xt7vmc8rfz70 https://exploreuk.uky.edu/dips/xt7vmc8rfz70/data/mets.xml The Kentucky Kernel Kentucky -- Lexington The Kentucky Kernel 1990-10-19 Earlier Titles: Idea of University of Kentucky, The State College Cadet newspapers  English   Contact the Special Collections Research Center for information regarding rights and use of this collection. The Kentucky Kernel  The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1990 text The Kentucky Kernel, October 19, 1990 1990 1990-10-19 2020 true xt7vmc8rfz70 section xt7vmc8rfz70  


UK, Sue Bennett union
bittersweet for students

Staff Writer

LONDON, Ky. —— Two funeral
wreaths, complete with black rib-
bons and orchids, occupied the front
lawn of Sue Bennett College in Lon-
don early last week after its trustees
voted to become UK’s 15th commu-
nity college.

They served as reminders to pas-
sers-by of the mixed emotions and
rumors still circulating among stu-
dents and faculty about the future of
this tiny, 93-year-old school located
in southeastern Kentucky.

In a recent survey conducted by
the college’s newspaper, the Subc-
meco, students cited atmosphere as
the most important aspect of Sue

Some students are concerned the
additional enrollment that status as a
UK Community College is likely to
bring will change the small, friendly
environment administrators have
worked so hard to create.

“It was a slap in the face to find


“I like Sue Bennett the
way it is, but change is
always welcome UK
will offer more opportu-
Tiffany Ledford,
student body president


out Sue Bennett might not be
around," said Owen Barker, the new
Dean of Students, who arrived at
SBC two months ago. “I think
what’s best is for Sue Bennett to re-
main a private college.

We have a close family atmos-
phere and that‘s what makes it so

Barker admits, however, that the
financially strapped school is in a
transition period anti can not cling
to the past.

“Fastern Kentucky L'nivetsity,
UK and Sue Bennett are all compet
ing for the same students." he said.


Staff Writer

The UK women’s volleyball
team hopes to emerge as a pow-
erhouse in the Southeast as it
challenges two of the nation’s
top 10 teams this weekend.

The Wildcats'flS-é, 3-0 in the
SEC) have a chance to make
their semon if they can pull off
victories against the lOth-ranked
Louisiana State Tigers tonight in
Baton Rouge, La., and the
fourth-ranked Texas Longhorns
Sunday in Austin, Texas.

LSU (16-5, 2-0 in the SEC)
has won 12 of their last 13
games, including eight in a row.
The Lady Tigers are led by jun-
ior middle—hitter Monique Ad-
ams and All-American candidate
Nyla Sheperd, a junior setter.
Adams played for the US. Na-
tional 13 team, which was
coached by UK head coach Ka-
thy DeBoer.

Both comhes know this game
is the key to the SEC title.

“This match is a big pan of the
season, and both of us know it,"
said LSU coach Scott Luster.

“Both teams are undefeated in
conference play The winner
takes the easy road to an SEC
championship and the No. 1 seed
in the SEC toumament," said



UK volleyball team
faces nation’s best

Wildcat assistant coach Mary

The Wildcats have an uphill
battle ahead of them. But two
Wildcats who have been playing
up to their abilities are junior Ca-
thy DeBuono and senior All-
American Laura Linder, Wise

“Since Chicago, DeBuono has
really raised her level of play.
Laura Linder hm played consis-
tently well all season long,” Wise
said. “They will need to keep it
up to have a chance againsth
and Texas.”

DeBuono said she has been
working hard to prepare for the
Lady Tiger attack, especially on
defensive blocking from the right

“LSU likes to run a “C” play,
which is a right-side hit from the
back court,” DeBuono said.

The Wildcats will have to dig
downdeeptocomeup withawin
against Texas for two reasons
First, Texas has decitbd to use
the event to open its new volley-
ball facility. Seoond. they still
haven‘t forgotten about the loss
they suffered to the Wildcats last
year in Lexington.

“LSU is really a big team. but
we are quicker and that should
work to our advantage,” DeBuo-
no said.





Spotlight Jazz will
host Sun Ra Arkestra
Oct. 20,8 pm. in Me-

morial Hall. Tidrets

are $15 each.




Cats to face

LSU in Tiger
' l Stadium in

Baton Rouge.

Story, Page 6

Viewpoint .......................... 2
Alter Dark ......................... 3
Sports .............................. 6
Classifieds ....................... 9


Shadowing program helps many

Assistant News Editor

Melissa Robinette thought she
wanted to be a health administrator.
Now she‘s not so sure.

Robinette, an undeclared junior.
is a participant in Shadowrng. a pro—
gram that allows students to observe
a professional for a day to gain ea-
reer information and experience.

“You see real jobs that are really
out there with real people perform-
ing them," said Penny Medley, as-
sistant director of the program.

Shadowing, a service offered
through the Office of Experiential
Education, is a non-credit program
for UK undergraduate and graduate
students only. It is designed to help
participants choose a major. find an
area of specialization or just to de-
cide what classes to take, Medley

Robinette said she really got a
“feel" for what a health administra-
tor does after she shadowed Dr. Pe—
ter Bosomworth. chancellor of the
UK Medical Center.

She said shadowing opened her

“If there is no way to survive on our
own, we can still carry out our mis-
sion with UK’s support and with the
support of the community.”

Student Government Association
President Tiffany Ledford said the
majority of students believe the vote
by college trustees to affiliate with
the UK Community College System
was a good tlccision.

“UK will offer more opportuni-
ties for students here to grow as iri-
dividuals," Ledford said. “I like Sue
Bennett the way it is, but change is
always welcome."

Ledford said some students are
concemed, though, because they are
afraid UK could get rid of the rcsi~
dence halls and the sports teams.

“I don’t want it to hapj ‘n,“ said
Dawn Ogden, a member of the
women's basketball team. “Our
sports will go down the tubes."

Debbie Bowman, whose job as
women's basketball coach could be
in jeopardy, also has mixed feel»

See BENNETT, Back page

oont since 1971 Friday, October 19, 1990




kin went for more than $40


This decorated pumpkin was one of 20 (lf,i‘;ilE‘-'J
department The pumpkins were (1 er‘orate ‘ by Hf’ art's": .iiia‘ M t 1y r"
lh‘) alif’l' "it".



'~3 J ' »' .2 ;,- " when»:


by the UM

”smut f‘t“ [Miami 3v


Rally for pot legalization draws 1.00

Staff Writers

Despite cool temperatures, about
100 people gathered yesterday in
Woodland Park as part of Hemp
Tour "ill.

Several speakers and a few bands
spoke and performed at the pro
hemp rally, held from noon to 6

”This is“ a really good idea We
need to show our support for legali-
zation (of niarijuanaf.” said one
pro-hemp activist who w l‘ ‘ml to re-
main anonymous,

Speakers at the

rally included

life i It :ctur

lack liercr, .iufhor of
“cars \‘o ('lofhw "
\\ hoottr r, campaign titatzaget
Gatewood Galbraith, .i lost i.
and Democratic til'l‘i‘l’ll‘lli‘vtl il . ~ .

One Lictivist carried
proclaiming lll\ though‘~ i’u
galizzition and lili'lt‘lllil , l‘f' -
‘chd not Bash “

Several hemp
around the country
hemp rally

The local band :t.
also pcrlormed fv

Mam activist
shirts. li'iiiipt‘r -i in ,
brace ct»: and . "

‘1 igrlg ..__:


.rvrl n _,t tilt} :w i

i H) Ration


wiling ’ll

'l pro l. nip para»

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‘ ,i-itaees of it. “:i

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lllz‘ rally primit' .1 .m up 'YI'fii "
=tipporti‘i\ of tnilbra‘th. .
(i,lllll'~“-I.‘I\llll platform in the in . i
l\.'l\L'f_l on hemp legali/a’ioii, to .52»
tribute literature explaining low '
g'uli/aliiin wou'd help Kentuck;
.-\l t‘tfz‘st‘Vll. W ' '

l\t‘ll that


files have Ing'i;

Volunteers hope walk ends hunger

Contributing Writer

Volunteers are going to rise early
to help God’s Pantry with its 1900
Walk For Hunger tomorrow at
Commonwealth Stadium.

Volunteers get pledges from do-
nors and can sign up to walk in
teams or individually. The four to
five‘member teams consist of
church groups, civic organirations,
social fratemities and sororities. so—
cial clubs, employee groups. school
organizations and business organi-

And volunteers Will get some
thing back for their efforts, too.

“Prizes will be. awarded to walk-
ers who collect the most money and
anyone who gets a $50 donation
will receive a free T-shirt." said
Nancy Craft, a volunteer for God‘s
Pantry. “The walker erh the largest

eyes to other areas of medicine like
optometry and speech pathology 7w
specialimtions Robinette is also con-
sidering pursuing.

“l was afraid that 1 would be in
the way, but Dr. Bosomworth really
made me feel wanted," she said.

Robinette sat in on meetings. at-
tended a luncheon and accompanied
Bosomworth on his daily tour of the.

“This (the program) will help set
your sights on long-range kinds of
goals rather than just meeting the.
short-term daily requirements of be-
ing a student at the University,”
Medley said.

UK‘s four-year-old program was
the first at the college level in Ken-
tucky, she said.

After attending an orientation, stu-
dents select a professional from the
"shadow file" ~— a list of Lexington
professionals who participate in the

“It (the file) is pretty reflective of
what‘s out there in Lexington,“
Medley said.

The file contains more than 250
professionals who take in students

will .:‘ two round
u fl‘i (.tr. ll‘

don ttion
iriptitk.tsi ioamuhuci
nental l'riited State» ”

the Walk for Hunger has set its
goal for 9500M) ,lollars and expects
*5 team; to l‘ilfllt'lll‘llt‘

\lar} .lo Votriilii execum.‘ dircc~
tor of God‘s l’aiitrv. said the walker»;
will enjoy the early morning exerv

“lt will be a fun morning. walkers
will receivt good) bags. t'lllt‘fIillll~
ment will be provided. and walkers
will benefit from exercise through a
beautiful section of l exingtori.” Vo—
tniha said.

\"orrie \\.'ike, l-‘avcttc t‘ounty zit—
torney and lionotarx chairperson,
will start the walk at h‘ iii .i.m \'ol-
unteers can either walk a 5K, which
is 3.1 miles. or a lth, which is (v2
miles. Both sets of walkers will be-
gin at Commonwealth Stadium anti
go down (‘ooper Drive. The people

“out of the goodness of their heart."
as their schedule permits.

Professionals participate because
they like working with students,
want to return a favor to the Univer-
sity. be a teacher for a day or just to
show off their career, Medley said.

“lt ta student shadowmg) keeps
your ideas fresh arid innovative."
said City Commissioner of Finance
Betty Pendergrass. who has had four
students shadow her during the three
years she has participated in the pro—

Pendergrass said ll is vital for stu-
dents to get exposure to the different
aspects of the career that they are
considering pursuing.

“It‘s important to relate textbook
learning wrth experience of an actual
working environment." she said.

This experience is a one-day shot.
Medley said. Students are allowed to
shadow as many professionals as
they choose but never the same one
more than once.

“It‘s not meant for a job. it‘s ltl\l
meant for career information.”

But one participant said she
leamed how to make herself more

.il\ll‘" ltlt 'i‘ .iik the \fx .ii‘ti

.‘.(lll\ “"i\' ( 'te‘lk' Rtltiil


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lnl‘ufls'lf} l‘ri\:‘
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who decide tr' mail.
the 111K ‘»‘-fll continue iialkiui: a"
(‘twpcr and lake (‘ulpcpper to loot
tune Road ‘til'l “all: to ll ‘niw (lay
iiii'h School, down I ,tlxeshore Road
and walk back to fontaine the
walkers will go down to l'll\ lid to
Woodland and back tol nixersit} to me i .
end .fl Vonnnonwealth \tadiiim. tiona? ti
\Valcr will be :tv.tllzlhl(‘ to NW walk 7“ Jul s
rs lf!l.‘ >' "in routes iflrl

lYl’H'l'A 1‘


i'et ever. iv, '2.:\.‘ .f 0.! ii
.akc U‘llllll‘lllit‘lh

.‘Htilt‘ . 17l
cowl liillt‘ .‘ntf i:
all at the same time. ‘ \ otruba \fltl,

(links l‘.i'ifr\ f‘iisis hood ( enter
1* an ecumenical. -. ominimitv based
non—profit agency. istablishetl to
meet the needs of the htmgn in
Central and Moran Kentucky it

shed light on can ee rs



le‘t‘AFi i t‘ .1 Morn-m» w S‘V'

.i stoct flicker *‘rudentiaf
~h 1.? rwnq program

John Caudill talks wrth Thomas Milch.
Bache Inc . about career options as part (if the r

\t‘lllrir who . vii: " it\

time SHADOW Back page

iiiarkctahle and gained a public rela
lions intcmship after she shadowed
laurzi (Runes. a communications


"items at the




 2 — Kentucky Kernel. Frlday, October 19, 1990




Are You Career minded?

write for the Kentucky Kernel






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Don’t blame all of UK’S problems on poor teaching


By K.R. Subbaswamy


Why has professor-bashing be-
come so popular on this campus all
of a sudden? A Kernel editorial re—
cently reiterated the charge that
teaching gets shortchanged on this
campus while applauding the revi—
val of the office of Dean of Under-
graduate Studies.

1. too, applaud all the attempts be-
ing made on this campus at improv-
ing teaching. However, I take excep-
tion to the over-simplification
offered that the faculty on this carn-
pus. by and large, treats teaching as
a necessary evil.

First, let us acknowledge that
good teaching does not necessarily
coincide with popular teaching. A
teacher can become enormously
popular by compromising intellectu»
al rigor and by being an easy grader.

Now, that would be really shorlv
changing the students. The educa
tion of a student is much like the
erchon ot'a huge edifice. If all con
struction along the way is barely up
to standard, or downright sub
standard. the building collapses,

A demanding teacher contributes
to the solid foundation upon which a
student's career is built. While car-

rying a full load of courses, the stu~
dent seldom appreciates this fact.

let us not forget that for quite
some titne the American elementary
and secondary school system has
not been preparing its graduates ade~
quately for college work.

These problems are being ad-
dressed by our society at this time,
but we are still far from seeing high
school graduates demonstrate the
same level of achievement as those
from other industrialircd countries,
especially in science and mathemat-
ics. When students who have been
performing very well by the stan—
dards of their schools suddenly find
themselves struggling in their begin-
ning college courses, the assume,
not always with justification. that
the problem is with the professor.
The problem is very complex, and
unfortunately, the students are
caught in the middle of it.

The entire college teaching pro—
fession is quite guilty of not chang-
ing with the times. In many subjects

at the introductory level we
are still teaching much the same
way, and much the same topics, as
our own teachers did, and their pre-
decessors before them. We haven‘t
made adjustments for the changing
profile of the entering college fresh-

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, Invlm r Ila lol‘lrs J")

% zit 1(le 11

man. We haven‘t shown the same
diligence and innovation we display
in pushing the frontiers of knowl-
edge in our disciplines, in the pro-
cess of transferring that knowledge.

There is a nationwide move in
disciplines such as mathematics,
physics and chemistry to embark on
this long-overdue task. The faculty
of the University has not sunk its
head in sand. and is becoming part
of this nationwide effort.

This faculty has made great
strides iri recent years in establish-
ing this university as a research uni-
versity. fulfilling this longneglcctcd
part of its mission.

That was what was demanded of
us. While the University has not
made strides of equal magnitude in
teaching innovation, it certainly has
not neglected its teaching mission.

Effective teaching is many things:
mastery of the subject, careful prep-
aration, enthusiasm, empathy for
students and even an inclination for

There is no doubt we can all im—
prove our teaching. To say that pro-
fessors have no desire to teach is to
oversimplify the situation.

Given that good teaching is not
necessarily popular teaching, how
does one evaluate the quality of a
professor‘s teaching with regard to
tenure, promotion and merit deci~
sions'.’ In my experience, this tini-
y'crsity does more than most. There
are periodic lcithcr once or twice a
year) evaluation oI professors by
students. This cyaluation l\. in many

academic units, directly folded into
the merit evaluation which deter-
mines salary increments. Believe
me, student evaluations in many de-
partments can hurt where it really
counts — in the pocketbook. Pro-
motion dossiers are required to have
not only data on student evaluations.
but also statements from representa-
tives of the student body.

Should student evaluations be the
sole measure of teaching effective-
ness? To do so would an open invi-
tation to professors to sacrifice intel-
lectual rigor in favor of popularity.
Quite often, the demands placed on
students by a teacher are appreciated
only later in a student’s life.

The University has taken many
steps aimed at improving the quality
of teaching in recent years. The
screening of intemational teach as—
sistants for acceptable communica-
tion skills, the mandatory orienta-
tion and training of all new teaching
assistants, the orientation program
for new professors, and most recent-
ly, the revival of the office of the
Dean of Undergraduate Studies.

If this University is to make sig-
nificant advances in teaching quality
and innovation, without giving up
the progress made on the research

from, more resources ~ faculty and

support staff have to be made

To put the blame merely on the
unwillingness of the faculty is to
merely find a scapegoat


of /'/f\ \i. \

.\'i'i/i/’ily\tilvi\ i\ /I [vort'ywr


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‘Mad scientist’ Brixey creates curious miracles

Staff Writer

Leonardo da Vinci summed up
his life's ambitions at age 23 in the
first passage of his diary.

“1 want to create miracles.”

Centuries later, 29-year-old
Shawn Brixey, a UK visiting pro-
fessor, looks to these words for in-

Brixey, originally from Spring-
field Mo.. currently is pursuing a
one-year visiting professorship in
the UK Art Department. teaching
video and performance art.

With degrees in experimental stu-
dio, art, science and architecture
from McKenzie Art Institute and
Massachusetts Institute of Technol-
ogy, Brixey is well on his way to
creating miracles of his own with
his unprecedented mixture of sci-
ence and art.

Brixey uses highly sophisticated
and technological equipment to
create an “art apparatus,” which
then uses light, sound and other
forces to interact with humans __
and the result is art.

“Most of my life I have been
very artistic and very technological
simultaneously," Brixey said. “At a
young age I realized that I didn’t
want to paint an image or make an
object that just represented the in-
terpretation in my imagination.
These things are nothing more than
a representation of the phenome-

non, the livrng thing inside you."

Brixey said he doesn’t want
something that looks, tastes or
walks like the phenomenon; he
wants the thing itself. That is why
he is sometimes called a “phenome‘
non artist."

During his undergraduate career
at McKenzie Art Institute, Brixey
realized that traditional art media,
such as sculpture and painting,
were not an adequate form of ex-
pression for him. Instead, he was



DENMS DEVER/Kernel Contributor

Shawn Brixey. mad scientist extraordinaire, stands in his studio of
scientific oddities, where he bridges the wide gap between science
and art. His next exhibit will be in April in Cincinnati.

going to have to take his creativity
in a different direction. That direc-
tion was the Massachusetts Institute
of Technology.

“I could draw and paint very well,
well enough that it didn’t occupy
my thought process," Brixey said.
“It was like a chess game. I spent
more time trying to analyze my pro-
fessors and finding loopholes in
their ideas than I did on my work."

It was when a professor at
McKenzie realized that Brixey was
recreating 19th and early 20th cen-
tury physics in his artwork that
Brixey decided to do his graduate

work at MIT.

“MIT was an entirely different
experience," said Brixey, who grad-
uated 11th in his class of 1,500.
”To be an artist and to be trained as
an artist, I just don’t go in and say
‘I’m an artist I want to weld.‘ You
have to put on your hom-rimmed
glasses. your black steel-toed boots
and your lab coat and go into the
nuclear reactor lab and weld with
the machinists.“

During his last year at MIT, Brix-
ey, along with several colleagues
and world-renowned scientists, em-
barked on a project. titled Desert

Sun/Desert Moon in the Mojave
Desert. This project led to world
recognition when Brixey became
the youngest artist ever to be invited
to Documenta.

Every five years the West Ger-
mans invite the top 100 artists of the
time to exhibit in West Germany.
Brixey was invited to Documenta 8
in 1987.

He was ten years younger titan
anyone that had ever been invited,
which, in Brixey‘s words, was
“more than a coup."

“I had always had delusions of
grandeur,” Brixey said. “But this
was on a scale of three continents.
20 different countries and eight lan—
guages. That is an entirely different
wax. Documenta confirmed what I
knew, what my professors knew,
what my colleagues knew that I
was on to something. Since then it
has been one explosive event after

Brixey recently finished an exhib-
it with Yoko Ono at the Cranbrook
Academy of Art Museum in De«
troit, which ran from October
thrOugh December 198‘). Ono’s ex-
hibit was titled “The Bronze Age”
and Brixey’s was “Celestial Vault-
ings." The show was intended to
portray the beginning of avante
garde art through Yoko Ono and the
future through Shawn Brixey.

PLU'I of Brixey‘s “Celestial Vault—
ings” exhibit tati be seen In toii<
junction with the "New I-‘aculty
Show“ at the Center of ('ontempo-
rary Arts, located in the Fine Arts
Building on campus.

Brixey currently is working on a
projecr titled the “Vista Genesis De-
vice," which he said was named
long before “Star Trek" introduced
its Genesis Device. Brixey de-
scribes tt as a "noninvasive input
output device that looks a lot like a
small Walkman."

Its purpose is to broadcast an
electromagnetic signal that over-

Box office future shaky for sappy ‘Mr.

Staff Critic

“.Mr Destiny," starring James
Belushi and Michael Caine, is yet
another feel-good movie that either
will make you queasy or happy
when you leave the theater.

Larry Burrows, played by James
Belushi, believes his life has been
screwed up because he struck out
during the all-state baseball champi-
onships 20 years before.

If my whole future relied on one
pointless event when I was in high
school, then maybe I could feel for
Burrows, but I just can’t do it.

Burrows convinces himself that if
he had only hit the ball and won the
game, his life would be far greater
than it is today.

We are supposed to assume that
having a nice house, a loving wife
and a relatively decent job is not
what makes a good life. Instead, be-
ing married to the prom queen, hav-
ing a museum-like house and being
president of the company clearly is
more suitable for Burrows.

Caine, who is Mr. Destiny him-

9 ......



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Michael Caine plays Mr. Destiny. a Curious fellow who uses his mvstic powers to alter the miserable life
of Larry Burrows (James Belushi, left) in this new Touchstone Pictures comedy. directed by Janus Orr

self, gives Burrows the opportunity
to experience this ”better life," after
he creates this milky concoction for

Burrows to drink mindlessly.
Poof! Burrows is thrown into his
new life, which he thinks is a practi-

Former Dead Kennedys vocalist Jello Biafra
speaks about rights in ‘N 0 Censorship Tour’

Assistant Arts Editor
Staff Writer

The Contemporary Affairs Com-
mittee of the Student Activities
Board will present Jello Biafra of
the now-defunct punk-rock group,
the Dead Kennedys.

In 1987, the Dead Kennedys was
brought up on obscenity charges -
a case which became one of the
most controversial trials involving
censorship in U.S. history.

All this heat stemmed from a
painting on the sleeve of the album

Biafra's case, although dismissed
in a hung jury trial, culminated in
the break-up of the Dead Kennedys
and the end of his marriage. This
case brought about a substantial le-
gal bill of more than $75,000.

Byl Hensley, Contemporary Af-
fairs Chairmm. decided to bring Bi-
afra to UK because the issue of cen-
sorship is on the minds of many
students. He said Biafra ha a differ-

ent appeal than any other past

Biafra is on a “No Censorship
Tour" to motivate students to vote
against congressmen who allow
censorship to supersede First
Amendment rights.

The main theme of this tour is
that censorship, whether it comes in
the form of music lyrics or written
text, is a destruction of our civil

Hensley said he expects Biafra to
argue that it is impossible to define
obscenity and that public officials
are not qualified to make judge-

Through luck and the help of an
agent. UK was one of 10 schools
chosen for a tour visit.

The tour. sponsored by a no-
censorship fund. will start before
the primary congressional eIcc~

Biafra's lecture also will include
the discussion of everything from
the Parents Music Resource Center
to drugs and racism. Not only do
his lectures feature artistic rights,

they include the topic of the deteri-
oration ofcivil rights.

Hensley. who favors a less re-
strictive interpretation of the First
Amendment, hopes that everyone
who is registered to vote will use
that right against anyone who is
willing to compromise freedom of
speech and expression.

Biafra‘s performances have
spurred the release of two albums.
and recently he completed his third
movie role. His second album will
be released in mid-September.

The lecture will take place Oct.
24 in Memorial Hall at 8 pm. It is
a free lecture and everyone is wel-
come to attend.

Graphic courtesy of Dead Ken-
nedys‘ album “Frankcnchrist”

cal joke, since that night was sup-
posed to be his 10th birthday.
Destiny, who appears as ,i lLl.\l

Kentucky Kernel, Friday, October 19, 1990 - 3

rides the eyes into the optical cor-
tex and fools the brain into thinking
that the signal it is receiving is light
or radiation, when actually it is
coming from the “Vista Genesis

“It is a lot like walking in an au-
rora," Brixey said. “It is like the
Northern lights, full of pastel col-
ors—”pink. green, light yellow,

There would be no tloor, ceiling
or defined dimensions, Brixey said.
The colors flow around the Viewer
wearing the device. It is conceptual
far-reaching art like this that has
earned Brixey an international rep-

"I don‘t see myself as much as an
artist," Brixey said. “1 call myself a
material poet. 1 make poems out of
very discrete forms of matter and
energy. I try to celebrate not just
man alone, but (also) the universe."

Brixey said he is trying to instill
this passion for art and creation into
his students and to prepare them for
the real world.

"I don‘t think that there should
be any art students. only artists."
Brixey said. “i am four years older
than most of them, and I am what
they are up against m and I’m not

Brtxcy"s next show. titled
”\lechatiika.“ will be held April at
the ('otitcriiiiorat'y .-\rts ('ciitct' lll
Cincinnati, recently the home ot the
Robert Mapplethorpe controversy.
The theme of his shovy is to encode
life into light.

"It is art that