denny pointed out on a map the existing parking on campus.
The next slide showed the proposal the campus plan is making for
parking facilities. The plan proposes three new structures on the
north side of campus plus expansion of existing structures where
feasible. He stated the planners have been looking at sites for
parking structures that have two means of ingress and egress. They
also want to keep the new structures outside the academic core. He
stated that there is a need on the south campus for an additional
structure in conjunction with the use of the stadium and to accommo~
date the rapid growth of the Lexington Community College. He stated
that the Medical Center is the prime user of the existing parking

Mr. Denny's next slide gave a sense of the projected new
buildings. The slide projects about 118 percent increase in the
square footage of the campus over a twenty to twenty—five year
period. He pointed out that with the proposed acquisition plan there
is more than adequate growth potential.

The next slide showed the major pedestrian paths that would
exist if the plan were implemented. The major one would be from the
dormitory complex moving in the direction of Clifton Park, in front
of Funkhouser, and then along the major walkway that now is between
McVey, Kastle, and the Journalism Building.

Mr. Denny pointed out the difference in the way pedestrian paths
are to be developed at the Medical Center and the campus core. Over
time two Medical Center buildings can be connected with bridges
spanning the major roadways similar to the existing bridge spanning
Rose Street. Over a period of years all the Medical Center functions
can be connected at the second level.

A landscape image slide showed where the campus edges will be
and how they would be developed. University Drive and Euclid Avenue
would be treated as boulevards. There would be placements of edge
elements similar to the main gate that was recently constructed near
the Business and Economics Building. The goal is to define the edges
of the campus with similar materials.

Mr. Denny showed a slide to give a more detailed idea of how the
academic core of campus might be landscaped. The area shown was the
area north of Funkhouser Building where there is now surface parking.
The parking will be replaced. by‘ a series of terraces and seating
areas. The axonometric sketch showed the major pedestrian route into
the campus. One of the things that is important is that no transi—
tion is required. Therefore, the pathway will be accessible to all


 Minutes, University Senate, April 8, 1991

The final slide gave an idea of how everything is put together
in one illustrative drawing.

Mr. Denny stated that the library is currently proposed for the
open area around Clifton Park. One of the positive features of the
site is that the library would be along a major pedestrian pathway.
Mr. Denny stated that one of the goals of the campus plan is to
create and maintain open space and provide t